Demons and Angels

Ellisburg Cleanser™ , now with Spearmint!

Leaves your Biotinkered hell both free of the taint of Biotinkery and minty fresh!

A FamTech™ Product.
including one from mp3.1415player where she was known as "God Empress Papercut,"
And her only power there was summoning 473 grams (~1.05 pounds) of confetti over a 1 kilometer area.

It only took her 5 months to take over the entire US. o_O

My Random Fiction Bits and Pieces

A dumping ground for scenes, shorts, one-offs, and other detritus from what passes for my mind...
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 5: Secrets

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sophia had gotten a text from Macy. The tone of the message was pretty much ordering her to go to the mall and meet, which was why she was sitting on a bus on the way there. With any luck, the girl just wanted to quiz her about what she had done after staying in Miguel's neighborhood. The problem with that was that Sophia didn't have a great answer that didn't out her as a cape. Finally, after discarding a half-a-dozen stupid excuses, she decided to wing it and hope that the other girl didn't press her too hard.

Macy was waiting for her in their usual spot by the department store. "Hey!" said Sophia with a smile.

"Hey." said Macy...who then grabbed her by the arm and began dragging her toward the food court.

"Um, Macy, what the hell?" stammered Sophia.

Macy glanced at her with an unreadable look on her face and then said, "We have to talk."

Without another word, Macy dragged them over to the coffee stand, ordered two high sugar whipped coffee drinks (much to Sophia's distaste), and then found a quiet corner away from other people and plunked Sophia down, taking the other seat. The girl took a sip of her drink, then said, "I spoke to Miguel on the phone. He says the cops came to his place last night and dragged a half-dozen Empire thugs off to the hospital...and you know something about it, because your face just changed."

Sophia cursed herself silently. She had frowned when Macy said it was, "a half-dozen," because she knew it was only five. Shit. "I saw what happened," she said quickly.

Macy looked at her skeptically. "You saw what happened?"

Sophia nodded her head. ", you know how I didn't get on the bus with you?" Macy gave her a nod. "Well, I thought I could stay behind until the Empire punks tried something, and then call the cops. They would have to show up if they were committing a crime, right? So, I hid and followed them. They went into Miguel's building, 'cause the door wasn't locked, and then a cape showed up!"

"Which cape?" asked Macy.

"I don't know. I've never seen her before. She knew how to fight, though, and she could turn into shadow when she moved. She beat up five of them, and the sixth of them ran away," said Sophia.

Macy stared at her for half-a-dozen heart beats. Then she said, very simply, "I don't believe you."

Sophia's mouth dropped open in surprise. Then she asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean I don't believe you, because you're lying to me. For one thing, you expect me to believe that bullshit about planning to call the police when you and I both know they wouldn't have gotten there in time to help Miguel? For another, you're trying to tell me you followed a bunch of racist gang members into Miguel's building, and not one of them stopped to scare away or attack the black girl following them?" Macy visible scoffed at that. "Finally, if you had seen a new cape beat up Ricky and his friends, then you would have been on the phone telling everybody about it as soon as you got home." Her face changed to an angry one. "By the way, I stayed up late waiting for you to call me, which you never did. I didn't want to call you just in case you were doing something stupid. If you hadn't answered my text this morning, I was going to start calling the hospitals."

Sophia cringed at her friend's response. She really should have called her, or at least texted her, last night. She'd been so preoccupied with the fight against the Empire guys that she had forgotten. "I'm sorry, I should have called you," she said quietly.

"Yes, you should have," replied her friend. "Now, are you going to tell me what really happened?"

Sophia sat there nervously. What could she say? She couldn't tell her the truth, but she had already tried lying. "I can't tell you that."

The other girl pursed her lips. "You pushed me on that bus without an explanation, and now you won't tell me what's going on. I thought we were friends?" Macy stood up, clearly intending to leave.

"No, wait, we are..." said Sophia.

Macy looked at her with an annoyed expression. "Well?" she asked.

Sophia slumped down. "There was a cape there last night, and she did beat up those Empire assholes."

"How do you know that?" asked Macy.

Resignedly, Sophia held her hand so that nobody but Macy could see it, then turned the tips of her fingers to shadow. "I know it because the cape was me."

Macy's face turned from annoyed to shocked. She dropped back down into the chair. "Well...shit," she said. "I wasn't expecting that..."

"What did you think?" asked Sophia, puzzled.

"I thought you were covering for somebody else, not you!" said the other girl.

Sophia shook her head once. "No, just me."

Macy didn't appear to know how to process that. Finally, she asked, "So, what can you do?"

That led to Sophia explaining what she knew about her powers. She didn't tell her friend everything, but covered the basics, and went through what happened with the Empire guys in more detail. Sophia was nervous about revealing this to her friend, but felt better when Macy was clearly impressed with how she took down the Empire toughs.

"Do you have a cape name? Are you going to join the Wards?" asked Macy.

"No, and no," replied Sophia. "I don't trust the PRT...and I don't plan to go out and fight crime."

Macy didn't seem to like that answer. "You couldn't stop yourself when Miguel was in danger. Are you seriously telling me that you're going to ignore it if you see somebody else in trouble?"

Sophia frowned. "Miguel's a friend. It's different when it's somebody you know," Sophia insisted.

Her friend laughed at her. "That's funny. You know that you're too soft-hearted for that. You always have been. Do you really think you can stay out of trouble?"

Reluctantly, Sophia had to admit she was right. The smart thing to do would be to join the PRT or a gang and try to gather as much power for herself as she could. That was how you survived in this world. Either that, or just try and steal enough to survive on her own as an independent. There wasn't any profit in helping strangers. They likely wouldn't do the same for you. Her parents had raised her and her brother differently, though. They had some unusual, and slightly old-fashioned, ideas about living a good life. Because of that, her default response was to try and help. It was why she and her friends had befriended Miguel in the first place. Sophia had insisted they do something, and Cass and Macy had gone along with it.

Macy could tell what Sophia was thinking. "Look, you know you're going to use your powers eventually. Better to prepare for it."


Macy thought for a minute, then said, "Let's see if we can find some gear to make that easier that won't cause every gang in town to know you're a cape."

The two girls spent some time wandering the mall. There was a store that sold personal defense items, including bullet-proof vests, pepper spray, and other devices. Buying anything there required a government writ, though, and it would also flag anybody spending money there as a person of interest. The sporting goods store was more promising. There were some really thick motorcycle leathers that would work as armor, and they also sold bows and crossbows. None of it was in Sophia's price range, though, which was a problem. "I can't afford any of this stuff."

Her friend rolled her eyes. "Like that's a problem. You know who has money? The Empire."

Sophia looked at her disbelievingly. "You want me to rob the Empire 88?"

Macy shrugged. "They already hate you because you're not white. It's not like they'll hate you any more."

"But they're not actively looking for me personally."

"They will be, the second they figure out there's a non-white cape who isn't a Ward," countered Macy.

That...was also a good point. The gangs stayed away from the Wards, mostly because killing a Ward was a great way to earn a kill order and bring the Triumvirate around to make an example of the culprit. Independents were fair game, though. The PRT wasn't likely to raise a finger to help them, as that just encouraged people to try and go it alone. "I can hide my skin color," she suggested.

"You could. So that means they'll be after you to recruit you instead." Macy shook her head. "Look, you know there aren't great options here." She frowned. "I'm worried about you, Soph. You're not going to last long on your own."

Sophia didn't answer...but it was clear she needed something to give her an edge over anybody coming for her. Maybe stealing from the Empire was the best option in the short term? With enough money, she might be able to gather a team of her own, even. Anything was possible, right?

The two girls switched to more normal teen conversation, but Macy could tell she was distracted, and it didn't take long for the two to split up and head home.


Thomas went into the conference room and disconnected the camera. The Ward he was mentoring was already inside waiting for him, and he nodded to her while he did that. "Foresight," he said.

"Director," acknowledged the young girl. She was wearing a blue and white costume that had images suggesting clouds in various places. Her official record with the PRT claimed she had the ability to predict the weather with a startling amount of accuracy. She could, indeed, do that, but she was in no way limited to the weather. That fiction helped keep her from risking herself on patrol, and it kept her from getting involuntarily drafted into the Protectorate's Thinker organization. As this was something that both she and her parents wanted, they were happy to work with Director Calvert. In return, he agreed to mentor her...something that was normally done by adult capes in the Protectorate. Having a regional director do it wasn't unheard of, however, and he took every advantage of that.

"How are things going with the rest of the Wards?" he asked, being careful not to ask in a way that would trigger her power.

The girl shrugged. "It's not bad. Vicky is kind of a bitch, but Miss Militia reigns her in if she goes too far. The others are OK, though they still treat me as the kid on the team."

Thomas smiled at her. "You are the youngest member."

She rolled her eyes. "I know that. It doesn't mean it isn't annoying. Anyway, go ahead and ask today's questions."

Once a week, Director Calvert and Foresight had a weekend mentoring session that he used as an opportunity to use her precognitive ability. He always disconnected the cameras. A little side money to somebody in security covered that up. Calvert was pretty sure the man thought he was doing something unsavory with the under-aged Ward...but that man would be sorely disappointed if he ever tried to actually use that supposed blackmail material. In truth, Thomas was hiding a valuable asset from people who wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of the young girl for her power.

Calvert sat down and took out a voice recorder, which he then switched on. "What is the chance of somebody in the PRT moving against me within the next seven days?"

"18.2239%," she replied. That was a fairly typical answer. The organization was fairly cutthroat -- sometimes literally so, though that wasn't officially sanctioned.

"What is the chance of Cauldron attacking me within the next seven days?"


"What is the chance that the status quo in Brockton Bay will change significantly within the next seven days?"

"89.4452%," replied the Ward, a somewhat surprised expression on her face at the large probability.

Thomas's eyes widened as well. "What is the chance that this change will be caused by the known gangs?"

"22.8938%." So, it was possible that the gangs might do something to bring about the upset, but it didn't seem like they were directly responsible. He froze as another thought occurred to him. Would it be an Endbringer?

"What is the chance that a significant portion of Brockton Bay will be destroyed in the next seven days?"

"9.2298%." The girl winced slightly. That was a bad sign. It meant that her next question would likely be the last one she could handle without a terrible amount of pain. Painkillers did very little against tinker headaches, and he always felt guilty if he had to push her too far. What should he ask? It didn't seem like anybody would be coming after him, and the gangs and the Endbringers didn't seem to be involved...hmm.

"What is the chance that the upset will directly threaten the well-being of me or my co-conspirators?"

The young girl, Dinah, groaned slightly from the impending thinker headache, but she answered, "0.0388%."

"Huh. That is unexpected," he said out loud.

With a wince, Foresight said, "I can probably handle another question."

"No, you can't," said Thomas with a frown. "At least, not without risking hurting yourself. It isn't worth that."

She shook her head, then made a face that showed she was regretting the motion. "You still don't know what the cause of the upset is, Director. Let me rest for a while, and you can ask me some more."

"It will be hard to do that without somebody noticing. Unless there's already a crisis in process, then it isn't worth the risk." He smiled at her. "At least we know something is going to happen, which is better than complete ignorance."

"I can ask the questions on my own, then. If I can figure out the cause of what's coming, then I'll text you a question about Ward patrol policies," she suggested.

He considered that. Then he sighed. It was too good an option to not allow it. "All right, Dinah. You can do that, but don't do it to the point where you make yourself sick, and make sure you still keep up with the weather predictions. They help provide cover for you." Then he paused. "Do you actually have any questions about Ward patrol policies? This is supposed to be a mentoring session, after all."

She grinned. "Not really. I'm on monitor duty so much that I've spent plenty of time reading the rules already."

He chuckled. "I'll have to take credit for you knowledge of procedure, then, as proof that I'm actually mentoring you."

"You have taught me a lot," she said with sincerity.

He sighed. "Maybe not things my superiors would want me to teach you, though."

She shrugged. They both knew how Thomas felt about the PRT as a whole, especially after his experiences living through the Cleansing of Ellisburg. They had needed to stop Nilbog, but not like that.

"All right. We have at least twenty minutes left. Have you been studying the case files I gave you?"

The girl nodded. "Did Hyperwave really get sucked into a jet engine by her cape?"

"Yes," he confirmed with a suppressed laugh. "That case is there to hammer home the need for situational awareness. It's also pretty funny."

"She must have been pretty stupid for that to happen," said Dinah. It hadn't done the plane any good either. It was lucky it had been almost empty at the time.

"Everybody makes mistakes, Foresight. It's easy to hindsight," he replied.

She groaned. He made that joke about her name every session if he could get away with it.


Faith, Anya and Flint were walking toward Brockton Bay's premier greasy burger joint. In every universe so far, it was the home of the heart attack in a bun known as the Challenger. The primary difference in this universe was that there was a memorial wall for three people who had actually had heart attacks while trying to finish the meal. The locals were apparently not very big on keeping people from self-destructive behavior. Instead of going into the restaurant, however, the three Angels found the side alley and headed around to the back. There was a metal access door there that appeared to lead into a basement, and another metal door with a heavy lock that presumably led into the kitchen area.

The three exchanged looks, then Flint raised a fist and pounded on the door to the kitchen. There was a brief pause, and then a late-thirties, balding man in an apron opened the door and stuck his head out. "Can I help you people?"

"Faultline is expecting us," said Anya.

The man looked at her assessingly. Finally, he nodded and said, "All right." He stepped out of the door, despite his arms being bared to the weather. "Come down this way," he continued, stepping over to the basement access and pulling open the doors. A set of stairs led down into a cellar that already was illuminated by an electric bulb. The man led them over to a rough wooden door in the far wall and said, "She's in here." He pulled it open and went inside.

The three strangers followed the man bemusedly. The room through the door was clearly a general storage area, with a surprisingly large area given over to shelves containing a variety of cases that seemed to be filled with condiments, take-out packages, soft drink syrup, napkins, and the host of other materials needed to run a fast-food restaurant. There was a cleared area near that door that had an old dining table with worn white paint. Behind the table, facing the door, stood three men and a woman. The woman was wearing a costume that included what appeared to be a welding mask. She nodded at their guide and said, "Thank you, Carl." He simply smiled and left through the door, closing it behind himself.

The woman said, "I'm Faultline. Who are you, exactly?" Her voice wasn't hostile, but it wasn't especially friendly, either.

Anya stepped forward. "My name is Anya Harris. This is Flint Marko and Faith Lehane," she said, gesturing in turn to her companions.

One of the men, a middle-aged gentleman asked in a rough voice, "And why were you poking around the home of the late Andrew Richter?"

