If the Empire publicly (or too blatantly) helps Earth, that could make SG operations much harder.

The Goa'uld reaction to aggressive action by the Empire is severe, and if it becomes obvious that SG/Earth is being assisted/protected by them...

It's not a guarantee, but it could lead to all sorts of problems.
That's why I said take all the advanced tech and if they try to leave tell them you will reveal all the things America has been up to in the wider galaxy which would cause massive amounts of unrest around the world, and if that wont convince them just destroy the spaceship and the place used to build it, repeat as needed.

But that's the thing, Taking every technological item on the planet would strip it of most of it's Industrial infrastructure and most every day items on the Civilian market as by mid season 2 (yet again) almost EVERY item on earth has some type of Advanced Alien Tech in it that has been reverse engineered by area 51 and made to look like something you would expect to see produced by earth.
But that's the thing, Taking every technological item on the planet would strip it of most of it's Industrial infrastructure and most every day items on the Civilian market as by mid season 2 (yet again) almost EVERY item on earth has some type of Advanced Alien Tech in it that has been reverse engineered by area 51 and made to look like something you would expect to see produced by earth.
So you do the other things I suggested and just take all the original and obvious pieces of alien tech.
I wonder how the nations on earth will feel when the find out about the Wu empire?
They should feel somewhat relieved that the empire is friendlyish.
The Chinese would be Super Super Super Super SMUG™.

on that note, how can they even call that ship a Battle cruiser, I mean it's barley a Destroyer by standard navel conventions -_-
Actually it's about 195 meters long according to the wiki. While it's not battleship sized by any means, it's about 10 meters shorter than a Baltimore-class heavy cruiser but four times wider and twice as tall.

Plus, while its armor isn't all that much to speak of, it's armament is not by any means insubstantial by any metric, and it's actually pretty darn fast. It hits hard and can destroy anything smaller than it and it is fast enough to run away from anything that can outfight it. While it is primitive and small, it is still capable of standing on the line of battle and contributing while also being able to range out by itself on its own for some time without a support fleet.

Seems like a battle cruiser to me.

If the Empire publicly (or too blatantly) helps Earth, that could make SG operations much harder.

The Goa'uld reaction to aggressive action by the Empire is severe, and if it becomes obvious that SG/Earth is being assisted/protected by them...

It's not a guarantee, but it could lead to all sorts of problems.
Probably the reason why SG-1 was capable of doing so much good throughout the show was because they specifically weren't a giant huge conquering threat. While SG-1 is by every metric the biggest badasses from earth, they are mostly primitive. Due to the lack of all consuming threat, individual system lords and populations just had to deal with the painful buggers by themselves because of the infighting among the Goa'uld.

If Earth joins the empire, that changes, because the moment an SG team appears on planet, alarms start sounding.

So you do the other things I suggested and just take all the original and obvious pieces of alien tech.
Or just steal everything and exterminatus the place. Who's gonna complain?
Probably the reason why SG-1 was capable of doing so much good throughout the show was because they specifically weren't a giant huge conquering threat. While SG-1 is by every metric the biggest badasses from earth, they are mostly primitive. Due to the lack of all consuming threat, individual system lords and populations just had to deal with the painful buggers by themselves because of the infighting among the Goa'uld.

If Earth joins the empire, that changes, because the moment an SG team appears on planet, alarms start sounding.

Also, if the Goa'uld begin to suspect that the Empire is using SG as a proxy, they may also retaliate.

"In order to prevent the Empire of Wu from further infringing on their borders...," the Jaffa spoke, "It is said that the Goa'uld burned a thousand worlds as soon as the Empire approached."

"It was only twenty, actually," Cao Cao sighed, "But of course those grand standing slugs would pretend as if they had the ability to just sacrifice a thousand worlds casually."

The Goa'uld fear the Empire and will do anything to stop them acting against the System Lords. If the snakes begin to suspect that the Empire is using SG, then SG-1 arriving on planet may be enough to prompt some planet burning.
Bah, I still don't think it deserves the BC-prefix, the Daedalus does and so does the Odyssey, but not the Prometheus.

