Draka: The Fallout War Competitive Council OOC/Signup Thread (Accepting Applications)

I do not want to be what anybody could possibly call a ' Draka symp ' or 'a Nazi descendent' .

Why? Why would anyone even accuse your character of that?

Just play a Japanese character if you want to be from a privileged country that was "free" before the war, or a Brit (who only had an issue with the Draka when they conquered too much, and responsible for the Draka's creation and ascendance). You're not going to be able to play anyone who was from a nice country.
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GM: Any further applications after the fourth Euro Alliance entry will be automatically placed in either the Neo-Soviet Federation or the Jade Republic.
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Territories Of Each Faction
GM: If anyone could help out with a map it'd be appreciated.

Territories Of The European Alliance:

Territories Of The Neo-Soviet Federation:
-The Balkans

Territories Of The Jade Republic Of China:
How Combat Will Be Handled.
Being that this is a game where eventually you, the players will toss armies at each other. (Remember that this is a competitive game, only one side can win.)

To simplify things, a unit's Firepower and Armour are listed as dice increments based on equipment and upgrades.

For example, a Militia Platoon has a Firepower stat of 1d6 and Armor stat of 1d4. In combat, these dice would be rolled. Any value rolled under Armour is canceled out (representing good cover and body armor) while any value higher does the excess in damage.

Each Unit comes with Morale dice as well, which is rolled whenever the unit takes over 10% casualties from a single enemy attack. If the Morale dice fail, the Unit tries to fall back or retreat or could be routed on a critical failure.
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Can the upgrade to a units dice rolls be adding a second (or more) die, instead of just improving the maximum possible roll?

So you get things like 3d6 instead of 1d18 (or more likely, 1d20) for example?

Basically, instead of raising the maximum damage possible, you raise the lowest?
Can the upgrade to a units dice rolls be adding a second (or more) die, instead of just improving the maximum possible roll?

So you get things like 3d6 instead of 1d18 (or more likely, 1d20) for example?

Basically, instead of raising the maximum damage possible, you raise the lowest?

Bit of both actually since I count Support Weapons (HMGs, Mortars, Rocket Launchers/Recoilless Rifles) as seperate from the main weapons as increasing the die type indicates better quality equipment.

Also added Morale Dice to that post.
Biggest error I can see is that none of the European powers controlled territory in South America when they were conquered by the Draka. Which means that French Guiana is unknown territory right now.

As for territory that it's probably best to say who controls...

Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia and Hungary? Any others people see?
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Why the Neo-Soviet Federation Is So Large And Is It Unfair?
As can be seen on the threadmarked map, the Neo-Soviet Federation holds a distinct size advantage in terms of territory but this is a misleading image.

While Russia/Siberia makes up a large chunk, much of that is empty and mostly-irradiated land, as is much of the Eastern European and Balkan territory it holds.

So is it fair? Yes. All three factions, while possessing significant holdings, hold them largely based on a series of fortified cities and projecting power out from those cities. In reality, all three factions only hold territory on paper that was then diplomatically agreed upon; those lands are full of marauders, outcasts who refused to join the factions, and god-knows-what else out there.

Also, the Neo-Soviets just moved quickly to grab land.

So don't be discouraged, European Alliance players! You and the Neo-Soviets are on equal ground.
Do I Need To Be [Insert Nationality] To Join [Insert Faction]?
The short answer is: Nope

The long answer is: No, because the Draka being the bastards that they are, they moved entire populations around their territories in order to deny people familiar surroundings and languages once placed into their new plantations or factory compounds. And if you were a Janissary, say goodbye to your homeland because the battlefield would be your new homeland.

Thusly, it is perfectly fine to find an Arab in Beijing or a Korean in London when it come to making a character submission.
-Player ID: Whydoyoubother
-Character Name:
Motoma Takehiko
-Character Gender:
-Physical Description/Image: A powerfully built man of Japanese descent with shaven head and a thin neat beard. He prefers a military-style uniform and normally wears a Katana as a sign of Rank but no other insignia, preferring to show himself as "one amongst many".
-Preferred Faction:
--The Jade Republic of China

There is a story: When the bombs descended, Takehikos father was at the forefront of safeguarding and establishing early communication between nearby fallout-shelters in Japan. He laboured to establish an early route with supplies to keep the different shelters alive and paid the price by contracting radiation and sickness. By the end of the years, the tale goes on, he wrote his death-poem, wrote a letter of instructions to his son and took, in the old style, his own life, giving his second-in-command and son the responsibility of continuing the efforts. Since that day, Takehiko wears his families Katana as the head of his family. When communications were established to China and Asia, he immediatly agreed to work together with the others. He is a defender of the way of Kyōryoku no michi (Way of Cooperation). While he does not apologise for his forefathers actions, he is trying to genuinly build a new bridge of cooperation and power in Asia focused on rebuilding and re-establishing themselves.
-Player ID: bryanfran36
-Character Name: Siegfried Schneider
-Character Gender: Male
-Physical Description/Image: Standing at at whooping 162 cm, Siegfried, or Siggy to his friends is far cry from what the late and unlamented Nazis would call an Aryan. The short, stocky man had some Chinese ancestry from his father as shown by his epicanthic folds and black hair, but had the green eyes of his German mother. The 25 year old man and his family were lucky to to be in the shelters when the nukes flew off.
-Preferred Faction:
--European Alliance
GM: Okay people here's the thing. I can get this started now with three people per side, but I don't want to just yank people.

I would like a volunteer from both the European Alliance and Jade Republic factions to swap over to the Neo-Soviets. After that, I can get started and hopefully the game will attract more players that way.
GM: Okay people here's the thing. I can get this started now with three people per side, but I don't want to just yank people.

I would like a volunteer from both the European Alliance and Jade Republic factions to swap over to the Neo-Soviets. After that, I can get started and hopefully the game will attract more players that way.

Fuck it, Soviets it is then.

@Simpli wanna go communist again? It'll be like old times!
Ah, hell, why not?

If you guys need one more for the Jade Republic or whatever, I can sign up if you don't mind another familiar face.
I figured the Jade Republic would have an open spot, since it looked like @jacobplm was asking if @Simpli wanted to swap over with him. I can sign up for either, just trying to figure out where I should fill in for.
Right now we have 4 European Alliance, 1 Neo-Soviet Federation and 3 Jade Republic according to the 'Player List' threadmark.
I'm just going to wait for word from either Gideon or jacob. Not like a day is going to kill the RP or whatever, and a character sheet is quick either way.