Dual Pokemon Quest

Lee Year 1 Fall Mauville - Gym Battle - 3
Observing Kate and Jasper's gym battles was like watching a declaration of who they were as people.

Kate let her pokemon make almost all of the decisions on the battlefield. Her pokemon worked together really well, and it was clearly a defensive build where they struck hard and fast before retreating again behind fortifications. Picking up anything about how the pokemon had been trained was impossible when Kate gave no cues for Lee to read.

Jasper was much more involved in his battle, and much more quick to direct his pokemon. It became clear watching that Jasper had trained his pokemon in how to work together, they had combos that they had learned and practiced that he just needed to give the word for them to do. He focused hard on the offensive, and was quick to adjust to the situation. His pokemon responded instantly to his words, even when it looked like following it could get them hurt. His pokemon knew Jasper, and followed him.

[ ]Write-in
Jaden Year 1 Fall Draco Volcano
Jaden ended up going with the swampert. The other rental pokemon were really cool, but he was going to a volcano. A swampert would be the best bet for traveling there safely. He got some concerned looks when he told them his plans, and warned that the rangers hadn't checked it out yet, but no one was stopping him. He introduced himself to the swampert, and was ready to go.

The swampert was a more comfortable ride than he'd expected. She had a saddle that was made for keeping riders safe and comfortable through the water, and she kept herself moving evenly along the surface. She was powerful, and there was a deep sense of pride in her as she carried out her duty and swam towards the draconic volcano. It was a pretty cool experience, if boring being stuck up there for hours. It was a good thing that Uri was more than happy to create mental games for them to play together, even if Jaden didn't find the math games that Uri suggested as fun as the kadabra thought they would be.

They reached the volcano at last. It really was huge, and all just rock. The lava had all cooled, Jaden would have to climb to the top if he wanted to peer inside at the dragon lava. He could see some pretty cool stones that glimmered with trapped draconic energy within them. He dismounted and scrambled up onto the volcanic island. He could sense the earth still shifting and being worked, the finishing touches being put into place. He'd made it.

[ ]Set up camp
[ ]Explore even though it's evening
[ ]Write-in
[x]Set up camp
-[x]Jaden does most of the work
-[x]Ask Sam and Oliver to explore for anything interesting in the nearby area
-[x]Let Uri know that tomorrow will include some cardio, so he should relax and mentally prepare himself as much as he can
-[x]Give some berries to the swampert as thanks
Jaden Year 1 Fall Draco Volcano - 2
Jaden went to work setting up camp. He told Oliver and Sam to scout for anything interesting and warned Uri that tomorrow would be a cardio day. The kadabra grumbled, but settled into meditation taking the chance to relax and connect with the psychic net while he could. Jaden took some berries down to the swampert. She was more than happy to eat them, and even offered up a carvanha she'd caught for him to take in return.

[ ]Accept the fish
[ ]Thank her but leave it with her

Sam and Oliver both came back with dragon gems. Sam was clearly proud of the gem containing a sphere of draconic energy inside it and proudly paraded it about, while Oliver was more interested in the different shapes and how he could play with them and get them to clink together.

The team all piled together to sleep for the night comfortably, and the morning dawned with adventure beckoning.

[ ]Climb to the top of the volcano
[ ]Explore for caverns
[ ]Look to see if there's any personal marks from Groudon
[ ]Train pokemon
-[ ]Train Uri
-[ ]Train Sam
-[ ]Train Oliver
-[ ]Train them together
Lee Year 1 Fall Mauville
"That was great!" Kate cheered as they left the gym.

"Nothing like a good battle," Jasper agreed. "Though you should really actually train your pokemon, Kate, not just let them do whatever they want."

"They listen when they need to! And they know what they're doing better than I do," Kate protested.

