Fake Name: Ga'la Frey Moonshadow
Real Name: ???

Playbook: Scion/Witch
STRESS: 1/10
XP: 0


Estate: You have an Estate (the town of Cinterburn.) It has a wealth score of 1 (max 5). Each Routine, roll 2d10+Wealth. On a 16+, it gains 2 wealth. On a miss, it loses 1 wealth. At any time, you may tap the resources of the estate, reducing the wealth by 1 and gaining 10 gold coins. When you visit your Estate, you may give it 15 gold OR do a single job pro bono once per session to add +1 wealth. At -3 wealth, they revolt.


The Finer Things: Each routine, you must spend an additional gold coin on your personal upkeep. If you do not, gain +2 stress. The second time you Burn Out, this move goes away.

Teacher: You can teach other characters how to use Magic as part of a Move Exchange. The student gains a Wild of -1 and a Focus whose nature matches their character. You can also help them create Bonds to a Focus: you take the Stress, they get the Focus

Don't You Know Who I Am: When you use your title and bluster to get what you want, Press the Issue + your personal Company Value.

Annexation: When you incorporate a new town into your Estate, add +2 Wealth. If they join willingly, add +4.




Once per battle: Advantage with Hard
Once per battle: Set Enemy ON Fire Fire
Once Per Battle Advantage with Eyeball or Bomb a Target

Air: Flighty, spontaneous, unbound! Reveal what's hidden, move things, deceive, trick, escape, fly, Induce or stop a Stall, push things away, catch a falling person. Reveal hidden foes, create illusory distractions, fool scouts, raise a fog or bitter wind, accelerate or lift vehicles, throw aside incoming aircraft or bombs, or even teleport.
Fire: Destruction, rebirth, anger, hatred. Consume with flames or rage, destroy things, provide light. Start a fire, deal 1d10 damage/2 Injury, double a weapon's damage. Blind the foe with light, illuminate a dark night, burn down cover, tear apart buildings, strike fear into your foes, reignite a dead engine, give attacks a burning edge, or even shield yourself from harm in a halo of flame.
Water: Soft, gentle, kind, life-giving. Communicate, heal and repair, gain empathy, induce sympathy. Repair a part, heal 1 Injury, fix 10 Damage, revive someone. Act as a human radio, turn the ground into mud, put doubt in your enemies, repair vehicles, heal wounds, summon and control beasts, or even bring a lost comrade back.

The Sky Destroyer Malevelous
Speed: 5 | Handling: 15
Hardness: 9 | Soak: 0

DAMAGE: Fine | -1 Speed | -3 Guns | -1 Speed | -3 Guns | Sinking

Two Light Egg Tossers | Fore (x1) | Starward (x2) | Sunward (x2) | Aft (x1) | Up (-)
Six Heavy Sticks | Fore (x2) | Starward (x1 [2 damaged]) | Sunward (x3) | Aft (x2) | Up (x6)
Two Automatic Ballistas | Fore (-) | Starward (- [1 damaged]) | Sunward (x1) | Aft: (-) | Up (-)

Light Egg Tosser
Egg: 1 Mass | Fire Rate: 3 | Accuracy: 2 | Min Range: Close

Heavy Stick (Blast)
Hits: 5 | Damage: 2 | AP 0 | Range: Long
Burst, +1 AP versus Unarmored Vehicles, -3 to hit airplanes
Special: Can fire rapid fire (roll x2 burst attacks)

Heavy Stick (Beam)
Hits: 1(2)| Damage: 16 | AP 3 | Range: Close
-3 to hit airplanes

Automatic Ballista
Hits: 3(6) | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Range: Long

x5 launch catapults

0 Eggs, 0 Ballista reloads


Dropoff: 11 | Reliability: -3 | Overspeed: 24 | Altitude: 0-29 | Fuel: 6
Visibility: -2 | Stability: +2 | Energy Loss: 4 | Turn Bleed: 1

Toughness: 21/21 | Max Strain: 51/51 | Escape: +2 | Crash: -1 | Stress: 1

FULL FUEL: Boost: 2 | Handling: 95 | Climb: 5 | Stall: 7 | Speed: 19
HALF FUEL: Boost: 2 | Handling: 95 | Climb: 5 | Stall: 6 | Speed: 19
EMPTY: Boost: - | Handling: 96 | Climb: - | Stall: 6 | Speed: 0

Twin Fixed Forward Accessible Automatic Crossbow (Interrupter Golem)
Hits (knife/close/long/extreme): 8/6/4/2 | Damage: 2 | AP: 1 | Ammo: 10/10
Rapid Fire (can spend +1 ammo to get advantage while shooting) | Jam [1/2] (jams on a 1 or 2)
Gunsight: +1 to attack
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[X] Does stinging feel like peeing? Or is it more like...ya know?
Definitely the most important question
[X] The Really Important Questions
-[X] Did you meet any hot Tieflings?
-[X] How much sex did you have?
-[X] Does stinging feel like peeing? Or is it more like...ya know
Can I ask, what is your policy with regards to worldbuilding contributions? I have some ideas about drow city layout, but I'm unsure if this would be an appropriate forum to share them/if they would be wanted.

