If it makes you feel better Goblimom have the absolute worst stats we've encountered so far.
Assuming that these Goblimon have the same exact stats.:p

Anyway, closing the vote now.
Adhoc vote count started by drexal15 on Jun 19, 2018 at 7:24 PM, finished with 28 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan Of Attack:
    -[X] Close your eyes and charge towards the front line.
    [X] How To Handle Fighting:
    -[X] Stay on all fours and attempt to use your drill and piercing claws. Maybe you can end any actual fights quickly?
    [X] Plan Of Attack:
    -[X] Wait for the initial clash, then try to fight any Goblimon who are without allies.
    [X] How To Handle Fighting:
    -[X] The Anger....it scares you but. Well it's the only thing that's worked to make you fight so far. Try to make it happen again.
    [X] Plan Of Attack:
    -[X] Wait for the initial clash, then try to fight any Goblimon who are without allies.
    [X] How To Handle Fighting:
    -[X] Stay on all fours and attempt to use your drill and piercing claws. Maybe you can end any actual fights quickly?
    [X] Plan Of Attack:
    -[X] Stay near Flamemon, he'll protect you.
    [X] How To Handle Fighting:
    -[X] Stay on your hind legs, try to use swipes and the Mach Jab technique Flamemon taught you.
    [X] Plan Of Attack:
    -[X] Close your eyes and charge towards the front line.
    [X] How To Handle Fighting:
    -[X] The Anger....it scares you but. Well it's the only thing that's worked to make you fight so far. Try to make it happen again.
Dunno if it's too late, but here.

[X] Plan Of Attack:
-[X] Wait for the initial clash, then try to fight any Goblimon who are without allies.

[X] How To Handle Fighting:
-[X] Stay on all fours and attempt to use your drill and piercing claws. Maybe you can end any actual fights quickly?
--[X] And if something happens to your friends... You can only hope you can at least direct this wraith to your enemies, and not against your comrades.

Mild write in, but more of a passive thought at most. That may, or may not hopefully be a wish, for resistance against a possible fubar.

Could think more, but eh. Best plan I can think, build on our strengths, over try and fight a new fighting style right away.
Oh snap, I missed this vote... not like it would have made a difference tbh since I was partial to the Leeroy Jenkins faction. Looking forward to this, lets hope we don't actually die immediately.
I would like to apologize in advance for what plan has resulted in.

Hint: It caused Verge to feel Shame and it's worse than friendly fire.
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9nth Day Of Darkness: First Blood
Winning Options:

[] Plan Of Attack:
-[] Close your eyes and charge towards the front line.
[] How To Handle Fighting:
-[] Stay on all fours and attempt to use your drill and piercing claws. Maybe you can end any actual fights quickly?


Your eyes lock down on the group of six Goblimon lining up near the camps center and fresh terror springs out from your core. Even with Flamemon and the others here you can't help but get swallowed up by the wave of cowardly emotion. The urge to run away grows greater as the six rookies begin leering towards your group, letting out happy "Whoops" as they raise up their clubs. Deep instincts scream for you to run, to get away from the horde of hostile rookies, but your legs refuse to move back.

Devotion clashes against fear as you begin to hyperventilate, mind turning to panic at the thought of even trying to fight them. You don't know what to do, you don't know what you even can do right now. Then your eyes close of what feels of their own accord and the discombobulated piece of data that forms your mind makes a random choice.

"R-rawr!" You squeak, breaking into a blind run towards the half-dozen Goblimon. In the near total blackness you're unable to see anything that's happening, but that's alright. You don't want to watch the fight go on, all your panicked mind wants to do is get this over with as fast as possible. Time fleets by, but is impossible to actually estimate in your current state, but the sound of a grunting goblimon up ahead does draw your attention. Hurriedly you change direction slightly in order to more accurately scamper towards the foe.

"Goblin Strike!"

A large, very Hot attack strikes your head, singing the fur there and drawing a rabid sounds from your lips but all the pain does is drive you forward faster, fear pushing you to finish the other rookie off now before it can hurt you again. A scream rips its way from from your chest as you near the source of the sound. Instinctively your drills begin to rev up.

"Aaaaaaah!Drill Spin!"


Something soft and meaty slams into the tip of your drill and you push on, boring straight through until your face slams up against the foe. It starts struggling wildly, but can't do much more than wiggle about while impaled by your drill. A hard impact strikes the side of your head, but you continue on raising up your claws and bringing them forward into the unseen digimons sides.

"Screw Claw!"

Once again your claws dig into the Goblimons flesh, digging up through the solid data until suddenly there is no resistance. The weight against your face quickly vanishes, leaving only a ticklish feeling as strands of barely physical matter rise up from where the enemy previously was. Slowly your breathing begins to even out as the sense of impending gradually fades away, letting your higher functions sink back into place. A few seconds later you open your eyes, revealing that you're surrounded by the trees just past the Goblimon camp. Meaning you'd somehow gone past the half dozen Goblimon at the center of the clearing.

However those two facts quickly get washed away as you realized something sickening. Not a single hint of the rookie you'd just attacked remains nearby, bile rises up from your stomach as the recent events replay in your mind. How your drills had dug into his flesh, how he's screamed in pain as you tore him apart.

I-I-I...he's gone

Your stomach mounts a full revolt, spraying the mostly digested contents of your last meal onto the forest floor. Half a second of darkness blurs out the world, and suddenly you're curled up in a ball, shaking back and forth.