"I don't know why I bother," Jasper huffed. He turned to Lee. "You did good at your team battle, though I'd recommend you have Crunchbite and Archer practice team maneuvers more. It takes more practice than you'd think to get a team functioning smoothly together beyond working in independent strategies."
[x]Accept the fish
[x]Look to see if there's any personal marks from Groudon
-[x]Jog around the island to get a feel for things by stopping occasionally to reach out into the ground
[x]See if Sam can mimic or use the draconic fire
Lee Year 1 Fall Route 118
The group headed out to start traveling down to Mt Pyre, planning how they would ask the Order there about Rayquaza and what they might learn. Wingulls and pelippers filled the coast as they walked by it, with the occasional slowpoke they passed by lazily watching them. Kate had to fuss over each one that they passed by, seeming absolutely delighted by the slow responding pokemon.

[ ]Train pokemon
-[ ]Train Nova
-[ ]Train Archer
-[ ]Train Crunchbite
-[ ]Train Fathom
-[ ]Train as a team
[ ]Play with pokemon
-[ ]Play with Nova
-[ ]Play with Archer
-[ ]Play with Crunchbite
-[ ]Play with Fathom
-[ ]Play as a team

[ ]Talk with Kate and Jasper about their pokemon journeys
[ ]Battle practice with Kate
[ ]Battle practice with Jasper
[ ]Study the pokemon on the route
[ ]Write-in

Note: you will be automatically traveling towards Mt Pyre, will arrive there in five turns counting this one!
Jaden Year 1 Fall Draco Volcano - 3
Jaden accepted the fish, bringing it back to cook and serve up to his pokemon. All of them were pleased with the fish, and the swampert was clearly happy her offering had been accepted.

The morning meant going out and starting to explore. Jaden had so much he wanted to see! He was a little sad that the place seemed so far mostly barren, but he didn't think it would stay that way. This place was just new, that was all. Sooner or later more had to come to the volcano, surely. Jaden jogged around the island, reaching out to sense Groudon through the earth. He could sense that Groudon was just finishing up some final touches, his attention shifting towards Jaden at his brush against Groudon's powers.

Groudon was quick to draw attention towards the heart of the island where the volcano rested. Jaden followed after it cheerfully. It was hot, but not hotter than Mt Pyre. He followed the trail down into the caverns where he saw a great lake of blue lava pulsing with draconic energy. It stirred under Groudon's attention before the pokemon drew back to let it remain still and allow Jaden to bask in the numerous crystals decorating the cavern and reflecting light through it. It was a truly beautiful area that Groudon had grown, the crystals substituting in for clusters of flowers and trees.

Jaden beamed and looked down at Sam. The charmander was staring around in his own awe, still clutching the dragon gem he'd found yesterday and brought back. "Do you think you could use this Sam?"

The charmander felt doubtful, but it was quickly chased away by a flash of stubborn determination. He would do it! Nothing could stop Sam! He focused on the lava, and the draconic energy that swelled around them.

[ ]Meditate with Sam
[ ]Work with Uri while waiting
[ ]Work with Oliver while waiting
[ ]Write-in
As much as Lee enjoyed being in town, it felt good to get back out on the road again in a way that didn't involve an immediate emergency. Sure, there was the Groudon issue, but the way they were moving it would have been easy to forget that they were on an important mission of utmost importance.

Watching Kate fuss over each and every Slowpoke they passed, Lee briefly questioned why she didn't actually try to catch any. That was till he remembered how many Pokemon she had with her already. He had to wonder if she had any other Pokemon not with her, but he easily imagined that Kate might well be the kind of person who couldn't possibly imagine having any Pokemon that she couldn't carry with her at all times.

Even so, Lee couldn't help but make a joke or two about Kate's seeming obsession with the lazy little lumps.

[X] Train Fathom
-[X] Group effort with Archer, Crunchbite, and Nova - Figure out what makes Fathom tick and how to reach a place where he can actually be trained.

