[X] Ask Issachar what it is he believes. Well... you don't actually know and you're curious. He seems to open up the most when you ask about him only semi-solicited or less, and it's got less chance of backfiring than trying to one-up him
[X] Impress Issachar by saying you know the story behind the three-headed dragon in the emblem you're assembling. Super secret dragon lore, no mortals allowed. You just uh, hope your memory is actually correct here.

Quick Eldingar pretend you know what you're talking about
[X] Ask Issachar what it is he believes. Well... you don't actually know and you're curious. He seems to open up the most when you ask about him only semi-solicited or less, and it's got less chance of backfiring than trying to one-up him
[X] Ask Issachar flat-out if he's an angel and if so in service to what god. He's so obviously something more than human and being passive-aggressive about it clearly won't work so it's time to rumble him good and proper.

Just do it!

Especially because it would be incredibly funny if we've misread the situation.
Wait a second
"Hmm. It looks like this place belonged to the Douglas house, but the name is constructed with two words from an older dialect basically meaning 'dark river'."
So it's a three-headed dragon with a surname that's related to a dark/black watersource?

[X] Impress Issachar by saying you know the story behind the three-headed dragon in the emblem you're assembling. Super secret dragon lore, no mortals allowed. You just uh, hope your memory is actually correct here.
The chances of this being the story of a reluctant dragon teaming up with a clayman and his boyfriend, saving the world and falling in love with a shield are slim, but they technically aren't zero just yet!
[X] Impress Issachar by saying you know the story behind the three-headed dragon in the emblem you're assembling. Super secret dragon lore, no mortals allowed. You just uh, hope your memory is actually correct here.

The bizarre respect for the formalities of adventuring combined with an outstanding degree of sass and impatience was a real delight here.
Wait a second

So it's a three-headed dragon with a surname that's related to a dark/black watersource?

[X] Impress Issachar by saying you know the story behind the three-headed dragon in the emblem you're assembling. Super secret dragon lore, no mortals allowed. You just uh, hope your memory is actually correct here.
The chances of this being the story of a reluctant dragon teaming up with a clayman and his boyfriend, saving the world and falling in love with a shield are slim, but they technically aren't zero just yet!
If it is a three-headed dragon it's likely the actual Zahhak who is prrrrrrrrrobably not as nice as the Friendly Neighborhood Barista, especially with how Xiomara and Takara show that not all of our potential LIs are automatically warm to us.

I mean it's probably a vamp or some kind of lich but still.
"Hey," you call down. "Wanna bet the topiaries and angel statues come alive and try to kill you? I've got 100 on 'yes'."
And then, just as he pulls his fifth switch, one of the angelic statues leaps from its pedestal and comes charging at him
Someone blinked.

"You said these were angel statues?" he calls up.

"Yeah, why?"

"They seem remarkably... pedestrian, as far as visions of heavenly warriors go,"
Look, Issachar, you can't rag on the artist just because they never get your chin right.

Suddenly the earth beneath you buckles and shifts, a low moan slowly rising with the abomiantion making it as the zombie interred within the despoiled ground claws its way to the surface. It reaches up to you with a half-rotted hand, fingers locked like curled claws in rigor mortis, its eyeless sagging face staring accusingly up at you as its lipless maw opens wide-

"Shhhh." You place your hand against its skull and gently yet firmly shove it back down into the ground.

Tiamat. You know, the salt sea of life from which even dragons sprang

If it is a three-headed dragon it's likely the actual Zahhak who is prrrrrrrrrobably not as nice as the Friendly Neighborhood Barista
Nonsense, Zahak is the sweetest of all dragons and I will not stand for this libel.

I would ask Issachar about his true nature but we kinda already have a good guess as to what it is, and I love story time, so dragon lore it is.

[X] Impress Issachar by saying you know the story behind the three-headed dragon in the emblem you're assembling. Super secret dragon lore, no mortals allowed. You just uh, hope your memory is actually correct here.
[X] Ask Issachar what it is he believes. Well... you don't actually know and you're curious. He seems to open up the most when you ask about him only semi-solicited or less, and it's got less chance of backfiring than trying to one-up him.