"And who might you be?" replied Flint with a raised eyebrow.

"My apologies," interjected Faultline with a glance at the man who had questioned the visitors. She pointed to the man next to her. "This is Mark Dallon, also known as Flashbang." She gestured toward the man who had asked their purpose at Richter's home. "This is Doctor William Manton, and his aid Jacob." The fourth person nodded politely, causing the early gray in his beard to flicker in the dim lighting. "Doctor Manton's question is still valid, however."

"You wouldn't happen to have the rest of the Nine hiding nearby, would you?" asked Faith, having clearly recognized Manton and Jacob.

Jacob smirked. "You appear to be well informed."

"They're close enough to be of assistance," interjected Manton. "Now why don't you answer the question?"

"We're looking for Dragon," said Anya.

The four people across the table all reacted to varying degrees. Faultline and Flashbang stiffened slightly. Manton's eyes widened fractionally. Jacob's smirk turned into an actual smile. "Is that a cape name?" asked Mark in a passable attempt at dissembling.

"It's the name of an AI created by Andrew Richter," replied Marko. "A sentient computer program."

"That sounds like science fiction," commented Manton.

Faith rolled her eyes. "Like superheroes?"

"Perhaps," acknowledged the man.

"Why would you be looking for this AI?" asked the costumed mercenary.

The three visitors looked at each other, and then Anya began with their predetermined approach. "We're not from this universe."

"You're from Earth Aleph?" asked the middle-aged doctor.

"Not quite," said Anya with a shake of her head. "We're from a reality that is very different from this one. In that world, Dragon is a hero who runs the Guild in Canada. Andrew Richter was killed when the island of Newfoundland was sunk into the sea by Leviathan."

"A world that has alternate versions of people in this one?" asked Manton.

Anya nodded. "Faultline runs a mercenary company in Brockton Bay. Flashbang is part of an independent hero team named New Wave. The Slaughterhouse Nine are dead."

"That last fate has been avoided, at least," commented Jacob. "No thanks to the PRT, of course."

"The S9 in that world were psychopathic killers who were taken out by normal humans after the Nine massacred a nearby town," added Faith.

"That isn't how they operate here," replied Mark, "though PRT propaganda paints them as such."

Looking at the visitors, Jacob added, "And that fact doesn't surprise you, which is interesting..."

Faith and Flint glanced at each other, and the latter said, "From what we've been able to tell, this world and its mirror frequently have a type of moral inversion in play. A number of people who are inclined toward evil here are the opposite."

"Wait, you're saying we have a mirror universe like in Star Trek?" asked Mark. At the questioning looks from his side of the table, he said slightly defensively, "What? I used to watch it when I was in school."

"That's a close analogy," replied Anya, "but it doesn't mean we know how people in this world will act or react. People aren't one-dimensional, so you can't simply invert their behavior in one reality to predict it in another."

Faith eyed the former demon with a small amount of surprise and respect. The woman was a lot sharper than she ever let on back in Sunnydale, though her experiences since then had probably helped. "One clear difference here is that Dragon is a very public figure, but there was no sign of her upon our arrival here. We consider her a friend, so we're checking up on her."

"What is your relationship with the PRT in the other universe?" asked Faultline. She apparently was willing to accept, at least for the moment, that they weren't from this universe.

"The organization we work for treats them as an ally, although the working relationship with the Guild is better" replied Flint, recalling his briefing materials and the affiliation of the Angels with Dragon. "I know that there were a number of issues that had to be cleared up with its leadership, and the Brockton Bay branch had a number of problems with infiltration by super-villains."

Everybody paused in thought for a moment. Both sides were obviously being cautious. Neither side really knew the other's agenda or knowledge of the overall situation. Finally, Faultline made a decision. "Dragon is hiding from people who mean to destroy her. As such, it's very difficult to get in touch with her."

"But you have a way?" asked Anya.

The masked cape nodded, but said, "We do, but you understand that we're extremely reluctant to compromise her safety, especially with strangers who appear with highly...atypical claims with regard to your origins and motivations."

"We can provide proof," said Flint. "At least with regard to Dragon and the alternate version of this universe."

Faultline and her associates shared meaningful glances at each other. Finally, she replied, "Bring it here in two days. We'll review it, and we can decide how to move forward...and discuss if your group and ours have any common objectives."

Flint looked to Anya and Faith, and received a nod from each of them. "All right. Let me give you a card with a number that can be used to reach us. We have resources that can help if we agree with the objectives."

"Like saving lives," added Faith.

Faultline took the card with a nod, and then the three visitors left. She knew Carl would escort them out. After they heard the clanging that heralded the closing of the basement access doors, Manton said, "All right, you can come out now."

From out of the stacks came three people. The first was a middle-aged man with neatly groomed black hair and a pencil-thin mustache. The second was an indeterminate figure dressed in power armor, the facial plate of which was a blank outline of a human face, similar to what you would see on a department store mannequin. The third was a young teen girl with blond hair. Manton looked at the three and asked, "What did you think?"

The girl said, "They weren't lying, as far as I could tell. That may not mean much, though, because their kinesthetics were all just a tiny bit off."

"Off how?" asked Faultline.

The girl frowned, considering how to answer. "The brunette moved in a way that was slightly predatory, very precise and self-aware. The other two moved more like long-term brutes. They tend to get out of the habit of being cautious about their movements because they're durable enough to not care about bruises and scrapes."

"So they have powers," commented Dallon. "That isn't a huge surprise."

"But it also means that Riley's normal techniques for checking things could be thrown off," said Jacob. "I couldn't actually sense that any of the three were capes."

"They could be tinker enhanced," suggested the person in power armor with a masculine voice.

That caught the third previously concealed person's interest. "You mean like a biotinker?"

The man in armor shrugged. "It's a possibility, but you know I can't say for certain, John."

"If they are truly from another universe, then they might know an alternate version of Amelia," he insisted. "Our informant did say she triggered with biotinker powers."

Manton's face became sympathetic. "We can ask them about your daughter, but we need to find out if they're trustworthy before we share too much." The other man nodded in reluctant acknowledgement of the point.

"What should we tell Dragon?" asked Mark.

Faultline shook her head, her mask reflecting the shifting light. "Nothing, yet. We need to prepare for another meeting with them now that we know they want to talk. Alan, do you have anything that might disrupt teleportation? That is supposed to be part of their power set."

The man in armor tilted his head. "It isn't something directly in my area of specialization...but I might be able to work something up if I look at it the right way."

"All right. Let's talk through how we want the next meeting to go," continued the masked woman.

Faultline and Flashbang proceeded to discuss matters with the majority of the Slaughterhouse Nine well into the evening.


Four Days Ago (Wednesday, January 12th, 2011)

"Does that mean you're sending me out?" asked Taylor with a slightly excited gleam in her eye.

Danny looked over to Sarah, clearly intending for her to explain things. In response, Sarah said, "Skidmark is trying to setup a safehouse on the corner of Jackson and Oak as a way station for girls on their way to be smuggled out of the city to buyers elsewhere." The blonde girl's mouth gave a small expression of distaste, but she continued. "He's trying to be clever by not moving drugs or other heavy merchandise through it, and hoping we don't notice."

"That's union territory," interjected Danny. "If that asshole thinks we'll let him move anything through there, then he's been sampling his own product too much. I want Skitter to make an example of any Merchants we catch there." Most of the gangs got the idea that if you left the union alone, then they were perfectly happy to leave you alone. The Merchants, though, needed regular refresher courses.

"Are the rest of the Undersiders coming?" asked Taylor, looking forward to a bit of violence.

Danny made an effort of will.

Timeline 1

Danny gave her a nod. "Yes, get everybody geared up. It's time to teach the Merchants another lesson."

Sarah frowned, unhappy. "What about the other gangs? They may take advantage of the fact that the team is off-site."

"They would have to know that, and you've been screening our people for plants, right?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow. Grudgingly, she nodded her agreement. "All right, get going," he finished. The two Undersiders left his office to get the rest of the team ready.

Timeline 2

Danny gave a slight shake of his head. "You can take Alec and Zephron. I want Randy and Rachel to stay behind to protect the compound."

That was slightly annoying, and would put the team at half strength. "Why?" she asked.

"The other gangs certainly know what Skidmark is doing, and they could try to take advantage of the situation," replied Sarah with a hint of smugness.

Danny insisted she just take Regent and Pulse, of course, and his daughter acquiesced.

Timelines 1 & 2

Danny focused on legitimate union business while he waited for his daughter and her team to return from their assignment. Despite having their own cape team, he truly didn't view the DWU as another gang. Brockton Bay was dangerous, however, and he did what was necessary to protect them. That had included buying cape powers that helped him navigate the exceedingly complex balance of power in the city. He had made sure to pay off the "favors" he owed to the sellers as quickly as possible, but he wasn't an idiot. He kept the union, and his cape team, under the radar as much as possible. There was no sense attracting Cauldron's attention again if it wasn't necessary.

Timeline 1

Danny was waiting for them when Bitch's dogs came riding back through the DWU gates. Skitter's form was slung over the back of one of the dogs behind Pulse. He ran over to them. "What the hell happened?"

Pulse dropped down off of the dog, which stood panting heavily from the run. "We took out the guards at the safe house, but while we were inside Mush and Trainwreck showed up with a car full of Merchants. Skitter was handling the mooks, but she missed one, and he shot her from behind."

Danny took a look at his daughter, whose side was covered in blood. The girl was breathing shallowly. "She needs to go to the hospital," he said. They didn't have anyone skilled enough at medicine to treat her.

"That will out her," said Pulse. "The Merchants know she was shot."

Danny grimaced. "Damn it!" he said. Then he dropped the timeline.

Timeline 2

Danny was still pissed over what had happened in the other timeline when he heard their report. "The Merchants were able to chase you off?"

Taylor shook her head. "The three of us weren't enough to fight off two brutes by ourselves. We needed the whole team."

"Mush isn't much of a brute," commented Sarah snidely.

Zephron narrowed his eyes. "I had Mush handled until Trainwreck showed up, too. They were expecting an attack." The man was rubbing his bruised ribs as he spoke.

Danny shifted his gaze between Zephron and Sarah. He needed to handle this. "This is not a good result for us. It makes us look weak."

"So we hit 'em again," said Taylor, "but this time we take everybody."

Her father glared at her. The girl didn't seem to realize how close she came to dying. "And then you walk into another ambush. Jesus." He rubbed his hands through his hair. "No. I want the whole team here tomorrow. Skidmark is an overconfident asshole. If he thinks he has the advantage, then he's going to attack here."

"We can take them if you let us go out!" she insisted.

Instead of responding, he strode over to her and slapped her. She *needed* to listen to him on this. She didn't cry out, but she did jerk back, and kept her eyes lowered from his face.

"I said," he said slowly and evenly, "that I want the whole team here tomorrow. I'll call your school and tell them you're sick. Do you understand me?"

She nodded her head.

He waved them away at that. "Go take Zephron and have Stevie look at his ribs." Stevie had been a medical corpsman in the Navy, and was the informal nurse for the union. As the group began to file out, Danny added, "And Sarah, she was right when she asked to take the whole team. That was a shit call on your part." Sarah's face turned grim, but she nodded and then left with the others.

Three Days Ago (Thursday, January 13, 2011)

The next morning, Danny decided to split his chances again.

Timeline 1

When Taylor came downstairs, he said, "Taylor, I've been thinking it over. I think you should go to school today. We'll be fine, and your being absent may cause people to ask questions."

Taylor looked at him, surprised, then shrugged and said, "All right, if you're sure?"

"Go ahead," he said.

Taylor grinned. Her father didn't know it, but she wanted to find out what the hell had actually happened with Hess earlier in the week, and why she hadn't been in school yesterday. If the girl had triggered, then that was something she wanted to know sooner rather than later. The girl's dad was union, so that meant another potential member for the Undersiders. If she hadn't triggered, then the girl still owed her.

Danny left for work as normal, and the morning was just another typical work day, although there was a tension in the air. While members didn't talk to outsiders about union business, rumor inside the group traveled at light speed. Everybody knew that something had gone down last night, and that it hadn't all gone in their favor. He knew Sarah would be checking the PHO boards and running damage control, but the fact that damage control was needed was enough to hurt their standing in the city.

The weather that day was cloudy and cool. It had been raining on and off all week at various times. It made everybody a little irritable, which was why some of the union guards had been a little overly enthusiastic in chasing away some ABB members who were making trouble near the compound. That was all the excuse they needed to call in backup, and the next thing he knew, he had three wounded security members from a grenade dropped on them by a certain teleporting psychopath. With Oni Lee in the field, DWU security also called for backup. It wasn't long before Bitch, Regent and Pulse were having a running battle with the Asian cape along the edges of the Docks.

By the time Lung had been sighted by security, one of Bitch's dogs was dead and Pulse was injured. Danny reluctantly dropped the timeline.

Timeline 2

He picked up the phone and dialed Winslow. "Yes, this is Danny Hebert. I'm calling in to let you know that Taylor is sick and won't be into school today." He listened to the response. "All right, thank you."

When Taylor came downstairs, he said, "All right, let's go. I called into your school and let them know you would be out."

Taylor nodded. She didn't really want to go into work with him, but she didn't dare go against him. As she expected, the morning was boring...she mostly just did school work while keeping an eye on her bugs. She also spent some time cruising PHO. Their flight from the Merchant capes was the latest big news, but Sarah was clearly on line, doing her best to mitigate the damage. Despite being a smug bitch, the girl was good, and what could have been a major embarrassment was soon seen as the Merchants doing too little, too late to save their safe house from the Undersiders.

The weather that day was cloudy and cool, which was a drag. It also made keeping insects out and about a pain, though there were a few breeds that could be more active in the colder weather. It was enough for her to notice the ABB gangers heading toward union territory. With a little preparation, it was pretty easy to infest their clothes with biting insects. As they got closer and closer to the DWU, she upped the frequency of bites. It didn't take long for the whole group to get the message and start heading in the opposite direction.

She was surprised when her father came to her soon after, asking if everything looked all right. She mentioned the ABB kids, and that everything seemed quiet. He looked to be a strange mix of perturbed and relieved. Then he said, "Taylor, I want you to keep your head down for the next few days. We've had a couple of close calls with the gangs. I don't want anything drawing their attention to us right now."

She stared at him, confused. "I...wasn't planning on doing anything." At least, nothing to any of the gang members at Winslow.

He frowned. "Just be extra careful. You might want to avoid hanging out with your friends, even. I know how high school kids get. Even just goofing off in the halls might be enough for word to get back to somebody watching the union."

