Dual Pokemon Quest

On the one hand, Lee was amused at the reaction between Kai and Jasper. It felt like a bit of a role reversal - normally Jasper protected Kate; in this particular situation, now Jasper was relying on protection from Kate.

However, Lee tried to avoid being too amused by the turn - and he especially made sure not to let his amusement show - because on the other hand, he did feel bad for Jasper, and hoped it wasn't a bad omen of things to come. Especially since it was good to see the two again.

At the Safari Zone itself, Lee thought the museum was the best place to start, hopefully as a good place to start learning about the Safari Zone itself. And who knew what other fun information they might learn?

[X] Suggest to the group that they tour the small side museum first

[X] See about learning what Pokemon are available to be caught at each Area.
Lee Year 2 Spring Safari - 2
Touring the side museum with its history of endangered pokemon was rather pleasant. The tale of how it was founded by a pokemon professor who had first noted the falling numbers of pokemon was a compelling one. The safari had changed plenty over the years as it was adapted to better mimic the wilds while remaining a safe environment for the pokemon whose numbers they were trying to boost. The division between the areas was kept carefully to keep predators from interacting with prey.

The group came to a halt in front of the list of pokemon that were currently housed in the safari and where each could possibly be found.

Natu, Girafarig, Wobuffet, Abra, Chimeco

Reticanth, Spheal, Goldeen

Pikachu, Pinsir, Hoothoot, Spinarak, Stantler, Slakoth, Nincada


Ledyba, Heracross

"We should stop and see if we can see the donphan herd, that would be amazing," Kate suggested.

[ ]Visit the Fields area
[ ]Visit the Jungle area
[ ]Visit the Forest area
[ ]Visit the Water area
[ ]Visit the Psychic area
[ ]Write-in
Jaden Year 2 Spring Littleroot - 5
"What do you study here?" Jaden asked eagerly.

"Oh, we study habitats," the scientist answered. "How ecosystems fit together, what pokemon can live together, what each piece does in them. It's quite a complicated balance. We have some small models of habitats, but we're always finding missing pieces to them we need to add in. Most of our work ends up out in the field, tracking pokemon and marking what goes on within an assigned area."

"Like a small version of what Groudon does making land?" Jaden asked.

"I would say an incomplete version of that, but yes. It's a good thing Groudon hasn't been active, the old land god could very easily upset the balance of everything." The scientist chuckled.

[ ]Write-in
[x]How do you know that Groudon isn't active? What would him being active mean then, if he's not active now?
[x]How do you track pokemon without disturbing them?
Lee carefully looked at the list of Pokemon he might potentially acquire at the Safari Zone. None stood out as one he could say he 'needed' to acquire. The closest might have been Pikachu to acquire an electric type - which Lee reasoned was probably an important thing to do at some point given his mechanical skills, even if he hadn't had a reason to use them at all since leaving home - but somehow, Pikachu felt 'cliche'.

But even if that wasn't likely to work out, Lee still planned to make the most of their visit.

"I think it would be fun to see all of them." Lee replied to Kate. "But we could probably start with the Donphan if you'd really like to see them and no one else had a different idea."

"Though depending on what the rangers have to teach, it might be useful to speak to them first."

[X] If no one objects, ask to learn from a ranger first.

[X] Plan to visit the various areas, starting with the fields so Kate can see the Donphan
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Jaden Year 2 Spring Littleroot - 6
"How do you know Groudon isn't active right now?" Jaden asked curiously.

The scientist stared for a moment before speaking. "Groudon is a legendary pokemon. He is responsible for the creation of land. If he was active, I would expect massive eruptions, quakes, and new discoveries of land. The continent would also likely be damaged by the changes that would occur. Since the largest such activity was the recent eruption of Mount Chimney, I can confidently confirm that Groudon is not active."

Jaden nodded taking all that in. "How do you track wild pokemon without bothering them?"

"We have a few different methods for that. One is simply setting up trail cams to take photos of pokemon as they pass through the area. We can also tag pokemon. The pokemon don't like it, but the tags are small enough that they don't bother the pokemon and they quickly forget they were ever tagged at all. It doesn't interrupt their lives and lets us track them more fully. And of course there's researchers who will set up camps and let pokemon grow used to their presence so they can observe them."

[ ]Ask to see the starter pokemon
[ ]Explain about visiting
[ ]Ask where they're going
[ ]Write-in
Lee Year 2 Spring Safari - 3
"A ranger could have a lot to share," Kate agreed. "Perhaps we might even see some baby pokemon."

"It's unlikely that would be allowed, but it's worth asking," Kai agreed.

They went to the front and asked about speaking with one of the rangers about their work. An older ranger came out and looked over the group. "So you're interested in what we do here?" he asked gruffly.

[ ]What does being a ranger entail?
[ ]What duties are held here?
[ ]How does the Safari protect the pokemon here?
[ ]Write-in
[X] Ask about how the man became a ranger.
[X] Inquire about any differences between the rangers here and the rangers at the station Lee met north of the desert.

