Draka: The Fallout War Competitive Council OOC/Signup Thread (Accepting Applications)

Is this still open?
I also noticed a post that said that all applicants for Europe faction are rerouted to Soviet or Asia. Is that still in effect?
Is this still open?
I also noticed a post that said that all applicants for Europe faction are rerouted to Soviet or Asia. Is that still in effect?

For now the Federation and Republic need players more than the Alliance. The restriction will be lifted one all sides have 4 players.
For now the Federation and Republic need players more than the Alliance. The restriction will be lifted one all sides have 4 players.

For your sake, I'd keep it at four players per team. That's 12 players to deal with six actions each, for a total of 72 actions. I would also not add extra actions like last time since that"ll only increase your workload.

I made a map for you that should be easier to edit based off what you said and the work of @Simpli , since you just have to bucketfill a province in MS paint. First is the normal map, second should should be a regional map of countries not under PC control (sans the wasteland areas nearby).
I'd say go up to 5 per team at most. 6 might get too large, but 4 might be a bit too small... whereas 5 seemed to work well in Rina's game. Of course, Gideon isn't Rinasoir, so they may be able to deal with 6 easily, I don't know.... Anyway, it's entirely up to whatever Gideon thinks he can handle.
I have some...ideas and theories on how this came to be.

My theory is the Social Darwinism method. Those who recognised the threat of the Alliance or were paranoid enough where in their shelters when the conflict started. They knew that the will to rule and superior genetics means nothing in the face of a nuclear strike. So those that where killed were either too arogant to see the possibility of defeat or those who placed too much faith in the Stone Dog virus.

In the aftermath they probably culled those who didn't fit with the new view and I wouldn't be surprised if they have ADVENT style clones to make up for manpower shortages.
Oh yeah, quick question. When you start researching alien tech, do you want low-key upgrades and unlocks, XCOM/Xenonauts levels of tech, or full-blown Red Alert 2 levels of lunacy?
Probably a sliding scale.

Start at low-key upgrades and unlocks, but once a faction's gotten a step or two into the tech tree, then you start getting the XCOM/Xenonauts levels. After a couple of steps there, you get an occasional RA2 level but most of the stuff is XCOM/Xenonauts level with some of them being gates that are required to be completed to unlock the RA2 level techs scattered throughout the tech tree.

Once a faction's gone up the scale, then after a small delay the other factions have an easier time getting to the next level in the scale, to represent the fact someone's cracked how to do the stuff so the intel guys sneak out a few samples, not enough to reverse engineer (without an actual action spent stealing the stuff at least) but rather to give clues on what the path that needs to be taken to advance are. And also so that the other factions don't get completely steamrolled because they don't have time to try and catch up at least part of the way. Wouldn't really be particularly fun if that's the case, and part of the reason we play these is for fun after all.

Basically the idea being that at first the scientists and engineers aren't really sure what they're looking at, so they are just finding the stuff similar but better to human tech. Then they get enough experience and can really start to play on the same level as the aliens. With the occasional flash of insight that means they pull off something that leaves even the aliens going 'Okay, I don't know how the monkeys managed to get that, but I want it so bad!'... of course they have their full tech trees so can counter that with something else they have but we don't (yet)...

In gameplay terms, it basically would slow down the initial stages of alien tech so the other factions can go 'Oh wait, someone's pushing the alientech hard, better get started on that, can't let them get ahead'... whilst still giving an advantage to the first group to crack the techs... Also allows game-changers to be discovered, but makes them something you have to work for, and thus something that once one faction obtains the others also have to work for a counter, instead of it just being 'Team A develops Superweapon Alpha in Season 6. They are dominating. Team B develops Superweapon Beta in Season 7, They are equals with Team A, Team C being crushed. Team A develops Superweapon Delta, Team B develops Superweapon Echo, Team C develops Super Weapons Foxtrot, Gamma, Hotel in Season 8. Team C is dominating.'

Kinda feels cheap if the crazy techs are everywhere and one is easily, quickly and cheaply countered by another. But I also want at least some crazy techs being thrown around because that would be fun/funny and not just 'Humans fighting on Earth using Sci-Fi weapons' which pure XCOM/Xenonauts level would be, and just pure low-key techs wouldn't have the feel of how alientech should be more advanced than human tech...
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Well I do like the Red Alert 2 wackiness.... though I think our Soviet players would like their war bears.
Oi! No looking at the Federation IC Thread! That's bad form!

More seriously, what Pyro said. I would like potential for Shenanigans, but I don't want to have a toybox full of them because of a single roll. Make us earn our Shenanigans.
@General forge Write up a character for the Neo-Soviet Federation or the Jade Republic of China and I'm sure they'd be happy to have you! Only reason I'm not saying write up a character for the European Alliance is because we already have 4, whereas the other two factions only have 3 players right now so Gideon would probably divert you to those factions anyway.

This goes for you too @Svend !

You can possibly make a character for the European Alliance and request that you not be moved to the other factions, but it might be a while before you join if that's the case... On the other hand, if you two both join, then that'll bring all factions up to four players.

EDIT: Or as Gideon just said, You definitely can't make a character for the European Alliance so if you want to make a character right now, it has to be for either of the other two.
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Just made an account for this community since i am still new to this whole thing i was wondering if i could join.

Neo-Soviet or Jade Republic please. I cannot allow additional Euro Alliance players due to the number disparity. All information necessary for joining is on the OP, and there is a link to the IC Thread links in the threadmarks under 'Player Lists'.
Dice Results Listing
Since you might all want to know, this is what happens at certain roll results after modifiers are applied:

Nat 1: You're fucked. Something blows up, a player is put in hospital, or a research/design project is reset back to square one.
Non-Nat 1: Eh, still fucked, but it ain't so bad.
2-10: Critical Failure. Projects suffer a reduction in total successes, severe morale penalties are incurred, or you lose important information and have to recover it again.
11-20: Severe Failure.
21-30: Moderate Failure.
31-40: Failure
41-50: Neutral
51-60: Minor Success
61-70: Solid Success
71-80: Moderate Success!
81-90: Great Success!
91-Non Natural 100: Critical Success!
Natural 100: A Miracle occurs.
-Player ID General Forge

-Character Name Frederick Helga

-Character Gender Male

-Physical Description/Image

-Preferred Faction---Neo-Soviet Federation
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Just spoiler the character image and it should be fine. Though I don't know why you've linked the name...
@General forge ... Errr... I take it you don't know how to add a spoiler? Seeing as how the picture's disappeared.

Look above the text space, there should be a row of icons. One should be by itself between a floppy disk icon and an icon of two film strips. When hovered over it should say 'Insert...'
Click this. One of the options should say 'Insert Spoiler'. Click that, then type in the title of the spoiler. Add the character image inside the spoiler code and save the changes.

Alternatively add the following, removing the spaces after the first square bracket on each line.

[ SPOILER="Character Image"]
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