36. Immersion Ch2 (Worm)
Thanks to @Auks and @Inkling for betaing this chapter.

Immersion ch2

The tunnels were damp and rusted, groaning as the weight of the ocean pressed down upon the city of Rapture. Dim lights lined the halls, flickering intermittently, giving birth to odd, deep, shadows.

Shadows that seemed to move and shift, hiding things deep within them. Things that had once been human, but were now something else. Something less.

Taylor gripped her wrench just a bit tighter, the heavy tool having already saved her life from the crazed denizens of the underwater labyrinth. Atlas, no mister, had called them splicers. That they had once been people before they injected too much of the power granting drug called Adam. Now they had gone mad, twisted in both body and mind.

Taylor took a self-conscious glance towards her left hand where her veins swelled and gave off a steady neon blue glow as tiny bolts of power snapped between her fingertips. She had taken the same drug as they had, multiple times. Was what happened to those deformed people her fate if she kept going on as she had?

But she had to. She had to if she wanted to live through the hellhole that she now found herself in.

She needed power if she wanted to survive the torments that Rapture kept throwing at her. Perhaps escape would be a better term, survival didn't seem to be an issue for her within the city's wall.

Taylor was so caught up in her thoughts, she almost missed the scraping shrieks of hooks against metal. She hurriedly brought her hand up, pointing the lightning covered fingers towards the ceiling even as the deformed man hurtled down.

She screamed, first in fright as her shot went wide and then in pain as the splicer's red hot hooks sunk into her. Her vision blurred a red tint as the hooks found her again and again.

Before she could black out from the pain or die from blood loss, to finally escape the nightmare she lived, the world zoomed by her. The tunnels blurred past her as an unseen force dragged her down the decaying halls she so feared and stuffed her into a tube. Stuffed her into a tube and brought her back from the brink of death.

She couldn't escape the city by dying. It had happened too many times for her to care to count. Her only choice was to keep moving, to keep going, to keep dying.

Over -

The gardens were surprisingly beautiful, a sharp contrast to the devastation she had found in the rest of the city. They were nearly untouched and even the lights had seemed brighter there than the rest of the city.

And then the laughing started.

A man appeared in a burst of red energy and embers, his fist bright with fire. "Right here asshole!" he yelled as he flung balls of fire at her.

-and over-

As she stepped around the corner a spotlight fell on her and an alarm started to blare. Turret guns and flying security bots came to life with bright red lights as she tried to back away, but it was too late.

Bullets ripped into her before she could run.

-and over-

Two whales danced in an infinite ocean. Jellyfish stars glowed as the whales broke apart and into school upon school of fish, the groups swimming around rising plateaus that seemed uncountable.

One shark among the uncountable thousands upon millions broke from the rest, swimming right towards her.

-and over-

The ground shook as the monster hidden in a diving suit charged. It's whale song of a roar nearly over taking the scream of its drill as it pierced her chest.

"You rescued me Sir Bubbles!" A little girl said with a giggle, hugging onto the monstrosity even as Taylor was dragged away.


She just wanted it to end. One way or another she wanted it to end. She hurt too much. The phantom pains of her deaths haunting her as she staggered along what was left Rapture's roads, trying to find the ever elusive exit.

She was just so tired.

*Player one unconscious, logging out*


Taylor woke with a cold sweat and a pounding heart, her frantic eyes searching the room. To her surprise she wasn't standing in a glass tube, instead, she was lying on her family's old sofa with a blanket carefully tucked in around her. The room wasn't lit by neon filtered through murky ocean water but by sunlight spilling in past familiar curtains.

Was she home?

But how? Atlas had said that they were in the middle of the Atlantic! Though maybe in retrospect, she was putting far too much faith in a little voice she had only met over a radio.

Or maybe, her rational mind said as it woke, it was all just a bad dream. A nightmare brought on by a too violent video game and some bad sushi. Her stomach turned as the memories came pouring back in, waking her up completely.

Why was it she could remember bad dreams so clearly but good ones she forgot in seconds?

She tasted bile as a hiccup snuck up out of her throat, but she managed to hold down the rest. Apparently, violent video games were not what she needed.

Taylor let out a groan as she stood, her blanket falling to the hardwood as she rose. She blinked at it, wondering momentarily how the cloth had gotten there and blinked again as she wondered where her glasses had gone.

The image of her father checking on her came easily to her mind. It was a sweet and comforting thought, soothing even. Enough so to calm the last of her nerves back down to manageable levels.

With her glasses recovered from the coffee table, she glared at the TV stand where the console had the gall to look innocent. She would have glared at her plate of sushi too if it were still there but apparently her father had cleaned that up too last night.

She let out a yawn as she moved into the kitchen earning a smile from the man sitting at the table.

Her father was a thin man with thick glasses and a hairline that was losing the war with his forehead, but he was not a meek looking man. For what he lacked in width he made up for in height, towering over near everyone else Taylor had ever met. And when he was angry… he seemed to take up the entire room as he loomed over you.

She had only seen it twice in her life but the image of it had stuck with her.

"Morning sleepy head." He greeted over his newspaper with a pleased smile on his face, "Have fun last night?"

Not really, no. But she didn't say that instead she held a hand over her belly and said, "I think the sushi's gone bad."

Taylor winced as the grin left her father's face as he set down the paper. He reached her in two strides, hesitant hands feeling at her forehead, "You do feel a bit clammy. How's your stomach feeling?"

"Twisty." She told him honestly, causing her father to hum as if he were a doctor trying to make a diagnosis.

"How'd you sleep last night?"

Again she was honest, "Bad. Nightmares…" She hesitated, "I don't think the sushi mixed well with the videogame."

He grimaced and the flash of guilt on his face made Taylor feel a stab of her own, "I thought I saw you tossing last night but I figured it was just the heat… Do you need me to call you out from school?"

Taylor shook her head at that near immediately, barely a thought going into the action. As tempting as that sounded she didn't like the taste of it. It had the bitter tang of giving up, of defeat, something she tasted all too many times the other night. "There's only two days left in the year, I think I can last. If I can't I'll go to the nurse."

He didn't look convinced, but he eventually nodded, obviously none too happy about it. "You will call me if you change your mind. Just leave a message with Dorothy if you need anything, alright?"

Taylor gave a nod.

"Good, now go get ready. I've still got time before work so I'll try to make something to help settle your stomach. Should be done by the time you get done."

Taylor obliged, debating giving him a hug before walking through the living room and up the stairs to get started with her morning routine. The shower's warm water made her feel good, easing muscles she hadn't known were tense and giving order to the mess she called hair. Her locks had not agreed with the sofa's cushions. Though as much good as the water did her it did nothing for the new bags under her eyes.

They made her thin form appear all the more gaunt, even sickly. Her cheek bones now had a sunken appearance and her too wide lips looked all too pale.

She looked like a mess, though she supposed that if anyone asked Emma or her little friends they would say it wasn't much of a change. That was something she wasn't looking forward to later in the day. Still, theoretical opinions aside, that sushi induced nightmare had done a number on her. At least now with her hair combed and her teeth brushed she felt a little more human.

"Taylor!" Her dad called from what sounded like the foot of the stairs, "I've got to head out! Your breakfast is on the table! Call me if you need anything!"

"Ok!" She shouted back as she zipped up her lite hoody, "Have a good day at work!"

"You too!" he said as the door snapped shut with Taylor shaking her head. 'You too'? Like she was going to work too or something.

She was downstairs not three minutes later with a bit more pep in her step as she walked to the kitchen. There was a bowl of porridge and a cup of orange juice at the table, she smiled at that.

Though the breakfast was missing something. Her morning caffeine.

An easy enough fix, just a refill of the tea kettle and a flip of a switch and her water was heating up. It would take a few minutes but she had time, the bus wasn't due to arrive for another twenty something minutes and the stop was not even a five minute walk away. And she needed her daily injection of caffeine.

She sat at the table sighing contently as she settled into her chair. The smell of oatmeal making her feel like she had finally recovered.

Then she made a face when she took the first bite. He had put too much honey in. She hadn't liked it that sweet since she was a kid. Still, it was nice of him, though he seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Trying to be nice. It was a bit weird.

Nice but weird.

She picked up her dad's discarded newspaper, reading it more as a way to distract her from the taste of the too sweet oatmeal than anything else. She'd never been one to really care about the news. Maybe it was because the world was too depressing or, more likely, she had too many of her own problems to pay much attention to what was happening around her.

With another mouthful down and a careful ear out for the kettle, she read the front page news. Max Anders, the guy who owned Medhall the big pharmaceutical company in town, was donating money to the local museum after some Parahuman named Circus robbed them and
Mayor Christner was apparently unveiling a new initiative downtown that would supposedly create new jobs.

She couldn't imagine that last piece of news had pleased her dad any. He was always complaining that City Hall was investing all it's time in the Downtown area while the Docks suffered. She was a bit surprised by how cheerful he had seemed this morning if this was what he had been reading.

More interesting was one of the side articles. Apparently Uber and Leet were responsible for three home break ins where they severely beat two men, with the third having been away from home at the time. The police, according to an inside source, had linked each of the men to Uber and Leet themselves. Former minions who had obviously done something to piss the two villains off.

Honestly, it was hard to remember that those two were actually supervillains, they were just so… lame. They raced around town on go-karts and floated across buildings with balloons wrapped around their waist while the live streamed all their dumb little adventures, and their failures. Their many embarrassing failures.

And then they do stuff like this. Beating up their minions, punching hookers, stomping on turtles, ect. It was like they were bipolar, going from funny to vicious at a rate that gave her whiplash.

She set that thought aside with the paper as the kettle bubbled and whistled. The secret to a good cup of tea was to have the honey at the bottom of the cup and to pour hot water directly over the bag instead of just plopping it in. It led to a richer flavor, or so her mother believed and she wasn't inclined to disagree.

She stirred the cup absently as she sat back down, letting the tea steep and brew in the water. Shouldn't be much longer, which was good considering nothing else interesting seemed to be happening in her not so little town.

She absently took her first sip as she read the funny pages and had her eyes bulged as a strange sensation swept over her. A familiar sensation. It was as if she was filling up a tank she didn't know, didn't want to know, was there.

She had to put down her tea before it sloshed everywhere.

She stared at her trembling fingers, flexing them as horror started to build in her. In the game, in that had given her those horrid nightmares, in Bioshock, there had been a power bar. A limit to how many times she could use injectable super powers. A limit that could be refilled when depleted with a substance called EVE or, which she had much preferred, by drinking some soda or a coffee.

By drinking caffeine.

With a shaky, hopeful, breath she flipped a mental switch that had suddenly made itself known. She let out a choked sob as lightning snapped to life between her fingers and her veins became neon bright. Her whole body felt warm as the power spread over her and sweat started to break out across her back, a sweat not born from the new warmth.

Lifting her other hand, she saw that it was the mirror image of its twin. Veins bulging against skin as the electricity coursed through her and cracked between her hands.

Was she still dreaming? Was it ever a dream?

Had she really gone to Rapture? Had she really died?

Tears started to prick from her eyes.

No, no that couldn't be right. It couldn't have been possible. She couldn't have ended up in the middle of the Atlantic, in the middle of some post-apocalyptic underwater city that should have only existed in a videogame.

How could it have happened? How could it have felt so real?

A thought hit her. A horrible little thought that had her eyes tracking downward, her head slowly turning until they landed onto the newspaper. Her mind replayed the news of the day, remembering the article that had caught her eye. An article about how Uber and Leet, the Videogame themed Villains, had been going around beating up their minions.

Going around beating up minions, one by one, almost as if they were searching for something. Something she probably had.

A game system that granted powers.

She reached out for the paper, wanting to search it for any clues that she was right. As soon as her fingers touched the paper it lite on fire, causing Taylor to squawk and try to slap the flame out. Her efforts just made things worse as her electric fingers started more fires then they stopped, forcing her to dump her cup of tea on the flames to stop it.

She let out a cry at the soaked and charred paper, her hands held high so they didn't set fire to anything else. She just wanted them to go away, she wanted the electricity to stop.

And then it did, like someone had removed a tab from its slot. Her veins dimmed and the lightning sparked away into nothingness.

