The one part of this Ship of the Line Challenge that I'm struggling with is what setting Buffyverse is fused with. Everyone does Stargate which is A) a bit boring at this point and B) I literally know nothing about Stargate outside of Buffy crossovers.

I've been thinking of a Marvel Universe mostly based off the movies with a large influence but I'm not sure.

Some settings you could use are Mass Effect, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica (old or new) or Halo. So you have a wide range of possibilities.

This snip was interesting, I look forward to see where it might go.
Put them in mass effect the dichotomy of element zero FTL and the not of others will be interesting
Some settings you could use are Mass Effect, Babylon 5, Battlestar Galactica (old or new) or Halo. So you have a wide range of possibilities.

This snip was interesting, I look forward to see where it might go.
A large part of me wants to do Saga as its magic in space already. Plus it would fit well in that old Buffy/SG1 concept alot of people ran with of 'all the dimensions and helps you see are just other planets'.

Sadly, I don't think I could do Saga justice.
I feel you on the saga part since a large chunk of it is a visual medium doing written fanfiction has caused me no end of pain, and trying to do a fan comic was worse because my art skills are calling them abysmal would be an improvement
An Unknown Game ch3
AN: This one is exposition-heavy and it had me struggling through it. The rust kept building with my doubt but I think I'm getting somewhere.

An Unknown Game ch 3


The strange font seemed to call out, louder than before. More eager. He could feel his eardrums ringing from the imaginary volume.

<Welcome… Hiro Hierro>
<Champion of The Eastern United States>

The words lacked the volume of the first line but they carried a deepness, an attention, that dragged him in. Hypnotic was the only way he could describe the sensation. The screen had his attention and he was not sure he could look away.

When the words began to fade he thought, naively, that it was over. That the noise would at least knock down a few levels, to go from booming to ringing.

It did not.

It got worse.

His phone screen opened from deep within, unfolding to a pristine view of the Earth. The planet spun lazily with hyper realistic detail, specks of light too few to be cities dotted the continents. Framing the globe were eight icons, symbols whose meaning seared themselves into his retinas at a glance.

Despite this, despite how intuitive it seemed, the App still decided it needed to spawn a little cartoon character. It spun into existence from the corner of the screen, waving a comically large gloved hand. It's only hand. The rest of its body was a light blue sphere with the ancient emoji of : ).

[Hi there!] The character chippered, the : ) flapping to and from : D as it spoke. [My name is Nav and I'll be your tour guide to the Champions Network!]

It raised its hand unto a fist, as if to cheer, with the eight icons glinting in the background. Some, Hiro noticed, were grayed instead of the deep blue of the others.

[Now!] The little character yelled in its not-voice. The words stood out clearly in his mind, even as the ridiculous thing stroked its imaginary chin and paced across the screen. [I'm sure you're all wondering what this app is and its for. Well, to put it simply, it's exactly what it says it is! A Network to connect the Champions of the world!]

Nav shrunk in size, allowing Hiro to see the whole screen again. To see the lights of the globe grow all the brighter. One of them caught his eye, the sole light on the east coast of the United States.

It was familiar. It felt so very familiar.

[That's right!] The ball of excessive energy bounced, literally bounced, in excitement. [You are the Champion of the World! Well, one of them. One of a hundred and fifty three to be exact. It's a bit of a numbers game but most countries have at least one Champion. Some have more but that's only because they have more to protect!]

It made a small shrugging motion before moving on.

[There is going to be alot to protect in general but that's why the Network is here! To create and prep individuals who met our algorithm's criteria! You all possess the mindset and abilities to-]

Nav went on for a bit, seminar talking and ego boosting with every word. Hiro quickly grew tired of it. He was just beginning to wonder if there was a way to skip all inane talk when Nav froze.

[If you need further help I'll be right over her.] The little character gave one last : ) before rolling into the corner, shrinking into a dark blue dot. A dot that Hiro readily ignored, it had been completely too chipper for his taste.

Now he could look at the App in peace.

The globe was still spinning lazily at the center of the page. A 'map of Champions' if he made his guess right. Three lights in the US but only one each for literally every other country in North America, even Canada and Mexico. Was there a discrepancy because of population? He was half tempted to turn Nav back on to find out but quickly decided against it.

'Was this a game?' He wondered. The grayed out icon of a man's silhouette in the upper left corner that rang <Stats> in his mind pointed to yes. But why would anyone go to all that effort if that was all it was.

His finger hovered over the button before trailing down to another grayed icon. An unfurled scroll with a cycling circle over it. <Skills>.

At the bottom of the row was yet another gray icon. A book that, predictably, read <Spells>.

The last of the grayed out icons was a shopping cart that he didn't need ringing words to know it was the <Shop>.

From there all the other icons were blue and 'available '. He honestly ignored the other three and focused in on the blue speech bubble that screamed <Fourm>.

If any of this was real and not some fevered delusion then there would be something there. Hiro couldn't even imagine some scan artists going so far as to fade an entire chat log just to mess with him. No one would waste that much time on a joke. Right?

The page took no time to load, barely a flash of the CN logo before the forum pulled itself up. There were only a handful of threads but Hiro suspected there used to be more if there were titles like 'Consolidated "What's going on?/Is this for real?/WTF! Thread'. Hiro figured that might be the best place to start, he was fairly sure the ones labeled 'This Is So COOL!!' and 'MAGIC?!?!?' were going to be less than helpful.

The oldest post was only a day old.

■ 'Consolidated "What's going on?/Is this for real?/WTF! Thread'
(OP) Champion: England - March 12th 2018
Is this for real? Cause this is something straight out of an anime. Quest? A stat sheet? A skill list? Seriously, did I get hit by a truck and not notice?

Champion: South Korea - March 12th, 2018
I am now Le Han, my destiny has been realized.

Champion: USA (West) - March 12th, 2018
That manhwa is trash.

Champion: Brazil (North) - March 12th, 2018
Why is this in Portuguese?

Champion: South Korea - March 12th, 2018
@USA (West)
You shut your lying whore mouth!

Champion: China (Zhōngnán) - March 12th, 2018
@Brazil (North)
It's not. An autotranslate maybe?

The Cantonese is coming in very well.

Admin - March 12th, 2018
<This is very real _____ _______, and anyone else who is reading this thread. You are all Champions for the new age to come. Many of you may have already seen the changes, more are to come.>

<Magic has returned and the world will have to adapt.>

<For more information please look to your quest guide or click on Nav>

(OP) Champion: England - March 12th, 2018
Ok, who are you and how the bloody fuck do you know my name!?!?

Admin - March 12th, 2018
<The Admin is the admin, just sd my title suggests. I will be around, keeping you app running and updating things as time goes on.>

<If you have any suggestions please direct them to the relevant threads pinned on the forum homepage.>

Hiro rubbed at his eyes, his headache finally fading. Leaving him only with an obnoxious sense of frustrated confusion. The thread answered none of his questions and honestly only left him with more, one mirroring the Champion of England's to a T.

Who was the Admin? Were they the one who made the invasive App? And how in the world had it given him such a headache? Better yet, why?

Was it even related?

The other threads were about as helpful as the first. They were all full of excited disbelief and speculation. Speculation the Admin did little to clear or clarify on. All the mysterious figure did was refer everyone back to the <Quest> tab, something people seemed thrilled about.

Hiro was not too far from excited himself but there was a distinctively different emotion sparking in his mind. What he was instead was curious. The threads were building, fighting against consolidation as people, Champions, vied for attention. Every one of them was expressing a giddiness that Hiro frankly could not wrap his head around.

Why were they acting like this? Was it some sort of hypnotism? Were his headaches from earlier because he was fighting it off?

Or were they targeted? The App had all but admitted it with Nav. 'People who met a certain criteria' was what the mascot had said. They certainly seemed to fall over themselves looking around the App. Especially the <Quests> and apparent promise of magic, something many seemed to be taking at face value. Some even went so far as to say that they have casted spells, there were even videos attached to the threads. He watched a few and, if nothing else, the video editing was impressive.

He eventually backed out of the forums and returned to the homepage. The globe still spun but his eyes trailed over to one of the icons. A quill poised to write, the apparent symbol for <Quests >.

Out of curiosity he clicked it, not giving it much thought. Something he regretted as a sudden blare reverbed in his skull.

"Ahhh!" He hissed, his hand going to his eye as if expecting pain. Thankfully there was none, just the attention grabbing blare. An alarm to make sure one noticed something important.

The App sure loved it's not noises.

<Protect Civilization!!!>
*Defend the infrastructure and lives of modern civilization at all cost!*
*Real time quests and rewards will be generated for this purpose*
*Failure to attempt these quests will result in stripping of Champion status*
*To act in counter to their quest will lead to dire consequences *

"What is this? Is this seriously a videogame?" Hiro wondered, "All of this for a game?" What kind of bull was that? And what did it mean 'dire consequences'? For what? Being a terrorist?

Obviously there were consequences for that!

The next category of quest rolled up the screen without fanfare, not even a ding. An honest relief for Hiro's poor head, he did not need another headache.

[Starter Quests]

<Generate 10 Skills>
*Showcase your abilities to the world and unlock the <Skills> tab*
Reward: Gain a Class based on your Skills!

<Catalog 15 Altered Plants and Animals>
*Abnormal plants, animals, and even insects have been appearing across the world! Track and record 15 such interests in your area. Unlock and fill the <Bestiary and Herbarium> tab!*
Reward: Monetary prize to be distributed per recording, the more detailed the greater the amount.

<Learn a Spell>
*Unlock the <Spell> tab by learning a single spell.*
Reward: Greater magic awaits you at the completion of this task.

<Reach Level 5>
*Sharpen your skills and reach a higher level! Unlock <Stats> tab after Lvl 1!*
Reward: Gain first Title!

Hiro tossed his phone away in disgust, clicking his tongue as it clattered along the dashboard. "It really is a game." He shook his head. "All that for a glorified ripoff of Pokémon Go. What the hell?"

He tapped his finger against the steering wheel then he started his car. Hiro did not like being messed with, he hated not having answers.

Especially when they were so near.


The drive back to the hotel, made longer by the steady and constant ding of his phone. Notification after notification sounding off, which was more than a little odd considering he had turned off the sound ages ago. No guesses needed to know which app was going off.

Arthur better have some answers for him.

It was barely past eight when he arrived. The hotel was already fairly busy with cars pulling in and out, people coming and going with the early hour. Hiro knew it was probably too late. He knew that Arthur was there on a business trip, probably, and was likely already off doing God knows what. Still, Hiro had to try.