because i have written a speculative 4-stage typology of drow island-cities.

also, out of curiosity: is there a ground? i'm assuming the islands have arable land on them because otherwise i'm not sure what the drow would eat, but if there's no ground, will the island eventually erode away due to weather? is it replenished by magic?
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Can I ask, what is your policy with regards to worldbuilding contributions? I have some ideas about drow city layout, but I'm unsure if this would be an appropriate forum to share them/if they would be wanted.

because i have written a speculative 4-stage typology of drow island-cities.

also, out of curiosity: is there a ground? i'm assuming the islands have arable land on them because otherwise i'm not sure what the drow would eat, but if there's no ground, will the island eventually erode away due to weather? is it replenished by magic?

Sure, you can contribute anything you want...worst that happens is I don't use it. But yeah, the islands have land, but there's no ground under them - it's just a drop straight down to the sun!
it's kind of long to be quite honest, but the summary of it is a four-stage system for classifying drow island-cities by scale, with the assumption that the bulk of drow settlement goes *under* the island, because i thought it would be a funny parallel to drow living underground in other settings.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Apr 5, 2023 at 10:40 PM, finished with 14 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] Does stinging feel like peeing? Or is it more like...ya know?
    [X] The Really Important Questions
    -[X] Did you meet any hot Tieflings?
    -[X] How much sex did you have?
    -[X] Does stinging feel like peeing? Or is it more like...ya know
    [X] The Really Important Questions
    [X] What do you want ME to do about all of this?
    [X] I am SOMETIMES able to take things seriously
    -[X] But how did you escape?
    -[X] What does the Umberhole do?
    -[X] What is Lord Vile's plans?
    -[X] What do you want ME to do about all of this?
    [X] Keep it direct
    -[X] But how did you escape?
    -[X] What is Lord Vile's plans?
    -[X] Can you fly with your tiny manticore wings?
    [X] I am SOMETIMES able to take things seriously
    [X] Plan Asking the Important Questions
    -[X] What is Lord Vile's plans?
    -[X] What do you want ME to do about all of this?
    -[X] How much sex did you have?

I see that Frey is a focused, earnest, serious minded individual
it was going to have accompanying diagrams, and i drew one, but then remembered i am not very good at drawing and did not want to draw four of these.

also, a major architectural motif of these under-cities was that they gradually enveloped the terrain of the stalactites in a sort of magically calcified webbing (i totally did not steal that idea of magically calcified webs as a building material from a 4e sourcebook) in order to build bridges and (in the case of large populations on small islands) hanging structures that resemble egg sacs. larger cities end up looking like a patch of farmland whose underside is wrapped in a colossal spider's web, with smaller chunks of land and buildings trapped in it like flies. needless to say, this is hard to draw well.
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Questions, Answered (1.0)
You managed to sit yourself up. You smacked your still tingling lips. Licked them.

Mantifrey watched you, intently, her little paws making biscuits on the bed. It was very cute. You wanted to give her a pet or three. But you focused on what mattered.

"Did you meet any hot tieflings?" you asked.

"What!?" She squeaked. "That's none of your business! Do you have any real questions?"

Interesting, you thought. That was not a denial. Not a denial at all. You'd have to be clever about this. You grinned. "Well, yeah! Does stinging feel like peeing or-"

"No!" Mantifrey exclaimed. "Stinging feels like...I don't know! It feels like stinging." Her furr fluffed up as you shook your head and clicked your tongue.

"Well, is it kinda like using spinarettes when we were kids?" you ask.

"Kinda, yeah, actually," Mantifrey said, looking thoughtful.

"Cool, makes sense, how many times did you get laid out there?" you asked, your voice so casual that it sounded like barely a question at all.

"Oh, twenty, thirty times with the twi-" Mantifrey stopped herself shot, glaring at you.

"Hah, I knew it, were they tieflings?" you asked.

"Shut up!" She was blushing dark purple.

"Orcs?" you arched an eyebrow. "Dwarves? Oooh, two halflings?"

Mantifrey trembled, her wings flaring out. "Do you not care about the end of the freaking world!?" She asked, scampering around on the bed as you giggled and nodded. You were sure they hadn't been drow...then your giggling was cut off as Mantifrey bit down on your ankle. You hissed and yelped, slapping at her. She scampered away, then hopped onto your shoulder. "Listen. The Umbralpit? It's some kind of device and Lord Vile has hired a gang of mercs to find all the pieces. They're already hunting around for it! We have to stop them."

You frowned at her. "We?" she asked.

Mantifrey sighed. "I...don't exactly have a lot of support right now."