[X] Stargaze

[X] Talk with Kate and Jasper about their Pokemon journeys

[X] Study the pokemon on the route
-[X] Keep an eye out for anything special that might pop up.
-[X] Occasionally have Archer do areal recon, see if he spots anything of note.
[x]Meditate with Sam
-[x](did Uri also jog around the island, at least until he got tired?) Ask Uri and Oliver to keep an eye out for trouble and to pull at Sam and Jaden with enough time left to back to camp safely before the end of dusk.
-[x]Give Uri and Oliver treats for putting up with the surprise training opportunity for Sam and Jaden, that is going to result in some boredom for them. Make sure they have ready access to water as well.
Lee Year 1 Fall Route 123
Lee was going to train up his magikarp. He had a rare jewel of a magikarp here. For something so common he had something that was truly impressive: a magikarp that had learned water gun. Granted, it was a practically useless version of water gun that was mostly annoying as it was used to spray people, but that was far more than Lee had heard of people managing to teach a magikarp. Most of the time the best that was gained was a tackle.

Lee gathered his team together. Archer was ecstatic to be working with the group, while Nova was more contemplative of what they were gathered for. He released Fathom, and explained that he wanted to get Fathom taking commands. He demonstrated the problem as his pokemon watched. Fathom was clearly happy and involved, he was also completely scattered and struggling.

At least until Nova decided to "help" by attempting to bite Fathom. That got the magikarp swimming fast.

[ ]Scold Nova
[ ]Try to associate word use with Nova's encouragement to get moves going
[ ]Try having Fathom mirror one of the team members
[ ]Write-in

Lee spent a good portion of each day they traveled scanning the route with Archer's help for pokemon that stood out. Archer was more than thrilled to help out with this, able to fly farther and faster each day. He was even getting good at calling out and signaling attention to things he found instead of getting distracted by them or having to fly all the way back to tell Lee. There were torchics, kecleons, a hidden grove of roselia, and marills happily floating in the river.

Night was quickly becoming one of Lee's favorite times of day, getting to just lay outside under the stars. The calm and peace of it spoke to him. The twinkling of the stars was entrancing, and Lee could almost swear at times that he could hear the stars singing.

Kate and Jasper had a lot to share about their pokemon journey in Kanto. Or at least, Kate did. Jasper's main contribution was comments on how reckless Kate had been, or how something wouldn't have happened if Kate had paid more attention. There were stories of battles with Team Rocket, wild gardens tended by pokemon, being hunted by aerodactyls, and many many stories of Kate trying to hug wild pokemon only to end up in need of rescue when said wild pokemon did not appreciate the sudden affection. Kate had stories of how each and every one of her pokemon were captured, and not a single one involved her battling. Jasper's all did, in stark contrast. He had sought out those who enjoyed battle and wanted to grow stronger, and had proven himself able to help them there with his battles.

[ ]Train pokemon
-[ ]Train Nova
-[ ]Train Archer
-[ ]Train Crunchbite
-[ ]Train Fathom
-[ ]Train as a team
[ ]Play with pokemon
-[ ]Play with Nova
-[ ]Play with Archer
-[ ]Play with Crunchbite
-[ ]Play with Fathom
-[ ]Play as a team

[ ]Talk with Kate and Jasper about their pokemon journeys
[ ]Battle practice with Kate
[ ]Battle practice with Jasper
[ ]Study the pokemon on the route
[ ]Visit the berry farms on the route
[ ]Write-in
Jaden Year 1 Fall Draco Volcano - 4
Jaden dug out some treats for Oliver and Uri before telling them that they'd have to take care of themselves and watch for anything around here while he worked with Sam. He thought he might be able to help Sam connect with the draconic energy, but it'd take work, and be boring for the other two. Uri could at least get in some cardio running around before then.

Uri complained but did indeed set off to do some running. Jaden had shown him too well why it was important.

Sam didn't just sit. He could feel Jaden there with him, helping him to focus on the energy and study it. But Sam also had to move. There was something to the energy, something he thought he could touch. It was like his dragon breath, but more concentrated. Was there more he could tap? He focused, and focused, until he found the well of draconic energy within himself. It matched the gem and brightened within him. And Sam knew what to do.

Clumsily he began to dance. Draconic energy built as he performed the steps of Dragon Dance. It would take practice to really get down, but he was finding the spirit of it.

