Discord Annihilation Theory: All The Lights in The Sky (Magical Burst RP)

Well, of course everyone can have that. I certainly will not deny it with Midori. Just that there is no need to reach 'Batman-level' of backstory.


Drama and plot hooks are good.

Just dont go too overboard.

Correct? I think we can agree on this.
Magical Element: Destruction - The power to bring ruination and oblivion. This can be used to conjure up explosions, weaken enemies' defense or enhance her own damage and the destructive potential of her tools
Hm. I would say that going for an element that is outright trying for mechanical influence is kinda sketchy. Ill allow it but do take into account just how to apply it to the actions you want to perform beyond just battle okay?
What drove you to make a Pact?

A drunk salary man accosted her on her way home from school, spouting words about the Chinese and making threatening gestures with a broken beer bottle.
Would like some more clarification on this please.
Well, of course everyone can have that. I certainly will not deny it with Midori. Just that there is no need to reach 'Batman-level' of backstory.
I don't think Juliette is quite Batman-level. She's practically a "down with the man", V cosplaying type. Of course, her backstory was told from her perspective, with all the bias that entailed.

Hm. I would say that going for an element that is outright trying for mechanical influence is kinda sketchy. Ill allow it but do take into account just how to apply it to the actions you want to perform beyond just battle okay?
Of course, I was just going for the most obvious things I could think of for "destruction". It's hard to think of a non combat application for destroying stuff, but I'm sure there's something.
Speaking of plot hooks, my mind's gotten stuck on a handful of possibilities for plot things with Miu. Which is a little odd, since she currently only exists in the Relationships part of my character sheet and literally nowhere else, even in my own sheet. I blame my music selection.
@Crow, could you please tell me if I have a chance of joining this or if I should just unwatch the thread.
I have posted an application.
I apologize if this is rude but I do not think it likely you will be selected for the game.
Speaking of plot hooks, my mind's gotten stuck on a handful of possibilities for plot things with Miu. Which is a little odd, since she currently only exists in the Relationships part of my character sheet and literally nowhere else, even in my own sheet. I blame my music selection.
Thats good. More plot hooks are good.
Alright, just got relationships and something for the City to do.
?? They are not on your sheet though?
Dream Logic: Biri Biri
Edit: submissions weren't closed were they?! If so deeply sorry and will delete. Also hope this works.

Modification to the City: City of parks. There are dozens of parks strewn across the city taking the form of forests, open greens and everything in between.

Name: Rumia Makoto

Magical Girl Name: Lightning Girl Leona
Age: 16

What kind of girl are you?:The quiet girl who had just wanted to live a normal life. The epitome of the shy girl. The kind who blended in with absolute normalcy just hoping to get through the day. A girl who hid in the middle of the pack relying on anonymity to avoid any conflicts. Most of your time is spent on homework and books with the occasional dalliance for a track meet or some other social event. Sometimes you wished you were more outgoing, but then you always pull back at the last moment.

Rumia as a fiercer side buried underneath her shy exterior. When flustered or angry she can channel her emotions to great effect and partly thanks to that she's become a rock for both the track team and an adviser on the student council. Serving as a second in command with both quiet dedication and passionate outbursts.

With her becoming a magical girl it's likely it'll become even harder for her to keep her dues while avoiding the spotlight.

Aya Hakurei (Student Council President, mentor level 2): Your best friend and mentor, she took you under her wing when you came to the city and has served as a bulwark. An outgoing and surprisingly airheaded girl she none the less serves as your equal and opposite. Emotional, outgoing on the surface with a surprisingly introverted core.

When she graduates she expects me to take over in student council...

Track Team (after-school friends level 1): Your group of hold outs. The weakest of the sports teams but also the most accepting. It's a good group for you to work out the day's stress while talking about nothing in particular.

Those annoying birds outside my window(Annoyance, level 0): They continue to bother me, every morning and every night. I despise them. They do not shut up, they do not listen. Screw them.

What drove you to make a Pact?:

Honestly it was kind of an accident. I was reading to fall asleep and got interrupted. but I was so close to being asleep that I just kept agreeing and asking for the stupid voice to turn off the lamplight or to get the damned birds outside my widow to shut up.

...tired me should not be trusted with negotiating with pseudo magical bunny cats.

What is your wish?: I want to have a normal comfortable life. Not sure if that's worth a wish but it's something I'm considering...especially if I can end all this Youma business.

Crisis: There was a note in my locker yesterday "I know your secrets, I am coming for you". Suddenly I feel profoundly unsafe.

