Destiny: Gospel of a New Genesis [Evangelion/Destiny]

Hah! You fool. You've pledged your life to a Corpse!


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...where's Oryx when you need him?
Indeed, Oryx is vastly preferable to what we've got roaming around here.

At least with Oryx you always knew where you stood with him: you killed his son, so he's come to fuck up all your shit.

But Vex mutilating Hive and getting their hands on SIVA?
Worm God Lilith?
One Devious Bastard of a Speaker?
AT-wielding Cabal (who I suspect may have their own MP Evas)?

@Ultra Sonic 007 , you have done something very few writers manage: leave me baffled and terrified of what will happen next.
Indeed, Oryx is vastly preferable to what we've got roaming around here.

At least with Oryx you always knew where you stood with him: you killed his son, so he's come to fuck up all your shit.

But Vex mutilating Hive and getting their hands on SIVA?
Worm God Lilith?
One Devious Bastard of a Speaker?
AT-wielding Cabal (who I suspect may have their own MP Evas)?

@Ultra Sonic 007 , you have done something very few writers manage: leave me baffled and terrified of what will happen next.

Clearly you have never visited the pit of unholy evil that is 4chan.
22.1, in which we have another redacted transcript.
Grimoire: Mystery - The Lance of Taox

From the Records of NERV-Japan

[REDACTED]: I have arranged for us to speak in private, as you requested.

(eight seconds of silence)

[REDACTED]: Uranium-lead dating of the trace elements on your person have placed your age in the millions of years. Physically improbable...but given everything else that we have seen in the depths of the Black Moon, I would not be surprised.

[error!]: ...I should have died years ago. But I will not. Perhaps until my sins are rectified...I will never die.

[REDACTED]: We should only be so lucky.

(the sound of shuffling papers)

[REDACTED]: are aware of the entity that we call the Traveler?

[error!]: It has had many names. They will eventually chase it here. Your species is doomed.

[REDACTED]: Only if we repeat the mistakes of the past. I have been inside the Traveler. I have spoken to the creature we call LILITH. And I have seen...other things.

[error!]: A poetic name...then you must know why she has created those dragons. Why your world is undergoing such strife...

[REDACTED]: A crucible. A refining fire.

[error!]: Hmph. How typical.

(four seconds of silence)

[REDACTED]: That massive red bident has a technological profile unlike any within the Black Moon, or within the Traveler. Ever since we found it, have been bandying about what we should call it.

[error!]: was made by an alien race. One that I tried to help. To prepare. But it wasn't enough. They could not strike back in just the right way to make it work. They lacked...the necessary perspective.

[REDACTED]: And you believe we might have that vaunted perspective.

[error!]: ...

[REDACTED]: ...given the animosity you bear...given your enmity with LILITH and what she represents...why are you still alive? Why were you locked away in a life-preserving stasis, instead of being left to rot? If the hatred truly runs so deep...then why this mutual armistice?

(fifteen seconds of silence)

[error!]: ...I am tired. And after so long...this flicker of hope is all I have left to fight for.

[REDACTED]: Then you and I have at least one thing in common. There is someone I need to introduce you to...but first, might I have your name?

[error!]: My name is Taox.

[REDACTED]: Very well, Taox...

(a door opens)

[REDACTED]: Ah. Excellent timing, Rei.

...Dammit Gendo, did you actually strike a deal with the proto-Hive being that basically made Oryx into the monster he is today?
[error!]: A poetic name...then you must know why she has created those dragons. Why your world is undergoing such strife...

[REDACTED]: A crucible. A refining fire.
So Lilith was getting mankind prepped for the real fight.
Ah, shenanigans. You do so know how to tickle my interest.
22.2, in which the Fallen begin their quest for vengeance.
/Six Days since the Reclamation of the Lance/

/Kepler Spaceport, the Moon/

The portions of the Moon that were under control by House Matarael were buzzing. Defensive perimeters were established to maintain their holdings whilst the bulk of their forces would be away.

