Disgaea: The Chaos Hereafter

Hmm~ Simple and demon like trouble. Beat up the guys! Mention of money is tempting as we have none... But before that an important question. "So how strong were they?" I'm new to this body I doubt I would be able to help unless their literally the bottom at the barrel.

Either way should help the guy somehow for befriending the furball. With that a part of my debt will be repaid.
My ears perked up at the mention of money. "Sooo how tough exactly are these guys, and what kinda demons are they?" I asked, my tails lazily waving behind me.
"Not too strong, if they need to prey on the weak," the man answered with a sense to drama, "but there are too any for just me to fight. They mostly looked like thieves and striders, but they had a sinner with them too."

"Dood, you seem to be a good sort. We may be able to help you teach those ruffians you speak of a lesson if we work together. Want to join with us dood?" Despite ending with some finality, Stoberyl had tingling sense of missing something.

"Oh dood, I almost forgot. Who are you? My name's Stoberyl and this group here, uh, I actually I don't know what we call ourselves."
"Ah, yes, I am Emile, defender of the weak, especially prinnies!" the man announced just loudly enough that people started staring at him oddly. "If you help me, I'll give you the money the old man gave me too. You'll deserve it."

He hefted the bag of money slightly to emphasise his point.
Following Stoberyl's introduction, I do the same. "I'm Iris."
"Very nice to meet you."
"Not too strong, if they need to prey on the weak," the man answered with a sense to drama, "but there are too any for just me to fight. They mostly looked like thieves and striders, but they had a sinner with them too."

"Ah, yes, I am Emile, defender of the weak, especially prinnies!" the man announced just loudly enough that people started staring at him oddly. "If you help me, I'll give you the money the old man gave me too. You'll deserve it."

He hefted the bag of money slightly to emphasise his point.

"Very nice to meet you."
I grinned, wondering just how much money he has and how weak the fuckers are. "I can't remember if I said this already, but my name's Lilliana. So where were these guys last seen?" I asked, crossed my arms under my chest.... I'm never gonna get sick of these babies. Their my right. Just like a place to nap is.
Slumber Cat


He hefted the bag of money slightly to emphasise his point.
Almost purely on instincts, Erik shifts his head towards the bag and has a dopey smile form on his face before slowly paws toward it. He isn't making any sudden moves with how he's held and is more or less just poking at it on some form of instinct...

But he has his claws extended. And they are very sharp...
"Not too strong, if they need to prey on the weak," the man answered with a sense to drama, "but there are too any for just me to fight. They mostly looked like thieves and striders, but they had a sinner with them too."
"Hmm... I'm game if everyone else has no problems." This likely looks like a job where we need to keep the rabble occupied for Emile. "I wonder how a Sinner got out of the prison I doubt local dark assembly or its equivalent here likes its meatshield taking a walk outside." This is If I remember the lore right. "Though I must warn you we are fresh out of reincarnation so the bottom of the barrel currently."
"Very nice to meet you."
Oh, right introductions how rude of me. "My names Pepo."
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I grinned, wondering just how much money he has and how weak the fuckers are. "I can't remember if I said this already, but my name's Lilliana. So where were these guys last seen?" I asked, crossed my arms under my chest.... I'm never gonna get sick of these babies. Their my right. Just like a place to nap is.
"Well, I last saw them a few hours ago, when this all started," Emile answers. "They'll show up tomorrow for the fight though, so you don't need to worry about finding them."
Slumber Cat


Almost purely on instincts, Erik shifts his head towards the bag and has a dopey smile form on his face before slowly paws toward it. He isn't making any sudden moves with how he's held and is more or less just poking at it on some form of instinct...

But he has his claws extended. And they are very sharp...
The prinny-man spreads his arms further apart, to keep the mischievous cat away from the money. After a second thought, the bag disappeared into his inventory and he released Erik. "Sorry to have held you like that for so long," he apologises. Despite the apology, a hand is kept nearby to catch Erik should he try to run off.
"Hmm... I'm game if everyone else has no problems." This likely looks like a job where we need to keep the rabble occupied for Emile. "I wonder how a Sinner got out of the prison I doubt local dark assembly or its equivalent here likes its meatshield taking a walk outside." This is If I remember the lore right. "Though I must warn you we are fresh out of reincarnation so the bottom of the barrel currently."

Oh, right introductions how rude of me. "My names Pepo."
The man rubs the back of his head, "At this point I'll take any help I can get.
A town
best news I've heard all day

The mention of money instantly gets my attention. "and to get this money...how would we have to help exactly?"
Emile's shoulders droop slightly, "Weren't you offering to help me fight them?"
The prinny-man spreads his arms further apart, to keep the mischievous cat away from the money. After a second thought, the bag disappeared into his inventory and he released Erik. "Sorry to have held you like that for so long," he apologises. Despite the apology, a hand is kept nearby to catch Erik should he try to run off.

Slumber Cat

Getting slightly grumpy from the Prinny guy increasing the distance between clink clanks from me, I grumpily go, "Nyoo." Before beginning to flail nonchalantly as the clink clanks go farther...

And then he puts them away before letting go, where focus resurfaced onto my face...and I see myself dropping down. "FU-" I go to stick my landing, but failed and faceplanted on the ground.

Getting up in a fuss, I immediately take a fighting stance and take a cautionary look around me. "What the fuck just happened, and why'd I blank out!"
(Slumber Cats aren't innately conscious of the sleep trigger themselves, and since they can't use it themselves due to all being of similar sizes, none of them know about it either. Don't tell them about it)
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"Well, I last saw them a few hours ago, when this all started," Emile answers. "They'll show up tomorrow for the fight though, so you don't need to worry about finding them."

