[X] Yes
-[X] Overwrite Track 1 - Connect will be discarded permanently

[X] Write-in

i am hoping for memory editing since she has seen our face
For those of you voting to replace Connect with Escape From The City, I have to point out that Prester Fred is technically correct: the vote is, from a purely practical stand point, rather foolish. Connect's agility boost leaves just as capable of parkour as Escape, it's just that Taylor will need some practice to get really good. Plus, Connect has the telepathy, a free costume change for the duration of the song, and it grants you a minor-ish brute rating. Take a baseball bat to the face and not break any bones, about that level.

If you're voting to replace Connect for other reasons like Prester, I won't stop you, but if you're voting because you think Escape is a better power, it's really not.
I'm actually voting it off the playlist simply because I find the mindset that comes with it fairly detrimental, being bubbly, unquenchable optimism... in one of the verifiably shittiest cities on the face of the country. Confidence and Aloofness are great personality traits to have in this one. On top of that, I want at least one "civvie" power on the books at all times, if only to use before/during school, like go to school, reset in a bathroom, use it in gym class with this one, or a brainier thinker power during a tough class.
I'm actually voting it off the playlist simply because I find the mindset that comes with it fairly detrimental, being bubbly, unquenchable optimism... in one of the verifiably shittiest cities on the face of the country. Confidence and Aloofness are great personality traits to have in this one. On top of that, I want at least one "civvie" power on the books at all times, if only to use before/during school, like go to school, reset in a bathroom, use it in gym class with this one, or a brainier thinker power during a tough class.
Considering we can't listen to the same song twice in a row, it seems like we have to switch something else before switching back, we are probably gonna need 2 Civvie songs, for us to swap between
Considering we can't listen to the same song twice in a row, it seems like we have to switch something else before switching back, we are probably gonna need 2 Civvie songs, for us to swap between
Isn't that more of a priority for when we have like five+ playlist slots? Taylor has to *allow* us to play a song, it's not like she's going to keep something on 24/7.
Vote closure coming soon. Any last minute votes or changes, now's the time.
Isn't that more of a priority for when we have like five+ playlist slots? Taylor has to *allow* us to play a song, it's not like she's going to keep something on 24/7.
Besides, that's why I said reset in a bathroom, the stall provides five minutes of privacy to listen to a song, even if it isn't a civvie, but Connect comes with a super flashy light show
Isn't that more of a priority for when we have like five+ playlist slots? Taylor has to *allow* us to play a song, it's not like she's going to keep something on 24/7.
A civvie song that only lasts 4-5 minutes isn't going to be that useful. If she wants to use it to make her school day much better, she's gonna need songs to swap between so she can keep listening.

I agree that we should wait till we have more slots, but that we part of my original point. A single civvie song isn't much use for it'd run out way too soon.
Pretty sure we wont be allowed to go ti the bathroom every 10 minutes to refresh when the Previous song runs out.

... Idea. @RexHeller Do the multiple hour long versions of songs on YouTube count?
Technically yes, but there are two problems with that. First, Taylor can't change songs until a song naturally ends. That means if you give her a 12 hour song, she can't change powers for an entire day. This is a big problem, since the main advantage of Taylor's power is it's adaptability. The second problem is more a meta problem. I don't want you to do that, but I also believe in freedom for players, so instead of saying "You can't do that," I'm just gonna slap a downside on extended songs like not being able to talk or other stuff like that. You can still do it, but there's a consequences.
Technically yes, but there are two problems with that. First, Taylor can't change songs until a song naturally ends. That means if you give her a 12 hour song, she can't change powers for an entire day. This is a big problem, since the main advantage of Taylor's power is it's adaptability. The second problem is more a meta problem. I don't want you to do that, but I also believe in freedom for players, so instead of saying "You can't do that," I'm just gonna slap a downside on extended songs like not being able to talk or other stuff like that. You can still do it, but there's a consequences.
One of the reasons I asked is because, Taylors main problem with her powers is how short most songs are, and how unpredictable the powers of new songs will be. Most songs are not longer than 5 minutes. As such, she has to do everything she wants with that power in that very short time, and we would have to just guess of we are trying to select a new song with a similar powerset. Like the aforementioned flying problem, we have no way of knowing if the new song will give her flight again without going to a song explicitly about flying, but there are very few such songs that we will probably rapidly burn through them.
A civvie song that only lasts 4-5 minutes isn't going to be that useful. If she wants to use it to make her school day much better, she's gonna need songs to swap between so she can keep listening.

I agree that we should wait till we have more slots, but that we part of my original point. A single civvie song isn't much use for it'd run out way too soon.
I was arguing that she wouldn't want to use it, because it alters her personality in ways that are distinctly not positive on school property. Do you really want to be playing Escape from the City trapped in a classroom?

