With the cultivator frenzy, people can live in the modern world while fighting off cursed spirits and virtuous beasts. People want to be the next Gojo, so Isekai is not as popular gender as time travel Isekai! Back when people had magic! Zagreus carelessly tatled a few too many times about 'Roman style of cultivation' and now conspiracy theorists are rewriting all of human history! The fact all current 3rd realm cultivators have some involvement with him and how OP inner members of Raging Heaven are and we have the perfect 'secret master'.
The perils of public domain, over the last decade Zagreus has become a favorite omake in all sort of media.
I can still see Isekai being really popular if Satou gets famous enough and reaches a certain level due to his connection to Louis's and the Void Element. Ordinary people will fantasize about going to another world, awakening there as a cultivator, and finding opportunities and resources that will propel them to Gojo and Geto's level, as well as coming back and bring back with them power, knowledge, and resource from that other word to earth and starting their world organization.
I can still see Isekai being really popular if Satou gets famous enough and reaches a certain level due to his connection to Louis's and the Void Element. Ordinary people will fantasize about going to another world, awakening there as a cultivator, and finding opportunities and resources that will propel them to Gojo and Geto's level, as well as coming back and bring back with them power, knowledge, and resource from that other word to earth and starting their world organization.

Anyone else beginning to see similarities to Warlock of the Magnus World?
I mean, if you squint your eyes and tilt your head I could see it, it's just the themes in that novel are VERY much different than this one. Sure they explore other planes for new knowledge and stuff, but it is very much in a (early) British empire colonisation sort of exploration. What is happening here looks like actual diplomacy and politics.
By the way, I wanted to ask how the Daoist Cultivators are doing in China. Did they figure anything out?

Edit: There's probably a joke about China and their obsession with flying swords.
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The last part of the sidestory was adorable but it has brought up something a wondered about before when will Yuji and Megumi tie the knot? 🌸
Yuji and Megumi are just friends. There isn't a hint of romance between them. Hell, he has a deeper relationship with Todo and that was brought about because Yuji said he likes tall women with big butts so... not happening. Sorry.
As the saying goes, there is no rest for the wicked. Lexicon of Paradox or not, the brunt of the crusade is to be won through good old-fashioned warfare. The 5th​ Crusade sparked the end of the Kellid people's one hundred years of exile from Sarkoris, and the druids took to their new roles well, inducting new souls under my ranks. My supernatural senses granted me an awareness of the souls under my banner as if they were just another finger of my six hundred and twelve hands. The same could be said of the souls' refugee from the Wheel Turning in the Parthenon of my soul after I completed my 4th​ Labor by defeating Deskari and became an Unkindness-that-walks; a far more solid grasp than the vague almost unconscious awareness of the souls endowed with divine magic back on Earth.

Alas, this mystery was something I did not have the time to unravel. Because I wasn't the only wicked. Golarion seems far closer to ancient Greece in the gods' tendency to darken mortals' doorsteps with their presence as long as it suits them. And few gods cast longer or darker shadows than Asmodeus, the God-Fiend, the Architect of the Absolute Hierarchy of Hell. The First, primogenital god born once Pharasma (The Survivor) used the Seal to restart existence into being once the previous one expired.

This was not a meeting I could avoid, because I had no justification to. An emissar of Hell had been expected; one of the perils of accepting the Order of the Claw among my ranks. Asmodeus somehow didn't even mind waiting his turn to schedule such a meeting in my packed agenda. His attitude was so unlike the gods I am used to that he avoided tipping me off it was him that I would talk to. Then again, to Hell, the Worldwound is just another front for the war between the Perfect Order of Hell and the Chaos Pit of the Outer Rift that mortals call Abyss.

Asmodeus… did not bother with a mortal guise, parading through my hallway in all his fell splendor. He certainly looked like a god. Despite being able to take any form he so wishes, he came to me as a five meters tall (16'4' feet) muscular man with red skin, cloven hooves, and black hair and horns, adorned with extravagant if scantily clad red and black clothes that did little to hide his broad chest, surrounded by a pale flame nimbus and bearing a contract in one hand.

His presence demanded obedience and respect, ordering the world itself to bow down to him, outshining even demon lords and archangels. Unfortunately for him, this was still my territory, my silver bright world. Tyrants fear two things – the world beyond their domain and the world inside a superior tyrant's domain. And Asmodeus is the god of tyranny. It might be a doomed effort but life has been nothing but uphill battles. So I pressed on against his divine majesty with the combined effort of all souls under my banner residing in Drezen, even if it felt like holding up the falling sky, momentarily lifting the choking cloud forcing the entirety of the fortress city of Drezen to its knees.

The Prince of Darkness only chuckled in amusement, generating a small-scale earthquake in Drezen, malicious glee dancing in his eyes. Despite that, his snore reverberated in my chest with a force I only experienced as a mortal standing in front of a show giant sound box; a mortal man would have all his organs ruptured by Asmodeu's attention. His eyes held an intensity that was almost otherworldly, the perfect incarnation of Order, an existence too pure for the real world. And yet…

What was more unnerving about Asmodeus wasn't his power but how… natural his existence and presence felt. He wasn't like Rher who turned the world upside down or the unraveling force of Phanesfied Tengen, neither can I compare it to the Shadow's uncanny hollowness. The principle internalized by my Enlightened soul states someone can't truly know something without experiencing it for themselves. Having experienced Asmodeus I could believe his claims of primogeniture, as rightful heir, as crown prince of existence. Gifted, grasping, and troublesome as is so often the case with firstborns.

But unfortunately for him, some things can't be inherited, they can only be taken. A cold comfort in front of Asmodeus, like a cup of sour wine. Because it only accentuates how at home he is in this world. Even the most pompous and self-righteous of gods acknowledge The Archfiend as the easiest of the evil deities to deal with, though they realize his aid is not to be sought, or accepted lightly.

Yet they accepted it more often than not. Because Asmodeus's word is his bound, he derides free will and even commits the first deicide against his closest sibling in a golarian retelling of Cain and Abel's tale of the first divine war. But he has no interest in erasing it as Unity had attempted. Asmodeus put his faith in contracts, believing the bonds of worship as mere distractions to mortal faith. Indeed, Hell would freeze over before Asmodeus broke his perfect contractual fidelity record, as he showed in Shadow's trial.

That is why I know he would not come to me without a sales pitch he believed I would not refuse. This belief was unfortunately not unwarranted. He penned the Contract of Creation that regulates and bonds all gods after the War in Heaven. He isn't a con artist who would obey the letter while disregarding the spirit of an agreement. He is above that. I am not as blind to deny the Devil his due, Asmodeu's virtue is Severitas, his Law of Iron. The easiest path to cruelty is by holding others to the same standards one holds oneself to. He is more like a superpowered CEO of a for-profit organization.

Plus, we had something in common. We shared a singular nemesis, Baphomet.

"Greetings, to the auspicious patron of the 5th​ Crusade. I have followed your performance with interest even since your feats in Numeria. It isn't every day that a godling comes to the Pharasma's Graveyard." Says the King of Hell with genial affability and perfect poise. The charisma of the devil wasn't exaggerated, it seems. This revelation only makes Ablon standing by my side spread her wings wide as if to ward off evil and shield me, something Asmodeus deems to be worth attention or answer.

"No good deed goes unpunished, does it? The price of challenging the Fates and become a significant existence." I say as diplomatically as someone shocking with disdain can do. He is not someone that I can beat, Shadow has nothing to Asmodeus in terms of power and even him was beyond me. I don't want to trip whatever trap he has set, so hospitality is the name of the game. He was expected, after all.

Asmodeus just smirked my way, "Fate is a rash mistress, the more we try to pin her down to our design the more rashly it lashes back. Proof of the inexorable order of the world. Now tell me, shining one. What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you, all in the same succession and sequence—even this moment and I myself. The eternal hourglass of existence is turned upside down again and again, and you with it, speck of dust!'"

"Why but you are well informed! But if you did your homework, you already know I answered this question long ago. In the day I seized my captain virtue – I will make the best of it as the Wheel Turns."

"Quite the contradiction isn't it? Amor fati while defying the silk bonds of mortality assigned to you, both for better and for worse. Then again, it fits you very well. This madness. What else is one to do with eternity if not revel in it? I myself am no different, since I acquired awareness, I knew I was fated to commit the first murder and that my brother Ihys would be the first god to die. We had the script but we still played our parts for we could be scarcely anything else but ourselves. This is Order."

"While I must admit you are a far better conservationist than Areshkagal, I doubt you came here to burn away daylight. Why don't we talk shop? You make your sales pitch, I refuse it, and we move back to our regular schedule."

"The restlessness and irreverence of youth! How appropriately Greek! Don't be so rash, grain of said, you are not going to burn yourself out!" His words were like an ice rode being shoved through my spine. Well-informed indeed, he knew then what came after the realm of heroes. "Indeed, my young tyrant! How many rungs have you cleared since in little more than one year? One century from now your epic will be nothing to you but a youthful indiscretion. Not something one regrets but something you grow out of. This is just the first meeting of our long and fruitful relationship. But I did not come here offering a deal, you are not worth it yet."

Well, fuck.

The one possibility I have categorically chosen to ignore is being rubbed in my face by the Devil. Asmodeus is first and foremost a god of order and law above anything else. Even Iomedae, the crusader goddess, bends her year to his advice in legal matters. A controversial decision validated by the one time it was obstructed when it mattered the most. Shadow's judgment.

In the face of his words, I can't turn my face away from the truth. The reward for back-breaking labor is another, the compensation for clearing a realm was a further peak. Above the third realm, where the heavens obscure all mortal sight with storm clouds and wrath, there is a fourth. The Tyrant Realm is the pinnacle of enlightened cultivation. It is where rulers of men reside. Ravenous things of unsatiable hunger, condemned by cosmic cruelty to starve and hollow out. Heartless monarchs that serve as tribulation and burden for the societies that birthed them. A prison.

Where I will end up at the rate I am advancing.

I took to the heroic realm as if I had been born for it. It is where I had aimed to be for the longest time. I am proud that I have made an impact but all my victories against gods have come about through… less than ideal circumstances. I got lucky, basically. Either someone bails me out of my suicidal attempt by god or I win by technicality or somehow flee.

That is why I am not even considering the idea of fighting Asmodeus. He is the living embodiment of what Shadow talked about – even the gods are not made equal. What is the point of being an unparalleled genius when you are born one Epoch too late to catch up? Of what use is a new hope when old ordinary perseverance has racked the biggest dividends? Cultivation isn't a straightforward road to the heavens but the one certainty is that the longer you stay in the race the greater and more terrible your soul will grow. The cruel reality is that the brightest souls get cut short the most often. Scantily few survive the rubric of looking at the faceless divinities and judging that their features suit them better.

"I must say, you have come across as quite ominous. I experienced it for myself, that Heaven is cruel even to those it means well. Its gifts are a pox to the soul."

"Ah, but it isn't like I was the one to decide existence should be such a cruel place, was I? I merely accepted it, that weakness is a sin. The same way you did." The Archfiend smiled, referring to my second principle, leaving a foul taste in my mouth. "Indeed, the world will never side with the weak. Neither will the Heavens. Be it among good and evil or chaos and order, hierarchies based on power are inevitable. What is so bad about tyranny? Haven't you taken to satiate your hunger? Even the sparkle you brought from afar just brought things into clarity, the reality of standing. Know that the First bless your path ahead, there is no need to hesitate. At least then something will come out of that worthless witch!"

"Well, aren't you clever? You figured me out. But not a fan of Areelu?" I try to deflect from the fact he could predict my intentions so clearly… like he was reading my script. Crap! Cultivation only makes someone more than what they already are.

Asmodeus made this into his greatest strength, no matter how cruel he may be people can have trust in him. Via entis, his way of being. What kills a man is uncertainty. Why risk the anonymous blade of uncertainty when you can just stick to the devil you know? Even if I succeed one thousand and one times, he only needs to catch me once when I am about to fall to render me his. How frightening.

"All her ingenuity and sagacity are wasted on mortal sentimentality. Proof that womenkind was a mistake in the design of creation."

"Wow, I appreciate the hint and I know you are… well, the Devil, but shill out!"

"Spare me from your mortal sensibilities! Unlike you, I was literally there when said concept was invented and I stand now as I stood back then when Ihys proposed said asinine idea, and the same way I will when this universe dies! And when the next Survivor reignites existence, the one to inherit my will will have the same stand as me when the one to inherit Ihys proposes that stupid idea again. Women were a mistake."

Well, how corny. The First misogynist... and super homo. This certainly explains the S&M aesthetic Hell favors so much. Then again, the hungry look he being throwing my way is something I have become quite familiar with ever since the cosmetics of cultivation refined my worthless clay into the form of a Greek god. He is barking in the wrong tree though. Not because it couldn't happen but because Asmodeus was an odious manifestation of everything I stand against. That despite some puberty innocent experimentation I am still a total virgin on said front did not help, especially after Dyonisus and Rher. The suffering of the first at the hands of the Mother in retribution for the sins of the Father, who himself expected from afar, compounded with my decision to oppose Rher in all things, led me to take others seriously in all matters. Things like 'situationships' that could carelessly bring a child into the world or hurt someone's feelings were not acts my virtuous heart would condone.