Magical Element: Lightning

Magical Power: Talking to animals! She can talk to animals, fluently. Mammals mostly, though birds are pretty talkative too. Too talkative actually. Hard to get a word in.

This is me normally.

This is me when I am forced to dress up as a cat-girl to gain magical powers.
Weapon: Bow and arrows

Normal Attributes:
Physical: 5
Finesse: 4
Social: 7

Magical Attributes:
Heart: 7
Fury: 6
Magic: 5

(Major): Super high school level Student!: you are something of a teacher's pet. Naturally excelling in your studies and currying favor with the administration for seemingly little effort.

(Major): Nothing to see here: Aka possesses a natural talent to be calm, and look as normal as possible even when she is anything but.

(Minor): Tsundere mode: Like many shy girls Aka posses amazing talent to harness her emotions in an unusually violative manner when flustered or nervous. (Incompatible with Nothing to see here, this requires she is open about her emotions).

(Minor): Casual Cardio: As a member of the track team Aka has learned how to run for longer distances and excel in other endurance related activities.

Archetype: Guardian: Tanks. They get a +2 to base Resolve (HP), a +1 to all Resist challenges, and their passive defense is +6, not +4. They do what tanks do best; take hits and draw aggro.

Magical Effects:
(Normal Action, 2/Battle, 1 Overcharge)
Activate this ability to place a barrier around an ally. This barrier grants a +3 to all Defense challenges made to defend against Magical Attacks. If the attack hits despite this, then the attacker must roll an additional 1d6 for damage and drop the highest die. This barrier disappears the first time the recipient succeeds on a Defense challenge with less than one raise. You may not use this ability a second time until the first barrier has expired.

Rapid Counter

(Reaction, 1/Battle)
Activate this ability to perform a special Clash that does not count as your one Clash for the battle. You may perform this Clash even after Defense has been rolled your Attack roll replaces the Defense roll, then resolve the challenge as if you had Clashed normally. If successful, you only deal half final damage (rounded down).

Signature Attacks:
Thunder's Echo(Grand Barrage): Lightning Girl Leona fires an arrow straight into the air, as it falls it is joined by dozens of streaks of lightning each striking upon an enemy. When the original arrow hits the ground it unleashes a great shockwave harming Youma and any unprepared eardrums.
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Activity seems to have dropped...Well I will close applications in two days time and then will select the players. Please finalize your sheets by then for any of those interested.
*looks at threadmark*
* starts laughing*

* does the sassy finger snap*

And don't you know it.
I'd like to give this a go...
But, could someone, actually...

I think I've got it down..
(Some critique and advice would be nice though.)

I'll just get started on it now..
Between Shadow Warrior 2, Devil May Cry, and recent political worries, I didn't see this particular thread open up.

That said, Setsuna is pretty much a no-go this time around, so I will need to come up with a new character.
TheFanficAddict: Literally Shirou Emiya
Name: Masahiro Hina

Magical Girl Name: Magical Rider Tornado(What? She likes it.)
Age: 17

What kind of girl are you?
Hina was....normal. Actually, a rather average(If you ignored her 6 feet of height) teenage girl really. Her parents were well-off (at least, in the sense that they didn't have to worry about bills or taxes, but that was about it), both having average jobs(though her mother was a part timer), and Hina was your everyday schoolgirl, got okay grades, and even joined the swimming club.
But that was it. Average, that's all she was.
And Hina...didn't really like, or want that. She's always wanted to be more, be better, be...useful.
Because as much as her family and (few) friends found her okay as she was, Hina felt like she needed to be more.

And then she found her answer in what many would have considered a little kids show....Kamen Rider.

After stumbling upon it one day, and soon getting sucked into it's fights, and compelling characters, and the heart touching stories...

She'd found her answer. What she wanted to be, to feel like she meant something more..

A Hero.

She wanted to help people, to be able to see someone in distress, and do something.

Even if they were only just at arms length from her...

Watching anime and Kamen Rider(Don't tell anyone she knows about this though!)
Swimming(She's gotten really good at it too)

What drove you to make a Pact?
One day, she'd been walking home from school, splitting off from her friends, when she's suddenly been bull rushed by some horribly frightened kid, apparently being chased by a horrendous looking monster.

At first they'd ran, her dragging the poor boy around, twisting and turning in an effort to escape the thing that was slowly closing in, the little kid tripping and falling unconscious, the poor thing exhausted...

And then this weird bunny cat thing had come by and offered her a chance to change, become stronger, and kick this thing's ass, to save this kid.