"What about the twins?" you asked, arching an eyebrow.

Mantifrey opened her mouth, then closed it. "They're...not exactly combat pilots..." she said, quietly.

[ ] They're a pair of big buff lizardmen named H'unk and R'ippet who run a cargo airship called the Lazy River. Sweeties, but dumb, but also, hung like horses, but also, kinda dumb. But also, so sweet. And they can get you anywhere without you running out of fuel - a major issue when islands are far apart.
[ ] They're a pair of nerdy tieflings named Darren and Arren Angelblack. They've managed to get their hands on an old war sky destroyer, with hanger space for its own combat airwing, but the dang thing is falling apart, has no ammo for the main guns and is constantly breaking. If they weren't also excellent warlocks, the whole thing would collapse.
[ ] They're a pair of charming hafllings named Samwine and Froderick Bundlebrush who have tamed their very own sky whale, who they have named Little Merry. She can fly far and she can fly fairly fast and she never tires, but she's not exactly comfortable, and she is terribly vulnerable to crossbows.
[ ] They're a pair of humans. But not formoian humans. They're humans from...ANOTHER UNIVERSE! ...also twins, named Dakota and Idaho Cheddar. THey don't...actually have any kind of flying machine at all, they arrived in a bizarre contraption, a kind of automated land carriage that runs on burning dinosaurs. But they've been working on enchanting it to fly - and it's HUGE! They call it Truck-Kun!
You considered that.

"So, if you could gather together some pilots and planes, maybe get permission from mother - but, uh, don't tell her about me, obviously..." Mantifrey said, her tail twitching.

"Hot twins, you say..." you murmur, thinking.

Obviously, Sari has to come...

[ ] And we'll go it alone! Two sisters against the world, with two hot twins to fuck while Mantifrey watches and suffers! Yes!
[ ] And we'll hand pick a team of the best fliers in Moonshadow!

Author's Note: It's not clear, but in each version, the twins are incredibly well hung and very sexy.
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[X] Plan A Team
-[X] They're a pair of nerdy tieflings named Darren and Arren Angelblack. They've managed to get their hands on an old war sky destroyer, with hanger space for its own combat airwing, but the dang thing is falling apart, has no ammo for the main guns and is constantly breaking. If they weren't also excellent warlocks, the whole thing would collapse.
-[X] And we'll hand pick a team of the best fliers in Moonshadow!

Really, it would be foolish not to have backup.
[X] Plan: The Hot Weebs And More
-[x] They're a pair of humans. But not formoian humans. They're humans from...ANOTHER UNIVERSE! ...also twins, named Dakota and Idaho Cheddar. THey don't...actually have any kind of flying machine at all, they arrived in a bizarre contraption, a kind of automated land carriage that runs on burning dinosaurs. But they've been working on enchanting it to fly - and it's HUGE! They call it Truck-Kun!
-[x] And we'll hand pick a team of the best fliers in Moonshadow!
-[X] Plan: The Legally Distinct Companionship of the Ring
[X] They're a pair of charming hafllings named Samwine and Froderick Bundlebrush who have tamed their very own sky whale, who they have named Little Merry. She can fly far and she can fly fairly fast and she never tires, but she's not exactly comfortable, and she is terribly vulnerable to crossbows.
[X] And we'll hand pick a team of the best fliers in Moonshadow!

Any ensemble cast of 5+ ragtag misfit heroes coming together to save the world has to have Halflings on the job site, they're union.
[X] Plan Road Trip
-[X] They're a pair of humans. But not formoian humans. They're humans from...ANOTHER UNIVERSE! ...also twins, named Dakota and Idaho Cheddar. THey don't...actually have any kind of flying machine at all, they arrived in a bizarre contraption, a kind of automated land carriage that runs on burning dinosaurs. But they've been working on enchanting it to fly - and it's HUGE! They call it Truck-Kun!
-[X] And we'll go it alone! Two sisters against the world, with two hot twins to fuck while Mantifrey watches and suffers! Yes!

[X] Plan: The Hot Weebs And More
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[X] Plan A Team
[X] Plan: The Legally Distinct Companionship of the Ring

[X] Plan: There is Plenty of Room on the Lazy River
-[X] They're a pair of big buff lizardmen named H'unk and R'ippet who run a cargo airship called the Lazy River. Sweeties, but dumb, but also, hung like horses, but also, kinda dumb. But also, so sweet. And they can get you anywhere without you running out of fuel - a major issue when islands are far apart.
-[X] And we'll hand pick a team of the best fliers in Moonshadow!
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[X] Plan: There is Plenty of Room on the Lazy River
[X] Plan A Team
[X] Plan: The Legally Distinct Companionship of the Ring
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[X] Plan Road Trip
[X] Plan: The Hot Weebs And More

On the grounds that DC will refuse to let anything bad happen to someone named Dakota for... reasons
