Chapter 16

I really wish I could say that I walked into Yara's office with my head held high, and a fierce look in my eyes. Or at least with righteous irritation and a lot of stomping. I mean, Nivera and her basically called me an idiot, mocked me for not knowing things I had no way of knowing anything about, and bickered with one another while I just sort of stood there - like I was just some bystander and not at the center of this whole damn mess… Thing is, the stuff Nivera pointed out? The stuff I did know? Kinda made me think that I should have seen something like this coming.

I mean, it was pretty easy to forget with Devilla being… Devilla, but the "Queen" in Demon Queen was there for a reason. It wasn't all about fighting (or fucking?) the Heroine in order to save demonkind - it was also about being in charge. Not that she'd really done much with the job, like ever, as far as I knew, but… No, wait, I guess she made it illegal to say Nivera's name in her presence, or something? Which, on the one hand, felt incredibly dumb and petty. But on the other hand, the fact that she could just do that was sorta the point. Her word was literally law. She could… I don't know, declare it illegal to be blonde, or something, and I'd be expected to buy hair dye immediately.

And then there was me. Some random ass maid who came out of nowhere and became her best friend. Someone who could theoretically - okay, pretty much definitely - ask her to pass a bunch of laws, and get it done. And now I was here, asking to meet with another powerful figure, while Devilla herself was out doing stuff I couldn't exactly tell anyone about. That sort of thing sent a message - a message these two were apparently volunteering to help me take back. So I could cut them a little slack, right?

That's what I had to keep telling myself, at least. It helped me keep my cool under Nivera's death glare. And also kept me from snapping at Yara, who was leaning back in her chair, boots on her desk, with her eyes closed. Like she wanted to drive home the fact that she was done helping me. Even Bailey was at risk, if I couldn't keep calm - though her biggest crime was just making me feel awkward, by silently standing behind me and glaring at the other two.

Thankfully, the uncomfortable stillness was broken pretty quickly - even if it really didn't feel like it, in the moment - when the dryad secretary who'd first greeted me (what felt like a bajillion years ago) walked through the door with a fresh cup of that black juice Nivera had served Bailey and me. Or rather, the potion Nivera basically tricked me into giving up, I guess.

I glanced at the snake in question as I took the cup, wondering if she'd make another move to keep me from drinking it. She didn't say, or do, anything though. If anything, her face was maybe a bit too blank? Like she was purposefully holding back, or something. Weird, but I wasn't going to drive myself crazy trying to figure out what the fuck was going on there, so I mentally shrugged, tipped it back, and…

"Gah!" Bitter!

Nivera snorted, and even Yara let out a little chuckle, while I glowered at the both of them - maybe with a little more heat than I normally would for something as harmless as this, but screw it, I had an excuse. Anger didn't stop me from chugging the remainder of the drink, though. Even if it was mostly spite that kept it down.

Technically, I didn't need to drink the whole potion to make it work. But plant based potions - which I was pretty sure this was, what with it being (gross) juice and all - are generally pretty damn weak, compared to ones made with bits of monsters, or monster girls. And while most people could probably fix that by throwing enough magic at the problem, my magic capacity was kinda… Small.

I needed all the help I could get, basically.

"If you're done poisoning your tastebuds with bitterbean," Nivera started, "there's still a lot for us to talk about."

"Fuck you." I considered cursing Bailey out, too, for not telling me what to expect, but a quick glance at her showed she was more confused than anything. She hadn't had any problem with it, I guess. So, instead, I just reached for my magic. My capacity was sort of pitiful, like I said, but drinking the full thing had given me a big ball of warmth in my gut to work with. Just channeling what power I could afford through it was enough to clear out some of the stress-based fog from my brain, bringing the world into sharper focus. Something that would hopefully help me keep up with the slithery bitch. Or at least help me tolerate her antics. Good stuff - taste aside.

"So…" I began. Then stopped, and frowned, because where to begin? Nivera had implied some stuff about Devilla that hadn't really hit me in the moment, but now had me… I don't know. Wanting to ask what the fuck? What was all that crap about 'breaking her again'? Not to mention the stuff about General Doll apparently going to bat for me? And peppermint being General Nella's favorite snack? Which I guess meant it really did exist in the tower, somehow, but I was more concerned about what the hell all this information they were dumping on me actually meant for Devilla and me.

"Queen in danger?" Bailey broke in, stealing the decision from me. Not that I was really complaining - it was as decent a starting point as any.

"Physically?" Nivera shook her head. "No way. She could take on the whole tower, and walk off without a scratch. Emotionally? You tell me - how's she going to react if people start suggesting that you're only hanging with her in order to get near some bloodliner or another?"

"I still don't know what a bloodliner is," I pointed out. "Or redbloods." I mean, I had a couple guesses now that things were calming down, but making her explain it worked better as a deflection.

Unfortunately, Nivera didn't look like she was going to let me go, going off the way she was glaring at me. But what was I supposed to say? That it was a tossup between Devilla getting mad at them on my behalf, or saying it was fine if I used her, because I deserved something for putting up with her? Because I didn't really see Nivera taking that answer well, and if I was being honest, the truth was probably worse - she'd almost definitely do both.

"For fuck's sake, Nivera," Yara groaned, cracking one eye open. "You can't seduce a girl by glowering at her. You need to soften up a bit, if you want her to accept your help."

"I want to help Devilla," Nivera protested. "She's just a potential ally of circumstances." She paused, as if something had just popped into her head, then turned her head to scowl at the general. "And what the fuck happened to staying out of this, anyway?"

"I am staying out of this," Yara said, lifting a hand to her mouth and letting out a yawn. "But this conversation's too painful to spectate without a little heckling, y'know? I can only listen to you stabbing yourself in the tail so many times before it starts to become more annoying than funny."

For once, I think Nivera and my expressions were almost a match - both of us were basically calling her out for that BS in our heads. She'd been interfering almost from the start! I kinda thought Nivera would take it a step further and say it out loud, and she obviously wanted to, but she just pressed her lips into a thin line. Then she turned her attention towards me (yay? Yeah, no), and asked, "What do you know about Demon Generals?"

I blinked, not expecting her to ask about something so… academic. I mean, I'm not sure what I did expect her to ask, beyond not something every child learned in school, but it wasn't that.

As for what I knew… I wasn't really in the mood to start spewing lessons out and hoping I figured out what she was after. She probably wasn't after the super obvious stuff - that they were all in charge of ten floors of the tower, that they used to rule over territories in the wider world back when we had them, and that they all had secondary responsibilities. Like how Yara was in charge of agriculture, and the harpies led by Mifa were meant to be aerial scouts. None of that had anything to do with bloodlines or politics, so far as I could figure. At least not directly.

"You're talking about the noble families, right? Like the Lingingtons, I guess - you're all descended from the generals Luci picked, wayback when the war first started…" Part of their bloodlines.

"Half marks," Yara said, cutting off Nivera as she opened her mouth. Which of course got her a death glare from the perpetually angry snake girl.

"A quarter," Nivera countered. "Tops. My aunt - General Sallina, to you - doesn't even use Lingington as her family name. And we're not nobles. That's just a stupid misconception that the most arrogant of them - which is to say pretty much every asshole relative I've got - don't see a need to challenge."

"Seriously? You manage territories." I held up a finger. "Wield political power." A second. "Are considered special because of your bloodline." A third. "And you have a special term for everyone who isn't you." A fourth. "I mean, redbloods is basically just common blood, isn't it? As in, commoners?" A fifth. Not because it counted as a separate point, but because I felt a little dumb ending on four. "Sure sounds like nobility to me."

"Yeah, well, there's a reason it's such a common misconception," Nivera admitted, grimacing. "But there are differences. Important ones, that have to do with why Devilla's in danger to begin with."

"The big one is that it's not codified by law," Yara said, closing her eyes again. She looked like she was about half a second from falling asleep, but her voice was steady and sharp. I really didn't really get why she was so determined to act like she was uninvolved - maybe just to piss Nivera off? Because relatable, if so. "There's no rule saying our families have to be picked. Nothing that gives us special privileges over the rest of you. Just tradition and expertise."

"And money," Nivera added, scowling at Yara. Which was kind of a wasted effort, in my opinion, but I guess I couldn't fault her for wanting to blow off steam. "Money lets you get away with all sorts of things."

"But it doesn't get you a job in the government," Yara countered. "That's a strict meritocracy - members of our families get the jobs because we're the best at the jobs."

"Because they make sure they're the best," Nivera corrected, hands clenched into fists again. "Our families are meritocracies, too - you're only worth what you bring to the family. Prove yourself worthy? You can get adopted into a higher branch. Fuck up too much, though, and you might as well be dead to them. Add in access to the best tutors money can buy, on the job training, and an unhealthy heaping of nepotism? Somehow, a member of the bloodlines always ends up in charge."

"Okay," I cut-in, despite once again having no real clue where to go from there. I just didn't want to be left in the dust while Nivera and Yara bickered their way into another tangent. Which was… Probably what I needed to say, actually? "As terrible as that all sounds, I'm still not seeing how it relates to Devilla?"

"That's where the inter-bloodline politics kick in," Yara explained, bringing the conversation right back around to where it left off. Hopefully she was being honest, and this actually was on track, because I was starting to wonder if there was even a point to Bailey and me being there. "Your worth is determined by what you bring to the bloodline, but the bloodline's worth is determined by what they bring to the people. The better your territory is doing, the more prestigious your family is, and the more secure your position is. It's the only good part of the system, so far as I'm concerned. Problem is, the bloodlines-"

"Are made up of fucking competitive assholes, brought up in twisted ways, who'd do anything to pull one over on each other." Nivera narrowed her eyes at Yara. "Some people seem to think it's not that bad, though."

"It isn't." Yara said, frowning at Nivera. Which was an almost comically serious expression, when you considered the fact that still had her eyes closed and boots on the desk, like she was readying herself for a nap. "Maybe there's some minor backstabbing - hidden barbs in every sentence, backroom deals, all that annoying crap - but there's lines you don't cross, and everyone knows the rules going into it. Go too far, and even members of your own bloodline will turn against you. But when you add Devilla to the mix…"

"Having her in your corner basically lets you get away with anything, right?" I guessed. Correctly, judging by the look Nivera was giving me. Not sure why she looked so surprised, though - Yara had basically spoonfed me the answer, much as I hated to admit it. "So, what? They're all desperate to get her for themselves?"

"No," Nivera scoffed. "They're desperate to make sure nobody else gets their hands on her. Not that every fucking one of them hasn't spent some time thinking about what they could get done if they had her ear. Like you do."

"Half of them are going to want you in their pocket," Yara said. "And if they can't get you in their pocket, they're going to join the other half in wanting you out of the picture. Which means some idiot's going to take it into her head that souring your relationship with Devilla's the best way to restore the status quo."

"The status quo?" I asked. Seriously?! "You can't tell me they actually want Devilla to go back to being a brat?!" Not that getting rid of me would actually accomplish that, anyway.

"They want her to go back to sulking in her room, so that they can do things without worrying about her interfering," Nivera said. Her fists were clenched so tight her knuckles had turned white - I was seriously expecting blood, at this rate. "And don't say it wouldn't work - this isn't the first time Devilla's done a personality switch, you know. It happened when she befriended me, too. And again when they fucked with our friendship"

"Wait, wh-"

"What?" Nivera interrupted. "You think your life changing friendship is one of a kind? You should know better than anyone how lonely Devilla is. And if she's actually admitting that to herself, again, she's probably getting all desperate for affection, too, right? Shouldn't be that surprising that she acts differently when she's actually getting some, instead of chasing after it, or convincing herself she doesn't need it."

"That's…" Not quite right? The bit about affection, anyway - and I was pretty sure getting past life memories shoved into her head was a once in a lifetime thing, thank you very much. She wasn't wrong about the loneliness, though - Devilla was pretty obviously desperate for me to stick around. I just thought it was something new… I guess I'd never really given her pre-rite self much thought, beyond complaining about what a brat she'd been.

"What was she like as a kid?" I asked. Not really intentionally. The question just sorta slipped out. "Before she was… Broken, I guess?" Made to think she couldn't have anyone?

"When we first met? Less broken." Nivera narrowed her eyes. "Ask Devilla if you want to know more. Assuming she trusts you enough to tell you, anyhow."

"That's not what we're here to talk about, anyway," Yara said, before I could reply. "We're here to talk through your next moves."

"Uh, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't me working with you guys the problem? Them thinking you 'have my ear,' or whatever?"

"No," Nivera said. "The problem is them thinking you have a political interest at all."

"Before, they figured interacting with you wasn't worth the risk," Yara continued. "Between the chances of Devilla overreacting, and other bloodliners getting pissy, they were more concerned about keeping an eye on one another than actually reaching out to you. But you reaching out to me invalidates that - if you're going to be making connections of your own accord, they'll want those to be with them."

"Great…" I groaned. "And telling them I'm just doing a favor for Devilla wouldn't make it better, I'm guessing?"

"Worse, if anything," Yara confirmed. "Favors don't come without strings in those people's eyes - and you're running a direct line between Devilla and me."

"So… How do you know I'm not doing that?"

