Dream Dragon

Recent readers

Think of your greatest dream and deepest nightmare. Think of flashes of gold in a shimmering...
One- The beginning
Think of your greatest dream and deepest nightmare. Think of flashes of gold in a shimmering whirlpool sky of clouds. Look at buildings made of black and twisted steel with maws that wept mist. See the stars and moonlight shine down and turn everything black and white. Then add eight massive spider legs stretching down from the clouds and settling on the ground.

That was where the eight had gathered. Each by a leg, perched in some cases. Lounging in others. All of them clearly inhuman and waiting for the words to start.

First was a dragon stitched together from children's dreams and nightmares. Not the largest nor was it the smallest of the group. Cute and catlike, but fearsome when it cared to be. It lounged at the moment, tail flicking like the cat-dreams it was made of. It's wings shimmered with stars, and it's eyes glimmered like bright coals.

Second was a large moth perched above them all on one of the massive black buildings. It's wings shimmered like dreams of rainbows. Dust drifted down from it's perch and was swept away by an unseen whim. It fluttered but did not move.

Third was a figure in the shape of a man. It's body was a triangle-like block, it's arms not quite attached. The feet were made of running dreams, and the hands blocky boxing gloves. Those were made of a dream of boxing, and flickered with light. The figure shifted anxiously as it waited.

Forth was a dream of science. An atom picture brought to life. It's central body was solid as a mother's love, and around it spun spheres made of whimsy and joy. The thing floated in in mid air and seemed almost serene.

Fifth was a thing. Larger than a man and without defining features. A blank thing stitched together without a care. The only thing that defined it was teeth in a featureless head. They gleamed and glistened. A nightmare of hunger and need.

Sixth was worse in a way. Where the fifth had no care for it's form, this one cared too much. It was a nightmare of burning in fire. Nothing more, nothing less. Fire and agony. And inside it figures dwelt lurking and ready for more.

Seventh was a figure made of taffy. It was made of whimsy and careless joy. It had a shape and a purpose, but it shifted and bounced as it waited, as if staying still made it anxious. There was no consistent shape or form it took. Just endless moving and altering.

The eighth and final figure was perhaps the most human of the lot. A man in a mask with a gun. Devices adorned his body and the gun was long and formidable. More perplexing though were the devices on his belt. What purpose did they have in the realm of dreams?

For that was where they all were. The realm of dreams. The place where dreams and nightmares were. A place as ephemeral as the morning fog. It was a place outside of reality, and yet a place where things existed. Coming here was beyond the reach of the normal man or woman. It was simply impossible.

"There are eight of you. As you can see." A voice that sounded like a dying scream spoke. "You have each learned my lessons, supped on my power. I have given you all the dreams you can manage."

The eight figures looked up at the sky as the voice continued.

"Now, it is time to repay my hospitality." The voice hissed and the massive spider legs moved just a bit. "Go, fight, hunt. Bring me gossamer on the next full moon. I care not from who or what. This is a test of your fitness. The most successful ones will gather my favor. The least?"

All eight flinched as the dream realm rippled and shifted into something horrifying. Fear flooded their minds, and they trembled in terror.

"You will survive." The nightmare stopped and the terrible voice laughed. "You will even keep my gifts. You will not be pleased."

"Now, wake up."

John woke up. The bed sheets were tangled in his body and he was panting as if he had run a mile. He shook off the last dregs of sleep and pushed himself out of his bed. For a moment he wished that his patron wouldn't wake him up like that, but then he let the irritation go. Whatever had given him the dream powers wasn't really big on comfort.

The man got up and moved through his apartment. It was a barren three room thing. A living room / kitchen, a bedroom, and a bathroom. His living room didn't have a couch or tv. Just hard wooden floors. His kitchen had a few lonely dishes that needed to be washed. His bathroom was clean and seemed almost coldly sterile. John didn't notice all these things really.