"Rapture wasn't real," the sigh that came out sounded more like a sob than anything else. Knee wobbling relief mixed with fear sank into her as she fell back into her chair. "It was just a part of a game… a game."

It surprised even her how fast she was up and into living room. When the game system slammed to the floor she briefly worried for the wood but the sight of the undamaged casing infuriated her.

She tossed it, stomped on it, jumped on it.

Not a scratch.

She growled, dragging the system down the basement stairs by its cables taking an almost perverse pleasure as it clacked and thumped against each step. She slammed it to the concrete floor and was frustrated to find that again there was no apparent damage.

She reached for her father's toolbox and grabbed the first handle her fingers came across. She slammed the tool with all her might, hands ringing and bones jarring as she brought her weapon home again and again. But still, there wasn't a mark.

"Why!" Smack, "Why!" Smack, "Why, won't you break!" Each word and swing seemed to add all the more fire to her. Her blows raining down harder with every sound, until she couldn't take it anymore.

On ingrained instincts, she raised her hand. The tab that had disappeared earlier slid into a new slot and lightning lashed out from her fingertips. The smell of burning dust and ozone filled the air raged in Taylor's nose as she took in unsteady breaths, trying to calm down.

She found she couldn't. Not in that cramped dark space. Not with her hand glowing with power. Not with a wrench clenched knuckle white in her fist.

Her breathing just couldn't seem to stay even and her heart raced as her eyes started to notice just how dark it was down there. How the shadows seemed the shift in the light, how they seemed to move. How they could hide something.

She kicked the still intact system out of her way as she ran up the stairs, her hand still glowing and wrench still gripped tight.

Please tell me what you think.
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so I'm guessing trigger (poor girl went through enough for that to happen) because no way he could build a power granting console. no the interesting tidbit is whether they find her by tracing the device and if she can get more from playing more videogames...

also wanna know what did she do with the little sisters
37. Immersion Chapter 3
Unbeta'd and not sure if I completely like it but it's here. Probably should have asked the guys who helped me start this a few months ago if they wanted to help again... Maybe later, right now I'm putting a Beta call out there, looking for both idea bouncers and grammar nazis. Beta's will get full access to my notes and will be listened to about plot.

Let me know if you're interested.

Anyway, onto the story.

Immersion Chapter 3
Unbeta'd and not sure if I completely like it but it's here. Probably should have asked the guys who helped me start this a few months ago if they wanted to help again... Maybe later, right now I'm putting a Beta call out there, looking for both idea bouncers and grammar nazis. Beta's will get full access to my notes and will be listened to about plot.

Let me know if you're interested.

Anyway, onto the story.

Danny Hebert groaned as he woke with the sun, once more cursing his dirty habit. Every morning it was the same thing, no matter the day of the week or what he had done the night before. Danny blamed his father, as the man had all but dragged his son kicking and screaming into the habit.

Danny loathed being an earlier riser but no matter how hard he tried to master the elusive art of sleeping in he found himself wide awake at 6 AM near to the dot every morning. He eventually gave up trying to break the habit, it was too ingrained into who he was. Besides, he hadn't had much reason to stay in bed over the last few years.

He had to shake his head quickly to dispel an image from forming. An image of a drowsy beauty resting her head on his chest, of bleary eyes looking up at him through a mess of brown bangs. The sleepy smile that floated to the top of his memory caused a deep, rib groaning, ache in his chest.

He almost regretted that it was the weekend, he could have used the distraction that the job provided him. Pouring himself into finding solutions, being of use and just making a difference was satisfying work. Frustrating at times, most of the time, but satisfying all the same.

Oddly, when he went down for his morning coffee, he found that the kitchen lights were already on. He almost sighed at the sight, as he already had a good idea of what he'd find.

And, sure enough, there was his daughter sitting at the table, eating her cereal with an almost mechanically efficiency. The early hour didn't bother him all that much but one look at his daughter and the bags under her eyes told him that, yes, tv was right. It was unnatural for teenagers to be up before noon during summer vacation.

He tried to put on a strong face, "Morning Taylor, how long have you've been up?" The question felt lacking as it left his mouth. Missing the concern he felt and the demand for answers he needed.

Taylor simply shrugged, "A few hours."

Danny hummed to hide the sound boiling in his chest, he didn't know whether it was a groan or a growl. Danny himself had gone to bed just before midnight, heading up the stairs before his daughter. That meant she slept less than the six hours he did. For all he knew "a few hours" meant no sleep at all.

"Nightmares again?"

"Just wasn't sleepy." That was a bold faced lie if he had ever heard one. Danny had seen the signs, he would have had to be deaf and blind not to. Taylor hadn't gotten a proper night's sleep all week, not since she had him call her out from school. And it had been too long for her to keep blaming it on bad sushi.

He wanted to know what was going on with his daughter. He wanted to shake her until she spilled all her problems to him, to tell him what was wrong so he could fix it.

A good father would have done that, he would have pressed her for information. But he didn't, he hesitated. Fear gripped him, made him swallow his words as his mouth closed with a click. Afraid to push for fear that he would ruin what little progress he had made in fixing their relationship, that he could push her away from him in his desire to help.

Instead, he placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her a squeeze. "Well, if you are having problems sleeping let me know. Your old man knows a few old tricks for that." He gave her a smile and hoped he made it obvious that he was there for her. That he was there for if she needed him, even if it's just for bits of advice.

He did that, right?
She knew that, right?


Not too long after he dad left Taylor was out the door herself. The rattling of the AC unit haunted the shrinking walls and sounded all too much like the clink clacks of metal against metal for her comfort. She couldn't stay in that house without expecting something to drop down on her from above.

She couldn't stay long without her dad home, without some presence to tell her that she was in reality and not in Rapture.

So, walks had quickly become a regular thing for her over the last few days. The fresh air and open space were a relief for her weary mind and restless body. Still, said weary mind tended to wander on those strolls down the city's streets. Leaving her with no clear destination as her feet took step after step for her.

Though she took these walks to clear her mind, her thoughts, as usual, fell once again to the news. She had taken up watching the evening news in what had felt like an act of self preservation as she kept an ear out for any mention of Uber and Leet as they worked their way across the city, moving their way down an apparent list of former minions.

Three men had already been hospitalized and over a dozen homes had been broken into.

She dreaded the day that they came to her doorstep and she knew they were coming, they had to be. They had to be looking for their power granting game system, they just had to be. It only made sense. They couldn't just leave it out there, it was too precious. Too dangerous.

Maybe that was why the console still laid under her basement steps where she kicked it, untouched, instead of the trash or at the bottom of the bay. The idea of someone else finding it, discovering instant superpowers, made her shiver. As did the thought of what the enraged duo would do if they found out she had gotten rid of that horrible machine.

She blinked and she suddenly found herself nearing Lord Street, a near two hour walk that had zoomed past her head as she lost herself to thought. She hadn't planned on buying anything, she barely had the money to, it was just that the Market was one of the safer areas to walk about.

Or, at least, there were fewer gang tags and obvious drug dealers.

It was better than her local park at least, or what the district called a park. It had been years since the city even bothered to clean that and that's not even getting into the rusting mess they called a jungle gym.

Sights like that made her understand her dad was on about, how right he was that the city falling apart. It wasn't as bad as Rapture but it was obvious all the same. It made her wonder why he still tried so hard to keep it afloat, to make it better.

It would be better if they just moved away, far away. Maybe somewhere central like Arizona or New Mexico. Somewhere where there was no Emma, no ocean, and much less of a chance of a supervillain breaking into their home.

The streets were nearly empty at the time of day, everyone either at work or sleeping the summer away. It made for an easy walk, no crowds to muscle through and even fewer cars to be wary of. But it also made the few people left on the streets all the more obvious.

And their voices all the more difficult to ignore.

" - not going back with you! I'm done, out." Indigent and female was the voice as the sounds of scuffling emanated from the approaching alleyway.

The next voice was very obviously male and more obviously angry, "You ain't done until I say you are. I made you."

"You made nothing. I working with you because I needed money and you promised to keep me safe for a cut. Nowhere did I agree that you could own me."

Taylor couldn't help herself, curiosity taking a hold of her as she walked passed the mouth of the alley and peeked in. The sight that greeted he was about what she expected from the snip of conversation she heard.

A man and a woman stood red in the face as they snarled at each other, the woman with a firm grip to her duffle bag and the man was holding on just as tight to her arm. Taylor could almost imagine she was witnessing the end of a bad break up but her mind had already built another picture of what was happening from what she had heard.

Whatever the case Taylor had no desire to get in the middle of it or to be dragged into their fight. Trying to put it out of her already stressed mind she walked on.

And then she heard the resounding crack of skin hitting skin and a sharp yell echo behind her.

The sound was like a thunderclap across the street, making her and the others walking by pause once again.

"You can't just-" The crack and a yelp came once again, "You fucker."

"You don't get to quit until I say you can." The man's voice was a deep growl, like an oversized dog, and Taylor could just imagine the spittle escaping her lips with every word.

The others in the street simple ducked their head and walked along faster but Taylor, Taylor found herself frozen. Stuck in place by indecision, by an impulse that warred with her common sense.

She knew she should have walked away, that it was the smart choice, the safe choice to make but… It just didn't feel right.

The sound of scuffling, of struggling, filled her ears as the two fought. Their voices raising again and Taylor could just imagine the man dragging that poor woman further down the alley. "You can't just- Help! Somebody help!"

Taylor's feet moved.

She spun and scrambled back to the mouth of the alley where she saw the woman, now red cheeked and bleeding at the lip, try to pull herself free from an unwavering grip. The man didn't look back, didn't notice Taylor as she kept moving down the alley in a sprint, but the woman did.

Taylor never saw a face shift so quick, with hope burning its way past the fear in her eyes only to be drowned out again as she got a good look at her rescuer. "No! Go away! Get away!"

That got the man's attention, pausing just long enough to look over his shoulder and ask himself out loud "What the fuck?". It was also long enough for Taylor to ram right into him, forcing him to loosen his grip.

It was a chance that the woman didn't waste as she pulled her arm free and punched the man low, hard. He dropped like a brick, gripping at himself as he glared up, "Bitch".

Taylor didn't have time to even wonder who he was talking about before the woman was tugging at her arm, pulling her along into a run, "C'mon. Let's go."

The two ran for a block, maybe two, without stopping and the woman's hand still death gripping Taylor. The woman barely waited to catch her breath to call Taylor an idiot.

"Wait, what?"

"You're an idiot." She repeated, clearer and with enunciation, "I mean, what on earth were you thinking!? Tackling him like that?"

What was she thinking? That someone deserves to have their pleas answered, to have someone actually hear them when they scream in pain alone in a dark alley of a collapsing city. But instead of all of that, she said, "I thought you needed help?"

"I did and I can't say I'm complaining about getting away from Marco but still," The woman threw a hand up in the air, "You shouldn't have run into trouble like that."

Taylor didn't know what to say, a bit confused on being admonished for helping. So she said nothing and just stayed quiet, biting her lip in equal parts sudden shyness and the urge to suppress herself from saying anything too stupid.

"Still… Thanks. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up." Taylor's eyes snapped up from her feet and witnessed the smile on the woman's face. It was small, lopsided, and a bit uncertain but it was genuine. "You're a real hero kid."

Taylor's smile was not small or uncertain. "Your welcome."

The woman looked over Taylor's shoulder, Taylor looked too but there was nothing there. "So, uh, I was on my way to a Women's Shelter not too much away, do you mind being heroic for a bit longer? I could use the company."

Taylor didn't mind.

The two of them walked for another half hour, chatting to keep each others nerves down. Taylor found out the woman's name was Cindy and until the other day she had been a prostitute, not exactly surprising if Taylor was honest. Apparently, she had gotten into the game because it was "Easy Money" but now wanted out. "The money, which isn't as much as you'd think, wasn't worth the lifestyle."

She wanted to get back to having an actual life that didn't make her feel as grody at night. Taylor could understand that but apparently, her former pimp, the overly aggressive man from back in the alley, couldn't. He apparently didn't like seeing what he considered his merchandise, his product, walk away from him.

The Jerk.