"We don't," Yara admitted. Eyes still closed, for the record. "Frankly, if you were trying to go for favors, I'm probably the one you'd come to. Much as I hate the political game, I still play a bit - though mostly with the goal of staying out of the more troublesome bits. Growing a personal supply of favorite foods for the various bloodliners helps keep everyone off my back… And while the fact that my goal's always to stay out of things certainly helps your case, you wanting to talk about peppermint of all things complicates everything."

"What's wrong with wanting peppermint?" I wanted to complain that I barely even knew what it was, but it was pretty damn clear that ignorance wasn't getting me out of anything.

"What's wrong is that it's tied into those favors," Nivera said. "General Nella's favorite snack, remember?"

"Worse," Yara added, "her exclusive snack. I don't even know how you found about the stuff, seeing as how it's not exactly included in the tower's general food supply - a mystery I've already heard other bloodliners speculating about, by the way."

"I…" felt like my brain was breaking here. "I didn't know anything about it being an exclusive snack. Why does she even have an exclusive snack? Why does she have any snacks? Isn't General Nella a spirit?! She shouldn't even be able to eat!" She couldn't even physically touch anything if she wasn't possessing someone!

"Oral fixation," Yara explained, shrugging. "She likes munching on different sorts of mint leaves, among other things. But it would be a waste of our limited space to grow five different varieties of mint for the tower, so…"

"But how does she-"

"Everyone who works under her directly has a possession kink," Nivera broke in. "Satisfied? Because I'd like to get back on topic."

"...Fine," I said, through gritted teeth. "Why don't you go ahead and tell me what you want to do, then, since you obviously have something figured out already?"

"Congrats on figuring out the obvious," Nivera sneered. "It's only the whole reason I'm here - other than the fact that Yara was just going to refuse your request, and leave you to the others."

"I don't like politics. Think I've been pretty clear on that front."

"And yet you obviously don't mind benefiting from them," Nivera scoffed. You know, if you were actually willing to try and help change things like me, maybe we wouldn't be in this fucking mess to begin with?"

"Help Queen how?" Bailey asked. And thank the Fallen she did, because I don't think I'd have been able to get the words out without cursing up a storm.

Nivera gave Bailey a level look. One that lacked any of the anger she always had for me. Then - still looking at Bailey, for some reason - she started talking to me. "Simple. We're going to take control of the narrative. Nobody's going to believe you came here for something innocent, so we'll tell them you came to Yara hoping to sell information about Devilla. Then I swooped in, wanting to keep things from exploding - that's easy enough to believe, everyone knows how I feel about Devilla getting dragged into politics, and Yara would obviously be happy if I took this problem off her hands. We'll have some more meetings, to make it stick - we'll let people see me handing you money, to pay you off and keep you from going to anyone else. Probably have you buy some luxuries, too, to really help sell it… And I guess maybe you can give me some information on how Devilla's doing, so they think I'm getting something more out of it, too. Y'know, basic stuff like how she's doing, or whatever…"

I stared at Nivera. She, meanwhile, continued to stare at Bailey. I considered shouting or cursing at her, to get her to look at me, but honestly… I didn't have the energy. All the frustration I felt at being ignored, all the anger I felt at her condescending tone had suddenly been washed away, replaced by exasperation with this idiot who couldn't even admit she was interested in how Devilla was doing! I mean, seriously?! Was Devilla even in real trouble, or was this all part of some elaborate scheme on her part? Could I trust anything she'd said? And if I couldn't, what was the point of all this?

In the end, I turned to Yara instead. "Does she seriously expect me to agree to meeting up for more of this abuse? Just so that she can spread rumors about me selling out my friend for money?"

That got Nivera to turn her eyes towards me, at least. Not that I cared. "If you really care about Devilla-"

"I do care about Devilla. Which is why I'm going to talk to her, and work something out. And if you 'actually care' about her, then maybe you should do the same."

"How?! It's illegal for anyone to say my name around her, remember!?"

"You're good at plotting, aren't you? Figure something out. Maybe use a nickname, or something." I turned towards the door. "Come on Bailey. I'm going to need a nap if I want the energy to tell Devilla about today."

Hopefully she'd come home tonight, because I had a hell of a lot to say. Starting with the fact that she'd have to pick up her own damn peppermint.

So full disclosure - this chapter didn't end at all in the way I thought it would. I actually planned for Abigail to snap, and unload all her anger at Nivera after being essentially commanded to subject herself to more abuse… But then Nivera got all tsundere, and all that anger disappeared in a wave of pure exasperation. Honestly, I like how it ended up more than my original plan, though. It feels more fitting for this story, especially considering my plans for the future.

That said, I'm rather happy to report that we've officially hit the last chapter with Nivera for a bit, and the second to last with Abigail! We'll officially be returning to Devilla and Lucy's reunion in chapter 18! I've already written that and chapter 17 already, so I'll be posting around this same time next week, and the week after. (They're also available on my Patreon for as little as $1, if you're feeling impatient. <3) I've gotten the first part of chapter 19 done, too, and while I don't want to make promises I can't keep about maintaining a schedule… Well, I'll keep everyone up to date on my progress.

Other than that, I'd just like to thank my proofreader FallingLeaf, and my beta reader Lulla for helping me get all three of these chapters ready for the public.
Chapter 17
Early chapter is early! I finished chapter 19 far sooner than I expected - but it was also far shorter than I expected. In fact, chapters 17-19 are all pretty damn short. So, with chapter 19 on Patreon, I decided to release chapter 17 today, and tentatively schedule chapter 18 for the 31st! That way we'll at least get back to Devilla this month, even if the chapter is a bit short.


Devilla wasn't home yet. Yet being the keyword, here, because it was barely evening, and I was pretty sure (read: very hopeful) that she wasn't going to stay out two nights in a row without even checking in. That still left her unavailable to chat at the moment, though, and with the bitterbean potion wearing off… Well, like I'd told Bailey, I was going to need a nap if I wanted enough energy for a proper retelling. Which was why I was maybe a bit less than happy when Bailey started growling, right before I could reach my apartment, and pointed out the fact that there was someone leaning against the wall right next to my door.

The only thing that kept me from snapping at them - other than basic decency, and the small chance that they were actually waiting for a neighbor - was the fact that she seemed familiar. Not familiar as in, 'I recognize her,' though - more like… this feeling like I should recognize her? Which was weird, because I was pretty damn sure I'd never seen her before.

I was also pretty sure I'd know if I had, because she kinda stood out. I mean, for one thing, she was on the small side - I wouldn't call her tiny (not when I was coming back from a meeting with a goblin) but still small enough to stick in my brain - somewhere in the range of five feet. (Maybe five foot one? I wasn't as sensitive to this stuff as Devilla.) And then there was her species - not because kitsune were uncommon, or anything, they just tended towards bright colors. In this case, bright orange hair in a cute pixie cut. Add in her bushy tail and ears, with the white and black tips, and you have a pretty distinct look. Which made that sense of familiarity all the stranger, since I recognized none of it.

At least, not until I caught sight of her violet colored eyes.


"A totally hot, utterly mischievous, and extremely brilliant vixen who also just so happens to be the Queen's cousin?" She interrupted, flashing me a sharp toothed grin, and holding out her hand. "Name's Chloe."

"Nivera's fiancée." I ignored the hand. I'd have preferred to avoid the girl, too, but I didn't really trust her enough to turn my back on her. The smile on her face never faltered, though.

"That too! But I try not to lead with that - it polls really low with pretty much anyone who's met her. Like, way lower than being related to Devilla. At least at first? She really doesn't make the best first impression - which is actually why I'm here!"

"To apologize for her?" If so, I wasn't exactly impressed.

"Nope! I make a point not to fight her battles. Or apologize for her mistakes - kinda gets in the way of her growth, y'know? And believe me, we all know she's in need of that growth. It is related, though."

I frowned, but didn't say anything. Chloe's cheer didn't have the same insincere feel to it as Nivera's… anything and everything that wasn't bitchy. But I still wasn't ready to buy anything that came from her mouth. Bailey on the other hand, didn't seem to share my concerns.

"What Fox want?"

"Glad you asked!" Chloe said, with another toothy grin. "It's like this - wait, first off, have you ever had a broken bone?"

"No." Though I would have probably said the same thing if I did. I didn't know what this girl was after, and I wasn't in the mood to find out. Bailey didn't seem to be in the mood to work against me this time, either, but Chloe didn't seem to care.

"Well, they're bad. Hurt like hell! Worse? If you don't set them right, they can heal all gnarly - like, you might even have to break them again, just to fix things. Bad time all around, really…"

"And your point?" I asked, despite myself. This was either the worst lead in to a threat I'd ever heard, or… Actually, I had no clue what else it could be, but some stupidly morbid part of me actually sort of wanted to find out.

"Well, first impressions are the same! You clash, make bad impressions, stomp off to lick your wounds and by the time you get over it your opinion on the matter's already set and you think you already know everything you need to know about a person! Which sucks, because people are all multi-faceted, and impossible to get from a single meeting? I mean, there were, like, five descriptors in my self-introduction alone, and that barely even scratched the surface of the complexity that is me. Like, I didn't even get into the fact that I'm terrible at metaphors! I mean, by the logic I'm spinning, I'd have to say I'm here to… I don't know, poke the broken bone a bunch, and stop it from healing until Nivera can come set it right…? Which sounds needlessly cruel and kinda gross, but there we go, I guess!"

"Ha…" I let out a… Laugh? A sigh? Some cross between the two that I honestly had no clue what to make of. Which was pretty much how I was starting to feel about this girl, too. Was she really Nivera's partner? That angry snake actually listened to this on a regular basis, and came out thinking 'I want to marry her'? It was kind of hard to believe, but…

"Multiple facets, huh?" I sighed. "So you're saying Nivera isn't just a bitch?"

Chloe nodded. "Honestly, her bitchiness has gone way down since we first met! I mean, sure, she's got anger issues. And trust issues. And yeah, she basically needs a translator because she's so terrible at communicating her actual wants and fears. Which is why her aunt called in, like, half a dozen favors so that General Yara would be an active participant in the conversation, by the way - which I'm guessing went terribly? Seeing how that's basically like tossing a dog in a bag with a cat and telling her to guard the mice that'll be wandering in later - like, sure, the cat and dog will be too busy fighting to focus on the bite sized snacks, but it's not going to make them feel any safer, now is it?"

"You… really do suck at metaphors, don't you?" Honestly, I wasn't sure what confused me more - her analogy, or the fact that I actually understood it. Hell, it even cleared up a couple things - like why Yara kept interjecting, despite clearly not wanting to, even though Nivera spent more time arguing with her about that than actually explaining anything.

"Technically, that was a simile. And I think I actually did pretty well with it, all considering! I mean, I totally see that 'so that's what was going on' look on your face! It probably went exactly like I'm imagining, didn't it?"

"Lots of angry bickering that barely seemed to involve me?"

"Yup! Though, honestly, it could have been worse… Honestly, this whole thing with Devilla maybe getting dragged back into politics thanks to the actions of her friend? Really stomped on her trauma. I mean, it's basically the same scenario that derailed both their lives in the first place. And after she spent a whole week arguing with herself on whether she should get involved and vet you, or just trust that you were actually good for Illa, too…"

"Illa..?"I frowned. "As in Devilla?"

"Uh-huh! You're probably thinking the obvious nickname would be Dev, right? But apparently it started because Devilla called her Niv, which Vera of course thought was terrible, so she tried to retaliate with an equally bad nickname, and it became a whole thing. Something about how it made 'Nivilla' when they put it together? And it coming first made it sound like Nivera was the big sister, or something. Which only made Nivera complain more, seeing as how she's the younger one, but I think that was mostly just her being too embarrassed to admit she liked it. She's always been protective of Devilla, after all… Or at least that's what I gathered from her childhood diary entries."

"...You read her diary?" I asked, arching an eyebrow. And her childhood diary? Wasn't that from fifteen years ago? How'd Chloe even get it?

"I mean, she basically asked me to? Left it on the nightstand, and everything!" She held up a hand before I could comment. "And no, I don't mean that in a creepy invasion of privacy sort of way - this is literally how Nivera communicates. Or doesn't communicate, I guess. The girl sucks at actually asking for help, so she just sort of leaves information where she knows I'll find it, and trusts I'll know what to do with it."

"Right…" I frowned. "Aren't you supposed to be convincing me to give her another shot? Because so far, all I'm hearing is that she's an even bigger pain than I thought she was…"

"No, I'm trying to give you a whole bunch of information you didn't ask for so that I can convince you that there's more to Nivera than you realize. Being a pain is a big part of it, of course, and I have zero intention of hiding that! But so is caring about Devilla. As is scheming, and maneuvering around greedy bloodliners, for the sake of those she cares about. Which is why she'd be a really big help with all the political idiocy that's going on…. With me present, of course - I promise she's better when I'm around. And worse when there's a bloodliner in the room. Especially since she's always trying to keep me away from them… But you'll see that for yourself. If you're willing to meet with her again, in a less stressful setting?"

"...I already told her I'd talk to Devilla about all this," I said. "That includes whether we should take Nivera up on her offer. And no, you're not going to convince me to put in a good word for her."

"But you're not going to put in a bad word for her, either, are you?" Chloe asked with another grin. One that got wider when I failed to answer. "Alright! Here's my address! Let me know if you want to meet up with me - with or without Nivera - and I'll work to get everything set up! Or just start a rumor about how the Queen's personal maid is planning to go hang out with the hottest vixen in town - I basically run Nivera's information network, so it'll get to me one way or another!"