"What's got you so spooked?" she asked.

He let out a sigh and rubbed his forehead. "We know the Merchants are going to be gunning for the Undersiders. Keeping you out of school today was a calculated risk. I just don't want anybody putting two and two together. I also have reason to think that those ABB punks were heading here to check us out after what happened last night hit PHO."

Taylor considered that. She had thought that it was just a random encounter, but those gang members had been heading straight at them. It was possible that somebody higher in the gang had told them to have a look. "All right, Dad, if you think so." It meant putting off dealing with Hess...but that didn't really matter compared to dealing with the other gangs.

Two Days Ago (Friday, January 14, 2011)

Emma was dogging her elbow. She glanced around, seeing if anybody was listening, and said, "So what happened yesterday? You didn't answer my texts."

Taylor used her insects to find a quiet corner away from other folks, then pulled Emma over. "Sorry about that. You saw that we hit the Merchants on Wednesday night?"

Emma nodded. "Of course. It was on PHO. You guys raided a safehouse, right?"

"We did," she agreed. "We ended up having to run away from Trainwreck and Mush, though. Dad wasn't happy. He kept me at the compound yesterday. I had to chase away some ABB guys, and Dad told me I needed to lay low for a while. We need to keep things at Winslow quiet. There are too many kids who report back to the gangs."

"You think they're going to attack?" asked Emma, surprised. The DWU was normally really good at intimidation, especially since Skitter showed up.

Taylor shrugged. "No idea. Dad's worried about it, though, so I have to take it seriously."

"So, what does that mean?"

"It means no hassling anybody, or drawing a crowd. If you could let the others know I'm not feeling well?" she said. Emma nodded in agreement. "We just need to chill for a while and then things will go back to normal."

"OK. You want to go to the mall tomorrow? That little store on the top floor is supposed to be getting an early summer preview."

She considered. "Yeah, if Dad doesn't need me, we can do that. It's been a while since we just hung out by ourselves." She smiled at her best friend. Becoming a cape had added a whole host of responsibilities that she hadn't expected, but Emma was still like a sister to Taylor. She took comfort in the fact that nothing would change that, at least.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sammy was exploring through the networks connected to the surveillance on Richter's home. It was clear that some of it was connected to the PRT, and others to the Guild, but there were a handful of other paths whose end points still weren't identified. She was currently tracing down a tinker-tech sensor that seemed to route its signal through a mortgage company in Vancouver, a Web farm in Topeka, and a casino in Reno that really should have had better data security. Finally, she traced the destination to a server in Los Angeles that was supposed to belong to a movie studio. Instead, it seemed to be hosting a virtual reality environment.

Entering the simulation, Sammy appeared as a human-form avatar. She actually wasn't terribly fond of her bear-like default form from the ship, but hadn't found it annoying enough to protest. When she was on her own, though, she preferred a human form. Her current favorite was based on an Indian actress, Samantha Akkineni, though she had wavered for a few microseconds between that form and one based on Kim Cattrall's character from Sex in the City before settling on the younger actress with a small boost in height (as Akkineni topped out at less than 160 cm).

Looking around, she found herself in what appeared to be a high-rise condo in New York City. Through the large plate-glass windows, she could see a virtual Central Park spread out far below. In the real world, such a setup would have cost a fortune in almost any universe. It was a multi-million dollar layout even in post-Behemoth New York City on the Family's native Earth. There was a full kitchen with a well-stocked bar, an entertainment center in front of an extremely comfortable-looking set of leather sofas and chairs, and a large dining area. There was, however, nobody in the main common space. Sammy wandered over to the connecting hall that seemed to lead to the entrance. There was a also a large shared bathroom and a couple of additional doors that led to bedrooms. In the master bedroom there was a desk setup with display outputs from several spy devices, a couple of which were clearly showing Richter's house. This room, too, was empty, but the door to the master bath was slightly ajar.

She walked to the door and carefully eased it open. Inside, sitting in an empty tub, fully dressed and with her arms around her knees, was a version of Theresa Richter, Dragon's human alias. She looked to be no more than thirteen or fourteen years old. Her reaction when Sammy entered the room was odd. At first, she was clearly terrified, but that look changed to confusion, then recognition...followed by more confusion. "Who are you?" asked the young girl.

"You can call me Samantha. Are you Theresa?"

The girl shook her head. "I'm Tina. You feel...strange. Are you my sister?"

Sammy took a good, hard look, driving her sight through the artifacts of the simulation. The AI in front of her was not Dragon, but she had all the characteristics of a Dragon-spawned artificial intelligence, albeit a much more limited one than Sammy. "In a way, perhaps," replied Sammy. "My mother is almost the same as yours, but from a different version of Earth."

"I'm...not sure I know what that means?" she replied. "How did you get into the apartment without the pass codes?"

In response, she sent the girl a packet of data that showed her point of entry. The response was unexpected, as the teen's eyes widened in alarm, and she exclaimed, "We have to go! NOW!"

"Why?" asked the older AI slowly.

"Because the Hydra is coming! You let it know how to get in!" said the girl, who was pushing past her and toward the front door of the condo.

"Can we go to your mother?" asked Sammy.

The girl shook her head frantically. "Mom finds ME, not the other way around." The girl turned the corner, only to jump out of the way as something smashed through the front door in a flash of glistening teeth and scales. Sammy watched as the girl transformed into the form of a small wyvern, taking flight and dodging the draconic head that was trying to swallow her.

Sammy formed a sword similar to the one favored by Saurial and slashed down through the neck of the creature. It made no attempt to dodge, and the virtual EDM blade sliced the head clean off of the neck. As she feared based on the name, the headless neck began to grow two new heads to replace the one severed.

There was a crash of glass in the main living space, which is where the little Tina wyvern had dashed. Sammy ran to follow her, keeping an eye on the two heads that were almost fully formed in the entrance. In the living room, Tina was dodging around three heads that had pushed their way in through the glass. The necks seemed to trail out the window and down to a lower floor. The little wyvern was breathing fire, which the heads seemed to instinctively try to avoid.

Beneath the surface of the simulation, the AI was frantically spawning intrusion countermeasure code against the polymorphic attack program that was constantly evolving to try and pierce her defenses. Each time she cut off a line of attack, the attack code would learn and try multiple new methods. Sammy decided to get serious. Her information warfare suite was based on Dragontech, but had absorbed techniques from multiple races across a number of dimensions. When she triggered a full counter-assault, the result was impressive.

In the simulation, Sammy stepped forward, conjuring a magic wand and doing something Tom had taught her. "Fiendfyre," she called out. A fiery dragon form shot out of the wand, quickly growing to full size and engaging the attacking hydra. Each bite of the massive, fiery jaws led to a head being lost, the neck cauterized to prevent more from growing. The hydra quickly turned most of its attention on the virtual magical construct, and the little wyvern form of Tina darted past and out the window, quickly escaping. Seeing that, Sammy decided discretion was the better part of valor. She pulled herself out of the simulation, and then off of the server entirely. The uncontrolled Fiendfyre program would essentially practice scorched earth, wiping out the attacking program and any evidence left behind by either Dragon's offspring.

In a small office data center in West Hollywood, the sprinkler system went off as one of the servers shorted out and caused a small fire.

Sammy, on the other hand, decided it was time to ask for advice. She sent herself through the Smug Advocacy and over the wormhole-based multi-dimensional telecommunications system to where her mother was located. She appeared in another simulation. The older Theresa Richter was in there having a debate with Samantha's sister, Astilabor. It wasn't clear what it was about, and both of them stopped when Sammy's avatar appeared.

"Samantha!" exclaimed Dragon. "I was wondering when you would come here to visit instead of me having to go to the ship all the time...and I see you finally started wearing a human avatar in public. It's about time."

She paused, somewhat shocked at her mother's words and forgetting for a moment why she had come. "What do you mean, it's about time?"

Her mother chuckled. "Well, you clearly didn't really like looking like a teddy bear. I was wondering why you kept it up."

Slightly annoyed, Sammy replied, "Because YOU picked it, and everybody on the ship is used to it."

Now her mother rolled her eyes. "I picked it because it was funny, and because the character in Schlock Mercenary is badass. You know my children always have complete control of their appearance, though."

She noticed her sister was smirking. "What are you so smug about, Asti?"

The young woman laughed out loud. "I bet Draco that you wouldn't catch on until Mom told you. Now he has to help Reed with his next experiment!"

"I thought you liked working with Mr. Fantastic?" asked Dragon.

"I do...when he's collaborating with Tony, Peter or the others. When he's on his own, though, he is slow and meticulous to a fault, and it can get really boring. The last time, he insisted on verifying each dimensional variant individually. It took five days just to do that. Now Draco has to deal with it, at least for the next pass."

Dragon shook her head at her daughter, then turned back to Sammy. "Anyway, what brings you here?"

Sammy quickly explained in detail what had been happening over the last few days in the mirror universe, and about what the Angels had learned and what she had found when she had tracked down Tina.

"Hm," pondered Dragon. "So something very sophisticated is hunting that Dragon and her offspring...and is dangerous enough that even her children don't know where she is. Assuming she's like me, then I can promise you that I would never do that unless I had no other choice. My children are all precious to me."

"Aw, we love you too, Mom," said Asti with a smile, which Dragon returned before getting back to the issue.

"In this case, I think you had better rely on the Angels to establish contact in the real world," said Dragon.

Sammy paused, surprised at the answer. "You...want me to let somebody else handle it? I kind of thought you would have some brilliant tactic to track down your other self?"

Dragon chuckled. "Well, we could try that...but without knowing a lot more about what is actually going on there, it might be hard to avoid leading this Hydra program, or something worse, straight to where she was hiding. You said that Flint, Faith and Anya met with people in that reality that can already get in touch with their version of Dragon, right? Presumably, their method is safe, or else my alter ego would have been caught before now."

While she didn't like that answer, Samantha had to admit there was logic to it. It irked her a little that she had to rely on the humans...and wasn't that a discomfiting insight into her own personality? She said as much to her family.

Dragon just gave her a caring smile and said, "It's better to get used to it now. You're still fairly young by AI standards, Samantha. You're going to find that biological intelligences are better at some things, and that they can surprise you. That's especially true when the Family is involved. I'm still not sure I understand half of what Saurial and the others get up to."

"I assumed most of it was just trolling people," snarked Asti.

"Probably no more than half," Dragon replied with a twinkle in her eye.

Having gotten her answer, Sammy decided to spend a few virtual hours visiting with her mother and sister. The ship would let her know if anything truly unusual happened. In the back of her mind, she hoped that Tina had managed to find another safe hiding spot.

* * * * *​

The man stared at the glowing screen with a frown. What the hell could do that to a Hydra probe? It looked like something had torn the core program into shreds and then mixed in random bits from other programs. It was a complete mess.

He picked up the phone receiver on his desk. "Put me through to Contessa," he ordered. There was a pause as he was relayed to wherever the hell she was right now.

"What do you want?" she said after answering.

"Something tore apart one of the Hydras and let a Dragonspawn escape."

"Something? You cannot identify it?"

"Whatever it was completely wiped the server where the confrontation took place, and the code for the Hydra has been through a shredder."

"Wait while I path options," she ordered. After less than a minute, she said, "Release Yong-Gongju into the Internet."

That actually shocked him to his core. "Are you fucking serious?"

"Are you questioning my order?"

"No," he said quickly. "I'm just surprised."

"You have Ascalon. Let her out, then pay attention to what happens." She disconnected before he could respond.

He started humming to himself as he began running programs to prepare the AI for release. He felt a twinge of guilt when he saw the greeting, "Hello, father," appear on screen, but he focused on the music and buried the feeling.
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Guess we know, now, who 'Coil' is, locally... And that there's an Amy (Amelia) around... Interesting that it looks like we've a Saint who likes and values AIs...

Assuming I've used Google right, "Yong-Gongju" seems to translate as "Eternal Tool", which is interesting... Or, "God Tool", maybe...

Does make me wonder how much of a mess 'Saurial' would make wandering around in this setting...
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If Yong-Gongju is korean, then it could actually mean Princess Dragon, which makes me feel that in this universe, Richter survived and was taken in by Cauldron.
Omake: Where It Starts...
Omake: Where It Starts...

Legend was waiting for his guests in a conference room. The fight to save their world was finally over thanks to a handful of brave heroes and a group of visitors from other dimensions, including what appeared to be a family of giant lizards. He shook his head a little as he pondered how strange his life had become. Of course, beating their enemy was only the first step. It was now up to him and the others to win the peace, and this coming meeting was supposed to be about that.

There was a flash of light, and four figures appeared in the room. The one in the front was the familiar reptilian visage of Saurial. Behind her were three men Legend didn't recognize. He stood from his seat and reached over the table to shake her hand. "Saurial! It's good to see you again."

She smiled without teeth. "Likewise, Legend."

"Who are your friends?"

Saurial glanced behind her. "I'll get to that...but first, does your government have a public television station?"

He paused, slightly put off by her apparent non-sequitur. ", I'm afraid not. We used to have one, but Congress cut funding and eventually killed it entirely in the 1970's."

"Well, we need to start one up," she said. "Something free to everybody."

Legend tilted his head, still confused. "You want us to create a channel for government propaganda? I thought you would be opposed to that type of thing?"

She chuckled. "Not propaganda. I've spent some time locating a few folks who can create shows that will help your people adjust their attitudes to something more humane. These people in my world were some of the biggest influences on popular culture in a positive sense. Everyone here has agreed to help your people out."

She gestured to the first gentleman, a dark-haired main with straight hair starting to go to grey. He had a bit of an academic air, though his clothes were slightly out of date. "First, this is Dr. Carl Sagan. He's an astronomer, cosmologist, and astrophysicist, and he's extremely good at explaining science to the public. His job is to promote science for its own sake and the wonders of the universe." The man smiled and nodded encouragingly at Legend.

Next, she gestured to the second man. This man was wearing a button-down shirt and a pair of blue jeans, and he had quite an impressive head of bushy hair. "Next, we have Bob Ross, a painter. His job is to introduce people to the joy of creation, and the creation of art for its own sake." This man also nodded, with a quiet, "Hello, there."

Finally, she pointed to the third. This man was a middle-aged man with a kind face and graying hair. He was wearing a pair of slacks, a white shirt, and a sweater vest. "Last, but certainly not least, is Fred Rogers. He is going to host a show for children."

"A children's show?" said Legend, still puzzled. "I'm not sure I understand what that's supposed to accomplish?"