Still, Cindy was away from him now. Hopefully for good if what she believed about the woman's shelter was true. The Campbell's Women's Shelter, according to rumor, kept women from all walks of life and situations safe as they got back on their feet.

Something Cindy needed.

There was much venting but Taylor didn't mind, despite it's one sided nature it was honestly one of the better conversations that Taylor had since High School had started. Which of course had to come up.

"And here I am complaining about my slutty life to a High school kid... Speaking of, what are you doing out this early? Shouldn't you be in school?"

"... It's Saturday... And Summer Vacation."

"Huh, is it? Well, good for you. Still doesn't explain why you're up so early. I remember having to be pried up from the bed on my days off. So what's the story kid?"

Taylor defaulted to the shrug she had given her father that morning, "Just couldn't sleep, thought it would be nice to take a walk."

Cindy obviously didn't believe her, the woman had a very expressive face, "Uh-huh, well I guess I can't complain about that life choice. So, got any wild and crazy plans for the rest of the summer?"

'Hope supervillains don't break down my door over a video game.' She thought but only gave another shrug. "Not really."

"Well, you should. Got to enjoy these times while you can, you know?"

"I guess."

"Eh, you'll see what I mean in a few years and regret it. Trust me, live now and while you can... But maybe not as dangerous as you have been, alright?"

Taylor smiled back at the teasing grin, "Sure."

The women's shelter wasn't too much further away, in fact, Taylor could see it from down the street with it's high fence walls and a security guard stationed at a shack near the entrance. The brick building was about half as large as her school with no unbarred windows on the bottom floor. It certainly wasn't a very welcoming looking building but she supposed security won out over aesthetics with the shelter's guest.

"Well, this is me..." Cindy said, pausing just down the road and looked Taylor over. She then shuffled through her bag and pulled out two twenties. "Here, take a cab for me would you? I don't want Marcus taking a swipe at you on the way home okay."

"Um, okay." She said, hesitantly taking the bills, "Thanks."

"No, honey, thank you." And with that, she gave Taylor a tight and awkward hug, "I don't like the idea of where I would be right now if it weren't for you. Thank you."

Taylor patted her on the back with all the awkward energy she had, "You're welcome." There wasn't much else for her to say.

That day Taylor rode home in a beat down Taxi with a few extra dollars in her pocket, a swelling feeling in her chest, and a thought brewing in her chest.

If she could be a hero without her new power what would she be like with her power?

Hope you enjoyed and please tell me what you think?

Hope you enjoyed and please tell me what you think.
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Edited Immersion Chapter 3 with the help of the amazing Auks

I'm probably going to try continuing Immersion as I do have an ending in mind and a sequel semi planned. It is now a goal to finish it and if I can get chapter 4 done in the next two weeks then I'm likely to give it it's own thread.
38. Heroes of the Forum (Worm/ME/FoZ/FSN)
Heroes of the Forum


Taylor was having a rather pleasant dream. She couldn't exactly remember the finer details or what it was exactly about but it involved her and a very lovely beach.


She was also fairly sure there had been a cabana boy somewhere in there. It was rare that she had such pleasant dreams anymore and her mind was almost desperately trying to hang onto the fantasy, doing it's best to ignore the insistent voice trying to wake her.

But, alas, reality had won out over sleep. As usual.

Consciousness never came quickly for Taylor, she was always a bit of a groggy mess in that first bit of the morning. Her daily jog was helping her work with that practical problem but her power more so.

As if she were blinking her eyes awake of stretching out her arms she could feel her power taking hold of every last bug within her range. Or, more accurately, she was becoming aware of what her swarm held.

The thousands into millions of tiny bits of information came flooding to her mind, informing her of just how many little minions she had and where they were in relation to her. It was that count that tipped her off that something was wrong.

The other night she could have felt a couple million insects within her range, the coming spring steadily increasing their numbers, but at the moment she could feel nearly a billion under her control.

Such a number jump just wasn't natural.

Her second clue something wasn't right coming when she opened her eyes. In front of her yellow tinted worldview was a hand covered in pale-yellow silk. She was still in her costume. She could vaguely remember putting the newly finished outfit on the night prior, admiring the work she had put it. All that had been left to do was to dye the material.

She could remember contemplating how to do just that when… nothing. Like she had suddenly gone unconscious or someone had suddenly turned off a tv screen. She could only remember a large blank sport filling her memory.

Sitting up and turning her gaze Taylor saw what should have been her first clue that something was wrong. The Voice. The voice that had woke her up was not her father's. Instead, it belonged to a man in a suit of high tech armor that wouldn't have looked out of place on Armsmaster. Though the color scheme was wrong, black with a stripe of red along the right arm instead of a white on blue design.

Making it very unlikely the man was the leader of the local superheroes.

The very large gun in his hand made it even more unlikely, "Hey, glad to have you with us."

Taylor did what any normal girl in her situation would have done, she screamed. The sound of it enough to cause the man to flinch back and distract him from the sound of every bug in the room going deathly still before marching towards her.

Off to the side, something that she didn't quite hear and definitely didn't understand. It sounded Japanese, she thought. She heard the language fairly often enough to make a decent identification of it.

It also did not put pleasant thoughts in her head or where she was or why she was there. Especially when the armored man answered back in the same language.

One of the big gangs in her hometown were the Asian Bad Boys, a gang known for accepting Asians of all nationalities and human trafficking. Again, being in an unknown location where a pair of men spoke Japanese did not bring pleasant thoughts to mind.

She did not make the approach of her larger than usual swarm subtle.

Someone curse in another language as the carpets of insects, bugs, and spiders came scurrying forward. The man in armor acted smoothly and quickly, facing the coming swarm with his gun raised in one hand and the other aglow with an orange light. He then shouted something that wasn't Japanese, his voice commanding as he stepped forward to stand between her and her bugs.

Before she should even blink a redheaded teen was next to him, a rock held tight in his hand as he ignored a barked Japanese word from the gun wielder.

Taylor barely paid any mind to their action or what they meant. Instead, she focused on her splitting her flying bugs from the rest of her swarm, having them curve around the men and create a buzzing cloud behind her.

"Where am I?" She demanded, feeling drastically more confident now that she had her safety blanket. Confident enough to confront her kidnappers. Though she did not feel confident enough to attack a man with a gun.

"Are, are you doing this?" The man asked, lowering his gun until it folded up into a box and clamped down to the side of his leg. Taylor suddenly became aware of just how many boxes the man had clipped to him.

She tried not to gulp. "And they'll attack too if you don't answer my question."

The man slowly raised his hands, "Let's all just calm down and take a moment." Off to the side, the not-Japanese voice said something that sounded a bit too snide for Taylor's liking.

"Answer the question." She made all her bugs buzz with as much menace as she could. It was apparently enough to echo through the chamber they were all in.

"The truth is that none of us know where we are or how we got here." His voice was almost eerie in how steady he kept it. Like he didn't have a worry in the world… and maybe he didn't. "We woke up here same as you."

"And I'm just supposed to believe that?"

"Trust me when I say we're not here to hurt you. And, if we were, wouldn't it have made more sense for all of us to at least speak the same language? …. Speaking of, would it be too much to hope that you'd have an Omnitool on you would it?"

"Omni… tool?"

The man sighed but kept his hands raised, "Guess so. Look, how about I make some introductions, alright? I'm Commander Shepard with the Systems Alliance. The kid next to me," He jutted his chin over to the redhead who was still holding the rock, "Is Emiya Shirou. And the girl over there is Louise de La Valliere." Taylor spared a quick glance to a pink haired girl shying away from her bugs. "How about you, what's your name."

"I, um." Taylor paused in thought, "I don't have one."

"You don't have a name?" Disbelief clear in his tone and posture.

"Well, I have a name, obviously. I just don't have a hero name."

"A Hero name?" He repeated slowly as if he had never heard such a thing, his arms lowering as the conversation went on.

"You know, a secret Identity."

The man gave her what she could only assume was a blank stare, "You've got to be kidding me."

"Hey! It's hard to come up one that doesn't sound stupid or like a villain. Bug control doesn't' exactly leave me with a lot of options."

Shepard mimed as if he were rubbing her eyes over his helmet, "And now we're dealing with superheroes." Taylor felt vaguely insulted at that, "Look, how about you just give us your first name? We gave you ours after all. You don't need to hide here."

"Says the man in the helmet."

With an audible sigh, the man reached up and unclamped his helmet, the seals hissing as they were unlocked. Shepard turned out to be a fairly handsome man, obviously so. His blue eyes striking against his light brown skin.

"Is that better?" Taylor gave him a slight nod, feeling a bit dumbfounded at the casual unmasking. She had thought such things were rarely to never done. It seemed like a giant leap of faith on the man's part, "Good, now let's try this again. My name is John Shepard but everyone just calls me Shepard, and you are?"

"... Taylor." She said, calming her buzzing swarm, "My name is Taylor."

There was going to be more, probably a whole one shot with each characters POV but screw it. I'm not sure if it's writer's block or life but I'm having issues getting pass Taylor in this snip so maybe starting a new chapter would work out better.

Anyway, this is an old idea I'm finally getting to where Spacebattle's 4 favorite fandoms main characters are used as pawns by two multiversal characters (can you guess the two) using them for what is basically a D&D game against each other where one side is "Helping" the heroes while the other is boosting the monsters in their Dungeon Crawl. My only issue with this story idea that I don't play D&D but I've played Dragon Age and have google so I should be good.

How old is thia idea and how into it am I?

I commisioned this pic I'm sure most of you've seen before:
Damn, its been 4 years apparently... damn...

Anyway! Hopefully, there will be more of this or Immersion soon.

Any advice for this idea or scenes/interactions you hope to see from this?
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39. Heroes of the Forum pt2 (Worm/ME/FoZ/FSN)
Had this done for like a week and a half but it's a pain to transfer paper to screen...

Heroes of the Fourm

The architecture of wherever she was seemed strange to her eye. The word "eclectic" could be used in kindness but Louise De La Valliere wasn't feeling all that kind at that particular moment. So, she privately called it a "cobbled together mess"

She should be safely within the walls of Tristain Academy, studying for the next practical exam the coming Water's Day, not laying stranded in some cavern that couldn't decide if it wanted to be cobblestoned or marble tiled. Or, she noticed with some dissatisfaction, fungled dirt.

If she had to guess the cavern had several owners over the years, many with conflicting views of stonework, and all of which had left their property to go to decay.

Whatever the cavern had once been it had to have been of some import. The four statues behind her stone step seat were crumbled but finely detailed. Perhaps she, and the others, were in what remained of some pagan temple?

She let out an indignant huff at the thought, feeling all the more uneasy. She turned her attention back to the Commander and the oddly dressed backwater witch, both speaking in strangely toned Ablionish. Strange enough that she had a bit of trouble understanding their words and sentence structure.

Still, she managed it, acting rather un-ladylike as she eavesdropped on their conversation. Though she found that she didn't care as much about propriety when she found herself kidnapped from what should be the safest place in all of Tristain.

Her stomach growled, reminding her that she had been on her way to break her fast before she was taken. Her stomach would have to wait as the only food in sight were the oddly glowing mushrooms on the ground, she didn't believe she would ever be hungry enough to try those much less keep them down.

Her attention shifted to the Commander and newcomer, MIss Hebert again, listening to him explain what they knew and gently tried to pry information out of her. Though there didn't seem much to pry.

A pity.

"How are you?" A voice asked to her side, startling an eep out of her as she half turned to the last member of their little group, giving him a hefty glare in the process. He had to good grace to look abashed, "Ah, sorry."

Emiya Shirou was an odd one to her, from his strangely colored skin to his Albonish that was just wrong. His accent was thicker than either of their companions and where they had a strange structure to their words he nearly had none. And what little he had sounded wooden to her ears.

"It's fine." She said, regaining her composure as best she could given the circumstances, "I am fine, thank you."

The teen seemed to scrunch his face just for a moment as he deciphered her simple sentence. A second too long later he nodded his head seemingly pleased, "Good. Know bugs are scary for girls."

Louise held her tongue, a difficult task given her current state but she managed. She wanted to snap at him, tell him that anyone would be afraid, disgusted, but the literal plague of insects that had belched from the cavern's halls at Ms. Hebert's call. Instead, she gave him a simple nod, keeping to her manners.