I blinked, too caught off guard by that last bit to say anything as Chloe reached into her blouse and pulled a folded piece of paper out from between her tits and shoved it into my hand.

"See you!" And with that she was gone. As in literally gone - like she'd teleported away. Or so I thought, until I followed Bailey's gaze to see a fox scampering its way towards the exit, tail wagging all the way.

Chloe! It's Chloe! I know that might not mean much to most of you, but you have no idea how long this girl has been sitting in my head, just waiting to being inflicted upon you all! I even have fanart from my lovely beta reader! Which I'll be posting at the bottom of this author's note, behind additional spoilers.

I don't really have a ton to say about this chapter, beyond that bit of gushing. I mean, there's my usual thanks to FallingLeaf for proofreading, and Lulla for beta reading, and... Mostly just more gushing? I do hope you enjoyed meeting Chloe as much as I loved writing her. Nivera is going to be a lot more tolerable in her presence, I promise.

Link to full version: Nivera-and-Chloe-take-2 hosted at ImgBB

Link to full version: Nivera-and-Chloe-take-2-less-saturated hosted at ImgBB
Chapter 18


A colorful blur of red, gold, and black slammed into me, nearly knocking me off my feet. Armored limbs wrapped themselves around my torso, squeezing me tight. While my body's durability made it difficult to gauge the exact strength of Lucy's sudden hug, the force of our impact and the faint sounds of protest emanating from her armor implied that I should be thankful for that very same resilience.

"Eena! You came early!"

"I… Yes," I replied, surprised to find my voice wavering a touch, in the aftermath of her affectionate display. It felt… odd. To be held like this. Like a fluttering in my stomach - warm, but frantic and crying for attention I couldn't spare.

"What are you doing at the adventurer's guild, though? I thought you were going to come meet me at the church?"

"I… planned to get myself settled before coming to see you," I informed her, trying to focus on the redhead's words rather than our ongoing embrace.

"Settling in?" Lucy inquired, parting from me so that she could meet my gaze with her own. Her hands remained attached to my form, despite the newly created distance, merely shifting their position, from my back to my arms.

"I…" I shook my head, trying to unstick my thoughts. What was wrong with me? Why was I so fixated upon a small measure of physical affection? I was acting as if I'd never been hugged before. Hadn't I experienced them all the time, back when I was Jacob?


"It's nothing," I replied, forcing a smile to my lips. Because it was nothing. "You were asking why I'm at the guild, yes? It's because I wished to join."

Lucy frowned at me, her hands at last parting from my flesh, to instead settle upon her own hips. "You're not doing that thing where you pretend everything's fine even when it isn't, because you don't want to worry anyone, are you? Because if people think you're the sort to suffer in silence, rather than sharing what's wrong with them, it'll only make them worry more."

"I'm not pretending," I assured her, my smile becoming a touch less strained in the face of her earnest concern. The panicked feeling was almost entirely gone, now, in any case. "I was merely caught off guard. I'm not used to being greeted with such enthusiasm."

Except from Bailey, perhaps? She had a tendency to wag her tail and lick my face after even the shortest of separations - but, truthfully, even that lacked the impact of Lucy's hug. Between the horned wolf's subservient attitude, her preference for a four legged form, and the simple fact that we'd rarely parted for more than a few minutes at a time, Bailey's reaction to our reunions felt more akin to a pet's eagerness than a friend's joy. Meanwhile, Lucy was hitting me with something of a triple punch - a warm embrace, from someone who sincerely wished to befriend me, after a day of everyone being terrified of me.

"I don't think that's the sort of thing people normally say with a smile on their face," Lucy remarked, frowning at me. "But if you say you're fine, then I won't push… Though I do want to know why you joined the guild without me! Didn't I already pledge to vouch for you?"

"Ah…" I winced. She had suggested something of the sort, hadn't she? In an attempt to incentivize this very visit to Rendra city, if memory served - and I knew full well that it did, considering how easily the conversation flowed into my mind now that I'd been reminded of it. Specifically, she had promised to help me skip the probationary period - the rookie requests, I suppose. It was an offer I had initially dismissed, not wanting anything to do with the Heroine past our coincidental meeting. That resolve had been short lived, mind you, but only because I was too weak of will to continuously deny her heartfelt pleas for a rendezvous.

Then came my dual confrontations with Abigail and Sylvanna, which caused my mindset to shift yet further. Where once I'd planned to run away and begin a new life as an adventurer, now I wished to build a solid foundation of trust with Lucy, so that I could reveal my identity to her without her turning on me. As such, I had nothing but thanks for my past self and her "poor" decision making - at least so far as it applied to this singular instance.

Even so, from start to finish, Lucy's kind offer of assistance had never been more than an afterthought. And, with everything going on…

"Would you believe that I forgot?"

"You forgot?" Lucy parroted. Her tone, like her expression, was difficult to read, but I was fairly sure it wasn't irate. A short lived relief. "You promise?"

"Promise…? You make it sound like I have something to gain with such a lie," I remarked, a furrow of confusion marring my brow. "If I wanted to cover for myself, don't you think I'd be spinning tales about not wanting to take advantage of your generosity, rather than admitting to an embarrassing oversight?"

"That sort of statement is exactly why I want you to promise me, before the goddess, that you just forgot!" Lucy proclaimed. "Though I guess it also proves you're telling the truth, since you don't seem to realize how backwards your way of thinking is… But that doesn't make me worry any less!"

"Backwards…?" Now I was starting to feel like a parrot. A very confused parrot, who dearly wished to know why Lucy's requested promise seemed to be escalating in nature. When, precisely, had the goddess come into this?

"Extremely backwards!" Lucy confirmed, thrusting her finger towards me, the tip of it stopping just short of my clavicle. "Eena, there's no world in which you forgetting about my offer of help would ever upset me! The only one who suffered from that is you - and I can still talk to the guild master once we're done here, so I don't think that really counts in the first place! I'm much more worried about you thinking that you could ever impose upon me by taking me up on something I freely offered! Especially when we both know that part of why I offered it was explicitly because I wanted to see you again!"

I blinked, caught off guard by Lucy's rather passionate declaration of intent. I could feel heat rising to my cheeks as it dawned upon me just what had made her mad - the idea that I valued her time more than my own… Or, rather, the idea that I valued my time less than hers, I suppose. Which meant that the reason she wished me to promise was that she'd already come to the conclusion that I thought less of myself than she did… Not that it was a very hard conclusion to come to, I suppose.
The corners of my lips curled upwards, a soft thrum of joy running through me in the wake of this realization. It wasn't due to her thoughts on the matter, in and of themselves, mind you - and it certainly wasn't due to her lecture. I already had a demonic maid muttering about my self-esteem, I didn't need a naive heroine claiming my thoughts to be backward. But, after a day of dealing with those who quaked in my presence, it was nice to know that Lucy would go so far as to welcome me wasting her time, purely for the sake of the very same company others had been so desperate to avoid.

"Very well," I acceded. "A promise can be given, if that is what you wish. But as for you helping me with my membership issues - if you truly find my company to be of such worth, I do believe I have a superior suggestion. One that has the added benefit of taking our… beleaguered guildmaster out of the picture." And spare me from more of his scrutiny.

"Eena…" Lucy's eyes widened, much to my confusion, and for the briefest moment I saw a flicker of fear pass through her eyes. It was gone so quick I might have thought it a figment of my imagination, if not for the way her voice had wavered when she'd said my name. "I'm happy to hear your ideas, but… Has anyone ever told you that you have a tendency to sound really ominous, sometimes?"

"Only you," I replied, frowning as I recalled the last instance of this strange pronouncement. Back when I told her we needed to have sex somewhere isolated enough that nobody would hear her scream. "Though I hardly see what's so ominous about expressing concern for others."

"That's not exactly what I meant, Eena…" The look upon Lucy's face was unnervingly close to defeat, but the smile that followed was so bright as to make me doubt the previous shadows. "It's fine, though! I already know you're built a little differently, after all - and I don't have any intention of rejecting that, or any other part of you! So why don't we move onto you telling me your idea?"

I regarded Lucy silently for a moment, trying and failing to discern what was going on inside her skull. Eventually, I decided to give up with a shake of my own head, deciding to take Lucy's words of acceptance to heart - though I'd be applying them to the Heroine, herself, for my part.

"Put simply?" I said, eventually. "I want to earn my place amidst the adventurers. To prove not only my strength, but my commitment. To that end, I believe that completing the rookie requests would be beneficial. But I happen to be in need of a mentor figure, who can vouch for me. One of unassailable character… If you understand my meaning?"

I smiled at Lucy, hoping that my sincere desire for her help would outshine the guilt I felt for my half-truths, at least enough to keep the latter from showing on my face. It wasn't as if I were lying, per se. I did wish to prove myself, to some degree - to be seen as an adventurer, during my time amidst humanity, and not an unknown variable of frightening power. And Lucy's help would, of course, be paramount to accomplishing the goal. But, more than that, I wished to prove myself to Lucy. To show her my willingness to work towards my goals, while exposing her to… If not the best side of me, then at least to me as a whole. Because as much as Lucy trusted me right now, as much as she believed in the goodness of my heart, the fact of the matter was that she hardly knew me at all. Without actual experiences to back up her view of me, I feared her good will could easily be overwritten by misconceptions and misunderstandings when my identity was revealed.

Naturally, there was a limit to how much she could learn of me while I was hiding that identity… But if I couldn't tell her the full truth with words, then I would at least do my best to show her through action. I would spend time with her, allowing her to see my virtues and flaws alike in action. Of course, the latter might well overwhelm the former. She could easily end up with a lower opinion of me, by the end. But that was fine. I didn't need her to love me. I only needed her to understand me, so that she would recognize my sincerity when I asked her for help with my people.

Which was why I was honestly rather relieved that I could use the rookie requests as an excuse to spend time with her. Otherwise, I would have been forced to stick with my original plan, and agree to join her party. Not an unworkable plot, by any means, but one that would have been harder to pull off, in my opinion. Those misconceptions and misunderstandings, such as accusations of sabotage, could all too easily rear their head if I were to officially join her in a quest to kill myself.

"Well, if that's how you want to handle it, I definitely wouldn't mind spending more time with you… But, if possible, I really don't want it to be limited to just adventuring, though!"

"You want us to spend more time together, afterward?" I questioned, arching an eyebrow. Was this a prelude to her asking me to join her party after all?

"I do!" Lucy confirmed. "Because there's something I want to do - but it's something I can't do without you. Without your willing help, too, so… this isn't exactly a demand. You can say no, but… Eena… Would you please…"

I tensed, watching Lucy take a deep breath, looking uncharacteristically nervous as she closed her eyes and gathered up her courage. She was obviously gearing up to ask me something big and, no matter what she said to the contrary, I knew I would have no choice but to agree. To do otherwise would endanger our long-term relationship.

"Please go out with me!"

And we're back to Devilla and Lucy, with an absolutely not at all evil chapter!

I actually wrote it directly after chapter 14, but ultimately decided to finish up with Abigail's scenes rather than switching back and forth. Part of the reason for that was simply due to the way this chapter ended - I didn't want to be jumping between cliff hangers on either side. (Of course that means my poor patrons had to wait for me to finish another 3 chapters before I even started working on the continuation.)

The good news is, I've had plenty of time to finish chapter 19! It's currently on my Patreon (alongside chapter 20), and will be getting its public release in a week. (Fair warning - the next couple chapters are going to be pretty damn short. I do think they're exactly as long as they need to be, though, and the shorter length does mean consistent weekly posts through the 14th. I'm expecting 21 to be closer in length to the early chapters, too, though I don't want to make any guarantees.)

As always, I want to give thanks to my proofreader FallingLeaf, and my wonderful beta reader Lulla. And thanks to my lovely readers, too! I hope you enjoyed~!
Chapter 19


It's funny how some things manage to escape your notice entirely, until after they've disappeared. I, for example, failed to notice the ubiquitous chatter of our fellow guild members until it suddenly fell silent. In fact, I'd more or less blocked out my surroundings altogether, so focused was I upon my surprise reunion with Lucy.

And then, of course, there's the corollary to my initial statement - that you often don't appreciate what you have until it's gone. Like the previously alluded to silence of the guildhall, which I very much wished would disappear, right up until the moment it actually did so. It was replaced by the commotion of every single adventurer in the guild hall - and the staff, for that matter - trying to speak at the same time. Each and every one of them commenting on Lucy's words.

Not that I could really make out any specific conversations, mind you. I'm not entirely convinced anyone was calm enough to hold something so structured, in the first place. But the words "highborn" and "Heroine" were being repeated so frequently as to be impossible to misconstrue the topic of interest, even if I were dense enough to misattribute the commotion to begin with.

"Eena?" Lucy whispered, looking a little unnerved. "What's going on?"

I wondered what they were saying about me. What tales were they spinning, to explain how the nasty highborn had managed to snatch the heart of their beloved Heroine?


Not that it really mattered what a bunch of random humans thought of me. They could say whatever they wished behind my back, and it wouldn't mean a thing to me, so long as Lucy didn't listen to them. So long as I had her by my side. So long as she didn't decide that it wasn't worth the trouble of staying around me. So long as she didn't leave me.

