Wasn't the classes education/technology levels? And class four had energy weapons/mass teleportation so Earth would likely be 2, maybe 3. Educated and fairly good tech but nothing impressive to a spacefaring culture.Antiacpating reactions to being told Earth isn't above a class 5 word cause they're still divided
I assume that nowadays it looks something like this?Well it was the Cry of Gimli...five hundred years ago, give or take a few decades...
Not enuff dakka.The Tollan only became like that after the other planet in their home system blew themselves up, which resulted in ~99% of the Tollan's population dying before they could be evacuated, and had only happened recently when SG-1 found them. The Asgard would probably just say "This is why we wait for civilizations to advance instead of uplifting them."
I assume that nowadays it looks something like this?
Earth is a class 2, maybe 3.
Not 1, because that's the level they are at when liberated from the snakes.
Not 4 because we are obviously inferior (If not so, where are our sword-guns ? uh ?)
3 would be for the occidental world. 2 would be for africa and middle orient.
Although we don't have a full criterion list, with just the first and the third listed there, and here's the important part, we don't have a widespread balance enough to qualify as above a Tier 1 world. The population size would nearly match either the chapters' civilization or are larger. So, right off the bat we have at most a 1,4,1 and that's without knowing the rest of criterion. My guess, is that it would include more such as Wabberjack's suggestions."The level of a World within the Empire is based on its general education, population size, wealth, etcetera etcetera," Sun waved her hand through the air, "With a specific emphasis on the first."
Some of which we don't even qualify even as a Tier 1.Education isn't widespread, not unified, areas of large scale civil unrest, cultural elitism and exploitation, numerous human rights abuses. Earth would be a 1
I find it Hilarious that the Ori corrupted some Sub-Commanders, resulting in the need to take back that Galaxy PA style.
The Ori, if I remember correctly, get extra-empowerment from their worshipers, which allowed them to to what they did.
Unfortunately, PA style system recovery doesnt do a lot for the worshipers. Thus, the Ori will be kicking themselves as entire sectors of the Galaxy are turned into PA fortresses, as populations are wiped out as incidental losses, as their power slowly drops.
"As I've heard it told," Cao Cao said mildly, "His son, Alphan – a lesser intelligence and man, only ever making Sub Commander in the military – was driven insane by the Gods there. And though the Emperor slew those same Gods with a weapon made by another God…Alphan refused to be put down. He corrupted more of his brothers, Betai and others, and together – with full access to his technologies – they have…done terrible things. He fights a war against them even now."
Your scale is backwards, and the world SG-1 is currently on is Class-4, with energy weapons and mass teleportation. As others have said, Modern Earth is a 1-2.earth will be class 6 I think class 10 16'th century tech class 9 steampunk tech class 18'th century tech class 8 19'th century tech class 7 20'th century tech class 6 21'st century class 5 lowest PA and star wars tech class 4 low Pa and star wars tech class 3 mid PA Star Wars tech class class 2 and 1 must be full tech for pa and star wars tech
earth will be class 6 I think class 10 16'th century tech class 9 steampunk tech class 18'th century tech class 8 19'th century tech class 7 20'th century tech class 6 21'st century class 5 lowest PA and star wars tech class 4 low Pa and star wars tech class 3 mid PA Star Wars tech class class 2 and 1 must be full tech for pa and star wars tech
Babble Fish, Google Translate? I'm guessing there was a translation error... when it was translated from English to ... hrm, what language does the Philippines use? I thought it was spanish, but apparently not. Of course, it could be a translation error from their national language to English... possibly. But unlikely. Google Translate at least has a fairly decent translation software for other languages to English. From English, not so much.
Babble Fish, Google Translate? I'm guessing there was a translation error... when it was translated from English to ... hrm, what language does the Philippines use? I thought it was spanish, but apparently not. Of course, it could be a translation error from their national language to English... possibly. But unlikely. Google Translate at least has a fairly decent translation software for other languages to English. From English, not so much.
Would comment on the name of it... but I'll just skip to the question. Ahem. Yeah, but isn't that language a derivative of spanish? I freely admit I am likely wrong, but thought I recalled that spanish was somehow a thing there.
Probably Class 2 bordering 3 if they manage to set up a larger space presence in-system.Your scale is backwards, and the world SG-1 is currently on is Class-4, with energy weapons and mass teleportation. As others have said, Modern Earth is a 1-2.