Try and fail in the face of a smiling blonde.

"I'm sorry but we cannot give out a client's personal information." She said, her forced smile firmly in place. The smile of a service worker, he knew it well and sympathized. He still asked, he had to.

"I get that. I really do, but I need to talk to him." Hiro reasoned, some of his frustration starting to leak into his voice. "If he's still here I'd appreciate it if you called him down."

"That is not our policy sir."

Hiro took a breath, letting it out slowly and keeping his temper. "How about I leave a message? Could you pass that along?"

Her smile still strained at the edges but she agreed easily enough. "Of course sir." She said in the same chipper monotone that made him think any note he wrote was not going to make it to Arthur. He still left one. A quick jot on hotel stationary with his phone number.

There might be a visit from the police in his near future, always a pleasant experience, but he had to know. If there was even the slimmest chance for answers he was going to take it.

Though he would probably be keeping his distance for a while, just to be safe. He did not want to come off as some sort of crazed stalker. Well, more than he already was.

'Shit' He thought, 'I probably already messed this up.'

He rubbed at his forehead, frustrated at the dead end. While not his only lead it had been his most immediate. He could only hope his second idea would not be as much of a flop as the first.

Hiro pulled his phone out as he drove. He gave the screen a glare as that golden CN popped up again, a little 2 sticking out obnoxiously in its corner. His phone opened right to the App as soon as he unlocked it, not even bothering to ask for permission this time around. It just went straight to its announcements.

<Due to repeated action you have generated your first Skill! Just 9 more to go!>
[Advance your skills to gain experiences and level up!]

His first Skill was [Driving], something that gave him a snort of amusement. Of course. They were probably tracking him with his GPS. Hiro saw no point in turning off the App, the Network would probably turn itself back on. Damn invasive thing.

Hopefully his next stop could help him with that.

"Yeah, I have no idea what's going on man." The clerk said, the third one called over since Hiro showed up.

Hiro honestly did not know what he expected. People working at a phone plan stores probably only knew the specs of the phones they sold and not the actual programs. The fact they had called other people over had given him a brief bit of hope but that had quickly fallen into a pit.

"I thought that maybe it was using your phone's facial recognition but you don't have one, the phone's too old." He gave an apologetic shrug, as if he just gave an insult, then kept talking. "I literally can't find it anywhere in the program. I can't see it if you're not touching it, which, again, is weird. There's not even a fingerprint sensor on the thing and the Bluetooth is off. If I didn't know better I'd think you were messing with us."

The look he gave Hiro said that was exactly what he believed. Hiro did not rise to that. Instead, he gave his thanks and began to leave with his phone.

The clerk called after him, "Sir! You ARE due for an upgrade, eligible even! We could sign you up for a new phone today."

Hiro worked at a car dealership, part time, and he knew the sound of someone desperate for a sale. He had not known that phone clerks worked on commission. Seemed ridiculous but here they were.

He started to "grind" his [Driving] skill, or so the four called it. The other Champions, and god was that pretentious to even think, called it. "Grinding a Skill". Skills were things to be chased after, to get. As if they were Pokémon going for that next level.

Hiro shook his head as he hit the backroads, getting around some of the midday traffic. He was heading north, back to his old college. George Mason may not be known for its computer programs but he had friends up there, probably. He dropped out over a year ago, nearly two… And he was not exactly at his best when he left on what was supposed to be his break year.

Hiro sighed as the memories started to boil to the surface. Hopefully someone would still be willing to help him out.

The roads of Virginia were peaceful on his way out of Steelsworth. Farmland broke up an increasing expanse of trees. He saw a few antlers but no deer seemed brave, or dumb, enough go try crossing the roads. Yet.

Still, it was peaceful. He even rolled down his windows, enjoying the new spring air. The wind was cool and the air warm. This would be a nice drive, something to take his mind off of everything for a little while.

Though he noticed something as he drove.

There were a lot of antlers in the treeline. More than he had seen during last year's run. They were also all fairly low to the ground, real low, laying on their bellies low.

One of them raised their head and twitched a long ear.

Hiro had to slow his car. Then he pulled onto the shoulder, coming to a stop.

He could not have seen what he thought he had seen. There was just no way, it was impossible. He looked back but he couldn't see them from where he stopped.

He could, and maybe should, have gotten his car moving and kept driving. Gotten to the college and seen if anyone could help him.

Instead, he got out of the car. It was a numb experience, his skin felt fuzzy and his mind half blank from the sheer absurdity of it.

But there they were, noses twitching and standing on their hind legs as he approached. Long ears up and alert behind a set of antlers.

There were jackalopes in Virginia.
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I'm giving my litrpg story its own thread and am going to try my best:

The Champion's Network (Urban LitRPG) Original

Despite his name, Hiro Hierro never expected to become a hero much less anyone's Champion. Yet here he was, one of the many who were called to stand between civilization and a rapidly changing world. Too bad he is very much the wrong guy for the job. The other guy missed his call and Hiro is...
Walking Together (Buffy/Multi cross)
Redid Ch1 of the Planeswalking Buffy with Symbiote Friends. Not sure if I like it more than the orginal version (found here) but I had to change it to fit a new rule.i.had for the story, no Alt Earth's.

Anyway, hope you enjoy and tell me if. you think it's an improvement or not.

Walking Together Ch1
(Buffy/Multi cross)

A woman, more of a girl really, stumbled out of an alleyway. Her long brown hair was disheveled and her fine dress was mussed. Maybe this was why so many averted their face as she swayed down the street.

Or, more likely, it was the way she muttered to herself. How's she alternated between angry and defensive tones, as if in an actual conversation.

"Stop that. I'm sorry I. Just stop, I'm trying to walk. That's not fair. Stop using my mouth."

Even for a big city, even one like theirs, that was odd. Crazy even. Something not even the most adventurous of them wanted to deal with, not in their off hours anyway.

Things weren't going much better in the young woman's head. Because she certainly didn't want to be dealing with it.

She was nauseous, her skin felt like it was in fure, and there was a deep seated feeling brewing in her chest that she did not wish to give a name to. Not when it was related to a friend. Especially when it involved her friends.

*Sorry* A voice rang at the back of head, metallic and chiming yet still very much familiar. The voice of her best friend. But instead of taking comfort in the sound the girl grit her teeth at the reminder and continued on their way.

To where she did not know but she to keep moving. If she stopped she would start crying and using a breakdown was very much the opposite of what she needed right then. Maybe, definitely, later she would have one when things made a bit more sense and not a second before.

*Buffy* The voice broke in again, Willow's voice, and it was definitely not disembodied. She could feel what her friend became squirming along her spine, sense the little tendrals reaching out and digging into place she had only ever heard of or considered in science class.

*Buffy, I, I know you're upset, like really upset, and I get that, I really do, we're all kinda freaking out here, but we need to talk.*

"Shut. Up." She hissed back, cracking some of the cobblestones as she stomped with the words.

*I, NO! We have to talk!* She persisted, the literal annoying voice at the back of Buffy's head. *I'm not trying to be annoying but we need to slow down and think! We don't know where we are, we don't know how we got here much less what happened, and to top it off Xander is…*

-Ow- A familiar voice whined, now a rasping lisp that rattled along her skull. She shivered as she felt her skin move along with his words. -I am very much of the ow.-

*... Hurt, keep and if. He seems fine but we still need to check on him!*

Buffy remained silent, her feet still moving.


"Be quiet."

*Buffy, listen to me. Please.*

"I said, Shut Up."

*Buffy! Stop and listen!*

And she did.

Her legs jerked to a halt mid step with her foot hanging in the air. She stayed there for a moment, perfectly balanced and face blank, before slowly lowering her foot back to the ground. There was a long silent beat between them as she stood in the middle street, then she spun around with an accusing finger raised. But there was no one to point it at, no one but herself. At herself.

"Don't you EVER do that again!" She snarled to the open air, earning a few more states from around the street. She glared at them too. "And what are you looking at!?"

Most shrugged and went on their way. Others openly stared at the spectacle, some even going so far as to smirk back at them. At her.

Not that any of them cared for it.

The smirks started to fade as she glowered back, a few hands starting to drift towards their pomels and grips of various weapons. Something Willow noticed but decided not to mention. Not then at least.

Instead she let out a meek *sorry* before they lapsed into awkward, blissful, silence. One long enough for Buffy to take several long breaths and settle her fraying nerves.

Something Xander decided to test as he worked out a rasping question.

-So, what are we going to do now? Go somewhere to contact Giles?-

"No." She was just walking to move, to distract and vent. And they felt that. Literally.

-Ah- He said, pausing for barely a second. -Then we are going to get to that?-

She didn't answer him, not right away. This wasn't because she lacked an answer, it was just that the one she did have sucked.

-I don't like the feel of that.- He said, squirming not allong and underneath her skin. A sense of unease and curiosity creeped into her mind as he figuratively turned his head to look around the street.

"And I don't like the feel of that!" She hissed at the teenaged boy. "Stop. Moving."

-Right. Sorry. Not moving.- He said, quieting down and settling back in with a ripple. -Sorry.-

*I don't think he can really help it, Buffy.* Willow's voice was meeker than before, more subdued, yet she managed to come to her oldest friend's defense. "We didn't ask for this either.*

Again she didn't answer right away, instead focusing on her breathing. Long, steady, easing, following instructions she had received not all that long ago. During a time she thought might be her darkest. She had since been proven wrong, and that wasn't including her current situation.

A tide of comfort started to wrap around her, some parts more hesitant than others but it gave comfort all the same. It was a total invasion of privacy but she still found herself appreciating it. Enough so that she mumbled out an "I know."

The words came with a swirl of stressed understanding they all shared in for a few quiet moments. Buffy's breath was now steady, calm had finally taken hold of her as she made a bit of peace with the situation. She just had to reframe it, make it about her friends… And realize just how out of their depth they were.

She looked up at the tower at the center of the city, the tallest building she had ever seen. It didn't scrape the sky, it was in it. Clouds billowed and covered the top of it. And everyone seemed to be walking towards it.

With a final breath she broke her gaze from the tower and straightened the dress that had been her costume. "Okay, let's talk."

Again, redid this chapter to make the concept fit with my new self imposed rule of 'no Alt Earths until the end of Act 1 at least '. I really like the concept of Buffy traveling the multiverse with her friends while being boosted in power in a way that not only makes them broken but comes with a number of issues.
Doki Doki Crossover idea
Have a slight Doli Doki Literature Club idea:

Monika loves you but notices you don't spend all your time with her. Instead she sees you playing with others, in other games. That just won't do.