Any way I can't wait to see the Empire Roflstomp the Goa'uld that will be so funny XD
While that may work short term, you need to remember that they were already working on the BC-303 Prometheus by season 2 (2002 as the X-303) so yeah......

on that note, how can they even call that ship a Battle cruiser, I mean it's barley a Destroyer by standard navel conventions -_-
It's a cruiser. Designed to go cruising, bruisings available.

It's not a battleship, they had to admit that.

It can't be a destroyer, frigate or corvette because the Navy has those, this is better, and it's not really a cruiser either, and then someone points out that the Navy would be jealous of someone getting to build a new vessel with battle in the designation, so battlecruiser it is.

Space Battlecruiser. US Air Force Space Battlecruiser. Won't that make the US Wet Navy jealous?
Maybe so in ages past. Nowadays, the main interest of the Chinese government is in maintaining power for the people in charge, and this would be directly contrary to that aim.
They could volontueer to be representatives of Wu on Earth? Because if Chinese think that Wu is like "Ideal China" ... wich, frankly, they could from the limited exposure they may be fed by Eyes and/or Ambassador ... this is not improbable scenario.

Not to mention smug staredown on USA staying back in the sticks with their barbaric ways and "independence".
But the Empire of Wu isn't Chinese... That one planet is. The emperor perhaps. But the whole empire isn't following an Asian/oriental/[nonoffensive descriptor] theme. Pretty sure that was brought up in story that each culture kept their own culture when brought in.
They could volontueer to be representatives of Wu on Earth? Because if Chinese think that Wu is like "Ideal China" ... wich, frankly, they could from the limited exposure they may be fed by Eyes and/or Ambassador ... this is not improbable scenario.
Yes it is. Whether or not something is the "Ideal China" doesn't matter to their government. Their highest concern is their own power, and this would cripple it.

Maybe if something drastic happens and the Communist Party is thrown out of power, It could work, but not as things are.
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Yes, I doubout the empire is a monoculture, even if theta wanted it it's very hard to make a monoculture of any size.
Several hundred years of cultural osmosis with aid from the Eyes is...pretty effective, honestly.

Now, 100% monoculture? No. But there's definitely a heavy and widespread theme.
Ah didn't think there was a theme to the empire, thought it would be different for every planet.

It's easier than having to deal with a 498 separate planetary cultures all jockeying for prominence and what not. There would be too many friction points otherwise.
Makes sense in retrospect. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of a federation when obviously, duh, it was an Empire. They tend to be more monocultured or have a unifying theme/culture. Must of misinterpreted something in an earlier chapter, or it's just a sign or an early inductee/new member.
Eh, SG1 only saw the one planet, so really In-Story the only thing that Earth knows is that there are at least 2 planets with a vaguely Asiatic theme with some minor focus on Chinese specifically.

In truth, all of their planets are moving towards that point for ease of...well, being an Empire rather than a Federation as you said.
Yes it is. Whether or not something is the "Ideal China" doesn't matter to their government. Their highest concern is their own power, and this would cripple it.
You mistake them with Americans here, dude. Officially they would be vassaled to "Ideal China" but as go-betweeners between Wu and Earth?
If they prove themselves dependable and trustworthy, do you think they wouldnt' be able to turn that into shit-ton of local power-up?

Maybe if something drastic happens and the Communist Party is thrown out of power, It could work, but not as things are.
Again. Chinese government isn't voted. It is, thankfully, not a democracy. As far as I am aware colluding with Wu, if played right, will cement the Party's power without drastic meansures.

Do you think that Wu would be acting like USA government and lord over China in obnoxious manner like USA does over it's allies?
So far I am under impression given by Author that Wu have more experience and political savvy than that.
You mistake them with Americans here, dude. Officially they would be vassaled to "Ideal China" but as go-betweeners between Wu and Earth?
If they prove themselves dependable and trustworthy, do you think they wouldnt' be able to turn that into shit-ton of local power-up?
In any case if earth was to join, which they're not going to, Wu would only accept them if earth as a whole joined not just a small part of it.

The USA also has the only gate right now, how would China even do things outside earth.