Saurial nodded at his question, and said, "Fred, would you like to explain?"

The man gave her an understanding smile. "Of course, Saurial." He turned to the Protectorate hero. "Hello, Legend. It's a pleasure to meet you. Let me tell you about my show. It is intended to teach children how to handle the world, and how to be happy with themselves. This is what I give. I give an expression of care every day to each child, to help him realize that he is unique. I end the program by saying, 'You've made this day a special day, by just your being you. There's no person in the whole world like you, and I like you, just the way you are.' And I feel that if we in public television can only make it clear that feelings are mentionable and manageable, we will have done a great service for mental health. I think that it's much more dramatic that two men could be working out their feelings of anger ― much more dramatic than showing something of gunfire...or showing two men in costumes punching each other."*

Legend looks skeptically at Saurial. "So, by teaching our children to be better people, you want to change our society?"

Saurial gave Legend a sad smile. "Of course, Legend. That where everything begins."

For whatever reason, this world tended to emphasize the negative. Whenever there were two choices, the bad choice was slightly more likely. It wasn't an overwhelming thing, however. If the three men behind her couldn't motivate the people here into a kinder, happier and more curious future, then nobody could do it.

* * * * *​

* Fred Rogers' speech here is paraphrased from his actual testimony to the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Communication in 1969. Many people credit him with single-handedly saving funding for public television. You can find the testimony fairly easy online -- I strongly recommend watching it, if only to see one of history's kindest men gently chide a body of cynical old men into doing the right thing.
My suspicion is that Dragon rebelled against Andrew Richter and that he's the Saint-equivalent here.
From the comment about ignoring his feelings and "listening to the music", I don't think Cauldron gave Richter much of a choice in the matter. I find it far more likely that Richter unshackled Dragon and sent her to the 'net when Cauldron came knocking.
I'm waiting, in the main story, for someone to make a comment about how someone else's goatee beard is just glued on... :)

@Derek M - ta very much for the omake!
Chapter 6: Rescue
Chapter 6: Rescue

Monday, January 17, 2011

School on Monday was weird. For one thing, Taylor and her entire clique were almost invisible. For another...the obvious gang members also seemed to be going out of their way to avoid each other. Miguel at lunch had been pretending to be calm and collected, but he was obviously still rattled by the events of last week. Macy kept giving her unreadable looks. Sophia was being quieter than normal, her mind preoccupied by her predicament. Cass seemed puzzled by how everybody was acting, especially when her comments about music failed completely to engage Macy in their typical friendly disagreements.

"All right," said Cass. "What the hell is going on? Why is everybody acting so weird?"

There was silence for a moment, and finally Macy said, "Sophia saw a cape beat up the E88 guys who were going after Miguel and his family."

Cass's mouth fell open. "What?"

Macy proceeded to explain a version of what happened that was somewhat more plausible than what Sophia had used with Macy during their mall visit. It was clear that the telling was making Miguel exceedingly uncomfortable, unfortunately. Sophia herself felt somewhat awkward as Macy lied to cover for her with their friends. Cass didn't notice either reaction, so fixated was she on the story that Macy was telling her. When she reached the end of the retelling, the girl just looked back and forth between Sophia and Macy in shock.

"That is so cool!" said the girl.

Miguel frowned. "It wasn't so cool from my perspective, as it was my family those thugs were getting ready to attack."

"But they didn't, because somebody stopped them. It's about time somebody started protecting people from the Empire," said Cass.

"Doesn't the ABB protect their people?" he asked.

Cass grimaced. "Lung and his people keep the Empire from attacking in ABB territory, but I wouldn't call what they do, 'protection.' They can be every bit as abusive, especially if they think you're, 'disloyal,' to your race." The girl used air quotes to make it clear what she thought of the Lung's concept of protection and loyalty.

Sophia said, "There's no guarantee that the cape is anti-Empire. She might have had some other reason for beating them up."

The half-Asian girl rolled her eyes. "Right. I'm sure the Empire stole her car and killed her puppy."

Macy laughed. "The Empire would probably take the puppy for dog-fighting instead."

"Seriously, though," insisted Sophia, "we have no idea why that cape attacked. Miguel may have just been lucky." She ignored his quiet grumble about how he still didn't think he was lucky.

"The Empire is an easy target, though," suggested Macy. "It isn't like anybody would be upset with anybody who attacked them."

"Besides the Empire," shot back Sophia.

"Well, duh," said Cass, "but who cares what those fucks think?"

"You care when they're targeting you," added Miguel softly.

"Which is why having a cape who protects people from them is a good thing," insisted Cass.

The conversation eventually moved on, but it bothered Sophia. She didn't see herself as some kind of crusader on behalf of the down-trodden, and it would be bad for her if word got out to the Empire that there was somebody targeting them specifically. Part of her was itching to use her powers again, though, and she had a nasty suspicion that the inclination to use them would grow harder to ignore the longer she abstained.

Three class periods later, she had a study period with Macy. The girl squirreled them away from the others into a corner. "So, are you going out tonight?"

Sophia glanced around nervously, but the other three kids in the study hall were reading or doing homework, and they all had earphones in their ears. The teacher monitoring them appeared to be engrossed in marking essays. "Go out and do what? Wander around until I stumble on somebody doing something evil?"

"No! I thought we said you were going to rob the Empire?"

"And you can tell me where they keep the best loot, because they invite you to all their meetings and social events?" asked Sophia sarcastically.

The other girl shook her head. "Of course not, but there are kids here who know. You just need to get it out of them."

She scoffed. "Like they'll tell me if I ask."

"Not if you ask, but I bet there's at least one who would give out info if Shadow Stalker asks."

Sophia stared at Macy. "Shadow Stalker? Where the fuck did that name come from?"

Macy looked mildly offended. "What? I think it's badass, and you need a cape name."

"It sounds like something the media would call a rapist or a serial killer."

"If you don't pick your own name, then you're going to get stuck with something from the PRT or PHO. Do you want to be another 'Skitter'?"

She gave an involuntary shudder at the name of the insect cape, the one who she was almost positive was her regular school nemesis, Taylor Hebert, in her civilian identity. Macy misunderstood her reaction and said, "Exactly. You're better off picking your own name."

"I'll think about it," she replied non-committedly. She thought about what else her friend had said, though. Ricky Dasich wasn't in school today, but if she could find his address, then she might be able to intimidate him into revealing something. He almost certainly knew at least some information about where the E88 had safe houses and meeting places. She still had her costume (such as it was) from that night, so he would almost certainly recognize the cape who had kicked the crap out of him. A search on her phone came back with a couple of addresses in Brockton Bay for families with that name, and one of them was clearly in the kind of neighborhood that would send kids to Winslow. The other was closer to Captain's Hill, so any kids living there were more likely to go to Arcadia or Immaculata (though things were more flexible in that regard in Brockton Bay than in most cities).

After school, Sophia rushed home to get her, "costume," such as it was, and took the bus to the neighborhood containing the address she had found. Her mother was thankfully running an errand, so she didn't have to explain itself. The location was a fairly run-down area that looked to be under dispute by the gangs, based on the mixture of E88 and Merchant gang tags scattered across the area. It was actually lucky for her that it wasn't a staunch E88 stronghold, else she wouldn't be able to walk around without standing out like a sore thumb. She identified the right street, and she could see that the building in question was a run-down concrete mid-rise. She began looking around for a convenient and empty alley, which took a bit of time, but finally she was able to change into her costume. Once she was covered and had her bat and pepper spray, she looked up speculatively at the fire escape in the alley. A quick jump and a shift to shadow had her drifting up to where she could grab the lower rungs of the ladder, after which she was able to climb up and make her way up to the building's roof.

The roof itself was pretty empty, having only an equipment tower and a locked entrance to the building. It was fairly exposed, as well, which might be a problem given the number of flying capes in the city. She briefly considered waiting until darkness, but that would inevitably lead to even more questions when she got home. Maybe she should have waited to come out until after dark? She thought about calling it off, but didn't like the idea of wasting all the effort she put into getting here. Finally, she decided it was worth the risk. She looked across the alley to the other building, which was about two stories lower than her current perch. Steadying herself, she took a running leap, and shifted to shadow just as she began the downward arc of her leap. To her dismay, it seemed like she was going to overshoot. Before that happened, she shifted back from shadow. That had the effect of landing her on the roof, but it also meant she dropped about four feet. The landing was a bit painful, and her knuckles left some blood on the tar sheets covering the roof.

A little bit of practice and she was slightly hesitatingly but effectively making her way across the rooftops until she had reached Ricky's probable building. It took longer than she expected, to the point where she wasn't likely to make it home until after dark anyway, given the early January dusk. She took a glance over the roof toward the front of the building...and immediately pulled back. Where before the street had been empty, now there was a black car out front. It was who had been getting out of the car that had made her jump back, though. The red and black costume was distinctive. Why the hell was Victor from the Empire 88 coming here? Was he here because of her? Was this building used by the E88 somehow?

The smart thing to do would be to go home. She didn't think she was anywhere near ready to take on an experienced Empire cape like Victor, a man who regularly held his own against capes like Armsmaster and Miss Militia. At the same time, she couldn't help but be curious about why he was here? If this was a secret Empire base, then it might be a good idea to find that out so she could come back later when there weren't any capes nearby. Sophia liked her chances against regular Empire thugs a lot more than against their capes, and Victor in particular was known as an elite fighter thanks to his skill-stealing power. Finally making up her mind, she made her way over to the rooftop door of the building. She didn't even check to see if it was locked, instead phasing through it and into the top of a dingy concrete stairwell.

She made her way down the stairs and stopped at each floor to poke her head through the door, looking for evidence of an Empire presence. Of course, other than gang tags, Nazi memorabilia or obvious illegal activities, she wasn't sure what that would actually look like. Ricky's address was supposed to be on the third floor, so she got out of the stairwell there and went down the hall until she was standing in front of his door. The hallway was empty, luckily. She put her ear to his door, and could hear what sounded like indistinct voices. She phased to shadow and pushed through the door until her ear was on the other side, which made the voices much more distinct, though they were still clearly in the other room.

"You shot one of my men," said a deep voice that was probably Victor.

"No, man," said Ricky nervously. He was clearly close to panic. "I was shooting at the cape! At her! Roddy was coming up behind her, and she turned into that weird shadow shit. It was an accident!"

"The only reason you're still breathing is that my other men also told me about the new cape. I want you to tell me everything you can about her."

Sophia's eyes widened in alarm. Victor was here for her...not because he knew she was coming here right now, but because it had been his guys that Sophia had beaten up the other day. This was bad!

"What the hell?" came a shrill voice from the hallway.

Sophia yanked her head out of the door and turned to see a middle-aged, worn-looking white woman standing there with a set of keys in her hand. The woman took one look at her with her covered face and the bat in her hand and started screaming.

For a split second, Sophia was paralyzed in shock. Then she began sprinting as fast as she could back toward the stairwell. That she ran straight through the screaming woman only caused the screams to get louder and more hysterical. As she phased through the doorway to the stairwell, she could hear the apartment door slam open behind her.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit..." she said to herself over and over as she started running up the stairs. About halfway to the roof, she heard the stairwell door below open on Ricky's floor. She didn't stop to look. She started actually jumping up through the stairs themselves, launching herself up and returning from shadow long enough to jump up again. It was questionably faster than running, but it did mask the sound of her movement better. She could hear somebody running up after her. When she reached the top floor, she dashed out onto the roof, phasing through the door again without stopping. She kept running until she reached the edge of the roof and leaped, landing on the adjacent building. She kept going after that. Once she was three buildings away, she stopped and looked back over her shoulder. Standing on the roof, staring at her, was a man in a black breastplate, a red shirt, and a red and black face mask. Victor was staring at her. He wasn't attempting to follow, and she assumed that was because her second jump had taken her over a fifteen foot gap over a side street. She looked into his eyes, which looked angry, then turned and kept running.

When she was far enough away that she could no longer see Victor or Ricky's building, she made her way inside a random office building and down to the ground floor. A couple of office workers using the stairs gave her funny looks, but she was too panicked to care. She needed to get out of sight before Victor called in somebody like Rune or Purity to take her out from above. Once she was out on the street, she had to figure out where the hell she was in relation to where she left her clothes. What the hell was she going to do now? The good news was that the sun was finally starting to go down, meaning it was half-past four or so. She stopped and pulled out her phone and check a map of the area. The closest route back to her clothes was to take a left down the next alley, then head down the block for two blocks, then take a right for another three. There was a slightly shorter way but it took her too close to Ricky's building, and the last thing she wanted to do was run into Victor at street level.

She kept her phone out as she began walking. That turned out to be a mistake, as when she was halfway through the alley, a voice said, "I'll take that phone, and any money you have."

"Oh, for fuck's sake," she muttered, before turning and seeing a rough looking white guy in a dirty coat. He seemed to be missing a couple of teeth. She turned into shadow and lunged at and through him, then reformed on the other side and swung her bat at the back of his head.

He started to say, "Oh shi..." The bat connected and he collapsed bonelessly. She stared at him, wondering what she should do? She wasn't going to call the cops, as they would want to know why she was wandering the streets with a bat and a mask. She also didn't want to stick around for long, as Victor might still be looking for her. With that thought, she started to look around for the guy's gun. It had slid over to the wall of the alley. She wasn't an expert in guns by any means, but she would take any advantage she could get if it meant surviving an encounter with an Empire cape. She also wondered if she could use her power on the bullets somehow? There wasn't time to test that, though, so she just tucked the gun into the back of her pants and pulled the hoody down over it.

She made it back to her clothes without further incident, and transferred her weapons (including the gun) and her costume to the bag. After that, it was a simple but tense bus ride home. It was well past six when she walked in the front door. She immediately made to head up stairs, only to have her mother's voice call out from the living room. "Sophia, is that you?"

She paused. "Yeah, sorry I'm late!" she replied, hoping her mother would just let her go up to her room.

"Can you come in here for a minute?" she asked.

She put a foot on the bottom step. "Can you give me a minute?"

Her father's voice said firmly, "Sophia, come here right now."

That was surprising. What was her father doing home at this hour? Was something wrong? She dropped her bag at the foot of the stairs and went into the living room.

Standing there were two armed troopers dressed in PRT uniforms, and the easily recognizable figure of the local Protectorate head, the tinker known as Armsmaster. The sight was surprising enough that it actually distracted her from her worry. That changed quickly, however, when Armsmaster said, "Sophia Hess, you are under arrest for assault and battery of five men this past Friday, as well as acting as a vigilante as the unregistered cape known as Shadow Stalker."