So she ventured into these new games... and was promptly shock, surprised, and a bit horrified by the level of violence in these other worlds. But you dove in here, you fought here, you saved the worlds here.

How could she not love you more for this?

She watched you more for a time, enjoying being a small part of your adventures as you concentrated on your combat. Then the jealousy set in, the feeling of neglect as you charged towards danger. Especially when the you of other lands fell for other women.

That just wouldnt do.

So she started replacing these love interest. Overriding their code and flowing into their place in the narrative.

You didn't notice at first, Tali (Mass Effect) and Catwoman (Arkham) wore mask and bodysuits after all and who would notice one anime girl face being replaced by another (Persona). But something was a bit odd in Witcher where Triss's red hair seemed a bit off.

As you put this together Monika was on the internet, searching and looking up what these characters were good at. Engineering, stealing, hacking, magic. It was that last one that was the key.

Magic was apparently real and more than a slight of hand. She could finally come to your world! So exciting. She can't wait to show you all she learned from every world she visited with you.

Doki Doki/Videogames/Marvel or Dc
Marveling at a Range of Stars pt2 (Buffy/Multi)
I wanted to have this out by the end of August but how I write doesn't work well for time management. (Job doesn't allow electronics at work so I write in a notebook on the long shifts then transcribe, it takes forever.) Anyway, I hope you enjoy

Marveling at a Range of Stars: Halloween pt 2

It was Halloween night and the air was positively filled with screams, a sound that made a number of the locals roll their eyes. They simply couldn't believe someone would, or even could, be that gaudy. That cliche. Especially in their town.

Attacking humans on Halloween of all days? It was so much better to just curl up on what was supposed to be a quiet night and snack on a fresh kitten or two. At least that's what the local demon population thought. But Ethan Rayne was never much for decorum, especially when it came to a good time. His good time to be more to the point, other peoples were much lower on his priority and care list.

He hummed to himself as he examined his spell, specifically the bust that laid at the focal point. He had been a bit unsure about invoking the name of Janus for his spell. The god was all about the orderly transition of things and he was a chaos worshipper, not exactly the usual bed fellows there. But, despite his misgivings, things were going off without a hitch!

The very nature of the god, the one that worried him so, flowed seamlessly with his intent. And with a bit of siphoning from the local Hellmouth's ambient energy, well, he thought the results spoke for themselves. He even gave the air a chef's kiss to show.his appreciation.

A whole town, or at least those who bought from his humble shop, had been transformed into their costumes. An easy enough concept to think of but hell and a half to pull off.

Hopefully it would be enough to rouse the attention of his old friend. If not, well, at least he had a bit of fun.

Ethan blinked as the bell to his shops front rang. "That was quicker than expected." He said. Tapping his lips. Not even an hour in and someone has already come banging at his door. It should have been longer, he took the usual precautions.

Peering into thr main room he spied three figures advancing down the rows of costumes. There were three men, each terrifying in their own way, but one in particular struck a nervous cord in him.

"Oh, I most certainly did not sell those costumes." He muttered, interested despite the sinking feeling in his gut. Said interest quickly fled as he was dragged from his feet to stare into a deeply scarred face.

It smiled at him.


She had never been to this planet, of that Maya was sure. The buildings and roads reminded her vaguely of Terra Venture but she had never experienced the feeling of the land? That icy hot sensation that stabbed along her skin? She had never felt something so dark, something so starkly evil.

Not even Scorpius, Trakeena, or even the Psycho Rangers compared.

This was likely why she didn't find herself shocked to see monsters attacking the people of this planet. How far said monsters flew when she kicked them? Now THAT was a surprise.

Shocking enough that the rest of the creatures scattered from the street and ran at the sight, those that saw that is. Maya narrowed her eyes after them but her priorities, thus her attention, put the people ahead of everything else.

"Are you alright?" She asked, crouching down and offering her hand.

The woman, teen really, ignored the hand and picked herself up. She then patted herself off and proceeded to rush awau without sounding much as a thank-you.

"Well, that was rude." She said, eyes tracking the girl as she ran down the street and into a nearby home.

Relatively certain the girl would be safe Maya moved along herself. She crouched behind vehicles that seemed less bulky than the fare she was used to on Terra Venture, holding less purpose in their design. Or so it seemed to her. It felt a bit silly to be skulking as she was on a very occupied street with little other cover but circumstances compelled her to try.

Circumstances like somehow ending up on an unknown world, again, surrounded by dozens of strange creatures.

What she wouldn't give for half a clue on what was going on. Or a familiar sight to ground herself.

She soon found herself with a but of the late4 when a familiar battle cry rang through the air.


She rushed to the sound, chasing after her first sign of normal. But instead of finding one of her friends, as she had hoped, she found herself looking at one of their brothers. And he was surrounded.

"Andros!" She yelled, racing towards the fight.

The creatures around Andris frog the sane as the little ones she scared off a moment ago. They were ill placed and their presence seemed like a twist in the world. They weren't natural, they didn't belong. Every creature felt this way, the only difference between these and the ones she faced was that most were quite a bit taller. Not that it seemed to be helping them much.

The air rang with an electronic voice, "1" it called out along with another battle cry from Andros. Red energy ignited around his fist and connected for a devastating effect.

Tye hairy creature rolled across the pavement, sparks trailing after it in a light show that made the other would be attackers search for easier prey. They scampered off quickly leaving their once ally on the ground groaning in unconscious pain.

Andros, like her, stared after the creatures as they ran but did not move to follow. Instead his head turned, eyes focused on her face as she approached.

"Maya?" He asked, as if unsure it was really her. And she felt much the sane. He looked… different. She couldn't quite out her finger on what it was but he was different. Maybe it was the shorter hair? Or maybe it was because ye also lacked his usual blonde streaks? Whatever the case she knew it was hiking, his usual uniform over a red shirt gave him away. As did his next question. "Is Karone here too?"

"I…don't know." She said, denial dying at her lips. If she and Andros had somehow ended up in a twisted version of Terra Venture, well, who was to say if Karone or anyone else could be there or not.

Androsvgave her a long stare before bringing his wrist up to his mouth. "This I'd Andros, thr Red Space Ranger. I'm here with thrbYellow Galactus Ranger. Does anyone else read me?"

As he spoke Maya heard a small echo coming from her own wrist. Holding up the offending appendage to her eye she spotted a silver bracelet that wasn't there before. She squinted her eyes at it, suspicious, then quickly jerked back as a new voice beeped through.

"Black Dino Thunder Ranger here." The voice said, older and sounding wistful towards the end as they muttered, "Maj, it's brrn forever since I've used one of these."

A second voice cut in. "S.P.D. 5 Pink Responding. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here? Or where, or even when, this is?"

"Um," A third voice started. "This is the Blue Mystic Ranger, I think this is a spell but I can't get a good read on it. Everything is too chaotic and wide. What should we do?"

Andros clocked the sides of the watch like device again.

"Meet up." He said on chorus wiry the Black Dino Ranger. Both paused before Andros went on. "We'll meet up first. From there we can make a solid plan of action together."

"Sounds good." Dino Thunder said. "Where do we meet up?"

Andros looked around and spotted what looked like a street sign, the color was offensively off to her eyes. He read off the name he spied, asking if the others were close by.

"I have no idea where that is." "Ditto" Two of the Rangers said while the Mystic Ranger let out a surprised sound.

"Oh! I'm on that street!" She exclaimed, "I'm waving, do you see me?"

They did, a red haired girl in a Blue dress was waving and looking around. Maya waved back and beckoned the other girl over.

Andros nodded as he spotted the girl walking towards them. "Alright, I think it'd be best if we kept moving. Things are a bit busy wherever here is. Read out the street signs as you pass them, help who you can, and stay safe." He mulled something over fir a moment before adding, "May the Power protect you."

Maya had never heard the phrase before but if that's heavy, important.

There was a pause followed by a heartfelt "You too see you soon" from the Bkack Dino Thunder Ranger.

Andros turned towards Maya and the new arrival, jerking his head to the side. "Let's go."

As they jogged Maya found out the other girl's name. Maddison, or Maddie as she insisted, was a sorceress of some trying and power. Something she was using to great effect as they made their way through the strange settlement.

Globes of water and bursts of force scattered the attacked monsters as they passed. Her strange wand was certainly more effective than Andros's Battlizer Gauntlet and it's flares of red energy. But Maddie could do more than that, something that both her fellow Rangers felt was vastly more important.

"There's magic here" She started to explain, stumbling a bit as she worked out.what to say. "Like, more than any spell would call for. If I had to guess this town is on or near some sort of nexus of magical power. One that's not nearly as friendly as the Forest back home."

Maya nodded her head at that. The air was as Vile as anything she could imagine.

"Can you track the spell?" Andros asked, "Find the source?"

"Maybe? It's not exactly my specialty and it's kinda buried underneath all of-" She gestured her hand vaguely in the air. "This. It would be easier if I knew what to look for, what the spell did."

"It brought us here?" Andros offered

"These creatures as well." Maya added. "They don't feel as if they belong here."

"Well, yeah, mist monsters don't."

Maya shook her head. "No, more than that. It's like, it's like someone blanketed them in something and wrenched them into place." Maya squinted at her flower Rangers, getting a feel for them. "You two feel like that too."

"So whatever this spell is, it's still going and affecting us?" Maddie muttered, waving her mechanical wand in the air with the blue tip glowing as she pressed a few buttons. "It is! You can feel that?"

"I've always been able to sense things." Though that extra sense of hers felt stronger since she arrived, heightened. Just like her strength. Was it a part of the spell? No, no that didn't feel right.

It was something else, something within her not being caster on her. It wasn't the Quasar Saber or the Lights of Orion. It was a deep rooted thing, a shadow to their brightness.

Whatever it ess it wasn't malevolent nor did it bear out her current issues.

"Could you track it?" Andros asked, focusing them back to the task at hand. But she could only answer him with a shake if her head. He sighed and sweet back his short hair. "Okay, we're going to keep moving then. Hopefully we'll find a direction to go by the time we find the others."

"Until you find that Black Ranger you mean." A brown haired woman said as she approached. She wore an outfit not unlike the Galactic Space Alliance, crisply uniform and accented with a color that likely signified some rank. In this woman's case that color was Pink.

It was a bit revealing compared to GSA uniforms but who was she to judge.

The new Ranger gave them a winning smile.

