Disgaea: The Chaos Hereafter

The guards relaxed some more at the answers, only to tense up at the Lantern's sudden appearance, and Zal's disappearance.

"I swear, every time I get one of you out of this, another one shows up." The familiar voice grumbles.

After staring at Pepo for slightly longer than the rest of the group, the guards' tension drops. "He with you?" the woman asks.

Hell, only not; some town
Time to get into town

I silently raise a hand to my face at the sudden newcomer making things look suspicious. As their question comes, I spring forward. "Yup, he was just a little late," I answer. It looks like he's in the same situation as us, what with the comment about being reborn, and how much of a threat can a Lantern be if I'm wrong? He doesn't seem super powerful like that Zombie.

"I'm Trinity, by the way," I say quietly to Pepo.


The guards look to each other, shrug, and stand aside.

"Cause no trouble," the man orders, a hand gesturing to inside the gate.
Yawning I floated in that direction, ignoring the new arrival. There better be a in or something... But I don't have any money... FUUUUCK.........Hm....................Maybe I can figure something out later with the other's help? I shrugged to myself, wincing slightly as my chest bounced. Still needs to be gotten used to..
Slumber Cat
Entrance to Civilization
I am not young!

OI, WHOS YOUNG HERE! (More hissing and now instead of 'trying' to look threatening, he's just plain out looking like he's about to throw a fit)


Noticing the guards accept the group's entrance, (Ear twitch) I run in full speed past without waiting for the weird group to catch up. (Still on all 4 running)
Aaaaaaand the smol is running away.... I should probably go after him before he gets hurt. Sighing, I floated after the smol-cat-kid.
Why is it always like this

some people said:
I resist the urge to facepalm as chaos erupts around me. When did I become the sensible one?

Ah well, at least we'rebeing let in. "I promise to behave, and I'll...attempt to keep the others in line. As you can see they're a bit...chaotic"
Civilization, how cash money.

Eh! Not young? But he looks like a child! Racking my brain for a bit came upon a realization all the slumber cats looked childish in the game. "Ohh... I'm ever so sorry. I'm still processing things. My debt to you seems ever growing..." Sad face.
"Yup, he was just a little late," Pumpkin Jesus speculation.

"I'm Trinity, by the way,"
I gave her a nod. "I'm sorry if my arrival caused you inconvenience." Truly I had no control over where I appeared. "I'm just glad that I did not appear in a middle of nowhere. CrakCrakCrak." Note to myself do not laugh ever agan.
"I promise to behave, and I'll...attempt to keep the others in line. As you can see they're a bit...chaotic"
Noticing the guards accept the group's entrance, (Ear twitch) I run in full speed past without waiting for the weird group to catch up. (Still on all 4 running)
So the small one ran on ahead... He truly is brave or foolish. Which one only time will tell either way I will help when time comes. Debts must be repaid!

As people were now moving along I walked next to the other cat the far more endowed one. I wonder if they are truly that bad never the less I gave her a nod with am apologetic smile. "I will try to not cause more of a scene."

I checked my pants and suit pockets and sight as my fears were confirmed. "I'm ever so sorry for bringing this up but how could we acquire funds? Civilization is great for those that can pay for its services but it appears that we have nothing on us but clothes on our backs." Also why am I using I'm ever so sorry so much all of a sudden?
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Slumber Cat

Looking behind with a slight wonder if any of the group followed behind...
Aaaaaaand the smol is running away.... I should probably go after him before he gets hurt. Sighing, I floated after the smol-cat-kid.
Aaaand the scary Fox Lady is chasing after me... "OH NO." Screeching now, I am running, but now with a plan...of maximizing distance between me and her.

(Despite being...'slower than a rock' in attention span, he's not dumb. He will clothesline poles to shift direction swiftly without killing his speed, and slumber cats are oddly agile for their sleepy look. AKA, he parkouring away fast...but again, it's Erik. Something will go wrong)
Slumber Cat

Looking behind with a slight wonder if any of the group followed behind...