Away from their fortresses, fashioned from dilapidated human facilities, subterranean tunnels, and ancient Hive ruins: all hard-fought and won through blood and toil.

Aksor quietly prepared to complete his work, in union with Yoriks Prime; for days, he had been meditating deeply and fearfully, mapping out the contours of the Progenitor's soul-sea. The Prime Servitor's sole function in this endeavor was to provide him power.

The Archon Priest briefly glanced at the host gathered within the large warehouse, cleared off all supplies and salvage to make room. Thousands of Mataraelim, dozens upon dozens of Mataraelus and Servitors, a legion of Shanks: all had gathered for the Retribution.

Voryas slowly inspected his Barons, examining the blades that they held in their robotic claws. The Mataraelus in question all held large cleavers, taken from warriors of the Lunar Horde. Excess bone and chitin had been stripped away, replaced with polymer and steel plating. Their sharpened edges seemed to glow in union with the Sword of Crota, which was held tightly by the Kell's right hand. The Splicers had done...a suitable job. The twelve-foot tall Mataraelix chuckled, pleased by the work of his House.

Aksor let the chitters and chirps of the spidery creatures wash over him. The battle plan had been arranged, discreetly delivered to the Houses of Ramiel and Bardiel; though Bardiel was reluctant to risk anything - given that their Kell, Solkis, was the sole remaining member of their hierarchical triad - in an assault on the City of Thieves, Ramiel was far more willing. After all...their command structure was in tatters. Their Archon Priest, Hexis, had been killed by a team of undying humans. Their Kell, Skelchis, had been assassinated in the same day. Finally, their Prime Servitor Heviks had just recently been annihilated. While their own Barons squabbled and scrapped to determine who would ascend to the position of Ramielix, the forces of their House would make for appropriate shock troops, so great was their desperation.

The Lelielix sighed; his soul was brimming with an almost unbearable heaviness. He had mapped out potential connections, using the Great Machine as a locus. He gazed at the host gathered before him, knowing that this opening salvo would be a one-way voyage. They would either return victorious...or not at all.

And so he raised his hands, growling with exertion and sheer metaphysical effort.


/Vanguard Headquarters, the Tower/

Saint-14 scowled at the information poring through the holographic projector. "Are these Fallen suicidal?" Titans from the Firebreak Order were reporting sightings of Ramiel forces moving with intent towards the City, moving around and over the borders of the Caspian Sea to the east. The Stoneborn Order, charged with defending the Barrier and the City's lesser defenses, were reporting scores of Ramielim and Ramielus gathering beyond the range of their small arms.

"After losing Heviks Prime...they may just be desperate," murmured Cayde-6, shaking his head sadly. "Desperation can drive people to do crazy things. Looks like the Fallen are no different."

"They fielded greater numbers at Twilight Gap, and our defensive capabilities were much lesser back then. This is a one-way ticket to their death." The Titan Vanguard sighed, shaking his head out of pity. "Very well. Far be it from me to deny them."

" suicidal."

Saint-14 turned towards the large window overlooking the expanse beyond the Barrier; Osiris was standing stoically, staring eastward at the clusters of blue crystal that signified Fallen from the House of Ramiel. "You are of a different opinion, old friend?"

"Desperate they may be...but desperation would not result in a complete alteration of their usual tactics." The Fallen of Ramiel normally deployed in staggered formations, spread wide and thin to prevent area-of-effect attacks from wiping them out in one fell swoop; this also enabled them to blanket the field of battle with their distinctive lasers. But clustered together, in such disparate groupings, where one good artillery shell would destroy dozens? It was too stark a difference. "...there is a method to this apparent madness."

There was a shift in the air, as the tension prepared to break.


Throughout the City, four great discs of shadow appeared, manifesting on the inner edge of the Barrier from the north, south, east, and west. A dozen smaller portals manifested in strategic locations further inward, along the sides of skyscrapers. The denizens of the City and nearby Guardians all turned at the sight of the strange phenomenon.

And then came the deluge.