The boy deserves as much. Louise saw how he jumped to defend her, with a rock of all things. Useless against a cloud of bugs but endeared her to the commoner nonetheless.

If he was a commoner.

So far the group consisted of a properly educated Tristan Noble, a military man with a number of magical devices that she had never seen before, a self taught witch, and someone who appeared to be a commoner. One of them did not fit the pattern.

Louise narrowed her eyes at him, causing the redhead to blink in very apparent confusion. Louise had heard rumors of commoner rebels in Ablion, the name escaping her even as she thought of them. Armed with Germanian Muskets and gunpowder they were making a nuisance of themselves all over the floating isle.

And considering the main language around her was Ablionish, a strange dialect of Ablionish… Possibly coded Ablonish…

Louise felt against her skirt for her wand, the smooth material comforting to her touch. Calming her thoughts as she looked back at Commander and Ms. Hebert, considering their conversation in a new light.

Could this all be part of a rebel plot? Kidnap a Tristan Noble of high standing, ransom her even as they used their new Trophy to recruit low born mages?

It made sense, itw as a sound plan. She could see it working as the Commander continued to speak soothingly, smoothly, convincingly, to Ms. Hebert. How her head nodded in agreement, how her thin frame seemed hunched with indecision but obviously swaying to his words.

What did they have planned for her?

What fate awaited her? Awaited her country? Her Queen?

"What do they say?" Emiya Shirou asked, startling her once again and ripping her from her descending thoughts, he white knuckles popping around her wand at the sudden pressure.

"What?" She asked, her earlier composure lost.

"What do they say?" He asked again, his sentence structure still terrible, "They speak too fast, can't understand much. I hear "Secret Identity" and "Superhero"?"

The terms seemed important to him, capturing his attention above all else that had been said. Over the unknown magic the other girl used (Louise guessed a form of water or wind magic to attract and influence the insects), over wherever they could be or how they got there. Over everything else, he focused on that. Those two phrases held his earnest attention.

And it calmed her.

Who could trust such a young and foreign man to hold such an important hostage? The Valliere family were closely tied to the Royal family of her great nation, to have someone who could not understand the rebel's native language much less her own was just lunacy! Idiocy!

It helped her calm down some, allowing her to think more about her situation and the other lunacies of the hypothetical rebel plot.

Namely, her wand.

To leave a mage with their foci would be the most idiotic thing a kidnapper could do. A properly trained mage could and would wreak havoc on their would be captured with little to no effort given the chance.

That is, unless, her captors had heard of her troubles in her studies, of her zero spell success rate, and thought her to be of no danger. No, Louise could not and did not accept that course of thought. She was still a proud Valliere, an educated noble!

And her explosive failures could be just as dangerous as a bolt of wind. More so even.

Wand in hand, reassuringly smooth in her relaxing rip, she answered, "Mostly about our situation." She started, speaking slowly so he could understand her, "Thought they moved on to talk about their home country I believe. A place called "Earth"," It was rather uncreative to name themselves after a country Louise thought.

"Thought the Commander doesn't seem that familiar with her home city of, well it was a bay I'm sure, but he is interested in places called "Bet" and "A leaf"." Again strange and seeming lazy names but her father always warned her of different cultures, such as the brash and brutish ones found in Germania.

Shirou frowned and hummed, processing her words with pressed lips and a tilted head, "I see." He said though Louise wasn't sure that he did.

After a moment or so of silence the Commander waved them over, his helmet still under his arm revealing his handsome face. Louise decided to focus on the makeup of the armor the Commander wore instead. It was obviously foreign in design and likely magical in nature as the black armor seemed rather regal to her.

He raised his right arm and she watched as an orange light sprang to life over her forearm. Like his armor Louise had never seen anything like it before but she already knew it's function. Translation, a useful tool to be sure...l for a diplomat or an ambassador but though a Commander is an impressive rank to be sure it didn't seem to her a tool a soldier should have.

As he spoke two sets of delayed words flowed from his device, one in Louise's home language and another in what she assumed was Mr. Shirou's.

"Alright, after talking to Taylor here I think I have some idea of what's going on. A Theory of it anyway." The way he said this made it obvious that he didn't like said theory, likely even disbelieving it but held to it anyway. "But I'd like to verify it and to do that we need to get out of… wherever this is."

Louise, slightly annoyed by the delayed translation, started to feel unsteady. She was all for and fully behind the idea of leaving the dark and suffocating structure, it was just that the four tunnels leading away from their cavern didn't look all that welcoming. Maybe even a bit foreboding.

Who knew what could be down in those shadowed halls? She said as much out loud.

Miss Hebert raised her hand, gloved in what looked like motley golden silk, and pointed down the third hallway, "That way has the most bugs."

That did nothing for Louise's nerves.

Not sure if I got her voice right but this part is done.

Next part is Shirou's Pov and should have an actual fight.
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40. Pray for Me (Original)
I failed the SV Female Isekai (sent to another world) challenge last month. I just couldn't write the story fast enough, not with a new baby and a full time job. But here's the results I got to before saying 'Fuck it"

Title: Pray for Me

Allison had firmly decided that the worst part about getting into a Fight To The Death was the dying part. She honestly wouldn't have minded the pain, and inconvenience, as much if she had known she was going to be getting into a fight to the death. If there was one consolation to the whole mess was that her opponent apparently hadn't realized either, staring down at her with wide eyes that seemed unfocused and staring far off.

Four years of kickboxing and she was done in by a skinny girl and a rusted old signpost. The damn thing basically snapped in two as soon as she hit it and then she was suddenly skewered on it. Killed by a lucky push and a jerkwad with an overly jealous girlfriend. They had barely been at the party for all of five minutes when the jerkwad started to hit on Charlie, then the bitch and her crew decided to cause trouble.

With the Allison and her friends of course, not the douche who was hitting on them. He "obviously" couldn't be at fault.

She supposed that's what she got for going to a party in the middle of bum fuck nowhere.

"Alli, Alli!" Someone yelled, sounding oddly far away. Echoy, hollow. Was that Charlie? "Hang on! Hang on sweetie, I'm right here, don't be afraid. Everything is going to be okay."

Oddly, she wasn't feeling all that afraid. Irritated sure but not afraid.

Was it a case of Shock? She heard, from movies, that Shock did strange things to the mind. Numbing it just a bit, more than a bit, and making people not even notice the rusted remains of a signpost sticking out of their chest.

It kind of made it hard to respond back, her breath coming out shallow and painful. She could still feel her heart beating, fast but slowing, so that wasn't hit for all the luck that was worth. Her lung though... If she had to guess one of those were hit pretty damn good.

"That doesn't sound good." Someone else said.

"Shut up you jerk and call an ambulance!" Wasn't that an oxymoron? He couldn't really call an ambulance when he was shutting up.

"Allie, you still with me?" Allie tried looking at her, head flopping oddly as she turned it. She saw Chalie looking down at her, hair draping over her watery eyes, with bloodied hands. "Don't worry, we're going to get that out of you just-just wait a second, okay?"

Allison tried to say something again but all she got was a wet hack of a sound followed by a series of wheezy coughs, very painful wheezy coughs. Yeah, that was probably a lung if she had to guess.

"Hey, don't move her!"

"Why not!?"

"Because that might make things worse, for all we know that thing is the only thing keeping her from bleeding out. Haven't you watched any TV, like at all?" Was that the douche bag? It sounded like him. The idiot couldn't keep it in his pants and she had to pay for it.

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Hey, there's no need to cry, Charlie. Things were going to be fine, someone should tell her that everything was going to be alright.

"Wait for the ambulance?" Why couldn't he have just told her that everything was going to be alright? Cause, honestly, Allison could have used some reassurance herself.

At least the view was good. She always liked the stars and they were so bright without the city lights getting in the way.

It would be a good last night.

They were so pretty.

So pretty...


She woke up to the sound of drums and a coppery tang infecting pine scented air. Which, if she was honest, surprised her. She hadn't thought that she would ever wake up again much less hear or smell things again.

But there she was, listening to people chant over a steady drumbeat in two (maybe three) different languages. Did some people leave their radios on while they waited for the docs to arrive or was that just how heaven was? Random guys chanting in their language?

Well, at least it didn't sound that bad.

Allison struggled a bit clearing her head and cracking her eyes just a bit to see what was going on. What she saw was not at all what she was expecting.

Her expectations were more along the lines of laying in the middle of a field surrounded by old trucks and cars with EMTs flashing a light in her face. Instead, she got a bunch of half-naked guys and girls bowing down at her with a dead deer at her feet, it's tongue sticking out and almost seemed to be looking up at her with blame. It was also glowing, a warm soft blue glow not the sickly green one expected from something radioactive. Still weird and not exactly comforting.

She said the only words she felt appropriate for the situation, "Is this Hell?" Did a cult kidnap her from the hospital or something? Because that was definitely what it looked like. She really hoped she was in a drug fueled dream, otherwise, she was in hell. A creepy, creepy, hell.

Near as soon as the first syllable left her lips the chanting stopped and the group gave a collective shiver, pausing as they raised their heads to look at her in a creepy unison. The seemed to have been frozen in space and quite honestly Allison shared the sentiment. She didn't know what else to do besides stand there and wish the Shock was still there.

There were nine men and woman in that cavern with her, around seven by her quick count, and not a one dressed the same nor did they look the same. With skin tone ranging from sandy to midnight black, they each stood apart from one another. That one had long dreads knitted with feathers and blacked staff that still smelled of burning sage, that one wore an elaborate mask with painted swirls on his chest, one with a worn shawl around his shoulders and a prominent red dot on his forehead. The list went on and on with none looking remotely similar to the other. And they were all staring at her.

What was going on? And what type of crazy did she find herself in?

"Did you feel that?" One asked, finally breaking the silence and causing a flood of questions that no one seemed ready to answer.

"Did it work?"
"Is it here?"
"Will it help us?"
"Will it hurt us?"

With each question going unanswered the group started to unravel more and more, demands replacing inquiries in quick snapped words. It would have devolved into full chaos if someone hadn't raised their voice over the growing roar. "Quiet! All of you!" They yelled, stepping closer to Allison and turning their back so all the confused college saw was a tanned wolf pelt. "Do you want to ruin this? Scare away whomever we called?"

They must have had some glare because each and every one of them cowed away, looking abashed and reprimanded in their slumped shoulders. Allison could even tell that the one in the weird mask was put in his place, despite being the loudest voice.

"Well? Are you lot better now? Collected your spines?" The apparent leader asked allowed, almost certainly rhetorical but said with all the authority of a parent who had more than enough of their children's nonsense.

"Yes, ma'am..."

Huh, they were a woman. Allison couldn't tell from the voice, too much of a timber too it, too raspy. Probably a smoker or something.

"Good." The woman said, releasing a deep breath and very visibly straightened herself out as she turned. Her head was bowed low, her eyes firmly pointed towards the ground and her arms spread wide. She looked a little like a giant bird. "Oh Great Spirit, we thank you for answering our plea. We have been in desperate need of help."

In the mingling leftovers of the strangely dressed strangers, Allison could hear someone mumble, "How come she gets to talk to it first?" before a sudden pained 'oof' cut off any further complaints.

The woman continued as if she didn't hear the words.

"We are all far from home, cut off from our gods by both distance and a lack of enough faith to call them to this distance. We have been besieged by not only hostile natives and Imperials but by disease and the threat of starvation. We beseech thee to give us thy patronage, to bestow us your holy blessing so that we might survive. We will offer prayer and tribute," She gestured grandly to the dead feet between them, "Even sacrifice if you demand and our numbers allow. There are not many of us but we shall be devout if you were to become our patron."

Here the woman paused, her head still bowed deep, and Allison had absolutely no clue what she had just said. That was a lot of fancy talk and she didn't know where to start to make sense of any of it. Seconds had started to stretch into one minute into two, the woman still with her head bent low but the other six began to get restless.

"Is there even a god here? The Trickster would have eaten the offering already. Perhaps even before we began praying." One mumbled to their neighbor, barely quiet enough to be considered a whisper.