The man brushed his teeth and ruffled his short brown hair. Body looked good, he needed to shave later, but everything else looked solid. He spat into the sink and then grabbed his uniform. Then a sketch pad.

Down the stairs John went. Then to his bike. Thirty minutes of commute later and he was opening up the door to campus security for the local college.

The room inside was a mess. A pigsty really. Donut boxes and paper littered the tables and in a seat was a massive man who snored as John entered. Several monitors showed various places on the campus. Students came and went on them without care or worry.

"Morning Harold." John muttered as he pulled out his chair. It was the only clean thing in the room.

The fat man yawned and opened an eye. "Morning John." Then he went back to sleep.

John sighed and pulled out his sketchpad. He flipped to a new page and started to sketch visions of dragons. The days passed like dreams, and the dreams passed like reality. That was what his life was like now.


AN: Welcome to another quest by Lost Star! Hope you enjoy it!
Actions will be weekly plans with interruptions allowing further input.
28 days until next tribute.
You have 50 gossamer

Daytime Action
[] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.0
[] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)

Evening Action
[] Hit the local library
[] Hit the local cafe
[] Hit the local bar
[] Go home (Use night action twice)

Night Action
[] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
[] Hunt for your rivals
[] Look for something new

*You may use graft dream form on any slot you'd sleep.)
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John Smith - Campus Security Guard
Wonder: 11
Core Abilities
Manifesting on Reality - You can have your dream form manifest into reality for a night. Daylight burns away the gossamer used, and can eventually destroy the dream form. The cost is 25+Cohesion, but half is refunded when returning. (Damage counts.)

Dream of Wonder - Spend a night dreaming of special things. Gain Gossamer equal to your Wonder and create a special dream specifically attuned to you.

Night Night - Can go to sleep instantly. Absurdly useful for such a simple power.

Sense Reality - The world of dreams lingers just a bit at the edges of reality. You can sense this if you see someone in real life. If they've had happy dreams, you can see it. Sad dreams, that too.

Wondrous Item Creation - Something you can do to create specialized abilities. You can make items out of unique dreams and gossamer. Unfortunately it's rather variable, so while you know it can be done, it's not easy to estimate the costs. These items can boost any dream form that wears the item.

Gifted Abilities

Gifting a World - You may grant another person abilities you possess of your choice. This action itself is free. They will not start with gossamer though. You may revoke these powers at will as well, though this requires you finding and destroying their dream form first if they have one.

Lucid Dreams - A simple power. Allows someone to dream lucidly. Costs one gossamer a year.

Dream Sequence - Takes 'control' of a sleeping person's dream. You can make them play a memory or a scenario and observe what happens. Has it's uses, but it's still a dream, and the dreamer has as much control as they would have in normal dreams. Free to cast. When used on someone with Lucid Dreams, it initiates a narrative battle. Victory gives you temporary control of their thoughts.

Area Abilities
Warded Room - Prevents any dream denizens from entering a warded room. This has to be done in reality.
-Hidden Ward - Conceals a room as well.

Sleeping Sanctuary: Sleepers in a particular 'warded' area are safe from harm. While there is a sleeper there, the area is extremely durable as well.

Waking Dream - Creates a mist around the user in real life. Inside this mist, dream constructs and denizens can exist. This includes any dream forms for the user. These dream forms can be manipulated without falling asleep. The range is 100 meters times Wonder.

Windows Between - Creates a picture that is a window to a place in the real world. You can travel through this window in real form. Requires you draw the picture first of course.

Form Construction and Alteration

Creating a Dream Form - Probably the most complex action one can do. Requires special dreams to be found, and a large amount of gossamer to be used. Once done though, it's free to manifest a dream form in the dream realm when the user's asleep if it hasn't been destroyed previously. If it has been, it costs 100 gossamer to remake it. Dream forms are repaired at the rate of 1 per month, or by paying 1 gossamer per cohesion.

Costs are as follows:
Phantasm: 15 Gossamer X Stat
Speed: 20 Gossamer X Stat
Cohesion: 5 Gossamer X Stat
Abilities: 10 Gossamer per
Note, abilities require special dreams upon creation.