Shrieking arachnids bound in green shells and metal plating emerged, firing with abandon at whoever was closest. Shanks and Servitors accompanied these Fallen, providing support as per their stock and trade.

Civilians screamed and tried to flee. Guardians impulsively entered the battlefield.

At the head of the host, emerging from one of the smaller portals in the downtown area, Voryas emerged, holding his dread Sword high; its edge hungered for Light and blood.

It was a hunger that he was all too eager to satisfy. "KILL!" he roared, charging forward at the hapless crowds as his minions continued to emerge from the portal.

And thus he fed his newfound weapon a tribute of slaughter.
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We all knew something like this was coming, maybe not quite this OH HELL NO. But we knew the Matarael fallen wanted some bloody vengeance.

Stupid lelliel and assosciated dimensional bullshit.
Oddly enough, my reaction to this is a feeling of relief that at least one of the problems is going to be dealt with now. That still leaves a lot left to go, but it's a start.
22.3, in which things take an interesting turn for the worse.
@Ultra Sonic 007Twilight Gap 2.0? Holy Shit, they're gonna NEED Unit-01 for this bullshit.

Oddly enough, my reaction to this is a feeling of relief that at least one of the problems is going to be dealt with now. That still leaves a lot left to go, but it's a start.

So you want more problems dealt with?

Very well, the contract has been made.


/Vanguard Headquarters, the Tower/

Saint-14 backed away from the table with something resembling dread; the projector was blaring more alerts than could be read. "Fallen from the House of the City?! But how-?!"

"It doesn't matter how. Only that they be stopped." Osiris quickly began typing onto a tablet embedded into the table, providing emergency directives to the Consensus and the appropriate civil authorities. His fingers were a blur. "I will coordinate our defensive strategy. You two are needed out there."

"...not exactly how I wanted to get back into the field," groused Cayde-6, briefly checking the hinges of Ace of Spades. "But that'll make squashing these bugs all the sweeter. I'll be going downtown!" The Hunter Vanguard swiftly took off running, transmatting away from the Tower.

"...then I will focus on the outer perimeter. We cannot let the Barrier fall from within." Saint-14 calmly withdrew his personal sidearm Here We Lie, a silvery weapon bearing black decals of a shield and spear. "Stay safe, old friend."

Osiris chuckled as the Titan Vanguard took off. "Safe is a very relative term." The Tower would be a prime target of opportunity. If no one attacked it, he would be very surprised. And that's why he stayed; even if the Speaker could defend himself, he trusted no other Guardian with the task of protecting the secrets that this place hid. "Well...we shall certainly be putting SIVA through its paces."

Without hesitation, he sent an emergency recall message for all Guardians.


/Central Complex, NERV-Luna/


Misato Katsuragi whirled on her feet. "WHAT?! The City's under attack?!"


The Iron Lady growled, grabbing her Ghost roughly. "Transmit this to everyone on the Moon." Clearing her throat, she yelled, "Listen up, Guardians! We've got an emergency on Earth: the Fallen of House Matarael have invaded the Last City, and they've got reinforcements from the House of Ramiel. If you haven't already been designated as mission-critical personnel, drop what you're doing and get your ass planetside!" Short, sweet, and to the point. "...Asuka." She slowly turned towards the Exo, who was staring stoically at the Anomaly; the Lance of Taox was now floating in front of the stasis tank, suspended in midair by several anti-grav jets. "...this is probably gonna suck something fierce, but I need you to stay here."

The Titan slowly turned, blue eyes narrowing with something akin to disgust. "And you'd think I would stay behind like a Feigling?"

"...after how you and your team described those hybrids...I don't want to leave this place too light on firepower. And those Awoken from the Reef...they've been helpful so far, but we still don't know what the Queen actually wants." She sighed out of frustration. "I don't trust anyone else to keep Eva or the Lance safe."

"...fair enough," said Asuka-2, her synthetic mouth set into a deep scowl. "I'm only doing it because of Unit-02...but you'd better kill twice as many for me!"