[ ]Dance with Sam
[ ]Celebrate learning and have the team practice their moves
[ ]Keep looking for things around the area
[ ]Write-in
Nova's creative attempt to 'help' initially invoked a wide-eyed reaction from Lee. His initial reaction was fear that the Vulpix had decided to try to eat the fish. He quickly rushed to Nova and picked her up to ensure she wouldn't get a second opportunity.

"No! No! No!" He exclaimed, at which point he realized what Nova had actually been doing.

"Ok, I recognize you're trying to help." Lee said, trying to remain calm and not making the situation worse. He gently placed a firm hand on Nova's head and moved it about in a motion that wasn't quite petting, trying to find a balance between not codling the Vulpix and ignoring the mistake, while still recognizing the intention and that they'd avoided anyone actually getting hurt.

This time, at least.

"Let's...try not eating our teammates, shall we?"

[X] Gently correct Nova
-[X] See if Fathom might connect with Archer and/or Cruchbite; how does he perform following their lead?
-[X] See what advice and insight Kate and Jasper have about the situation

To be on the safe side, Lee decided it was probably a smart decision to minimize Nova's part in Fathom's training for the time being.

Fortunately, he had other training in mind for Nova that he thought would suit her perfectly, and be a wonderful distraction to keep her from feeling 'left out'.

[X] Train Nova
-[X] Learn Flamethrower

Lee felt increasing lament in the teams mission. He knew it was important, and yet there was so much he felt like he was missing out on. Taking time to explore the sights. Detours to unnecessary but fascinating stops. Seeing Pokemon in their natural environments and possibly battling them.

Unfortunately, the shadow of Groudon loomed large. They had to pick and choose their stops wisely. Already, Lee Hinsu was increasingly amazed and more than a little thankful the legendary titan continued to sleep. But he couldn't afford to get complacent. Anything that didn't contribute to their mission had to pass the questions of if it was worth the time or would they regret not stopping.

In the moment, they'd yet to encounter anything that fit those criteria. The Pokemon they discovered, while great finds, didn't strike Lee as being worth the training battle's they'd put up, and neither did he feel inclined to catch them. Even the Torchics, while seeming like a rare find, he didn't see a place for one on his team. Oh sure, he could try catching for sake of trade, or just to say he had one, but those seemed cruel.

He didn't have a good place to send any Pokemon he didn't have a legit use for, and to catch a Pokemon that was just minding its own business for the express purpose of giving it to someone else...Lee just didn't get it.

But they still had a way to go, both to their next stop, and to Rayquaza, and who was to say what they might yet find or encounter on the way there.

[X] Study the pokemon on the route
-[X] Keep an eye out for anything special that might pop up.
-[X] Occasionally have Archer do areal recon, see if he spots anything of note.

Kate continued to impress Lee, especially with her storytelling aptitude. She did an excellent job of telling of their adventures in a foreign land. Lee was almost beginning to feel like he'd been to Kanto himself despite never having left Hoenn. While he certainly couldn't disagree with Jasper's assessment of Kate's inexplicable ability to get herself into trouble, it also was very hard to deny that Kate's antics made for an endless source of entertainment and great stories.

He took special note of her story about the Aerodactyl. He could have sworn that they were extinct. Part of him questioned if there was something about the story that wasn't quite as it sounded, but Kate wasn't really one to lie. More than anything, it made his mind go to the two fossils he was carrying around that had shown some strange echo of life.

More and more, it became increasingly apparent how Kate and Jasper complimented each other perfectly. It had been pretty clear even early on, but the more he got to know them, the more obvious it became. Kate was a personality powerhouse who oozed charisma, while Jasper was a calm, collected man who got things done. She was the heart and face, he was the brains and muscle. And they were totally and utterly devoted to one another. They had to be, and yet Lee found it impossible for them not to be.

He was happy for them, but deep down it wasn't hard to be a little envious of the perfect match they had in one another.

"I wonder if Kate has a sister." He silently joked to himself.

