Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by RexHeller on Feb 14, 2018 at 9:48 PM, finished with 57 posts and 22 votes.
*Says that he'll close votes soon*
*Fucks off to write smut and play video games for hours*
I am an excellent GM! :V

Well, whatever. Vote's closed. And the Winner is:

Whoever suggested this, thank you for giving me the biggest challenge of every song in this thread so far. Not only is the feel of the song almost impossible to put into words, the actual lyrics of the song have nothing to do with the game, making me have to chose between trying to come up with something, or just take the easy way and give you more parkour.
*Says that he'll close votes soon*
*Fucks off to write smut and play video games for hours*
I am an excellent GM! :V

Well, whatever. Vote's closed. And the Winner is:

Whoever suggested this, thank you for giving me the biggest challenge of every song in this thread so far. Not only is the feel of the song almost impossible to put into words, the actual lyrics of the song have nothing to do with the game, making me have to chose between trying to come up with something, or just take the easy way and give you more parkour.

Maybe a thinker power that helps one understand change and flow. The song is about changing and adapting, and parkour is all about understanding how your body moves and flows as to allow you to more easily get around and environment.
Whoever suggested this, thank you for giving me the biggest challenge of every song in this thread so far. Not only is the feel of the song almost impossible to put into words, the actual lyrics of the song have nothing to do with the game, making me have to chose between trying to come up with something, or just take the easy way and give you more parkour.
You're welcome :V
Maybe a thinker power that helps one understand change and flow. The song is about changing and adapting, and parkour is all about understanding how your body moves and flows as to allow you to more easily get around and environment.
:rolleyes: What he said.
Clay Aiken's "if I were invisible" would be a good song to replace burning girl.

We do need a stranger power.
I'm trying to find at least one song for each power classification, but here's the list so far. AFAIK these haven't been suggested on the thread, but let me know if they have. Sorry for this horrible mishmash of random songs, but I'm trying to work off the lyrics.

Mover - "Run Boy Run" by Woodkid for super fast running speeds

Shaker - "I Feel the Earth Move" by Carole King for earthquake powers or some kind of emotional projection powers

Master - "You're Gonna Go Far Kid" by The Offspring. Potential brainwashing or subliminal messaging powers? There might be a stranger or changer power too.

Trump - "Anything You Can Do" from Annie Get Your Gun as a power copying/magnifying powers power

Stranger - "The Stranger" by Billy Joel. I'm not sure how this power would manifest. Maybe being unrecognizable to anyone? Appearing to be another person and gaining their memories?

"The Devil Within" by Digital Daggers as invisibility? Perhaps some kind of master or thinker power as well? It's a pretty dark song.

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So on the subject of songs the one song I want to use the most is this one

If nothing else but to see what Rexheller does with such a cheery song about descending into an abyss of no return and almost certain death.

Edit: Although in another vein I have the perfect song for when Taylor needs a bit of a pick-me-up and a bit of motivation to continuing moving forward
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*Says that he'll close votes soon*
*Fucks off to write smut and play video games for hours*
I am an excellent GM! :V

Well, whatever. Vote's closed. And the Winner is:

Whoever suggested this, thank you for giving me the biggest challenge of every song in this thread so far. Not only is the feel of the song almost impossible to put into words, the actual lyrics of the song have nothing to do with the game, making me have to chose between trying to come up with something, or just take the easy way and give you more parkour.

Knew it, also, CALLED it.

Please be gentle.
I feel like, to be thematically appropriate, this song needs to be played at some point.

Maybe a master/stranger effect that makes people in an area ignore you, while making them really fucking sad.
You know, if the Rune thing comes to a head, I think 'Fuck You' would be a great song for the occasion.

I mean, it's pretty much perfect for a Nazi girl, if we weren't trying to be careful I would have suggested it for this vote. Those lyrics are pretty good.

'You say it isn't right to be gay, well i think your just evil'

'We hate you, and we hate your whole crew'

'You say we need to go to war well your already in one...'

I dunno, seems appropriate.
Minor update, I finally working on the actual update. Took me awhile, but I think I have it planned out now and that's the hard part.

Meanwhile, I leave you with this.

No, I have no idea what powers or emotions this would cause in Taylor, but damn it it doesn't make me laugh just thinking about it.
Minor update, I finally working on the actual update. Took me awhile, but I think I have it planned out now and that's the hard part.

Meanwhile, I leave you with this.

No, I have no idea what powers or emotions this would cause in Taylor, but damn it it doesn't make me laugh just thinking about it.

I do love totally out-there songs. I think my job in this thread is to provide something totally unexpected, but shockingly applicable in each vote.
Still a good girl

Taylor was starting to accept that her powers messed with her emotions. She wasn't getting used to it, and she still wasn't exactly happy about it, but if that was the price for superpowers… And besides, none of the songs had made her feel bad yet, although that might just have been luck.

This time though, when the song started Taylor felt something she hadn't ever felt before and couldn't even really describe. It was a little bit like calm, but without the relaxation that came with it. She didn't feel as active as the previous song, but she was still ready to go.