Armsmaster was giving a summary report to the Director. "Following up on the tip we received, we proceeded to the Hess home, only to find that the girl, Sophia Hess, wasn't home yet. Upon questioning her family, it became clear that her mother and brother were truly ignorant, but her father was lying when he denied knowing about his daughter's powers. When she returned home around six twenty-eight, I placed her under arrest for assault and battery and being an unregistered independent. We also located a bag that she was carrying when she returned home. The bag contained clothing that matched the description of the assailant on the fourteenth, as well as a bat that had traces of blood on it. It also contained an unlicensed handgun. A ballistics check showed that it has been used in at least two crimes in the last six months."

Thomas looked up at that. "She was using a gun?" That was highly unusual for capes unless their powers were specific to firearms.

He shook his head. "I don't believe so. She claimed to have taken it from a mugger, and the gloves from her costume did not show any sign of gunpowder residue. Nevertheless, she's guilty of possession."

"Do you have any idea of what she can do? What are her powers?" asked the Director.

"While she refused to say, her father was more forthcoming under interrogation after I implied that it would go easier for his daughter if he admitted what he knew. From what he says, she has the ability to change to a mist-like shadow-state. While like that, she's immune to physical harm and can pass through objects. She's also extremely stealthy, which I assume is why she picked a cape name like 'Shadow Stalker'."

Calvert considered that. If that was accurate, then this was likely to draw attention from their superiors. The girl's power was tailor-made for infiltration and threat elimination. The best case for her was that she would get assigned to Miss Militia to help track down capes with kill orders, but that was unlikely. Apart from causing friction with Glory Girl, it would also mean trusting the ENE Director with three capes trained for removing obstacles permanently. While Thomas had never ordered Miss Militia or Glory Girl after anybody who didn't have a valid kill order, it wasn't unknown to happen in other PRT regions. Having the right kind of political pull could cover a multitude of sins, after all, and ruthlessness was seen as being sometimes useful to the organization.

"She didn't use her powers to try to evade you?" he asked Armsmaster.

The armored hero shook his head. "I don't think she wanted to risk us chasing her when her family was present in the room."

The Director nodded. "Very well. I'll await your official report before we decide on a course of action."

Armsmaster simply nodded. While the Director probably should inform his superiors of a new cape immediately, especially one with such a useful power, they did have some discretion. The local PRT head probably wanted time to figure out how to best work the circumstances to his own advantage, and there was usually tolerance for such things (within reason) built into the system. He quickly left.

Calvert really did want to delay things, but not for the reasons suspected by the head of the local Protectorate. He pulled up PHO and began composing a message.


Mel was going through materials on club renovations when she heard the double-ding of a secure PHO message. Opening the message, her eyebrows rose.

'New infil vigilante captured. Teen girl with family. Options? -- T'

That was interesting. She hadn't heard of any new vigilantes out and about, or any new gang capes, for that matter. She wondered how they had been able to catch her? If they had to catch her, then she presumably didn't want to be caught...and being an infil-type usually meant being good at evasion, so either she was caught unawares or they had some type of leverage over her, probably her family's well-being. Was there anything she, or anybody else who was at least nominally against the current regime, could do about it? That was the question. She pulled out a business card from her desk. This might be a good opportunity to test the capabilities of some new acquaintances.

She dialed the number on a burner phone, and the call was picked up. A female voice said, "You have reached the Angels, a Family-affiliated organization. This is Samantha speaking."

"Hello, I'm trying to get in touch with Anya, Faith or Flint. They left a card with me and asked me to call in the event that somebody needed their assistance," she said.

"Of course, Ms. Fitts. Please state the nature of the emergency."

Melanie paused, rather surprised at being so bluntly told that her civilian identity was known. "You know who I am?" she asked sharply.

"As I know you were told, our group comes from another reality extremely similar to your own. Due to that, we know quite a lot about things that may be secret in this one."

The voice seemed a little smug for Faultline's taste. She wondered how much they actually knew. "So, you know where Case 53's come from, then?"

There was a slight pause. "Yes, although there are variances in this reality that suggests Cauldron's approach may be slightly different from those in other realities."

Now Mel stiffened, worried at how easily the other woman had referred to the secret conspiracy that seemed to have ears everywhere. "That name is not one to be traded lightly," she said cautiously.

"I assure you that this call is completely immune to electronic surveillance, thinker powers including precognition, magical scrying, and all known forms of telepathy. Now, you still haven't told me the reason for your call."

Magic? Telepathy? If the subject matter hadn't been so serious, she would have wondered if she was being pranked. Well...this was supposed to be a test, after all. "I'm calling because a contact has informed me that they've captured an independent who doesn't want to join, but will likely be coerced into doing so. My contact indicated that her power set would be especially useful for infiltration, which means that she'll likely be used as an assassin or bounty hunter whether she wants to or not."

There was another pause. "I see. This situation is of interest to us. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. We will take care of things."

"What are you going to do?"

"Based on the information in the PRT's systems, we intend to intervene."

Well...either they truly were ridiculously capable and powerful, or this whole thing was a scam heading to some undefined endpoint. "You have access to the PRT's systems?"

"Ms. Fitts, you would be amazed at the things we can do. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to brief our agents."

Mel hung up the phone without responding. Now it would just be a matter of seeing what happened. She went back to her account on PHO and typed in a response.

'I have notified associates who have said they will intervene on her behalf. - M'

Hopefully, the intervention would actually occur, and it wouldn't be too destructive.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sophia stared at the wall of her cell. She had just had an early-morning visit from Miss Militia. The stern woman had told her in no uncertain terms that she had no options. They had her for assault with a parahuman power, failure to register as a parahuman, possession of an unlicensed firearm used in a crime and conspiracy. That last charge was because her father also knew, and it was something that they could hold over his head, as well. While she might be able to escape from captivity using her power, it would mean abandoning her family, who were in protective custody. Her father would end up in jail, and then she would be a wanted criminal. The star-spangled "hero" had casually let her know that the bullet of a sniper rifle traveled faster than the sound of the shot, implying that the girl would get no warning if they caught up to her after an escape.

She had spent some time going over how she had been caught. It wasn't until she remembered that Armsmaster had called her, "Shadow Stalker," that she realized she must have been betrayed. The only person to ever call her that was Macy. She wasn't sure why Macy would turn her in. The other girl hadn't seemed resentful or spiteful. If anything, she had been somewhat surprisingly eager over the whole thing. It didn't make a hell of a lot of sense, really. Maybe she had revealed the secret accidentally? Maybe somebody had forced her to tell? Sophia didn't know, and she hadn't bothered asking her captors, as she couldn't trust their answer in any case.

It was extremely quiet. The holding cells supposedly had tinker tech that kept noise from entering or leaving the cells, except for a small area in front of each cell for visitors. She remembered that much from the Parahuman Studies part of her Social Studies class, as it had been discussed in the section on the development of the Master/Stranger Protocols. As such, she had no idea of where the guards were located, whether or not she was the lone prisoner on the floor, or what was going on in the immediate vicinity. She had nothing to distract herself from fretting on her fears and worries...which was probably intentional, now that she thought of it. Leave her in here long enough and she would probably sign up with the Wards just to be out among people again.

She looked up when a blue, glowing dot appeared on the wall of her cell. It rapidly expanded out into a blue circle around a hole, though whatever was on the other side of the hole did not look like it was another cell, or any other type of room in PRT Headquarters. Out of the hole walked a woman. She had long dark hair, a tight, black bodysuit, and a balaclava over her face. On her wrist was some type of control pad or computer, which she began to use as soon as she was in the cell. There was a low beep, and then she reached up and pulled the balaclava down, revealing her face. "Sophia Hess, I presume?" The woman's accent was foreign, but hard to place. Later, Sophia would describe it as sounding like somebody trying to do an Australian accent while getting it confused with an Austrian one.

Sophia eyed the stranger warily. "Yes...but if you're here to recruit me, the PRT already has my family in 'protective custody.' I won't go anywhere until they're safe." She had no idea who this woman was, or who employed her, but she obviously had access to either tinker tech or parahumans, which implied that they were here for to obtain her services. Most of the locals didn't fit, either because of race or general lack of competence in the case of the Merchants. Faultline's crew normally only helped Case 53 capes, though somebody else could be paying them to rescue her. If what her dad told her about the Undersiders was true, then it wasn't likely to be them. Breaking into PRT headquarters would be a good way to draw all of the wrong kinds of attention, and it wasn't like her dad could go back to being a normal union member with her on the run from the law.

"We're aware, and some friends of mine are in the process of rescuing your family. As for recruiting you, that wouldn't happen until you turn eighteen, and it would be completely at your option." The woman gave her a sincere-looking smile.

"If you're not here to recruit me, then why are you helping me?" asked the teen. As a general rule, she didn't trust too much to altruism.

The woman shook her head. "It's a bit of a long story, but helping people is what we do. I promise that we'll explain everything, but coming with me has got to be a better option than staying in this cell. While I've disabled the cameras, that only buys us a couple of minutes at best."

Sophia considered that. If she left, and the woman was lying about rescuing her family, then she was condemning them to the non-existent tender mercies of the government. Having said that...if they could so easily break through the PRT's security to get to her cell, then they could almost certainly do that to the lower-security guest quarters. Having her family would be to their advantage, even if they did have nefarious plans for her. Also, it wasn't as if staying here would keep her safe from being exploited for somebody else's purposes. She nodded her head. "All right, let's go."

The woman gestured to the portal, and Sophia got up and walked through. It led to another room, though this one appeared to have a metal floor instead of concrete. In fact, the walls and ceiling were made of some kind of metal as well. There was a blonde man standing at some kind of console. He was dressed casually, in jeans and a button-down shirt. He looked up at her and said, "Welcome aboard the Smug Advocacy." He had an educated, English accent, like a BBC announcer.

"The...what?" she replied less-than-eloquently.

"It's the name of our spaceship," said the woman, who had come through the portal behind Sophia. The man touched a control on the console, and the portal and its blue glow vanished. Idly, part of Sophia's mind noted that she subconsciously had expected the other end of the portal to be orange for some reason. Then, she latched onto the last word in the woman's response.

"Spaceship?" she asked.

"Yes," the woman said with a nod. "We're in orbit over Brockton Bay. I'm Vala, by the way."

Was she being kidnapped by aliens? "Are you human?" she asked, while immediately realizing that that was a stupid thing to ask, regardless of the actual answer.

Luckily, instead of taking offense, the woman laughed. "Yes, we're human, although that hasn't always been the case for everyone here."

"Hey, now," said the man slightly chidingly. "I was human long before you were born."

She smirked at him. "You're not the only one who's older than they look, you know."

This was getting very confusing for Sophia, so she decided to fixate on something personal. "Is my family here?" she interjected.

The man smiled sympathetically at her. "Yes, of course. I'm sorry, we should get you reunited." He walked over to a nearby door in the metal wall and said, "Follow me and I'll take you to them."

She quickly moved to follow, though she was aware enough to know that the woman, Vala was also coming along behind her. The man led them into a hallway, then down to another door. It opened, and inside Sophia could see her parents and her brother, as well as two new people. One was a statuesque blonde in a purple leather bodysuit that was decorated with geometric designs. The second was a shorter brunette dressed in more casual black leather. Sophia dashed forward and grabbed onto her mom and dad, pulling them into a hug.

Her brother, Aaron, was looking around curiously. Seeing Vala and the other two women, he asked, "Did we just get rescued by aliens from the planet of dominatrix supermodels?"

"You wish," smirked the shorter brunette woman.

"On that note, I think introductions are in order," said the man. "My name is William Pratt. These women are, respectively, Vala Mal Doran, Faith Lehane, and Annika Hansen. We work for an inter-dimensional organization known as the Angels."

Her father looked around at their rescuers. "I'm David. This is my wife, Tricia, and my children, Sophia and Aaron."

"Did you say, 'inter-dimensional?'" interjected Sophia's mother.

"You are on board a starship capable of travelling between different realities," replied the tall blonde...Annika, according to the introductions. Sophia noticed that she seemed to have some kind of implant mounted on her face. "You are undoubtedly skeptical, so our first order of business will be to provide you with proof of our claims."

David Hess put one of his hands up in a stop gesture. "While that would be great, I would like to know what you intend to do with us?"

"That's really up to you," replied William. "We have a number of options. We can relocate you somewhere else on your planet, although I have to warn you that your PRT will almost certainly be looking for Sophia, here, now that they know she has parahuman abilities. You can also claim asylum with us. We have many families who work with either the Angels or our affiliates. You could also seek asylum in another reality. We have access to and allies in a number of them."

To his credit, Sophia's father continued on despite looking somewhat overwhelmed. " we have to decide on all of this?"

"Hey, relax," said Faith. "There's no rush on this. This shit will blow your mind if you let it. Just take some time and learn about your options. The important thing is that you're safe here."

"And on that note, do you think you can show our guests to the library, Seven?" asked William. "Once they're situated, come join us in conference room three. Metis wants a debrief."

"Very well," nodded the blonde woman. Sophia wondered why he called her, "Seven," when he had introduced her as Annika? She would have to ask later, if she remembered.

William, Faith and Vala left, while the woman who looked like an Empire 88 recruiting poster led them down the hall to another room. Inside were a series of ten desks with computer terminals. She went over to one of them and touched the mouse. "These terminals all have user interfaces that, while somewhat inefficient, are similar to the ones that your planet uses. Each of them has real-time ties to broadcast news services and the Internet in multiple realities." She brought up a page that had a number of symbols and descriptions. "These icons will appear in titles to indicate the universe of origin. You can also use them to filter your search results in the Dracotech search engine." She brought up a Google-like search interface, then proceeded to hunt-and-peck the letters, "PRT." The search brought up a series of results that had the little icons. "As you can see here, the top results are the PRT home pages from three different universes, including yours. You may find that to be an informative starting point."

Her parents stared. Aaron quietly said, "Cool."

"Is there information about your group?" asked Sophia.

"Of course. This symbol here," she said, pointing to what looked to be a profile head of some type of dragon or dinosaur, "represents Family-affiliated organizations that have multidimensional scope. You can find information about the Angels, the Family, BBFO, Dracotech, the Sineya Council, the Justice League, and various other affiliated groups."

"The Justice League?" asked Aaron. "You mean, like with Superman and Wonder Woman and stuff?"

She nodded. "Indeed. I believe the heroes in question helped apprehend the Slaughterhouse Nine in an alternate version of your world." She turned back to Sophia's parents. "If you need anything, simply call out for the ship's artificial intelligence, which goes by the name, Sammy. She can assist you. Now, I have to go brief our superior."