The Hunter chuckled bitterly. "I'll do my best-"

"Hold up, are you sure?"

Misato and Asuka-2 turned; one of their erstwhile 'guests' - the detachment of Awoken from the Reef - was talking into a handset of some sort, glowing eyes wide with concern. "How many? What...what...I...I see. Thank you. Give the Prince my regards." Petra Venj lowered her hand, and turned towards them with a troubled expression. "We have a problem."

"Great. I can only imagine!" snarked Misato. "Is there another Fallen House that wants to join the party?"

Petra shook her head. "No. The Crows...their long-range reconnaissance spotted-"

A sudden alarm blared through the Central Complex. A Cryptarch sitting at a nearby computer terminal nearly fell over himself. "Sensors...sensors have picked up large contacts, heavy tonnage! Earthbound trajectory!"

Misato didn't bother waiting. With a thought, her Iron Regalia helmet materialized over her head, a mere instant before she transmatted outside. She gazed up at the stars, trying! "Oh, come ON!!!"

Seven blocky vessels soared over the Moon, their flight path aimed straight for the City. The twin prongs and four burning engines were unmistakable, as were the color patterns: two bore green and orange, three bore teal and gray, and the last - the lead ship - bore blue and bright yellow.

The colors of the Dust Giants, the Skyburners, and the Siege Dancers: seven Cabal warships, likely stuffed to the gills with thousands upon thousands of troops each.

"...Pen-Pen, send a warning to the City. They've got additional hostiles inbound!"



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Nope. Dominus Ghaul commands the Red Legion, which aren't even in the same star system:

Besides, this is only a minor escalation:

/Firebase Delphi, Eos Chasma, Mars/

Within the Eos Chasma region of Mars, NERV-Mars - long lost to humanity, long reclaimed by aliens, and converted into a forward operating base - vanished in a flash of light.

The rock above and below it were consumed, as was the entire facility, and all its inhabitants: namely, two whole centuries of Cabal.

Within a standard military cycle, two dozen Harvesters had surrounded the hole, and three maniples of Sand Eater legionnaires - seventy-five strong - had established a perimeter. The possibility of an attack by the Vex had been swiftly ruled out: none of the energy signatures matched their known records.

This was part of the report that Bracus Tha'aurn submitted to his superior; the titanic Cabal Centurion grumbled as dusty winds beat against his thick armor of orange and silver, wondering exactly what this turn of events entailed.

Finally, there was a response; Tha'aurn glanced down at the corner of his HUD, reading the message traced in holographic orange.

(Threat assessment discussed with Primus of the Skyburners; corrective action has been determined: prepare for escalation against Sol-3, local designation: Earth. - Primus Sha'aull)

Tha'aurn couldn't help the dark chuckle that slipped past his meaty lips. At long last: a change of scenery!
22.4, in which events hurtle towards a convergence.
Misato scowled as she took off running towards the shuttle platform near the western edge of the base; the cluster of jumpships parked there were already beginning to disperse, as Guardians of all stripes began departing for Earth. It figures! The moment they started mucking around with Eva and NERV stuff, crap started getting weird. Honestly, she shouldn't have been surprised! Ever since Shinji-kun woke much has happened. And it didn't look like life was gonna let up anytime soon. least he can't be dealing with anything too freaky compared to a full-blown invasion of the City.

(She stared grimly at the various reports that Ritsuko dropped on her desk. "You wanted to know about where Eva came from, right?" As she slowly shuffled through the stack - idly noting a bunch of scientific verbiage and sketches of something immense - her friend continued, "It's called LILITH. If the Traveler provided the energy that animates Eva...then this creature's flesh was what formed the mold.")​

Misato grimaced, shaking her head. That was a new memory. At least...I hope. All she could do was believe in Shinji and his teammates; any of her doubts about Evangelion would have to be shelved for now. But...what Eris Morn said...

