Dream Dragon

Seven - Money and Belief
[X] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.)

Up and down the sidewalk. Step, step, step. Through a few buildings and down the stairs that defined the halfway point of the campus. That was the path John took. It was the path he always took when he did this. About a mile's walk round trip, maybe more if he took a detour. It was actually a fairly nice and scenic route.

"Umm, could you help me?" A woman's voice made John pause and he looked towards it.

The person speaking was a white woman with shoulder length purple hair and dreams of flight and fancy. She grinned nervously and brushed her hair back behind her ear. "Do you think you could help me?"

"Sure, what do you need?" John grinned at the other woman.

"I'm supposed to get my professor's class open and the door is locked." The woman pointed towards one of the squat buildings nearby.

John nodded and began to move that way. "Sure, I got the keys on me right now. Which room?"

"Two-Oh-Two." The woman grinned and began to follow, practically skipping. "Thank you so much, I need to get it prepared. I'm a TA for professor Gordo, and there's a big demo today."

"Demo for what?" John raised an eyebrow as they entered the building and began to walk up the stairs.

"It's going to be for Egyptian History. We have a few scans of the older hieroglyphics from the early pyramids. It's really pretty facinating." The girl sounded quite enthusiastic about that.

"Sounds intersting." John replied back quietly and began to shuffle through his keys. "Ah here we are."

"Oh thank god." The girl watched with a grin. "Gordo would have bit my head off if we had to wait on that. I'm Margret by the way." The girl offered a hand to shake.

John nodded and took it. "Glad to help. You know the security number right?"

"You have a number?" Margret blinked.

"Yes, yes we have a number." John muttered.

"Oh, that would be so much easier than running after you then!" Margret grinned happily and clapped her hands together. "Now I need to get the projector started up, the files loaded, the seats moved..." She continued on as John backed away slowly.

[X] Socialize with someone
-[X] Meria

Meria was looking better when John finally saw her again. Her clothing was clean, and she looked rested at least. John smiled as he saw her, and since it wasn't busy tried to strike up a conversation.

"Hi Meria, you're looking better!" John began.

The black woman paused and frowned at him. "John, was it?"

"Yep. Sorry if I'm coming across bad, but you looked really tired last time I saw you." John nodded seriously.

"I've been sleeping better." The girl stated solemnly. "What would you like?"

"I can't just want to talk?" John raised an eyebrow and looked around the cafe. It wasn't empty, but it was pretty quiet at the moment.

"I suppose." Meria stated and frowned deeper. "I'm not looking for a boyfriend." She warned.

John rolled his eyes. "You're a gorgeous woman, but I'm not hitting on you either. Can't I just want to strike up a friendship."

"If you say so." The woman replied back placidly and continued. "What would you want to talk about?"

"Well, you're a student right?" John asked curiously.

"Yes. Third year, majoring in arts." Meria replied back, almost warmly. "I'm working on sculptures and designs based on old occult pictures. My grandma had a very high belief in vodoo, and I quite a few examples from her that I've been using. I also sell home-made candles based off a few things she did."

"Wow. Cool." John's eyebrows rose up. This was as animated as he had seen the woman. "Better than what I do. I just draw pictures and work in security on campus." John chuckled and showed off a few pictures in his sketch pad. None of them were like his dragon form, so he had no trouble showing them off.

"Dragons?" Meria's eyes lingered on the pictures.

"Personal favorite." John admitted. "I'm a big fantasy buff to be honest."

"I'm into occult stuff myself." Meria paused tentatively and then shook her head as if dismissing something.

John spoke before the pause could become awkward. "So like ouija boards and things like that?"

"I have one of them." Meria admitted with something like embarrassment. "You need a few people for it so I've not used it. It's a toy in the end anyway."

"Really? You don't believe in ghosts?" John actually did sort of himself, though he thought they were likely dream beings.

"Oh, I believe in spirits. Just those boards are sort of tricks. What about you?" The black haired woman raised an eyebrow at him.

"Absolutely. Though I think most spirits wouldn't care much about humans, and could care even less about most of the funny rituals we do." John chuckled slightly.

That caused the girl to pause and lean forward onto the counter separating them. "That's an unusual belief."

John shrugged and leaned onto a nearby seat. "I mean think about it. They're supposed to be this big and all knowing thing in a lot of beliefs. Why would they care about what we did?"

"I suppose..." Meria trailed off and almost sagged.

"Did I say something wrong?" John asked with worry.