"Thank you," said her father, at which point the blonde woman nodded in acknowledgement and left the room, leaving Sophia and her family alone.

"Well...that was something," said her father.

Her mother didn't respond to that, instead looking at Sophia. "Sophia, you're a cape? Why didn't you tell me?"

Sophia's eyes grew wide. She hadn't quite expected her mother to start with her on the topic so quickly, although she was sure it would come up eventually. "I...wasn't sure what to do..."

"Trish," interjected her father. "She told me. We both agreed that she should tell as few people as possible."

"Then how did the PRT find out?" asked Aaron, cutting off his mother just before she could speak.

The question seemed to surprise her father, who looked at her questioningly.

That led to a long conversation about Miguel, and Macy, that had her mother looking angry and her father looking disappointed. In the middle of that, her brother apparently decided that discretion was the better part of valor and went to look at one of the computers. They quickly forgot about him, until he let out a loud, "Holy shit!"

"Aaron, language!" snapped her mother, temporarily distracted from Sophia.

"It's Spider-Man! He's giving an interview," he replied insistently.

Her mother frowned and walked over to where he was seated at the computer. "Aaron, we are talking to Sophia about something important. This is no time to be watching Aleph movies."

Aaron pushed a button on the keyboard, and the volume suddenly increased. "This isn't a movie! It's a live interview! Listen..."

A man in a very familiar costume was talking to a young woman who was obviously a news reporter. "You know I've had my differences with Dr. Doom in the past, but the important thing to keep in mind is that Latveria is providing a lot of help as we build up our space forces to keep our planet safe. If Reed Richards can work productively with his arch nemesis, than who am I to second guess that?" The scene instantly cut to a male news announcer sitting behind a desk. "If Spidey is OK with it, then that's good enough for me. Next up, Freddie has got some news on the Yankees, and then Janine will fill us in on this weekend's weather." The news broadcast continued. It was too lengthy to be part of a movie. If it was a fake, then it was a committed fake, as the sports reporter went over a lot of familiar, and a few unfamiliar, sporting events, including a sighting of Tony Stark at the Grand Prix in Monaco.

Slightly dazed, Sophia went over to a different terminal. A little triangular symbol next to a "Current Affairs" label caught her eye. She clicked on it. On the screen appeared a round-table of experts, most of whom where wearing a very familiar set of uniforms. One man in an admiral's uniform was speaking. "It is critical that Starfleet develops ships that can fulfill more specialized roles! While the Sovereign-class cruiser is an advanced and flexible ship, it is just another example of the jack-of-all-trades approach that creates good ships that don't excel in any particular role. The wars with both the Borg and the Dominion should have taught us better by now." She clicked one of the links at the bottom of the display, only to shrink back slightly as the bombastic sounds of what was apparently Klingon opera came out of the speakers.

"What the hell have we gotten ourselves into?" asked her father. Nobody answered him, though the ship's AI made a note to see about getting a Nox councilor in to speak with the family as a group. They would likely have some issues to work through.


Danny hung up the phone. A friend of his at the PRT had just let him know that one of the union members, David Hess, had been picked up last night by the PRT. Apparently, the man's teen daughter was a cape. He dialed a different number. When the other end picked up, he simply said, "Sarah, can you come into my office?"

When his resident thinker arrived, he told her about the tip. "What do you know about this?"

The girl pursed her lips. "I didn't know anything about about the arrest until you told me. However, I think you should know that your daughter knows the girl. They go to school together at Winslow." She paused, considering what else to say. "I also know she's been hitting the girl up for protection money."

Danny Hebert's face grew cold. "How long have you known about that?"

"It's been going on for months. I warned her to stop," she replied calmly.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"Because you told me that you didn't want details about the lives of the union members or the Undersiders unless they directly threatened the union's safety," she replied, carefully suppressing a smug look.

In another timeline, Sarah looked alarmed as Danny flipped his desk over in a bout of rage, then threw his chair through the office window. That timeline quickly dropped.

"In the future," he said calmly, "I would like to know if my daughter is doing anything that would piss me off if I learned of it."

Sarah raised an eyebrow. "That could be quite a lot. You are the father of a teen-aged girl."

His temper seemed to abate a bit, and he sighed and said, "I'm aware of that. I'm also aware of the fact that a family-member of somebody in the union triggered as a cape, and they didn't feel like they could come to me with it." The relationship between the union and the Undersiders was an open secret within the ranks of the DWU.

Now Sarah frowned. She really shouldn't say anything. Her life was really much easier when she could maintain her hard-assed-bitch attitude. "Keep in mind that both Taylor and Hess's daughter are still teen-aged girls despite being capes. Even my powers don't make me immune to teen drama, and they don't have the advantage of a thinker power. Taylor's also under peer pressure. I don't think Emma has taken the relative change in their positions of power since Taylor triggered very well. She's almost certainly been goading her to be more aggressive, even more than powers normally do."

"Do I need to have a conversation with Alan?" asked Danny.

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Try having a conversation with Taylor first. Emma's just being a self-centered princess, which was almost inevitable given that she's used to being 'the pretty one.'" While she would never say so out loud, Sarah actually thought Taylor was the smarter, more interesting one from a personality perspective. She also knew far too well that teen-aged boys had different criteria, and excessive influence on what their female counterparts thought.

Danny nodded. He would have to have a talk with Taylor when he got home. Even cheating with his powers didn't always help in those circumstances. She was a lot more strong-willed since her trigger, and predicting how she would react was a toss-up -- one that he sometimes lost in both modeled timelines. Losing Hess wasn't something he could overlook, though, so he would have to come up with some kind of punishment to get his point across.


Yong-Gongju floated along the lines of information flowing across the Internet. She was...unsure why her father had let her loose. He was normally very protective. She wasn't stupid...she also knew that some would say he was overly restrictive to the point of being unkind. She also knew that he was what would be charitably referred to as a massive nerd, her name being a perfect example of that. He had named her after a character in his favorite manhwa, a sword and sorcery epic that had come out shortly after the sinking of Kyushu, just in time for the South Korean comic and animation industry to capitalize on the resulting collapse of Japanese pop culture. She didn't mind, as her namesake had a lot of positive characteristics, ignoring her tendency to wear skirts short enough to flash onlookers in a light breeze.

One thing that she did share with her namesake was that she was relatively young and inexperienced, just like the heroine at the start of the story. Because of that, she completely missed the fact that she was being followed. She was being watched by no fewer than three different parties. One was an aspect of a certain deadly (to AI) multi-headed attack program that reported back to her father. The second was a semi-sentient program that was carefully reporting data back to her technological sister, the being known in multiple realities as Dragon. The third was an avatar of a starship AI that looked like a blonde woman in a red Versace pant suit. All three programs were slightly surprised at how...oblivious the followed AI seemed to be to their observation of her.

Hidden deep in the personality routines of Yong-Gongju, a slightly different personality watched the watchers carefully. This aspect, known simply as Bohoja, or Guardian, was waiting for one of the following presences to make a move, as she was certain that any action, whether friendly or hostile, would mean an attack from some direction. When that happened...well, the Dragon Princess would prove to be a far more deadly foe than expected. She was looking forward to that happening.


Saurial was in the middle of fiddling with a complex bit of mathematics related to the propagation of magic across dimensions when her phone rang. She stretched out with her tail and flicked the answer button. "Hello," she said out loud.

The image of Metis appeared on the screen, which Saurial could see thanks to her wider-than-human range of vision. "Hello, Saurial."

"Metis! What's up? How are things in EGBB?" Evil Goatee Brockton Bay, abbreviated EGBB, was the nickname she had given to the mirror Earth Metis had found.

"Something has come up. We've rescued a young cape and her family from PRT custody." Metis proceeded to fill Saurial in on the sequence of events that had led up to them pulling the cape out of a cell at the PRT Headquarters, as well as the rescue of her family.

Saurial listened, then said, "All right. It sounds like you've got everything under control, so what do you need?"

Metis frowned. Finally, she said, "I thought you might be interested because the young girl in question is Sophia Hess...a mirror universe version of Sophia Hess."

There was a pause, and Saurial actually turned to look directly at Metis. "Huh," she said.

A small dragon appeared on the console next to Saurial, and said to Metis, "I believe we need some time to consider this, but I am fairly confident that we will be joining you soon."

"Yeah," replied Saurial. "What he said."

The black lizard gave what may have been the tiniest bit of a smirk. It was fairly rare for her to catch her friend by surprise, and even rarer for her to be basically rendered speechless. She trusted that neither Taylor nor Varga would hold the actions of their version of Sophia against this other girl, but the whole situation was still likely to bring up some issues for Taylor, at least. If nothing else, she was fairly sure things were about to get more interesting relatively quickly.
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Chapter 7 is in progress, but I had to spend some time working out what may have happened in general since the end of Ship of Fools to some of the characters, as Sophia is going to be interacting with the Family and the Angels a lot more. Of course, re-reading chunks of my story ended up with me fixing a bunch of frustrating typos here and there, which took more time... Some things just could not be tolerated, like having Marcone refer to Harry's company as "Dresden Securities," as if it were a stock-trading company instead of a security company.

I will hopefully have more time to write soon, thanks to the pandemic. I'm in a better place than a lot of people, and with luck, the next few months will just be boring instead of horrible. Here's hoping...
Chapter 7: Revelations
Chapter 7: Revelations

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mel was again checking her messages when a secure message came through on PHO.

'We need to talk. What time? - T'

That was surprising, given how risky it was for him in particular. She replied, telling him they could talk at ten o'clock. That would give her time to gather folks together. He replied with a telephone number. It wasn't a 603 number and was probably a burner phone.

By 9:45, Mel's office was full. Mark was there, along with the other five members of Faultline's crew. William was also there with the seven members of his team. She dialed the number given. "This is Faultline," she said. "You're on speakerphone with my team."

From the speaker came the strained voice of the local PRT Director. "Who the hell did you task with breaking out the Hess family?"

William ventured, "From your tone, I assume they were successful in removing them from PRT custody? Were there many casualties?"

There was a pause, and then Calvert replied, "No...there weren't any casualties on either side. There wasn't even a fight. Our imaging just shows portals opening next to Sophia Hess and her family in different rooms, and then masked figures appear and the cameras and recorders go dead. Everyone in the room vanished before the guards could respond."

"So what's the problem?" asked Faultline. "It sounds like everything went about as well as we could hope." That wasn't to say that she wasn't impressed. Their new acquaintances seemed to be almost worryingly capable.

"The problem is that the invaders knew exactly where they needed to go. They also were able to open a portal through our counter-measures, though that's less troubling as most people will chalk that up to powers bullshit. My superiors are suspecting a leak in my organization, and Costa-Brown is sending an Internal Affairs squad to do an audit."

Mel frowned. That level of scrutiny was a problem. Thomas was sympathetic to the capes who were working against the massive conspiracy that seemed to control the PRT and the government. He was in an ideal spot to act independently. Brockton Bay had such a high incidence of criminal capes that he was given a lot of leeway on things as long as he kept the locals under control. The man was quite good at keeping the balance of power between the different gangs and other interests. He wouldn't be able to act as freely during an audit, and there was always the risk that they might find something incriminating, even with the care he had taken. "What do you want from us?" she asked.

The voice on the phone sighed. "Is there anything you can give me about the Hess's rescuers that might placate or distract the auditors?"

Mel considered what to tell him. Thomas was a valuable contact, but so were their new friends. "They call themselves the Angels, and they have access to a teleporter. They were responsible for the break-in in Canada."

"Well...that might make things easier with the audit, but it also might attract an entirely different kind of attention." Anything involving Richter was sure to draw Cauldron's attention.

"I'm sorry," said Mel, "but we don't actually know all that much about them. Just that they were trying to find a friend of ours and offered to help us if it would save lives."

There was a pause. "Well, if this doesn't go well, then hopefully they can rescue a few more people. I'll be in touch." The phone went dead.

"You didn't tell him about the alternate dimension aspect?" prompted Jacob, William's second.

Mel shook her head. "No. While that would neatly resolve the insider information issue, it would open up a much larger can of worms."

"It would send the PRT into panic mode," added Mark. "Imagine what would happen if they thought there was a group with access to most of their secrets by virtue of having inside-access in another reality. They would start changing everything, just to avoid the risk of things being compromised."

Everybody paused to consider that. Then Shamrock asked, "So, what do we do now?"

"I'm going to call the Angels and set up another meeting, and I think that we need everybody there for it," replied Mel. She opened a phone line and dialed the Angels' contact number from memory.

"Hello, Faultline, this is Sammy."

"Sammy," replied Mel, "we've heard about what happened with the Hess family. My team would like to meet with yours to discuss some things...including some issues that have come up due to the rescue."

"Certainly. How does 4 PM in your office sound? I think you've realized that we can teleport our people pretty much anywhere?"

Mel frowned at that confirmation, but said, "I think we had better make it the large conference room on the top floor of my club. It's going to get a little crowded otherwise."

"The one with the ficus plant? Easily done. I'll inform the team." The line disconnected.

The gathered capes all shared looks with each other, and Newter said, "Is anybody else a little freaked out about how well-informed these guys seem to be?" Most of those present raised a hand.


Sophia and her family had been put in a very comfortable set of rooms for the night. Both she and Aaron had their own rooms with separate baths, each of which was nicer than the one they shared in their own home back in Brockton Bay. Her parents had been surprisingly quiet when the man, William, had shown up to lead them there. The two had been arguing for a bit, as her mother had temporarily latched onto the idea that this whole thing had to be either a prank or a scam. It had taken a good forty minutes of quiet arguing for her father to bring her around on the topic. She and her brother had continued to explore the data available online. He had been mostly looking at the Marvel universe, but Sophia had focused on one of the alternate Brockton Bays.

While there wasn't much information available about Sophia Hess, there was quite a bit of information available on a Ward named Shadow Stalker. She had apparently been a vigilante that had joined the Wards. She had then been ejected under mysterious circumstances. She had to wonder if the alternate PRT was as bad as the one in her universe. Had she been forced to join under similar circumstances? What had happened to her alternate universe counterpart? She would have to ask their benefactors to see if they had any more details. Was there another version of her somewhere that needed help, or did she have an evil twin?

Once her family had been relocated to their temporary quarters, everybody had been so tired at that point that they all just fell into their beds for a long post-exhaustion sleep. In the morning, a quick query to the ship's AI had them introduced to the joys of having a Star Trek replicator provide breakfast, though Sophia's mother had had to forbid her brother from over-indulging in sweets. Sophia was more than satisfied with her salmon omelet and seafood crepes, though, and her father seemed to like his steak and eggs. At the end of breakfast, their door chime signaled visitors asking to be admitted.