(Eris had been gone for months, and had literally missed everything regarding the Hive's incursion and the reclaiming of SIVA. It was entirely fair to ask what she had been investigating. "Your homeland, Lady Katsuragi." Wait. What. "The Prince of the Hive, the Monster of beginning to awaken." What? "And is the Bringer of the Cataclysm..." What?! "The Mother of the Ahamkara...the being you only knew as LILITH." WHAT?! "Do with this information what you will. I must inform the Speaker as to my findings.")​

...hmm. An old, curious instinct was starting to eat at her. She ruthlessly quashed it. It'll have to wait. She transmatted inside the cockpit of the Quite Content Damsel. She had a City to help save.


The pieces were in place.


Ageron, Inquisitive Mind, placed them on the proverbial board.

Now it was just a matter...of time.


/Mt. Shinoisan, Shizuoka Prefecture, Old Japan/

It was high noon.

Seven days had elapsed since Eris Morn and her fireteam had met the Sage. Covering hundreds of miles, they had learned more about A.T. Field manipulation from the former metaphysical biologist, in the hopes that it would be the edge they needed to break through the heavier Hive concentrations around Hakone. But now, after crossing the Akaishi Mountains...they could hear the distant sounds of battle from the cities of Fuji and Fujinomiya to the east.

Long-distance recon had been necessary.

Eris stared grimly as Shinji and Omar's Ghosts descended from the cloudy skies, ducking through the forest canopy. "What have you discovered?"

"Something...unexpected," said Yui.

"The Vex are attacking Hive fortifications all throughout the region," answered Bradley.

Well, Yui hadn't been wrong; that was unexpected. "...but...aren't they those robots from Venus and Mars?" asked Shinji. "What are they doing here?"

"Can't be for anything good," murmured Jaren Ward.

"We tried to get as wide a view as we could without getting too close, and we covered a significant area," continued Omar's Ghost. "The Vex have appeared as far north as Kofu and as far east as Yokohama. Their lines of battle are all aimed at a single location."

Yui grimly concluded, "Hakone."

"...that's where our target is," said Shin Malphur, tone heavy with weariness.

"I don't believe in coincidences," growled Eris. "What else would they be aiming for, if not Unit-01?"

"How'd they find out?" asked Sai.

"Irrelevant." Eris quickly quashed any and all speculation on her team's part. "That they're heading towards Hakone is the only thing that matters. We must accelerate our pace." Hopefully, the Vex's assault would even be a boon, enabling them to slip past the Hive's defenses. "We're less than thirty miles away from NERV-Japan, and our journey will only get more harrowing from here." She turned towards the three individuals that had accompanied her team this far. "Suzuhara. Vale. have been a help to us all. But you don't have to follow us any further."

Naoko Akagi. "Actually, given that I used to run an entire department at NERV-Japan...I'm preeeeeety sure that I need to go with you. And even if it wasn't a need, I'd still be going. Nostalgia, memory, fun times, etcetera, etcetera."

"...this has honestly been the most exciting stuff I've been through since reawakening," admitted Sakura Suzuhara. "And, well...Baka-Shinji needs all the backup he can get, right?"

"...wherever Sakura goes, I go," murmured Dredgen Vale.

"...very well. You know the risks." Eris Morn clutched Bane tightly, knowing that it would be the ruin of many by the end of this day. "Let's go."
22.5, in which we meet a familiar Strike boss.
/Bridge, Malphas Carpe IV/

Aboard the warship of the fourth Dust Giants legion, Valus Ta'aurc watched the Psions and Centurions in silence. Their consistent relaying of tactical data, logistical details, and strategic information filtered through his mind, to be utilized appropriately.

The recent turn of events was not unwelcome: the Sol System had initially drawn the Cabal's attention due to the presence of the Vex, which had long been enemies of the Empire. The additional curiosities within the system - the Hive, the unusual peoples within the asteroid belt, the various species collectively known as 'Fallen', and finally the peoples of Sol-3 - had only warranted a greater presence. For centuries, their long and steady holding action on Sol-4 had been solely against the machines.

