You know that the ghoul weapons trade in the United States is very active, with large amount of illegal arms being about from presumably legal sources and modified illegally and smuggled into places with tighter gun laws, Due to American gun laws, the United states is a good source of where a lot of underground weapons come from. Ghouls in the Americas are especially keen of weapons (compared to European or East Asian ghouls), which makes body armor a necessity for government agents. Fortunately, access to armor piercing is rare and when they break it out it's a sign of a ghoul on ghoul gang war, so body armor does save lives. In Detroit, the Assyrians and the Italians are top dogs of the illegal gun trade, but every major cartel is involved to some extent.
Okay, time to roll =V
You recall from your classes at the academy that ghouls do use a lot of guns, and a lot of it originate from places with looser gun laws where it is easier to purchase weapons.
Okay, um, @Jemnite, I'm confused. You didn't tag @shinaobi, but he's posted like he's there, but @Azrael has posted like he isn't:
He's there, I just neglected to tag him, because I worked off his quote box. Assume that if I quote someone in context to the update, even if I don't tag them they're included.
I have decided that I have become to drunk to write a response, given how it took time for me to saw all that and just well everything so I'll do it in the morning.
Can I roll provoke?

Edit: This degenerated quickly, didn't it?
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I also really struggle to see what she's saying. Someone needs to teach her correct enunciation. And basic grammar.
that was literally perfect grammar my dude i dont think i even misused a fuckin comma
@Estro roll power + fight. You can also make a primary savvy + deception roll to lower the difficulty of this roll as a gambit, though that fails if Cat beats it with a savvy check of his own of course.

@Cat roll off with savvy + empathy if there's a gambit and roll reaction + athletics if you want to dodge, and reaction + fight to parry.

This is just a kick with no kagune extruded so we're going with bashing damage.
Why not strength? My kagune isn't out, I'm kicking her. That's what the combat rules say it should be.
Why not strength? My kagune isn't out, I'm kicking her. That's what the combat rules say it should be.
Power is actually strength, I just mixed up the stat names with robot cowboys again.

Just for reference assume in the future that if I saw power it means strength, if I say durability, it means endurance, humanity is savvy, processing is reaction, and memory is cog. I just use the same 5 stat system for both sets of rules so I get them mixed up at times.
robot cowboys again.
Dem robot cowboys.
ust for reference assume in the future that if I saw power it means strength, if I say durability, it means endurance, humanity is savvy, processing is reaction, and memory is cog.
The problem is the power is a stat in this. For kagune use.

Edit: Um, do ten's explode or double? I forgot. anyway, what, um, two success for the gambit, depending on the ten.
And three for the attack, depending on the ten.
Estro threw 7 10-faced dice. Reason: Dem Gambits Total: 47
6 6 1 1 4 4 8 8 10 10 10 10 8 8
Estro threw 10 10-faced dice. Reason: Suddenly, a kick in the face. Total: 49
1 1 4 4 5 5 6 6 3 3 1 1 9 9 8 8 10 10 2 2
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Cat threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: savvy Total: 7
5 5 2 2
Cat threw 10 10-faced dice. Reason: reaction Total: 64
10 10 1 1 3 3 9 9 9 9 8 8 3 3 7 7 8 8 6 6
That gambit. One ten, explodes. Gets another ten. Then gets a success. I feel love, man. Love.