"No, no, I can agree with that. Why would they care much about us?" Meria pasted a fake smile on her face and pushed off the counter. "I need to work again." She walked off.

Meria managed to be busy or absent every other time John saw her again. She always said hi, but John could almost see her spiraling down again.

[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
-[X] 2
[X] Repair

The dragon was bold. He was powerful. And he was soaring through the dream looking for things to kill. The time for the tribute was rapidly approaching. He had little idea of what the other rivals were doing, but he assumed they were preparing just as much as him, or perhaps more.

Luck, or perhaps unluck was with him this week. There was gossamer to be sure, but there was something else traveling through the area he was hunting in.

He looked like a giant of a man. Massive and dressed in a tuxedo. He had a top hat and a monocle. He also carried a massive bag with a dollar sign on it. The dragon called him the Fat Man, and her resembled nothing so much as the monopoly man set into almost reality. He was one of the rare intelligent dream denizens. His purpose was something the dragon had never been told.

"Oh, Hoho!" The man laughed as the dragon flew into sight. "Ahh, there's a sight! Are you willing to trade young one?" The man tilted his hat.

"It would depend on what you had to trade." The dragon replied back, and found a perch to land on.

They had found each other in a candy-cane dream area. A place where the the normal real streets and roads had become candy cane and surgar. The streets were slick and bright, and it looked bright and cheery. Not the worst place to talk.

"Hoho! Let me see, let me see." The fat man shifted his massive sack onto the ground effortlessly and opened it.

The dragon had to close his eyes before he caught a glimpse of the inside. Not from fear really. It was just the inside of the sack was disorientating in the extreme. Imagine a universe stuffed into a small area, and that was a paltry way of stating what you would see.

"Ahhh. You would like this." The fat man pulled out a dream. It looked like a compact snow-globe in this state, but could become anything. This one was contained fire and ambition. "A dream of a conqueror. The thing that set the man on his path towards death and destruction. And triumph. This dream drove him forward until his death."

Stitched onto his dream form, it would be a powerful healing tool, the dragon thought. He could use it to revitalize himself when he was flagging.

"If that isn't to your liking, we have this one as well." The fat man released the dream of the conqueror and it floated midair. The next one he pulled out was something dark. "A cowards dream. This one drove the man to flee his comrades on the eve of war."

A dream of fear. That was actually useful properly done. It could cause opponents to flee.

"Just so I don't overwhelm you, one more." The fat man pulled out another one. "A dream of gnashing teeth. This is a nightmare of a victim who was permenatly crippled by a tiger. It is of blood and death." The teeth flashed in the dream.

This one was actually good for the dragon's teeth in particular. A nasty finishing technique.

"And the cost for them?" The dragon asked as his tail thrashed.

"One hundred gossamer. No bargaining. These are a steal at the moment." The fat man chuckled.

Here came the problematic part of this entire transaction. Finding the fat man was a pain in the ass. So far as the dragon knew, this being loved to wander. If he didn't accept it now, he'd have to wait until he could find the man again, and that could take weeks or months.

Hunting =+8 Gossamer
You have 139 gossamer.

[] Buy something?

Tribute is coming! How much will you offer?

[] ?
Your rivals follow the same rules for gathering gossamer as you and started with the same amount. Assume a 'great' hunt was a guppy lv 3, so about 30 gossamer is a week's worth of hunting.
And after this we have no more chances to gather Gossamer before the tribute?

Right, we can either buy something, give everything else, and hope we don't end up in last place, or we can give more than 39 and pass on the objects, which is really quite a shame.

Do the items grant permanent power, or can they be used only once?
And after this we have no more chances to gather Gossamer before the tribute?

Right, we can either buy something, give everything else, and hope we don't end up in last place, or we can give more than 39 and pass on the objects, which is really quite a shame.

Do the items grant permanent power, or can they be used only once?
Each of the dreams gives an ability.
[X] The Conqueror's Dream.
[X] 39 Gossamer.

"I see the eight of you. Like limbs on a spider, you've traveled across the world to bring me prey." Dream-catcher began with a slow and deliberate cadence in it's voice. For once the voice was almost smooth. "Let us see your triumphs and failures."

All eight of the students of the Dream-catcher had shown up of course. This time the terrain was a grassy field around a crystal clear pool. The sky was overcast in this dream, and their mentor shimmered in the reflection of the pool. Countless legs coming out of a shining point. The effect was vaguely horrifying. It would probably have been absolutely horrifying in reality. As it was, the disciples were almost used to the way the Dream-catcher presented itself. It had never been a 'pretty' spirit. Just one willing and able to gift power.