Taylor didn't feel any different physically though, no heat or energy this time, and so started to look around a little, trying to figure out what her power was. She figured it out pretty quickly, or at least part of it. Certain objects around her, the fire escape, the ledge of the next building, a couple of rocks on the roof, they were all colored red in her vision. Taylor didn't know why but she guess they were important somehow.

Then she looked at Rune. Where before Taylor had seen a dangerous villain that made her fear for her life, now Taylor saw a young girl, lonely and lost, who was offered a chance to belong somewhere. To be important. Taylor couldn't exactly blame Rune, not when Taylor could see a bit of herself in the girl. Of course, Taylor would never join an organization like the E88 but maybe, if the offer had been made, if they had been friendly and protected her from the Trio… Well, it would have been tempting.

But that was what the Empire and others like them did, wasn't it. The took the lost, the downtrodden, those who were desperate or didn't know better, and gave them a place, a purpose. They came with gifts, security, safety and comfort, as long as you obeyed. Especially kids. Kids were malleable, you got them early, raised them a certain way and they were yours for life. The Nazi's had their Hitler Youth and it was the same thing here. Rune seemed… okay, now. A little eager for friends maybe, a little naive, but a good kid at heart. But pretty soon, if nothing changed, she'd be ground down and turned into just another cog in the machine, or maybe even a monster. Either way, she'd just be a tool to be used and thrown away by Kaiser, or whomever was in control at the moment.

If nothing changed.

Taylor didn't know how, exactly, but she thought that maybe she could do it. She could change Rune's situation, show her a better way. Maybe she could save Rune, before it was too late. Taylor couldn't just leave her to her fate, could she? Taylor took a step towards the floating teenager-

-And had to strangle a scream as every muscle in body burned. Unable to keep her feet under her, Taylor tumbled to the ground.

Rune was there in a instant, jumping off her rock and running to kneel beside Taylor. "Hey, are you okay? What happened?" She cried out in concern.

"'M fine." Taylor grunted through grit teeth. "Forgot to do my stretches before I took off is all. Legs are cramped." She made a mental note to start exercising in the future.

"I-is there anything I can do to help?" Rune asked, not entirely reassured.

"Help me up?" Taylor raised a hand and ignored the burning in her arm. Rune took her hand and pulled Taylor to her feet. Still without the strength to stand on her own, Taylor collapsed against the smaller girl, almost knocking both of them to the ground again. It took a little awkward maneuvering, but eventually Taylor had an arm looped around Rune's shoulders, using her as a support.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Rune asked again as she helped Taylor hobble over to the edge of the building.

"Yeah, just the adrenaline wearing off and it all just kind of hit me at once." Taylor paused to catch her breath before continuing. "Think you can get me down from here?"

"Sure." Rune said with a small smirk. The chunk of concrete she'd been riding early floated over and they stepped onto it. It was a little snug, the rubble only really had room for one person, but Taylor needed to cling to Rune so she wouldn't fall anyway, so it worked out.

Luckily, the building Taylor had stopped on just so happened to be a franchise cafe, one with patio seating. Setting Taylor down at a table first, Rune then walked inside and after some minor panic, she walked out again with a bottle of some sports drink, highlighted in red.

Taylor took the offered beverage, but didn't start drinking from it. "Did you pay for this?" She asked instead.

Rune's expression said it all. "Seriously?"

"Didn't we just discuss delinquency?" Taylor joked, keeping her tone light as she pulled out her depressingly empty wallet. Pulling out on of the two five-dollar bills she had inside, colored red again in Taylor's eyes, she grabbed Rune's hand and forced her to take it. "There. Go give them their money."

Rune stared at Taylor for a second, jaw hanging low, before throwing her hands up in the air and shaking her head in bewilderment. However, she still walked back inside the shop, so Taylor marked that as a victory.

While Rune was paying, Taylor finally cracked open her bottle and took a swig. And took another immediately afterwards. Taylor had tried the stuff once before and it had tasted awful, far too sweat and with a weird aftertaste, but now that she was dehydrated and exhausted, it might as well have been ambrosia of the gods. By the time Rune exited the store again, which couldn't have taken more than a minute at most, Taylor had downed nearly the entire bottle.

Taking a seat opposite Taylor, Rune held out a fist, like she was holding something. Confused slightly, Taylor held her own hand out, palm up and Rune dropped several coins into it. "Here's you change."

"What a pleasant surprise. I'd have thought a delinquent like you would just keep it for herself." Taylor said with a lopsided smile.

"I'm not a delinquent!" Rune shouted.

"Hey, c'mon." Taylor held her hands up in surrender. "I know that. I'm just teasing you a little, okay? I'll stop if you want."

There was a hint of a blush under Rune's hood as she scratched at the back of her hand. "No, I… I'm sorry. I, uh, I'm not used to being made fun off."

"I wasn't trying to make fun of you. I just… Nah, nevermind. I'm sorry and I'll stop." Taylor leaned back and finished off the last of her drink. Tossing the bottle at a nearby garbage can, she impressed herself when it was perfectly on target and landed inside.