"Well, the Sun-Eyed would burn you for talking while she talked so shut up." Someone else hissed at them from the side, "And bow already. That could be why they haven't answered yet, because we are not showing them proper respect." With a token amount of grumbling Allison suddenly had seven people bowing to her, at her.

In her general direction at least. But she still didn't know why.

Had they called her a god? As in sitting on all seeing and all powerful? She certainly didn't feel like either. As far as she knew she was just an average possibly dead girl. Speaking of... Looking down she noticed a rather worrying lack of anything. No hands, no feet, no bloody spike sticking out of her chest. And while the last bit was a relief she was kind of hoping for an afterlife where she still had hands.

She liked having hands. Not having hands sucked.

Being dead sucked.

Being taken away from her friends and parents because of a stupid, petty, ugly little bitch couldn't control her temper sucked.

"It's starting to get a little hot in here."
"Shut up."

But as much as it sucked at least she wasn't in hell. Unless hell was weirder, and less fire filled, then she thought. But was she really egotistical enough that her heaven was a place where she was worshipped as a god? She didn't think so.

"Where is this?" She asked allowed, partially directed at the woman bowing to and another part aimed at the air as if someone could hear her. Every last person shivered or shifted as if something had crawled up their spine. The talker tried to mumble again but a quick swat quieted him.

"Are you trying to speak to us great spirit?" The woman asked, her eyes flicking up briefly, snapping between where Allison stood to the glowing deer, "Is the tribute not enough?"

"I don't even know what you mean by that." Allison all but snapped back and the shiver swept through the room again. "I don't even know what that is. All I know is that I'm confused and you're trying to shove a possibly radioactive deer in my face." She said this with a waved of her non-existent hand, a non-existent hand that seemed to snag mid-motion. Caught as it passed over the deer's glowing carcass.

"The Fuck?" She questioned pulling at the sensation, dragging her 'hand' back towards her. And with it the glow.

It came in a steady trickle, a stream of blue light that gave her a gasp that became a river as the feeling filled a void she hadn't known she had. She wouldn't call it hunger but she felt fuller, heavier. Stronger.

With the last of the glow gone, absorbed into her formless self, the deer became a bleached grey color and cracked. It looked more like charred wood then a deer and it was ugly. But if you asked the rest of the room it was the most beautiful thing in the world.

"Ah!" The main woman said, a smile on her face and tears close to brimming in her eyes, "Thank you great spirit! Thank you! We will be worthy followers, I promise. You will see."

"Uh, good I guess?" What else could she say? She still had no clue what was going on. She wished she did, oh she really wished she did, but she didn't. And her best clue was rapidly retreating, "Hey, where are you going!?"

The woman didn't seem to hear or understand her, she just continued to bow. "I must report this Gaston. Great one I'll be back soon to commune, please show us patience." She bowed one last time deeply before exiting, motioning the others to follow her example and leaving Allison all by herself.

The basic premise of the idea was that after death Allison was picked up to play god, literally, for a fledgling village made by escaped slaves whose own gods are either too far or have too few worshippers in town to garner much attention.

Gods are needed in setting to:
To ensure a good harvest.
To protect against disease.
To empower/bless their warriors in battle.
To give a school of magic to their people.
To fight/hold off other gods.

Without even a minor god any settlement is likely to die out quick. But Allison is, to the villages elation and worry, a new god. Elated because they won't be absorbed (likely forcibly) into their civilization, worried because she will only have that village as her source of strength as gods need human belief to both live and become strong.

She has to build up strength quick to fight off Natives who don't like invaders (A goddess makes this clear to her) and settlers from the Empire that enslaved them in the first place (their main pantheon is ruled by 4 war gods (Strategy of War, Brutality of War, Honor of War, Naval Warfare) who've all expanded their affinities.)

The Natives are based on various Native American tribes as there are going to be a lot of villages (some will be allies, some will be enemies), the Empire is based on a combo of Rome and Britain, and the former slaves are going to have a pan-African theme as they try to rebuild themselves.

Side note: I'm going to try to make it a goal to write atleast a 1000 words per day. If that means continuing Immersion (as it's a fic with a planned ending) or a bunch of snip I hope you enjoy ethier way.
41. Playdate (Marvel)
A quick wtite up I did at work... On paper. Bit of a pain in the ass/time consuming to get it in digital but I hope you guys enjoy.


Luke Cage was feeling a little out of his element and a bit too much like the center of attention. Since he and Jessica set foot in that stupid gym people had been on them, asking the dumbest possible questions.

It's what they got for not having secret identities, no privacy. Maybe Matt, the bug, and all the others had the right idea. Not about the stupid costumes but the rest of it wasn't a bad idea.

He didn't even get why they were there, Jess didn't even graduate with her class. Her invite listed her as an 'Honorary Graduate' or some bull like that. Still, she wanted to be there, so he would grit his teeth and do his best to smile through it all for her.

Though, even with his best efforts, he soon needed a break. Ghosting away from the crowd, towards the back of the room, with a cup of crappy punch in hand at the quickest possible opportunity.

He had all of two minutes to his thoughts and the worst of the 90s when someone decided it was a good idea to step into his personal bubble. Some skinny white boy who barely came up to Luke's shoulder and had one of those "I know something you don't" smiles plastered on his face.

Luke mentally prepared himself for what was likely to be a very annoying conversation.

"You look like you're having fun." That annoying smile never left his face, not even when he said that obnoxiously sarcastic line in such a cheery tone.

Luke took a sip of his punch, half wishing it was spiked, so he didn't say anything Jess would regret, "Just not my scene."

That sang smile just got all the bigger, "I'll bet."
Luke gave him a bit of side eye, "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Just wanted to introduce myself," He said, holding out his hand, "Peter Parker. It's nice to meet you face to face.

Luke regarded the man for a moment, not liking the little giggle that escaped his lips, half expecting him to have some sort of super villain gizmo attached to the palm of his hand. That would be just like those motherless losers, attacking when he was on his off hours.

Still, he didn't see anything and he didn't want to be seen as rude in front of Jess's old friends. So he took his hand, "Luke Cage," he said, shamelessly adding a bit more strength than was needed and earned himself a raised eyebrow from Parker, "Have we've met before? You seem familiar."

"Probably. I used to take pictures of Spider-Man for the Bugal." He made a slight coughing sound and glanced at their hands, "Quite the grip you've got there."

"Thanks." He said, finally letting the handshake end, "You actually worked for that rag?" Luke felt slightly on the defensive, not liking being so close the admitted paparazzi.

"In said rag's defense, outside of Spider-Man, they treat the spandex community pretty well." Parker said with an overdramatic shake of his hand, "And technically Spidey got paid for those pics."

"Did he now."

"If I got paid he got paid, you can be sure of that."

Luke made a noncommittal noise, hoping that it would double as a dismissal.

Apparently it did not.

"While I got you here, there's something I've been wondering." Luke closed his eyes and got ready for either some Monday Quarterbacking from a civilian who's never been in a fight or some insensitive nonsense that Parker wouldn't realize was insensitive nonsense.

"Yeah?" He asked, ripping the band-aid off to get the conversation over with.

"Has your daughter come into her Super Strength yet?"

Insensitive nonsense it was.

"Yeah, she's a chip off the block." He said, putting some finility and a touch of irritated bass in his voice. He quickly reminded himself that he was there for Jess.

"How've you've been handling it? Cause any advice would be great. Our little May has gone through three cribs since hers kicked in and I'm honestly debating ordering something made of industrial grade steel just so it last the month.

Or maybe it wasn't as insensitive as he thought.


Their wives found them not too long later, both called over via text. Parker's, Pete's, wife showed up first and Luke was not ashamed to say that he was stunned.

Peter seemed like a nice guy but he had hit way out of his league. No offense to the guy but he was as plain as white bread, just another face in the crowd, but his wife all but screamed for attention just by walking into the room. Easy to do when you're a redhead bombshell with a megawatt smile.

Luke did his best to keep his gaze eye level.

Jess found them not too long after, looking more than a little relieved to see him. "Hey Honey." She greeted, her leaning up and him leaning down for her to give him a kiss on the cheek. "What's going on?"

"I don't know if you've met before but this is Mary Jane and Peter Parker-"

"Oh! I think we shared most of our classes in senior year." She said with a hint of an embarrassed blush that made Luke think she was more certain of that then she'd like them to believe. "It's good to see you again."

"You too." Pete said with a bit more uncertainty, "Sorry if I don't remember that much from back then. High school, especially those last two years, is a bit of a blur for me" The way Mary Jane squeezed his hand told Luke it was more than just a blur. And if he noticed it than there was no way his detective wife didn't.

"Yeeah," Jess said, stretching out the word as she regarded him, "I think I remember that you came to class late, a lot. With bruises. I never got how Thompson never got in trouble for that."

Pete rubbed the back of his head, more soothing an old injury than embarrassment. "Believe it or not those weren't Flash. Besides he gotten better."


"Oh yeah. He went and joined the army. It really helped straighten him out, he said, and I quote, 'Spidey and Cap inspired me to be all that I can be'. He's off on another tour right now but we're getting drinks next time he's back in town.'

"Really?" She repeated, sounding almost dumbfounded, "Even after all that?"

"Even after all that." Pete said with a nod, "He's apologized and tried to make amends before his first tour. I'm a big believer in second chances."

"Amen." Jess gave Luke a wry look to which he only shrugged at.

"So, what was so urgent you needed to text me over?"

"Have to admit," Mary Jane said, speaking for the first time since Jessica arrived, "I'm curious too. What's going on Tiger?"

The two men shared a look and Pete gestured for.Luke to explain.

"We were thinking about setting up a playdate between our girls."

Mary Jane opened her mouth, an automatic rejection clear on her lips, but she quickly closed her mouth with a clack. She hummed as she regarded Luke and Jessica, taking in just who they were and what that likely meant about their daughter.

Realizing just what he and Pete did.

But Jess didn't have the benefit of looking at a pair of famous parents. All she saw was a former classmate band his wife, an ordinary seeming couple at a casual glance.

"I'm not sure that's such a great idea," Jess started, hands wringing, "Dani can be a bit… rough."

Mary Jane let out an inelegant snort, "When your daughter puts her rattle through the drywall we can talk about being rough."

Jess blinked and Luke took pity on her. "The Parker's daughter is pretty strong. Broke a few toys and a bit of the furniture." He explained gently, "They're been afraid of letting her near other kids, thinking there might be an accident. Sound familiar?"

"Yeah, yeah it does."

"It's not a bad idea," Mary Jane mused aloud, "Pete explained to me that Super Strength usually means Super Durability. ("Well, that's not exactly what I said…") Hush, Peter, the big girls are talking. Anyway, it would be nice for our girls to have someone to play with while they learn to control their strength. What do you say?"

Jessica chewed at her lip, thinking the sudden offer over, but eventually she let out a mighty sigh. "When are you guys free?"

I'm debating turning this into a Round Robin. Would people be interested in a story about super powered toddlers and thier worried parents interacting?
A quick wtite up I did at work... On paper. Bit of a pain in the ass/time consuming to get it in digital but I hope you guys enjoy.


Luke Cage was feeling a little out of his element and a bit too much like the center of attention. Since he and Jessica set foot in that stupid gym people had been on them, asking the dumbest possible questions.

It's what they got for not having secret identities, no privacy. Maybe Matt, the bug, and all the others had the right idea. Not about the stupid costumes but the rest of it wasn't a bad idea.

He didn't even get why they were there, Jess didn't even graduate with her class. Her invite listed her as an 'Honorary Graduate' or some bull like that. Still, she wanted to be there, so he would grit his teeth and do his best to smile through it all for her.

Though, even with his best efforts, he soon needed a break. Ghosting away from the crowd, towards the back of the room, with a cup of crappy punch in hand at the quickest possible opportunity.

He had all of two minutes to his thoughts and the worst of the 90s when someone decided it was a good idea to step into his personal bubble. Some skinny white boy who barely came up to Luke's shoulder and had one of those "I know something you don't" smiles plastered on his face.

Luke mentally prepared himself for what was likely to be a very annoying conversation.

"You look like you're having fun." That annoying smile never left his face, not even when he said that obnoxiously sarcastic line in such a cheery tone.

Luke took a sip of his punch, half wishing it was spiked, so he didn't say anything Jess would regret, "Just not my scene."