Graft Dream Form - It's fully possible to adjust dream forms. It's actually cheaper to do so. It's just time extremely consuming.

Costs are as follows:
Phantasm: 12 Gossamer X Stat
Speed: 16 Gossamer X Stat
Cohesion: 4 Gossamer X Stat
Abilities: 10 Gossamer per
Note, abilities require special dreams upon creation.

Dream Dragon (100 to remake.)
Phantasm: 10
Speed: 9
Cohesion: 20
Breath of Eternity: Deals Damage equal to wonder to all combatants. If in the real world it causes people to fall asleep. Usable once per combat. Will be used at the beginning of battle.
Dream Breath- A blessing or curse that can be done to any sleeping person who's dream you encounter. It changes the dream to something of your choice.

Cruel Claw: Damage you deal with physical attacks takes twice as much to heal.

Devouring Teeth -Instantly kill an enemy if they have less current cohesion then your wonder as a free action. Usable once per round.

Dragon Scales: Take -1 Damage from all sources until you're at 1/2 HP or less.

Wings of Wonder: +2 Speed out of combat and fleeing or chasing fleeing enemies.
-Stardust Wings: Removes all possible malevolent effects on yourself as a free action once per battle.

Dragon's Horde: For every 10 gossamer you have, gain +1 Cohesion, to a max of your wonder.
-Dream of Gemstones: Upgrade to Dragon's Horde: For every 20 gossamer you have stored, gain +1 Phantasm, to a max of your wonder.

Internal Flames - When reduced to 1/4 HP or less, regain 1/2 HP as a free action. May only happen once per day.

Sheriff's Star - Adds a sheriff's star to the dragon's form. When an enemy is reduced to 0 or would otherwise be killed, the dragon can cause chains to form around them instead of slay them. At which point they're restored to half HP, captured, and cannot die so long as they're captured.

Golden Ring: Placed on the dragon's tail, this ring gives additional gossamer each gathering action equal to the depth you've gone to. If a bounty is collected from the city, that bounty is increased by 50%.

Shadow Man (Free to remake)
Phantasm: 1
Speed: 1
Cohesion: 4
Backup form - Can be remade for free.

Dream Dragon
A dream of dragon fire. (Breath upgrade: Disables abilities until the start of your next turn.)
-A nightmare of formless terror. (Breath upgrade: Breath lingers and reduces all stats by 1 for the rest of the week.)
-Breath of Eternity (A glimpse of the true eternity. Dragon Breath cannot be avoided, mitigated, or negated. The damage it causes is permanent until the dragon wills it isn't.)


A nightmare of glowing eyes. (Freezes enemies in terror for a round. May cause social effects.)

A nightmare of cruel spite. (Upgrade to dragon's claws. Wounds bleed out at 1 cohesion a round. Stacks to a maximum of phantasm.)

-Nightmares of the Eaten (Regain HP equal to your phantasm if Devouring Teeth triggers.)


-Nightmares of Wind (You may flee regardless of speed or prevent escape once per battle.)

Mighty Tail (Deals phantasm damage to a second target if one is available whenever you deal damage with Phantasm.)

Dark Scales (Scales upgrade: Sunlight no longer burns away the dragon in the real world.)
-Elder's Scales ( Scales upgrade: Replaces -1 with -2.)
-Impenetrable Scales (Scales upgrade: Damage above 5 or more is reduced by 1.)

Dragon Awe (Enemies with a max cohesion of half your max cohesion will either attempt to flee or surrender on sight. Requires 40 Cohesion.)


Path of Wisdom (Look deeper and in strange places)

Kings Crown (Inherit it, from Dream-catcher. If you can.)
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People, Places, & Things
Notable Terms:

Phantasm - Strength and power in the dream
Speed - How quick you are.
Cohesion - How much damage you can take before waking up.
Wonder - The ability to manipulate dream stuff

Gossamer - The remnants of a dream. Creatures in the dream realm use this residue as a currency and a tasty treat. Each type of dream leaves a different flavor.