I felt a hand grasp my wrist, and offered no resistance. I felt it tug me forward so I walked towards it. Another hand touched my forehead, but despite my confusion no words of protest escaped my lips. My mind was a jumbled mess, the trials of the last two days slamming into me all at once after the momentary respite that was my reunion with Lucy. The brief moment where everything seemed like it would be okay. Where I didn't have to worry about people misunderstanding me, or misjudging me, or rejecting me based only on what they thought they knew of me.

I wondered if Lucy would be the next to-

"Veroon, Bellooosa mador!"

A familiar warmth washed over me, a sheet of holy magic coating my flesh. The noise of the crowd receded. Not that it was any softer, per se - the spell merely added a sense of distance, as if the speakers were somehow very far away, despite being nearly within arm's distance. I knew instinctively that I could shut it out completely if I so desired.

"Eena! Are you okay? Can you hear me? I've cast a privacy spell on us - we can talk to each other, so long as we're touching, and nobody else will be able to hear us."

"I…" I started, then stopped, noting the way my voice was trembling. First there was my overreaction to her hug, and now this? Was worrying Lucy all I could manage?

"You can say no to me, if you want - I promise that nobody will be able to hear you reject me, if that's what worrying you - but are you really that opposed to going out with me?"

"No!" I cried out, shaking my head rapidly. "I mean, I'm not…" I hesitated, unsure how to continue. I was fairly certain Lucy hadn't truly meant to ask me out. Even beyond the obvious questions - such as why she'd even be interested in me, in such a way - there was the fact that she'd opened with how there was something she wished to accomplish. But if I was wrong in that assumption, wouldn't I be making even more trouble?

"Then what is it?" the Heroine asked me, leaning forward. "Whatever it is, I'm sure I can help you deal with it! Whether it's your self-image, or the Demon Queen herself, there's nothing we can't handle if we put our heads together!"

I stared at Lucy, whose eyes shone so bright with passion and determination. I knew, just by looking into them, that she fully believed what she was saying. That, despite having no clue whatsoever about what might be plaguing me, she truly believed with all her heart that we could conquer it together. That any issue could be set right, if we were willing to work for it. It was such a naive view, from my standpoint. A mockery of all the hopelessness I'd ever felt, in both this life and my last. And yet, in the face of that indomitable determination, I couldn't help but smile.

What right did I have to belittle her confidence, considering my own mission? Wasn't I the one trying to end a two thousand year old war by befriending someone who was meant to be my mortal enemy? An impossible task, by most standards. The very definition of hopeless, when one considered how quickly I'd grown discouraged. How easily I'd allowed my frustrations to demotivate me, and my worries to direct my next steps. And yet the one person I needed most was standing in front of me, happily declaring her determination to move forward alongside me… How could I possibly worry about her abandoning me, when she was so obviously determined to fight by my side?

Even if her choice of example issues did leave something to be desired.

"Thank you, Lucy. Truly. But I'm not sure the present issue is one that can be tackled so easily." I held up a hand to forestall her protests, hoping that the soft smile on my lips would convey that I wasn't speaking from pessimism, or anger. "Did you truly mean to ask me on a date? In front of all these people?"

Lucy's eyes went wide. "No! I would never!"

…A bit blunt, but not unexpected. I nodded, opening my mouth to explain-

"Not in front of everyone! And not while you're still suffering from such low self-esteem! I mean, that would put all sorts of pressure on you, wouldn't it?"

I paused for a moment, then shook my head. The qualifiers were unexpected, but it wasn't as if she'd actually said anything about wishing to date me. She likely just wanted to soften the blow. Still, to be sure…

"Then your request to ask me out was not romantic in nature, yes?"

"Of course not!" Lucy confirmed. "It's just that I've realized I can't convince you how wonderful you are with words alone, so I want to show you with actions! I'm sure that if we go out together as friends, you'll see for yourself how much enjoyment I can find in your presence, and you'll realize that there's nothing about you that could ever drive me away! That you really are deserving of affection, friendship, and love!"

So that's what it was. My poor self-image - realistic as I swore it was - must truly have concerned her, for her to hatch such a plot. Still, it matched my own plans perfectly, so I hardly saw reason to refuse.

"And then I'll ask you out! Privately!"

I froze in place, listening to the crowd around me for any hint that the soundproofing might be flawed. That someone might have read her lips. The sound grew closer, as I focused, but the volume stayed more or less the same. I heard no reference to our current words.

"You mean romantically?" I asked, slowly, my face pointed away from the crowd as a precaution.

"Uh-huh! As long as I still feel this way about you!" Lucy casually confirmed, not a hint of caution upon her features. "I think we should get to know each other as friends first, though! That way, maybe our feelings will deepen it on both our ends, so that you'll say yes, and I won't have to worry about pressuring you into a relationship!"

"Lucy…" For a moment, I considered pointing out that this confession of hers was applying pressure in and of itself. Or perhaps simply telling her that there was absolutely no way this strange plan of hers could ever work. That she couldn't convince me I was worthy of something when I wasn't. That I wasn't even someone she should consider dating.

Ultimately, however, I knew that this crush of hers was no more than that - a temporary thing that would surely fall alongside her opinion of me as time wore on. For now, I had a much more pressing concern.

"What say you to moving this conversation to a different venue? Preferably one with less of an audience? Even if they can't hear us, it's difficult to relax, knowing the current subject of their gossip…"

"Does that mean you're okay with going out with me?" Lucy asked, her eyes shining bright.

"If you agree to stop referring to it that way, then yes - we can do things together.

"Great!" Lucy exclaimed, loosening her grip upon my wrist so that she could instead snatch up my hand. The holy magic surrounding me fluctuated a little with the movement, but ultimately stayed in place. "Because there's this food stall that I saw on the way here, and I really want to share some of its food with you! And there's this shop I really want to show you, too! And… Have you already decided where you're going to spend the night?"

"I have," I confirmed, as the overeager Heroine led me through the door. "An inn called the Queen's Crown."

"Oh, I've heard some of the other adventures talking about that one, before!" Lucy informed me, with a wide smile upon her lips and a skip to her step as she dragged me out the door. "I hear they have soft beds and thick walls! I can't wait!"

So, fun fact about Lucy's confession - it wasn't actually part of my original plans. Initially, way before I even got to this chapter, I planned to have Lucy keep silent about her crush until she thought Devilla was ready for romance. Even after I'd gotten this far, and decided that her keeping silent wasn't a good fit, my first thought was for her to accidentally let it slip, only to have Devilla be too out of it to process her words… But then I remembered the many complaints I've heard from multiple friends about miscommunication tropes, and said screw it. This feels way more in character, anyway. And it makes the end of chapter 18 feel less like a tease, too~

Speaking of friends, it's time for my traditional thank yous! To FallingLeaf, who proofreads, to Lulla, who beta read, and to my audience, whose comments and favorites make my day - thank you all for reading! I hope to see you all back for chapter 20, in a week.

PS: Chapter 20 is another short one, but chapter 21 - which will be released on the 21st - clocks in at over 7.5k words. Something to look forward to, if you prefer longer chapters~! (The former is already up on my Patreon, while the latter is currently undergoing proofreading. It's taking a bit longer than usual, due to its size, but I expect it to be up soon.)
Chapter 20


It was an interesting experience, walking down the street hand and hand with the Heroine. Though I suppose it was less about the experience itself, and more about the shocking mundanity of it. Nobody pointed at us, or stared. There were no whispers about the highborn, the Heroine, or even questions about the girls in shiny armor and skimpy clothing. People obviously knew we were present, as they moved in such a way as to avoid collision, but their gazes never seemed to settle on our forms.

Perhaps it was another effect of Lucy's privacy spell? If so, I could only hope that she'd cast it again in my presence. In fact, I'd be holding onto that hope even if it wasn't. The basic sound proofing alone would likely be more effective at thwarting spider spies than peppermint oil could ever hope to be. It almost made me wish I had a way to cancel my request for it. Almost, because there was still a chance the passive effect of the oil's scent deterring spider-spies might prove worthwhile. Assuming it worked, at least…

"That's the stall I was talking about!" Lucy informed me, drawing my attention back to the present and redirecting it towards a humble little stand. And I do mean humble. It consisted of nothing more than a grill and a sign, the latter of which merely listed a price of 6 copper virtues alongside a picture of what looked to be meat on a skewer.

"I'm surprised it managed to catch your eye," I remarked, internally comparing the stand to some of the more elaborate food stalls surrounding us. Though that adjective's use was admittedly rather relative, the other stands at least had things like counters, and colorful pictures to try and draw customers to them.

"My friend Eff told me about it, actually," Lucy apprised me, a bright smile on her face as she drew forth the memory. "A couple years back, a little after I joined the adventurer's guild. It's actually my favorite stall! But today's the first time he's set up shop since my arrival… Maybe it's a sign of the Goddess blessing our reunion!"

I had to bite my tongue to keep from scoffing. The mere idea of that absentee goddess intervening with something like this when she couldn't even be bothered to referee my aunts in heaven was enough to ruin my appetite.

Thankfully, the scent of charred meat wafting from the stand quickly reignited it.

"Are you going to be okay if I drop the privacy spell?" Lucy asked me, giving my hand a little squeeze. "We'll get more attention, but it won't be anything like in the guild."

"It would be rather awkward to order if you didn't," I pointed out, returning her gesture of reassurance in kind. "I'll be fine, Lucy. If stares and whispers are the price I must pay for your company, then so be it. I'd rather weather them alongside you than walk alone, in any case."

A tinge of pink appeared upon Lucy's cheeks. Perhaps my words had embarrassed her? If so, I could only be grateful that I'd said them before her spell came down, for a moment later the warmth of its holy magic disappeared, and the noise of the world at large washed over me.

The surrounding pedestrians did, of course, notice us once the spell had lifted. But, to my surprise, they did not gawk or gossip in quite the same way that the adventurers had. There were whispers, and lingering looks, of course, but their forward movement didn't cease. In many cases, it barely slowed. In fact, the one who showed the most overt reaction of all came from the stall owner Lucy was steering me towards, who momentarily froze in the act of handing a pair of skewers to his most recent customer.

"Miss Heroine!" he called out, sporting a grin that was just a little bit too wide to pass for sincere. It didn't seem entirely fake, mind you - at least not to my admittedly amateur eye - but rather a touch strained. Like genuine joy had been tainted by nervous energy. "I was wondering whether I'd see you today. Was starting to think I'd need to put some meat in reserve."

"Wilhoon!" Lucy whined, her smile transforming into a pout. "Didn't I ask you not to do that anymore? You'll have less time to spend with your family if you wait for me, won't you? And if I don't come, for whatever reason, you'll have less money to spend!"

"Aye, miss Heroine," the man laughed, a smile on his lips as he scratched at a scar on the side of his nose. "But how could I face the Goddess in prayer, knowing that her champion lost a chance at the best meal she's ever had? It's venison today, you know? Your favorite - went hunting for it the moment I heard you were in town."

"I'd rather lose out on a meal than see you losing time with your husband," Lucy objected, stepping forward as the man's redheaded customer beat a hasty retreat, not even sparing a glance in Lucy's direction as she rushed off with a meaty skewer in hand. "Isn't his number one complaint that you spend too much time away from home? And I bet you spent forever in the woods, trying to find the perfect game for me, too! Even though I would have been happy with anything you cooked…"

"Ah…. You remember that, do you?" Wilhoon's laugh was more of a nervous chuckle, this time. "Really, I don't know what I was thinking, sharing my worries with the Heroine… As if you don't have enough on your plate already… Asteen chewed me out big time for that when I got home, y'know? And I'm sure he'd do it all over again if I didn't make sure you were well fed, and motivated and for your journey! So what'll it be? Three skewers? Four? I know you usually get two, but what about your lady friend over there?"

The hunter turned his attention from Lucy to me, the unabashed curiosity in his eyes standing in sharp contrast to the red tinge of his cheeks. As he looked me over, I took the opportunity to do the same to him.

He was tall, at around five foot ten, with mossy green hair and the start of a beard that looked almost like lichen had begun to sprout against his skin. There was a small notch on the side of his nose, where the flesh had obviously been gouged at one point - perhaps by a wild animal? - and he might have looked intimidating, with his blood red eyes, if it weren't for his jovial smile. It had grown more natural over the course of his conversation with Lucy, though I still saw a bit of tension in how he held himself. More interesting to me was his hands, though, which were dicing up chunks of meat with practiced ease, even as he examined me.

"Six virtues a skewer, yes?" I asked, waiting for his nod of confirmation. Unnecessary, considering his prominent sign, but it felt like the polite thing to do. "I'll take two."

"Two silver crosses for all four, then," the man said, eliciting an arched eyebrow from me. That was four virtues too few, if Feyra's lessons on currency were to be believed. "Heroine discount."

"I don't need a discount, though!" Lucy protested. "You worked really hard to hunt this, didn't you? And I bet you passed up easier prey so that you could try and get my favorite, too! You deserve to be paid for your work!"

"Aye… And it's by the grace of the heavens that I succeeded in catching anything at all, hard work be…" He froze, from a moment, his smile growing just a touch more forced as the movements of his knife ceased. "Well, let's just call this my way of thanking the goddess for my good fortune."