Even after Yuki and I... decided we needed some time off, and I broke said rule by stupidly deciding to drow the pain in a bacchanal binge instead of following after her, my intimidating appearance and broadcasted foul mood intimidated those interested away. Not that I regret it, that had been something I did to hurt Yuki. To show that I could have anyone I wanted at any time. Not my proudest moment. and something Megumi and Tsumiki called me out on before it could become a habit. Since then the only one who took said bet had been Hakari. Who was my student. While I was in my pueraeternus form. Right in front of Kirara-chan who he had been 'in a situationship' for over a semester. For the last one more than the rest I exchanged discourse of the most profound kind about how emotional pain and physical one are registered the same by the human mind.

"Any more obtuse hints to share before we part ways?" I ask, trying to cut this meeting short. His presence was a burden I could barely withstand. What is this bastard's angle?

"I actually do. Two, in fact. First, closets are things to be wary of, especially when your most important piece spends so much time lost inside of them." Asmodeus said with a knowing smirk. We both could read minds but neither of us dared to do so out of propriety so the bastard was simply gloating he was the smartest person in the room. Unfortunately, innuendo aside, this fact came second to the realization that Panaka was not in Drezen right now; as if your left hand had walked away and vanished on you just before you moved the fridge to the second floor of your house.

The news drops like a lead weight collapsing the bottom of my stomach. Socothbenoth, first incubi, demon lord of hedonistic excess was particularly fond of closets the same way Pazuzu was particular to his name. All demon lords have a particular excellence that makes them troublesome foes, and the Silken sin's case was the ability to treat any closet as a backdoor. The fact he was Noctitula's brother did not help.

I cast my gaze afar, revealing my three extra eyes. Sure enough, thanks to Rher's foul gift I can see through even more than a hero is meant to discern. It's no different from the liminal backroom Dream dimension Rher presides over. I wanted to bold then and now but knew better. Asmodeus had another piece of advice because the first hit is always free. It was infuriating but there was defiance for the sake of the best life has to offer and defiance for the sake of defiance. I would not spit in his hand out of spite, he was just a stranger to me. Another Higher Power among many in this world.

To his part, the Devil smirked to hide the satisfaction in his eyes as if contemplating the taming of a stubborn dog. Luckily for the both of us, he knew better than to gloat. "Second, discretion is the best part of valor. Stealth is your best bet at achieving decisive victory without casualties. Your willful protege has bitten more than he could chew this time but this crisis might be a great opportunity."

"Well, I thank you for your thoughtful words of advice, Asmodeus." I tried just to see if it would make him go away faster. I need a bath just to clean myself from his creepy gaze.

"Indeed, it has been a pleasure. Just be forewarned that a troublesome muscle head will knock at your door soon now that I made a move. Don't let his flowering speech distract you from your hatred and defiance though. I am your best bet against the troublesome Protogenoi gods the likes of Rher. Those wretches spawned by the Void are nothing but refuse left over by Death. You don't have to fear them with me as your ally." Asmodeus said while turning back and dispersing into smoke while leaving with a parting sinister laughter.



I was unfortunately too broad and tall to fit in Panaka's closed… probably the most humiliating statement I have ever thought to myself. Especially since I had to use my Puer aeternus form together with my Pocket Cat (tiger edition) mantle to hijack Socothbenoth's sorcery.

I knew Panaka liked to play with fire but nothing prepared me for what I saw once I got inside the closed. Asmodeus be damned! The demi-plane consisted of a circular room of thirty square feet furnished with wood floors and silky walls and a single hound table at its center. Had that is.

I could see Panaka alright, making judicious use of his trickster magic to create illusions and manipulate probability to avoid a swift death at the hands of a furious Nocticula. The furious demon lord had seen better days – her face was caked with a clown mascara, her hair was a rainbow-colored afro and she was wearing a garish harlequin dress that robbed her of her sex appeal. Nothing of the infamous beauty of the Lady in Shadows could be seen through Panaka's magnum opus prank. One that would probably get him killed in the end.

The kingdom-ruining beauty of the first succubus might have been sealed away but Nocticula still proved her mettle by holding her ground in a seven versus one fight against her fellow lords and ladies of the great beyond without the backing of her territory. A lion headed woman wearing simple Indian robes, Eritrice, an empyreal lord of Nirvana. A hippogriff so powerful he rivals even me in power, equipped with a mithril breastplate bearing the insignia of Abadar, Cobblehoof, the personal mount of the god Abadar. A dark-skinned African woman draped in yellow silks and white flowers, Chadalir, empyreal lord of Elysium. A shapeshifting creature in perpetual state of flux in a mesmerizing kaleidoscope, Shyka the Many, an Eldest of the First World. A tin man wearing a tattered one-piece checkered outfit straight out of a mute movie villain, Alichino, Jester Prince of the Cage, Malebranche of Hell.

And last but not least, desperately enduring the brunt of Nocticula's fury only behind Panaka, wearing the guise of a slender, attractive male elf with ebony eyes, long brown hair, elongated ears, and countless piercings of metal or bone throughout his flesh, Socothbenoth, the Silken Sin. It seems like the rumors of their falling out had not been an exaggeration either, Socothbenoth is terrified of Nocticule. It would be almost comedic if it wasn't so dangerous.

Demon Lord of Darkness and Lust was pushing back against six of her peers through sheer spite and fury. Her reputation as one of the most dangerous demon lords of the Abyss hadn't been an exaggeration. Forsaking the hungry raven's mantle for the pocket cat one might have been for the best, Nocticula became patron of assassins and shadows after killing the previous holder of said title, no shadow could hide me from her sight. Stealth with Rher's mystery is a bit more tricky but doable, it might even be a stroke of luck… or artifice of the Devil. Rher specialize in hiding in plain sight and stacking Shadow's exaltation mantle does not hurt either.

In the end, it seems both sides face mutually assured destruction. And if it wasn't for the fact the Panaka, the bastard, had somehow got a hold on the second half of the Lexicon of Paradox since I last saw him I would have sided with Noctitula. As it is, I had to save his life and flee this place. And it somehow involves jumping the jumpers, first Shadow, now Nocticula. What does that say about me?

I take out Promised Death and shrink it to the size of a dagger then overcharge the magnitude of its poison of death with a thousand years of my lifespan, to be discharged in its next attack. Then I sacrifice a hundred years to the flames to calculate my approach toward Nocticula with Golden Thread to divine a perfect path toward the perfect crime assisted by Rher's celestial privileged perspective. Then I execute the plan by throwing another one hundred in motion to ensure the alacrity and grace needed to dance through the battlefield in front of me and shield myself from the awareness of all the contestants by smothering my presence using Rher's mystery.

Once I am in range, I use my penetrating moonlight sight to map out the alien anatomy of the demon lord. Then I attack, leveraging my first labor to stab at all of Nocticula vital points at the same time, untethering myself from the chains of space and time to seize all opportunities available to me. Cutting her throat open, stabbing through both of her ears and eyes, the front and back of its heart, both of her lungs and kidneys, her stomach and severing her spine and both of her ovaries just to be sure.

It might seem overkill but the reason she could take everybody here by herself was because she was the source of the Midnight bolts that I mimic to slow down Deskari with. As the succubus queen she could incense emotions, passion, and lust… but somehow, she eventually learned to invert them, like a reverse cursed technique. Dampening emotions the spirit and rendering the soul as unfeeling and hard as stone. I had to overwhelm her before she killed everyone in this room, including myself.

Fortunately, it seems she isn't immune to her own poison. I feel her frame corpus collapse under my attack, releasing her soul.


"So, this is the liminal line between life and death? Never thought I would ever experience it. But I guess that is when they get you. Congratulations, by ambushing Norgorber and myself you have proven yourself the greatest assassin of the planes. Hope you enjoy the fame until another upstart comes for your crown." A beautiful raven-haired humanoid woman says. Without the ridiculous makeup, she was indeed stunning, but in a mean girl way as her demonic features had been hidden. Especially while wearing modern clothes while seated in an airport.

I myself am dressed much the same, the pocket cat mantle can easily blend in urban settings, though the shorts and sock suspenders always make me feel self-conscious. Standing here side by side with Nocticula was a painful familiar experience. My and Yuki's final goodbye. At the time I had believed with every fiber of my being, we would see each other again; every couple had its rough patches. Now it is just a scabbed scar. How fitting them for it to be used as background. This mirage follows the same imagination materialization of Tengen's emptiness barriers after all. Nocticula had no place of reference for it save for the Midnight Isles serving as our background beyond the window pane.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" She commented at the exotic vista, voice full of melancholy.

"Yeah. But also, sad. A locked and bolted Island on the Night. Only in the darkness of the night does the true and vile nature of men get revealed. We share our decrepit bodies only to the select few under the moonlight. Despite what lowly thieves covering in the shadows would like you to think, the moonlight hides no one." Driving the point home, their reflections staring back at them were of two monsters.

One as beautiful as she was terrible. With roves of molten magma for feet, three barbed tails, bat-like wings, and an extravagant headdress serving as crown. While she bore the same face as the woman at my side there was a viciousness and cruel amusement that was vexing. The Nocticula at my side simply seems tired now. While she fought to the bitter end, not that it is over she can only feel relief. In the end, her Midnight Island had become a gilded cage, the same as every tyrant's domain. Even Asmodeus is just the greatest prisoner to the gears of Hell he had created.

My own moon-scorched reflection… did not even resemble a human anymore. The intelligent design that makes all archangels, pit fiends, and balors look like thematic alternatives to each other seems to have reached me as well. The quintessence of the Iron God manifested as a carapace of interlocking scales. The cruel hulking power of Deskari, cast a fearsome frame. And Nocticula's midnight splendor. The baleful purple blow radiates from the link of each scale, four bat-like wings and a cruel barbed tail rising from a spiked spine. The face is the scowl keratinous and almost skull-like face adorned with horns. And at its chest, the coruscant glow of Wheel bearing jagged lines for each of my principles and labors, my pneumatic chambers mimicking the Macedonian Vergina Sun banner.

"So, what happens to me now?" Nocticula asks with a detached and forlorn cadence. Gargantuan souls such as theirs rarely have a pleasant destiny. To prevent resurrection shenanigans or extract retribution.

"You don't have to worry. I have a policy of burring my grudges toward my enemies with their bones. And while I am not a thassilonian wizard I have studied the nature of sin and even how to purify and heal the soul. Pharasma never complained so for so I imagine she doesn't mind. So now you have two options – If you want to discover a new side of yourself, go east. But if you want to remain as who you are, head west."

"My, you are not only the best but also the kindest assassin I have ever met! What a way to treat a lady." Nocticula joked casually.

"I am kind to everybody I kill. They all get the same choice. But if you want to be thankful you can start by telling me why Asmodeus would manipulate me to see you dead."

"So, the old horned bastard was the one behind our unfortunate meeting then? I knew I couldn't be this unlucky! But you know, I still have half a mind to pulling at your leg for killing me." She confesses while staring me down with a combative body expression. "A pretty little thing the likes of you are what he enjoys corrupting the most. I think they remind Asmodeus of the brother that he himself killed." She confesses with a salacious smile full of dark promises.

Even knowing I was in no danger I could not suppress the shiver going down my spine. Something Nocticula took notice of and had no compunction about bursting into laughter. "Hah, ha ha ha! Still got it!"

"That is not funny." I retorted.

"It kind of is. An angelic and nubile young thing like you would sell for a premium in my flesh market."

"I am a fifty-four years old man!"

Nocticula assessed me with a serious deadpan expression for a moment just to collapse on her chair the next. "What? So, I really got done in by a precocious little boy who had yet to live for a single century? Now I am glad I am dead. I would never be able to live that down!" She complains to the heavens without any shame or care.

"Hey!" I could not help but complain in outrage which only spurred Nocticula to tease me more.

"There, there. Nice murder kitty." Nocticula, audacious and incorrigible woman that she was, fanned me dismissibly while patting my head and petting my tiger ears. Like I was some domestic alleyway cat! "Just keep in mind, only little kids brag about their age to adults and you will be fine. You are quite mature for your age." She mollified me with a patronizing smile.

I pushed her petulant hand away and Nocticula gave in easily, but by the look on her face, she enjoyed making me flustered and squirt in her hand more than the physical contact itself. Fortunately, she was shrewd enough to see my patience was running short. "Since you are smart enough to realize Asmodeus set us up against each other then I won't bore you with tall tales of his proclivities. While the forked bastard loves to fold plans within plans, his greatest strength is what makes him predictable… and reliable. So yes, I can give you a pretty good guess of what his endgame is.

"As long as you can grasp the sheer scope and scale, that is. Scantily few entities are old and powerful enough to have the context to understand him. And to those he calls rivals."

"Of fucking course! Why am I not surprised? I already know I lack context. I don't even know how or why all you god-like entities were doing inside my protegee's closet. But are you going to tell me?"

The Lady in Shadow's good humor that quickly evaporated into a thoughtful mood. "You know, a few millennia ago I had an encounter with some time-displaced adventurers caused by the Runelord of Wrath's schemes, who said I had ascended into coveted godhood. Not as a goddess of lust and darkness but as the Redeemer Queen, patron of artists, midnight, and exiles. The very concept was laughable, that I would reform my ways. But no matter how much I tried to shake it off, the concept kept on doggedly hounding me ever since I was made aware of it."

I gave Nocticula my silence. Those are her last words, the epilogue of her journey. My only job was to be a witness.