Dream Denizens - The dream has things inside it. Wondrous things and terrifying things. Most aren't intelligent. Some have become so due to some strange method of time and effort. All of them can be eaten for gossamer since they're made of the stuff basically. In fact, they're some of the best sources of it.

Dreamcatcher - Your patron. An old spirit of the dreams that has existed for centuries at least. You could best describe it as a creature with a billion spider legs leading into a point of light. It dwells deep in the dream realm and has dominated the realm for ages. Recently it's hold on the realm has started to slip as it grows still further. It's given you power so that it can be fed on gossamer still. Over time it will likely sink deeper into the dream realm and become untouchable, but for now it still reaches far throughout the dream realm.

Living Nightmares - Deadly, intelligent, vindictive, cunning. These things are one of the most dangerous things in the dream. They hunt to cause pain and fear. They're formed when a sleeping person dies terrified. They're one of the very, very few things that can kill in the dream. Even boogeymen need to get into reality to cause trouble, and they're not intelligent enough to become serious trouble. These things can. Fortunately the Dreamcatcher will hunt them actively if they're noticed. This has suppressed them for now.

Boogeyman - Dream denizens that like the taste of nightmares. Monsters under the bed, in the closet, and more. They linger on the edges of reality and fade in and out to cause more fear before diving deep into dream to hid. As they grow, they cause more vivid and terrifying nightmares. Your patron tells tales of monsters large enough to manifest fully in reality and eat people as well, but they are extremely rare nowadays thanks to it finding them tasty. Boogeymen are about as smart as dogs or other animals.

Cupids - As muses, but focused on dreams of love and more erotic aspects. You're going to be honest. You lost your desire to go into a girl's dream and 'play' after your first try. Dreams are fuzzy, and if you make them lucid enough to play right it gets rather awkward. The first try turned you off so bad that you don't bother anymore. Cupids don't get as big as the other ones thanks to reasons best left unsaid, so you can safely ignore them or nom them.

Drains - Probably one of the most deadly denizens that one can encounter. Well, deadly to other people. These like thoughts of loss and depression. Suicides are definitely influenced by them. The others are only problematic big. These aren't. Even just eliminating small ones can help the people around it almost instantly. Large ones are hellish. It's important to note that slaying drains cures nothing. All it does is ease the symptoms.

Guppies - They're best described as fish big enough to eat people. Fortunately they're in the dream so you're not hearing about people being eaten. Guppies will chase down anything that moves. Stupid yes, but surprisingly dangerous just because they're so big. If you can bring them down then you've got a very good bounty.

Muses - Basically the opposite of Boogeymen. Muses like the taste of happy dreams, or wondrous dreams. They're not as harmful as Boogeymen, but they still need to be controlled as their 'happy dreams' sometimes cause the people to burn out or develop mental issues. Your patron ate them too, but has taught you to 'prune' them if you prefer as they're not particularly harmful small. They're not smart enough to care either way.

Night-lights - Spectacularly annoying creatures formed of violent or exhilarating dreams. Aside from encouraging more energetic dreams, they'll deliberately seek out and attack other things. Including you. The other ones you can typically handle. These ones always get a good hit in once thanks to how twitchy and fast they can get. Thankfully they never get that big.

People From College
John Smith - You. Your a young man who landed a security job at a local college campus. Frankly it's a boring job, but you can literally sleep on it and not worry about being fired. The pay's just enough for you to live off.

Harold Man - Really fat man. Your coworker. Bit of a slob and needs to shave. Just divorced his third wife.

Meria Willow - Black woman with very long hair. Moderately Pretty. Also seems to suffer from depression. You've mitigated it for now.

Jean Pacifica - White woman with died blond hair very pretty, and flaunts it with her clothing choices.

Scott Ryan - Athletic man, invited John to play a few friendly games.