That sang smile just got all the bigger, "I'll bet."
Luke gave him a bit of side eye, "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Just wanted to introduce myself," He said, holding out his hand, "Peter Parker. It's nice to meet you face to face.

Luke regarded the man for a moment, not liking the little giggle that escaped his lips, half expecting him to have some sort of super villain gizmo attached to the palm of his hand. That would be just like those motherless losers, attacking when he was on his off hours.

Still, he didn't see anything and he didn't want to be seen as rude in front of Jess's old friends. So he took his hand, "Luke Cage," he said, shamelessly adding a bit more strength than was needed and earned himself a raised eyebrow from Parker, "Have we've met before? You seem familiar."

"Probably. I used to take pictures of Spider-Man for the Bugal." He made a slight coughing sound and glanced at their hands, "Quite the grip you've got there."

"Thanks." He said, finally letting the handshake end, "You actually worked for that rag?" Luke felt slightly on the defensive, not liking being so close the admitted paparazzi.

"In said rag's defense, outside of Spider-Man, they treat the spandex community pretty well." Parker said with an overdramatic shake of his hand, "And technically Spidey got paid for those pics."

"Did he now."

"If I got paid he got paid, you can be sure of that."

Luke made a noncommittal noise, hoping that it would double as a dismissal.

Apparently it did not.

"While I got you here, there's something I've been wondering." Luke closed his eyes and got ready for either some Monday Quarterbacking from a civilian who's never been in a fight or some insensitive nonsense that Parker wouldn't realize was insensitive nonsense.

"Yeah?" He asked, ripping the band-aid off to get the conversation over with.

"Has your daughter come into her Super Strength yet?"

Insensitive nonsense it was.

"Yeah, she's a chip off the block." He said, putting some finility and a touch of irritated bass in his voice. He quickly reminded himself that he was there for Jess.

"How've you've been handling it? Cause any advice would be great. Our little May has gone through three cribs since hers kicked in and I'm honestly debating ordering something made of industrial grade steel just so it last the month.

Or maybe it wasn't as insensitive as he thought.


Their wives found them not too long later, both called over via text. Parker's, Pete's, wife showed up first and Luke was not ashamed to say that he was stunned.

Peter seemed like a nice guy but he had hit way out of his league. No offense to the guy but he was as plain as white bread, just another face in the crowd, but his wife all but screamed for attention just by walking into the room. Easy to do when you're a redhead bombshell with a megawatt smile.

Luke did his best to keep his gaze eye level.

Jess found them not too long after, looking more than a little relieved to see him. "Hey Honey." She greeted, her leaning up and him leaning down for her to give him a kiss on the cheek. "What's going on?"

"I don't know if you've met before but this is Mary Jane and Peter Parker-"

"Oh! I think we shared most of our classes in senior year." She said with a hint of an embarrassed blush that made Luke think she was more certain of that then she'd like them to believe. "It's good to see you again."

"You too." Pete said with a bit more uncertainty, "Sorry if I don't remember that much from back then. High school, especially those last two years, is a bit of a blur for me" The way Mary Jane squeezed his hand told Luke it was more than just a blur. And if he noticed it than there was no way his detective wife didn't.

"Yeeah," Jess said, stretching out the word as she regarded him, "I think I remember that you came to class late, a lot. With bruises. I never got how Thompson never got in trouble for that."

Pete rubbed the back of his head, more soothing an old injury than embarrassment. "Believe it or not those weren't Flash. Besides he gotten better."


"Oh yeah. He went and joined the army. It really helped straighten him out, he said, and I quote, 'Spidey and Cap inspired me to be all that I can be'. He's off on another tour right now but we're getting drinks next time he's back in town.'

"Really?" She repeated, sounding almost dumbfounded, "Even after all that?"

"Even after all that." Pete said with a nod, "He's apologized and tried to make amends before his first tour. I'm a big believer in second chances."

"Amen." Jess gave Luke a wry look to which he only shrugged at.

"So, what was so urgent you needed to text me over?"

"Have to admit," Mary Jane said, speaking for the first time since Jessica arrived, "I'm curious too. What's going on Tiger?"

The two men shared a look and Pete gestured for.Luke to explain.

"We were thinking about setting up a playdate between our girls."

Mary Jane opened her mouth, an automatic rejection clear on her lips, but she quickly closed her mouth with a clack. She hummed as she regarded Luke and Jessica, taking in just who they were and what that likely meant about their daughter.

Realizing just what he and Pete did.

But Jess didn't have the benefit of looking at a pair of famous parents. All she saw was a former classmate band his wife, an ordinary seeming couple at a casual glance.

"I'm not sure that's such a great idea," Jess started, hands wringing, "Dani can be a bit… rough."

Mary Jane let out an inelegant snort, "When your daughter puts her rattle through the drywall we can talk about being rough."

Jess blinked and Luke took pity on her. "The Parker's daughter is pretty strong. Broke a few toys and a bit of the furniture." He explained gently, "They're been afraid of letting her near other kids, thinking there might be an accident. Sound familiar?"

"Yeah, yeah it does."

"It's not a bad idea," Mary Jane mused aloud, "Pete explained to me that Super Strength usually means Super Durability. ("Well, that's not exactly what I said…") Hush, Peter, the big girls are talking. Anyway, it would be nice for our girls to have someone to play with while they learn to control their strength. What do you say?"

Jessica chewed at her lip, thinking the sudden offer over, but eventually she let out a mighty sigh. "When are you guys free?"

I'm debating turning this into a Round Robin. Would people be interested in a story about super powered toddlers and thier worried parents interacting?
super cute, just really cute
Going to ask my usual question here:
Does anyone have any advice on how they think I can improve my writing?

Second question with no promises:
Are there any Snips people would like to see sequels of?
Going to ask my usual question here:
Does anyone have any advice on how they think I can improve my writing?

Second question with no promises:
Are there any Snips people would like to see sequels of?
The one where superboy is the son of Alma Wade From F E.A.R. or a spark of hope or maybe clones of cadmus
Last edited:
42. Playdate pt 2
Sorry, it took so long to write this but work and kid don't like hobbies. Anyway, on to the show.

Playdate PT 2

Despite being in the same city Queen's had a completely different feel to it then Harlem. It had more white people for one thing, for two there were houses with actual lawns lining the streets.

It was why the Parkers suggested they meet there, at his Aunt's home. Apparently, they thought an open and space for the toddlers to play in would be best, and Luke couldn't say he disagreed.

What he did disagree with was the taxi ride over, with its too small seats and broken air conditioner. Couldn't Parker's aunt have lived closer to the subway? Was that too much to ask?

At least the soda and juice boxes he brought would last in the heat and could be fixed by a cup of ice.

"Got everything?" Jess asked as he got out of the car, his wallet a few bills lighter.

"Should." He said, looking down at the bags in his hand to the precious cargo in hers. It always amazed him just how beautiful his daughter was. How such a wonderful thing could really come from him, be part him.

But he could see it, in the shape of her eyes, in the curve of her nose, in the thick little poof balls she called hair. And then he saw the bits of her mother peeking through, from her cheekbones to her lips and even her chin. Her skin tone though was all her own, neither the chestnut of her father nor the fresh pink of her mother.

And it all made Dani Cage the most beautiful little girl Luke had ever seen.

Even when she burped in his face.

He gave her an exaggerated frown, "Cute."

"I thought it was." She didn't even try to hide her laugh, setting their daughter off in a fit of giggles.

"Yeah, laugh it up " grumbling as he climbed up the stairs, hoping they had the right address. " I hope she lays a big one on you."

"It's not my turn."

"'Whoever holds her, changes her'. Your rule, not mine."

"That rule applies to only you and only you."

They bickered good naturedly for a bit more, easing the tension that was riding up in their bellies. They didn't want to admit it but they were nervous. They were a literal power couple and they were nervous about what laid beyond the door.

Eventually, Luke Cage, the unbreakable man, broke past his fears and pressed the doorbell. The immediate response took them by surprise

"I was wondering when you two were finally going to knock on my door." The grey haired woman said from the open doorway, smiling at them indulgently. "I'm May Parker, Peter's Aunt. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Parker, I'm Luke Cage and this is my wife Jessica." He said, offering her hand for as gentle of a shake as he could manage. "And that little one is our Dani."

The woman smiled beautifully, a wide grin that crinkled around the eyes, "We've been expecting you. Come in, come in. Peter's in the back trying not to burn the burgers with Mary Jane and their little May. Ah, I still feel like I'm about to burst when I say her name. They named her after me, obvious I know, but it's great a honor. And, I tell you, Anna has been jealous ever since. Oh, goodness me, I forgot to mention Anna is here as well. Lovely woman-"

The woman rambled a little as she led them through her home, giving a brief tour of the first floor as she brought them to the back door. The bathroom was right over there, there were some 'precious' pictures of Peter ranging from a somehow nerdier Peter winning a science award to a fishing trip with her late husband, and last to the kitchen where a large pot was steaming.

"That would be the ribs dear, have to boil them with some apple cider vinegar and herb before you cook them. Trust me. I also have some cookie batter in the fridge for later. Today is going to be a treat."

"I'm sure it is ma'am," Luke said not doubting her words for a second. It seemed like the Parkers were really trying to go all out for this playdate. They must have really have wanted to make a good impression and they weren't alone in that. "Uh, where should I put this?"

May glanced in the bags, "Oh, the refrigerator will have to do for now. We didn't break out the cooler I'm afraid." She said, breaking the bags from his hand and depositing in said device. "Now, let's get this playdate on the way."

The Parker backyard wasn't particularly large, a small shed taking up more than its share of space, but it was roomy enough for their small party. Peter was at a small grill glaring down at the grill, an old woman sat at the picnic table reading a book, and Mary Jane was reading something to the little girl in her lap. The funny voices she made as she changed characters sending the little girl into a giggle frenzy.

Peter was the first to notice them, "Hey guys! Foods on its way! Make yourself at home!" He waved at the picnic table, "I'll be over in a minute or two."

Shuffling over to the table, May right behind them, they were greeted with smiles from both women as they set down their reading material. "Hey, thanks for coming! You didn't have too hard of a time getting here did you?"

"Not too much," Jessica said for them, looking nervous as she shifted Dani's weight. "So, how does this work? We've never had a playdate before…"

"Neither have we." Mary Jane said with a bit of a strained laugh, "Youtube videos usually just show parents tossing their kids together with some toys and hoping for the best, so how about we try that?"

"Uh, I'm not sure… Dani can be a little rough on toys."

This time Mary Jane's laugh was as real as could be, "Oh, don't worry about that. Peter made these toys, said that the super material is super resistant to tears."

"I used better words than that and you know it!" Peter yelled out, flipping a burger.

"It's mostly blocks and a few rag dolls but they've been a lifesaver for out toy budget."

"Wish we could say the same," Luke muttered, thinking of all the fancy Barbies and such they had already gone through.

The little area that the Parkers had set up in the grass was… cute. A thick Spider-Man themed mat laid across the grass with a pile of strangely colored blocks and a few ugly looking dolls sitting on top of it. Luke picked one up, grimacing at its horrible design.

He was fairly sure the things face was going to join his list of nightmare images, a hard list to crack.

Mary Jane grinned at his expression, "Yeah, ugly little things, right? But try tearing it, they're pretty durable like I said."

Luke, humoring her, grabbed one of its arms and gave it a quick tug. It didn't even stretch and Luke had to stare at it. He didn't really believe Mary Jane, thinking that she was exaggerating, so he only put around a hundred pounds of force on it thinking that it would rip as easily as all other toys. But it held together.

He put more stress on it, straining the poor thing and stretching its arm like a stretch arm strong. The arm went to double its length, triple, and further but it did not tear. Nor did it snap back into place, instead it slowly shrunk back to its main body.

"Huh." Was all he could say, his brain catching up to what he was seeing. "Don't suppose you have any extras of these?" They may be ugly but he couldn't see Dani breaking them anytime soon.

"Sure, Peter can always make more."

"..." Luke felt a beat of silence pass between him and Jess as they shared a look, "And what does Peter do for a living."

