In any case if earth was to join, which they're not going to, Wu would only accept them if earth as a whole joined not just a small part of it.
Yes. But knowing from where wind blows would be more welcome to Wu's representatives than tantrums of the USA representatives that they can't "negotiate" as they want ... wich means "I have bigger gun, so fold nigga". Because USA is totally insignificant when compared with Wu.

They don't have even cultural ties, like Chinese Smugbasador might mention, wich would serve to needle USA's overinflated self-importance a mite.
I am not a hater, but did you looked at the shit USA stirs up across the world under "democracy" pretenses?
The USA also has the only gate right now, how would China even do things outside earth.
And that matters how? I honestly ask you why USA having the Stargate, questionably theirs as it originally belonged to Ra I think, in their possession matter? As in at all.

USA is totes out of water here. The position is reversed from the one USA is used to and it's USA who are the savages getting colorful baubles for Uranium Deposits. Wait. They are in position of savages who don't even get baubles because they don't have anything Wu would want.:p
Unlikely, as the Empire seems like it would be... unimpressed with the way the Party handles things like dissent, the economy and the general health of the population.
Och well, Wu would look approvingly on China knowing it's place as a province of teeny unimportant planet. With cultural ties ... wich says more positives about them than USA government with their "God is on our side so we do as we please!" attiude.
Och well, Wu would look approvingly on China knowing it's place as a province of teeny unimportant planet. With cultural ties ... wich says more positives about them than USA government with their "God is on our side so we do as we please!" attiude.

... You do realise that the Chinese have their own cultural hangups, which include a sense of cultural superiority no less than that of any other?
I am talking about China's own delusions of grandeur here. Wich they have more of the imaginary leg to stand on compared to USA.

"After all Wu resembles China. We are sure to come to an understanding." *Smugbasador smiles beatifically*
You can't generalize the entire United States government based on the attitude of a single Senator.
Sorry. I am talking about real world USA here. Their diplomacy with other countries can be described with just that one sentence. They got used to be the top dog of the pile and it shows in arrogant attiude. Heck, Russia does similar despite losing the top-dog position in Euro-Asia long time ago.

But USA is blantant about it enough that even random dude from Europe like me picks it up.
I am talking about China's own delusions of grandeur here. Wich they have more of the imaginary leg to stand on compared to USA.

"After all Wu resembles China. We are sure to come to an understanding." *Smugbasador smiles beatifically*

Sorry. I am talking about real world USA here. Their diplomacy with other countries can be described with just that one sentence. They got used to be the top dog of the pile and it shows in arrogant attiude. Heck, Russia does similar despite losing the top-dog position in Euro-Asia long time ago.

But USA is blantant about it enough that even random dude from Europe like me picks it up.
Okay, we get it. You resent the United States for some reason.

You can't reasonably extrapolate the diplomatic actions of a single nation on a planet with that of a multi-planet empire from that nation's diplomatic actions with the rest of it's own planet, particularly when it is the most powerful nation on that planet. There is no analogous diplomatic position from which such extrapolation can occur.
There is no analogous diplomatic position from which such extrapolation can occur.

While I agree with the vast majority of you statements I disagree with this last one.

A comparable scenario is a British expedition encountering a tribe in the south pacific around 1850. This tribe has been exploring near by islands to improve their standing in the intertribal relations on their home island.

Thanks to their inter island trade the tribe has a few guns, some steel tools, a spyglass, and a compass.

Great Britain is an industrial power, and doesn't care a whit for a south pacific islander tribe who is only different from all the other tribes in the south pacific by being a bit more exploratory.

Perhaps a few minor interactions will take place between the tribe and a local official from Great Britain.

These would be significant to the tribe, and insignificant to Great Britain.

The tribe is the USA, Great Britain is the Empire of Wu.
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While I agree with the vast majority of you statements I disagree with this last one.

A comparable scenario is a British expedition encountering a tribe in the south pacific around 1850. This tribe has been exploring near by islands to improve their standing in the intertribal relations on their home island.

Thanks to their inter island trade the tribe has a few guns, some steel tools, a spyglass, and a compass.