[X] If nobody else inquires about seeing some baby Pokemon, find a way to secretly encourage Jasper to ask on Kate's behalf.
[x]Ask where they're going
[x]Ask for a map of where they're doing camps and trail cams, to avoid disturbing pokemon near them
[x]Ask if they'd like Jaden to drop off trail cams in his travels.
Lee Year 2 Spring Safari - 4
"How did you become a ranger?" Lee asked curiously.

"I applied for an apprenticeship and was accepted," the ranger answered with ease. "Of course, getting the apprenticeship was the easy part. Learning to work with wild pokemon, communicate between humans and pokemon, and the physical work was all a lot harder. It takes a strong heart to make it to being a ranger."

"Do you work alongside researchers often?" Kai asked. "I imagine plenty come to the safari."

"A fair number," the ranger agreed. "I don't always work with them, we have a team of rangers here, but now and then I'll be the one called on to act as a guide."

"What's different about working here from other places?" Lee asked boldly.

The ranger thought about it. "I guess the biggest difference is how many people I see. Most rangers are out working primarily with pokemon, contact with other people is mostly other rangers and the occasional rescue. Here at the safari I do a lot more active work keeping out poachers and making sure the pokemon aren't upset. I'm also much more stationary, I don't rotate through stations like other rangers may in serving missions."

"Do you know if there's any baby pokemon currently?" Kate asked eagerly.

The ranger grinned widely. "It is spring. I can't guarantee you'll see any if you go out to the safari, but we do have some orphaned ones tucked away here. A couple wingull chicks, a stantler fawn, even got a couple kits."

"Do you allow people to view them?" Jasper asked.

"For the kits sure. They're fairly popular as a pokemon. The chicks and fawn however are more likely to be released into the wild, so it's best they don't become too attached to humans and get their hearts broken." The ranger lead the way down to where there was indeed an adorable litter of skittys nestled in a basket. Kate immediately melted over them.

[ ]Write-in
Jaden Year 2 Spring Littleroot - 7
"Are you going out to put up more trail cams? Where? Do you have a map of them I can see? I can go around the areas so I don't disturb the pokemon and you get more pictures! Oh, could I help put up trail cams as I travel?" Jaden asked eagerly.

The researcher smiled broadly thrilled to have the kid so engaged with what he was doing. "Not trail cams this time, I'm going to be taking samples of feces. I'll be down on the east side of the forest around here near the poplars. And we should have a copy of our map of the area, but most of our studies are off the main routes that trainers take. Do you often go off trail?" The researcher turned around and started walking over to a computer to click through it and find a map of the areas they were surveying. "It's not necessary for you to stay out of the area, but I can certainly share it with you if you like. And we don't need trail cams along the common routes."

[ ]Offer to give one to a wild fairy pokemon
[ ]Offer to put one on Draco Island
[ ]Write-in
[X]Offer to give one to a wild fairy pokemon
[X] Suggest the scientist visit Draco Island. There's probably not much poop there yet, but seeing how Pokemon settle on a newly formed island might be worth studying
[X] continue asking the main trail
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Jaden Year 2 Spring Littleroot - 8
"I could give one of the cams to a wild fairy pokemon! I know where to find some," Jaden said cheerfully. The researcher blinked in surprise. "Oh, and I think you should go to Draco Island! There's not a lot there yet, but there will be!"

"Draco Island?" the researcher asked.

"Yes! It just got made, and the lava glows with dragon type power, and it's super cool, and I bet you could learn a ton watching the pokemon move in and settle on it," Jaden chattered.

"How do you know it just got made?"

"Well, I watched it happen," Jaden said matter of factly.

The researcher halted. "Can you tell me more about this?" he asked with sharp interest.

Jaden shrugged. "Sure." He was more than happy to tell about it.

[ ]Give the details about what happened with Groudon
[ ]Skip Groudon's involvement
Lee Year 2 Spring Safari - 5
Kate completely melted over the small kits. If she had room on her team she would definitely have been taking one along. Alas, it was not to be! Jasper was clearly feeling just as soft, though his focus was on watching his girlfriend fuss over the kittens.

The ranger was more than happy to explain the process of caring for wild pokemon and releasing them once more into the wild. He talked about how pokemon were tagged, and mentioned how the tracking system the safari used was on a different wave than the one the rangers used. He talked about the use of aura in communicating with pokemon, and how stylers could help anyone access their aura and communicate their emotions. It was only a one way path, but it worked well for their purpose.

[ ]Write-in
[X]Skip Groudon's involvement
-[X]Very much stick to just the scientifically relevant facts. "Dragon affected magma seeped out from beneath the ocean, forming an idea." Stuff like how long the formation took, and where it is.
The baby Skitty were admittedly adorable. Lee would be lying if he said there wasn't at least some small part of him that wanted to take one of them along, though he refrained from considering the idea seriously.

In some ways, it was a little bit amazing that Kate was able to refrain from finding a place in her own team for one of the pokemon - Lee saw it as a sign of just how dedicated she was to the Pokemon she did have.