Taylor will never take the risk, except to play a song to escape from the Trio. We will never be permanently playing music at school (if Taylor really lets us do so more than once in a blue moon in the first place), thus there is basically no reason to lock in multiple 'civvie songs', because she won't let us.
One of the reasons I asked is because, Taylors main problem with her powers is how short most songs are, and how unpredictable the powers of new songs will be. Most songs are not longer than 5 minutes. As such, she has to do everything she wants with that power in that very short time, and we would have to just guess of we are trying to select a new song with a similar powerset. Like the aforementioned flying problem, we have no way of knowing if the new song will give her flight again without going to a song explicitly about flying, but there are very few such songs that we will probably rapidly burn through them.
Rex's core song picks of Light/Dark are generally immediately applicable to her needs. If she starts falling all of a sudden and needs a new track, we don't have to guess and pray that a write-in will give her an out. Barring that, that's just a better argument for getting grab bag powers, or powers that also boost her brute rating enough to survive a big drop (and other immensely painful things) and just lock that in as a playlist song for emergencies.
I was arguing that she wouldn't want to use it, because it alters her personality in ways that are distinctly not positive on school property. Do you really want to be playing Escape from the City trapped in a classroom?

Taylor will never take the risk, except to play a song to escape from the Trio. We will never be permanently playing music at school (if Taylor really lets us do so more than once in a blue moon in the first place), thus there is basically no reason to lock in multiple 'civvie songs', because she won't let us.

Rex's core song picks of Light/Dark are generally immediately applicable to her needs. If she starts falling all of a sudden and needs a new track, we don't have to guess and pray that a write-in will give her an out. Barring that, that's just a better argument for getting grab bag powers, or powers that also boost her brute rating enough to survive a big drop (and other immensely painful things) and just lock that in as a playlist song for emergencies.
Escape from the City is not a Civvie Song. Because you are right, it'd be terrible in that context. But there are others.
Also, I was given the impression that Taylor can play her saved songs without our input. She only needs us when she's fishing for a new song, and she can hop between the saved songs on her own. If that is the case, then she/we would be adding those Civvie Songs during down-time, when she can experiment with her powers and deal with the changing moods in a place where it won't cause problems, till she/we find a good song that she'd like to be able to call upon during School and what not.

Even if they are immediately appicable, we STILL don't know what power she's getting. Maybe it's more Flight, maybe it's Feather Fall, maybe it's Kinetic Energy Absorption. All applicable, but all vastly different powers. Playing the slots every 5 minutes if what we need is not currently represented by any of the saved songs.

Something I think might be a good way to solve this perceived problem (I very well might be wrong, and Rex has a solution to it already), is to allow us to repeat songs. We already have limited control over Taylor, we don't get to say what she does or anything, all we get to do is play her a song when she requests it. If she likes her current selection of saved songs, we don't got any input as she plays them, us coming in when she chooses to play the slots. We could either give her the power she wants and is expecting, or we can give her a completely different power that we feel is very useful even if it wasn't what she personally wanted. With no Repeats, the power might be adaptable but it's also extremely random, with Repeats it's only random when testing new songs and semi-random from Taylor's POV for she has no idea what song we might decide is best for her current situation.
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Also, I was given the impression that Taylor can play her saved songs without our input. She only needs us when she's fishing for a new song, and she can hop between the saved songs on her own. If that is the case, then she/we would be adding those Civvie Songs during down-time, when she can experiment with her powers and deal with the changing moods in a place where it won't cause problems, till she/we find a good song that she'd like to be able to call upon during School and what not.
Nah, Taylor picks when to play songs, then you guys pick the song, including songs from the play list. Unless it's durring a time skip or something, where it doens't matter.
Nah, Taylor picks when to play songs, then you guys pick the song, including songs from the play list. Unless it's during a time skip or something, where it doesn't matter.
If that's the case, then Taylor has surprisingly little control over her power. She can only switch it on, and has no influence over what happens next.
If that's the case, then Taylor has surprisingly little control over her power. She can only switch it on, and has no influence over what happens next.
Mmm, not exactly. When you guys vote to play something from her playlist, that's Taylor deciding to play that song in-universe. Same with the decision on whether or not to save a song, and which song to overwrite. In those cases, it's the same as a regular quest, where they players directly vote on Taylor's actions.
Mmm, not exactly. When you guys vote to play something from her playlist, that's Taylor deciding to play that song in-universe. Same with the decision on whether or not to save a song, and which song to overwrite. In those cases, it's the same as a regular quest, where they players directly vote on Taylor's actions.
Ah, so there's a very blurry divide between Us and Taylor. Alright.

Well, either way, the songs extremely short duration seem problematic, especially if we get into any bigger longer scenes like an Endbringer Fight or a big gang conflict where we could go through several dozen different songs before it's over. Unless the power we want is already present in our extremely limited saved-list of songs, we'd be taking a gamble every time what our new power is. It is probably going to be SOMETHING useful, but neither we nor Taylor have any idea what it will be or how useful.
That's the reason I'm arguing that maybe next time we get a freebie song pick we try to give her something brute-approved that's will work as an emergency pick when some other song runs dry. Yeah, after that song is done we're in trouble, but if we get a really good amount of invulnerability from it, that adds a lot of versatile safety in an emergency.

The alternative of course being a solid master or stranger power, which accomplish part of the objective of 'get out of danger'.
That's the reason I'm arguing that maybe next time we get a freebie song pick we try to give her something brute-approved that's will work as an emergency pick when some other song runs dry. Yeah, after that song is done we're in trouble, but if we get a really good amount of invulnerability from it, that adds a lot of versatile safety in an emergency.

The alternative of course being a solid master or stranger power, which accomplish part of the objective of 'get out of danger'.
There's always Yorokobe.