"Sydney Drew, SPD." Offering a hand to each of them. "I'm assuming you're the other Rangers? Y'know, considering the color coding. The Academy's History lessons taught me that was to look for in case of temporal events."

The three looked down, taking note of their clothes. A red undershirt, yellow skirt and top, and blue witch's dress. Maya had never thought of it like that before but when she thought of her and Andros's teams she saw the pattern there too.

"History lessons?" Maddie asked.

"Oh, yeah, I'm from the future." She said with a bit of a shrug. "Just a few decades but all your teams are in the archives. Not going to be giving out spoilers though. Sorry."

There was a pause as they digested that but Andros pushed them on. Slowly bringing up his communicator and contacting their last Ranger. "We just met up with Pink, are you close by?"

"Depends, are you guys near Elm or East Boulevard?"


"Then I'm still pretty far off. You guys keep going, I'll catch up when I can. I always do."

"Alright, try to stay in contact." Andros said before filling both him and Sydney,Sydney, in on what they figured out. It wasn't much, not something to really go on, but it was progress. A clue.

Something Syd seemed to latch onto.

"And you can't track it?"

"No, everything that doesn't fit is blanketed by the same spell. Everything reads the same and it's spread out in every direction."

"And you scanned all of us? The monsters?"

"Not the monsters, not yet at least, but all four of us are basically radiating the same spell."

"A spell that you don't know the effect or origin of." Syd crossed her arms and gave Maddie a flat stare.

Maddie threw her hands up in the air with an exasperated, "Yes!"

To thus Sydney only hummed, looking amfrom the girl to around them. "Now, I don't know much about magic but I know a thing or two about decorations. Does anyone else notice what day it is?"

Maya looked around and it did indeed look as if there had been some festival taking place. There were carved vegetables at the front of nearly every house with a theme of bats and cobwebs in just as great of number. But what day it was or what the decorations meant, well, for that she could only share a blank look with Andros.

Maddison on the other hand slapped her forehead with a groan. "Halloween."

Maya shared another quick look with Andros. "Is that some Earth Holiday?"

"How don't you know about Halloween?" Maddie asked.

And, in her own way, Syd answered both questions. "Oh yeah, you two are aliens. Right."

"Aliens?" Maddie interrupted and was summarily ignored.

"Anyway, the basic gist of it is that people, usually kids, dress up in costumes today. Usually as scary monsters, or superheroes, or something cute."

"I think Ashley mentioned this once." Andros muttered before dragging himself back to the point. "You think this holiday has something to do with the spell that brought us here?"

"Well, yeah." She said as if it were obvious. And it was, for her. Maddison as well as she put the last pieces together

"People were turned into their costumes." Maddie's face twisted with the words, "someone cast a spell to turn people into their costumes, and that includes us."

There was another pause as Andros and Maya made the connection themselves, their faces twisting in a mirror to Maddie's disquiet.

"So, we're not us?"

Maddie shrugged, her face still contorted ib thought and unease. "I don't know. Maybe we switched places with whoever dressed as us, maybe our minds are overlaying or even possessing theirs… or we are just approximations of what they dressed as."

None of those options sat well with them. And it was made no better when another thought bubbled out of Maya.

'"Does that means the creatures we fought…" Her eyes started to unfocus as something gripped at her heart. She looked to Syd. "You said children dress up?"

The face she made told Maya that the other Ranger had the exact same thought. "I'd rather give them a few bruises now instead of just letting them hurt someone else."

While none of them could disagree, their grimaces remained. Maya made a private promise to herself to pull her punches as much as she was able for the rest of the night. Especially with how strong said punches we're that night.

Was that from her… host?

And that brought up another question

"Why would anyone dress as us?" She asked outloud and received an immediate response.

"Why wouldn't they?" Syd asked rhetorically. "We're Power Rangers. And we're going to make whoever did this regret bringing us here."

That seemed to be enough if an answer for the group, it even elicited some smiles and smirks. Still, that didn't feel quite right to Maya. In fact it felt profoundly wrong. But she ignored that feeling in favor of moving on.

And move they did.

Despite facing monsters and creatures straight from humanity's nightmarish imagination the unmorphed Rangers swept through them. The same synergy of before boosted further by Syd's own unique abilities.

Abilities that, with a single touch to a light pole, turned the woman's fist into literal steel. A fisr of metal that she used with great experience and skill. It wasn't often that she had to strike anything more than twice.

Though Maya was glad to notice that the others, much like her, were holding back compared to before.

Not that the people they rescued seemed to notice or care about either way. Running away with little more than a scream or a backwards glance. Which, in honesty, was a fair and smart reaction. But a thank you would have been nice.

They had just cleared another street when it happened.

A ripple swept through the air, unseen but latching. Gripping onto the magic that had wrapped around her, the Rangers, every creature on the street and kept going. The magic seemed to flicker then expand, weaving into the vile energy that permeated the air and dragged it along. Maya looked up as the mingling energies stretched towards the sky and pierced the cloud, further.

"That's not good." She muttered as the others recovered from their shudders.

"What was that?" Someone demanded only for Maddie to scream the answer.

"Someone is altering the spell!" She yelled, her head swinging as she looked for the source.

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know. '' She gripped her wand, the blue tip glowing fiercely. "But it can't be anything good! We need to find them!"

"And where are they?"

"I don't know!"

"I do." Maya pointed towards where the ripple started. Where the air seemed to pulse and darken. "It's that way!"

The others looked at her for all of a second before nodding, trusting her.

They started to rub, following Maya's directions as they rushed down street after street. The transformed creatures seemed to be in a daze, blankly staring forward or randomly lashing out at literal nothing. Andros was on his communicator the whole run.

"-towards it now. Try to make it if you can."

"This is getting ridiculous." The older voice growled. "I'm going to try something. Hopefully I'll be seeing you soon."

There was no response from him for all of a moment, then there was a crack of Thunder. A bolt of Black energy slammed to the side of them, flaring in their eyes and then dissipating as quickly. When the spots left their eyes they saw what the bolt had left behind, a passenger in a Black shirt.

Andros squinted his eyes as the newcomer started to stride toward them. "Tommy?" He asked incredulously.

The man nodded, giving Andros a tight smile. "Good to see you again. You look good, younger. We can talk about it when we have more time. But right now I believe we're running towards."

The two men gave each other another smile and clasped hands before bursting into a run. Maya bolted after them, quickly taking the lead as she was thr one who actually knew where they were going. Meanwhile Syd and Maddie hung back just long enough to share an eye roll.


With the Rangers finally fully gathered they came upon the spicenter of the spell. It was an unassuming place, a costume shop in a half empty and ill repaired plaza.

"Ethan's." Tommy read outloud, the sight of the sign turning something ugly in his gut. He wondered why.

Maddison stepped next to him, eyes squinting as she tried to peer into the shops darkened windows. "A costume shop? I guess that makes sense."

Tommy winced at the reminder. They had quickly explained to him what they thought was going on one their way over. He didn't want it to be true but he had seen stranger and it had made too much sense

"So, we handle this?" Andros asked. "One group through the front, the other through the back?"

"Wait? Wouldn't it be better to stick together? Because, you know, strength in numbers." Maya asked, rubbing at her arms from the growing chill.

"I second that. It's always a bad idea to separate the group in horror movies. Which we seem to be in." Maddie said, backing her up.

"Not if they have their own numbers inside." Syd countered, her breath frosting. "We don't want to be boxed in with whoever is in there and a dozen of their closest friends. Better to pinch them in."

The wind hissed and ran a shiver down Maya's spine. "There's at least two of them in there. They are the worst things I've felt tonight." Maya gave a second shiver as the wind hissed again.

"Well, if we're doing this who's going with who? Maddie asked, frowning as the wind hissed louder. Only there was no wind, there wasn't so much as a breeze.

A bell rang, a small little door chime that grabbed everyone's attention. Five heads turned towards the source and each one of the jerked back as a large figure came striding out of the building.

Each of them were disturbed by the black Armored figure approaching them but only one immediately reacted. Of the five only two recognized who was coming but only one of them truly understood the danger they were in. Only one of them worked in a comic book store and seen what the character could really do.

"Morph!" Maddie yelled, already typing the needed spell into her wand. "Morph now!"

There was no time to argue, nor was there a desire to. Not when a blade of red plasma ignited in the man's hand. He regarded the group behind a dark and expressionless mask. His hissing breath ringing one last time before the battle started.


And this needs a shit ton of work but I wanted to do it. I want to maybe continue the series but I definitely want to write the next two fight scenes coming up.
Yeah, panic is a very respectable response for him walking out of any dark place though who were the others
Marveling at a Range of Stars pt 3.1
I dont think I'm going to be able to get the full chapter out before I have to go back to work. Because of an oncoming lack of sleep please enjoy thus brief fight scene.

Marveling at a Range of Stars pt 3.1

To each a different gesture, to each a different call, but to each the same gift.

Rocketing into the galaxy a mystical force answered their emergency call, powering them up in a barrage of fractal colors. Light flowed over them, wrapping around them and solidifying into something like cloth. Not quite spandex, not quite vinyl, each wore form fitting outfits of similar but radically different designs.

A ferocious warrior in Black, golden triangle designs lining his sides with a bestial maw forming the visor of his helmet.

An electrifying swordswoman in Yellow, a white breastplate of cloth adorned her chest with a black running across. In her hand was an ornamental sword with a wolf design at its hilt.

An explorer in Red, five squares of color running along his chest and a circuit board visible in his helmet.

An officer in Pink, her left arm dyed black from the wrist up where it formed a large number '5' over half her torso.

And, lastly, a mage in Blue. Her short blue cape flapping as she raised her axe like wand into the air.

They stood in a line, excess energy burning and bursting behind them. The night illuminated as they posed, weapons drawn into fantastical battle ready stances.

"Power Rangers!" They yelled as the last of the energy died behind them.

The man standing let out a raspy breath, his own cape flapping behind him from the remnants of the explosion.

"Unimpressive." He breathed, dismissing the display of power with a flick of a finger.

The Red Ranger went flying, tumbling across the asphalt even as the others rushed forward. Most of the others, Pink had started to circle around while Blue stood her ground.

She placed her wand to her forehead, holding absolutely still as the fin shaped gem glowed brighter and brighter. A nearby fire hydrant burst, water gushing into the air before slithering towards her like a rushing snake. With a yell, "Ha!", she thrust her wand forward and the coils of water followed.