"When I realized I was dead I felt relieved. I thought I could let this childish dream rest. But now hearing the options you have prepared for me I can't help but hate you. Just a little bit." She confesses while casting her gaze toward the east with a mix of trepidation… and hope.

"Even Asmodeus is not above mistakes and Baphomet is among the greatest blemishes to his record." The former demon lord of darkness and lust expound, granting me the background to understand the actors and their motivations. "In life, Baphomet was the first minotaur and in death, his soul found the favor of the dark goddess Lamashtu, who took him as a lover. It was in searching to earn her favor that Baphomet tried to steal Asmodeus's ruby rod, the symbol of his power, the Archstar."

"Really? A giant red man with a ruby rod as a symbol of authority? That is what he calls it? I think I have hit my quota of innuendos for the day." I groan openly in complaint. The Priapus parallels arose unbidden despite my best efforts. The world really is obsessed with 'it' so said subject simply seems to live rent-free in my head and sneak on me wherever my guard is down so I can't help but be a bit sensitive about it.

Nocticula didn't seem to appreciate the skittishness of youth though. She was more than happy to use her assassin skills to scratch the base of my tail, an erogenous zone I didn't even know I had, making me shriek with a shark bolt of pleasure that arched my back like a whip and made me weak on the knees. "While I am the last person to defend Asmodeus or Baphomet, mockery has a time and a place. Interrupt me again and I will catch you by the tail. Both of them."

The way the first succubus said those words was pleasant enough but it still came off so threatening that I was compelled to make a zipping motion in my mouth followed by a locking one.

This mollified Nocticula enough for her to continue. "Unfortunately for Baphomet, he was caught in the attempt. As punishment, the Prince of Darkness inscribed his own symbol on the minotaur lord's brow with the nail of his index finger and imprisoned him in a maze so cunningly crafted that Asmodeus declared it unsolvable." She then paused for a moment to see if I would make any childishly crass comment about the Archfiend's homoerotic tendency of branding those he subjugated with his personal stamp.

Fortunately, I took her treat seriously enough to restrain myself.

"In this act, the Lord of Hell overstepped." She continued. "The cunning Baphomet not only solved the maze after only a decade, he stole the labyrinth itself from Hell, taking it with him when he returned to the Outer Rifts. Returning far thinner but much wiser, Baphomet claimed this new realm for himself along with a shard of Asmodeus's power, and with this act established himself as a demon lord."

"How killing you help against Baphomet though?"

"Asmodeus doesn't need any justification to want to see me knocked down a peg on principle alone. But he understood that I had no real interest in the Worldwound, despite what that goat's demagogues might claim. Much on the contrary, I was assisting Areelu's effort to close it. One of Vorlesh's rifts lead to the Midnight Isles, if the 5th​ crusade spills into the Abyss my domain would become the frontline of an interplanar war." She explains though it was clear she was far from done.

"Worthless waste of High Power! Killing you basically fucked me over!?"

"Yes. But notice he did not coerce you into anything and both of you got exactly what you wanted out of it. Asmodeus always gets his way." She scorned with impotent exasperation and sarcastic irony. "He decided to bet on you and the Prince of Law always hedging his bets. You shattered Baphomet's sense of invincibility when you delivered to Deskari his Final Death. The best way to coral the cunning is by unbalancing them – fear and temptation. This is Asmodeu's best opportunity to rectify the biggest blemish of his record. Destroy the one living being that outwitted him and lived to tell the tale."

"But what would be tempting enough to Baphomet for him to risk meeting his final death?"

"Because the Midnight Isles, my domain, contain second greatest deposit of Nahyndrian crystals of the Abyss, losing only to the Rift of Repose, where the souls of fallen demon lords sink to after their final death, but more than making up for it with accessibility. I am sure I don't have to explain it to you since you managed to mimic my poison to kill Deskari and eventually even me. I created said archipelago from the body of my fallen rivals throughout the eons, their souls too congealed to make the travel to its proper resting place and crystalizing into a new island in my domain. Baphomet has been covertly mining this source of mythical power despite the risk of incurring my wrath since over-mining causes the respective island to sink back into the Outer Rift's sea."

"But you are no longer in his way."

"No, I am not. Killing me solidified your reputation. No demon lord will feel safe outside of his domain for as long as you live. If Baphomet plays his cards right, he can grasp at coveted godhood. Only the most eccentrics of demon lords would have skipped such an opportunity. The risk of destruction doesn't even bear mention." She confirmed, getting up from her chair to indicate she had nothing else to say.

It was time for departure.

"Do you have a final message to anyone? Your brother, perhaps?"

"Tell Socothbenoth… that life wasn't so bad, thanks to his company." The first succubus concluded before moving east with her head held high.



This chapter took a lot our of me but also came together super-fast once I put pen to paper. This is the moment Wrath of the Righteous officially start to derail from Canon. One thing that is hard to write in D&D stories are the gods, fortunately, Pathfinder has these narrative resorts that force the gods to act indirectly.

Writing Asmodeus and Nocticula was a blast, my only regret is that their stay was so brief but the Midnight Island expedition is a giant pointless arc from a narrative point of view. Fortunately, the trickster path has this Round Council sponsored by Socothbenoth who is estranged from Nocticula due to a failed coup. Though it is more like a prank to till time between siblings for the standards of demons. He formed the Council to 'solve the Worldwound problem' but ended up more like a book club of overpowered weirdos that constant bicker with each other like they are the main cast of a sitcom. Trickster path is that asinine, at some point he help you infiltrate Nocticula's castle a second time, I just used it to skip the Midnight Isles arc.

Noctitula then track you because she is wise to her brother's ways and she is furious at you for the trick you pulled on her. The greatest case of 'it was just a prank, bro'. She in fact fight you 1 vs 12 counting party members and is still one of the hardest bosses of the game. Zagreus has no business fighting Nocticula at the moment, she is in a completely different weight class. I am a bit surprised with myself at how well I displayed Asmodeus's cunning too. Lawful Evil characters are a lot harder to write than Chaotic Evil, especially ones that excel at guile. Besides Luluch I can't think of anyone that doesn't act crazy, egomaniac, or irrational. Portraying how these entities see Zagreus was fun, the closest I get to write about other Tyrants.
Haha Zagreus really is a mess of a man isn't he still he's trying to grow and learn I hope his journey goes well.

And Nocticula has chosen an interesting path it will be fun to see how that goes. Also it's going to be fascinating when Zagreus reach's and reforms the Tyrant realm.
I wonder how could Zagreus reform it. He has his own muse so that trap is somewhat avoided, but then what? What is a tyrant supposed to be when he doesn't have his own heart and passion taken, how will the hunger manifest?
So which kind of Tyrant is Sokka back in the Avatar World, the Reformed Version or the Regular Version?

Anyways, looking forward to the next Side Story.
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I wonder how could Zagreus reform it. He has his own muse so that trap is somewhat avoided, but then what? What is a tyrant supposed to be when he doesn't have his own heart and passion taken, how will the hunger manifest?
I actually already have planned out how the tyrant realm is to manifest. A promise that I won't fool around. A tyrant is a tyrant is a tyrant. The realm perhaps has more presentation than even the heroic and sophic realms so I don't lack material. Its core identity as the most controversial and troublesome of realms make it something worth writing.
I actually already have planned out how the tyrant realm is to manifest. A promise that I won't fool around. A tyrant is a tyrant is a tyrant. The realm perhaps has more presentation than even the heroic and sophic realms so I don't lack material. Its core identity as the most controversial and troublesome of realms make it something worth writing.
A tyrant is ruled by hunger, and due to the lack of heart is unable to empathise with others. He always eats and eats more, sacrificing more and more of his teritory and subjects because sacrificing himself for It would be against his interesting. He still has the logic of a once philosopher and thus It can think logically, but he is completely unable to help others against his interests. A tyrant with a heart is an emperor, his existence touches the Hearts of eveyone in his kingdom and thus they become one and the same. His nature becomes the ideals of his citizens, but his hunger persists making him devour more and more territory and riches, but as he has a heart be is able to heart the pleas of his citizens and sacrifice part of his own gains for them. Indeed one could say that a tyrant is man-beast while the one with a heart is civilized. Both think logically, both hunger but ones does for survival and the other for something greater than himself.
Panaka joins the two halves of the Lexicon of Paradox but instead of a catastrophic conflagration of power the lines of text begin to move, striving to merge but yet they cannot. The chaotic power of the Outer Rift exists as a denouncement of Order, a phenomenon worth the title of natural mystery. As such, Areelu has set it as the final hurdle to be overcome for those searching for her forbidden secrets behind the Worldwound.

It was something meant for Panaka, I knew with authority. Areelu Vorlesh's interest in the man was more than academic, both Asmodeus and the Targona confirmed. As such this was his trial to overcome. Fortunately, he experienced an awakening of sorts after the great trick he pulled on Nocticula. His dabbling into the arcane arts coupled with my teachings has made him into a proper if unorthodox wizard… a habit he picked up only after he joined the crusade. Legacy of the second soul conjoined to his own.

Panaka struggles to grasp the Lexicon's hidden meaning, the words begin to move faster before his eyes. The frenetic motion of the words brings to mind a wasp nest that has just been kicked. The words arrange themselves into sentences, and the phases begin to make sense, but it is a trap, a snare that will force the reader to put the lexicon down. The lexicon fights back against Panaka's efforts as if issuing a challenge. Can Panaka unravel the secret knowledge enciphered within it?

Fortunately, he isn't alone. The spirit within Rebellion resonates with him, serving as a tuner capable of harmonizing Panaka with the spiritual wavelength of the Abyss. Likes attract likes. The flames of Panaka's eyes shine bright as he leverages his virtuous spirit against the defenses of the Lexicon, overcoming experience with enthusiasm and irreverence. At last, the Lexicon begins to reveal its secrets.

From the biology of mythical creatures to the mystical properties of the blood of demon lords, whose souls have been woven together with the Outer Rift. The geomantic and arcane leg work involved into suturing together the material plane to the extraplanar realm of the Abyss. And finally, the secret behind the rift. The Wound and the key anchored to it.

The Transformation process was conceived as a means to instrumentalize the planar rifts as power sources. However, she learned that it solved the problem of the slow decaying of the 'key', the mortal used to anchor the outer plane to the material world. The power of the Transformation shields the 'key' from the poison of the Wound in the world. Unfortunately, it is only a palliative measure – there are limits to mythical power, and even temporarily exhausting said mythical power leaves the 'key' vulnerable to the poison of the Wound. No. Rather than poison or disease, it would be more precise to compare it to an abscess that will one day burst and kill Panaka when he is at his weakest for whatever reason.

The reason he has become so strong in such a short time is because it is the only way for him to survive: like a flame burning bright before being extinguished.

Well, that explains the stigmata in Panaka's chest that stubbornly refuses to heal properly. Even now it opens one again, hemorrhaging blood and dispersing his vital essence. Panaka would die from it eventually if nothing were to be done. Areelu used a Nahyndrian crystal dissolved into Panaka, coalescing its essence with his soul, triggering his Transformation. She must have done so after he fell into the crevice caused by Deskari's earthquake back in Kenabres.

"Here, please take another cookie, dear." Chadali, the Serendipitous Path, empyreal lord of the azatas, offered me with one hand while she used the other to keep me in her lap. A decision she took on her own once she took a look at me and decided I was cute enough to be her 'luck charm' and started to mishandle me like an overbearing aunt. Despite my protests, she is still someone I can't push aside, my victory over Nocticula in no way makes us equals. Plus, I am still so bloated from Lady in Shadow's soul I feel like passing out from a food coma; not a good position to be in while surrounded by lords of planes I don't trust.

The council started bickering with each other while passing the newly mended Lexicon around the round table. The sight was more reminiscent of a school project between high schoolers than a conference between the movers and shakers of the upper planes. Worlds like 'crossroad of worlds' keep being thrown around while very little was being said about the state of the Worldwound itself. Typical behavior of worthless higher powers. I wouldn't be surprised if Panaka himself saw this whole ordeal as a source of entertainment and distraction from the crusade.

Yet the man himself isn't laughing at the moment. His countenance has a pensive look, and he pins me with an inquisitive glare.

So, it is finally time.

"Zagreus, when I infiltrated Areelu's quarters she confronted me there. She told me I was her creation, her grand experiment." Panaka started.

"That must have been quite the enlightening conversation," I replied.

"Indeed. But among the many things we discussed, what tipped me off were the conditions for a soul to be eligible for transformation. The soul must have a stable connection to the Abyss for the Nahyndrian crystals to successfully trigger Transformation. Mere Tieflings and mongrels can't survive it because the 'Voice of the Abyss' within them isn't strong enough." Panaka said like it was a smoking gun of a murder mystery.

"You don't look very demonic to me though." I countered because it needed to be said.

"Areelu said that compared to the prototype procedure used to empower the demonic armies, mine was the finished product of decades of work. Pure power finely refined, like thrice distilled water, cleansed of the filth and inherent within the power of the demon lords." He paused because he still did not have every piece and wanted me to clarify things for him.

"Indeed. The current arrangement of the outer planes was something that came to be over the eons. You could say she stumbled over the purest form of extraplanar quintessence." I explain.