I deleted him. I deleted him. I Deleted him. I. Deleted. Him.

"Lightning Knife!"


You slowly raise your paws off of your eyes, then hesitantly look back. Two blackened Goblimon twitch on the ground just behind you, letting out week moans of pain. A scarred Elecmon stands above them his face, his eyes wide in horror.

"Spirits Above Verge...what did you do?"

"G-Gramps..." You say through sad sniffles, the world turns into a watery blur as you lower your head in shame. "I...I-"

"Shhhhh" He gently speaks, placing a paw on your singed head. "It was an accident" Gramps murmurs, bringing his other par around to rest on your shoulder. "I know you didn't mean to do it" Gramps continues to hold onto your providing comfort as you break out into sobs. "It's okay. We're going back to the village now. Would you like that?"


Gramps slowly begins to pull you up off the ground, being careful not to make any sudden moments as he begins leading you back towards the camp. The old rookie continues saying things but your ears can't seem to process any of them. The only thing your mind has room for are two words.

He's gone.

It's hard to remember what happens next in your fugue state, just vague recollections of Gramps shouting angrily towards someone and then later the feeling of someone tucking you into bed. Sleep does take you eventually, but it's approach is not a fast one.

That night you dream of one single thing, a high pitched scream as your claws bore through a green figure.

=== In The Morning: (Choose One)

[] Auger
[] Fu
[] Gnaw

=== Does Verge buy breakfast from Sorcerymon? (Choose One)

[] Yes
[] No


Authors Note: Hehe. You guys chose like....The MOST lethal combination. Eyes closed + the drills that care bore through solid rock = one dead Goblimon. Plus Verge couldn't see where he was running to. Choosing to rear up instead would have had less killy results.

Woot 17 votes thanks everyone! :) Also, somehow managed to get 2 pages with the last one! Awesome. My orignal plan for this update was a bit longer but, I felt like the trauma would end up affecting Verge a bit more.Edit: So sorry if this isn't my very longest update ever.

100% legit. When I made my plan I completely forgot that out of all the digimon in our group that it's Verge who is the most Lethal. He's a Drimogemon and the reason their even champions besides their size is because of their freaking Drills!

You don't need super strength or lazers when you have Drills for limbs. Because one good hit from those and your gone.

Gonna be honest this revelation makes me feel less guilty, because the only way we wouldn't have killed someone is if we went with the Mach Punch or stay behind option.
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heh, verge actually managed to delete someone? man, didn't think things would work out so well...of course, he's traumatized right now, but when we inevitably have to leave for the wider world it'll have been useful to confront cruel reality this early.
[X] Auger
[X] Yes

Auger seems like someone who would be more understanding seeing as he was there when we were attacked in the first place, I don' like fu. And gnaw will just tell us to man up
[X] Gnaw
[X] Yes

I chosen Gnaw because to my knowledge he's the closest one here who knows what we're going, after all he had to experience his First Kill at some point too.
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100% legit. When I made my plan I completely forgot that out of all the digimon in our group that it's Verge who is the most Lethal. He's a Drimogemon and the reason their even champions besides their size is because of their freaking Drills!

You don't need super strength or lazers when you have Drills for limbs. Because one good hit from those and your gone.

Gonna be honest this revelation makes me feel less guilty, because the only way we wouldn't have killed someone is if we went with the Mach Punch or stay behind option.
Well Verge is technically the most lethally inclined (albeit not intentionally so) melee combatant in the current group thanks to his drills. Gramps and Flamemon are potentially much deadlier thanks to their powerful electricity and fire respectively but they can tone it down. Like when Flamemon didn't just wipe out that one Goblimon attacking Fu during the first week.

If they wanted to either of them could have solod this entire group of Goblimon without a single problem.

And beyond that? This was actually the only combination which led to Verge deleting someone. He has a tell when his Wrath Procs, and that tends to make other digimon go on the defensive. Which would have led to them surviving.

If Verge was more calm and had his eyes open he'd stop before killing an opponent. Just stab them and retreat instead of stab then use his claws to finish them off because he can't see what's happening,

Going in blind with using the deadly drills were what caused this.
Okay I take back what I said this is all my fault.

Note to self if we fight someone who we aren't sure can take our punishment hold back on the Drill limbs.
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No dude, this isn't your fault. You didn't mind control others to vote that way either and it wasn't a bandwagon. Don't blame yourself for this.
Correction it is my fault because I know I convinced someone to vote with me with my synergy comment, which funny enough the synergy did caused the deletion.

Let me be clear I'm not feeling guilty about the outcome. I'm just trying to set the facts straight.
this is actually a good thing, we all know what the digital world is really like after all, this way verge can work through this while still in the safest part of it instead of having to have some tragedy or another happen to one of his friends when the group is in the middle of the wild because he refused to delete someone.
Well yeah but the thing was that it wasn't time. I doubt the Gobli Deserved death and the fact we accidentally killed one proved how much we outclassed them.

The thing with deleting is that you should only do it when you have to and with the Goblimon it wasn't even close to that.
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[X] Fu
[X] Yes

No offence to Auger or Gnaw, but I don't think Verge needs to be congratulated for killing and what he did. Fu is the only one who might actually listen to his grievances instead of just saying he did well.
Why make it worse by talking to gnaw? He literally enjoyed deleting that hawkmon.

And Fu can be a bigger asshole then everyone... I don' understand the logic...