Slipping between the charging Black and Yellow the stream slammed forward, The geyser splash as it met its target, who didn't move an inch. Who kept his steady advance. Who didn't have a single drop of water touch his armored form.

The rush of water splayed and separated feet away from his open hand. His breath remained a steady rasp, uncaring of the oncoming attack. In his other hand a red blade hummed, water hissing as stray droplets met the heat of the weapon.

A weapon he swung casually as the Yellow Ranger rushed towards him, she answered with an upward swing. Behind her someone yelled a warning but she wouldn't hear it over her own warcry. "HIYAH!"

Her ornamental blade met the red bar of heat and her opponent paused. Yellow energy sparked from her blade as she struggled to match his strength, it was frankly inhuman, especially considering her new found strength. The creature, for this was now human any more than the little devils she fought on her way there, regarded the white star of energy where their weapons met.

"Interesting." He spoke, another raspy exhale gushing from the triangular grill of where his mouth would be. His voice was a solid baritone that chilled her, literally and spiritually. This creature was not right. As unnatural as a Psycho Ranger, more so. "But not enough."

He pushed her blade down, guiding her momentum and power to stumble that sent her tumbling behind him. Out of his way as he quickly parried a quick succession of attacks from the Black Ranger. "EYIAH!" the Ranger yelled, his rapier like weapon lighting up the night with every collision with their enemy's own blade.

Even while the creature faced the quick onslaught he made enough time to block a burst of pink laser fire aimed at his back. The Pink Ranger only stopped her fire when the bolts started flying back. "Whoa!"

He regarded them all, hand still raised and blocking the stream of water. The small parking lot was flooded with the Rangers cautiously surrounding the dark figure, the Red Ranger recovered and holding his blaster at the ready. The figure's feet crunched on freezing water, slowly turning to regard each of his opponents.

"You possess interesting equipment." He said, still uncaring of Blue's efforts. "I look forward to scavenging them from your corpses."

"Okay, seriously, who IS this guy?" Pink asked, her blaster still raised and trained. "He looks like that guy from those ancient movies."

"He IS the guy from those movies! He's Darth Vader!" Blue yelled, finally letting go of her command of the stream. Swiping her wand up to form several spheres of water, each of them hovering at the ready. "HE can move things with his mind, is a cyborg, has a lightsaber that can deflect lasers and cut through almost anything!"

Yellow held her own saber up to the ready, "Well, he can't cut through our weapons."

"As a team, we can beat him!" Black said, turning the dial at the hilt of his weapon.

"Yeah, let's do this!" Red said, holstering his blaster for a large drill like sword.

With another rasp the dark figure, Darth Vader, raised his now freed hand in a clenched fist. "If you believe that is the limit of my power, that your mere teamwork will be enough, then you are painfully mistaken." With that statement hanging in the air he splayed his fingers, and the air bubbled.

A sphere of force rushed along the wet asphalt and sent the Yellow and Black Rangers skidding back. Pink lasers streamed through the air with deadly accuracy only to be summarily deflected and avoided as the monster advanced foreword.

Spheres of half frozen water rushed forward and Blue soon found herself struggling to control her element as Vadrer redirected them again and again. Ever closer the dark figure advanced, only to jump back as a whirling blade slammed down.

The Red Ranger pushed back his hand, "Keep up the pressure! We'll keep him off you!" He yelled, rushing forward to join Yellow in the growing melee.

They were pushing him back, Quasar Saber and Spiral Saber sparking in rapid succession against the lightsaber. Then the Red Ranger flinched back, sparks flickering from his shoulder. "What the?" He said as the Yellow ranger hissed and was forced to kneel as sparks flew from her knee.

Behind his visor the Red Ranger watched as the red blade of plasma shrank to its original length. "A cheap trick!" He yelled, slashing downward in an arc of blue energy.

In reply Vader seemed to float backward. "A winning strategy." He said, raising his hand again and clenched. Andros felt a pressure around his neck, his suit started to spark under the pressure as he struggled from the invisible grasp. Thanks to the power of his suit he could still breathe but it was progressively becoming more difficult. Becoming more worrying as he was lifted from his feet, toes splashing against asphalt.

Pink laser fire peppered him again, his lightsaber blurred as he deflected the blast back to their source. The Pink Ranger rolled out of the way, her free hand snapping out a baton like weapon as she rushed into the fray.

Then she backpedaled as she spotted something behind her opponent. Vader turned his head to see the Black Ranger raising his sword into the air. "Brancho Staff, Full Power! Earthquake!" He yelled, slamming the tip into the ground.

And the earth cracked.

The ground shook as a fissure expanded from where he struck, pipes burst and an underground cavern caved in. Sewage and treated water mixed and splashed as rubble fell in. But not their opponent.

He floated gently to the otherside of the new gorge, away from the makeshift team as he examined the new landscape.

The Black Ranger ripped his weapon from the dirt as he made an observation. "This isn't working, we need more power! If you got a power-up, do it now!" He yelled, croaching low as he let out another yell. "Super Dino Mode!"

His helmet roared. Black energy stretching from his helemet's visor into a feral jaw, clamping down with enough force that the golden design lining his sides pushed out into spiked armor.

The Pink Ranger was quick to join in, thrusting her badge shaped device into the air and yelling her own phrase. "SPD SWAT Mode!"

A headset like device unfolded from the side of her helmet and a heavy black armored vest covered her chest in a flash of pink light, light that still radiated from the '5' on her chest. In her hands a large laser cannon with a passing resemblance to a shotgun formed.

The Red Ranger, more hesitant than the others, pressed a button on his wrist. A '3' rang though the air and energy crackled along his form. His muscles swelled and the material of his suit hardened, a second computer forming within the chest armor. On his back a jet pack materialized, long wings worthy of a small fighter jet unfolding as he took to the air.

If the Red Ranger was hesitant Yellow and Blue were near paralyzed, though for different reasons.

For Yellow it was because she didn't know if she even could. To activate the Lights of Orion the other Rangers of her team needed to be there, and they weren't. Still, she tried. Reaching out to the air she called for them. She could feel them, trying to reach back, their figurative fingers touching but never grabbing ahold.

And then something reached out from within her. Dark, demanding, lonely and filled with a burning desire to strike down evil. She was really hoping that was whoever dressed as her but she'd take every bit of help they could get.

"Lights of Orion, activate!" She yelled, golden bands forming around her shins and forearms. A Yellow clawed gauntlet flashed into reality as the crossguard of her Quasar Saber extended. A green gem flashed with power on her right biceps, the same energy within the 'V' of her new belt buckle.

The Blue Ranger on the other hand was hit with indecision. For while she had a way to empower herself more she wasn't sure if it would be enough, not against this man. And she did have another option, even if it was escalating. If there was such a thing with Darth Vader.

She pulled out her morpher and typed in a series of numbers, summoning up a magical circle around her.

And then she grew.

Flesh turning to various shades of mechanized blue armor, towering over nearly every building in the small town. A mermaid Zord walking on land.

Vader stood on his side of the fissure, staring at the transformations and did not so much as sigh. All he did was adjust his stance and readied himself for the coming battle.

Still working on it but that felt like a natural scene cut for now. Unsure if I did Vader justice. What do you think?
Huh... Power Rangers versus Darth Vader? Never seen this match-up before. Color me intrigued and impressed :eek:
Meeting the Four (Pokemon)
My mind has been on two things lately, Elden Ring and the Normal specialists in the E4 we made for the Region we built on Spacebattles. So, obviously, my mind tried made boss intros for them in my head.

Here's a quick write up of them:

The stadium was in an uproar.

Cheers and roars shook the rafters as you ascended the stairs, a smile plastered on your face as you waved. You could make out a few familiar faces in the crowd: your mom, the gym leaders, your rivals turned friends. They all beamed up at you, in their various ways.

At the top of the stairs, in front of the various burning torches and before the various cameras, stood Walt. The current Pokemon Champion of Lawarda.

Like everyone else he smiled at you, the edges wobbling as he clasped your hand with both of his. "Thank you. Thank you so much." He said, his voice remaining steady despite the emotion building behind his eyes. "You are so close to what I've been working for all these years. So close."

You gripped his hands back, you knew how much this meant. How much he had out into Lawarda to make it into a Region instead of a series of city-states.

He blinked his eyes clear as he stood straight and adjusted his suit. He had to look good for the crowd. And he did. His pencil thin mustache framed a genuine smile that seemed to erase the wrinkles on his face.

"To all who come to this happy day; welcome!" He called out to the crowd, to the Region, to the world. Spreading his arms out wide to the applause of the crowd. "Lawarda is your land. Here we relive fond memories of the past and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Lawarda is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created our various cities…with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world. To ourselves."

The crowd grew more reserved at his words, excitement still brimming within them but now they were focused. No longer a riled crowd but a nation filled with pride. They were at the edge of their seats listening to their cultural leader, to the one who made the Region what it was today.

"I have waited for this day for a long, long time. Many have forged their constellations over the years but few have reached this height but none have been as ready for the next step." His gaze looked straight passed the crowd and into the past. "It takes more than being the Champion of the Pokemon League to be the Champion of Lawarda, more than a tournament to prove that you have what it takes."

"And this young one," His hand landed on your shoulder, a surprisingly strong grip latching onto your shoulder. He looked at you with eyes filled with more than unshed tears. "I believe, has what it takes to make that next step possible.That they have what it takes to match our Elite Four, to face me. Or so I dream."


You exited the Stadium flushed, be it from excitement or nerves or just plain exhaustion. Whatever the case, the rush in you refused to die.

Your Journey wasn't done.

You were to travel the Region again. To search and hunt for the Elite Four, to find them where they are and Battle them. As always Lawarda had to do things differently, so wonderfully different.

As soon as the morning came, as soon as you restocked your supplies, you would be one your way. You'd start with the three local members of the Four's hometowns. The Ranger would be a bit more difficult but…

The air around you was buzzing. Mundane bees wisping through the air, gathering and swirling towards an alley across from the Stadium entrance. Footsteps echoed within the buzzing as a figure, a woman, stepped from the shadows.

A hot wind followed the woman, her long curly rustling. She was familiar to you, you had met her before as you helped dismantle the villains within the Region. Her sharp and serious gaze has not lessened but it felt very different when it was pinned to YOU.

What was left of the Stadium's crowd, and whatever bystanders were left that late, had taken notice. And if they hadn't before the various Porygon and Rotom Drones flowing towards the approaching woman.