Whereas Kate was the social giant of the duo, Jasper increasingly made clear that he was powerhouse of the pair. So Lee turned to Jasper in hopes of improving his own skills in training Pokemon. Lee knew full well he wasn't anywhere near the point where he could challenge Jasper in an honest battle, but hopefully Jasper might be willing to help Lee along the path to where someday he might.

And Lee also imagined that Jasper might appreciate the change of pace that came from having someone to work with who actually took Pokemon training seriously, in contrast to Kate's carefree attitude, as lovable as that carefree attitude was.

[X] Talk with Kate and Jasper about their pokemon journeys
[X] Train with Jasper (not intended to be a training battle)
Last edited:
[X]Dance with Sam
-[x] This is excellent! Dance party/show. Jaden and Sam can dance for Oliver and Uri. Show off the beginnings of a dragon move.
--[x] if the blue lava or crystals start resonating with Sam's draconic energy, try interacting with it.
-[x] send Groudon a brief pulse of enjoyment and thanks for the dragon cave
-[x] collect chips of crystal and arrange a simple mural of a Charizard far enough inside the cavern to be safe from the weather
-[x] head back to camp early enough to show the swampert an instance of Sam's dragon dance
Lee Year 1 Fall Route 123 - 2
Nova whined unhappily at being picked up and squirmed some until Lee's petting calmed her down. She let out a soft huff as Lee continued to talk. She understood the magikarp wasn't food, but she didn't get why all the attention was on him.

"Difficult training session?" Kate asked cheerfully as Lee brought Nova away from the stream Fathom was in.

"Nova decided to help by biting Fathom. I'm hoping some personal training will help her."

"Good choice," Jasper approved. "Pokemon need a fair amount of personal attention, especially wild caught ones, to make sure they bond with everyone."

"Have either of you ever trained a magikarp?" Lee asked the pair as he set Nova to practicing her flames. She was more than thrilled with the chance to set things on fire and work on making the flames larger and stronger.

"No, didn't have the patience for it," Jasper admitted.

"I'm not much of a trainer," Kate admitted. "I do know magikarp are really food driven though, if that helps any. Have you checked what other trainers have said about raising magikarps?"


Lee shifted his training to have Fathom try to focus and follow Archer or Crunchbite. This was at least somewhat easier, as the magikarp was happy to follow along with whoever was focusing on him at the moment, if still easily distracted. He followed Archer best, as the easiest one for him to see and mimic. Archer was deeply proud of being Fathom's leader, hooting imperiously at Fathom as if giving deep wisdom and advice to his student.

Nova's own training was coming along rapidly. It wouldn't be much longer before she fully mastered flamethrower. It was clear she was starting to itch for a chance to test herself and her new abilities, even if she couldn't use flamethrower consistently yet.

Archer alerted Lee more than once to a kecleon that was camouflaged along the path they traveled. Once the kecleon actually managed to make it all the way into camp to steal a portion of their food before it was spotted. Kate laughed as Jasper cursed the pokemon out for its theft.

[ ]Chase the kecleon away
[ ]Battle the kecleon
[ ]Catch the kecleon

Lee decided to talk with Jasper more about training. The guy clearly knew a lot, and he had kept up with Kate's disastrous ability to get into impossible trouble. Jasper was surprised when Lee approached him about it, and even asked why he was asking him instead of Kate. Lee's frank laying out of why had Jasper looking thoughtful before he started talking.

"A lot of how you train a pokemon depends on their typing and their personality. One of the best things to do is to decide how you want to use a pokemon. Crunchbite for example. Currently he's trained as a solid barricade, all defense. What happens when he evolves and gains wings? Do you have plans for that? Do you want him to evolve? Archer you seem to already have ideas for keeping him ranged, so I would focus on the variety of his ranged attacks there, and work on his speed."

"There's a lot of options for Nova. You could train her for trickery in battle, like I have with my houndoom and arbok, or you could go for straight power. She could be a switch between close and ranged, or trained for support. I don't have any advice for Fathom though. Like I said, never had the patience for a magikarp. But I'd start by focusing on what you want them to do on your team."