"Perhaps I could offer a compromise?" I suggested, before Lucy could object further. "If I were to pay for our meals, then there'd hardly be a reason for a 'Heroine discount.'"

"But then I'm not contributing at all," Lucy pointed out. "I don't want to be getting free things just because I'm the Heroine! What's the point of having money if people keep giving me things for free?"

"Who says you're not contributing?" I countered, with a teasing smile upon my lips. "Did you know that I paid my last tour guide in saints? And yet the Heroine herself is now offering to show me around, for free. I'd hardly be able to live with myself if I couldn't at least cover her meal."

"...Fine," Lucy conceded, looking between me and the vendor, whose smile seemed to be growing stiffer by the second. "But only if you promise not to call me 'the Heroine' again! I like it way more when you just call me Lucy!"

"An easy enough concession," I confirmed, nodding in agreement. "Assuming, of course, that the arrangement is acceptable to all parties?"

"Ah, well…" Wilhoon nervously, rubbing at the back of his head. "A man needs to know when he's beat, doesn't he?"

"Then it would seem that an accord has been reached," I declared, reaching into my pocket and pulling out the proper assortment of coins. "Four skewers, please."

"Right… Four skewers for the Heroine and her girlfriend, then," he agreed, returning to the cubing of his meat. "Coming right up."

I opened my mouth to protest the appellation, only to close it again at the sight of Lucy's smile. I knew the term to be inaccurate, even if Wilhoon meant it in its more platonic form. Considering how little Lucy knew of me, I hardly even had the qualifications to be called 'friend,' let alone something so intimate as this. But faced with her pure joy at our connection being recognized…Well, at the end of the day, it was just a word. And considering the fact that she'd already asked me out in front of a guild full of strangers… What harm could one more misunderstanding do to me?

Thinking such, I turned my attention back to the meat in front of me. While the future might hold many mysteries, there was one question in particular that I knew would soon be answered. One that had me salivating, in anticipation.

What in the world would Lucy's favorite meal taste like?

Devilla? Food motivated? I have no clue what you're talking about! She just... Uh... Really wants to know more about Lucy's tastes? Yeah. That must be it...

Jokes aside, I do hope you enjoyed the chapter! It's another short one, I know, but chapter 21 (which will be released on the 21st) will make up for that in spades. It's where this (totally not a) date starts in earnest, and it covers said not!date in its entirety. (Chapter 22, meanwhile, returns us to a 2k word count. Something that seems like it might become the norm, at this rate. Both are already up on Patreon, for the impatient~)

Many thanks, as always, to FallingLeaf for proofreading, to my friend Lulla for being my beta reader, and to both of them for listening to my endless babble as I work out my plans for future chapters.
Chapter 21
Actual NSFW content for the first time in a while.


I studied my venison skewers as Lucy and I walked toward our next destination. They were simple in construction, consisting of cubed meat impaled by wood, cooked upon a grill, lightly salted and slightly charred. They smelled good, and - judging by a quick nibble - tasted decent. But were they truly worth the praise Lucy had bestowed upon them?

"Is something wrong?" Lucy asked, already halfway through the first of her meaty treats. "If you don't like the taste, I can take you somewhere else!"

"The taste is fine," I assured her, taking a larger bite. The meat was firm and smooth, boasting a surprising depth of flavor, the lack of culinary seasoning supplemented by the creature's own varied diet. A bit gamey, but not bad at all. "I'm just confused, I suppose. For as good as it tastes, I cannot help but credit that to the ingredients over the chef. And yet you called his stall your favorite? I mean no offense, but surely there are others who could do the job as well?"

"I think you're underestimating how hard it is to hunt stuff, Eena," Lucy chided me. "Hunters are basically competing with monsters! Monsters who will want to attack them, too! I mean, Wilhoon's actually an adventurer, you know? He makes most of his money selling monster material to guild!"

"Why not sell them at his stall, instead?" I questioned, taking another bite of the meat. Though I had a newfound appreciation for its rarity, I still thought it could have used more seasoning. As wonderful as salt was, even fries couldn't truly shine with that alone. Dipping sauces were essential. Speaking of which… "Could you hold this for me?" I asked, extending my skewers. "There's something I need to retrieve from my pack."

"People don't eat monster meat, Eena," Lucy informed me, lowering her voice to a whisper as she took hold of my meal. "The church teaches that it's fine to use their materials for weapons and stuff - to fight them with their own tools - but that consuming their flesh is to invite darkness into our hearts… Not that I really agree with them…" Lucy trailed off, the frown that had briefly marred her features disappearing. "But we're getting off topic! The food's not really why Wilhoon's stall is my favorite, anyway."

"No?" I questioned, digging into my pack, past the non-perishable goods that filled it, to reach the Empty Bag hiding within. "Then what is?"

"The way he treats me! He's always been way more casual with me than the other vendors!"

I had to bite my tongue to keep from questioning Lucy's words. I didn't wish to disparage her favorite stall further, but if that was her idea of a 'casual' interaction, then I had to wonder whether my manner of speaking even registered with her as formal. The man hadn't even called her by name! And he'd clearly been nervous the entire time, albeit to varying degrees… But I had no wish to endanger whatever joy she found in frequenting the place. Especially if the other vendors were, indeed, bad enough to make Wilhoon seem friendly by comparison.

"If it's more the vendor than the flavor that drew you," I said instead, "then perhaps you won't mind me making a minor adjustment to the taste?"

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked, eyeing my pack. Her eyes widened as I drew forth a glass bottle, curiosity written clearly upon her brow as she studied the red liquid within.

"This is called hot sauce," I apprised her, tugging its cork free from the narrow neck. "A spicy topping that goes well with meat."

I watched Lucy for her reaction, just as she in turn studied the condiment I held. I was a little concerned that she might question its presence in my possessions, deviating as it did from standard adventurer fare, but thankfully, she seemed more curious about its contents than confused as to why I had such a thing in the first place. I could only hope that she'd be as accepting of the other sauces, spices, and herbs that Lenora had helped to procure. It would be best if I probed her acceptance carefully, so as to avoid breaking my promise with Abigail to be discreet.

"Can I try some?" Lucy asked after a moment of study.

"If you'd like," I assented, proffering the bottle with one hand as I reached out to retrieve my two remaining skewers from her. She had, I noticed, finished the first of hers. "Though I'd be careful with the quantity. It's quite potent."

"Don't worry," Lucy replied, confidence puffing up her chest, as she proceeded to pour a generous heaping upon the first chunk of her skewer. "I have a really high tolerance to spicy stuff!"

Or so she said. And yet the very moment her teeth cut through the meat… "Spicyyyyyyyyyy!"

"I did try to warn you," I sighed, trying not to chuckle at the Heroine who'd been brought to tears with a single bite. It was hard to imagine that her presence had ever struck me with terror, seeing her like this.

"I thought you were just underestimating me!" Lucy explained, levitating the bottle over to me via arcane magic, so that her hand would be free to fan at her overheated tongue. A futile gesture, but one I understood all too well - though only via my memories as Jacob. "I mean, I've had hot sauce before, and usually I need at least that much just to feel it!"

I replied with a noncommittal hum, unsure how to justify the differences in strength between Lenora's concoction and those that Lucy was more familiar with. It made sense to me, now that it had been pointed out. Lucy's people didn't have dryads, capable of producing entire fields of peppers almost at will, and as such were no doubt stingier with their supplies. Not to mention the fact that we demons of the tower had long been forced to compensate for a lack of salt in our cuisine, with other, stronger flavors. And yet, as obvious as it seemed to me, none of it was fit for open discussion, while I was hiding my identity.

And speaking of the inexplicable…

"You can't seriously be planning to go back for another bite?" I queried, voice weighted with disbelief as I watched the Heroine slowly bringing the skewer back towards her face. Her eyes were still watering! Not to mention the emotions contained within them - a combination of determination and terror.

"I don't want to waste it!" Lucy told me, her resolve blazing ever brighter, as if she were gathering the courage to face her greatest enemy. Which I suppose wasn't too far off base, considering the snack's origin, but it was still not an expression befitting the consumption of good food. "Wilhoon put his all into hunting this meat! And I bet you don't have a ton of that sauce, either, right?"

"Well…" I obviously did - a near unlimited supply, in fact. But there was a limit to what I could explain having on me.

"This meal isn't just meat and sauce! It's filled with the feelings of those I care about! So there's no way I'll ever let that go to waste!"

Saying so, Lucy opened her mouth wide to take another bite. The skewer, however, never entered her maw, as my magic quickly pulled it back.

"Don't be stupid," I grumbled, snatching the hot sauce from her magic's grasp, pouring a singular drop upon the skewer that I had bitten into, so that I might offer it to her. I would have gone for the untouched skewer, but I didn't want to hear any complaints about taking more than she was giving. "Our feelings are meant to bring you joy, not pain."

"Eena…" Lucy hesitated, her eyes traveling back and forth between the sauce drenched skewer she currently gripped, and the one I'd offered her in trade. "Are you sure? Wouldn't that just put you in trouble, instead of me?"

"As if such a small amount of sauce could possibly trouble me," I replied with a derisive snort. A bit excessive, perhaps, but I wanted to ensure she took me seriously. Especially since I was speaking truthfully - while there was some risk of the sauce washing out the meat's flavor profile, there was no chance of its heat debilitating me. I could drink it straight and be fine. In fact I'd done just that, on multiple occasions, in order to judge Lenora's foray into sauce making.

"Well… If you're sure," Lucy said, overcoming her reluctance and making the trade.

She watched me, nerves obvious, as I raised the oversauced meat to my lips and bit into it. The heat washed over me, and while my fear of losing the venison's taste proved true, the spice itself did me no ill. Indeed, I'd simply need to finish the chunk of meat she'd drenched, and then move onto the lower ones, which had merely caught the dripping excess. I could even switch between the two skewers I now held, so as to enjoy the taste in both its classic and altered forms.

The smile that thought brought to my lips must have alleviated Lucy's concern, for she was soon raising the meal for a bite of her own. It was only as I watched her bite consume the marks I myself had left upon the meat that something occurred to me - that this might, perhaps, count as an indirect kiss.

My face turned red. Then redder yet, when I saw that Lucy herself seemed to hold no such concerns, her focus entirely on the consumption of hot sauce and venison. I was being ridiculous, I realized, allowing thoughts of lips on lips to pass through my mind, while Lucy herself blissfully enjoyed her meal. To think about what it would feel, if a more direct variant of the concept came to pass.

Did this even count? We were biting the food, not sealing our lips upon it. And even if it did, did Solla even have such a concept to begin with? I wasn't sure how much of Earth did, for that matter, having never really come across it outside of the anime that Jacob used to watch. And Lucy certainly didn't seem to be thinking about such ridiculous things as our mouths… sealing against one another…

"Can I have some more?"

I nodded, rapidly, my cheeks on fire as I pushed the embarrassing notion from my mind.

"Eena?" Lucy queried me, her hand yet to reach for the sauce. "Are you okay? Your face is all red…?"

I shook my head, in lieu of a verbal response, not trusting my voice to remain steady. Similarly, my eyes avoided Lucy's, taken as I was by the irrational fear that she might give her some clue as to what was going through my mind.

"Oh no… Don't tell me the sauce got to you after all? I knew I shouldn't have let you take it!"

"N-no!" I squeaked out, cursing the quivering of my voice. I was being ridiculous. Letting Lucy's talk of romance and dates put ideas in my mind… But… The idea of kissing, outside of sex, was just so… So… intimate. Indirect or not! "I'm just… Embarrassed by… Well…" I hesitated, chancing a look upon her face. The concern I saw in her eyes brought guilt bubbling forth from within me. Was she blaming herself for taking the trade from me? Would she try and take it back? And if so, wouldn't that lead to another indirect kiss through it!? "Ijusthadtheideathatwemighthaveindirectlykissedisall!"

Lucy blinked at the words - or maybe just word - that had been birthed from my mortification. I watched her mouthing what I'd said, picking it apart. And then I saw a blush touch her cheeks, as they had mine - but it was lighter, a simple pink compared to my own crimson cheeks. And it was paired with a smile.

"I don't think that counts as a kiss, Eena. I mean, we were just biting it, weren't we?"

I nodded, slower this time, feeling even more like a fool than before. Lucy's words only reinforced my own thoughts on the matter, but, somehow, it felt more convincing coming from her lips than it had going through my mind.

"Besides, there's no way I'd be satisfied with that as our first kiss! When it comes, I want to enjoy it!"

…I wondered what Lucy would think, if she knew how close she was to becoming the first Heroine to ever kill a Demon Queen through sheer embarrassment.

"You're really sensitive about this, aren't you?" Lucy asked me, her voice betraying not concern, but curiosity. "I didn't think you would be, considering how you are with… Other stuff…"

"Other stuff, as you put it, is purely physical in nature," I pointed out to her, turning my head away and tilting it forward a little, in hopes of hiding my reddened cheeks behind a wall of temporarily brunette hair. "Kisses are romantic. Particularly so when separated from 'other stuff.'"

"I guess that makes sense…" Lucy conceded. "But then why didn't you get embarrassed when Wilhoon called you my girlfriend?"