Aaaand the scary Fox Lady is chasing after me... "OH NO." Screeching now, I am running, but now with a plan...of maximizing distance between me and her.

(Despite being...'slower than a rock' in attention span, he's not dumb. He will clothesline poles to shift direction swiftly without killing his speed, and slumber cats are oddly agile for their sleepy look. AKA, he parkouring away fast...but again, it's Erik. Something will go wrong)
In the middle of the (totally epic) parkour, as Erik rounds a pole, a trouser-wearing leg suddenly comes into view, heading right for him.
Slumber Cat

In the middle of the (totally epic) parkour, as Erik rounds a pole, a trouser-wearing leg suddenly comes into view, heading right for him.
Still screeching, I did not quite notice the leg until it was too late. And then my screeching stopped.

(As he went around the corner, the leg moved just where it would normally end with a faceplant into said leg, is now covered by a Slumber Cat's mouth due to the screeching already happening)
Slumber Cat

Still screeching, I did not quite notice the leg until it was too late. And then my screeching stopped.

(As he went around the corner, the leg moved just where it would normally end with a faceplant into said leg, is now covered by a Slumber Cat's mouth due to the screeching already happening)
"Argh!" a man dresses in blue and white screamed as something bit his leg. His costume had frills under its arms, as well as a cape. The helmet on his head, and more specifically the yellow 'beak' jutting out from it, gave him the appearance of a Prinny, only...humanoid. The commotion he made drew almost all eyes to him. Before they suddenly stopped.

"Oh, it's only a cat," he commented upon looking down. "Would you please get off? I have enough troubles as it is."
Slumber Cat

"Argh!" a man dresses in blue and white screamed as something bit his leg. His costume had frills under its arms, as well as a cape. The helmet on his head, and more specifically the yellow 'beak' jutting out from it, gave him the appearance of a Prinny, only...humanoid. The commotion he made drew almost all eyes to him. Before they suddenly stopped.

"Oh, it's only a cat," he commented upon looking down. "Would you please get off? I have enough troubles as it is."
Getting a face-full of leg wasn't pleasant for me either! Either way, I get his fucking leg out of my face and...

...(For half a second, all of his mental IQ began working overdrive, taking many twists, turns and loops in his normal logic before coming to a sound conclusion. If he follows somebody else like this guy, Fox Lady won't be allowed to hug him in surprise anymore!)

And he immediately clings back onto the guy's leg while screeching, "Take me with yoooou!"
A Town in Mordorland
Dark times
Another new party member?

First, the smol cat, and now, a Lantern/pumpkin-man named Pepo? ...Where did the martial artist go? I'm pretty sure he was right here... I blink at the turn of events. If he went off on his own or something, then it's his choice. I'm not liable for any trouble he gets into.

"I'm Iris," I say to Pepo.


I quietly sigh in relief as the town guards let us in. Good thing Evelynn was able to speak up for us.

And then the cat named Erik suddenly runs off, with the kyuubi-no-kitsune chasing him? My palm meets my face at that. I opt to just stay with Trinity and the others though, not feeling inclined to chase the craziness, so to speak.
And he immediately clings back onto the guy's leg while screeching, "Take me with yoooou!"
The penguin-costumed man sighed. "Even if I did, you wouldn't have someone to care for you soon," he explains. He then turns as a group of people, with a Lantern slightly ahead, arrive. He makes sure to keep the leg with Erik on it away from the newcomers. "Hello?" he greets them hesitantly.
Slumber Cat

Incoherent Babble

The penguin-costumed man sighed. "Even if I did, you wouldn't have someone to care for you soon," he explains. He then turns as a group of people, with a Lantern slightly ahead, arrive. He makes sure to keep the leg with Erik on it away from the newcomers. "Hello?" he greets them hesitantly.
Still holding tightly, I make a small...well, not 'eep!' or 'eek!' but more of... 'Grglmlglr?!' (...This is pretty accurate from both out and in his perspective honestly)