One by each of the students began to drop their tribute into the pool. Gossamer shards, remnants of dreams. Shining things that were everything and nothing. Each dropped into the pool with a soft splash, and it flowed further into the light that was the Dream-catcher's central body.

The dragon wasn't able to count exactly how much everyone had, but he could identify who had the most and the least. The most was given by the black thing that was not a man. It's maw opened and a veritable flood of gossamer poured from it's mouth. The least was given by the man with the gun. He was unable to give much, and even gave less than the dragon.

On estimate the dragon figured he was just a bit below average with this tribute. Considering that they had all started at the same spot, this was almost distressing. His purchase from the Fat Man had set him back a fair amount. Matching the black thing would have been possible with that.

"One has my favor." The Dream-catcher's voice shifted into a gravely shrieking. "One has my disfavor."

The man with the gun shuddered as something flexed around him. His form rippled as if he was the reflection in the pool and someone had thrown a rock into the water.

"Your first... Failure is noted. Do better or the punishment will be more severe." The Dream-catcher's limbs reached out of the pool and stretched impossibly high into the sky.

They limbs then slammed down into the ground next to the black thing. One behind, one in front, more to both sides. Boxing him in. To his credit he just shifted a bit uneasily at the movement. None of his rivals blamed him really. This next part was just creepy.

Webbing spun around the black thing as the Dream-catcher started to weave something around him. Almost like a spider wrapping a victim. However instead of the webbing lingering, it sunk into the thing's body. An empowerment.

"A spec of my power. Potential." The Dream-catcher's voice turned smooth. "I give fear and pain to those that displease me, but please me and you shall further sup on my power. In time, perhaps one of you will sit in a place like me and demand." The spirit laughed and the world shook. "Until then struggle, fight, kill. Prove your value still further."

"Now. Wake Up."

John woke up with a start and a gasp, and nearly tumbled out of bed. He was panting as if he had run a mile. Every time it happened, and it never got any easier. Fortunately he usually felt rested at the end, but it was just a reminder of Dream-catcher's power. John was fully convinced that if the spirit wanted to, he would be dead and no one would notice.

Fortunately the spirit didn't seem to care much for people's lives. It's needs were gossamer. That was it.

Some part of John couldn't help but want to put a crown atop his dragon's head. To rule in the dream realm as the Dream-catcher seemed to. Each dream form had clues as to the personality of the person really. John's was pride and ambition.

You have 0 Gossamer
You have 28 days until tribute
You have a dream of the conqueror. You need to use graft dream to add it, and it will add the following power:
Internal Flames - When reduced to 1/4 HP or less, regain 1/2 HP as a free action. May only happen once per day.
Note, grafting dream can be used to adjust stats as well as adding abilities in the same action.

Daytime Action
[] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.0
[] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[] Play Ball with Scott

Evening Action
[] Hit the local library
[] Hit the local cafe
[] Hit the local bar
[] Go home (Use night action twice)
[] Socialize with someone

Night Action
[] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
[] Hunt for your rivals
[] Look for something new

-You may use graft dream form on any slot you'd sleep.
-You may repair as an additional, free action.
-Write ins are acceptable.
[X] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[X] Go home (Use night action twice)
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 5
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 5

can we add 2 abilities with 1 graft action? we get a special dream when we use dream of wonder, right?
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[X] Nap and use Dream of Wonder

[X] Go home (Use night action twice)

Night Action
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 7
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 7
[X] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[X] Go home (Use night action twice)
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 5
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 5

Not the maximum. We take too much damage for it to be profitable
[X] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[X] Go home (Use night action twice)
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 5
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 5

Did you get favor and disfavor by offering the most and least of the group or is it by offering a relatively small or large amount of gossamer?
[X] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[X] Go home (Use night action twice)
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 5
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 5
[X] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[X] Go home (Use night action twice)
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 5
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 5

Did you get favor and disfavor by offering the most and least of the group or is it by offering a relatively small or large amount of gossamer?
It's two positions, so the first.
[X] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[X] Go home (Use night action twice)
[X] Look for something new
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 5

Because two dangerous hunts in a row looks risky to me. And I'd really like to explore.
Which points out that we probably would be fine staying somewhere in the middle, as long as we don't eat the punishment, it's better spent on powerups than waiting for rewards.
I got the impression that he was raising Wonder, somehow. I'm pretty sure that's not something we can up with Gossamer.
[X] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[X] Go home (Use night action twice)
[X] Look for something new
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest) 5