Jasper allowed Lee to watch one of his training sessions with his houndoom where he had the pokemon focusing on creating darkness and spinning it with double team to create illusions of an entire pack of snarling houndooms attacking out of the darkness. He would call out to where he thought the houndoom was, and the houndoom had to try and surprise Jasper. It was clear the pair knew each other well, and Jasper explained that he had to often switch up the games and battle other trainers in cities so his team wouldn't get too used to just facing him and each other.

[ ]Train pokemon
-[ ]Train Nova
-[ ]Train Archer
-[ ]Train Crunchbite
-[ ]Train Fathom
-[ ]Train as a team
[ ]Play with pokemon
-[ ]Play with Nova
-[ ]Play with Archer
-[ ]Play with Crunchbite
-[ ]Play with Fathom
-[ ]Play as a team

[ ]Talk with Kate and Jasper about their pokemon journeys
[ ]Battle practice with Kate
[ ]Battle practice with Jasper
[ ]Study the pokemon on the route
[ ]Visit the berry farms on the route
[ ]Write-in
Jaden Year 1 Fall Draco Volcano - 5
Jaden cheered as he broke from the meditation. Sam had done it! "You did it!" Sam let out a rough barking sound and spun around. He began to dance again, and Jaden mimicked him. It didn't do anything for him, but it was fun! And they had to show it off to Oliver and Uri. Jaden quickly drew their attention so Sam could show them his dance. Sam showed off proudly. It was slow, and basic, but he had tapped into the beginnings of the dance. Jaden was more than happy to dance with him.

Jaden reached out through the earth to Groudon, sending his thanks and joy over the wonderful dragon volcano that the god pokemon had made. A deep rumbling of contentment and thought followed that. Groudon did not often pay attention to those that lived on its earth, but Jaden was special. Groudon heard him.

Jaden walked towards the back of the cavern gathering chips of draconic crystals. He sought out a space, and began to form the outline of a charizard. Sam watched eagerly as he did so, giving occasional trills of encouragement and appreciation that his kind was being honored this way. He was the first dragon to come here, and the place would be marked in his name.

Uri watched with some interest, offering to help press the chips down and form it.

[ ]Accept Uri's help
[ ]Accept Uri's help only for pressing the chips into the stone
[ ]Disagree, Jaden wants to do it on his own

The shimmering mural that was created at the end had all of them stepping back to admire it. The swirling of draconic energy through a charizard's frame was beautiful to look at.

They returned to camp where the swampert was lounging around. She looked up at their arrival and gave a chuff in greeting. "Hey! Look what Sam learned!" Jaden quickly gestured for Sam to show off. Once more Sam went into his Dragon Dance, draconic energy building and rolling through him. The swampert watched before giving a low thrum of appreciating. The charmander proudly turned around to hug Jaden and tug him into dancing with him once more.

The entire group celebrated happily, with Sam helping to roast the food for everyone to cook and the swampert helping to provide fresh sea food for everyone. Oliver clearly wanted to help as well, but there wasn't anything growing on the volcanic island yet for him to scavenge from, much to the linoone's disappointment. At least he could join in on the dancing with everyone else. Uri was more than happy to help with fireworks and music for them created by his illusions.

[ ]Continue to stay on Draco Volcano
-[ ]Train the pokemon
-[ ]Play with the pokemon
-[ ]Commune with Groudon further
[ ]Return to Fallarbor
[ ]Write-in
"Good catch, Archer." Lee said, congratulating the bird on having caught the thief. "Nova, Crunchbite, let's go!"

While he didn't appreciate the attempted theft, secretly Lee actually welcomed the kecleon's efforts. It was exactly the kind of moment he'd been hoping for, giving his Pokemon some more valuable real-world opportunity to battle. It was excellent timing, too, giving Nova an excuse to show off against a legitimate opponent.