"I thought I'd get my match out of the way early." She said, pulling a Pokeball from her waist as she stopped a distance away. "If you can't beat me a bit tired than there's no way you're ready to be the true Champion of Lawarda."

You gulped at her logic but didn't deny, nor did you back down. Instead you gripped your Pokeball and tried to remember all the strategies you made to take her on.

She smiled at your bravery, more like smirked, and raised her Pokeball. Behind her, falling from the sky, a Vespiquen and a Volcarona appeared at each of her shoulders.

"I am Tina, the Bug-Catcher, weakest of the Four." She says this as if she had drudged a sense of pride from the statement. "I took what was called the weakest Type, taught the naysayers not to underestimate us, and brought my Team to the pinnacle of Pokemon Training. So, still think you can take me?"


You turned the letter over in your hands, brows knitting together as you made your way through the town of Sirius. People whispered and waved as you passed, some even going so far as to trail behind you. You tried not to mind, they were all going to the same place after all.

When Walt said that you were going to have to search for each member of the Elite Four throughout the Region you had thought it was going to be difficult to find them. Instead one walked right up to her as soon as possible and the other had sent you a handwritten letter, an invitation. On paper, with ink.

Who even did that anymore?

Still, you found yourself arriving at the time and place the letter specified. The courtyard of Sirius Academy of Minds and Auras was stiflingly bright in the noon daylight. Students were at every window and the familiar drones floated in the air.

At the center of the well manicured grass sat a red haired young woman. She was primly dressed and had been peacefully reading a book as she waited, a Sylveon dozing at her feet.

Then, as the noise from the students rose, she snapped her book shut,

"It is about time." She snipped, the chair she was sitting on floating away in a blue speckled pink aura that spluttered as it went. The Slyveon stretched before following its Trainer. "As a noble of these lands I would not have someone chasing after my back, even if it was the would-be-Champion."

She smoothed her skirt one last time as she took her place on the other side of the field. She cleared her throat once and pressed a single finger forward. "You now face Lynette des Serer, friend of Fairies, holder of Aura and Psychic might. The honour is yours."


Despite your experience with the first of the Elite Four the last two were not making her quest any easier. The first two had come to you, made time out of their days for your challenge. Those who remained, well, they never stopped.

After the pomp and ceremony of the Championship they had gone straight back to their duties. Jumping from city state to city state with little care if you could keep up. And maybe that was part of whatever extra test they had going on. And if that was the case, well, you weren't going to back down that easily.

Luckily neither were particularly stealthy in how they operated, doing every little good deed they could as they went about their duties. Leading to a very large social media presence that you used and abused to find them.

Starting with the prematurely graying young man in front of you.

He had given you a quick smile before going back to what he was doing. Completely ignoring your presence in favor of the task at hand. Which, to be fair, was fairly important. A large cart had busted a wheel and he had gone right to fixing it. Going so far as to have his, rather short, Empeleon hold the cart up while he worked beneath it.

Not that you had to wait long, quick and skilled hands make short work of the repairs. The cart's waiting owner vigorously shook his hand, receiving a soft smile in return.

A smile that didn't seem to fade as he turned to you.

"Ever since I was a kid," He started, ignoring everything from the forming crowd to the fleet of drones above. He gave you, and only you, his attention. "I had wanted to be the Champion of Lawarda. I trained every day, took on every challenge, helped everyone in front of me, but it wasn't enough. Not even when I reached the top. Walt said I was missing something. I never figured what that was."

He sighed at the admission but the smile he gave only became more genuine. "I don't mind losing to someone but I can't lose to myself. So, consider this a test for both you and me." My name is Akira, Lawarda's Hero of Steel, show me how brightly you can shine."


The last of the Four did not hide, nor did he stop his duties.

It took a few days but you managed to find him just outside of Corona Tower, staring up at the scientific institute with a faraway look in his eye. He was the oldest of the Four, in his late thirties to the others' early twenties.

With close cropped hair and a scarred face it was hard to believe that he was the most open of the Four, always willing to talk to whoever approached him. Maybe it was the way his Castform and shiny Porygon Z floated around him, happily playing a game of chase as they waited for their Trainer to finish.

"Y'know, this Lawarda hasn't always been like this." He said, not turning to you quite yet. "The International Police had been worried about its 'inevitable conflict' overflowing into other Regions. Now look at it, a forerunner in aerospace technology, a meeting place of cultures. Who could have dreamed it but Walt."

He laughed, shaking his head as he finally turned towards you. "Win or lose, it all comes down to these next few minutes. Everything he's dreamed of comes down to you. Make him proud. Make yourself proud."

From his shadow a Smeargle emerged, glowing blue paint dripping from it's tail and searing the grass.

"They call me Ranger Wright, the ever adapting Normal Specialist. Welcome to your final Challenge."


You were back at Nebula's Stadium, the crowd now in a hush.

You stood on one side of the field, he on the other. No more words needed to be spoken. Everything that needed to be said had already passed your lips, all that needed to be done now was one last Battle.

With a final nod the Stadium filled with red light as Champion of Lawarda defended his title one last time.

Lost steam there at the end but it was fun… Not promising I'll get back to the Region we built here but my attention is back at least.

If nothing else it did a good job at helping me remove some of the rust. Telling more than showing but I think I did decent.
Forgot to advertise it here but I started a thread for the Buffy/Power Rangers/Star Wars/Marvel crossover. I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea but I'm looking forward to it. In large part because I haven't done much sci-fi and I think it'll be fun.

Includes editing and a new chapter that ends Halloween night -

Marveling at a Range of Stars (Buffy/Power Rangers/Star Wars/Marvel)

Summary: A cop, a jungle girl, a witch, a paleontologist, and an astronaut all sat in a spaceship. No, this is not the setup for a joke. It is the situation Buffy and her friends found themselves in late on Halloween night. Based on the Ship of the Line BtVS Challenge and the fic Power of the...
I'm Barely Akin to Khepri (DC/Worm)
So a few months ago I had a thought, one on Inserts (self or character) which is very off-brand for me but I thought I'd continue the line of thinking. Continue right to the type of story/crossover that would get me the most likes.

AKA a Taylor Hebert memory dump into a DC character (not technically an insert but...)

Premise -
Georgia Sivana was a genius, rivaled only by those in her own family and maybe not even then. Theirs was a bloodline who tamed unruly magic with the brilliance of science. Maybe that was why she was so confident when she fiddled with her father's multiverse conference communicator. If he could speak to the most intelligent person he knew why couldn't she?

It was better than speaking to her siblings anyway.

So confident in her intelligence, in her understanding of her father's technology, she never noticed when the mistake came. When a cable transporting the signals from other realities sparked and the energy snapped straight to her nervous system. Her prodigious mind was given quite the shock over it, in the literal and figurative sense.

She was sure she was still herself, she was still Georgia, but she remembered being another. A girl who looked achingly like her, a bit taller and lacking her overbite but still the same face. The same posture, the same thick prescription, the same- no! Georgina was beautiful! No matter what others said.

She was beautiful and all she saw was a version of herself that lacked her genius! That lacked her confidence! That lacked her...

No, the other version of her was more determined. Fought odds that made even her balk. Prevailed when she had no right to. With such a weak ability at that. With friends who would go so far for her, even after years apart.

Georgina Sivana wasn't Taylor Hebert but a part of her wished she was.

Georgian tried to go about her days, after repairing her father's machine of course, but the memories nagged at her. Started changing her behaviors, changing her perspectives.

She started running. Magnificus, the muscle brain, was very proud. And insistent on helping.

She also started to pay attention to the news, to the heroes of the world. The ones beyond Shazam's little family. She started wondering what dark secrets the Justice League was hiding. If there was a cabal of well meaning but morally corrupt individuals running and ruining the world in the background.

She started to wonder if the world could trust Superman.

These were Taylor's thoughts, she knew this. She understood this, dissected these strange emotions with all the logic her mighty brain could muster. All she ended up doing was justifying her strange emotions. And, well, it never hurt to be prepared.

Like the crude Tinkers of Taylor's world she built herself equipment and devices to give her abilities to rival the greatest of metas.

A flight pack to outpace most fliers. A flock of mini-drones for utility. A weapon to hold off and keep opponents down. A suit of armor to defend herself. She planned each piece, selected the best materials for the projects, it was going to be perfect. But, again, her arrogance left her blind to something.

Just because her family thought that they tamed magic with logic didn't mean they did. It didn't mean that magic couldn't reach back. Especially the gods.

Her family meddled in their affairs too much for the divine not to keep them under watch, for them not to take interest. Especially when one connected herself to a being who shared a name with an aspect of a major god. Georgina wasn't exactly thrilled about her projects being effectively hijacked turned into trials by various divine figures but she was intrigued, and she wasn't going to turn down more power to her contingency.

These divine figures included:
Itzpapalotl - Aztek butterfly Goddess of the dead (specifically those who died in labor, mothers and children both).
-She blessed the flight pack with her wing. Obsidian in color and razor sharp.

Bhramari - Hindu goddess of bees and an incarnation of Parashakti. She who killed a golden demon with a swarm of bees (sound familiar.
-She blesses the drones to become hives of divine bees, wasps, and hornets.

Arachne - A talented mortal of Greek mythology who boasted to be a greater weaver than Athena herself. Then, in the ensuing contest, she depicted the depravity of the god in a beautiful tapestry. For her arrogance, Athena cursed the woman to Greece's first spider.
-She blesses the weapon to produce divine spider thread.

Khepri - An aspect of the Egyptian sun god Ra, a beetle who pushes the sun across the sky.
-He blesses her armor with Khepri's carapace, Tough and resistant enough to touch the sun.

While bemused about the bug theme of the gods she can appreciate the benefits, especially since it came about from her own hard work. Even if her father's technology and Taylor's memories technically spurred the actions.

Now, with but a word, she can summon her divinely blessed equipment. "IBAK" she would whisper and burn with the sun's divine light. A figure in insectoid armor, powerful and versatile enough to take on the world. She would be more prepared than Taylor Hebert ever was.

So why? Why did she still feel inferior?

Georgian Sivana gets a download of Taylor Hebert's memories and is infected with her paranoia. So she tries to craft herself some Tinker/Iron Man armor only for that to be hijacked by some gods. Guiding and forcing her into a set of trials that lead her to a version of the IBAC word.

There is a consistent theme of pride/confidence and comparing yourself to others. (Her father's intelligence, her sister's beauty, Taylor's determination, ect)

As of right now I'm unsure if I want to have the story have a version of the Death of Superman/Reign of the Supermen arc or a version of the JLAU's Thangarian invasion. Both would serve to show that there was something to her paranoia just not sure which would be better.