Then, scouting missions had identified a great white sphere hovering above the Earth, silent and cold.

The Emperor himself had demanded greater action from the Primuses in-system, to determine the nature of this Sphere, to validate its nature. The entirety of the Skyburners had been sent to reinforce them in this endeavor.

Initial efforts at establishing forward operating bases on Sol-3's satellite, Sol-2, and Sol-1 had ended...poorly. Sol-1 was a pure machine world, and would have required a significantly larger fleet to subjugate. Sol-2 was home not only to Vex, but to the Fallen Houses of Iruel and Shamshel. Sol-3's satellite was dominated by the Hive. Committing more resources to investigating this white sphere while the Vex were still a significant presence on Sol-4 had been deemed strategically insufficient, and so their in-system exploration had lessened.

And then Firebase Delphi had been lost with all hands.

Similar energy readings that had occurred simultaneously throughout the Inner Planets led to one conclusion: the humans of Sol-3 had utilized a metaphysical weapon of immense power. An escalation to a minor offensive had, at long last, been deemed justifiable.

Ta'aurc chuckled to himself; the 'Guardians' of 'Earth', although never seen on Sol-4 in appreciable numbers, were always a nuisance in battle. Thus far, all hostile encounters had resulted in either total Cabal losses, or a tactical Guardian retreat with no casualties of their own to speak of; their counter-attrition capability was...infuriating.

If nothing else, the change in scenery - both in combat and otherwise - would be cathartic for his soldiers. He allowed himself to feel grateful that the Primus of the Siege Dancers had chosen to take command of this mission; the alternative assignment of assaulting a Vex stronghold in Meridian Bay would go to someone else for a change.

Minor alarms sounded as they cleared the atmosphere. It was almost time to deploy. "Bracus Tra'aull, you have the deck."

"Hail!" barked the Centurion, moving forward to assume command. Valus Ta'aurc quietly rumbled, moving with deadly purpose towards the hangar. As he felt the planet's gravity press against him - ah, it was somewhat heavier than Sol-4, how refreshing! - he mentally reviewed the status of this strike force.

The third Siege Dancers legion, operating from the the Cerberus Ictus III, commanded by Primus Sho'oulth.

The second Dust Giants legion, operating from the Malphas Carpe II, commanded by Valus Tu'arn, with a maniple of Sand Eaters assigned to them under the lead of Bracus Tha'aurn.

The second, fifth, and seventh Skyburners legions, operating from the Dantalion Exodus II, V, and VII, under the respective commands of Valuses Vro'ourn, Noru'usk, and Gho'ourn.

They would surround the city of the White Sphere, and commence a hard and heavy drop. The Siege Dancers would deploy directly into the heart of the city; the Dust Giants would attack the inner perimeter; the Skyburners would unleash their fury upon the outer defenses. The Sphere was not to be harmed...but anything else would be acceptable collateral.

The fifteen-foot tall Valus grinned beneath his helmet, watching as Legionnaires, Phalanxes, Psions, and Centurions boarded the Harvester troop carriers. The hangar bays of his ship slowly opened, revealing an early morning sky and a furious battlefield. Information fed into his HUD, validating what long-range recon had already determined: the Fallen were attacking the walled city in earnest. Smoke and fire could be seen within the walls, and the fields beyond the glowing barrier were awash with streaks of lasers and ammunition.

A full-blown siege, with creatures of flesh and blood. Exhilarating!

The seven warships dispersed, moving into their positions; while the Skyburner ships arranged themselves in a triad formation from the southeast, southwest, and north, the Malphas Carpe IV advanced from the east, with the other Dust Giants vessel approaching from the west. While the Cerberus Ictus III thundered further inward from the south, his ship slowed to a halt; already, the city's anti-air defenses were opening fire, pelting their vessels with explosive shells and high-intensity energy weapons. Their warships responded in kind, firing a multitude of missiles and rocket-laced shells.