"Indeed. Vorlesh told me the purity of my power caused it to resonate with other sources of mythical power, like the Sword of Valor. A similar thing happened when I heard the song of Elysium in a temple of the goddess Desna and when a shard of a Pleroma eon touched my soul. My mythical power is different from the ones you grant your followers, those just make people more than they already are. And they also are malleable, able to change, to be reshaped in the form that I most wanted… but this doesn't mean the conditions for transformation had been overlooked." Panaka concluded with an accusation because it was.

"Indeed, the greatest boon a demonic patron can grant a cultist is felled apotheosis, infusing a mortal servant with demonic essence and turning him into a fully-fledged half-demon. Once Areelu was granted such a boon she inducted the Transformation experiment on herself. But you are different from her, aren't you? So, as a trickster yourself, how do you think Areelu managed the grand trick of making a scion of the Abyss into the commander of the 5th​ Crusade?"

Panaka looked pensive for a moment, then stood up. He drew out Rebellion and contemplated his own reflection on the flat side of the demonic sword. He cut quite the dashing figure, his vivid long shaggy red hair held in a ponytail, his reinforced jacked, a functional and stylish attire in shades of red and black. He certainly was a maverick. But if one were to see him side by side with Areelu Vorlesh the familial resemblance would be uncanny. From the hair, facial structure, and clothes, it was almost as if they were siblings.

Though considering the witch's true age, mother and child would have been a more accurate comparison.

"If mere blood ties are not enough for Transformation then what is left are ties to the soul. Yet the key must be native to the material plane. Then there are only two options left – apotheosis like Areelu went through… or Death. Aside from reincarnation, all resurrection magic is a crime against Pharasma, the goddess of death. Though this law is seldom enforced for as long as the soul inhabits the graveyard, but the situation changes once a mortal soul is judged by Pharasma. They become 'petitioners' and their essences are conjoined to the essence of their new plane of rest, standing forever beyond any form or resurrection magic." Panaka concluded.

"Indeed. Most tragedies never see the light of the campfire. As the birthplace of the kellids, Old Sarkoris were predominantly animists. Though, contrary of the old tall tales of the Hundred Gods Heresy, this doesn't make them open-minded. They held a dim view of all arcane magic and to 'preserve the sanctity of magic', they made judicious use of inquisitors and witch hunters to capture and quarantine these spellcasters in a fortress prison of Threshold 'for their own safety'."

"How do you know all this?" My protegee asked.

"Contrary to popular belief, the dead are actually quite chatty. They will talk your ears off if you let them, especially if is something that they regret. Nocticula wasn't special in said regard, even among the demonkind."

"Stop gloating and just finish that damn story!"

"Right. Eventually, the inquisitors came for Areelu. And well… they are not the kind who would let someone go just because they don't have a warrant, or if they were up against a child. They didn't tolerate resistance either. Quite the natural outcome, a moment of distraction can change the course of a life."

"Zagreus? Are you telling me that the Worldwound was because of me?" Panaka asked, incensed. Despite his philosophy that life was all about play, he wasn't a bad person. A bit self-centered and mean, but he understood limits. Unfortunately for him, there is nothing anyone can do about the past.

"Mother, right? The high-strung, carrier-oriented, and used-to-wield power are the ones you should be most wary of. Their unresolved maternal feelings often lead them to take their role halfheartedly until someone transgresses against it. Then they see their children as mere extensions of themselves, becoming devouring mothers. Areelu could not abide that the universe would dare take something that was hers. That was her ultimate act of hubris. Perhaps an act unlike the uptight and scientifically minded witch but most people only realize the worth of something after it had been lost to them."

"… why didn't you just tell me then?" Panaka finally accused me.

"And what good would that have done? I had nothing but a hunch feeling and lived experience. That is why I focused on enabling you to live a life you wouldn't regret. Or are you telling me you stand here right now as a puppet? Suture might have given you the midnight bolt but it was you who decided to use it. You were the one that ignited your own spirit, and that little prank you pulled on Nocticula was too stupid to not be yours. You have lived your life the way you wanted. Why are you surprised the same is also true for everybody else?"

"And what if I say I want out then?" He countered, expecting me to press-gang him into compliance to prove a point.

"Then I will use Serenity to separate man from demon, as you have already witnessed. That is why I made it in the first place. Both of them," I said while glancing at Rebellion. "My worthless apprentice, your origin might be hopelessly grim but this life is yours to decide," I told him, and the emotion behind my words fueled my heart flame behind my amethyst eyes like twin stars. "If your story ends as it began, it'll be because you chose it."

That disarmed Panaka. He was a bright boy and now granted the right context he put the pieces together. Over the last two years we have lived together he knew where we stood with each other. "You know… this line would have been way cooler if you weren't a fop brat getting pampered in an aunt's lap." He countered because he was an impossible child who always had to have the final word.

It was okay though. I had always been more of a man of action. That is why I leaped across the table like a pouncing tiger and started to wrestle him into a painful submission hold.

The peanut gallery went wild. Our little exchange was nothing but entertainment for them. Lords from heaven and hell amiably exchange their inconsequent opinions with each other as if our dirty laundry was some play. It was surreal like a caricature of first-world out-of-touch affluent people distracting themselves by pretending to care about impoverished regions to pass the time.

This was the gulf between mortals and immortals. Those who never knew, or had forgotten, what was like to be so easily extinguished. To be subjected to pain, suffering, indignity, and the humiliation of powerlessness, struggling in the mud while desperately praying for someone just reach their hands down and pull you up. Appeal to Higher Power. The same kind of higher power that derides and exploits mortals for their circumstances like Deskari and Asmodeus had openly done. The same higher power that was responsible for our suffering in the first place!

I myself had been put on this Wheel to suffer. Endlessly. That is why I fear Areelu Vorlesh. Because she was me. We were one and the same: rebels standing against Heaven, defying higher imposition and its dictates. We tired of beg and decided to take. That is why I am scared of meeting her. A part of me couldn't help but understand her desire to pass on her will to the next generation. Even Shadow who had once been mortal could not stamp down a similar urge, sharing his power with me. Aroden too, devised the Trial of the Star Stone so that he could share the gift of immortality with his fellow man.

Asmodeus's words hang heavy in my mind. If Areelu and I traded our circumstances and the destinies woven to us by the Fates would I have her life and her mine?


The Higher Powers might have gotten everything they wanted but, in the end, we did not walk out of that meeting empty-handed. Context is worth its weight in ambrosia but there is no better recompense than… an actual recompense.

For all his flaws, Panaka has no loyalty to the Round Council and he understands the ramifications of their 'crossroad of worlds' idea would have to mortals. It was no laughing matter. While he initially joined them in search of sponsors for our crusade, by now he sees them as nothing but side-show entertainment. Fortunately, they underestimated him enough to not even demand a binding vow, oath, or geas before pinning all their hopes on him.

[Soul Cauldron], an artifact from Abadar's vaunt. Odd name for a long and thick metal needle, but again the Sword of Valor was actually a banner but I digress. The important thing was that all exalted members of the council, every single one of them lords of their realms directly tied to the planes of the Outer Sphere, generously donated part of their own essence to infuse said Soul Cauldron with the essence of each of their respective planes in the (vain) hope Panaka would use it to expand the Worldwound in a crossroad of worlds, turning the mortal plane into their playground.

Panaka even managed to complete it by stealing the essence of Shamira, the Lady in Shadow's protegee, while he infiltrated Nocticula's castle. Much like Arueshalae can't change her demonic essence by redeeming herself, the fallen angel Shamira can't get rid of her heavenly essence until she ascends as a demon lord and directly bonds her soul to the Abyss.

I have a plan in mind, but it would be remiss of me to not verify it first. Fortunately, Nocticula's soul was too gargantuan for me to absorb its entirety and while some of it is being converged into mythical power or distributed to fortify my new angel subordinates, Ablon in specific, it still is too much for me to hold.

Serenity and Rebellion had been a success. As Panaka said, Areelu's Transformation works differently from mythical power native to the material plane. Its fundamental working principles are still the same though. And by storing said extraplanar mythical power in another vessel it is possible to bypass the limits of one's carnal vessel.

Twins are a bad omen in jujutsu, since they count as a single person as far as jujutsu goes. Two terminals for a single soul. Yet Conjoined twins stand as the sole exception. Conjoined twins stack the power over each other. Not only Maki and Mai, but Sukuna and Yuji, and even Olivia (me) and Reila (Logic).

Areelu probably used the clone spell to forge a new vessel for her son's soul using the remnants of his body. She then stirred a new soul to manifest in it, then retrieved the soul of her son, and used it as the core of the Nahyndrian crystal, conjoining them. When I created Rebellion I gave each of them twins a physical vessel, which is why Rebellion holds an immense amount of demonic power Panaka has not even started to tap into yet while the man himself became an 'ordinary' mortal trickster.

[Serenity], Rebellion pair, is much the same. Yet I can't access its demonic power. It was like Areelu said, for the transformation to take hold the vessel needs to hear 'the Voice of the Abyss'.

Fortunately, I have a workaround. My recent encounter with Asmodeus made me nostalgic. Like him, jujutsu sorcerers are con artists, if you are not cheating then you aren't trying hard enough. The purpose of binding vows is always to get out of it more than you invest. Deals that are only equal on the surface. Devils are the same way, they can make decrees, seals, and contracts with themselves or others have the goal of manufacturing their circumstances to their advantage.

[Serenity], [Bounty of Nature], and [Promised Death] are extensions of my own body. Not that different from how sorcerers infuse their cursed techniques in objects over their carriers. Since [Serenity] is already infused with the essence of the Abyss I have enough samples to use the [Soul Cauldron] to do something similar with the other two artifacts. High-minded thinkers of my home world often said that one should search From in Heaven and energy in Hell. I am just pushing the idea to its natural conclusion.

Using the excess from Nocticula's soul for fuel and the Soul Cauldron for direction I infuse [Promised Death] with the righteous essence of the upper plane of Heaven. [Bounty of Nature] is infused instead with the power of the Promised Land of Wild Freedom, the Elysium.

Now it was just a matter of accessing said power by synchronizing with three different planes, all somewhat anathema to each other. Fortunately, I have an answer – men cultivate virtue to align themselves with the Heavens. With my bipolar virtue, I am in a uniquely privileged position. Then it became a matter of manifesting such. All things in cultivation begin and end with virtue and virtue is performative excellence. It is displayed outward. For the soul is the body and the body is the soul.

By making a binding vow with myself I strengthen my bond with [Serenity] in my moon-scorched form, [Bounty of Nature] in mine puer aeternus form, and [Promised Death] through my normal form. All at the extent of my compatibility to something I wouldn't get to enjoy to its fullest extent anyway. A circuit going from chaotic evil to chaotic good into lawful good.

Part of me worry what kind of example I am giving to others by shamelessly pursuing power like this. But at the end of the day, Areelu isn't wrong in that regard. The only one who don't care to pursue power are those that never experienced the indignities derived from its lack. If justice is fairness, the balancing of the scales, it's only justice that instead of living on your hands and knees you use your strength to take… but even if it is justice my virtuous heart can't accept such a cruel reality.

I won't.


Things got animated after Asmodeus's descent into the material plane, especially with the notable death of a remarkable demon lord such as Nocticula. It was either an auspicious or ominous sign depending on which religious order you asked. It did not help that our conversation was very public as well. It certainly is going into the history books of the crusade.

Of course, the attention of higher powers is a curse of interesting times. Asmodeus opened the floodgates to the other gods. While the pompous Iomedae has yet to grace me with her presence, I exchanged drinks with Cayden Cailean, the final of the ascended, god of luck, mercenaries, mavericks, freedom fighters, and alcohol.

I was hounded by the sibling gods Shelyn, gods of art and beauty, and Zon-Kuthon, god of pain and darkness. Their philosophical rivalry is legendary and since I had become something of a novel fad among the gods they decided my output was relevant. As a Greek, pain and tragedy are sacred sources of all enhancements of mankind… for those who approach the discipline of suffering in a way that is affirmative to life, turning it into a spring of strength, lifting a man to the heights of a fulfilling life. In that sense, the life-affirming beauty born from profound suffering redeems and validates life. As a tormented soul and as a worshiper of Dionysus I am certainly biased. Bidding my soul to multiply following in the footsteps of the god of tragic contrast, uniting peaks and abysses of life to cultivate a great character. Just because it works for me doesn't mean this is a universal answer. If there is an objectively correct way to cultivate virtue, it has yet to be discovered.

Yet, while neither god liked my answer, they could not deny the truth of performative excellence. The fortress city of Drezen was beautiful, a true silver city upon the hill filled with exalted souls proudful striding full of purpose. The tragedies and horrors conjured from the Abyss only served as fecund ground for its blooming. Testament of the truth that misfortune and resistance are among the favorable conditions which make possible the great growth of virtue.

"I sense great distress in your heart, my disciple! Indeed, your final battle draws near and a great array of forces arranged themselves against you. It's only wise to be fearful. But worry not! For with the direct tutelage of the Master of Masters, you shall cleave the corruption of the Outer Rift from Sarkoris once and for all! Ha ha ha." Boasted Irori, the god of enlightenment, self-perfection, knowledge, healing, and inner strength.

I would have liked to answer but having conceded the emptiness barrier to the god's control I am the subject to said gym freak of a god's vivid imagination. My experience in the prison realm works against me here. This training session has been going on for years!

