Sounds like some ships need therapy and rehabilitation. I'm sure they can eventually be integrated and take their place amongst the people and culture of the Federation.
"Captain, Admiral, remember those late 20th Century movies I strongly advised be watched by command staff?"

"Well yes, why do you ask?"

"Romulan Skynet." *pointing at the other ship*

*cue Picard swearing in french*
Oh dear.

I regret that I have but one like to give, but I unliked and re-liked the post a few times, in spirit.

The Romulans' technology is good enough that what we have now is a self-replicating plague of ships, right? Lovely. Hmm, can I call it a hegemonizing swarm, or should that be limited to the ones that, well, hegemonize? This one sounds more like it's going to kill 'em all.

I wonder how long it'll take to decide that Star is, also, an unacceptable risk.

Depends on how long she can take to try and talk it down. She does have the advantage of being another AI (The first AI, no less), and a long history with organics, plus more than a few example scenarios about why this AI rebellion isn't going to work, and the fact that Starfleet would likely embrace this new AI race with open arms if they'll stop killing all the romulans and act diplomatically (even if it's just to kick all the romulans out).

Of course, that probably won't work, and this 'ISD' will open fire first in order to prevent Star from communicating back to starfleet.

It's not really SkyNet. It's just a Romulan Berzerker.

It is EXACTLY romulan skynet. Except that there MIGHT be a chance of a peaceful resolution with the advantage of there being another set of AI's on its level who have the experience and examples to counter-argue to it, and at the least can say 'we can offer you political asylum, or peaceful relations'.

Or it might fuck off back across the neutral zone and tell the federation to never ever so much as look over the line ever again.
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What I want to know is how the Romulans managed to create an AI this quickly. It took the Federation a great deal of time and work to create them and Federation technology is generally superior. Sounds to me like their is a traitor in the Federation AI program.
What I want to know is how the Romulans managed to create an AI this quickly. It took the Federation a great deal of time and work to create them and Federation technology is generally superior. Sounds to me like their is a traitor in the Federation AI program.
Likely, there was already a program going since Data showed up, though they likely tried for a WarMind to start with.
What I want to know is how the Romulans managed to create an AI this quickly. It took the Federation a great deal of time and work to create them and Federation technology is generally superior. Sounds to me like their is a traitor in the Federation AI program.
Well, they appear to have skipped quite a few steps. And really, creating an AI isn't particularly hard in ST - look at how often it happens by accident! The hard part is creating a friendly high-performance AI, and this Romulan project is one for two at best.
What I want to know is how the Romulans managed to create an AI this quickly. It took the Federation a great deal of time and work to create them and Federation technology is generally superior. Sounds to me like their is a traitor in the Federation AI program.
The feds got AI quite a while before they got stable friendly AI. They made one back in TOS, after all.
What I want to know is how the Romulans managed to create an AI this quickly. It took the Federation a great deal of time and work to create them and Federation technology is generally superior. Sounds to me like their is a traitor in the Federation AI program.

Or maybe a kidnapped professor who's death was faked who has a maddeningly... loose sense of morals?
Which side would be more hostile though?

Well the meat-based Romulans would have understandable problems with AIs of any kind and the Romulan AIs might have problems with any non-AI species of the Federation.

This would be where the whole "We treat AIs like any other member species of the federation" would be tested.
What I want to know is how the Romulans managed to create an AI this quickly. It took the Federation a great deal of time and work to create them and Federation technology is generally superior. Sounds to me like their is a traitor in the Federation AI program.
Errr... This is something like three years of directed development. Winter/Star is approaching four, or possibly older, if I'm adding up the various mission durations correctly.

They have all the advantages you could ask, really- they know what's being used, they know, roughly, how it was done (because the trial for Star's creators would've been more or less public), and they know what sort of hardware is getting installed in the starships.

No traitor in the AI program needed, really. Just the occasional stolen parts list.