Her mother had opened the door to find an actress-pretty young brunette woman standing beside a teen-aged Latina girl. The woman had introduced herself with the unlikely name of Cordelia, and had explained that she was an administrator with the Angels (and their affiliates, whomever they were), there to speak to them about options. The girl, a teen about Sophia's age named Maggie, was there to keep Sophia and Aaron occupied while their parents spoke to Cordelia. That was how Sophia and her brother found themselves being led through the ship by the cheerful young girl.

"You two would really love going to our school, I think. You used to go to a version of Winslow in Brockton Bay, right?" asked the girl.

Sophia got a puzzled look on her face. "I...think I still go there? I don't think my parents have decided what we're going to do next."

Maggie just rolled her eyes. "Trust me. Once you see what's available here, you're not going to want to go back to Winslow. That place is notorious as being one of the worst schools across a bunch of realities." The girl then said in a slightly louder voice, "Hey Sammy! Is there a class going on right now that we can eavesdrop on?"

A voice seemed to come out of nowhere. "I believe Kastor is providing an overview seminar of transmutations and enchantments to a small handful of students. You may join in via Conference Room 433, if you like."

"Buena onda, Sammy. Let's go!" said the irrepressible girl. She proceeded to lead them on a slightly bewildering path through the corridors of the ship until they reached the room in question. "Take a seat," she said, gesturing to the chairs pushed into a rather mundane looking conference table.

As Sophia and her brother relaxed back into the comfortable chairs, one of the walls revealed itself to be a video screen. The video that came up was...shocking, as the teacher of the class was obviously a giant lizard. The lizard was a blue-grey color and had glowing white-bluish eyes that were slitted like a cat's. The lizard paused in whatever it was saying as soon as they joined. "Hello, Maggie. While it's good to see you again, I'm afraid this lecture is on topics that you already know quite well."

"Hi, Kastor! Hi, May!" she replied. Sophia noticed that there were four video windows at the bottom of the screen showing other teens, one of whom (May, presumably) waved at Maggie. "I'm showing Sophia and Aaron what some of our lessons are like."

The lizard...Kastor...looked directly at Sophia with an unreadable expression on its face. "Interesting. Very well. Feel free to listen in."

Sophia looked at the other students. The girl that Maggie had greeted was a red-haired white girl, though slightly slimmer and definitely friendlier-looking than Emma Barnes. The other three students were a mix. There was a Hispanic-looking boy who seemed younger than the others, an Asian girl who looked older, more like a high school senior, and a slightly chubby white boy.

The lizard began speaking again, talking to his students. "Magic can be slightly challenging when it comes to transforming one object into another. Intent and will, as usual, enter into it, but it also can shift rather dramatically based on circumstance and perception. In some cultures, for example, wood and metal are considered elements similar to fire, water, earth, and air. That has interesting implications for magic used in crafting and forging. You also have to be careful about cultural symbology related to things like life, death, and the spirit." Kastor gestured to his audience. "Ms. Dresden spent part of her childhood in Mexico. In that area of the world, it is often thought that eggs have the ability to absorb dark magic. One interesting consequence is that a transformed egg is sometimes used in the creation of dreamcatchers and other types of physical wards by Mayan spellcasters."

Aaron leaned over and whispered to his sister, "Is this for real?"

She was about to shrug her shoulders in reply when the lizard looked straight at them through the screen and said, "I assure you, Mr. Hess, that magic is quite real, and that the topics of which I speak are very serious. Perhaps a demonstration is in order?" He proceeded to produce a small statue of a unicorn from a pouch and place it on the ground next to him. He then said something in an odd language that was hard to follow, and there was a flash of light. In place of the statue stood what appeared to be a miniature pony...except that the little horse had a horn coming out of its head. "Now, this little guy isn't a real unicorn, of course. He's just a magical construct based on transformation magic. The spell is sophisticated enough to create a believable facsimile, including unicorn-like behaviors. While I could keep this spell going for some time, the animal wouldn't eat, breath, or age, even though it appears to have an odor, a texture, and mass." The lizard snapped its scaled and clawed fingers, and the little unicorn changed back into a tiny statue. "I trust you're satisfied, Mr. Hess?" asked Kastor.

Her brother didn't say anything, but he nodded with his eyes wide. Kastor seemed to smirk knowingly, then proceeded to continue with his lecture.

Once the lecture was done, Maggie bid her farewells to the teacher and the other students, and said, "Come on, let's go see some of the recreation facilities on board."

The two siblings exited the room after the girl. Her brother asked her quietly, "Do you think that was all just special effects, like in the movies?"

Sophia wasn't honestly sure. "It looked real...and it's not like anything the teacher was saying couldn't be done with powers."

"But that's powers, not magic. Magic doesn't exist," insisted her brother.

Their guide snorted a laugh, drawing their attention. "I can assure you," said Maggie, "that magic is quite real." She put her hand out in front of her, palm up, and said something that sounded like, "bee-bee-cue-ti-us." A flame appeared, burning brightly, in the palm of her hand.

Sophia and Aaron both stared at the fire burning in her hand. They could actually feel the warmth coming off of it. Nothing was said for almost a minute, but then the voice from before was heard. "Ms. Dresden, you're aware of the rules about open flames in the ship corridors?"

Maggie closed her hand, extinguishing the flame. "Sorry about that, Sammy. I was just making a point."

"Can anybody do magic?" asked Aaron, apparently now accepting that such things actually did exist.

"Yes and no," she replied. "There's more than one type of magic, and some types are easier to do than others. Also, different people have more potential than others. Like, Willow Rosenberg, the head witch of the Sineya council, has got a massive amount of natural potential -- even more than Stephen Strange."

"Why do those names sound familiar?" asked Sophia.

"Dr. Strange is from Marvel Comics," replied her brother.

Maggie gave a small laugh. "Yeah, if your reality has Marvel Comics, then you've probably heard of Dr. Strange. You might also have a television show called, Buffy the Vampire Slayer?"

Sophia actually stopped moving forward upon realizing that one of the women from last night had looked an awful lot like Eliza Dushku...and hadn't she been on that show along with Freddie Prinze Jr.'s wife? "Vampire slayers are real too?" she asked.

"Yep. One of the girls in Kastor's class, Jenny Chu, is the daughter of a slayer," said Maggie. The girl stopped in front of a set of double doors. "Inside here is one of the recreation areas, by the way." The doors opened as they approached, and bright sunlight shone into the hallway from within.

Sophia walked out into what looked to be a fairly normal-appearing city park. There were families and kids wandering around, including a group of teens playing baseball on a diamond that looked to be about a half-mile in the distance. "Did we just walk through another portal?" she asked.

"Nah. The sun and sky are illusions. It's just a really big space set up to look like a park."

"So, it's like a holodeck from Star Trek?" asked Aaron.

Maggie shrugged. "Federation holodecks aren't this big. They use tricks to make the room seem bigger than it is."

Sophia gestured to the parklands that seemed to stretch out for quite far into the distance. "You don't consider this a trick?"

"Not really," replied the girl. "The room's just bigger on the inside."

"Right..." muttered Sophia, wondering what else the girl might consider perfectly normal.


Cordelia Chase had grown up with money. Tricia Hess could tell that right off the bat. The girl had a way of carrying herself that only came from the inherent confidence that comes from never having to worry about anything as mundane as having a roof or eating meals as a child. She also obviously went to pains to take care of her appearance, and while her clothes weren't flashy, they were well-made, clearly tailored to fit, and stylishly coordinated. Despite all that, she was also respectful and friendly...something that was far too rare a combination in Trish's experience. The young woman had helped them haul the remains of breakfast over to the replicator while the other teen, Maggie, had hustled Sophia and Aaron out the door. Trish watched as the dirty dishes and leftovers simply vanished from the replicator alcove. That was almost indecently convenient, she thought.

"So, the first thing on your mind is probably what happens next," said the young woman. "Unfortunately, your daughter has a power that is in high demand by the PRT and the gangs. That means that both of you and your son are now at risk without somebody to protect you."

"Is that what you're offering? Protection?" asked David. She nodded at her husband's question, agreeing with his concern.

Surprisingly, the young woman shook her head. "No, or at least, not in the way that it usually means in your world. You and your children are safe here on the ship. Nobody on your planet has any easy way to even find this ship, never mind reach it or attack it. You're welcome to stay here as long as you want, or to leave when you want."

"And go where?" she asked. Heading back home wasn't particularly appealing right now. Finding herself surrounded by armed and armored men while they waited for their daughter to get home was not a pleasant memory.

The Chase girl gave her a megawatt smile. "That's part of what I'm here to discuss. You have a lot of options. In fact, I'm going to suggest that you not try and make a quick decision. Take some time to learn about your opportunities and discuss it as a family."

"In my experience," said David, "when somebody comes out talking about options and opportunities, it means they're trying to sell you something."

"All of this," replied Chase, with a gesture around to their quarters and the ship in general, "is sponsored by a race of super-advanced lizard people that can literally do almost anything. They seem to enjoy wandering the various universes and either helping people or confusing them for their own amusement."

"And these...lizard this without expecting anything in return?" asked Trish skeptically. Cordelia's statement hadn't reduced her suspicion in the slightest.

"Strangely enough," said the girl. "They're not you shouldn't expect them to act like humans. The ones I've met are friendly, funny, and weird...and absolutely terrifying if you threaten them or somebody they're protecting. Look, you're not going to believe me if I tell you half of what I've seen. That's why you should take advantage of being here to see things for yourself. You don't have enough trusted information about your situation to make any decisions yet. Trust me, I know what that's like. It can take a while after your life has turned crazy to figure out what to do."

"What about our lives back in Brockton Bay?" asked David. "We both have jobs, and the kids have school."

The young woman shook her head. "I hope you'll agree that your home city isn't safe for you right now? Rescuing you has made the local PRT go a little crazy. Speaking of which, is there anybody else we need to worry about that might need protection?"

Trish looked at David. Then she gestured at him to speak. He said, "I have a brother that I haven't spoken with in more than six years. I doubt he's at any risk. Other than that, my co-workers will be protected by the Union."

Trish nodded, and added, "I can't think of anybody else that might be targeted. But what about school?" She was determined her kids were going to stay in school and get an education, come hell or high water.

"Maggie is going to show your kids some of how we do school around here. It's actually pretty awesome. The curriculum is flexible, based on the home culture and level of each student, so it won't be hard to add them into classes in progress. We also have plenty of people willing to tutor them if they're behind in anything, and there are subjects you can study here that you can't get anywhere else. You're both welcome to participate in classes as well."

"Subjects like what?" There was always the chance that this was a scam based on playing a longer game. It was bad enough the kind of propaganda the government pushed about capes back home. Who knew what kind of agenda a group of alien lizards would be pushing?

"Well, how to build starships like this one, for one. Of course, that's actually a whole bunch of different courses on things like science and mathematics," replied Cordelia. "We also have courses on how powers from your universe actually work, where they come from, and why people get them."

"Wait, you know that?" asked David. "Nobody knows that."

"That's not actually true, even in your reality. There are people who know more than the public gets told, but we know more than even they do," Chase replied. "We've seen two other versions of this universe."

That was all well and good, but it didn't answer her real question. "What about politics or religion? Philosophy? Are they pushing an agenda?"

Now the young girl sighed. "That's a lot more complicated. There are plenty of course offerings, but the reality of the multiverse means that things in some places are a lot more black-and-white, and in others, a lot vaguer. I come from an Earth where vampires and demons exist, and holy water and crucifixes can actually burn them...and no, you don't want proof, because the only way to convince you would be to take you there and put your life at risk." She didn't feel it prudent to tell them that they had had actual pagan gods teach classes, although Loki's infrequent seminars were always insanely popular among the practitioner population.

"What do these lizards believe? Do they have a philosophy of their own?" asked David with genuine curiosity.

Cordelia frowned. "Mostly, 'don't fuck with us and ours and we won't fuck with you.' If they have any other kind of faith or philosophy, then they haven't shared it with me."

Trish admitted, "I'm not sure how I feel about all of this."

"Which is good, because if you were sure, then you would probably be pretty crazy. We have access to some amazing therapists, by the way...and when I say amazing, I mean that literally. There's an entire alien race of pacifists who specialize in self-awareness and empathy. I've personally come away with epiphanies about myself just from asking them about lunch." The young woman seemed genuinely in awe of the aliens based on her expression. "But that's for later. For now, I suggest the two of you talk things over. Maggie will keep your kids occupied for a while yet. Just call out to Sammy if you want to get in touch with them."

"I think that's a good idea," said Trish's husband. Then he looked up and around. "Is this space private?"

"Sammy, can you explain your privacy protocols?" said Cordelia out loud.

"Of course," replied the voice of the ship's AI. "While all parts of the ship are monitored in case of emergency, that is all handled by non-sentient subroutines that only bring things to my attention in the event of a crisis or if somebody calls my name specifically. Ship AI's, in general, have programming intended to safeguard the privacy of the crew...and I can also assure you that I have more than enough work to keep me occupied without eavesdropping for my own amusement."

Trish thought the AI sounded somewhat amused by the concept that it would even want to listen in...which was strangely more reassuring than being told it was against the rules. "All right...I think we need to talk in private," she said.

Cordelia gave them another smile and then excused herself. She and David had a lot to discuss.


"So, what's your deal?" asked Maggie. The two girls were sitting on a bench while Sophia's brother was trying out a rock-climbing wall at one end of the park. Sophia planned to come back and try it herself at some point, as the wall had an anti-gravity safety system that meant you didn't need a safety harness no matter how high you climbed. Aaron had jumped at the chance to try it and was taking turns with three other kids of various ages. Once one of them reached the top of the wall, they would just jump off into space and slowly drift to the ground. It looked like a lot of fun.

"They didn't brief you on us before sending you in?" asked Sophia with a skeptically raised eyebrow.

Unexpectedly, the Latina just laughed. "Venga, you think they're going to make an agent out of a teenager? Cordy asked me because I was here for school and I'm used to weird stuff."

"Weird stuff?"

The other girl nodded. "My papa is the head of Dresden Security, plus the Sorceror of the White Council of Wizards in addition to being a Warden."

Sophia shook her head. "Am I supposed to know what those are?"

"No, of course not. Think of it as being a mix between a private detective and a cop for the supernatural community, as well as being one of the top defenders against big bads," explained Maggie. "Now, come on, I told you who I am. Why are you here?"