The gods in Golarion seem to work on a tick-for-tack basis. Since Asmodeus acted directly now other gods who opposed him had to answer in kind. And Irori and Asmodeus have been enemies for the longest time. Their ongoing feud is born out of the Lord of Hell's penchant for corrupting or destroying the things that others have built and the habit of tempting others with easy paths to enlightenment.

Irori's mortal guise is that of a solidly built South Asian man with tanned skin and a bald head bearing a single ponytail. Though if the legends are to be believed, his true form is the very incarnation of perfection… he is also a total weirdo. A bigger chunni than Shadow ever was, he behave as if he came straight out of some cliché Chinese novel.

He is not a bad person though, only overbearing. He invaded my home calling himself my master and proceeded to talk passionately about the 'three million, four hundred and eighty thousand and twenty virtuous steps' toward perfection like a door salesman.

He is as exasperating as he is endearing. He has this gung-ho attitude about training that remind me of Goku in a way. Someone truly strong searches to overcome his limits and Irori rises from bed determined to kick the shit out of the Irori who slept in it. If anything, the only thing we don't see eye to eye with is our methodology.

Irori has a rivalry with Aroden and the Ascended, the gods who passed the trial of the Star Stone. As a former mortal who achieved apotheosis through his own effort, he disapproves of 'shortcuts'. He proselytizes 'the right way'. An orthodoxy that promised ascension by pursuing physical and mental perfection, strict diet and meditation to cleanse the ki and refine life force.

I countered that just because said method worked for him doesn't mean others would flourish following the exact same trail. There was a reason that some men rose to perilous heights on the shoulders of virtue while others languished in the lowest realms despite living as they should. Mortals exist in three parts, Irori himself stated, and each of them is king inside their soul. So how one can even cultivate virtue at the expense of his dignity? Why should mortals have to disdain one part of their souls for another?

There are as many trails up Olympus Mount as there are stars in the sky, I argued. And it was only right that each aspirant climbed had his own proper path reserved for the promise laying dormant in their soul. The fact I had an entire city bursting with uniquely excellent souls just served to drive this point home.

And in this I erred. For the hubris of daring exchange discourse with my better I reaped juste tribulation. Irori confessed he was begrudgingly impressed with my efforts, despite my less than unorthodox approach. But at the same time, as my senior in the path of self-perfection, he was worried that I was resorting to drastic measures after being demoralized by Asmodeus.

Considering he was pinning my mythical artefacts as he said so I did not have any counter. If appeal to a higher power could solve the Worldwound problem then it would have been closed a century ago. Now an army of mythical demons never seen before was about to counter-attack the 5th​ crusade with force. I had half a mind to charge to the Threshold right now to end the crusade before Baphomet could build up his forces… a fool's errand.

The 5th​ crusade has been raging for almost two years and the entrepreneur's demonic forces have adapted to fight against opponents on an even footing. Nowadays there are more hardened demons in the Worldwound than not. All the soft targets have been picked out. It was like Areelu said, even if individual demons are pathetic, as a horde they are a teeming calamity that is impossible to contain. Every league retaken from the Outer Rift was paid for with crusader blood.

I can't fuck this up but I didn't know if I can win this. The crusade officially escaped everybody's semblance of control. Areeelu, Baphomet, and I are just desperately reacting to unforeseen consequences and rolling with the punches as they come. A bunch of high rollers that keep on playing despite the risks through the power of sunken cost fallacy.

That is why I appreciate Irori's company. The last time I performed closed-door cultivation had been inside the Prison Realm so I dislike this method out of principle. However, I am in desperate need of a distraction. Something to distract me for long enough for me to step back and rebalance myself. Irori is an inflexible if brilliant teacher that doesn't appreciate lateral thinking so he simply ramps up the challenge of the simulation until I perform the task as he intends it. No flash technique or extravagant display of power but basic pankration and calisthenics elevated for a person with the strength of a thousand men put together. Taking one day off right now is the high of luxury but I know this will be my last chance before the crusade is over. Besides, it had been some time since he accessed my own body.

Nocticula's quintessence anchored itself to my Water Chakra, located in the sacrum, dealing with pleasure and is blocked by guilt. As the queen of succubus Nocticula was mesmerizing, not because she was a dark beauty capable of launching a thousand ships, although she was one, but because of her overwhelming sensuality. The body of a living being shapes its characters and a living organism expresses itself more clearly than words: in movement, pose, posture, and attitude in every gesture. Nocticula was a master orator in a language that transcends, maybe even predates, verbal expression.

The golden means between grace and spontaneity fueled by aggression and carnal hunger which evoke dark promises normally hidden in the recesses of the civilized mind. What made Nocticula such a fearsome and prolific murderer almost without equal. And now this talent has been imprinted in my body, the sinuous movements I acquired make my former self look clumsy.

Plus, while I have not engaged in… dual cultivation since Yuki I still can feel Nocticula's quintessence resonating with Deskari's Hunger of the Abyss. Living things hunger for many things, after all. It is a good thing I am not one liable to fool around since I feel like I can kill a mortal through the simplest of acts of passion; a mere kiss would be more than enough. Nocticula certainly lives up to her reputation as a selfish lover with a figurative and literal high body count.

Now let's just hope I have what it takes to win the war of supremacy ahead.


No plan survives contact with the enemy. Ever since I killed Deskari, Baphomet and I have been locked in a game of wits with each other as he tried to sabotage the 5th​ crusade from within. It seems the goat bastard finally managed to find an angle of attack I couldn't defend against.

The Hand of the Inheritor, Iomedae's herald, got wind of Panaka's true origin somehow and, being the self-righteous dimwitted that he is, tattled him to Queen Galgrey, who has nursed a grudge against the both of us for sidelining her in the 5th​ crusade; a lioness jealously defending her territory.

Now she was on my office, in the same spot Asmodeus stood, lecturing me about how to run my crusade!

"The time has come for us to discuss something of the utmost importance. It's high time we talk about your Commander," Galfrey accuses as if she had not been the one to give him the post when everybody thought Panaka had saved Kenabres through the grace of Iomedae. "About how well he has discharged the duties entrusted upon him. And the source of his powers." The crusader queen declares full of judgment and scrutiny.

She certainly feels confident with the bird bastard standing before her, paralleled helmet to helmet with my fully armored Ablon. She went out of her way to make a spectacle out of it. Everybody that matters in Drezen has been summoned to said meeting. This at least gave me enough time to fill in my allies beforehand.

Paralictor Regill interjected from his seat, "Queen Galfrey, must these discussions take place now, in the final juncture of our crusade? Scrutinizing our fellow crusades when we are about to seize victory would just play to our enemies' interest."

"Keep your counsel to yourself, hellknight." Galfrey rebutted. "in the one hundred years that this war has lasted, not a day has gone by when I haven't pondered about how we can win it. Serves you right to remember that!" She said harshly.

Right, she used the sun orchid elixir to extend her lifespan. Another reminder that I am probably the second youngest person standing in the room, being senior only to Panaka and his companions.

"And throwing scandalous accusations at our knight commander after his stellar performance will help in that? How exactly?" I argued.

"May I remind you that it was I that entrusted him with his title and army, not you." She replies, still sore from the time I overtook her back then. "A superior is responsible for the actions of their subordinates take in their names. That is why I can't ignore Knight Commander's secret origin as a scion of the Abyss. Span of the witch Areelu Vorlesh herself!"

"You talk as if you have been deceived." I countered. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." I say while drilling a hole in the golden helmet of the Hand of the Inheritor. "and I am afraid the mere words of the herald of Iomedae aren't as ironclad as they used to be since he himself believed and loudly boasted that Panaka's mythical powers came from his goddess. Why, if he who is an angel of Heaven that had the ear of the crusader goddess would speak such a thing for anyone that would hear then is it Panaka's fault if he himself believed it? As far as I am concerned, we now have the words of a demon versus the words of an angel. Unless Iomedae herself cared to descend from Heaven to testify I am afraid this conversation is over-

Just as I was about to forcibly shut down this line of inquiry in the queen's face, the bastard goddess decided to make herself present, bursting into the room like a beam of light. At this point, I threw propriety out of the window. Daeran blew up his casket laughing his as off as I slammed my head on the table and screamed through my teeth in frustration.

Queen Galfrey went from a look of indignation at my denial into jubilation and triumph at the goddess' entrance to just as quickly turned into outrage and indignation at my reaction. Ablon put a comforting hand on my shoulder to remind me to keep my composure.

"Knight Commander, Zagreus, At last, we met." The goddess says, unperturbed by the irreverence with which we who were addressed greeted her. She got more than enough ass-kissing from everybody else in the room.

"On any other occasion, I would punish you both for such disrespect. But it is not why I came here today. I suppose you are asking yourself why I am here. Gods must not interfere in the affairs of mortals-

"Not really, Zagreus has been hounded by so many gods this last week that they have become a common occurrence by now," Panaka whispered to his companions just loud enough for everybody to hear.

"But what is happening here, in the Worldwound, is no longer the concern of mortals alone." She finished, not giving Panaka the satisfaction of openly irritating a goddess. "Drezen itself is proof, having witnessed so many horrors and miracles I wonder how can still stand." Iomedae looked at the cityscape beyond my window, enraptured for a moment despite herself just to then pin Panaka down with a hardened stare. "The power that lives in you is alluring, unhinged, and can break the laws of reality itself. It is dangerous. Is this truly your path? Do you really hope to prevail over chaos with more chaos?"

I had enough of vacuous higher powers for the day. I made to stand and give the goddess a piece of my mind. But before I could do so Panaka himself put a hand on my shoulder as he stood for himself.

"I have achieved more in my crusade than all the other crusaders managed in one hundred years. I also never dissimulated the kind of person that I was to anyone. Everybody was more than happy to take their own conclusion and run with it! I have just done the same as everybody else in that regard, so I don't mind. But is a bit too late to worry about my credentials now, don't you think?" Panaka says as affably as a Cheshire cat, even as he made a point to step on every toe in the room like a lazy predator.

"I did not come to reproach you, but to warn you," Iomedae answered. "I have come here to shed the light of truth so that it can banish the shadowy deceit with its merciless radiance. My herald acted on his own noble impulse. I did not lie – but both celestial beings and mortals can be mistaken, so I did not try to dispel his misconception about you being my chosen one for I also had hoped you could be the key to the Worldwound problem, and saying otherwise would only undermine you." Iomedae explained. Basically admitting she had no problem with his powers as long as she did not know where it came from. She didn't even share her suspicions with her own herald either.

Secrets of blasted tyrants and poisoned chalices.

The goddess continued. "You have learned from your tutor – the goddess says while pinning me with a stare – that you are bound to the Worldwound. You are slowly dying due to its influence and that you are yet capable of closing it. But still lack a crucial piece of information – closing the Wound won't save you from death, for this lock will destroy the key for which it is bound. The one who closes the wound will die along with it. To stitch two planes together the soul of a mortal must be woven with the essence of the Abyss. To unwoven the seam, the key must be ripped apart."

People could hear a pin drop, all eyes turned to me for confirmation or denial. That was a serious allegation, a betrayal of the highest order.

That is why everybody missed Panaka's face when he shrugged it off. "Well, that makes sense. It's pretty useless information since I am already doomed to die anyway." The maverick explained casually as if it was someone else's problem.

The room ignited in complete disorder as the peanut gallery went wild in a mix of exclamation, indignation, and worry. For his part, the responsible for said chaos was simply puzzled for once.

"Wait, what do you guys think those are?" Panaka says while pointing to the scarlet heart flame burning behind his eyes. "Didn't you explain it to them?" He asked of me in plain exasperation.

"I did, in fact, explain it to them."

"Yeah, through the most poetic and circuitous means possible. Right?" Panaka said in jest.

Before things could degenerate into an argument, I decided to take charge. "I told you all before that it was a Hero's destiny to burn. It wasn't a metaphor – Greek fire doesn't fade until everything it touches is reduced to ash. The low flame burns the longest but we can't use candles to turn night into day. No matter how hard a hero tries to stifle his Spirit, the passion that allowed his ignition in the first place will forever rule his heart. For a Hero's nature was to burn. Brilliantly, gloriously, for all the world to see, and every flame needed fuel. Heart's blood, the sacrifice of lifeline to defy greater imposition is the reason every Hero's life was an Epic and why said epic always closed in tragedy in the end."

"What he meant to say is that we are burning through our lifeforce to perform great feats that defy the laws of reality." He countered… because I have become too Greek and obtuse for my own good.

"That is true," Ablon interjected. "I witnessed young Panaka's resolve from inside the Wardstone. In order to bring about a defiant miracle that would satisfy the two warring angelic hosts keeping vigil inside the Wardstone, the knight commander set his own life ablaze with the assistance of Young Master's sword."

"Indeed, I have been dancing in the knife's edge every day of the crusade. There is no way I would have triumphed against the crazy demons of the Wound with just a little bit of mythical power. I mean, it helped. But said demons also have mythical power so it evens out. Zagreus told me that 'on the way to the peak of their potential, change is the providence of young blood' or something flowery like so. If I did not want to burn out then my only option was to flourish and prosper even as I gutter out. Selling my lunch to buy dinner kind of deal."