As Harvesters deployed with their typical swiftness, Valus Ta'aurc stepped off into the air. His hardy armor of gray, green, and white was beaten by the air, his orange and black banners flapping in the wind. He mentally calculated his current trajectory and saw where he would land: a one-story building amidst a small park, a recreational eatery of some sorts. The sheer luxury and comfort of this place was enough to make him sick.

He aimed his legs downward. An orange light swiftly bloomed around him.


Impact. The sheer force of his collision went off like a bomb, obliterating the small building and sending up a cloud of dust and ash; nearby civilians, fleeing the battle that had already gripped their home, were knocked down by the shockwave.

Valus Ta'aurc chortled as he advanced out of crater, covered by the orange octagons of his Anima Murum. The might of his soul had served him well, protecting him from the force of his impact. The tiny humanoids looked at his presence with something akin to existential terror; such weaklings! Such puny specimens! Was this what the vaunted Guardians protected?!

How disappointing.

Two Harvesters dropped off a number of Legionnaires and Phalanxes; the shield-carrying soldiers moved front and center to cover their comrades. The Legionnaires took aim with their slug rifles. Ta'aurc withdrew his heavy slug thrower and let the barrels spin. "Soldiers!" roared the mighty Valus. "Attack!"

A thunderous salvo of microrockets erupted, and the nearest targets were vaporized, reduced to mere shreds of meat. This was enough to prompt the other civilians to scatter, for now this place was no longer safe.

Valus Ta'aurc chuckled. By the time they were done, no place would be safe. "Soldiers, MARCH!"

And so the Cabal began their advance, their light footsteps sounding as stomps against the earth.
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Now I want to see the Cabal running scared when Shinji arrives in Unit-01.
The irony will amuse me greatly.
22.6, in which war demands to be fed.
(First, giving a shout-out to one Gregg Landsman, who was apparently inspired by this fic to make his own Evangelion/Destiny fusion, The Extension of Evangelion. Go read it. Now, let's continue.)


Osiris stared grimly at the reports now coming in; the arrival of the Cabal was unwelcome, threatening to turn a perilous situation into an outright disaster. And yet he still typed furiously, delivering commands and directives with unerring vigor.

-Fireteam "Bojangles", reinforce district 22.

-All civilian security forces: the special weapons group is to focus on the Cabal; all others focus on the Fallen.

-Fireteam "Warrior Princess", focus on Cabal leadership in district 3.

-Kaworu Nagisa: order all of Seele's scouting vessels to return to Earth to assist in rebuffing the enemy.

-All Titans of the Sunbreakers Order are to focus their efforts on the Cabal.

-To Director Bray of Wille: use of heavy armored vehicles within the Core districts has been authorized.

He looked at one the projected monitors, describing the various entities in the airspace around the City. The seven Cabal warships were angry blots of red, with dozens of Harvesters looking like mites of crimson. However, there were increasing numbers of yellow dots arriving, representing the jumpships of Guardians.

They just had to keep some semblance of order and structure, just long enough for the cavalry to arrive.


The battle ongoing throughout the City was wide, and varied; everyone was playing a role, in some form or fashion.


/Eastern Junction, the Barrier/

Conrad scowled as the heavy guns thundered, firing upon the forces of House Ramiel and the new Cabal warships in the sky above. The Ward of Dawn could be seen popping in and out of existence on multiple places along the top of the Barrier, standing stalwart against lasers and large projectiles. The SIVA-enhanced energy fields along the outer wall of the Barrier flickered and flashed, holding strong against the staggered assault. But he didn't want to rely on them to hold forever.

The dark-skinned technician from the Forces of the City (FOTC) Faction ducked back into the hardened bunker, around which were a set of platforms holding a set of heavy guns. His purpose here was to monitor the SIVA that was being used to bolster their offensive countermeasures. His fellow techs were working feverishly at their workstations, monitoring the nanites' algorithms and structural integrity. "How are our materials?!"

"The self-repair protocols are eating through our reserves of spinmetal and plasteel faster than anticipated!" yelled a green Exo with yellow eyes. "If nothing changes, enemy attrition will render this cluster inoperable in twenty minutes!"