Pleased, Taylor turned back to Rune. "So, you wanted to learn some free running?"

"What?" Rune blinked distractedly, then started nodding enthusiastically when she processed what Taylor had said. "Oh yeah, totally! You were, like, super cool, doing all those flips and shit!"

"Can't you already fly?" Taylor asked, "Isn't that cool already?"

"Well, yeah, but that's with my powers. That's cheating." Rune explained. "But you, you can do stuff like that without powers at all! The way you were moving, it was just completely awesome, I don't even know where to begin."

And that was how Taylor found out that guilt could spike through the active calm the song was making her feel. It only lasted a second though, before subsiding again, but still, Taylor felt bad.

"Well, maybe I could teach you. Although, I'm not sure how well it would go. I have no idea how well I can teach and your costume isn't exactly built for running." Taylor said, pointing at Rune's flowing robes.

Her point was proven a second later, when a cell phone started to ring and Rune had to spend several seconds fighting with her outfit before she could find her pockets. Pulling out the phone, Rune's face grew pale when she saw the incoming number.

"Ah, shit. Shit! I'm in trouble. So much trouble. Uh, look," she stood up and shoved her phone back into her robes, all while apologizing to Taylor, "I'm really sorry but I've got to run. Um, it was nice talking to you and, uh, do you think, maybe, you'll be around? Later?"

"Hopefully." Taylor's smile was kind. "It was nice meeting you. You're a good kid."

"You're a kid yourself!" Rune back shouted with a laugh. She was already levitating away on her stony transport. "See ya!"

Taylor waved goodbye, just as her song ran out. As soon as it did, she slumped forward, banging her head on the table. "Greaaaaat. Now I'm friends with Sabrina the Teenage Nazi. Goddamnit." She groaned to herself.

It wasn't exactly that she could fault… herself, sort of. Trying to prevent a kid from turning into a Nazi was a good thing, obviously. But this was going to cause so much trouble, Taylor just knew it.

After resting for several minutes, and keeping her hood up and her face low so nobody would recognize her, Taylor had recovered enough energy that she could move again. Figuring that she was in enough trouble for one day, Taylor decided to head home. After thinking for a moment, she also decided to reach for a song again. Yes, her powers had just gotten her into a heap of potential trouble, but what was the point of having powers if she didn't use them? Besides, it would help take her mind off of things. Probably.

Song: Still Alive - Lisa Miskovsky
Power: A two-part Thinker power, focused on 'change'. When Taylor looks at her environment, items and features that have the potential to change her current situation are highlighted in red. The change can be in any fashion, including deescalation, escalation, escape, etc. However, Taylor doesn't gain any knowledge of how an object might change her situation, she needs to figure that out herself. When Taylor looks at a person, she will gain a general knowledge of their situation and vague instincts on how to change it.
Attitude: Zen. Taylor will pursue her goals with a clear-headed determination. While some emotions may taint her mindset slightly, fear will have no hold on her. In addition, Taylor will act kind to those she can and value freedom of choice highly.

Save to Playlist?

[] No - Still Alive will be discarded permanently
[] Yes
-[] Overwrite Track 1 - Connect will be discarded permanently
-[] Overwrite Track 2 - Escape from the City will be discarded permanently

Vote for a Song. Note that Taylor may change her mind about going home, depending on the winning song.

[] Playlist
-[] Track 1 - Connect
-[] Track 2 - Escape from the City
[] New Song



-[] Write-in
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[X] No - Still Alive will be discarded permanently
[X] Playlist
-[X] Track 1- Connect

I feel like we already accomplished what we needed here from Still Alive, and that its benefits are to vague to consider getting rid of one of our current saved songs.

I think we should replay Connect because it will get Taylor home, allow her to keep tabs on her current investments, and make her happy.
[X] Playlist
-[X] Track 2 - Escape from the City
This song got us here, it can get us back...
plus maybe parkour enough will get it ingrained in Taylor's mind? Since its not exactly a superpower to free run.
[X] Playlist
-[X] Track 1- Connect

Because I want Taylor to be happy and possibly have more mental talk with Emma.

Also I hope we have a nice befriending moment later on where I can propose this song, because it is just perfect
Can we play a song one last time before dropping it from playlist? Like swap Escape for Still Alive, but play Escape this round?
Save to Playlist?

[X] Yes
-[X] Overwrite Track 2

As our esteemed QM pointed out, Connect isn't bad for parkour after Taylor gets a little practice. And while there's no indication that Still Alive will give her parkour abilities, it has a much less risky effect on her mood. So she's not losing much by dropping Escape from the City in favor of Still Alive.

Vote for a Song.

She just wants to go home, doesn't she? Let's let her. Though the lyrics may give her a bit of melancholy.

[X] Write-in
-[X] You Won't See Me

Adhoc vote count started by Prester Fred on Feb 19, 2018 at 12:52 PM, finished with 94 posts and 24 votes.