Regill was the first to recompose himself from said revelation. "It seems I owe you an apology, knight commander. I wondered why Zagreus kept someone so frivolous and capricious as you around. When I heard of your circumstances, I wrongly believed it was his way to keep an close eye on a violative element. Now I see that despite your panache you have taken this crusade more seriously than any of us who still could always walk away. I will make sure to smooth things over with the hellknight orders once this ordeal is over."

"Indeed," followed Iomedae. "Your courage is commendable for justice is the birthright of all yet you are trapped in this web of demonic deceit. But this doesn't change the fact a piece of the Abyss itself is in your soul. The only thing that can cleanse the soul of such a taint is the same soul. I will show you how to root out the demonic corruption. You are at the crossroad of your fate, the path ahead is difficult but you have shown you have the mettle to walk it. Reject Areelu's gift and secure your victory as the person you once were. Win as a mortal and become a legend among mortals!" The goddess pleaded, willfully ignoring she herself ascended not entirely on her own merit but through the ladder, that Aroden threw once he ascended into heaven.

Panaka just lifted a skeptical eyebrow at the goddess. "And you are going to help us win the crusade if I do that, your holiness?"

"I cannot change the flow of mortal history. The Worldwound is still their doing, although committed at the behest of the Abyss."

"Typical…" Panaka complains, insolent and incorrigible in the face of the reproachful look of a goddess and its followers. Then he turns his gaze to me. "So, Teach? What do you think of this matter?"

"What do I think? I think we are better off with the foolish herald and the impotent angelic hosts of the Wardstone than with the goddess. They might be foolish and brash and prone to leaping before they look, but this presumptuous waste of higher power before us is more useless than a corpse! You don't need her and even if you did, she wouldn't bleed alongside you."

Those were fighting words. Every single person in the room was either holding their breath or looking for escape avenues.

Iomedae had enough of my insolence, it seems. "You know not what you speak. My interference would trigger an interplanar war with the Material Plane as its battlefield, grounding all mortal life to dust!"

"Is that why Aroden sat tight on his heavenly throne the first time Deskari dared to sully Golarion with his buggy paws, darkening the shores of those under his stewardship? Or when Desna did not destroy demon lord Aolar after she transgressed her dream territory to prey on her followers? The same way she didn't bother to set our resident redeeming succubus Arueshalae straight when she did the same?" I turn my face toward the goddess, "You are right, I know nothing of your designs and godly problems! But if you don't share your burden with us or suffer and bleed with us down here then why are you here for besides for the audacity to stand proud in our moment of triumphs? If you won't join us on the stage, then begone to the stands!"

I had crossed the line with my comment. Iomedae took offense and intended to reap retribution. I could see in the hardening of her eyes, the serrating of fists, and the tightening of her jaw. I didn't care though and couldn't bring myself to regret it either. I could feel the righteous power of heaven dormant inside [Promised Death] answering to the indignation of my virtuous heart. The raven mantle manifest and hardens with the power of the iron god and the two of us draw our blades and march toward each other. Demon lords fight all the time, why should the heavenly lords be any different? This was Justice too.

But just before we entered each other's striking range Panaka drew out Rebellion and sank it into the stone between us. The sword was a stark reminder of his dire situation, it has become more and more demonic as the crusade raged on. That was what would have happened to him if I had not interfered. Even an ordinary person can tell the sinister power held within.

"Okay, that is enough! I can't have the two of you stealing my spotlight, can I?" Panaka says affably but then once he looks at his sword his shoulders slum with a tired sign. "You know. You keep saying corruption this, corruption that but we are talking about a living person here. People say I am unhinged and problematic but I have seen angels like Shamira ruling in the Abyss and demons like Arueshalae being embraced by the Crusaders as one of their own. I have seen angels wavering in their duties and demons being selfless. The world is far more chaotic than people like to admit, but I don't dislike it. Makes life interesting, you know?" He finishes with a lame smile and then fixes his gaze back on the blade.

"Zagreus once said to me there is nothing more real than pain, it brings things into stark clarity and it stays with you," Panaka says as he grips his chest over his heart and the Wound, his heart's flame dimming with his plummeting spirit. "The knowledge of pain is what allow us to truly sympathize with the pain of others. The remembrance of when I saw the angelic hosts inside the Wardstones made those words hang true. The Abyss is a plane of pain and fury, part of it lived inside of me, and that is what spurred me into action. It made me want to lessen the burden of those angels because when I did so it was as if my own Wound was being healed…"

"And you will have the eternal gratitude of Heaven for your deed. That is why I am here, to retribute the favor. If you keep going as you are, you will lose more than your life. Your soul will be dragged down to the Abyss!" Iomedae insisted.

"… you are probably right. And that is unfair, but it isn't only unfair to me. It is unfair to Arueshalae who deserved better and it is unfair to Shamira who deserved worse and it is unfair to him too." Panaka said while pointing toward the demonic sword. "He is a mean bastard alright, temperamental and always causing me trouble… but instead of focusing on sharing his misery he always prefers to laugh, a temporary respite from the pain. Laughing through the pain, I found, was the best balm to the Wound tearing us both apart so I tried to laugh as often as possible. For both of our sakes. And the more that I fought inside this Wound in the World the more I noticed that it helped not only me but also everybody when confronted with the horrors of our crusade."

"This is… commendable." The crusader goddess says as diplomatically as she can manage, alas, Iomedae wasn't a goddess concerned with redemption. "But this doesn't change the fact this… part of yourself, was rightfully condemned by Pharasma to the Outer Rift after death and it will drag you down there if you don't let go of it. It would be an injustice for you to be consigned to such an end after sacrificing so much for Golarion and its people!" She implored, as much as a goddess can do so.

"Fairness, eh? I always wondered what did he do to be condemned to the Abyss… until I visited that abandoned cabin. Ever since then, I have been having these dreams, these… recollections. Mother was stern and distant, but also brilliant and powerful. For a young boy living in the middle of nowhere the only source of excitement was magic, so one day he sneaked into her atelier and took one of her books… it was demonology of all things, because it was a topic of interest to his mother and he wanted to impress her, and because children are stupid and think themselves invincible; plus he loved summoning. Then he used some chickens of our pen as a sacrifice to summon a quasit, least of all demons and common familiar of demonologists." The peanut gallery was divided into those ignorant of arcane matter and confused for it and those aware of the incoming train wreck.

When a spellcaster seeks out a quasit to serve him as a familiar, his soul brushes against the Abyss and it reacts, carving from itself a quasit linked to that spellcaster's soul and forming a powerful bond between the two. Newly created quasits are birthed directly into the Material Plane, where they become familiars, and while bonded to their masters' wills, all quasits hate and loathe their lieges, as they can feel the pulse of their lords' souls and know that they could have been more. A quasit serves, yet it watches and waits for mistakes that might cost its master's life.

When a quasit's master dies, the quasit can attempt to hijack the master's soul travel into the Great Beyond by transporting it into the Abyss and placing its master's soul in the quasit's possession as a writhing larva rather than using the evil master's soul to create new demonic life. In this manner, a quasit can use its newly captured soul to bargain with more powerful denizens of the lower planes, and perhaps secure a vile transformative "promotion" to a more powerful form of life in the process.

"Then the men of the inquisition darkened our doorsteps just as I- he had completed said summoning. I couldn't be older than ten but they didn't care, and was cut down in an instant before casting a simple cantrip… and this is not an uncommon story; both inside and out the Worldwound. I kind of understand what my mother was trying to achieve. There is a fundamental imbalance between the mortals living in the Inner Sphere and the denizens of the Great Beyond. But Areelu Vorlesh was still a true daughter of Sarkoris, the druidic faith of our lost homeland embraced a comprehensive perspective of their existence in the multiverse. We regarded planar anomalies such as portals as inherently natural occurrences and its denizens as no different from elementals and even animals. In the eyes of a Sarkorian druid the spirits dwelling in the planes held an equal reverence to the powers held in the land itself."

Panaka finished his monologue by producing a familiar needle from a sleigh of hands. Did he pocket my Soul Cauldron? Don't tell me!?

I was not the only one to draw similar outlandish conclusions. Iomedae was about to smite Panaka where he stood, but it was Regill of all people who set himself to obstruct the goddess. "Didn't you say this was a mortal matter beyond your jurisdiction just moments ago? It would sully your reputation to go back in your words now, my goddess."

"Are you out of your mind? This will turn the world upside down, hellknight!"

"Hellknights are still at their core a worldly institution tasked with the mission of protecting the people of Golarion from chaos and evil; we take inspiration with the perfect order of Hell but we don't serve its interests. Besides, the Order of the Claw is also a Sarkorian institution created to close the Worldwound. This is indeed an extreme measure but it is not inappropriate in the face of incoming escalation, the world already is upside down. Imagine my shock when I discovered that lords from throughout the planes had been conspiring behind closed doors to expand the Worldwound into a crossroad of worlds!? The incontestable interference of the King of Hell in the scalation of conflict forced our hands. This irreconcilable conflict of interests can only be solved by prioritizing Golarion and its people at the expense of outer planes. Transgression justly answered with transgression might be the best teacher of the importance of boundaries." The hellknight reported the end conclusion of his ruthless calculation.

"Ablon!" Iomedae addresses her former subordinate, expecting the newly evolved archangel to side with her in this matter.

But to her sore disappointment, the heavenly knight only shrugged. "Nothing would bring more joy to the angels of upper planes than for mortals to attempt to reach it through their own efforts by living pious and virtuous lives. This is an avenue that bring us together in a consensual way as well… you know how we angels can be, so prone to magical thinking, that everything will solve itself out." Ablon concluded with a small hint of irony to her former boss. The closest an angel would ever get to giving someone the middle finger.

"Wait!" Arueshalae screamed toward Panaka with desperate panic; this was no surprise, the two of them were practically an item. "Please, reconsider! How could you willingly condemn yourself like this? You know what I am, you know who I used to be! We confronted my nightmares together! There is only despair and desecration at that Abyss! I finally climbed out of it… you are… to me you are my Elysium!" The redeemed confessed her tender feelings in the only way she knew how though none could ever mistake her true intentions.

Panaka paused and considered her for a moment before reciprocating her feelings with an equally tender smile, his heart flame shining like twin suns. "I know. My beautiful butterfly, haven't we talked about it? The past can't be rewritten, instead of remaining a prisoner of your own memories why don't you try to look forward from now on? I don't need to fear my nightmares anymore. Because what makes me human will keep my heart safe." Panaka expressed his final principle as he ascended to the captain rank of the sophic realm.

Then he picked up Rebellion once more and looked at it with tenderness. "That is why I shouldn't discard my other half either. If Serenity can sever man from demon, then what about Rebellion?" Panaka palmed the Soul Cauldron and forcibly slammed it at the flat side of his blade, which absorbed in a violent magical conflagration. Then in the same breath, he twisted it in the air over his head, one hand over the cross guard and another guiding the blade through his virtuous heart.

In a single motion, he brought Rebellion down upon himself, impaling the Wound in his chest that made him the key.

The witnesses watched on as if they were expecting a murder but Panaka remained serene as he pushed his blade into his chest up to the hilt, holding its handle almost like he was embracing Rebellion to his chest. "That… that is right… it was painful, wasn't it? We have been trying to avoid acknowledging it… our heart. A reminder of the things that you have lost… and will never get back. But that is why I came… we will never be separated… it will be alright… the two of us can overcome anything... as long as we are together."

As if in response to his consoling words the sword was infused with power from within, jagged coruscating lines of abyssal fire leaking from the seams as it dissolved and discorporating. The two sides of the same coin never meant to face each other or see eye to eye, integrated. Conjoining once more as they were meant to be.

Men cultivate virtue so they can align themselves with heaven as guiding stars. Eventually, when a man reaches high enough, the heavens are bound to take notice. And though their answer is always the same, the nature of Tribulation Lightning is that of a circuit linking Heaven and Earth. The presents laid witness to a profound phenomenon; a defiant miracle etching itself into the world. The first brought about at the hands of a native Golarion at that.

Student mimics master, having witnessed how I used the Soul Cauldron, Panaka lay his own design. It was like the Measure of a Genius from Michelangelo's Sistina Chapel. An encounter between the mortal and the divine. A pure matrimony of man with a cruel angel, unmarred by congealed blood of demon lords. An act that would change the course of their world as they could feel this lesser mystery resonating with their own virtue, bringing the good news.

After all cultivators of virtue were all equally desperately reaching for the ivory heights, hoping despite hope that someone would reach their hand down and pull them up with them. This appeal to higher power was as common as it was derided by those above, who were burdened with their own troubles. But now a trickster had stolen for them a pure spark unburdened by ties to capricious and covetous higher powers. The witnessed knew that as long as they became mortals of the highest virtue and the most egregious audacity to dare tread the perilous leap of faith through the gulf that separated mortality and the divine, then they too could experience the same ascension.


*** Panaka Pulls Down the Ladder ***


The dice was cast. It seems that in his hast Asmodeus overstepped his boundaries for a second time. There is no way in Hell this was part of his calculations! After all, it even excelled my own. My own plan was nowhere near ambitious, set a contract that taught lords of the beyond how to empower mortal servants in exchange for the promise of non-direct interference in the Material Plane. As expected of Areelu's progeny! The god's willful disregard for the Worldwound now set a precedent that will forever change the landscape of faith. After all, of what use are the gods once mortals could become their equal through effort alone?



This chapter was super long. I did not expect it but at least next chapter we will have the final battle.