[X] Battle the Kecleon
-[X] 2 v 1 duo response, Nova and Crunchbite vs Kecleon
--[X] Nova take lead, focus on dealing damage and wearing down Kecleon for the KO
--[X] Crunchbite provide support, prevent Kecleon from fleeing and using Dig as needed to keep Kecleon off balance - both keep it from getting an opportunity to get the upper hand and set it up for Nova to showcase what she can do.

Lee considered the initial success with Archer to be an important first step solving the Fathom puzzle. He opted to focus on that, using it as a foundation and building from there, and using Kate's suggestion to strategically introduce food into the mix.

[X] Train Fathom
-[X] Build upon the initial success of Fathom following Archer's lead.
-[X] Introduce strategic use of food as a training tool; do so carefully to ensure the use of food doesn't become a future roadblock to Fathom's training

[X] Train Crunchbite and Nova
-[X] Train them to work as a team, similarly to how Crunchbite and Archer were trained to work as a team

[X] Talk with Kate and Jasper about their pokemon journeys
[X] Continue to observe Jasper's own training sessions, if he'll allow it

[X] Study the pokemon on the route
-[X] Keep an eye out for anything special that might pop up.
-[X] Occasionally have Archer do areal recon, see if he spots anything of note.
[x]Accept Uri's help
-[x]teamwork! Also, this island may be about dragons, but let's make this art with everybody that wants to participate because we're a team that came here first.
[x]Return to Fallarbor
-[x]Commune with Groudon further during the night before leaving. Have Uri sleep overnight and then wake Jaden up in the morning to go.
Lee Year 1 Fall Route 123 - 3
Nova sprang forwards eagerly into battle. Crunchbite didn't hesitate to dig down into the earth and vanish, loosening the ground up to create a trap to keep the kecleon from escaping. The kecleon hissed and was quick to strike out, but Nova was faster and more than happy to use her flames to set everything on fire. Nova's eagerness was honestly a bit much. While Crunchbite was very happy as defense and support, Nova was not quite as watchful with her flames as she should have been, setting one of the tents smouldering. Luckily it had been at least partially proofed, making it easy to pat out. The kecleon stood little chance with its cover broken and unable to hit Nova hard enough with its tongue.

Nova grinned and was quick to once more go in for the kill on the trapped pokemon.

[ ]Stop Nova: give her a reward for a battle well done from your own hand
[ ]Let Nova take the kill: it was a good hunt
[ ]Write-in

Training with his team continued. Lee was having plenty of success with Fathom now that he had finally found a way to get the magikarp started. The magikarp responded with great enthusiasm to the food, and started associating Archer's presence with doing things. He was getting a decent handle on acting on command, even managing to tackle, if not use his water gun, when Lee told him to.

Lee had thoughts on how he wanted Crunchbite and Nova to work, and focused on it. Crunchbite was growing stronger and stronger defensively. Nova was quick to figure out how to take advantage of how Crunchbite could manipulate the earth, though so far it was more of Crunchbite staying hidden and out of the vulpix's way than actual coordination between the two for attacks. It was progress at least, they weren't getting into each other's way.

Jasper told the story of his first badge fought against Brock, the leader of the rock gym in Kanto. His starter was his ditto, and he was just starting to work with them to be able to not just transform into other pokemon, but be able to effectively use their moves. Doppel's first proper transformation had been a pidgey, leaving them with an uphill battle against Brock that had left Jasper fearing being left behind.

He let Lee watch as he trained his ditto. It was always with another one of Lee's team members, and Doppel would take on their form. The matched pair would train to use their moves the same way, Doppel fighting to match the real pokemon's instinctive use of its moves. It was clear that Doppel had a lesser pool of moves to pull from, but they used it well.