"Believe it or not he works at Midtown High as a Substitute Teacher, he really loves sharing his joy of Science with the kids." She paused for dramatic effect, "He also works as a Creative Engineer at Horizon labs." Pride was evident in her voice as she said this, making Luke feel a little bad for not recognizing the name.

"That's impressive." Jess said quickly, in one of her 'detective voices' she used over the phone. It was one of the peppy, but not too peppy, ones she used to make others excited with her. She probably got as suspicious as he did, putting the whole super strong kid and scientist father clues together.

They didn't like where those thoughts led.

"Yeah, he was really proud of that. He's thinking of going back to college for his doctorate now. Might be worth it, if only for me to brag that I've bagged me a Doctor."

Peter must have had some sharp ears because he yelled out, "Yeah you will!"

"Calm down you two," May chided, giving them a look that spoke volumes. They both looked properly abashed for some reason.

"Alright," The redhead said, moving past the event, "Let's get this playdate started."

Sitting the two girls on the mat honestly didn't seem to do too much. They seemed vaguely interested in each other but after a few curious pats, pats that gained a hitched breath from each watching adult, they wandered towards the toys.

The adults were a tad disappointed but Anna said what they were all thinking, "At least they didn't hurt each other."

"True," Jessica said eyeing the children as they played with their individual toys, noting that Little May was already stretching her dolls arms. Not as far as Luke had but she was doing it. Which brought up a question that has been nagging her.

Tapping Mary Jane she asked, "If you don't mind me asking, where did she get super strength? Is a mutant?"

Mary Jane blinked at her, looking honestly surprised and confused. "She got it from Peter."

Now it was Jessica's turn to blink, "Peter has super strength?

"Yeeah." The redhead said slowly, "Will you give me a second, I need to talk to my husband."


"They don't know?"


"Are you going to tell them?"


"And when does "Eventually" happen?"

"When it stops being funny.
43. Contracted (Original: Isekai meets Dungeon Core)
Started my Isekai/Dungeon Core Story idea... This part has been done for a while now but I couldn't figure out how to expand it, decided to just call it a chapter. It's mostly exposition but I hope you like it.

Contracted: Chapter 1

The one thing people never really went over in all those fantasy stories and movies was how heavy a sword actually was. A few pounds doesn't seem that heavy at first but after a few dozen swings you might as well have lead weights in your hands. Trust her, those fancy sword fights from the movies weren't as easy as they looked. Hell, she was pretty sure most of them were impossible now.

Still, Izie tried. Struggling to keep her dull blade raised in a proper guard.

"Weak!" her sparring partner turned drill instructor yelled, slamming his own dulled training blade into hers. The jarring sensation rattled up her arms, hard enough to make her teeth clack and break open her feeble defensive stance. The strike had come so quick that she had nearly missed the follow up.

But she saw it. She saw it and managed to move out the way, her feet leaving the ground smoothly as she sidestepped out of his reach. Her arm raised out of reflex, attempting to lash out before her opponent could score another hit, but it shook instead. Unable to rise to the occasion.

Her opponent let out a joyous laugh, "Ha ha! That's the way, Ms. Kai!" He cheered, a bright smile on his face that seemed to light up his blue eyes, totally disregarding the failure she knew he saw. "Your blade work may not be the best but your footwork, as always, is exceptional."

It took her a moment but she answered through a steadying breath, "Thank you." That would be her years of Tennis and Lacrosse shining through, along with Softball both sports had helped her prepared her surprising well for sword fighting. For keeping her alive. Though, for all that they helped her, such as keeping her light and quick on her feet, the sports instincts didn't always translate well.

"Still, we need to teach you how to keep your guard up... And," He gave her a wry look, "To stop swinging so wide. It's like you think you're swinging a warhammer instead of a sword."

Izie felt her cheeks heat up, remembering clearly the same incident he obviously was. It had been horrifyingly embarrassing but at least no one was hurt. Too much. Softball had not served her well there.

"Or she can just rely on the Relic of Nian, like she is supposed to," Rolf said off to the side, sitting to the side and looking as bored as he did the hour before the spar even started.

Siv lost the remnants of his smile as he regarded their companion, "One can not rely on a tool, not when skill can improve the tools use. Even if that tool is one of the Four Relics."

Rolf shrugged, "They are literally the only reason why she is here. You'd think our hero here would be more reluctant to do anything than the bare minimum, considering."

Izie gave him a flat look and hoped it spoke the volumes that it meant, "I like being alive Rolf."

Again he shrugged, "We all die in the end, it is her due, after all, it's about how we choose to live it. If you want to live up to these hoisted expectations, that's up to you but personally, I would be... well, whatever a good word for lazy and less compliant is."

"That is because you are lazy and uncompliant," Siv said, still frowning with his arms crossed. "If Ms. Kai wishes to train and uphold our wishes who are we to turn down her efforts?"

"Decent people?"

"We really appreciate you being here Rolf," Izie cut in before the fight could escalate as it usually did. She honestly didn't know if Rolf was truly arguing for her sake or if he was doing it to poke at Siv's nerves but she appreciated someone speaking up for her situation. She wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of being dragged away from her home and forced to fight in someone else's war. So, despite his general asshole attitude, Izie appreciated Rolf's words.

"Aleh taught us the gift to heal so we can take our time to see her, I see no reason why you have to rush your reunions." Rolf was also very, very, devoted to his Goddess. Which, considering said Goddess was the Goddess of Death, made him more than a little morbid.

"Yes, well, your Lady's services won't be needed here today." Siv said, pushing past the other man's words as he started to collect his things, "Not a scratch or a bruise on either of us. Ms. Kai has been improving."

Izie smiled at the praise, though she wished he was less formal in his regard to her. He and the others were as close to friends she had in the country, in the entire world. And wasn't that just sad?

Rolf regarded Siv's statement with a good deal more doubt, "As you say… Are you two done yet? I'm sure the food is probably done by now."

"Lead on."

A bare five minutes later the three of them were surrounded by the bustle of the war camp, something Izie still could believe she was in much less a crucial piece of. Tents had been pitched, cook pots brought to a boil with the smell of cheap porridge, and traveling blacksmiths filling the air with the ring of hammer to metal. It was like a grim festival.

As they passed people stopped in their menial task as they passed, many dipping their heads in respect as they caught sight of them. Some even offered prayers, which made sense.

They were kinda on a Holy Crusade after all.

Eshe and Aziza were waiting for them at their personal tents, one for the boys and one for the girls with one extra for her. Sitting on the fire was their own little cauldron was a thick stew that smelled so much better than what they were feeding the soldiers. The women must have forged for something better than their rations.

"Welcome back," Aziza greeted, Eshe giving them a brief nod before turning back to her cooking. It would have been pretty stereotypical, the men out training and the woman staying behind to cook if one didn't notice the small steaming vials to the side or the freshly maintained bow.

Those two were deadly, blessed by their individual god for this quest. Aziza was an alchemist, using her concoctions for everything from healing to firebombing, and Eshe an accomplished Druid and huntress. Both had stated behind, outside the practical reason of not being needed, to do some upkeep and, quite simply, because they were better cooks. Their chosen disciplines making them quite good at it.

If the past month taught her anything about forest meat then that was a rabbit in that there pot. Eshe likely did some hunting for them then, she was nice like that.

"How did Ms. Kai's practice go?" Aziza asked, putting stoppers on her vials and setting them aside to make room.

Izie cringed at the use of her last name, again. "You know you can just call me Izie, right? Or Izabell is you have to be proper."

The was a scoff be sound and a round of shared exasperated glances. "Ms. Kai," Aziza started, "As we've told you before, to treat the Hero of the Relics with anything other than respect would be blasphemous."

Izie sighed, it was a half hearted suggestion anyway. That had been a losing fight since she was first summoned.

There had been much confusion that day. And a good amount of fear. And a whole lot of panic.

When she woke up in that bright summoning room she had thought herself kidnapped. And she was but on a grander scale then she could have ever anticipated. She had been ripped away to her world to wield the Four Holy Relics, each blessed by one of the country Ensrom's High Gods, to fight off the monstrosities of the "Demon King's" army. Apparently, she found out after some begging, there was not one Person in their country who could use all four items at once anymore.

Everyone in Ensrom leaned too much towards one god or another to use them, as soon as the balance between the godly powers was broken they would war in the user. The results varied between making the items inert and causing various levels of harm to the wielder, so they decided the best thing to do was to summon someone who no attachments to their gods. A blank slate who didn't lean any particular way.

And that was why her companions followed her with such devotion. Not because they particularly cared for her but because they were loyal to their gods. Their true purpose to follow her as morbid and depressing as anything else she had found in the new world.

They were there to loot her body when she died and bring the items back to their temples.

She just had to look on the bright side, focus on the positives. Like how if she lived passed the next eleven months she could go home, see her parents and little brother again. See her friends again and maybe even get in the starting line up this year. And, for a moment more, just enjoy just how surreal it was that she was actually in a fantasy world.

Even at the campsite around her, she could see it plainly. From the red moon that orbited the larger blue on to the smell of foreign everything to her companions.

She wasn't sure if it was planned or not but not one of her companions was of the same race. Or maybe species would be more accurate.

The only other human in her group was Eshe, even if she seemed the most alien at times. Eshe was taller than Izie and filled it out in an Amazonian way. Her tanned skin covering hard muscles and her hair cut short in a rather practical way. As a worshiper of the Goddess of Nature, Het, was usually dressed accordingly wearing what she called hunting leathers with a bow and quiver full of arrows never far away.

Siv, brave and cheery as he was, was a dwarf or all things. Complete with a black braided beard and too wide shoulders. Izie had never seen him drink but he seemed to be thrilled enough on life to be drunk on it. He was a follower of the Ways of Nian, the God of Passion, which basically dictated that everyone lived life to the fullest.

Aziza was an elf. Just as slim and pointy eared as the books and movies had led her to believe but shorter. Much shorter. She had always pictured elves as being the same height as humans, even taller, but movies apparently lied. She kept her blonde hair in a braided ponytail and always had one of her concoctions on hand. Like the others she devoutly followed one of the High Gods, this time Enkin the God of Civilization.

Last was Rolf, nephew of the High King and follower of the Aleh. Like his uncle and the rest of the royal line, Rolf was of mixed blood, the three other races blending in some random combination in his veins. It didn't make all that of an unappealing picture, with a tall and broad build along with a set of well kept beard and shoulder length hair. Apparently, to get away from all the drama that came with royal politics, he had joined the Clergy of Aleh, who was oddly the Goddess of Healing as well as Death. He devoted himself to healing others instead of ruling land.

And none of them got along beyond the most cordial of levels, just like their gods.

It made things... quiet.

"This soup is good." She said after a spoonful, trying to break the usual oppressive silence.

"It's stew but thank you." And failed completely. She shifted uncomfortably, trying to bleed away some energy and trying to think of something, anything to do. Maybe she could ask Siv on some more advice on sword fighting? He was big on that but a bit droney if he wasn't actually swinging a sword at you. That was just as likely to send her into a doze as being still was.

She started to wish that the General would call them for the meeting all the sooner.


The meeting didn't happen until a few hours later, much to her regret, but when it did start she regretted ever wishing for it.

The group that gathered in the General Etan's tent, beyond her little group, consisted of every noble or high ranking officer that existed in the camp. The meant that twenty something important people crammed themselves around a too small table holding a rough map of the area, listening intently as the scouts made their reports.

"There are about two regiments holding the bridge town here," The scout continued, barely glancing at the officer that was coming in last second, as he dutifully pointed at the map despite the cold sweat on his forehead, "And another one holding the town here."

"Three thousand soldiers? That's all?" An officer mused out loud. "That's all Myne sent to hold Brow? They need that river if they want to invade us in any meaningful sense. We've got the mountains between us and Myne, and they can't expect to bombard us with their navies like they've been doing to Ord and Reas. One advantage of being landlocked I suppose."

"Maybe they mean to take Smile instead?" A noble chimed in, his thoughts getting a scoff from the more military minded.

"Smile is too far away for them to think it worth, logistically speaking." The General himself said, "Especially not with Vision within spitting distance. They could take the High King's castle and the capital if they get there."