Great Britain is an industrial power, and doesn't care a whit for a south pacific islander tribe who is only different from all the other tribes in the south pacific by being a bit more exploratory.

Perhaps a few minor interactions will take place between the tribe and a local official from Great Britain.

These would be significant to the tribe, and insignificant to Great Britain.

The tribe is the USA, Great Britain is the Empire of Wu.
I would agree that you can make analogies of position with other polities, but dispute the usefulness of them for determining concisely what the United States specifically would do in this sort of situation, given that it hasn't been in one quite like it before in it's entire history.
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In any case if earth was to join, which they're not going to, Wu would only accept them if earth as a whole joined not just a small part of it.

The USA also has the only gate right now, how would China even do things outside earth.
Ancient sea maps confirm all of USA is Chinese territory. Also anywhere the stargate is located is also China.:V

Yes. But knowing from where wind blows would be more welcome to Wu's representatives than tantrums of the USA representatives that they can't "negotiate" as they want ... wich means "I have bigger gun, so fold nigga". Because USA is totally insignificant when compared with Wu.

They don't have even cultural ties, like Chinese Smugbasador might mention, wich would serve to needle USA's overinflated self-importance a mite.
I am not a hater, but did you looked at the shit USA stirs up across the world under "democracy" pretenses?

And that matters how? I honestly ask you why USA having the Stargate, questionably theirs as it originally belonged to Ra I think, in their possession matter? As in at all.

USA is totes out of water here. The position is reversed from the one USA is used to and it's USA who are the savages getting colorful baubles for Uranium Deposits. Wait. They are in position of savages who don't even get baubles because they don't have anything Wu would want.:p

Och well, Wu would look approvingly on China knowing it's place as a province of teeny unimportant planet. With cultural ties ... wich says more positives about them than USA government with their "God is on our side so we do as we please!" attiude.
Except the USA does have the bigger gun, against China anyway, quite a lot of them really. They're called F-302s and the almost finished X-303 Prometheus. They are under the direct command of General George S Hammond who answers directly to the President who is not only a close friend but also had direct override authority over literally everybody in the United States.
Except the USA does have the bigger gun, against China anyway, quite a lot of them really. They're called F-302s and the almost finished X-303 Prometheus. They are under the direct command of General George S Hammond who answers directly to the President who is not only a close friend but also had direct override authority over literally everybody in the United States.
Literally the start of season 1 right now in this fic.
Except the USA does have the bigger gun, against China anyway, quite a lot of them really. They're called F-302s and the almost finished X-303 Prometheus. They are under the direct command of General George S Hammond who answers directly to the President who is not only a close friend but also had direct override authority over literally everybody in the United States.
I don't think SG1 has any of those right now, the F-302s and X-303 came around season 6.
They're still in early season one at most.

Literally the start of season 1 right now in this fic.
Season 1 Episode 4 I think is were the planet was at.
The X-302's and the X-303 started production around Late season 1 to mid season 2 if the shows timeline is right. Which would mean the X-302's and the X-303 would have been in production for..... five years?

So that would mean this encounter with the Empire of Wu would have taken place about an year and a half into the X-302's and the X-303's production and design. Now with that in mind do you think this encounter will make them speed things up on the Fleet front?
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You have your seasons and episodes mixed up there. If it's the Fourth Episode of Season One like Leafy says than SGC has only just started to dream of making any of those.
Not only that but their first attempt at a fighter was them, in Jacob Carter's words: "Slapping a Made in America sticker on a Death Glider".

That Death Glider was one of the ones that SG-1 fled from Apophis Ha'tac with during his failed invasion of Earth in the end of season 1. Also after Jacob Carter joins the Tok'ra which happens in one of the early episodes of season two.
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Teal'c had just joined them in the previous episode, its really early in the series. which might explain why they didn't know who kinsey was at the time.
Ah, so it's still the Clinton era. Then that means Kinsey is just a shitbag instead of a fucking flat out traitor.

In any case, around episode 4, China's economy is actually less than a trillion dollars and the vast majority of the PLA roster is covered in vast swathes of half trained conscripts. They'd be smug, but utterly ineffectual.

