Draka: The Fallout War Competitive Council OOC/Signup Thread (Accepting Applications)

Uh... @Gideon020 You are aware that @bryanfran36 hasn't posted yet right? Because they were busy too busy IRL until like, whenever the party ended today... And they may be too exhausted to post it tonight...

Or are we just going to be unlucky?
Hi. Just pooped from being the venue reservists and party planners for the birthday of my aunt today.

Will post a draft here tomorrow.
You can join whichever faction you want, just write up a character sheet (Probably).

You'll most likely have to wait a day or two to join the faction officially, mind you, because it seems that we're going to lock in the turn actions for the first turn the moment bryanfran36 posts theirs. But once the second turn starts, you're welcome to join the IC page (once Gideon OK's you character at least). Just don't go looking at the IC threads for the factions you don't want to join in the meantime...

Basically? You can probably write up a character sheet, and choose your desired faction, just wait for Gideon's confirmation before doing anything else.
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Good evening. I have finally posted my turn actions in the IC thread. :)

And with that said:

Turns Are Now Locked. General Forge has not posted his actions but I can't be bothered waiting any longer. Someone on the Neo-Soviets kick him in the ass and remind him that everyone plays, none of this whining about sitting back and seeing how things go.
Player ID: @Dessard
-Character Name: Metodej Pulnik
-Character Gender: Male
-Physical Description/Image: A middle-aged Czech man with one crippled hand. He tends to dress and carry himself formally, almost stiffly, and is never seen without a small notebook used continuously to note down thoughts and structure comments.
-Preferred Faction: Neo-Soviet Federation

Metodej Pulnik began his life as a (relatively well-off) serf under the Draka, brought into the administration as a clerk due to his head for planning. While obedient, he chafed at his servitude, and in the long tradition of people who can't take political action turned to radical philosophy, organizing a loose discussion circle of other educated serfs. While not as secret as they had thought, it was tolerated for its passivity - until, suddenly, it wasn't, and a beating which left one hand mangled convinced Pulnik to just keep his head down entirely. When the Final Conflict broke out, he didn't join the uprising but leaked civil defense plans to them, allowing the overrun of numerous Citizens' bomb shelters and allowing many of its armed cadres (and himself) to survive the fallout.

Like most survivors, when the shelters were opened he committed himself to the first government in sight, a local party which like so many others identified itself with the distant legacy of the Communist Party, and ultimately committed itself to the Neo-Soviet Fedaration. By the time of the game start, he had become a commissar, in charge of starting to rebuild an education system in Prauge. Since the Final Conflict he has continued to write, calling for a movement towards a totally de-Drakaized culture and governance which creates an "organic unity" between the state and people, rather than either a state ruling from above or real democracy.
Main posts are done, just need to make the data sheet modifications and then put up the next turn status post/threadmark.

Also, General Forge is out. I can accept being new, but I can't accept such blatant ignorance when there is every available resource provided for play.
So, we all posted yet? I know my faction is done.
Just waiting for Bryan right now. It just seems to be an unfortunate case of them getting unexpectedly involved with a few things IRL this month.
Call us 3.8 out of 4 done, we still have a few 'Action : ???' floating around in someone's draft.