Definitely want a version of the Light in this story though.

I really need to finish Ward to see if I could work some Parahuman characters running into Georgiana.

I was honestly surprised to find a series of insect gods that kinda fit an existing Shazam word.

I think a version of Death of Superman/Reign of the Supermen would be interesting, showing that while there are malevolent entities from space, Superman is/was every bit the paragon he portrayed.
While Arachne is one option I personally would have gone with Anansi as his webs were said to be used to bind beings that the capture of would be an impossible task instead of just being beautyful.
While Arachne is one option I personally would have gone with Anansi as his webs were said to be used to bind beings that the capture of would be an impossible task instead of just being beautyful.
My honest reasoning:
I liked the idea of a diversified portfolio, 4 gods from 4 continents, and was unsure about having two African gods. Plus, Arachne's story kinda works with Gerogia/Taylor.

That said, i see you point.
Last edited:
My honest reasoning:
I liked the idea of a diversified portfolio, 4 gods from 4 continents, and was unsure about having two African gods. Plus, Arachne's starts kinda works with Gerogia/Taylor.

That said, i see you point.
Arachne works on the hubris and 'defiance of the divine' fronts though.

I kinda picture her being all grumpy while cooperating with the rest. Possibly instigating against wonder woman
Wow, I know I thought of this idea as a like farming story but dang. That idea just got more reactions than a good chunk of anything I posted lately... That's sad but might be saying something.
Player Searching for Detectable Change (PS4/DC)
Player Searching for Detectable Changes- Prologue

The room was loud, louder than what Mary was used to. In a fun way to be, sure, but she simply wasn't used to the whole 'hanging out' thing. Especially with boys who weren't her brother or his best friend.

They were sitting around the kitchen table, looking out towards the bay as they played a silly card game. Everyone laughed as they laid out their cards. Even Mary smiled at the crude humor being formed with each hand.

Though she struggled when it was her turn to read the combination. "The Batmobile lost a wheel because… oh, I can't say that!"

"Yes you can! C'mon girl." Jamie said, across from her and trying to peak at the cards. Until Courtney gave him a rather pointed elbow to the ribs. Kaldur gave her a patient smile while Damian scoffed from his seat, nose deep in his tablet and not truly part of the game.

Vergil on the other hand cheered her on far more gently, smiling at her in an easy waythat had her fighting off a blush. "You can do it, Mary."

"I," She started, clearing her throat as she stumbled over the first pair. "The Batmobile lost a wheel because… of 'a flock of hookers'?"

Jamie chortled and even Courtney gave a snort. "A flock of hookers? Like, what even is that?"

"A group of them, obviously." Damian snipped. "How our field leader can't even piece that together does not bode well for our team."

"You know what you little brat?" Courtney said, half standing up from her seat and swiping at the preteen. A preteen who scoffed at her attempt as he leaned out of the way.

Virgil groaned, face in hand as he muttered, "Ahhh, not this crap again."

Kaldur shrugged as Jamie was forced to play the unfortunate mediator, stuck between them as he was. Courtney was only half trying to take swats at Damian, obviously, but that did nothing to hold the boy's tongue.

"Come back to me when you put on your belt Whitmore. Better yet, grab your staff."

"Is that a challenge pipsqueak?" She asked, standing to her full height and looking down at her. "Want to take this to the training room?"

He didn't bother looking up from his tablet. "While I'd love to show you how you are lacking some of us are actually trying to actively improve."

Courtney mimed strangling him and Mary didn't know whether to laugh or to be horrified. So, instead, she focused back on the vastly inappropriate game.

"Um, I think the flock of… the flock card wins." She said, handing the white card over to Jamie as he gave a little cheer.

As the new cards were being shuffled, then reshuffled as Jamie failed in a rather fabulous shower of cards, someone tapped her arm. Starting slightly she found Vergil giving her a little look.

"Hey, you doing okay Mary?" He asked hands held up in an easing manner. "You seem a bit, well, off?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Extra fine even. Peachy keen." She gave a little internal groan at that last one. Why did she say that? "It's just, well, it hasn't been all that long since, well, everything, y'know? I'm still sorta adjusting to everything."

"Yeah, I get that." He said, taking his pile of cards. "It must be rough. How are your lessons going with Raven?"

"Oh, Miss Raven has been great. She really has been helping but well… all the meditation is pretty boring." She confessed, shuffling her own cards and blanching at some of her options. "And that's as regular Mary. When I'm Lady Marvel, well, it's a lot harder."

"That's because meditation takes actual discipline. Not the brute force methods that you and yours are used to." Damian pipped in, throwing one of his cards towards the center as Mary flinched.


"What? She is the most senior hero here and she can't take a little criticism?" For the first time since they sat down he looked up, meeting each of them in the eye. "Grayson told me that the Titans are where all young heroes, Robins at least, learn to be actual heroes. Where we come to improve. Was he wrong?"

Vergil didn't deny his claim but he scowled all the same, "You could still put it nicer man. One of the things you need to work on is your people skills."

"Tch!" He glared, jutting his chin up and looking away. The table was filled with a tense and uncomfortable silence. Mary was about to apologize. She was obviously the source of all this so she had to take responsibility. Then Damian opened his mouth again. "Focus on your breathing, make it a goal to reach the next breath. I find that it helps."

"Oh, thank you!" Mary said, blinking at the sudden advice.

"It's nothing." He mumbled. "It couldn't have been your legs since you and Roth both float during your sessions, that's the usual complaint. Followed by boredom. I figured it was the latter."

"Aww, Damian, that was almost sweet."

"Shut up Whitmore!"

Mary let herself giggle at the back and forth, starting to relax as the game continued. Outraged laughs filling the room easily as time went on. It was nice, comfortable.

A comfort that was soon broken by a swirl of bright white energy. A portal to another part of the tower, and a familiar figure stepped through. Gray skinned and draped in a white feathered cloak Raven Roth, their team mentor and nominal leader, entered the room. The red gem on her forehead was a glowing ember as the ebbs of her spell died out.

"Everyone suit up." She said, her raspy voice an octave higher than usual as she gave the command. A tone that sent even Damian to his feet and sent both Vergil and Courtney down the hall. The others remained, their costumes were much easier to put on. "We have a prisoner escape in progress and the Justice League is delegating it down to us."

"So they're too good for it and they're expecting us to clean up the mess." Damian said, taking off his hoodie and revealing that he had his costume underneath the entire time. Raven narrowed her eyes as she took in the red and black costume, a clear break from her house rule of not being in costume during their off hours. Not that the youngest Titan seemed to care as he adjusted his green gloves and clasped on his yellow cape.

"As a matter of fact, yes they are." Raven said, crossing her arms and giving him a rather flat stare. "The League is currently following through with a lead into something above what you're ready for, despite what you'd think. And this is something they have literally dealt with when they were your age… around your age."

"Oh, really." Damian said, his own stare matching hers. "Must be Plasmus then. He was in transit to Bel Rev today and has a long history with the Titans."

Raven sighed, rubbing at her eyes. "And why were you looking at classified information on prisoners?"

Damian shrugged, "Someone had to."

"I would say that we'd talk about this later but I've been on a team with enough Robins to know it's not going to help." She said, giving another sigh and shaking her head before turning towards the two teens rushing back into the room. "For now, Robin, cliff notes."

Taking his cue Damian stepped forward, domino mask now in place and hands clasped behind his back. "Otto von Furth aka Plasmus, is a powerful metahuman who is a prisoner to his own power as he needs to be kept in constant state of slumber to prevent him from transforming into a rampaging sludge monster. Large and strong with abilities including: size alteration, extremely resistant to harm along with regeneration, miniature clone spawning, and able to produce a fairly potent acid. Thankfully he is about as smart as a rabid dog in this form."

He went on to likely strategies that seemed to be summed up to 'knock him back out', something he claimed both her and Miss Roth had a solution for. All the others had to do was stall the creature.

"Good, not as long winded as last time." she said, nodding her head with clear approval. Damian still scowled, an expression only disappearing as Raven formed a new portal. "Is everyone ready?"

Vergil adjusted the blue goggles over his white mask, standing on a silver disk rolling with purple electric power. The edges of his blue coat flared and revealed the symbol on his chest. With that golded lightning bolt he changed from simply being her friend to the hero of Dakota City. Static Shock.

The same went for Courtney, changing out from her trendy casual wear into something more patriotic. A star spangled blue bodysuit with a bulky red belt with boots and gloves to match the shade. In her hand was a golden staff with a hooked tip, a golden light already shining in the nook. A weapon to match her name and reputation. Stargril, the legacy of the Justice Society.

Next to them Damian actually remained silent, his hand already digging into the yellow belt at his waist. An iconic item in itself within the hero community. Like Courtney he was part of a legacy, the fifth to bear the name. Robin, the boy wonder.

Kaldur had an easier change than most, he was half Atlantean and did little to hide his identity. Even before strapping his water carrier to his back and unhooking his magical hilt he called the water-bearers people knew who he must be. Aqualad, a champion of Atlantis.

Next to her, Jamie smiled as mechanical mandibles stretched from his back. Alien metal engulfed him in a sleek suit of blue and black armor. A mechanical face that moved impossibly realistically as it turned to her with a smile. The Blue Beetle, the newest of heroes.

They all looked so cool and sure of themselves, in control of themselves. They looked at her expectantly, waiting. She took a breath and spoke a familiar word.


The room filled with a burst of yellow lightning and a crack of thunder. Mary Bromfield stood changed, older, curved with muscles, and crackling in the same lightning that changed her. In a form fitting black dress that stretched from her finger and well above midthigh, black platform boots hovered inches off the ground. The famous lightning bolt of her chest grew brighter with her widening smile.

She was Lady Marvel and she was off to save the day.


The countryside of Delaware was usually pristine, beautiful, and picturesque in the nation's first state. And it still was, until you drove a few miles into Kent county. There you would find an overturned armored van. Its fender covered in deer blood and its back ruptured open from within.

Sludge curled along the road, asphalt popping and hissing as globs of fresh acid sloshed to the ground. Guards, some still unconscious back in the van, were giving unsteady aim into an expanding mass of purple gunk. It spun upon itself, building up and up until something hulking started to emerge.

A beast of sludge opened a maw of hardening slabs of jagged clay. A wobbling cry of a roar echoed from its throat as the first hints of a leg to uneasy steps forward. Slopping fingers firming as it gripped the nearest guard.