Issachar seems remarkably unconcerned about all the life-threatening things we've been encountering. He also doesn't seem inclined to reveal why, although it could simply be amazing trust in us and that we'd protect him.
[X] Impress Issachar by saying you know the story behind the three-headed dragon in the emblem you're assembling. Super secret dragon lore, no mortals allowed. You just uh, hope your memory is actually correct here.
[X] Ask Issachar what it is he believes. Well... you don't actually know and you're curious. He seems to open up the most when you ask about him only semi-solicited or less, and it's got less chance of backfiring than trying to one-up him.
[x] Ask Issachar what it is he believes. Well... you don't actually know and you're curious. He seems to open up the most when you ask about him only semi-solicited or less, and it's got less chance of backfiring than trying to one-up him.
[x] Ask Issachar what it is he believes. Well... you don't actually know and you're curious. He seems to open up the most when you ask about him only semi-solicited or less, and it's got less chance of backfiring than trying to one-up him.
[x] Ask Issachar what it is he believes. Well... you don't actually know and you're curious. He seems to open up the most when you ask about him only semi-solicited or less, and it's got less chance of backfiring than trying to one-up him.
[ ] Ask Issachar flat-out if he's an angel and if so in service to what god. He's so obviously something more than human and being passive-aggressive about it clearly won't work so it's time to rumble him good and proper.

I'm tempted. So, so very tempted. Just be like "So, which god are you an angel of, then?"

We could possibly even work it into a pick up line, if he plays dumb... Nah, Eldingar would probably flub that, but if we do it right we could flub it in a hilarious way.


Nah, best to play it safe until we're sure. Also, if our suspicions are correct and he is an angel, this is a great way to learn what is actually going on Upstairs.

[X] Ask Issachar what it is he believes. Well... you don't actually know and you're curious. He seems to open up the most when you ask about him only semi-solicited or less, and it's got less chance of backfiring than trying to one-up him.
[X] Ask Issachar what it is he believes. Well... you don't actually know and you're curious. He seems to open up the most when you ask about him only semi-solicited or less, and it's got less chance of backfiring than trying to one-up him.
giant scaly songbird of thunder and death

Well there's an image.

And so the two of you frolic gaily through the mist-wreathed rows of melancholy memorials to faded glory, occasionally swatting down the more persistently irritating zombies as they approach.

Well there's another image.

[X] Ask Issachar what it is he believes. Well... you don't actually know and you're curious. He seems to open up the most when you ask about him only semi-solicited or less, and it's got less chance of backfiring than trying to one-up him.

What do possibly-angels believe in anyway?

This is probably a trick question; if Issachar is an agent of a particular god he won't 'believe' in them because he obviously knows they exist as fact, so he has a dodge. Still, I'm curious.
[X] Impress Issachar by saying you know the story behind the three-headed dragon in the emblem you're assembling. Super secret dragon lore, no mortals allowed. You just uh, hope your memory is actually correct here.

Eldingar needs to show off his plumage massive brain in order to attract a mate win Issachar's respect, clearly. Go, Eldingar, go!
[X] Ask Issachar flat-out if he's an angel and if so in service to what god. He's so obviously something more than human and being passive-aggressive about it clearly won't work so it's time to rumble him good and proper.

We just got double-crossed so I really don't have patience fir people getting close while they mislead or hide something suspicious.

Personally I view Abzu as having a huge lead over the others in likability. For one, he actually WANTS to be in a relationship. Jun-ho would be my #1 but something is upvwith him. My bet is that he was either forced/blackmailed into being here, has nowhere else to go/was forced from home, is heterosexual, or just isn't desirous of a relationship. Otherwise hes really just a nice guy. Belial is next, really nice. But he's an incubus, so more than likely really evil and only being romantic to get at our soul so he can drag us to hell. Next is Issachar, something strange is going on with him that he's hiding and I neither like nor trust that. Makram is dead last, becsuse he doesn't seem to have any intention in getting along, nor any interest in anything that isn't just about him. Plus he likes pissing us off and I hate that.
I echo Unbanshee, to be honest. This whole dynamic of two guys on a date through the adventuring obstacle course while being basically incredibly overleveled for it is just... Yeah, 'charming' is the word. I mean a lot of stories that start with a premise of the main character is some form of mythic creature tend to concoct some excuse for them to be terribly weak relative to their challenges, so that being a mythic monster is really just an aesthetic for stock heroic superpowers. It's nice to see Zerban lean into actually being a dragon, and how it sometimes means that things like zombies just... aren't threatening.
Oooh you're tempted, you are so very tempted to send him off on his own and creep after him like some thieving fox, watching and waiting for a moment of weakness when he reveals his true colours. But honestly you want to spend time with him and do these puzzles right more, so instead you point to the maze.
Aww, Eldingar's getting more comfortable with company :)
It goes on in that sort of fashion for a while, you fluttering from perch to perch like a giant scaly songbird of thunder and death to advise Issachar as to the effects of his actions on the maze as a whole while he patiently follows your instructions. He even manages to figure out 'my left or your left' without being told once! He truly is the greatest partner a puzzler could have.
That is indeed quite a description for Eldingar, and it's nice to see them work well together.
he gestures to the rows of tombstones around you, stretching out like a sea of broken stone teeth in the mist. You approach one at random, kneeling down to read the inscription.