The prinny-man spreads his arms further apart, to keep the mischievous cat away from the money. After a second thought, the bag disappeared into his inventory and he released Erik. "Sorry to have held you like that for so long," he apologises. Despite the apology, a hand is kept nearby to catch Erik should he try to run off.

The man rubs the back of his head, "At this point I'll take any help I can get.

Emile's shoulders droop slightly, "Weren't you offering to help me fight them?"
"I'd be willing to fight the bastards. So where exactly will the fight be happening?" I asked, my tails waving gently as I floated in the air. If we can booby-trap the battle field we could win easily... Snrk... My eyes flicked down to my amazing chest and how utterly gorgeous I was.
Civilization at last
Distressed catgirl noises

Emile's shoulders droop slightly, "Weren't you offering to help me fight them?"
I start waving my arms in frantic apology
"Ah! Sorry! I must have spaced out. Don't remember what anyone said, of course I'll help fight them!"

And then It Dawn's on me

"...wait, who are we fighting?"
Slumber Cat

Getting slightly grumpy from the Prinny guy increasing the distance between clink clanks from me, I grumpily go, "Nyoo." Before beginning to flail nonchalantly as the clink clanks go farther...

And then he puts them away before letting go, where focus resurfaced onto my face...and I see myself dropping down. "FU-" I go to stick my landing, but failed and faceplanted on the ground.

Getting up in a fuss, I immediately take a fighting stance and take a cautionary look around me. "What the fuck just happened, and why'd I blank out!"
(Slumber Cats aren't innately conscious of the sleep trigger themselves, and since they can't use it themselves due to all being of similar sizes, none of them know about it either. Don't tell them about it)
"I...do not understand," Emile responds in confusion.
"I'd be willing to fight the bastards. So where exactly will the fight be happening?" I asked, my tails waving gently as I floated in the air. If we can booby-trap the battle field we could win easily... Snrk... My eyes flicked down to my amazing chest and how utterly gorgeous I was.
"My thanks. The battle is to take place a short way from the eastern gate. The guards will be...away from their posts, at the time," he answers the kitsune.
Civilization at last
Distressed catgirl noises

I start waving my arms in frantic apology
"Ah! Sorry! I must have spaced out. Don't remember what anyone said, of course I'll help fight them!"

And then It Dawn's on me

"...wait, who are we fighting?"
"Erm, a few Thieves, Striders, and at least one Sinner," the penguin-dressed man repeats.

As the conversation continues, the sky around the group grows darker, and there suddenly seem to be fewer people walking around than before.
"What the fuck just happened, and why'd I blank out!"
"You tried to wander off chasing a bug so your friend stopped you," I said with no small amount of amusement in my voice. "For some reason that made you calm. I guess it's a species thing as he grabbed you by the back of your neck."

So that's our opposition. He already mentioned the siner before but having more detail on others helps. I should be able to handle any one of them quite easily in mele if we are close lvl wise. With one exception the sinner if my game knowledge is to be believed it will take bit of luck to bring him down.

Besides that there's more information I would like to know. "So now that we have agreed to this when will this whole thing go down?" Really it would be embarrassing to be all gung-ho about this only to discover its days off still.
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Slumber Cat
...Excuse me, wtf.

"You tried to wander off chasing a bug so your friend stopped you," I said with no small amount of amusement in my voice. "For some reason that made you calm. I guess it's a species thing as he grabbed you by the back of your neck."
Freezing up, I just turn to him and just go, "What."

And that's when my mind began to process it properly...and a memory of back during the time back when I was calibrating what monster I would be and how I'd look comes back up to mind...And I don't remember it mentioning this at all.

And I am now livid. (He looks like he's about to throw a tantrum) I am literally pissed off at the fact I wasn't informed about this. And then that bug from earlier flies too close to him, and his claws were there in a second, cleaving it. It ain't dead, but it's definitely dying seeing how it's now split in half.
A Town in Mordorland
Darker times
I'll join

"I...do not understand," Emile responds in confusion.

"My thanks. The battle is to take place a short way from the eastern gate. The guards will be...away from their posts, at the time," he answers the kitsune.

"Erm, a few Thieves, Striders, and at least one Sinner," the penguin-dressed man repeats.

As the conversation continues, the sky around the group grows darker, and there suddenly seem to be fewer people walking around than before.
"You tried to wander off chasing a bug so your friend stopped you," I said with no small amount of amusement in my voice. "For some reason that made you calm. I guess it's a species thing as he grabbed you by the back of your neck."

So that's our opposition. He already mentioned the siner before but having more detail on others helps. I should be able to handle any one of them quite easily in mele if we are close lvl wise. With one exception the sinner if my game knowledge is to be believed it will take bit of luck to bring him down.

Besides that there's more information I would like to know. "So now that we have agreed to this when will this whole thing go down?" Really it would be embarrassing to be all gung-ho about this only to discover its days off still.

Hm... after listening to everything, I concur with throwing my weight in. He did try to help someone after all, though he ended up going in over his head. It feels more justified compared to the... disastrous negotiations of a while ago. Hopefully his opponents would be more within our league.

Noting the darkened sky and idly crossing my arms, what comes to mind is asking about when the battle would occur, but with someone else beating me to the punch, I settle for voicing my agreement. "I'll stand by your side as well."