Zagreus showing off Sukuna isn't the only binding vow merchant, the guy is the king of min-max! By the way, yes, Zagreus moonscorched formed is literally DMC Sin Devil Trigger; it helps a lot it is basically Dante and Vergil's balor forms. Though While Panaka's look a lot like Dante's, Zagreus has his stars dharma wheel in his chest, has five eyes, and a violet color scheme.

Panaka pulled a fast one on everybody. This is important, especially for Golarion, because Panaka is a dual class (split foundation) because of what Zagreus and Areelu did to him while in 'foundation establishment'. Now Golarion has a native semi-divine realm of its own, opening new possibilities. For example, orders of hellknight who take inspiration in the perfect structure of Hell and mimic a roman inspired cultivation style no longer need to do pacts or patronage of devils, who have their own interests, to live up to these expectations.

Regill went really off course from his canon self, but you must remember his true goal is a 'permanent solution to the problem of the Abyss'. Which is an ambition even Iomedae considers folly since the Abyss is as eternal as Heaven itself. Considering elements of hell itself were trying to expand the Ww, it would be no surprise Regill would back a retaliatory plan.

Zagreus met a lot of gods this chapter. Honestly, I wanted to develop Irori more but there was too much happening this chapter.
What did this madlad just do. Did he just permanently make cultivation a thing now? Everywhere?
He laid down a basic structure for a 'semi divine realm' using the process of Transformation. The Star Stone IS a big deal. So big in fact I am tempted to make Zagreus use it once he becomes captain of the tyrant realm. The problem is that the hurdle between mortal and god is too big. This serves as a straightforward means to reach "epic levels", something that doesn't exist in Pathfinder.
The chaotic nature of demons ensured the 5th​ Crusade was well-informed about the situation of the Midnight Isles even after losing the support of Socothbenoth. I would even dare to say our betrayal works in our favor. Instead of using the crusaders as proxies, the Silken Sin has to take matters into his own hands to claim his sister's domain, not only obstructing Baphomet but preventing him from retaliating.

This was the final push of the crusade so of course I made sure to go all out. I contacted the Pathfinder Society, Mercenary League, and every free mercenary and adventurer selling their sword for coin, going as far as personally teleporting them. And promptly threw them into the meat grinder, helldiver style. Creating Silver portals deep into the Worldwound to be fortified and protected until my army advances.

The poor fools did not know what they were signing up for and I didn't care to enlighten them. It was their lives to gambit away, after all. They were to be distraction and bait to take the heat off my forces.

I promptly slip myself into three courses of action using probability clones. My puer eaternus would support the crusaders much like I did against the Fire Nation – [Bounty of Nature] was now infused with the power of the Elysium and using it as a lyre backed by Orpheus' scarlet strings manifested the song of Promised Land of Freedom. As the angel of death, I would go all out with my domain expansion supported by an army of dragon tooth warriors and shadow monsters, excising the corruption of the Abyss by killing everything in my way. And finally, in my moon-scorched form, I would focus on hit-and-run tactics targeting hard targets, powerful demons too dangerous for my mortal troops.

The 5th​ Crusade marched like a tide wave against the corruption of the Abyss. Men and women of different races and creeds united under my banner by the power of virtue. Victory would be assured against any other opponent. But the Outer Rift is not a power to be trifled with. Demons have their own sense of pride and my actions insulted them. Rather than an enemy army, the faceless hordes of the Abyss stood as a sea of bodies. They stretched as far as the eye could see, bottled out the sun with malevolent wings, and quaked the earth with their screams and footsteps.

They were just the appetizer though. I knew that the first of Baphomet's servants and daughter, Hepzamirah, was acting on his behalf in Nocticula's territories. Islands have been sinking left and right as Nahyndrian crystals are being mined with reckless abandon. Some of it must have been used to empower favorite servants, but I would wager that Baphomet had something more sophisticated in mind.

As it would happen, I had been right.

{Domain Expansion: IVORY LABYRINTH}

Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequence of my actions coming back to haunt me? Baphomet did his homework and Areelu was forced to capitulate. When the witch stitched the two planes together, she not only subjected Golarion to the corrupt influence of the Abyss but it also imported the stabilizing nature of the material plane to the Abyss. The only reason this isn't an issue to them is because of the absolute authority demon lords have over their domain prevents similar obstruction.

My modified domain exploited the protean nature of the Abyss to remake a more malleable material plane of Sarkoris into something that reflects my nature. Now Baphomet is doing the same, manifesting his own domain on the surface of Golarion.

The final battle of the Worldwound barely started and it already has become a tug of war between domains. The silver-bright Sarkoris has become my world, my domain. Every virtuous soul under my banner shines to my pneumatic sense like an extension of myself. For a tyrant is a self-made monarch, for he is more than a king. He is the Kingdom.

But the same could be said about Baphomet as well. He was using the blood of congealed demon lords to empower himself in an attempt to forcibly expand the Abyss. While I slayed both Deskari and Nocticula, such a feat only happened because said demon lords were caught by surprise outside their domains and entourage of servants and slaves. Baphomet was at the top of his game, having free access to the power of his domain to magnify all his specs, and prep time to do his worse.

Our armies clashed in a march of thunderous display of might and magic. The heavens raged with storm crowns as I calibrated my strategy to deny the demons any aerial superiority. The power of the Eye of the Hurricane was something I intended to keep in reserve for Baphomet himself, but now It was the 5th​ crusade that was working with a time crunch. Nocticula topped off my heart's blood reserve but at the end of the day I was still mortal, but Baphomet on the other hand had an effectively infinite stamina. He specializes in prostrated battles anyway, tiring his adversaries in his maze until they are easy to pick.

Every tyrant fears the world inside another tyrant's domain. Even time and space were at the biding of demon lords inside the Abyss, he could isolate some parts of my army in specific parts of his labyrinth for months while freezing troublesome enemies in stasis. Even if our tug of war kept him occupied, some things came effortlessly.

Ablon, now a silver-bright mythical archangel thanks to my favor, used her holy lance to cut a jagged line through the tesseract labyrinth of ivory bone of the damned that was threatening to swallow heaven and earth. Spearheading the rescued and reformed angelic host against the forces of the apocalypse. Those restless angels who experienced despair and betrayed their vows once upon a time, now return to the frontline. Courageously, my starlight marrow in their bones demanded. For even if they think themselves worthless weaklings and traitors, they can still stand up so they can fight once again. And they still bear the sincere and earnest wish for the people of this world to prosper. So, they fight on.

Regill had taken my lessons to his iron-wrought heart. Pitiless. To himself and to others. With his inflexible resolve, he burdened himself with the favor of my equally pitiless muse, mortgaging his heart as housing for her guidance and favor. Then he turned her blessing against his own hellknight order, turning the Order of the Claw into an iron gauntly fit for his fist. The armies of hellknights march in mathematically perfect cadence, faceless suits of black armor moving like a living obelisk crushing anything in the way of his relentless army. The hellknights ignored wounds that would challenge even those of their standing just to keep up the perfect coordination that mimic the clockwork precision of Hell. Thousands of men fighting as one unter their half-foot Lictor.

The same could not be said for the average crusader. Four crusades throughout a century pretty much exhausted the Mendevian stock; part of the reason Queen Galfrey was willing to promote an untrained outsider as knight commander as a publicity stunt. This also meant that, in spite of my best efforts, Panaka still managed to instill his unique sense of flair into the average crusader. This made them a… colorful bunch. Scaled Eldritch Disciple Paladins, Vampire Ninja Pirates, Warbarian Ragepriests, are among the most prominent cases but even the average rank-and-file soldier looks like a drunk frat boy going to a party. The only thing holding them together is the creed of laughter in the face of adversity.

The once scattered and new returning children of Sarkoras fight under the banner of a new Green Faith that once was omnipresent in those lands. Its ranks were filled with both the living and the dead. The Stone Wilds fought bitterly against the Abyss's effort to destroy nature to the point of resorting to absorb its corruption into their own souls. Their tragedy was eternalized as the Stone Wilds and through the fell transformation of these druids into siabrae. Yet through my effort as a keeper of the dead, their tortured souls have been… restored. I could not unmake the tragedy of their ascension but I could heal their souls and force their final breath back into their bodies. Now they serve as a link between old and new Sarkorians, giving me the legitimacy I needed to end the Sarkorian diaspora.

But the Worldwound was a treat to all mortal life and the eternal queen, Galfrey would not dare to miss this opportunity. The knight orders she cultivated for the last century were arrayed to finally put this demonic treat to an end. But she wasn't the only one though – from Numeria came contingents of android rangers and cyber barbarians armed to the teeth with technological wonders and horrors and coated by Logic's green rue, the sign of her influence, the unifying light of consensus.

I, not to be outdone by my sister convoked all the members of my Orphic House to join in this night parade. The unkindness of hungry ravens conjoined to my own shadow bringing down tribulation in its talons against the demonic hordes. There is no way my elder children would let me fight Baphomet on my own, and my students were of similar mind. So, I gave the five heroes under my Parthenon a stipend of a thousand years of my heart's blood to let them cut loose.

They were not the only heroes in this war though. Bearing the Sword of Valor in one hand and a reforged Rebellion made of bone, scales, and steel in the other, Panaka's soul shedder defiant glory like the sun sheds heat and light. He stood as the tip of the spear, weakening Baphomet's grip on Sarkoris with his mere presence. And so, his demonic generals made sure to give Panaka the brunt of his attention, but it was of no avail. For he wasn't alone. Surrounding him were his steward companions who followed him through his campaign. Every single one of them half a step from the realm of legends!

Nobody could have predicted such an apocalyptic end. Today history is being written. Circumstances have aligned themselves to give a demon lord a real shot at godhood. Baphomet would be unstoppable if he swallowed Golarion inside his labyrinth. But in the other hand, the victory of mortals would mean a disruption in the relationship between mortals and gods. Our victory would trigger the race for divinity as the knowledge of cultivation would spread like wildfire.

The stakes could not be higher. The fate of the world was on the line. That is why I had to win.


What a citizen can only pay lip service to, a sophic can picture in his mind's eye, and a hero can simply see… but what about a tyrant? What is it that a philosopher of the fourth realm perceives from his privileged standing? What is it like to look from above the realm of heroes, standing at the pinnacle of enlightened cultivation, the realm of self-made kings where the heavens obscure all mortal sight with storm clouds and wrath?

For some… personal reasons I have been pitting myself against these questions since I defeated Unity. And I came to an answer of sorts… more like a thesis, really. An untested theory that I will only get to validate if- when I finally reach the end of my own Epic.

The answer is Nothing. That is what meant to contemplate the visage of our faceless divinities and judge your face would suit them better. The divine exists in mystery, it can only be perceived and interacted indirectly, so to reach it a man needs to transgress against the heavens. Beyond where logic and passion can be of any held the only thing left for a man to do is to follow his gut feeling toward heaven. It means to step over the uncertainty and let intuition guide you. A Tyrant, then, is a man following his gut to divinity, for lack of any other guidance. That is why we associate them with hunger.

That was the core thesis statement of Greek cultivation of virtue. The grander and the more opaque the mystery, the more there was to be gained from understanding it. To know that you do not know a thing is the first step to understanding it. What a cultivator needs the most is the proper mindset to ask the right questions. The inquisitiveness that leads a man to search for answers for himself and develop himself further. That is the spring from which virtue and refinement flow, propelling men toward maddening heights in pursuit of answers that exist as far from their reach as the stars.

This is important now because of who I am fighting against. The Ivory Labyrinth isn't called the Ineluctable Prison for nothing. Asmodeus designed it and if he said it was unsolvable then I damn well believe it! Because at his core he is a being or Order so it was an enchantment of sorts, a decree… and yet, somehow Baphomet managed to outwit him. The kind of lateral thinking needed to pull it off could only come from an entity of Chaos.

After experiencing the Lexicon of Paradox, I came to understand the true nature of the Outer Rift and how Baphomet refined himself in that labyrinth into an avatar of the Abyss. The demon lords of beasts and labyrinths wear his triumphant history like a cloak. He is for all intents and purposes a demi-god in the superlative sense of the world. My burdensome metaphysical senses are broad and refined enough to pick up the core thesis of his mystery as clearly as any song.

"At first, I was empty. Then I was filled with three things – wisdom, guile, and malignity."

To defeat Baphomet, I will have to overcome the mystery of his existence. Like Theseus, I will have to explore the labyrinth to kill the beast that made it its territory. Getting lost here would be a death sentence though, for the beast is a clever and cowardly hunter that can't be flushed out easily. Baphomet has been avoiding me like… more than the plague actually, considering his alliance with the Lord of Swarms. He is terrified of his death so he doesn't dare to strike me directly even now. My victory over Nocticula forced this confrontation but otherwise, he wouldn't dare to risk meeting his final death at my hands.

The fact we haven't exchanged words a single time is proof of his cowardly nature… and also his cunning. He divined Rher's suffocating light can breach the distance that separates us, a boot call is all I would need to reach him. The only statement he put his full faith into is his unsolvable maze. This is the only mettle which he dares to pitch himself against me who have bested his betters. But in doing so Baphomet outwitted himself. In the end he is just another petty tyrant ruling from inside his gilded cage. In a sense Asmodeus's claim was validated, Baphomet never truly escaped his prison. He carries it wherever he goes.