"Because I knew he meant it platonically…" Little as I might have deserved the term, in either of its forms.

"Platonically? Why would it be platonic? That doesn't even make sense!"

"And assuming we're dating does?" I retorted, turning to face Lucy's frowning form.

"I mean, we were holding hands," Lucy reminded me. "Ordering food together. You even used my name!"

"That's… I'm not entirely sure why that last one made the list, but… Still! Surely that's a bit of a stretch?"

"Not as much of a stretch as calling girlfriends platonic," Lucy countered. "I mean, why would anyone even use it that way? It seems like it would get really confusing!"

"That's…" Accurate, actually. Of course, it had been misleading on Earth, as well. My friend Alice had complained about it regularly. But girls dating girls seemed to be more widely accepted on Solla, even amidst humans, than it had ever been in that world. Nobody had batted an eye at Lissera's interest in me, even in such a small village, and Lucy certainly showed no sign of shame for her preferences. Nor had she mentioned the church frowning upon it. "Wait a moment - if you knew he meant it romantically, then why did you not protest it? We're hardly dating, as of yet."

"Because you didn't, of course! I mean, it made me really happy that we looked like a couple, you know? So I'll back you up if you ever want to stop it, but I'm not going to go out of my way to end something that makes me so happy!"

I didn't know what to say to that. Lucy's infatuation with me was obvious, but the path through it much less so. I could only hope she'd come to realize her mistake in crushing on me as time passed and she grew to know me more.

My silence did nothing to dampen Lucy's mood, however, as she happily consumed the skewer I had given her, swapping back and forth between using the hot sauce and eating chunks plain. For my part, I ate at a much more sedate pace, savoring the flavor of each bite. The hot sauce made a world of difference, and I daresay I might have enjoyed the meal every bit as much as Lucy - though far less vocally. The sounds that girl made would have been more at home in a bed, than on the street.

"We're here!" Lucy declared, after a minute or two more, chewing through the last of her skewer and turning the wooden sticks to ash with a quick burst of magic. I followed suit, putting away the bottle of hot sauce as I looked over the building she had brought me to.

It was a small thing. Squat, made of brown bricks, with a garish yellow roof that drew the eye and a sign that I struggled to make sense of. It depicted what looked to be a spyglass, a wheel, a vase, and… a fork? There were words as well, thankfully, written in a flowing script that circled about the mishmash of items. "Carrie's Curiosities."

"This place has all sorts of interesting things, from all sorts of places!" Lucy excitedly informed me, pulling open the door. "I used to come here all the time, growing up."

"Growing up?" I questioned, following after the eager girl. "Does that mean this is your hometown?"

A quick glance around the shop showed me two things, one of which demanded far more attention than the other. The first, and less important matter, was a hulking man, with an unruly mop of blonde hair, who stood upright by one of the doors. He was easily over six feet - six foot two, if I were pressed to give a precise measurement - with bulky muscles that seemed more fit for intimidation than lifting. He was likely present as an anti-theft measure, but considering the unlikelihood of us partaking in such activities, combined with the simple fact that either me or Lucy could take him with both hands tied behind our back, he wasn't worth more than a cursory glance.

More noteworthy, to me, were the messy shelves, which rose to just a little below my head. They contained a multitude of items, such as small metal balls, fishing hooks, thick coils of rope, and - of course - the forks I'd noticed upon the sign. All scattered across the wooden racks with no rhyme or reason I could detect.

What's more, the shelves themselves had been arranged to form a spiral labyrinth of sorts. One would have to walk their entire length, passing each and every item on display, just to reach the counter on the other end. An underhanded selling technique if ever there was one. One that likely would have had me turning back around immediately, if not for the bright smile upon Lucy's face.

"Hi Rewdeen!" the redhead called, waving to the guard by the door, before turning back towards me. "And sort of? I mean, it's the first city I ever lived in, anyway. Or even visited! I actually grew up in a small cabin out in the woods! It was near a little village - about the same size as Derrin, actually! - and me and Mom would occasionally go there to stock up on supplies, and talk to people…" The smile slipped from her face. "I only came to the city after she died…"

"Lucy…" I whispered, reaching out to take her hand, as she had so often stolen mine. Much like me, she didn't protest or pull away, but even as my hand gripped hers, it momentarily felt like she was somewhere very far away.

Then her smile returned, as bright and joyful as ever, without even a hint of the fragility I had momentarily glimpsed within her eyes. "I've been here since I was thirteen, though! It's where I learned how to control my strength better, and use my holy magic, and be the best Heroine I can be to the people! And this shop actually helped a lot with that!"

"Is that so?" I asked her, returning her smile with one of my own as she squeezed my hand and pulled me forward, towards the shelves. Whether her smile was as forced as mine, I could not say, but if Lucy wished to put forth a brave face for the sake of the public then I would do my best to help her uphold that facade. I only hoped that she would be able to express herself more fully when we were alone.

"Uh-huh!" She gestured to the shelves with her free hand. "The owner - Carrie - buys her stock from adventurers. Everything on these shelves came from another city. Some of them are even from other countries! Which means even the little things we recognize could end up with big differences! Like…" She scanned the shelves for a moment. "Like these skewers!"

I followed the trajectory of her pointing finger with my eyes, and landed upon a pair of skewers completely unlike the ones that we'd just burnt. Wrought of metal instead of carved from wood, their ends had been twisted and turned to form simplified versions of animals - a chicken and a pig.

"I've only ever seen skewers used in street food around here," Lucy continued, her smile brightening just a touch further. Becoming, in my eyes, just a touch more real. "But in other cities, they're used in fancy restaurants! And it's the same with other cooking instruments, too! Not to mention clothes, farming implements, smithing techniques, and so much more! Wherever you go, things will be different than where you were…"

Lucy's gaze swept across the various items on the shelf as she led me down the stacks, her focus lingering occasionally - on a sun hat, a hoe, a pair of ornate chopsticks with white flowers painted upon their surface. "My whole world, back before I became an adventurer, was just the forest, that village, and this city… But when I came here, and looked at all the stuff on display, it made me realize that the world is so much bigger than that. That there are places, more different than I could ever imagine, out there… And that they're filled with people who are different, too! People who think differently than me, and do things differently. People I wouldn't be able to understand if I just stayed in town and trained like Father Tuffel wanted me to. That's why I became an adventurer - so I could go out, and meet those people! So that I could find out what sort of people made this stuff, and work to become the sort of Heroine they needed me to be! And do you want to know what I found out?"

"What?" The question wasn't a perfunctory one. Curiosity laid laden in the single word, alongside a touch of amusement as the corners of my lips turned upwards. I was being pulled along by Lucy's enthusiasm. And, much to my own surprise, I didn't mind it.

"That people are just people! Which… is sort of obvious, I guess, but… There's more to it than that?" Lucy's brow furrowed in thought, as for the first time I watched her actually pick her words before speaking them. "I mean, different people do need different things. The individual jobs I do change, from place to place, but the end results are usually the same? No matter how different people are, they all need to eat and sleep. They need places to stay, and they want safety for themselves and those they care about. They all have needs that need to be met, to get those things, and there's so many differences everywhere I go, but there's just as many similarities binding us all together! And it's not just that way with humans, either, but all living creatures! You know?"

I nodded, slowly, as her eyes met mine. It felt, in that moment, as if she were trying to say that she knew I was different, and that it was okay… That no matter what I told her about myself, it would be okay.

Or perhaps that was simply wishful thinking. A desire, on my part, to come clean. A desire that could cost my people everything, if I was mistaken about the limits of her understanding. She could just as easily be reminding me about our talk on animals and monsters. Perhaps it was Bailey she was truly asking after.

"There's another reason I wanted to bring you here, though!" Lucy added, offering a welcome distraction from my thoughts. "I was hoping you could pick an item to buy!"

"An item?" I queried, arching an eyebrow as my gaze swept across the shelves. There were many things, even in this small section we had walked through. A second sun hat, a pair of sandals, and a candle to name a few. But honestly, of them all, my mind turned back towards the skewers we had seen towards the entrance. Turning back around, without letting go of Lucy's hands, I spied them still perched upon their shelf. A brief flaring of my arcane magic, reaching out towards and enveloping them with the energy under my command, and I had them floating towards my hand. "Would two work?"

"That's fine!" Lucy confirmed. "They're a set, after all! And I know where they're from, too, which makes it even better!"

"Where they're from…" I murmured, glancing between the items, and her. "Were you hoping to tell me about the place, then? To ignite my imagination?"

"Close!" Lucy's smile shifted a little, taking on a nervous edge. "I was actually hoping we could go there, one day? So that I could show you how things differ! And help you see the world how I see it - full of people who are different, but also still the same! Still just people, living under the goddess's loving care!"

Loving care? I wondered how Lucy would take it, if she knew our goddess had abandoned this world long ago… What would it do to her, when she found out that everything she'd been taught was a lie? That the goddess she believed in was gone, and that her religion was nothing but cruelty and lies… Would she be able to believe it? Coming from me? Her supposed greatest enemy?

She claimed to have feelings for me. No - did have feelings for me. I could believe that much. But could mere infatuation possibly stand against everything she'd been taught? Just because she'd been willing to work alongside demons in the game, didn't mean she'd be able to accept their queen in reality. Not when she knew so little of me.

"Um. We don't have to stick to the skewers, if you don't want to?" Lucy offered. "You could pick something else? Or we could just not do it… Though I really hope you'll at least consider it!"

"No…" I shook my head, forcing another smile to come to my own lips. I reminded myself that I was here to grow closer to Lucyso that when the time came, my words would at least have a fighting chance of reaching her. So that the truth could, one day, be revealed.

Even if it meant hiding things in the present.

"I quite like these," I continued. "And there'd be a certain symmetry in it, besides. Assuming, that is, that you intend to ask me there on a proper date one day?"

My teasing tone and smile were ill matched to the painful feeling in my heart. I knew that there would be no date. That there was no way I could allow her to take me on one, even if I wanted to. She deserved better in romance than a girl who didn't even dare to share her real name.

Suddenly, I felt Lucy's hand tightening around my own, as - without so much as a word of justification - she began to pull me down the aisles at top speed. Before I could even think to question her, she'd tossed a gold coin upon the counter and was dragging me back out of the store again, all but sprinting out the door.

"Lucy?" I queried, once we'd left the building, the cool night air helping to shake me from my shock, as Lucy herself began to slow.

"I'm sorry, Eena! We'll talk at the inn!"

The telltale prickling of arcane magic upon my skin was the only warning I received, before a strong tug upon my shirt's collar sent me tumbling backwards. I realized, then, that Lucy's hand was no longer holding mine. Instead, her arms were circling about my legs and waist, as she picked me up in a princess carry and began to run in the direction of the Queen's Crown. Upon arrival, a scene similar to that in the shop occurred, with her slamming a coin down and hurriedly renting a room from an extremely flustered innkeeper. Then she was carrying me up the stairs, magically maneuvering a key into a lock, and bringing me across the threshold of the room we had been given.

"Lucy," I began, as soon as she had put me down, the door closed behind us. "What on Solla was that about!?"

"We need to talk!" Lucy declared, her eyes once more aflame with resolve. "Or more like, we don't need to talk! Or we need to talk about how we don't need to talk? And it's a talk that we need to have with absolute privacy, so… Veroon, Bellooosa mador!"

"Lucy?" I repeated, my tone a bit more cautious this time. I couldn't imagine much that would demand this level of secrecy from her. Excluding my identity, of course, but… Surely she didn't know that much?

"Eena," Lucy began, taking a deep breath. "I know you have secrets!"

I froze.

"And I don't want you to tell them to me!"

And unfroze. Or perhaps it would be better to say I 'twitched,' for that was about all the movement I managed before shock sealed my movements again.

"I'm really sorry, Eena! All that talk about acceptance and differences… It probably sounded like I was trying to pressure you into telling me something… Because I wanted you to know that I would accept you no matter what, you felt like you had to tell me what that 'what' was, didn't you? And then you started talking about dating me, with that pained smile on your face…"

"That's… was it really that obvious?" I questioned.

"Yes!" The firm response, lacking even an ounce of hesitation, made me grimace. Perhaps I wasn't cut out for faking my emotions, any more than I was for hiding them… "I knew I messed up, instantly! But I also knew you wouldn't want to talk about it in public, so I brought you here as quickly as I could!"

"And yet you're saying that you don't want me to tell you anything about what caused that pain? Because I find that rather hard to believe, coming from someone who so clearly wishes to get closer to me."

My words came out a touch harsher than I'd intended them to. Lucy didn't seem to mind, though, shaking her head with a smile that actually felt sincere.

"Of course I want to know! I want to know everything about you! But I want to know it when you want to tell me! If you tell me your secrets because you feel like you have to, then we aren't really getting closer, right? You're going to worry the entire time that I'll reject you. And you'll probably still worry afterward, no matter how much I try to reassure you! That's why I'd rather you not tell me anything just yet. Not until you can truly believe, with all your heart, that I'll accept whatever you have to say!"

"Lucy… That's…" Ridiculous? Incredibly optimistic and naive? She had no idea what I was keeping from her! No clue as to the world shattering secrets I was holding back from her. And yet the look in her eyes was the same I had seen after she'd accidentally asked me out in front of everyone. A look that said whatever secrets I held didn't matter. Because whatever my secrets were, she would accept them anyway.