[ ]Train pokemon
-[ ]Train Nova
-[ ]Train Archer
-[ ]Train Crunchbite
-[ ]Train Fathom
-[ ]Train as a team
[ ]Play with pokemon
-[ ]Play with Nova
-[ ]Play with Archer
-[ ]Play with Crunchbite
-[ ]Play with Fathom
-[ ]Play as a team

[ ]Talk with Kate and Jasper about their pokemon journeys
[ ]Battle practice with Kate
[ ]Battle practice with Jasper
[ ]Study the pokemon on the route
[ ]Visit the berry farms on the route
[ ]Write-in
Jaden Year 1 Fall Fallarbor
Oliver was quick to help, searching out chips he thought would suit the piece better. Uri was more than happy to help make sure the pieces were sunk into the stone, and Sam supervised it all with pride. He could almost see the charizard coming to life when they finished. It was no professional piece, but he was proud of it.

The group spent one final night on the volcanic island, Jaden reaching out to commune with Groudon in the night. The god pokemon was dreaming of the earth and its movements, easily pulling Jaden along to watch the slow shift of the plates of the world and the continents that could form. It was a gentle dream, interspersed faintly with thoughts of how to form more, but too deeply in the dream to put it into action.

In the morning Jaden woke with Uri's help and once more boarded the swampert to head home. They arrived back at Fallarbor with full hearts and thoughts of adventure ahead as they checked in to the pokemon center for the night.

[ ]Train pokemon
-[ ]Train Sam
-[ ]Train Oliver
-[ ]Train Uri
-[ ]Train all
[ ]Play with pokemon
-[ ]Play with Sam
-[ ]Play with Oliver
-[ ]Play with Uri
-[ ]Play with all

[ ]Visit the glassworks
[ ]Visit the contest hall
-[ ]Enter a contest
-[ ]Watch a contest
-[ ]Get tips on training for beautiful moves
[ ]Visit the battle tent for battling trainers
[ ]Visit the meteor lab
[ ]Shop at poke mart
[ ]Practice psychic abilities (write in to practice something specific)
[ ]Write-in
With as well as Nova has responded to being Lee's Pokemon thus far, it was easy to forget just how 'wild' she still was. Lee tried to make the moment a learning opportunity. Combined with just how wild Nova's flames were, it was clear that she required far more training than Lee had realized.

[X] Stop Nova - Use this as a training opportunity, let her go for the KO but not the kill, give her a reward for a battle well done from your own hand

[X] Train Nova
-[X] Control - She clearly packs a lot of power in that little body of hers, but she's also revealed that a lot of it is wild and unharnessed. Train Nova to refine that power by properly controlling it - both so she can make more effective use of that power and so we can avoid further friendly fire problems (nearly burning both tents and teammates).

[X] Train Crunchbite
-[X] Further practice and hone Dig.

[X] Train Fathom w/Archer
-[X] Continue to work on honing Fathom's training, try to work towards a point where Fathom will respond without the need for a food reward.

Jasper's story fascinated Lee. He never would have guessed that the Ditto was Jasper's starter. It was such a strange and unusual choice, and even with Jasper telling him about it Lee still had a difficult time imagining what it must have been like to begin a Pokemon journey like that, having to basically re-learn how to fight all over again as every single battle was dependent entirely on the Pokemon he was fighting.

Fortunately, those fears of being left behind had clearly been proven wrong, what with where Jasper was now.

As much as Lee appreciated Jasper allowing them to train together, Lee elected to take a break from the paired training for now. Between still working out Fathom and now the reveal that Nova was a bit of hot mess, it was clear Lee needed to go back to focusing on certain fundamentals lest he get way ahead of himself.

[X] Talk with Kate and Jasper about their pokemon journeys

[X] Study the pokemon on the route
-[X] Keep an eye out for anything special that might pop up.
-[X] Occasionally have Archer do areal recon, see if he spots anything of note.
[X]Visit the battle tent for battling trainers
-[X] Look for a dual battle, for Oliver and Sam. Let them know the strategy of Sam powering up with dragon dance and then using dragon breath while Oliver runs interference, playing defensive until Sam created an opportunity.
-[X] After the battle, Uri and Jaden will practice. Jaden on his psychic defenses from Uri's (limited) attacks and Uri from Jaden trying to confuse and distract him with contradictory verbal and telepathic information. If Uri access that, then maybe he'd like to relax and play some kind of game while moving the pieces telekinetically.