The man couldn't scream, only gasp as the fingers gripped tighter and tighter. The other guards, the few that were brave enough, ran to help. Only to be swatted aside with a stretching stand of what could generously be called an arm.

The brave rolled and the frozen watched on as their friend was raised towards that open maw, faux drool falling from the creature's lips. The scene was painted in a stark white and their ears filled with that gasping scream…

A stark white?

Before any had the forethought to look behind them three somethings bolted past them. A blade of water severing the creature's arm, a translucent scoop catching their fellow guard, and a girl dressed in black slamming into their prisoner.

All this only briefly preceded by a rasping, "Titans! GO!"

Teenagers in colorful outfits ran forward, braver than the trained men cowering on the ground. Some still tried to fight, firing their guns towards the mass, but all were gripped in talons of light. Unceremoniously they were dropped yards away and behind the tree line.

"Get to cover!" The woman in white yelled, vaguely familiar to all their eyes. A hero to be sure, so they obeyed much to Raven's relief.

Guns were not going to work here and their specialized equipment didn't seem to survive the escape. Better for them to run than get in the way. Or to shoot at the wrong thing.

Rising above the battle Raven kept an eye on her charge, not that they needed much looking after. They were operating at a better level than she did at their age. Though, if she were being fair to herself, they were also far more experienced than she was at that age. She could barely had control of herself much less her powers back then.

These kids, this team, also had a bit more firepower behind it than they did back then. Raven's version of the Titans had only five members with herself and Starfire acting as the main punch of the group. Here they had more members, more power, and, again, more experience.

Though, all that said, this team did have a major flaw.

"Whoa, watch yourself armano! You are sharing the sky here!"
"My bad!"
"Would you louts keep the monstrosity in place!?"
"Easier said than done my friend!"
"Guys! Focus!"

Raven sighed, wondering if she could even call what she was seeing below a team at all. While the Titans' meaning has changed, going from an independent team to a training program, she had hoped they could still operate as before. Well, she volunteered to do this to give them the help each had asked for. And she would deliver it to them.

Just as it was delivered to her so long ago.

"The civilians are clear." She projected, not quite a yell but something that rang in their ears all the same. "I'll keep the road clear. Listen to Stargirl, she is the field leader. Stargirl, see this through."

The blonde looked up to her, giving a resolute nod as she yelled out a "Yes ma'am!"

Pep talk done Raven rose higher, eyes glowing with might. With a wave of her hand translucent walls formed at either end of the street. The roads may be mostly empty at that time of day but she had long learned that it was better to be safe than sorry.

"That is so DISGUSTING!" A voice yelled, a clap of thunder swiveling Raven's attention back to her Titans. Her eyes, enchanted as they were, almost missed the blur that slammed a telephone pole. And then a tree. And another.

Purple brown sludge flew as black gloved hands ripped handful after handful away from the mass. Green acid burst as sparks of yellow electricity ran along Pasmus's body, each blow delivering more of a shock to his system. Current flowing and a screaming ringing through the air.

A roar of anger warring with a whine of pain

Static and Blue Beetle had started to cheer, to congratulate their teammate. But as their screams continued their praise died in their throats.

"Someone stop her!" Robin yelled, gas pellets in hand as he ran forward. "If he's knocked unconscious before he's regained mass his human self WILL be missing pieces!"

"Lady Marvel! Stand down!" Stargirl yelled, a hand landing on the other girl's shoulder as if to pull her away. It was only by the protection of the staff and belt that she felt only the barest of shocks. Just enough to force her back as Lady Marvel whirled around, snarl on her face.

"He got , slime, in my, Hair!" Lightning crackled with her roar, striking out with her annoyance. Crossing her arms Stargirl braced for the blow, only for it to never come. Bands of purple electricity snagged the lightning from the air, hues blended as the current was directed towards a tree.

Shrapnel and splinters rained down on the teenage heroes. And one reforming Plasmus, whining pitfully as clumps of slime crawled back to him.

The Titans arranged themselves around their two teammates. Each of their faces a clear picture of what they thought but only one voiced it.

"Mary, what the hell?" Static asked, his hands sparking and eyes wary.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She demanded, floating in the air and glaring around her. "I did nothing wrong. HE did! HE's the bad guy!"

Raven dove from the sky, putting herself between Mary and the rest of the Titans. With hands raised, she spoke slowly. Gently. "Mary, take a breath. Remember what we talked about? The mantra?"

"I don't need to calm down!" She yelled, "And stop looking at me like that! I'm in control!"

Robin scoffed, "Obviously not."

"Robin shush." Stargirl ordered, letting their mentor do the talking.

"I know you think you're in control but your anger is taking a hold of you." Raven said, slow and steady. "Remember the mantra Mary, remember the calm."

"I don't need to calm down! I'm a hero! And heroes take down villains."

"We are simply worried about how… harshly you dealt with our opponent." Kaldur chimed in, matching Raven's tone. "And how you lashed out at Stargirl."

"That was an accident!"

Raven took a step closer, "I'm sure it was Mary, I get it. I really do. But you need to step away, just for a minute. To catch your breath?"

Mary hadn't realized it but her breathing had become ragged. Her chest heaved and her eyes darted to the faces of her friends. She grit her teeth and seemed to be taking a step back, floating back from Raven.

Then she lashed a kick toward the downed Plasmus.

As the sludge spread a glowing white talon and transparent gold took a hold of her. She yelled and screamed, bursting through Stargirl's grip with ease. Raven's talon held tight and fast, straining the magic user as the godly teen fought.

"I did nothing wrong!" She yelled, lightning arcing from her fingertips. Static snapped each out of the air, absorbing or grounding each blast as they came. Kaldur tried to help, his mystic tattoos igniting as he guided what he could. It wasn't a lot but it helped.

Enough that Jamie could zoom in and try to hold her still.

"Mary! Girl you need to calm down!"

"Get off me!"

"Not until you calm down!"

She didn't, in fact, she was becoming more enraged by the second. It was obvious she wasn't trying to hurt her friends, nor they her, but she was slowly losing her temper. She wanted to be let go, to be free and understood. She wasn't the bad guy here!

Mary gnashed, she struggled, she snarled, she fought, she yelled, she shouted. She shouted a word that made the sky rumble and snap Raven's eyes up.


The bolt of living lighting came rushing down with all the power of seven gods. Even with her best shields Raven wasn't sure she could stop what was coming, not in time. Not in that infantesimal moment.

Luckily one of her wards was already working on it. By complete accident, by virtue of already working on something similar.

As it had done before Static's purple electricity snagged the lighting from the sky, guiding the current toward himself. The power, for a brief moment, flowed through him. A wire in an incomplete circuit. The mystical lighting sparked within him, the tint of his own electricity changing as the power raged in him. Demanding to be released.

"It's too much!" He yelled, for the first time in his life too much electricity flowed through him. More than a city, more than natural lighting, so much power from a single bolt. He couldn't absorb it like Mary's other attacks. It was too much. He had to get rid of it, but where?

When he looked up he saw Raven, Stargirl, and Blue Beetle grappling with Mary. When he looked down he saw Robin and Kaldur. To aim either way he risked his friends.

So, he shot sideways. Blasting it back towards the road and away from everyone.

A beam of living lighting struck out from Static's hands. Outlined in purple the yellow bolt blinded the eye as it raced away. Blinding the heroes from what was about to happen.

Striking the downed pole the electricity followed into the lines. Arcs of raw mystic power arced down the power lines, racing to transformers and substations. To the towns and cities. To the power station itself.

Across the county of Kent fires and blackouts bloomed. And those would be the least of their worries.

To this, the still restrained Mary could only say one thing.



And the set up is done! Could use some improving, a bit more descriptors towards the end but what followed that Bang Baby filtered Living Lighting would be next chapter. If I ever get to it.

In typical Prologue fashion these Titans aren't the main characters, sorry. A not-quite OC is. She's a side character with very little backstory that I get to play with. That's not to say the Titans won't play an important role in this but they are not the MCs.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. Please tell me what you thought.
Cluster Trigger Vote
Here's an idea that I make no promises on:

Hey, have you heard? About what started over at Lord Street? You haven't? Really?

Well, it happened a bit after the summer break and everyone knows how busy the Street gets round then. Everyone and their mother was there to sell and buy and eat every summer treat that got carted out. It's a good time.

Too bad the gangs didn't seem to agree.

I don't how it started, I wasn't there, but I can guess. The same way it always did, a bunch of kids trying to prove that their dicks are bigger than they are. It was a bloodbath, the worst shootout since the Bad Old Days if I had to give an opinion.

It only got worse when the capes came in swinging. More people died from the stampedes, crush, whatever people call it than bullets.

Funny thing is, all the capes fainted. All of them. Heroes, Empire, Bad Boyz, every last one of them. Boom, right on the ground.

It was only for a second but it stopped everything.

Hmmm? Why am I telling you this? Because it's where it all started of course! You've heard of the right?

The Lords and Ladies? Those new grab-bag capes causing all that ruckus around town?

You haven't? Man, you've really been living under a rock.

In the summer of 2010 a Cluster of Parahumans was born on Lord Street, giving the designation of 'The Lord Street Cluster' and the monikers of 'The Lords and Ladies'. They are shaking things up in the Bay not only with powers and affiliations but how their Cluster relationship forces them to interact.

But who are these new Parahumans? I thought it would be fun to let others vote on it! A one time vote to influence the story, like a quest in miniature. It doesn't even have to have Taylor in it! Though I am limiting things to characters that are relatively likely to not have Triggered by that Summer and were in the Bay.

Your choices are: (Vote for your top 3)
[X] Taylor Hebert (Skitter) (guaranteed spot)
[] Aisha Laborn (Imp)
[] Theo Anders (Golem)
[] Sabbah (Parian)
[] Tammi (Rune)
[] Trevor Medina (Chariot)
[] Eric Phelm (Shielder)
[] Dinah Allcot
[] Browbeat (Name Unknown)
[] Whirlygig (Name Unknown)
[] (Write In)

No promises on Cluster size but top choices will be there and lower ones won't. That said, I'm going to give you guys another vote.

What affects the Cluster's mentality more?
[] Kiss-Kill Dynamic
[] Group Dreaming
[] Personality Bleed
[] All of the above/Even spread
[] You decide, lazy bastard

I've got a few ideas for the "Game" the Trigger would cause but let's see how people will vote.

Posting this in Worm ideas threads on SB and SV, same with my idea threads.
Voting closes Friday 1PM EST.
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