Margret Maxwell - College TA. Shoulder length hair that she keeps neat and died purple.

Lola Peterson - Nurse in training. Spends a lot of time in the library.

People From The Dream
Moth Woman: A blind woman who habitually goes to the Theater in the dream city. Has been amiable toward you, thus far.

Burning Boogeyman: Wants to win. Perfectly fine with establishing totems made of nightmares that attract boogeymen who prey upon innocents to do so. Already killed your dream form once.

Living Atom: Somewhat friendly. Interested in the potential real-world applications of the Dream, and in applying scientific principles to the Dream.

Campus - The place that you work as a security guard at. It's fairly chill, but can get rowdy like most colleges. The place where you work with Harold and play ball with Scott.

The Library - A place where you go to check out books. You met Lola Peterson here. You like to look at art books and watch the traces of dreams that the people who patronize the library wear around them.

The Local Cafe - A place where you drink coffee, watch people, and meet girls. Most recently, you met Jean Pacifica - now Scott's girlfriend - here. Meria Willow works here, and thus can be found here dependably.

The Local Bar - You've never been here.

The Dream Realm - This isn't a world so much as a layer atop it. Like a mist or a sea that we all swim through. When someone dreams their mind touches it just a bit and then sinks some. When someone wakes up, they leave the realm and leave behind churned up and fused parts of the realm. That is what Gossamer is made out of.

The surface of the dream realm is like reality but with a misty coating over it making it very hard to tell where you are. The deeper you go, the darker and more fantastic it is. Deep in the dream lurks terrors and wonders that people dream in their most secret fantasies and nightmares.

Your patron lurks at the deeper realms, and as deep as you can go at the moment. There are more layers below that though, and you're not sure that there's a bottom, or what it is. Your patron likely knows, but they aren't telling you.

The Dream City - A strange city that seems to be several thousand dreams mashed together. It's become an actual ecology that has an actual population, with everything you'd expect in a realm world city. Admittedly everything in it is outlandish and twisted from reality.

The Angel's Box - A box guarded by an angel. Defeat it if you want to go inside.
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Fastest go first. Deal Phantasm damage to Cohesion. Repeat. Fastest people can leave if they're losing. Reaching 0 cohesion has you waking up. Skills can change things. With multiple people it goes the same way, but there's a -1 phantasm penalty for each additional attack. IE, 3 people attack one person, the first deals max, the second gets -1, the third gets -2. To a minimum of 1.

Fleeing and coming back to fight is still considered one 'combat'.
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[x] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[x] Hit the local bar
[x] Hunt for Gossamer (4)
If there are questions or concerns please feel free to voice them :)

I personally wanna see what this little vote tally button does.

Oh wow, nifty
Adhoc vote count started by Lost Star on May 12, 2017 at 6:39 PM, finished with 10 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
    [X] Hit the local library
    [X] Hunt for Gossamer
    [X] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
    [X] Hit the local library
    [X] Hunt for Gossamer 5
    [x] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
    [x] Hit the local bar
    [x] Hunt for Gossamer (4)
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[X] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[X] Hit the local library
[X] Hunt for Gossamer 3

I'm thinking it might be an idea to start at low-mid difficulty with the gossamer hunt to get a baseline of the difficulty. We don't know what the hunt involves or if there are any consequences of failure other than not getting any gossamer. John has probably hunted before, but we haven't. Starting at three let's us get an idea of it without that much risk, probably.
[X] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[X] Hit the local library
[X] Hunt for Gossamer 3
[X] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[X] Hit the local library
[X] Hunt for Gossamer 3
[X] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[X] Hit the local library
[X] Hunt for Gossamer 4

even if John himself knows more about the setting, we don't, so the library looks like a good option
Two - Talking, Library, Guppy
[X] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)

John was a security guard for the local college campus. As far as campuses went, it wasn't too large or too small. Dotted by large buildings and long winding paths, the hardest part about the entire job wasn't securing it, it was handling the boredom. John could expect to intervene maybe once a month if that. There was a reason Harold slept on the job. At the very least it was a secure job. Harold had been there for twenty years and he was still there.