He made things simple, all I had to do was solve the ivory puzzle. And there isn't a child of Hellen that hasn't heard of how Theseus overcame the minotaur. I could clearly see it, the metaphorical and literal golden thread that would lead me on the path to victory! A ball of tread, Ariadne's string!

Archimedes' golden thread - the ever-converging, ever-predictable manifestation of the golden ratio. He developed it in his pursue to unraveling the divine workings of the Fates themselves, framing the entire world under the lens of his mathematical thesis. It helps me that there is great compatibility with my foundational mystery of the Wheel Turning. It breaks the perfect and perpetual circle of samsara into a converging spiral guided by the certainty of entropy, converging the golden treat toward a predictable direction.

To the Greeks, the sciences of Numerology and Astrology walk hand in hand. Using Greek letters as numbers is a pain in the ass, especially compared to the Hindu–Arabic numeral system. But unfortunately, man is an arrogant and prideful creature, and a Greek is specially so. This… conceit is also part of the strength of the children of Hellen. The Greeks desired beauty of self, and order over chaos, and so they also imposed that beauty and order on the world outside of themselves.

It's all about aesthetics. Beauty stand as the pinnacle of performative excellence, irrefutable proof of natural hierarchy that can't be reasoned away. Only stepped on and destroyed. But yet, even then, 'violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'. Words from the present that validate the past and will echo in the future. Beauty is divine, so it is also power. To pursue beauty is all things in all ways a man is making an appeal to higher power of the highest order, aligning oneself in harmony with the universe itself.

Having experienced the mind-bending chaos of the Lexicon of Paradox, I started to prepare myself precisely for this scenario. Asmodeus probably predicted that as well; that is why he engineered things so Irori would step in even. Those experiences prepared me. The properties of Baphomet's domain are well documented. Navigation of the Ivory Labyrinth is difficult but not impossible. One experienced in trailblazing and navigation (such as myself) and knowledgeable about planar geography can navigate the labyrinth to known locations, provided the traveler does so within the rules of the maze and doesn't attempt to cheat by flying over the labyrinth's walls… and that its master doesn't decide to interfere as well.

By its very nature as a puzzle, the Ivory Labyrinth spurs all divination magic as well. Yet there is a method to its madness, the orderly core of Asmodeus's design remains the same, a condition the First Minotaur endures in his own brown to claim a shard of the power of the King of Hell… almost like a binding vow, a self-imposed contract; something Prince of Law excels at.

Once I was armed with the right context it simply became just a matter of asking the right question.

"How did Baphomet conquer the Ivory (lies) Labyrinth (forked passage) with wisdom (reason), guile (hunger) and malice (spirit)?"

The nature of puzzles is to disorient and baffle the mind. This isn't the sort of question I can power my way through, the Lord of Minotaur's domain is ten times the size of the Inner Sea of Golarion. Neither Time nor Magnitude can unravel the true nature of the labyrinth… but the same could be said about the Prison Realm and I am not out of options. Motion, the turning of the axes, the turning of the wheel. The very etymology of the word Labyrinth [λαβύρινθος] (forked/doubled axed passage) gives me a foothold over the goat bastard! No wonder Greeks are so prepotent and full of themselves!

Having asked the proper question, my passionate heart burns through ten thousand years of my lifeline, my heart blood, a hero's stipend meant to see him through a rank to the next, in the pursuit of answers. Then my gut instinctively followed my intuition into the darkness of uncertainty and pulled from it a theory, deciding how such a feat was to be done.

I observed the world around me, and though Baphomet had never confessed to me of the nature of his domain, although Asmodeus had never imparted me any mandate over his Ineluctable Prison, I decided that it fit. And so I tested my hunch by gambling the fate of Golarion over it.

And I was right!

Aristotle once likened the process of cultivation to the untangling of the knot. Considering he was the teacher of The Conqueror, it gives the legend of the Gordian Knot ominous implications. But regardless, it is used as a metaphor for a seemingly intractable problem which is solved by exercising brute force. And while I seem to have become too Greek to appreciate it anymore, I can't ignore how my fate is connected to said man. Not after the children of Sarkoris dubbed their ladder to heaven as hitching of stars in homage to my original virtuous technique, [Star Rage], and how my legends are written on the constellations themselves.

All the crusaders under the tide of my influence shine with a shard of my outpour of defiant glory. The light of my virtuous spirit… refracts. My starlight split at infinitum to counter the impossible geometry of the diabolic Labyrinth like a golden tread reaching for an impossible yet inescapable solution. The opaqueness of the master maze was pitted against my ineffable light… and lost.

A picture started to take shape in my mind's eye. The golden loom I had cast starts to converge toward a single point like water running down the drain. The hidden design of the maze starts to untangle under my assault as I pull from all directions, following any path that gives way. Such endeavor should be doomed to failure… and yet. I pursue anyway, hopelessly. Untiredly. Until the overbearing weight of my influence extracts the secrets of the Ivory Labyrinth through an inspired passionate display of overwhelming force. Manifesting a defiant miracle into the world that echoes throughout the heavens.


Zagreus unravels the Devil's Labyrinth



Six bolts of tribulation lightning rained down from raging heaven into my head. This was the gong that marked the shift in the tide of battle. Due to the power of the Eye of the Hurricane, I am at my strongest under the storm crown, but personal benefits were trivial next to the morale boost my ascension had to souls under the wings of my influence.

Hope is such an interesting thing, spurious yet at the same time it is diabolically insidious. I always wondered how it would perform in mass combat in comparison to other public virtues – leading a company of good men is different from disposable dragon tooth warriors, after all. Yet mythical power certainly managed to draw its latent potential out. The virtuous souls under the tide of my influence experience something verisimilar to the after-effects of consecutive black flashes – elevation of spirit that heightens performance beyond conventional limits and restores flagging vital breath, the performance of feats that beggars belief, moments of inspiration leading to hitting beyond one's weight class and overcoming the odds stacked against them. Worse, it is somewhat memetic, as men take inspiration in the feats of each other fighting like an army of action heroes. Such an army would either overcome all odds or be decimated to the last man.

And now the after-effects of my ascension inspire virtue in the hearts of men, leading them to perform great feats that should have been beyond their standing, inspiring their battle-brothers in turn who felt compelled to catch up, turning what should have been a war into a competition of performative excellence.

More substantially, the tug of war between domains decisively shifted in my favor. The maze was pushed back as the Crusaders advanced. I could feel Baphomet's desperation, he wasn't expecting things to my way so quickly. This was the perfect moment for me to set the trap that would be his doom.

Dionysus Protogonos is a god of male fertility which relates to the pursuits of navigation, exploration, and travel. And boy but I have travelled! Blindly stumbling my way from one realm to another… well, practice leads toward perfection. Rher's dream dimension has always been a forbidden territory to me, after all, Rher IS the Dream while those who walk it are merely the dreamers. It had always been his world… until now.

Taking a page from the Lord of the Minotaurs, I now claim my nemesis's playground for myself. I am now the master of the backrooms! I could literally walk my way back to any of the worlds I have previously visited. More than that, I can guide others through any labyrinth no matter how circuitous. And having internalized this maze puzzle, my own mind has become an inscrutable fortress for any would-be invaders. Something I can easily demonstrate too, as the eyes are the window of the soul. Talk about an exotic evil eye! Kidnapping someone into my personal dream dimension like an overcharged maze spell is a top-notch (and traumatic) crowd-control ability!

With the power of my new labor, it was child's play to divine where Baphomet was hiding, creating a shortcut toward him was even easier. Before the roofed bastard realized what was happening, Panaka was breathing down his neck in his demonic form. Inspired by his commander, his companions take the perilous leap into the realm of legend in order to sink their fangs into the demon lord! Tribulation lightning smote both heroes and demon lord alike, stunning him.

"No! This is my realm! MINE! I WON'T. BE BESTED. BY MORTALS!" Screamed the first minotaur in animalistic fury. All pretense of guile and intellectuality gone in the frenzy of battle. Despite being surrounded by heroic-level cultivators Baphomet wards off their offensive through god-like power conferred to him inside his realm. Striking aside cleaving blows and magical might alike.

"You do realize that whatever Zagreus has promised you, he will not be coming to protect you this time? Nothing will save you from me! And he knew it too! You must have outlived your usefulness for him to sacrifice you all in such a pointless manner!"

"You talk too much." A midnight wraith says as he blows up an antimatter purple ball of antimatter in the demon lord's back.

Anyone else would have been vaporized on contact but the constitution of a demon lord defies belief. Baphomet flinched but he also retaliated against his new assailant with the same breath, bringing his adamantine glaive to bear, cleaving through the infinity that separated them as if it wasn't even there, testament over his dominion over space itself in his domain.

Alas, another wraith had more than enough time and exposure to adapt to Baphomet's tricks. With deft swordplay he deflected the attack away in spite of the dimension manipulated involved, giving an opening that two new wraiths needed to smite Baphomet with Jacob's ladder and maximum Uzumaki.

To not be outdone, Panaka and his companions jumped the demon lord, stabbing him anywhere they could reach. Seelah brought the wrath of her goddess against the demon, Arueshalae moved like a tornado of blades endowed by the wild freedom of the Elysium she pursued for so long, Regill castigated him through his hellish sanction, and Greybor used him as a canvas for his art of murder. Panaka's ranged-inclined companions also assalied him with their magic.

I knew what would happen next. Unlike Deskari, Baphomet was a more intellectually inclined demon lord. His schemes are his main weapon, and when these fail, he falls back to his magic. And inside his domain, those magics can reach dizzy heights.

Not only does space bend to his will but also time itself.

What Baphomet did next was so above the time-stop spell, the pinnacle of mortal transmutation magic, that the only reason they can even categorized together is because of their common nature. Instead of stopping time for 12 to 30 seconds the demon lord of beasts and mazes suspended time for ten hours! The entire war was put on hold with the snap of monstrous fingers.

Just like that. No overbearing binding vow, no restrictions or caveats. He had more than enough time to reallocate, lick his wounds, assess the situation, and mount a counterattack. One moment he was being ganged up by a football team of heroes and now he will walk out of it unmolested and be fresh for the next bolt. Worse, there is nothing stopping him from doing so again, draw the fight out and run our forces down!

He truly is unassailable in a way Nocticula and Deskari could never be! Nobody could get the drop on him… but unfortunately for him, his adversary was me. I am Nobody. Misbegotten son of Raging Heaven.

Just when the goat was about to take his first relieved breath me, myself, and I attacked him from all sides.

A timeless realm is nothing novel the second time around. He was not the only one who learned from his time in captivity. The prison realm left its underelict mark in my soul and now I use the tragedy of my ascension to put his story to an end.

A wooden spear to the gut, exploding from the inside out into thorny flowers capable of warding off every known evil man-eating beast. A mortal blade promising death bringing righteous end capable of scorching the evil from hearts through the wrath of Heaven. A dimensional cleaving katana blade severing an indolent head from the body of a beast that once thought itself clever, parting god-flesh with little to no resistance.

Nocticula was right, I have really become too good of a killer. He never saw me coming.

"How… dare you… lowlife scum- while impressive he could still talk, I had little interest in the death throes of pathetic losers such as him though.

"I bet you thought our positions would be inversed the first time we met, didn't you?" I gloated in three voices because fuck him in specific.

"Nothing more… than Asmodeus's… PAW!" The first minotaur screamed with his last breath. And, he sort of had a point.

Heaven is cruel even for those it intended well. And whether they are freely given or if they are forcibly taken, their gifts are poxes to the soul. Those were Prometheus's own words.

Baphomet quintessence is a perfect fit for my last free chakra slot. The Light Chakra, located in the forehead and responsible for insight. The lord of the Labyrinth is a being of guile and wisdom who subverted God-Fiend's Infernal Brand to his own purposes and draws power from it, granting him devil-like abilities.

It might very well be a poisoned chalice but… I need it. There is something that I have to do. Panaka threw a serious curve ball, and Alichino, Malebranche of Hell, responsible for the conquest of Golarion was destroyed by his master for his failure. But even then I could see his angle, he benefited from a world where every king was a tyrant… and I did not care overmuch for it. There is something that I can't achieve as a hero.

This is different from my earnest decision to become a hero after the Termina festival. It's a more selfish desire. But that is okay, after all eventually a cultivator places all beneath himself, so it fits. It's called Tyrant Realm for a reason.

Those are the sins of cultivators. Mine and Areelu's sins. That is why I must be the one to punish her instead of Panaka like she wanted.

Time is still frozen, as soon as it resumes, the Ivory Labyrinth will collapse. Victory is ours. So while I still can I will wrap things up by myself.



This was a chapter I wanted to write for a long time. This is the climax of WoR, we are concluding the next chapter. Writing intellectual battles is difficult, Baphomet isn't that strong but his bag of tricks makes him a dangerous opponent who can't be subdued with a strong sword arm. Which fits the legend of the minotaur perfectly.

Next chapter we will have the epic showdown between Areelu and Zagreus. It will be a interesting fight indeed.

Zagreus flexed his big brain and got a super useful power.
Huh, I am happily surprised that Panaka survived, could swear that he died while pulling down the ladder. And now Zagreus can finally meet his kids again. Nothing can ruin this for him....

(Please ignore all the allegations done by 'Zagreus' in the past and its allusions in the present, because Tsumiki certainly can't. kek) nobody must know