Izie still couldn't get over the way Ensrom named things. Sure, she understood that their united territory looked roughly, roughly, like a face but they just went too far. Two great lakes named Sight and Vision, the one hosting their capital, as the eyes. The easternmost river named Smile and the westernmost, the one they were only a few miles away, Brow. They even called their mountain range 'The Hairline'. The founders of the country must have been real lazy, or at least they were in Izie's opinion.

The General kept talking despite her side tracking thoughts, "No, they have another reason why they sent so few men." With that, he gave a nod to the scout.

The scout nodded back, his composure still barely holding together, "Just outside the bridge town there are three Boss class monsters, at least. A Cyclops, a Winged Bull, and a Sphinx, each around twenty feet tall. And docile."

The solemness of the last words sent a shiver down many of the tent's backs.

"Shit, so it's true."
"I thought the rumors were exaggerations."
"Myne really does have a Demon King."
"Could President Able really have gone that far?"

The muttering in the room was bordering a small roar when the General took hold of their attention and dragged it back to the matter at hand, "Quite!" He yelled, his fist slamming to his chair's arm, "We need to focus on what we know and not a speculation. We know is that there are three thousand foreign soldiers on our soil. We know that we have three boss class monsters at someone's beck and call. Whether that means the Demon King is here himself, well, we just don't know. But we'll have to operate as if they are just as we are to assume that they know we are here and what our strength roughly is. Luckily, we have just what we need to stop such a monster here."

The eyes of the room shifted to her, "Izabell Kai," General Etan said, raising from his chair and slamming a fist to his armored chest as he bowed, "Hero of the Four Holy Relics, it seems our practice run will turn into a larger conflict then we could have imagined. We will be relying on you."

She really hoped she looked more confident then she felt. Which shouldn't be hard considering she had absolutely no confidence in her ability to kill any of those things.


There was a ritual to the Relics, so she's told.

She was cleansed by magic and purified water, making her feel refreshed similar to when her mother took her to a spa. Prayers were chanted, four different sets of words warring and overlapping each other as her companions encircled her. Their words filled the air with an electric buzz, her exfoliated skin tingling as they drew closer.

Izie was already wearing her 'Hero Armor', a set of padded and hardened leather armor colored brightly with the national colors of red, blue, and purple. An obvious target if there ever was one and she the only bit of metal on her was her ornate breastplate, the godly symbols etched artfully in gold across the steel, didn't give her the impression it could stop an arrowhead much less a giant bull head.

Rolf was the first to reach her, bending low to her bare feet as he slid The Boots of Aleh on to her feet. They Boots were traveler's in design and had a rich purple color with silver inlays decorating the sides. Supposedly the designs were runic, magical letters ensnaring a spell, but she couldn't read them. All she knew was she felt lighter as soon as they were on her feet, weightless and free.

Doing her best to ignore the Cinderella imagery Izie felt The Cloak of Het being drapped onto her shoulders by Eshe, the tassels tying themselves together and the Cloak itself shifting like a cat trying to get comfortable. The Nature Goddess' Cloak was the most unassuming of the Relics, being a simple but polished nut brown, and many could even make the mistake of assuming it was something mundane. But it was perhaps the oddest of the bunch and yet it gave her a sense of comfort, of solidness.

Next came the Diadem of Enkin, a simple silver tiara fitted snugly above her eyebrows by Aziza. Crowing her as if she were a princess. Her mind began to race as the cool metal warmed against her forehead, information slamming into place like a torrent with her every stray thought. It was more than a little overwhelming considering just how many stray thoughts she had.

Siv kneeled before her, a sheathed sword balanced in his hands. The Sword of Nian was a longsword sheathed in a scarlet scarab with matching leather for a grip, the guard an ornate bronze, and a summertime heat wafting from it. Izie tried not to hesitate when she took it, though she was sure she did, but she took it in a firm grip and placed it at her hip.

Like all the other items it filled her unconditionally with a feeling. While the others filled her with a sense of freedom, of steadiness, of sure knowledge, the Sword gave her warm confidence.

She felt reborn, like a completely different person. Like a -

"-Hero born." The four finished their chant, stepping back and assessing her. She stood solid and confident, with her back straight and her chin up. Hero, yes. She certainly felt like one.

"Well, what are we waiting for. Let's go get the troops."

She could do this. She could win the war, she could kill the Demon Lord.

She could go home.


Hope you enjoyed, please tell me what you think. Next part will take place from the POV of the Dungeon core... Probably.
44. Weaving Thoughts
A quick write up that's a bit depressing but has lots of potential I think.

Weaving Memories

Everything, oddly, was numb. She hadn't expected that, she expected pain, alot of it. When that ever growing dragon known as Lung opened his maw she expected nothing less. Yet she didn't feel a thing, not a one.

She could see her hair burn, smell her flesh sizzle, but she was numb to it all.

The only two things she was even remotely aware of were the night sky churning with clouds of smoke and her ever shrinking swarm of bugs. She called everything she could; ants, wasp, termites, mayflies, anything that crossed into her range and had them trickle forth on a single order.

Attack Lung.

Bite him in the eye, inject him with any toxin they had, pour into any hole they could wiggle into. She was not kind about it, she couldn't be. Not when he was going to kill kids, burn their little bodies like he did to her and her swarn.

Even if she just made a nuisance of herself she had to at least slow him down, keep him there until the real heroes arrived. If she did that, accomplish that one thing, she would be content.

She could die happy.

She felt something move through her swarm, something large, and felt her bugs die as it slammed into Lung. And then another one arrived, and another one. Three great big something, all dogpiling the gang leader with a frantic energy.

Taylor tried to move her head to see what the were but nothing cooperated. Her neck, her arms, her core none of them worked. They were, appropriately, dead.

"Hey! Don't think like that." A voice yelled just before a blonde head stuck itself into her vision wearing a domino mask. "Everything is going to be alright. Helps on the way, okay? Just hold on." That was nice of her to say, trying to cheer her up but Taylor was okay with the way things were.

It was okay.
It was fine.

"No, this is not fine! You hold on! You here that? That's Armsmaster racing his way here on that monster bike of his, just stay awake." The masked girl must have been a hero, listen to her and how much she wanted Taylor to live. If she knew how much of a waste of space Taylor was maybe she would have felt different.

"C'mon now, now negative thoughts. Stay awake, remember that, stay awake." or maybe she was a true hero, it was nice to hear someone caring in her last moments. Maybe she could finish what Taylor couldn't.

"... Ki…" Her throat, like everything else, wouldn't work right. Her tongue lulled to the side and her lungs barely exerted the air for that one sound, that was all she could say. But the hero understood, her green eyes moving rapidly as she took the syllable in.

"Ki, kids? You fought Lung because you thought… Jesus Christ." Her face was pale and horrified but she kept her voice steady enough, "The kids are fine. You saved them, gave them enough time to escape. You did amazing."

Good. Good. She did something, made a difference. Maybe is she was someone else she would have done more. If someone, anyone, anyone, else had her crappy powers maybe they'd have done better.

"Tattletale." A voice barked just out of her sight, "We need to go!"

"Give me a minute!"

She, Tattletale, definitely would have done better.


Tattletale stumbled into the loft, her stomach churning and her teammates right behind her. They made sound, questioned her, asked what was going on. If she was okay.

She wasn't. And they really didn't care.

Grue did in his way, same with Bitch, they both cared about their own. But didn't, wouldn't, care for the reason why she was so distraught. Why she felt burned to the core and struggled to breath.

She had died for them. Burned alive as she fought beyond death with a swarm of bugs, spiders, and even a few crabs to hold off the strongest cape in the city. She had thought she died fighting for children, that she was saving kids.

Tattletale laughed at that. If only she had known she was saving uncaring villains in so many senses of the words.

Her power told her so, inferring truths from their body language and the lines between their words. There was some regret and pity, from Grue in particular, but as Regent had so eloquently put it "Better her than me.". They all thought it.

Of course their crass attitude weren't the only reason she felt so it of sorts.

She made it to the bathroom as another wave of nausea washed in, vomit landing thickly in the sink as another glov passed her throat. She was shit of breath and when she was done she was left starting in the mirror. A mirror that held a reflection that looked paradoxically right and wrong simultaneously.

Her green eyes and blonde hair looked wrong, out of place. Her full lips and button nose were wrong, almost malformed to her mind. Her tits were definitely wrong, though happily so in that case.

Everything about her, bar her skin, should have been darker, longer, thinker. But they weren't. They were how they always been.

Sixteen years of memories said one thing and fifteen years said another.

Memories not her own wove and intertwined themselves into her mind, claiming they belonged there. Yelling that she lived those events.

That she grew up in a row house with a broken step instead of a modern manor. That she had lost her mother to a car accident instead of her brother to suicide.

That she had suffered through hours of that disgusting locker.

Her name wasn't Taylor Hebert's but her memories, the newer half of them, insisted that she was

She spat out the last tsst of vomit from her mouth, still eyeing herself in the mirror. Well, she wasn't going by her other birth name ethier. She was Lisa and she found the memories didn't mind that.

She needed to sort herself out, take in what was STILL happening to her mind. She needed time, asprin, and a nice long nap.

Though, she was forced to wonder as her new powers range increased towards her predecessor's, what was in Brockton Bay's water to make another monster like the Butcher.

Basically, Taylor had a power like the Butcher's where her powers and mind are transferred to another parahuman, provisionally calling it The Weaver line. Two differences in this case being who gets the transfer (the last parahuman you think of before death is targeted by the Shard instead of killer) and that it's more of a memory/cognitive meld aka new body same memories (Think Doctor Who regeneration over schizophrenia). Though I'm debating if the voice in the head option would be more interesting or not.

Lisa's tenure as Weaver 2 is going to filled with subterfuge and intrigue as she uses her new spy network to pull free from Coil and undermine his operations.

Power interaction wise I'm seeing Taylor's multitasking helping the pain of Lisa's Tinker ability (either by handling the data overflow better or pushing the pain into the swarm) as well as giving her alot more data to work with via swarm sense. On the other hand she'd have alot more useless data streaming in, putting her in more tangents than usual.

I have two possible places for Lisa's death in my mind, Bakuda or Levithan, and three possible candidates for the next Weaver. One is LaserDream to put the Weaver line on a clear heroic bend, plus girl did work keeping Taylor alive in the Leviathan fight/she needs to be used more. Two is Dinah after Weaver realizes she's in Coils clutches and the little girl uses her new abilities to help her escape, plus my original title idea for this story was Think Tank. Three, Newter or another Case 53 to start a conspiracy unraveling story on Cauldron.

Thoughts? Opinions?
Everything about her, bar her skin, should have been darker, longer, thinner. But they weren't. They were how they always been.
Power interaction wise I'm seeing Taylor's multitasking helping the pain of Lisa's Thinker ability (either by handling the data overflow better or pushing the pain into the swarm) as well as giving her a lot more data to work with via swarm sense. On the other hand she'd have a lot more useless data streaming in, putting her in more tangents than usual.

I'm intrigued and wish to continue. Anything's probably good as long as it works out in a natural, smooth-flowing way :V
neat, so this line only taylor jumps with the powers or will lisa come along for the ride when she bites it?
I like the Dina option personally. I'm just picturing her dying to one of Bonesaw's diseases and realizing it at the last moment then Bonesaw using the conflicting signals of multiple shards to confound and kill Jack then deciding she still needs a big sister and getting killed by a BB hero or villain while thinking of how to contact and convince Panacea to take her in.

This shard is interestingly like the maidens of RWBY sending the power to the next female in line that the previous holder was thinking about in her last moments.
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I'm gonna suggest...Armsmaster, but only if it's mind-meld. Then Armsmaster's glory-hound, anything to succeed starts clashing with Taylor's tarnished idealism and image of him even as she dies, and Lisa's self-interest. If Lisa's parahuman power also works on self-reflection and giving Armsmaster a pretty brutal look into his own personality, or if that's one of the last memories Weaver has and is what causes the jump to Armsy, that could also be interesting.

Also, the dilemma of the leader of the Protectorate having a bunch of brand new powers to minmax (Taylor approves) and either having to hide it from everyone to keep his rank, admit it and suffer Master/Stranger problems, or just straight up go rogue. Possibly with Dragon, possibly on his own.