Despite this John liked to at least try to do his job. He watched the monitors occasionally, sketched when he was bored, and generally did what the job was supposed to be.

"Ya know." Harold liked to talk when he was awake. "You should see about selling a few o' dose pictures. Lord knows you keep doing it. Or see 'bout taking those classes."

John grinned just a bit at the other man. "That's what, like the fifth time you've said that? These are for fun." He did pencil sketches of dragons and things he had seen in dreams. He wasn't very good, but it was something easy to waste time on.

"Wastin talent I say. Like my first wife, gold digger settling for me." Harold chortled and fumbled for a donut nearby. "'Course I was a catch back then! Women will drain the life from you, remember that!" The man bit into the jelly donut and John tried not to watch how some of the jelly squeezed out to land on his shirt.

"And that's ten for that one." John said to the monitors.

"Hah! I like you kid." Harold chuckled. "Keep it up and you'll take my job when I get kick the bucket. You lasted longer than the other kids already." The man nodded to the monitors. "It's a boring job, but it's a job. Some people out there don't even get that with the fancy education."

John snorted as he looked at the monitors. "Protesting the destruction of the north African bluegill's habitat? Really?" Stuff like this made him even less inspired to look into a college education.

"I kinda miss the burn the bra protest." Harold replied back whistfully and then sighed as he spotted something. "Oh, get the spare keys again. We're likely going to get another call in about thirty for building ten."

John groaned and rooted through the drawers. Building ten had a faulty lock that still hadn't been repaired. It locked when the door shut, and some idiot always shut it even with the signs and the props. Every day they had to do this. Sometimes twice.

[X] Hit the local library

The local library was a place just nearby the college, and was actually part of the reason the college existed. Built a good few decades before the college, the thing was actually a minor tourist attraction. Four stories high and filled with books, it's prime claim to fame was a basement filled with manuscripts. Apparently the place was one of the better places for preservation and interpretation. A lot of students did their internship there.

This made it a bustling place that was busy even when John got off his work. The size of the crowd made it rather noisy for a library as well. At least on the first floor where a lot of people studied. Higher up it was typically better.

John made his way up there. This week he was looking up various art history books. It was a hobby really. He mostly skimmed the major books as he looked for information.

Crowds tended to be interesting with his new 'sight'. He could see the lingering dreams of people mixing around in the dream realm. Most were formless things. Dreams without meaning or memory. Most people really didn't dream particularly vividly really. The worst the students on the first floor typically were lingering dreams of horror and test scores.

It was actually pretty amusing. Sometimes John took his time and just people watched here. Trying to find out what a person was like based on their dreams was amusing.

That wasn't on the agenda today. Today he had finally tracked down a good watercolor history. The pictures were vivid and reminiscent of some children's dreams. He was likely going to go through that today.

He paused briefly when he encountered a particularly potent lingering dream. A dark-skinned woman with very long hair in a purple dress was reading in the corner on floor two. The remnants stank of despair. Vivid dreams like that tended to attract dream denizens.

John made a note of the girl and then moved onto his task. What was he going to say? You look down? The girl looked perfectly happy reading at the moment.

She wasn't there for the rest of the week either, so John put the incident into the back of his mind.

[X] Hunt for Gossamer 3

The dream realm didn't like to be defined. It was a sea that wasn't a sea. A wash of colors pressed against reality. It twisted and changed on a whim. The dragon had been made to fly and navigate it though. He was at home here in a way all natives were.

While the dream realm wasn't a sea, it was probably easiest to visualize it as one. It had a surface and depths. This week he had decided to hunt deeper below the surface. Not so deep he'd have trouble, but it was a good way of really stretching his wings.