And yet…

"I… Can't tell you yet…" I whispered, shame burning in my chest. "But someday… I promise."

"'Someday' is good enough for me!" Lucy declared, with a grin so wide you'd never believe that I'd just rejected her trust.

"...Then… For now. I will at least trust you with this much." I took a deep breath. "Eena isn't my real name. It's nothing but an alias." I tensed, waiting for the reprimand. Waiting for her to demand that I go further, to say that she deserved at least that much.

What I received, instead, was a tight embrace.

"Thank you for telling me that. I look forward to hearing your real name, someday," Lucy squeezed tighter. "But I'm happy to call you Eena for now, okay? You can keep it a secret for as long as you need! But there is one rule I want to set! And a request I want to make, but you can say no to that one, if you don't feel up to it."

"A rule?" I questioned. She nodded, the movement felt rather than seen due to her head's position upon my shoulders.

"Don't lie to me!" She parted from me, her eyes meeting mine in a display of seriousness. "That's really important, okay? If there's something you can't tell me, just say so! I'll trust you, so trust me not to ask too many questions!"

I nodded, slowly, fighting down the urge to protest. The desire to say this made no sense. That she put too much faith in someone she barely knew. Someone she was merely infatuated with… And yet, the trust she showed me… I knew, in that moment, that I never ever wanted to betray it.

"And the request?"

"To have sex with me!"

"To…" I stared at Lucy, who grinned back at me without a hint of shame. "After all that? The bridal carry, the dramatic speech, the ups and downs of our… Not date… You want to have sex?!"

"Why not?" Lucy asked, meeting my gaze without flinching. "It's a great way to relax, isn't it? It feels really good, and it's sort of exhausting - but that just means you can go to sleep afterwards, right? Since there won't be any bear attacks this time! And I can put what I said into practice, too - show you what I feel! Show you that I trust you, by putting myself completely in your hands!"

"The last time we had sex, you came out of it with a crush," I pointed out. "One I'm not looking to intensify…"

"I think it's a bit late for that, Eena! I mean, the sex isn't even the biggest part of it - you're the one who said that's just physical, right? Even though I'd argue that it's a great way to convey emotions, too… But the main reason I fell for you is that you treat me like a normal person! You use my name, and you're not afraid to tease me… And yeah, you have sex with me, but it's not the sex itself that was important! Even if it does feel really, really good!"

"You…" I buried my face in my free hand. "I can't believe I'm actually considering this…" But her words made sense to me. Sex was a thing that friends could partake in, easily. It wasn't like kissing - there was no inherent romance. Only pleasure. And it would feel good…

"We don't have to," Lucy reminded me, looking down at the ground. "Not if you don't want to. But I'd like to, if you're up for it…"

"...Thick walls and soft beds."

"Huh?" Lucy's head snapped up.

"That's what you said this place boasted, did you not? Meaning that nobody should hear your screaming and moaning as I ravish you, even without your spell." A spell I'd thankfully had the wherewithal to listen to, this time. And one which I very much doubted she'd be able to keep up during sex.

"You mean…?"

"I'll be sure to repay you for everything you've done to me, today, Lucy." I reached down to grab the hem of my shirt as I spoke. "For the warmth that filled my heart, and the heat that colored my cheeks."

Lucy let out a little squeak, a noise I assumed to be of joy as her hands immediately moved to undo her armor, her magic tugging at any straps that were placed too awkwardly for her to easily reach. Soon her breast plate was on the floor, her greaves and skirt following quickly after, alongside her bracers and gauntlet. A journey my own clothes had already completed.

All articles except for one, that is.

"Aren't you going to take off your shoes?" Lucy asked, the innocence in her voice ill fit to the cutting nature of her question.

I couldn't believe that I was being set such a trial, so soon after my vow of honesty! But I couldn't lie, so… "I… Dislike being seen without them. Especially by…" People who are taller than me. Six simple, shameful words that I just couldn't bring myself to speak.

"In that case…!" Lucy's grin was the only warning I received before she was once more scooping me up in her arms, and carrying me like a princess. "If you're laying down, we can take them off without me seeing how short you are, right?"

"I am not short!" I protested, my cheeks aflame. "I'm just… On the small side, amongst my family members." My mother had been six foot one, my grandmother six foot even, and my great grandmother six foot three! And yet here I was, at a measly five foot four… It was enough to make anyone self conscious!

"It's alright, Eena," Lucy reassured me, laying me upon the bed and reaching for my shoes. I watched her remove them without complaint, allowing her to reveal the black nail tipped toes beneath. "I think you're cute, no matter how tall or small you are!"

"C-cute?" I exclaimed. "Surely you jest?" Sexy, hot, beautiful or even simply 'pretty' were all descriptors I would take. But cute?

"Uh-huh," Lucy affirmed, without thought to my pride as she laid a kiss upon the inside of my thigh. "Especially when you get all flustered and squirmy!"

My thighs twitched at the sensation - a movement that most definitely wasn't squirming - even as I set a baleful glare upon her. "I do not wish to hear of cuteness from you, of all people. Is it not obvious who would receive the title, if someone were to judge between us?"

"We can both be cute," Lucy countered, her lips traveling up my thigh, leaving a trail of tiny kisses until she was barely an inch from my slit - and then she nipped the flesh, before parting, leaving my needy sex behind as she moved to climb atop me. "You know, I've been putting a lot of thought into what I'd do if I got you into bed again? The places I'd kiss. And the noises I'd try to get you to make…" She bent down to place her lips upon the swell of my breast, sucking upon the flesh right below the hardened nipple, and then kissing the space above. "I don't think my imagination was really up to the task, though. I mean, I really don't know enough about sex! So I hope you'll help me learn!"

This time her luscious lips landed squarely upon the nipple proper, her tongue darting out to wet the tip, right before her teeth clamped down upon the sensitive flesh. She began to suck, gently at first, but then fiercer, pulling a soft cry from my own lips as my body arched.

I grasped at Lucy's hair, holding her down against my chest, demanding more of her delightful attention. She obliged my selfish request, sucking and nipping at both the pink peak and the paler flesh beneath. My fingers became entangled in her red hair, as my other hand reached out to wrap around her waist and tug her against my form. This, too, she allowed. Yet when I tried to roll us over, to put myself on top of her so that I could move to return the favor, her hands slammed into the mattress to hold us into place.

"Not yet!" she said, pushing up and away from my breast.

I eyed her curiously, as she got onto her knees. One of which, I noticed, had slid between my own thighs, close enough to my groin that I could touch it with a single movement.

"I know I'm not that practiced, yet," Lucy said. "So there's lots I can learn from letting you do things to me…" Now it was her cheeks that bore a blush. "But… I want to do things to you, too! I don't want to get so overwhelmed that I can't show you how I feel! So please, go easy on me today, okay? So I can learn lots and lots!"

"And you called me cute," I replied, shaking my head with a tired sigh. "If you wish to keep your wits about you, then feel free to try. I'll certainly my best, as well - though I'll warn you now, I'm not exactly well practiced in holding back." Saying so, I grasped her waist within my hands, and once more attempted to move her. This time, however, I didn't immediately attempt to roll us over. Instead, I shifted her form upwards until my violet eyes could meet her orange head on. Her lips above my own.

Red took hold of my cheeks once more, but I didn't let thoughts of kisses distract me from my goal. A quick tug had us rolling over, me atop of her, the swell of her breasts pressing against mine. I lowered myself down her body, to kiss her nipple, to roll the hardened tip upon my tongue, only to be caught off guard when her knee came up between my thighs to press against my flesh.

Any noises I may or may not have made were thankfully muffled as I pressed my mouth against her breast, kissing and sucking and nipping at her even as her own fingers traversed the distance to my own bosom. Soft hands groped my chest, slender fingers finding and pinching at my nipples for a moment. Then one left, finding its way instead to my back, sliding down to the small of it, before finding the curve of my rear and clamping down upon it.

I didn't bother to stifle my moan this time, allowing the sound to vibrate against Lucy's tit for a moment before I lifted my head from it and turned my attention towards its twin. One of my hands, meanwhile, crept between our bodies, reaching down between her thighs, pushing my way through the fleshy constrictions to tease my finger against her wet opening.

It was easy to slip a finger inside of her. Easy, to slide it in and out. Almost as easy to slip a second finger in alongside it, stretching her opening a touch as I began to seek her G-spot out, my thumb similarly searching for her clit.

Lucy squirmed beneath my ministrations, her thighs tightening around my hand, but no amount of unconscious effort would ever be enough to keep me from my goal. My fingers continued to search and play, index and middle fingers pumping away as my thumb felt out the presence of her button.

Teasing her more sensitive areas, I sucked hard upon her nipple as my thumbnail flicked against her clit. My fingers plunged deep, finding that special spot within her, and I felt her tense, her entire body stiffening for a moment, before it began to move all at once - her channel tightening around my fingers just as her thighs squeezed down upon my hands, her back arching as she moaned.

I expected her to slump against me, after that. As such, I was caught off guard when she grasped my waist, as I had once grabbed hers, and twisted so that she was on top of me. She was breathing heavily, her energy obviously lagging, her body at its limit - and yet there was a hunger in her eyes, a fiery passion blazing behind those orange irises that kept me from speaking a word against her plans, or urging her to sleep.

"I won't go down without making you feel good," she whispered, iron in her tone despite the softness of her voice. Her movements were slow, and far from steady, as she pushed against the mattress to move downward. Still, the determination I was coming to associate with her served her well, fueling the movement of her muscles as she slowly lowered her head down between my thighs. Her tongue darted out to touch my legs, and I saw the flicker of surprise as she discovered what I knew she would - that I was sopping wet. Needy. That bringing her such pleasure, combined with her teasing of my flesh, had already pushed me close to her own state.

Perhaps that discovery was energizing, for the swiftness with which she attacked me with her tongue belayed the tired, awkward movements that had characterized her initial descent. Where before two arms had barely kept her up, now one arm was all that kept her from falling flat upon the bed. The other hand moved to join her mouth, her finger teasing my clit from its hood even as her tongue went to work upon my slit.

Heat rose within me, as warm liquid all but gushed out of me, and her finger swiftly found its place inside me, pumping in and out between swipes of her tongue. What had already been a raging fire was quickly turned into an irresistible inferno, heat and pressure building to a crescendo inside of me before, at last, gushing out in release.

Lucy sealed her lips upon my sex, sucking, and licking, and drinking from me, sustaining the waves of pleasure for as long as she could. Then, once the pleasure had become nothing but a pleasant memory, she forced herself onto her hands and knees again. Crawling up the bed, she used the last of her energy to position herself before collapsing, her head upon my chest, one arm curling about my waist, and a leg crossed against my thighs.

That was the night I learned that Lucy snored. Cutely.

And so ends volume 2 of Demon Queened! More or less. There's two epilogue chapters left, before volume 3 starts, but other than that…

It was a short volume, and it's pretty much entirely devoted to setting things up for volume 3, but I hope you enjoyed it. I'll be doing everything in my power to make the payoff in volume 3 worth it.

I'm really curious what everyone thinks about Lucy's big speech. It's something I've been planning for a long time, and it's more or less my answer to the "Liar Revealed" trope. It's the closest I could come to giving Devilla and Lucy a solid foundation to build their relationship upon. As for how it'll affect Lucy's reaction to the truth, in the end... Well, even I'm not entirely sure as to the particulars, just yet. I guess I'll just have to keep writing, so we can all find out~!

Beyond that, I gotta say that there's something fitting about the big finale happening in chapter 21. The number is actually somewhat significant in Demon Queened, after all! It's the youngest age a Demon Queen can be crowned at, and the age Lucy was in the game when she raided the tower. Neither of which is super significant, but there's enough weight behind the number to make me happy. Especially since I wasn't actually aiming for a confluence of numbers, or anything. It just sort of worked out that way.

Finally, I want to give a quick thanks to my proofreader, FallingLeaf, and my beta reader, Lulla. The former went over everything but the sex scene - any mistakes you see there are entirely on me. I don't know about you, but it makes me appreciate all the work they do even more...

PS: Chapter 22, which is already on my Patreon, returns us to 2k chapters. I think that's going to be the norm going forward, but I won't rule out the occasional monster like this.
Chapter 22



I awoke to the sound of a soft moan, and the sensation of something squeezing tightly about my waist. A quick glance was all it took to spot the culprit - a pair of slender arms, attached to a sleeping Heroine, whose head was currently resting upon my breasts.

"Eena…" she whispered, before giggling in her sleep. "You're so cute…"

Me? She was the one who literally exuded adorability, even in her sleep.

"You know I don't care how tall or small you are, right…?"

"Just who are you calling small!?"

Lucy's form tensed against my own as her eyes snapped open, surprise and fear momentarily painting her features. It was almost odd to see how swiftly that fear faded, once her eyes landed upon me. As if… no, because my presence put her at ease.

Even if it was only possible because she didn't know who I was… And yet, she was okay with not knowing who I was, so…

"Eena? Are you okay?"

"Is it just me, or are you asking that an awful lot?" I remarked, propping myself up on one elbow, and pulling myself free from Lucy's grip, so that I might look down upon the redhead.