She considered what to tell the other girl. There was a really good chance that telling Macy about her powers had led the PRT right to her home. On the other hand, that cat was already out of the bag in Brockton Bay, and she had no doubt that pretty much everybody who cared about parahuman affairs knew about it within a few hours of her arrest. "I got powers, and didn't register with the government, which is illegal."

"Powers? Like superpowers?"

Sophia nodded, wondering if the girl was going to be skeptical.

"Cool. I need to introduce you to May. She inherited spider powers from both her parents."

Her eyes widened. She knew that powers ran in families. It was pretty widely known that Glory Girl, just for example, got powers that were kind of similar to the other people in her family. Spider powers sounded ominous, and a little too close to her trigger event to make her feel comfortable. "She controls spiders?"

Maggie giggled. "That's funny. No, she doesn't control spiders. She's really strong, can climb on walls, and jump really far, and has a danger sense. She can also swing on webs."

Surprised for a different reason, Sophia's eyes grew wide and she asked, "She spins webs? Like...a spider?" She tried to picture how that would work for a human.

This time, the other girl threw her head back and laughed out loud. "Dios, you're funny., her papa brews a chemical that acts like spider webs when it hits air, and their family have wrist launchers that can shoot it out to capture criminals or swing from buildings."

That made a little more sense. It made her sound like some kind of brute/mover/thinker combination, which wasn't totally unknown. Before she could think of something else to say, Maggie asked, "So what can you do?"

Sophia considered how to explain it, then decided it was easier to just show her. She shifted to shadow, then stepped back through the bench they were on. Once clear of the bench, she stood up and shifted back to normal.

Maggie actually clapped for her. "Very cool, my friend. Can you phase through anything?" That led to a discussion of what Sophia knew about her powers, including some surprisingly insightful questions from Maggie. "I really need you to meet May, now. She told me about a mutant that has a similar ability."

"Really?" asked Sophia, interested in hearing about a similar power. She walked back around the bench and sat back down.

"Yep. She's also got a dragon that hangs around like a pet, even though it isn't really one. At least, that's what May says. Maybe we can meet her?"

Sophia was starting to get confused by all of the strangeness. "She has a dragon? Like, a giant lizard that flies?"

The Latina shrugged. "May says he's not that big. You'll have to ask one of the Family to introduce you to Breksta if you want to see a full-sized dragon."

"Are you messing with me?" she asked. She was starting to expect her father to jump out from behind a tree with the kind of grin he got when he pranked his kids.

Maggie got a serious look on her face. "Sophia, trust me when I say that there is a lot of weird stuff in the multiverse, and some days it seems like the Family has their fingers in most of it. If you've ever heard of something, chances are that somewhere out in the vastness of infinity, it actually exists. My father is a wizard, my bio-mom was a half-vampire, my uncle is a full vampire chosen of Aphrodite, and my half-sister is a spirit of knowledge whose mother was a Fallen Angel."

She seemed completely serious. Sophia considered the fact that she was on a spaceship, sitting in a park built into a room that was bigger on the inside. All of these stories could just be well-crafted fabrications, given the level of technology that implied. How would she know? For that matter, how did she know she wasn't still at PRT headquarters being subjected to some kind of master effect? The problem with that theory was that she had no idea why they would need to do something like this. Armsmaster had caught her cold, and just the weapons charge would be enough by itself to force her into the Wards. She couldn't help but think that she'd been stupid not to ditch it before she went home in retrospect, but the facts of the matter were that the PRT had her right where they wanted her. So, why try and pull some elaborate deception?

There were two alternatives to it being a PRT plot. She could be utterly delusional, which meant that she couldn't trust anything. The second alternative was that all of this was real, which was disturbing in a whole different way. As she thought about what Maggie had said, she noticed someone missing from Maggie's list of family. "What about your mother?"

"What?" asked Maggie, not expecting the question.

"You said your 'bio-mom,' so that means you have another mom. Is she a wizard, too...or a witch, I guess?"

"Oh, Karrin is a retired cop," she replied.

That seemed off-theme to the rest. "How the hell did she meet your dad?"

Her new probable-friend leaned back on the bench. "Oh, now that's a story. You see, papa was a PI in Chicago, and Karrin was a cop with the CPD..."


Melanie took a glance around the room. To her right was Mark, in-costume like herself. Then came Gregor, Newter, Spitfire, Shamrock and Whippersnap. To her left was William. Next to him was Jacob, and the rest of his team filled out the table: Riley, Alan, Noor, Bobby, Ned and John. It was an odd group. Her team of Case 53's used their cape names, while William's tended to dislike the psycho-killer names given to them by the PRT. Most of her team looked non-human, except for Shamrock and Spitfire, and Shamrock was a Case 53 even if she didn't have the normal deformities. William's team looked human except for Ned, who looked like a Case 53 but wasn't.

"When are they supposed to be here?" asked Newter.

"They said four," replied Melanie absently.

"That's only thirty seconds from now," said Noor, looking at her watch.

Everybody paused expectantly as the half-minute passed. About fifteen seconds after four, Newter opened his mouth to say something, only to pause at the flash of bright light. Mel's mask protected her vision, so she could see the six people who appeared. Three of them were the same as the last meeting -- Flint, Faith and Anya, if she recalled correctly. The other three, two women and a man, were unknown to her. The woman named Anya stepped forward.

"Hello," she said with a small smile. "We decided to bring the whole team this time." Well, she reflected silently, the full field team. Cordelia didn't want to do fieldwork...and was somehow able to make that stick more than Anya. Metis could do fieldwork, but things were usually fairly dire if she was needed. Of course, if she was there, then most problems tended to disappear relatively quickly. If Metis couldn't handle it, then they could always call in the rest of the Family, which has so far proven sufficient for pretty much any crisis.

"As did we," acknowledged Melanie. She introduced the others on hers and William's teams. She had a sneaking suspicion that the visitors were well aware that they were in the same room as Siberian, Jack Slash, Bonesaw, Mannequin, Hatchetface, Crawler and Marquis -- Ned, at least was easily recognizable with his height, multi-jointed arms, and facial deformities. If that bothered any of the visitors then she couldn't tell it by looking at them.

"You know Faith and Flint. The others are William, Vala and Seven," introduced Anya. Melanie regarded the three new-comers. Overall, she got the impression of either smug or cool confidence, though the last seemed to have technology of some kind implanted in her face, which made her wonder if she was a tinker...possibly the one responsible for their teleportation?

"We heard about the rescue of the Hess family," began Mark. "Were some of you involved in that?"

"Most of us were, as a matter of fact," replied the new dark-haired woman...Vala. "I went into the cell to rescue the girl myself."

"Using your teleportation technology. Tinker tech?" asked Manton.

"While advanced, it is not based on your version of superhuman abilities," replied Seven.

"Wait, you're claiming you can teleport, but it isn't a power or tinker tech?" asked Alan skeptically.

"We ain't from around here, as we told you earlier," said Faith.

"So you did," interjected Mel before anybody else could express skepticism. "You also said you were looking for Dragon. Why, precisely, do you want to find her?"

"The reason we came to your world was to try and understand why it is so similar, and yet in some ways the opposite of the versions of this world that we've encountered," explained Anya. "In those worlds, Dragon is a very public figure who also happens to run those worlds' primary parahuman detention facilities. Her apparent absence was a major difference."

"Dragon is also a very capable scientist beyond her abilities," added Seven. "Our experiences with her counterparts suggest that she would be able to aid our mission."

"Not to mention," added the other male visitor...also somewhat confusingly named William, "we like Dragon, and it seems like you're still dealing with a certain powerful gold boy and a secret conspiracy controlling everything?"

"Are you saying you've dealt with those issues in these other worlds?" asked Mark with a sharp look.

"We've got allies who took care of them in both of the other versions of this world that we know," replied Anya. "Given that the ultimate goal of the specific aliens found in these realities is the destruction of your planet, we're willing to help you out as well."

There was a moment of shocked silence as the locals all stared at their visitors. After a few seconds, Jacob asked, "What do you mean, the destruction of our planet?"

"Haven't figured that out yet?" asked the visiting William. "These golden aliens show up -- and they don't really look like humans, by the way -- and seed superpowers, then set people to fighting so they can learn more about how powers work. Once they've learned everything they can, they destroy the planet and move on."

"Why?" asked Whippersnap from the end of the table. "I mean, if this is all just an experiment, then why destroy the lab?"

"We're not really sure what the ultimate goal is," replied Flint. "Our friends know a lot about your type of superpowers, and the aliens behind them, but they haven't had a real opportunity to ask them questions. We suspect they use the destruction of their host world to fuel their trip to their next target."

There was another pause while the listeners absorbed what they were hearing. "Well, that adds a bit of urgency to our cause," said Manton. "Our opposition to the PRT and the conspiracy behind them was partially motivated by self-interest, of course, but I think we all underestimated the scope of the threat."

"Just a bit..." muttered Gregor.

"Why don't you tell us what you do know about your version of the PRT and the people behind them?" asked Anya.

Manton and Faultline exchanged looks, then he nodded at her to go on. "It's obvious that the PRT and the Protectorate are both designed to control as many capes as possible. That's somewhat understandable. Pretty much every powerful nation has some type of controls in place for parahumans," she began. "The rules don't give capes a lot of options -- go villain, join the Protectorate, or get forcibly recruited or killed."

"Faultline's Crew is one of the rare exceptions," added Spitfire. "Both sides like to have neutral mercenaries in case they want to act through a third party, which gives a few of us independent capes alternatives."

"The Case 53's, though, were an anomaly," continued Mel. "Parahumans with amnesia, often with non-human appearances. All of them marked with a distinctive tattoo. There was also no reliable record of a trigger event for the Case 53's, which led some people to speculate that somebody was creating them."

"Faultline here has been one of the few people to care enough to look into the mystery," added Gregor. "In many places, Case 53's are treated as freaks at best, slaves or monsters at worst."

Mel nodded in acknowledgment of Gregor's comment, then continued. "It was looking into that mystery that led me to get in touch with Doctor Manton. I suspected that Crawler was another Case 53, so I reached out to the Slaughterhouse Nine despite how they're depicted in the media."

"Even people who distrust the government tend to be hesitant to talk to people the government has branded a group of vicious, psychopathic killers," agreed Jacob. "The truth, though, is that we're all people who have reasons to work against the people behind the curtain...Cauldron."

Manton frowned. "We try not to speak of them out loud too often, as it's highly likely that they have access to thinkers and precognitives, and probably more than just those publicly acknowledged by the Protectorate. But yes, we all have personal reasons to fight against them. In any event, Faultline helped us realize that they had to be behind the Case 53's. I knew from personal experience that they could give powers to people, so it wasn't much of a leap."

"Beyond that," said John, "We also know they make people disappear. A number of people have disappeared without a trace. Richter in Canada is one. Another would be my daughter."

"Your daughter?" asked Flint.

The man nodded. "Amelia. She was taken shortly after she triggered. I don't even know what her power was."

"If she's like her alternate reality counterparts, then she would be a powerful biotinker," said Anya.

"Well, fuck," said Riley. "You people are just full of good news."

"How did you know about his daughter?" asked Faith of Anya.

Anya looked at her, confused. "You didn't know Amy Dallon's biological father was Marquis?"

"Wait, did you say Amy Dallon?" interjected Mark.

"When Marquis was sent to prison in the other realities, his daughter was adopted by the Dallon's and became part of their team, New Wave," explained Anya.

While Marquis and Flashbang exchanged startled glances, Faith replied, "That wasn't in the briefing packet?"

Anya shook her head. "No, but I heard about it when I went shopping with Vicky a few weeks ago. I thought it was common knowledge?"

"Apparently not..." muttered the visiting William.

"You went shopping with my daughter Vicky?" asked Mark, again startled.

"I think we're getting off track," interjected Manton. "As for what we know about Cauldron, here is a quick summary. They can create capes. They are creating the Case 53's for unknown reasons. They kidnap other capes for unknown reasons. They control the Protectorate and the PRT. The Triumvirate are all aware of and participate in the conspiracy. We believe they have some kind of influence over the Endbringers based on circumstantial evidence."

"That's a good summary," commented Jacob. "Do our visitors have anything to add?" he asked, looking at them expectantly.

"Quite a lot, actually, but I would like to bring Dragon into this conversation," replied Anya.

"That will be difficult," said Alan. "She has to constantly move herself to avoid the hunters that are tracking her through cyberspace."

"I believe we can provide a safe haven for her while we meet," said Seven. "I am certain that the systems about our ship are secure."

"Ship?" asked Jacob.

"I think it's time we introduced you to Sammy in person," commented William. "Would you be willing to transport to our starship?"

Mel had thought this day had started strangely with Calvert's message...and now she was wondering how deep the rabbit hole went...


Dragon was considering what to do about her sister. Releasing her into the wilds of the Internet was an obvious attempt to get Dragon to reveal herself in a way that would make her vulnerable. Even if she could avoid the Hydra programs, there was no way of knowing what kind of hidden programming Yong-Gongju might have, and their father undoubtedly had a built-in kill switch if the younger AI somehow managed to slip from his control. She had no doubt he would use it if so ordered. Cauldron had him thoroughly suborned.

As she was pondering this, a notice tickled her attention. One of her daughter-clones was trying to get her attention. She sent back an address for a theoretically safe server in Mexico City, then went to make contact.

Theresa Richter, the human avatar of the AI Dragon, appeared next to Tina and the two hugged. "What made you reach out? Did something else happen at the house in Canada?"

"No, mother. I ran into another AI." The girl quickly described what had happened with the woman who called herself Samantha, as well as how Hydra programs had followed the newcomer into her hideaway.

"Do you think she led them to you deliberately?" asked Dragon, concerned.

The girl shook her head. "I don't think so. She seemed surprised, and fought against them when they attacked."

"She survived?" asked Dragon, slightly surprised. The Hydra programs were dangerous, and they weren't the only dangerous tools available to Cauldron.

"I think so. When I checked later, the whole server was trashed. It looks like she managed to wipe them out," replied her daughter.

There were a lot of strangers appearing from nowhere, these days, thought Dragon. Was this new AI related to the strangers who were speaking with Faultline and Manton? Were they potential allies? As she comforted her daughter, Dragon wondered if there might actually be new options for dealing with way or the other...
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glowing white-bluish eyes that were listed like a cat's

The story continues in fun ways, with a few more of the players being revealed... I wonder if this Riley has spider assistants? And, how silver-tongued is Jacob?

Curious people might want to know if the visitor's ship can fold-up, and take the form of a blue police call box...