The chance to be a hero, to do something, to be....useful, was right there.
Why not take it?

And from there...voila, thus entered Magical Rider Tornado(name thanks in part to how's she'd changed, heck that was awesome), and her brand new tenure as a Magical Girl.

What is your wish?
She...hasn't really got one yet.
It's just, she has what she wants now, but maybe it'll come to her later..?

Hina's just been fine! Her parents have nothing to worry about, no matter how suspiciously peppier she's been acting lately! Nor her lateness when coming home sometimes.

Nevermind her lack of a wish....

Magical Element: - Tornadoes(or Wind, if it has to be generic)

Magical Power: Riding- Basically, if it's something that can be ridden, then Hina will be able to ride it, no matter what it is.
(Though this thing doesn't work when it comes to cars, for some odd reason...
Or kiddie rides, she'd learnt that embarrassingly.
Everything else was good though, especially motorbikes.)

Except without the whole fighting outfit.

An odd fusion of a knuckleduster and gun.
Capable of being used to ether punch or shoot.(Or even both!)

Just take away the spoiler bit keep it flat, and replace the Silver and purple with green and red respectively.
Normal Attributes:

Magical Attributes:

Normal McAveragepants-If you didn't know her closely, or knew of her secret, you'd just assume she was an everyday teenager, not even batting an eye at her in a crowd.

Amateur Fighter- Magical Rider Tonado has...no actual proper training, when in terms of fighting. Though she has gone for karate lessons, she'd stopped rather early, due to conditions in the place not being up to her liking. But she's still managed to keep the few lessons she has, mostly proper punching and kicking techniques, and has used them in her fighting of Youma.

Fish In Water- Thanks to her swimming hobby, Hina has gotten very good at swimming(even representing (and winning) for her Swim Team once in Elementary school) and so she's able to cover quite a good distance, and time.

Keep Moving Forward- Hina isn't going to stop, not now, not when she's finally got something that makes her feel worthwhile.
And so she won't let anything stop her, not Youma, or anything else.

Archetype: Strikers, The damage-dealers. They get a +1 damage with any Magical Attack, and can use their Overwhelm ability to reroll 1s on Overcharge dice incurred by an attack. These guys focus on bringing down youma hard and fast.

Magical Effects:
Primary: (Passive)
At the start of each turn you regain one point of Resolve.

Final Strike
Primary: (Passive)
Whenever you use a Signature Attack, it gains a free voluntary Overcharge die. This die may notgenerate Involuntary Overcharge by rolling a '6'.

Signature Attacks:
RIDER PUNCH..!(Final Impact)
-A powerful, energy charged punch used to smash into her enemies.
WARNING: May cause a huge-ass explosion.

RIDER KICK!(Sundering Blow)
-A flying kick, bursting with power, capable of even crushing a building. Also violently explosive.

Violence Tornador-This has two variations.
(Grand Barrage)
-A quick manifestation of a violently spinning tornado bursting outwards from Magical Rider Tornado, crashing and hitting any enemies around her. (And allies if she isn't careful enough..)

(Arcane Prison)
Rather than a quick, violent attack, the Tornado instead forms around an opponent of Magical Rider Tornado's choice, trapping them within.

Odaka/Important Peeps:
Odaka City has a really nice swimming pool-slash-gym, located at the border between the two parts of the city.
Hina usually goes there in her free time, either to swim, or just have a good go at treadmill or the punching bags(The latter was added after her whole Magical Girl-ness.)
Sure, it's divided between the two "styles" of the city, (the "traditional" part of it having an onsen. So heavenly~!), but it's not really a big one, meaning lots of folks from both sides might mingle in there.

Masahiro Taki and Anri(Parents)(3)- Gina's parents, though they do work, they're still rather close with their daughter, still being able to make time to spend with their daughter.(Her mother more so, considering she only works on half days.)

So....any good?
Anything I should change, remove?
(And the Signature Moves part...maybe I should remove the Violence Tornador, huh?)

And..ugh, can't think of any other talents to add..
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I am an absolute idiot who completely forgot about doing the goddamn fluff section. Jesus, I'll get it done asap!
Between Shadow Warrior 2, Devil May Cry, and recent political worries, I didn't see this particular thread open up.

That said, Setsuna is pretty much a no-go this time around, so I will need to come up with a new character.
If you do please do not tarry too much. Extended time might make others lose interest and I wouldnt really like having the game die on me again...
OK, I included the requisite Odaka information. Also included a mini omake because I felt bad for being late.

Although, Rie Takahashi?