[X] Plan to visit the Fields area
Lee Year 2 Spring Safari - 6
Eventually they moved on from the kittens. Kate was perhaps a little distraught, but she simply did not have the room for a skitty. She cheered up as they headed out to the fields area of the safari where a herd of ten donphans and three phanpy were. The donphans grazed peacefully on the grass as the phanpys challenged each other into headbutts and races.

"They are truly adorable," Kate cooed.

"The way they balance is intriguing. Look, they're using Ground aura to help them grip the ground," Kai pointed out with interest. The group admired the herd for some time. Kate slowly drifted closer and closer until the phanpys were curiously investigating her with their trunks. The only reason why she wasn't being trampled by two hundred pound babies was her haunter keeping them from pushing too much with their playfulness.

[ ]Write-in
Jaden Year 2 Spring Littleroot - 9
The researcher listened intently to Jaden explaining how Draco Island happened, even asking permission to record what he was saying. It all felt very serious, and Jaden was practically glowing under the attention and serious interest in the island he had helped Groudon form. Granted it was mostly in encouragement and suggesting to make it dragon typed in the first place, but that was still vital! Draco island wouldn't have that at all if it wasn't for him. He left that out of course, but it was still very cool to have his voice recorded and notes taken on what he was saying.

The researcher was promising to send someone to check on that immediately. It wasn't his field of research, but geologists and others would most definitely be interested, and perhaps other members of the team may end up being sent out as well. Jaden watched with a deep sense of satisfaction at the bustle he had helped create.

[ ]Go to see the lab pokemon
[ ]Head out to Petalberg Woods
[ ]Train pokemon
[ ]Play with pokemon
[ ]Write-in
"Ground Aura?" Lee thought.

Lee was a little curious about how Kai was noticing the 'Ground Aura' he was talking about, but he was more curious about the Ground Aura itself.

[X] Try to use Aura connection to get a more in-depth 'look' at the Ground Aura Kai mentioned.
-[X] Be careful not to do anything that would cause trouble
[x]Play with pokemon
-[x]Run about in the woods, relax, look for neat rocks and trees and stuff.
-[x]Maybe try to chase Oliver, try to hide from Uri, try to carry around Zahra, sing songs with Roni, and play fight with goofy handicaps with Sam (one eye closed, one hand [or a bunch of scales for Zahra] always on the ground, always have to be singing, attacks have to get a teammate to guess the attack by charades each time the attack is used, and that sort of thing).
Lee Year 2 Spring Safari - 7
Lee reached out to sense the area around them with aura. Immediately he became aware of an extremely powerful psychic presence in the area. He hadn't noticed until he had reached out. It wasn't aura, so he wouldn't pick it up. It seemed to cloak almost the entire area, farther than Lee had expected and almost choking in its intensity. He turned his attention away and focused on the herd of donphan pokemon to try and sense the ground aura Kai mentioned. Sure enough, there was a charge of ground type energy being exuded by them. It wasn't pure aura, simply ground power being used outside of a move. That was something that Lee hadn't seen before, making it fascinating to watch.

[ ]Look at the ground type energy closer
[ ]Look at the psychic presence
[ ]Write-in
"There's something else out there too." Lee said. He would have been a lot more worried if he didn't know there was an area specifically dedicated to Psychic types nearby, but even then he had no idea if what he could 'see' was normal or not.

Frankly, he wasn't even sure how he was picking up on the psychic presence, given that he himself wasn't psychic.

[X] Look at the psychic presence
-[X] Let the others know what Lee is detecting
Jaden Year 2 Spring Petalberg Woods
Jaden took his team back up to the woods for a day of wandering around and just goofing off. There's a million things out there to investigate and check out. He found a cool rock that had moss growing over it he fit in his pocket. Sadly most of the moss had rubbed off when he took it out again later, but it had been super cool. He raced Oliver around, and bounced around through the trees. Roni followed after Jaden with ease, though the rest of his team wasn't able to follow him up. Oliver used to be able to climb, but evolving had changed him to be more firmly grounded. On the bright side he was a fantastic tunneler.

Zahra had fun surprising everyone. Somehow she had figured out that they could lose track of where her head was if her body was twisting around, and was using that to pop up and shock everyone. She mixed it up sometimes with small blasts of water purposely kept weak enough to not knock anyone over. Uri had fun helping to find cool nooks in the forest for everyone to check out. A particularly cool looking patch of tall grass that was big enough everyone except Zahra could hide in, a stream with tiny magikarp that were just starting to realize they were alive, and a rotting log full of bugs.

Oliver ate quite a few of the bugs from that log. Jaden pretended to be grossed out and bugs got tossed around the group. Of course as the only one wearing a shirt Jaden was the one to suffer with them ending up down it. It felt great to just flop down at the end of the day with everyone. Jaden didn't really want to put in a lot of effort into dinner, so they had hot dogs that Sam helped to roast. The charmander was super pleased with that, clearly feeling that he had been a vital part of dinner for everyone.

[ ]Play with pokemon
[ ]Train pokemon
[ ]Return to Littleroot
[ ]Head to campsite
[ ]Visit fairy pokemon
[ ]Head north to Rustboro
[ ]Write-in