I do look around said leg to see the group arriving and for a split second, his face scrunches up.
(Well...it's more accurately like this, but he does feel like he made that face at least, but he can't see himself...although, he's still not opening his eyes)

Biting down my lips shut, I just begin mumbling a bunch of curses and prayers for things to go positively and for fate to not pull out its ax again. (It's just incoherent babble and mumbles)
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The penguin-costumed man sighed. "Even if I did, you wouldn't have someone to care for you soon," he explains. He then turns as a group of people, with a Lantern slightly ahead, arrives. He makes sure to keep the leg with Erik on it away from the newcomers. "Hello?" he greets them hesitantly.
"Hello. I see you met our companion." That's a good word as we haven't hit up friendship yet... Hopefully we will fix that soon. "I hope he was no trouble as he goes by his own beat from what little I have seen from him. Haven't been part of this group long." I then I stop just a bit away from the figure noticing that he actually moved the leg with him further away from us. I tilted my head in consideration. "I see you have struck friendship of sorts how nice!"
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Hell, only not; some town
Time to get the cat back

He makes sure to keep the leg with Erik on it away from the newcomers. "Hello?" he greets them hesitantly.
Er...why is this man dressed like a penguin? Actually, he looks more like a Prinny... I guess even Demons have cosplayers? Maybe?

"Hi," I say in return. "The cat...person is with us, he hasn't caused trouble has he?"

"Not any more than I'm already in," The Prinny-clothed man replies darkly. "But he didn't seem to want to stay with you." As he spoke, the man not-so-subtly raised an arm, as if wary of being attacked.
Hell, only not; some town
Time to get the cat back

Er...why is this man dressed like a penguin? Actually, he looks more like a Prinny... I guess even Demons have cosplayers? Maybe?

"Hi," I say in return. "The cat...person is with us, he hasn't caused trouble has he?"

"Not any more than I'm already in," The Prinny-clothed man replies darkly. "But he didn't seem to want to stay with you." As he spoke, the man not-so-subtly raised an arm, as if wary of being attacked.
"He keeps running around like a hyper energetic toddler." I said as I catched up. "It's a bit annoying." I shrugged, hoping that my bouncing chest would distract him.
Slumber Cat

Hell, only not; some town
Time to get the cat back

Er...why is this man dressed like a penguin? Actually, he looks more like a Prinny... I guess even Demons have cosplayers? Maybe?

"Hi," I say in return. "The cat...person is with us, he hasn't caused trouble has he?"

"Not any more than I'm already in," The Prinny-clothed man replies darkly. "But he didn't seem to want to stay with you." As he spoke, the man not-so-subtly raised an arm, as if wary of being attacked.
"He keeps running around like a hyper energetic toddler." I said as I catched up. "It's a bit annoying." I shrugged, hoping that my bouncing chest would distract him.
I poke my head around the guy's leg and just yell back, "I AM NOT A TODDLER!"

...And then I notice something like a ladybug scuttle past on the ground...Ah! (It unfolded it's wings before it begins flying away, where Erik then is now trying to pounce at said bug)
...And then I notice something like a ladybug scuttle past on the ground...Ah! (It unfolded it's wings before it begins flying away, where Erik then is now trying to pounce at said bug)
Almost immediately after the slumber cat jumps, the man shoots out an arm, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck.

"Sorry about that, but getting lost around here isn't the safest thing."
Slumber Cat

[Error: C.A.T. Recalibrating, please come back when error is resolved...]

Almost immediately after the slumber cat jumps, the man shoots out an arm, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck.

"Sorry about that, but getting lost around here isn't the safest thing."
Getting caught in mid jump... everything seems to mellow out...