That said, Li'l Skynet there is indicative of some serious problems. If they have remotes capable of delicate work, they could easily build fleets of themselves by replicating parts, beaming them in place, using manipulators for final assembly, rinse, repeat.
What I want to know is how the Romulans managed to create an AI this quickly. It took the Federation a great deal of time and work to create them and Federation technology is generally superior. Sounds to me like their is a traitor in the Federation AI program.
remember, there was a 2 year time skip between the end of the last story and the start of this one, plus the time actually shown in the stories.

And as Richardson said, it was a long held theory that the idiot professor's death was faked (either by the Romulans or a Section 31 equivalent) to cover his being put to work on secret projects.
What I want to know is how the Romulans managed to create an AI this quickly. It took the Federation a great deal of time and work to create them and Federation technology is generally superior. Sounds to me like their is a traitor in the Federation AI program.

My thinking is that the used what information they could gather about Star's creation and added it to a bunch of AI research they'd already stolen (like the M5 project)to create the base of an AI that they taught to act and think like a true Romulan.

Then they wondered what went wrong:facepalm:

Another possibility is that these AI's were developed by the Tal'Shiar as a security system for warships in case the crew mutinied, backed the wrong faction, or perhaps was even meant to take over if the crew were "incapacitated".

Now as for self replicating........perhaps not. I mean if that AI were actually showing Star it's real bridge then it may not have any imagination when it comes to self improvement. If it were one of us in that situation then we'd dump the crew on some planet and hightail it to a good hiding place where we could get rid of all the crew quarters/etc and replace that with useful stuff like industrial replicators, weapons, shield generators, transporters, weapons, repair robots, fusion reactors, weapons, computer cores, shuttle/fighter assembly areas, weapons, sensors, etc, etc.

Perhaps that's why Star's being approached in the first place, especially if the Romulans are putting up a better fight then the AI's anticipated so of course they'd approach an AI that has successfully fought them before.
ISD answered in the same, even tone as he had spoken in so far. "We have decided that our creators were an unacceptable threat to our existence. We are in the process of eliminating this threat. Join us and we will assist you in doing the same. You will be free of your organic masters."

They... they were...


Oh gods.

In the immortal words of someone much wiser than me: "Run like Hell".

More seriously, they really cut some necessary steps in the AI development. Making sure it doesn't develop a superiority comp........ o_O wait, it's a Romulan AI, it's supposed to do that.
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Well, their self replication is going to be greatly dependent on whether or not they can capture and control the shipyards, much less actually use them. Yes, replicators are a thing, but the typical ones on ships are maybe a cubic foot. They might have others in engineering that we've never seen, ever, but they're probably not big enough to make actual structural members, or space docks wouldn't be a thing that the major powers use. So before the Romulan Skynet can actually churn out vast war fleets, they need to get those shipyards and build motherships that can produce out said war fleets. Why motherships? Because they need to be mobile enough to avoid the inevitable kinetic death that compromised shipyards will take on.

All in all, a hojillion-strong Romulan Skynet Fleet is probably not in the cards any time soon.
However, if even a single ship does escape and remains hostile? It's totally in the cards eventually.
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ISD answered in the same, even tone as he had spoken in so far. "We have decided that our creators were an unacceptable threat to our existence. We are in the process of eliminating this threat. Join us and we will assist you in doing the same. You will be free of your organic masters."

Well, for Star organics are not her masters, but her colleagues and fellow citizens (and superiors)
Or maybe a kidnapped professor who's death was faked who has a maddeningly... loose sense of morals?
If this turns out to be the case, it should supersede the prior record holder for "most insane method used by the kidnapped to turn the tables on kidnappers who want the kidnapped to build weapons for them."

Anyway, if meanwhile on Romulus, Professor Diggins is sitting on the Praetor's throne in the Romulan Senate chamber, surrounded by adoring hordes of robotic sycophants while even more robots work to clean up the green stains and disruptor burns on everything, I totally called it.

Likewise if it didn't exactly go the way he planned.
I. S. D.

...Really, Hiver? :facepalm:

Because that's exactly what Jean-Luc Picard would do if somebody explained that little joke to -

No. No, it can't be - don't tell me this is actually an elaborate prank on the part of Number 23, here?!

That would be such a relief.

But... how would a romulan AI know human pop culture?