Also,the USA did something that the Empire of Wu wasn't able to do. They killed Ra. They should get some props for that even if it's just Colonel O'Neil.

Edit: Oh, and Jackson I guess.
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Earth's got one Stargate, one staff weapon, and...thats about it for alien technology, really.
Well technically that have that second stargate too somewhere. Just the USA aren't the ones that have it yet. Russians I believe, though likely it's still buried somewhere. I forget the history of that gate pre-Russian SGC. I do believe that it was on Earth the whole time though. I get the feeling it was frozen perhaps at north or south pole?... Meh.
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Well technically that have that second stargate too somewhere. Just the USA aren't the ones that have it yet. Russians I believe, though likely it's still buried somewhere. I forget the history of that gate pre-Russian SGC. I do believe that it was on Earth the whole time though. I get the feeling it was frozen perhaps at north or south pole?... Meh.
The second gate is still in the middle of Antartica.

They met the Empire of Wu in what would have been episode 4 while they didn't find the Antartica Gate until episode 18.
Furthermore...on making what come back to bite them?

The stealthed spies with technologies that no one on Earth has a fraction of a chance of detecting or stopping? At all? Ever? For the foreseeable future?

Or just up and leaving before the US representative gets there? What, exactly is this nation whose space capacity involves dinky little shuttles going to do to 'make that come back to bite them'?

Snub them when the great Apple Pie deal goes south because it's something that the Empire doesn't possess? Except...that it does???

The Empire has ludicrous resources compared to not just the USA but the entire planet Earth several magnitudes over. They don't need to even speak to them. They could have just turned them around and kicked them back through the portal, locked an Iris over the gate, and had that be the end of it. Do you mean having the NID sabotage them? Because that isn't going to happen given the sheer disparity in, well, almost everything between Imperial Security and Earth's sometimes top and sometimes not so top illegal espionage group.

I just...I don't know man. I feel like you saw this big group and got angry at them existing at all. Which is a completely fair response, but in-story...the things you desire here are extremely likely to not come about.
Karma. Because I cannot like them in my head without adding 'and then their plot shields gave out, their steath generator gave out and Earth learned about them being here' or 'one of the asshole creations of the Commander arriving from Orilla and smacking them around hard before they get their bearings together and the Commander arrives to save them.'. Because right now they are 'Asshole Mary Sue Nations' like out of an extremely bad Harry Potter fanfic.

The Chinese would be Super Super Super Super SMUG™.
..till the moment they find out that thirty percents of the population of Wu are Space!Buddhists that have a Space!Dalai Lama and the rest are some strange type of Falun Dafa (aka: Falun Gong..the guys and gals the Chinese use as living organ transplant banks) practitioners. Then all bets are off.

Also. When did you start praising China for its government methods being better then the US's!? :o ARE YOU ALL OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND!!! WHAT!!!
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Hmm...I'm sorry, I just disagree. Furthermore, what you're demanding is infeasible in story to the extreme and while you dislike the Empire was the comparison to those other kinds of fics necessary? Regardless, you say the words Mary Sue despite the fact that the Empire both in and out of story have been demonstrated to be paranoid arrogant bastards with a not insignificant diplomatic issue of managing to piss off most of the other groups in the galaxy. Either I guess you didn't read those numerous parts or you must have really broad requirements for one to be a Sue or a Sue organization.

"Asshole", correct.

"Mary Sue," really...really wrong man. I'm more concerned for your determination that a group that the universe explicitly does not bend around and has in fact battered it quite badly as a Mary Sue than anything else.

For their stealth to give out....ah. Do you mean you are upset that Earth is no longer a Mary Sue in a universe that bends over backwards for them, and have therefore pointed to the Empire as the ones who have somehow stolen said 'Sueness'? I can understand the affection for the series' characters, but can you try to look beyond that? Or is it something else? Because I'm just not seeing what you're seeing. I...don't think many others here are either?

In any case, you're fully titled to your opinion which, in this case, I find to be wholly incorrect.
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