I feel...not tired, but I don't really need to move.
(He looks stoned out of his mind at the moment being held up. The bug he had jumped at flies over and lands on his nose, but he doesn't seem bothered by it)
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"Sorry about that, but getting lost around here isn't the safest thing."
I feel...not tired, but I don't really need to move.
(He looks stoned out of his mind at the moment being held up. The bug he had jumped at flies over and lands on his nose, but he doesn't seem bothered by it)
I twitched when he grabbed our furball (really need to get his name) but calmed down immediately as he spoke and I saw how the little one just relaxed. "Huh, that's a neat trick. So what did you meant when you said you're already in trouble?" Then I looked around. "The middle of the street probably not the best place for a conversation like this. Do you know where we would be less is the way for everybody else on the road?"
Slumber Cat

[Error: C.A.T. Recalibrating, please come back when error is resolved...]

Getting caught in mid jump... everything seems to mellow out...

I feel...not tired, but I don't really need to move.
(He looks stoned out of his mind at the moment being held up. The bug he had jumped at flies over and lands on his nose, but he doesn't seem bothered by it)
I chuckled. "Huh, so that's a thing with him as it is with normal cats..." Yawning, I glanced around to see if there was a inn or such.
I twitched when he grabbed our furball (really need to get his name) but calmed down immediately as he spoke and I saw how the little one just relaxed. "Huh, that's a neat trick. So what did you meant when you said you're already in trouble?" Then I looked around. "The middle of the street probably not the best place for a conversation like this. Do you know where we would be less is the way for everybody else on the road?"
"You've got a point." I muttered to my other group-mate. I yawned yet again, my tails pulling close to cushion me.... Soft.....
I twitched when he grabbed our furball (really need to get his name) but calmed down immediately as he spoke and I saw how the little one just relaxed. "Huh, that's a neat trick. So what did you meant when you said you're already in trouble?" Then I looked around. "The middle of the street probably not the best place for a conversation like this. Do you know where we would be less is the way for everybody else on the road?"
"It won't take long to explain," the costumed man replies. "A small group of ruffians were harrassing an elderly demon, I confronted them and challenged them, thinking then would back off. They...didn't. And I can't fight them, not by myself."

He slumps, "The demon I defended even gave me money, but I won't be able to use it..."
"It won't take long to explain," the costumed man replies. "A small group of ruffians were harassing an elderly demon, I confronted them and challenged them, thinking they would back off. They...didn't. And I can't fight them, not by myself."

He slumps, "The demon I defended even gave me money, but I won't be able to use it..."
Hmm~ Simple and demon like trouble. Beat up the guys! Mention of money is tempting as we have none... But before that an important question. "So how strong were they?" I'm new to this body I doubt I would be able to help unless their literally the bottom at the barrel.

Either way should help the guy somehow for befriending the furball. With that a part of my debt will be repaid.
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"It won't take long to explain," the costumed man replies. "A small group of ruffians were harrassing an elderly demon, I confronted them and challenged them, thinking then would back off. They...didn't. And I can't fight them, not by myself."

He slumps, "The demon I defended even gave me money, but I won't be able to use it..."
My ears perked up at the mention of money. "Sooo how tough exactly are these guys, and what kinda demons are they?" I asked, my tails lazily waving behind me.

"A small group of ruffians were harrassing an elderly demon, I confronted them and challenged them, thinking then would back off. They...didn't. And I can't fight them, not by myself."

"Dood, you seem to be a good sort. We may be able to help you teach those ruffians you speak of a lesson if we work together. Want to join with us dood?" Despite ending with some finality, Stoberyl had tingling sense of missing something.

"Oh dood, I almost forgot. Who are you? My name's Stoberyl and this group here, uh, I actually I don't know what we call ourselves."
A Town in Mordorland
Dark times
Oh dear

A masked hero, one of those guys in Prinny-themed costume, and he ran into trouble while defending someone else... goodness.

On one hand, we just came from confronting someone beyond our league, and it might be the same case here. On the other hand, the guy did try to help someone, and to be fair, we are lacking in funds... though the money part is not a guarantee. Still, this is a good cause, as far as I know.

Following Stoberyl's introduction, I do the same. "I'm Iris."