Suddenly the earth beneath you buckles and shifts, a low moan slowly rising with the abomiantion making it as the zombie interred within the despoiled ground claws its way to the surface. It reaches up to you with a half-rotted hand, fingers locked like curled claws in rigor mortis, its eyeless sagging face staring accusingly up at you as its lipless maw opens wide-

"Shhhh." You place your hand against its skull and gently yet firmly shove it back down into the ground. The zombie lets out a confused moan - you continue to make soft shushing noises as you read the rest of the inscription, holding its head under even as it struggles and squirms, as if drowning it. You make a half-interested noise as the surname in particular seems to swim before your eyes, resolving itself multiple different ways. "Hmm. It looks like this place belonged to the Douglas house, but the name is constructed with two words from an older dialect basically meaning 'dark river'."

"Think it's relevant?" Issachar asks.

"I don't know! I think it's interesting and I don't get many opportunities to flex the gift of tongues," you say, somewhat petulantly. "Anyway, it seems like this son of the line died fairly young, Severe anaemia he never managed to recover from, I think. There's a symbol on his headstone."

You straighten up. The zombie resumes clawing its way to the surface, sounding somewhat more upset now that its big entrance has been ruined.
That poor zombie. So offended.

(I love it, highlight of the update for me)
"I don't know! I think it's interesting and I don't get many opportunities to flex the gift of tongues,"
Count yourselves lucky we didn't bring Makram, we'd never have heard the end of the 'gift of tongues' jokes.
And so the two of you frolic gaily through the mist-wreathed rows of melancholy memorials to faded glory, occasionally swatting down the more persistently irritating zombies as they approach.
... i want fanart.
"Ah, easy one. We have to mix a special type of weed killer to rot away the plant and find the third emblem inside I bet," you explain quickly. "You see the numbers all tallying up and some of them have '+0' for no reason? You get alchemical solutions from those numbered stations and mix them with plain water, and then once you mix them all together in the right order you probably-"

The air hisses, something long and tentacular lashing out from the darkness, scattering planters like leaves on the wind as it grasps for the pair of you. The two of you dart away, presenting a divided target, but it's no use - more pseudopods lash out, hissing and whipping and cracking loud enough to rattle all the glass in its housing as the mutant plant in the middle of the room keeps up its punishing assault. Your brow furrows as you duck and dodge back and forth, waving your arms about to fend off its grasp.

"What's this all about!?" you exclaim, offended. "It's not even letting us move from the door, how are we supposed to mix all the chemicals?"

"I think it's the darkness!" Issachar replies, grunting softly with effort as he tries not to let the vines back him into a corner. "Nightfall must have made it more aggressive!"

"Yes well, there's 'more aggressive' and then there's 'unwinnable'!" you protest. "This is a complete breach of puzzle etiquette, and right when we were through doing the others completely fair and square!"
Quite right! It's just not cricket!
[X] Ask Issachar what it is he believes. Well... you don't actually know and you're curious. He seems to open up the most when you ask about him only semi-solicited or less, and it's got less chance of backfiring than trying to one-up him.

He's been civil this whole time, let's keep it that way.
[X] Impress Issachar by saying you know the story behind the three-headed dragon in the emblem you're assembling. Super secret dragon lore, no mortals allowed. You just uh, hope your memory is actually correct here.

Obligatory targ reference here.
[X] Impress Issachar by saying you know the story behind the three-headed dragon in the emblem you're assembling. Super secret dragon lore, no mortals allowed. You just uh, hope your memory is actually correct here.
[X] Ask Issachar what it is he believes. Well... you don't actually know and you're curious. He seems to open up the most when you ask about him only semi-solicited or less, and it's got less chance of backfiring than trying to one-up him.

Politeness is good. Eldingar attempting to be polite will likely be funny. The 'are you an angel' and especially the 'super-secret lore' thing seems more like cringe comedy, and that's just not my thing.