Conrad cursed, quickly smashing the keys on his terminal. "Sending an escalation to Nerv's supply depot. They might be able to provide us more if our line to the FOTC is cut off!"

"You really think they're not being slammed with demands for materials?!"

"If I have to go and grab it on foot, then so be it!"


/Sector 08 Armory, Military District/

"Keep the weapons moving people!" roared Sergeant Drago, his light-blue skin standing out like a beacon amongst the huddles of frightened civilians. Even so, the able-bodied had gathered to arm themselves, following the lead of the security personnel that had enacted counterinsurgency protocols: setting up barricades, removing detritus, and distributing supplies. All those with experience in handling firearms had been swiftly pointed out. Those who did not at least had arms to carry, and legs to move with. "The Guardians can only do so much!"

Multiple explosions erupted a few blocks away, accompanied by screams and the sound of rockets. The entire Military District, rife with a multitude of weapons manufacturers and armories, was bound to be a target of opportunity. "Don't stop," yelled the Awoken man, knowing that time was running out. "Don't stop moving! Get behind cover if you've got a weapon!"

Out of the smoke stomped the massive warriors of the Dust Giants. The Cabal Legionnaires fired their slug rifles with stern discipline, taking out those who hadn't yet gotten to safety.

Drago snarled as civilians were rendered into splatters and body parts. "Focus fire!" Scout rifles, pulse rifles, and hand cannons barked, forming a staccato noise.

A.T. Fields flared in unison, protecting the alien soldiers from the hail of ammunition. Tinier humanoids - Cabal Psions - moved forward, with spindly limbs and vertical visors that glowed purple; two of them suddenly glowed with a blue aura, launching twin waves of crackling energy. They slammed into two barricades, sending them - and the men hiding behind - airborne in a heap of electrocuted flesh and metal.

Drago tried not to let despair take hold. If he did, then it only meant he was already doomed to die. "Fusion rifles forward!" A squad of security personnel, all wielding Solar-type Tengoku FR1 weapons, all took aim at the front line of Cabal. "Let em' rip!"

Coils whined, and orange streams of directed energy shot at the enemy. Individual streams splashed against translucent octagons; however, those that bunched together managed to punch through, tearing holes through the enemy troops. Psions collapsed where they stood, while the larger Legionnaires staggered.

The Awoken man grinned, his thick jaw wide with a flicker of hope. "See?! They aren't invincible! Fire while they're vulnerable!" Primary weapons fired; Cabal that could not muster the proper focus due to their injuries were pilfered with bullets. Fusion rifles charged, and fired in heavier concentrations.

Cabal Phalanxes were quick to move forward, lowering their heavy shields; even these were impervious to the directed energy of the fusion rifle. Brief reprieve lost, more Legionnaires leapt out of the smoke, built-in jetpacks enabling them to cover large distances.

Drago paled as the Cabal got behind their lines. A trace of despair had finally wormed its way into his heart.


/District 21/

Baron Kirikis swung the Proto-Cleaver, hilt gripped tightly in his robotic claws.

There was a sound akin to shattering glass; the edge of the altered blade gleamed, and smashed into the armor plating of the Legionnaire, cutting deeply.

The Mataraelus chuckled to himself, quickly jumping away from the Cabal corpse as a distant Centurion fired a projection rifle; fiery explosions erupted, but not close enough to catch him.

The arrival of the Cabal had been unexpected. Kell Voryas had immediately ordered that they were to be fought against as well, with the same ferocity that they had reserved for the thieves. Although the 'Anima Murum' that every single soldier wielded was a hadn't taken long before they discovered the effectiveness of their blades. The cleavers of the Hive Knights, altered though they may be, were seemingly tailor-made for fighting the Cabal.

Kirikis clambered up the side of a high-rise apartment building, from which a multitude of Mataraelim opened fire at the Cabal below. The Baron briefly pondered which enemy his blade would bite into next.