The surface of the dream realm resembled reality mostly. This deep, it was warped by feelings and what people had dreamed at various areas. A veteran dream walker like the dragon could even see ripples where recent dreams had been. This helped quite a bit in identifying things to hunt and gather.

For the most part the dragon just flew around and ate motes of gossamer. Little sparks of dreams left really. Nothing substantial, but a good snack as he hunted for something larger. There was a trick of hunting in general really. You had to follow the 'food.' Or in this case the lack of it. There were often paths and trails from something moving through the realm.

In this case on the third day of hunting the Dragon found his prey. A massive swimming shape pulling in remnants of gossamer. Closer the dragon could see it fully.

It resembled nothing so much as a fish with wins trailing shining colors. No gills or eyes though. A mouth opening and closing to mindlessly eat. It swam almost serenely through the dream without a care or thought in the world. As the dragon neared, that mindless purpose focused on it. The dragon called these things guppies and he didn't like these things. There was always that fear of finding one too big and fast to avoid. This one was small enough for him to slay though, so he tucked his wings tight and dove through the dream to meet his opponent.

Here was where reality and dream diverged. The guppy came nowhere near him, but when it's mouth opened the world sucked in towards it, and the dragon felt a bit of his essence pulled in. He ignored the feeling to inhale and blast out with his 'fire.' Glittering stars raced across the battlefield and shredded the guppy's skin.

This didn't do much more than cause the guppy to twitch. It gulped again, and again the dragon was pulled forward. He continued to dive though, and soon his claws were close enough. They lashed out, never quite hitting, but leaving lines of pain and spite across the guppy's body.

That was enough damage to trigger the primitive instincts of the guppy in defense. It twisted far faster than it had been moving in an attempted to meet the dragon's flying form. This close, the dragon couldn't move his body quick enough to avoid the mouth fully. His tail disappeared into the mouth, and then there was a bite.

The dragon's claws lashed out again in reply, and he did enough damage to the guppy's form to cause it to lose cohesion. The form of the fish shimmered into glittering fog, and the dragon opened his toothy maw to eat.

They're best described as fish big enough to eat people. Fortunately they're in the dream so you're not hearing about people being eaten. Guppies will chase down anything that moves. Stupid yes, but surprisingly dangerous just because they're so big. If you can bring them down then you've got a very good bounty.

Lv 3 Guppy
Phantasm: 5
Speed: 2
Cohesion: 15
Ability: Gulp - Swallows enemy and prevents escape if their max cohesion is less than the guppies.

Speed + Level +Encounter victory (Lv 3 Guppy) = 39 Gossemer, rounded up to 40.
Took 15 damage on day 3.
11 damage end of the week

21 days until next tribute.
You have 90 gossamer.
11 damage has been taken to your dragon form. You recover 1 a day naturally.

Daytime Action
[] Patrol the campus. (You're a security guard for the local college. Your contract doesn't really need you to patrol, but it gets you out of the place.0
[] Nap and use Dream of Wonder
[] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)

Evening Action
[] Hit the local library
[] Hit the local cafe
[] Hit the local bar
[] Go home (Use night action twice)

Night Action
[] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
[] Hunt for your rivals
[] Look for something new

-You may use graft dream form on any slot you'd sleep.
-You may repair as an additional, free action.
-Write ins are acceptable.
[X] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[X] Hit the local cafe
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
-[X] 1
[X] Repair

Take it easy while wounded.
[X] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[X] Hit the local cafe
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
-[X] 1
[X] Repair
[X] Patrol the campus.
[X] Hit the local bar
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
-[X] 1
[X] Repair
[X] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[X] Hit the local cafe
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
-[X] 1
[X] Repair
[X] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[X] Go home (Use night action twice)
[X] Look for something new
[X] Hunt for Gossamer (Specify a number from 1-7. 1 easy, 7 hardest)
-[X] 1
[X] Repair

I like Harold. I'd also like to read more about the dream-world.
[X] Watch the Monitors (Talk with Harold)
[X] Hit the local cafe
[X] Look for something new
[X] Repair