"Of course I am!" Lucy declared, immediately shifting to regain her grip upon my waist, and pressing her head between my breasts. Somehow, the passionate gaze she directed up at me seemed no less fierce coming from betwixt my tits. "It's only natural to ask how someone's doing when you're worried about them!"

"Well, worry not," I assured her, gently brushing a few strands of hair off my breasts, before petting the blushing redhead herself for good measure. "I was merely lost in thought. It happens from time to time."

Especially around Lucy. While I was certainly prone to bouts of introspection by default, Lucy in particular had a habit of birthing emotions and thoughts full of such conflict as to actually give me pause. With others I could easily think things through in the briefest of moments, between one word and the next, but when it came to Lucy… Well, I would clearly need to get a better handle on it if I didn't want to worry her.

"My apologies for worrying you first thing in the morning," I added, before narrowing my eyes at her. "Though, since we're on the subject of my emotional wellbeing already, I must ask - just what sort of dream were you having, to be prodding at my insecurities even in your sleep?"

"Huh? I was just reassuring you!" Lucy protested. "And I don't think it's really fair to be mad at me for what sort of dreams I'm having, anyway."

"I'm not mad!" I replied. "Merely… concerned about what was going through your mind…"

"Eena…" Now it was Lucy's turn to narrow her eyes at me, her expression bearing remarkable similarity to what I could only think of as Abigail's 'pre-lecture look.' Yet, to my surprise, what came out next was not an angry tirade, but a high pitched giggle.

"Lucy?" I questioned. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine!" Lucy promised me, squeezing me a little tighter. "I'm just really happy! And also kind of annoyed? Because you really should just be honest about being mad, even if it's something simple! But at the same time, I never thought I'd get to have petty arguments with someone like this! Most people only disagree with me about super serious things, you know? Stuff like whether they stole, or murdered, or did something that would just generally put their soul on the line! But you…. You make me feel like a normal girl, with the way you treat me. And I really like that!"

"Lucy…" I frowned. To think she would take such pleasure from a simple squabble. "I promise you, here and now, no matter what may come, to think of you as Lucy first, and the Heroine second, if at all." A promise I could make wholeheartedly. For while it was true that I needed Lucy's help as the Heroine, it wasn't exactly her title that had ever drawn me to her. Rather, it was only who she was as a person that made me believe her title could be used for good. "And I also promise that if you ever call me short again, in your sleep or no, I will find a way to get revenge."

"Is it weird that I look forward to it?" Lucy asked, squeezing me tighter. "To arguing with you and having sex with you, and poking fun at you while you poke fun at me?"

"A little," I confirmed, albeit with a teasing tone and smile. "But I suppose what you're really longing for is a relationship. A friendship."

"To start!" Lucy agreed, nodding. As best she could with her head still buried between my breasts, that is. "I mean, I definitely want more than that one day! And it's not like I don't have any friends, besides you, but…" She frowned. "Well, it's different with you, I guess… My title doesn't put a wall between us. It's like you don't even care I'm the Heroine!"

"...It's not as if I don't care," I admitted, grimacing. The subject she'd broached was one I'd have preferred to avoid, but now that it had come up I feared that there were things I needed to say to her. To do otherwise would break the spirit, if not the letter, of our truth-telling agreement. "In fact, there's something I need from you, that only a Heroine can give."

"Something only a Heroine could give?" Lucy asked, her voice quivering a touch. I could only imagine what was going through her mind.

"A couple things, actually…" I confirmed, fighting the urge to try and backpedal. I needed to see this through. But that didn't mean I couldn't try and reassure her. "One of which I can't tell you. And neither of which I'd feel comfortable asking from just any Heroine."

I hesitated a moment, before moving to wrap an arm around Lucy, to hold her against myself, even as she tightened her grip on me. "I want to be clear that I meant what I said earlier, Lucy. While your title of Heroine might be of use to me, it's not what draws me towards you. Rather, it's only because you are you that I feel comfortable coming to you at all."

Lucy nodded slowly, and while her hold upon me grew no less tight, I felt less tension in her hold. "I believe you… And thank you for telling me."

"Even though it ruined the mood?" I asked, smiling ruefully. "I know it can't be great to hear that I have an ulterior motive in befriending you…"

"Even then!" Lucy affirmed. " It means a lot to me that you'd tell the truth like that! And I know it's not the main reason you came to meet me - I mean, it's not like you arranged for our first meeting, right? And I was actually really worried you wouldn't agree to another meeting when we first parted! So this is probably something new, isn't it?"

I nodded, slowly. "Correct on both accounts."

"Then it's fine if you have another reason for spending time with me! I mean, I tried to bribe you into coming out and spending more time with me, to begin with, you know? By promising to help you join the guild, and everything. So who cares if you have an extra reason to keep spending time with me? Especially since I believe what you said about it being me you want help from, rather than just 'the Heroine'! And besides, I'm sure you wouldn't be bringing it up at all if you didn't trust me as a person, right?"

"I wouldn't," I verified, in turn. "Even as it stands, I can hardly believe I dared to tell you this much… But you've made it rather clear that you appreciate whatever honesty I can manage. And I feared it would taint our relationship, if I wasn't clear about wishing something from you."

"It's fine," Lucy repeated. "I mean, it would be nice if you were just spending time with me because you wanted to, but it's not like I don't want stuff from you, too! Like sex. And cuddling! And teasing! And… Well, I guess I mostly just want you. But it's not like you don't enjoy spending time with me, right?"

"...I do enjoy it," I admitted, a little surprised myself to find it the case. Perhaps it was simply nice to be with someone who didn't know of my flaws, just yet. Or perhaps it was the way she relaxed around me - how my presence seemed to make things better for her. With Abigail, I was happy simply not to make things worse. And Bailey… Well, once again, my relationship with her felt closer to that of a pet and her mistress than that of a friend or lover.

"Then that's enough!" Lucy declared, giving me one final squeeze before at last parting from my flesh. "Oh! But you said there was one thing you couldn't ask me right now - that means there's something else you can ask for, right?"

"There is," I agreed, nervousness tinging my own voice now. "But it might come across as a little strange…"


I nodded, slowly, closing my eyes and gathering my courage. "I need to know the words of a holy spell."

My fists clenched tight on the bed, as silence fell between us. It was a risk I was taking, asking Lucy for this. If she knew that the Demon Queen could cast holy magic, she might be able to piece together my identity. But the way Lissera had described me - as a being made of sin, tentacles, and such - led me to believe that the church didn't know of the Demon Queen's true origins. And even if they did know I was a fallen angel, would they truly preach that one who'd supposedly left the goddess's side could still wield the same magic as her 'chosen one'?

"A holy spell?"

I thought not. And, judging by the fact that Lucy's voice was laced with confusion over suspicion, it seemed that my wager might pay off.

"Specifically, a depetrification spell." One I desperately needed, if I was going to get Sylvanna off my back. One I couldn't afford waiting to ask about, if I was to build a proper relationship with Lucy. Because there was no way in heaven or hell that I could approach her casually with the deadline of Sylvanna's ultimatum hanging over my head.

The ever-looming war between our people was, of course, an issue in and of itself - but it would take time for humans to gear up for the resumption of our war. Time for them to reach the tower. Time before they could even think about breaching our defenses. Time I could spend talking with Lucy, and growing closer to her. Assuming that I didn't have to worry about the entire tower falling apart because its administrator threatened to turn against me.

"Well, I guess I can get that for you?" Lucy agreed, inspiring me to let out a breath I hadn't even aware I was holding. "I mean, I don't think there's any harm in it, anyway? But I'll have to write to the Grand Patriarch, and have it sent to me - I don't have that one on me!"

"You don't?" I questioned her, surprised. "I would think you memorized them all."

"No way!" Lucy said, shaking her head rapidly from side to side. "There's way too many holy spells for that! And I do write a lot of them down, but…"

"But…?" I prompted, arching an eyebrow in curiosity. Whatever could be the problem with carrying such a harmless spell?

"Well, the depetrification spell is really close to the petrification spell! Like, only a couple letters off! So if I memorized one, it would probably jog my memory of the other every time I thought about it? And I feel like if I knew both spells, I might be tempted to use them… I mean, it seems like such a useful spell on the surface, right? You could use it to capture bandits without killing them! There'd be no risk of anyone escaping, and you wouldn't even have to worry about accidentally hurting someone in battle - just say a few words! But…" She frowned. "But nobody at the church can tell me what happens if the statues break. Whether they can be put back together. Whether they can even be depetrified at all… Maybe the petrified person's soul would break, alongside them? Or maybe they'd just stay stuck in the statue, forever. And who knows what happens to their minds like that? Are people actually conscious when petrified? Nobody in the church has ever been petrified, or knows anyone who has been, so nobody can tell me anything for sure! It sounds… Well. Not evil. The goddess wouldn't have an evil spell! But… Still… I think it's the sort of spell that should be reserved for the worst of the worst! So I don't ever want to risk being tempted to use it, just to make my job easier."

"And yet you're willing to learn it for my sake?" I questioned, unable to keep the wonder from my voice.

"Well, it's not like I have to memorize it just to give it to you!" Lucy pointed out. "And I trust you not to give it to me without me asking! And to remind me why I don't want to know, if I ever do ask! So it's fine!"

"Lucy…" Now it was my turn to tighten my grip about Lucy, my hand pressing her head between my breasts. "Thank you."

"For the spell?"

"For being you…" Someone so damn different from the monster who had killed my mother. For being a true hero, and not just another heartless Heroine.

"Eena," Lucy murmured, her cheeks oddly warm against my flesh. "Um… Since you asked me for a favor… Can I ask for something, too? Not that it's really in return, or anything! I already agreed, and I won't change my mind! It's just something I really, really, want!"

"Something tells me I know exactly what it is you're about to ask for… But go ahead."

"Then Eena… Please have sex with me again!"

"Hah…" I'm not entirely sure whether it was a laugh or a sigh that ultimately left my lips. But whatever it was, it certainly wasn't disagreement.

And we're back to short chapters! Especially for chapters 22, 23, and 24 - the two epilogues of volume 2, and the prologue of volume 3 respectively. I'm looking forward to sharing 23 in particular, as it gives all 3 of the main characters a bit of focus - that'll be up on 3/06. (Or you can read it on Patreon now, for as little as a dollar~)

All else aside, I hope you enjoy! Many thanks, as always, to FallingLeaf, as always, for proofreading and to Lulla for beta reading.
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Chapter 23


It would seem I had underestimated Lucy. Or her endurance, at the very least. Considering how quickly she'd tired out the night before, I'd expected her to want nothing more than a quick tryst in bed to start the day. Instead, I had to bring her to orgasm three times before she was satisfied - and she'd still seemed rather reluctant to let me go, in the end.

Not that I really minded, per se. It was obvious that she was seriously sex starved. Probably touch starved too, judging by how everyone seemed to treat her. In fact, I likely would have agreed to keep going, if not for the fact that I was rather overdue for a check-in at the tower. As it was, I had little choice but to beg her leave to depart the bed and inn alike, citing business elsewhere.

The details I could give were rather sparse, seeing as how words like 'demon tower' and 'angry maid' would have been a bit too close to the heart of my secrets, but Lucy didn't press me in the slightest. She'd only asked that I meet her back at the inn when I was done. A promise I was more than happy to give.

Thankfully, my trip to and from the tower would be a short one - at least, in theory. All I really needed to do was leave the city, head into the depths of the woods, far away from prying eyes, and pull out my portable teleportation circle. From there, I would focus on the disk, concentrating on the place I'd left its paired mate, and apply my arcane magic to travel instantly to the tower.

At least in theory.

Yes, in theory. Because in reality, the thrice damned thing wasn't working as it should! Which wasn't to say that it did nothing at all, mind you. Simply that it was doing something it shouldn't - specifically, the moment I fed it arcane energy, I felt it begin to pull hungrily at something else inside me: my holy magic.

It hadn't done that in the tower! There, the only requirements for using a teleportation circle was knowing where its mate was kept, and having been to that location at least once before. And yet now, out in the wider world, it was reaching for an entirely new energy source? What precisely did that mean? Was it a matter of distance? Did it need more energy than arcane magic could give, past a certain threshold? Or was arcane magic never enough to begin with? Did the tower, perhaps, somehow provide it with holy magic? That would mean that the tower itself had some of that energy at its disposal… A not entirely preposterous idea, considering how long the tower had stood for - I was fairly certain Luci herself had built the damn thing.

I wished I could experiment. No, more than that, I wished I'd paid attention to my lessons to begin with. To think that I might know so little of my own home was rather maddening. It almost made me want to find one of my old teachers and beg them for remedial lessons. If only I had the time.

If only I was actually on speaking terms with the one teacher who'd ever succeeded in making me give a damn.

If only I hadn't promised Abigail that I wouldn't experiment with spatial magic. I was pretty sure that feeding the thing holy magic at random would count against me, there. Which meant I'd be in for another lecture, even if it succeeded. She was surely mad enough at me, already…

With a sigh, I placed the circle down upon the grounds. With luck, I'd be able to use it to get back in a hurry, but for now? I had quite a bit of flying to do.




I don't know what I really expected to feel, when Devilla finally came home. Anger at her being so damn late, maybe? Relief that she was okay? Or maybe more like 'relief that she hadn't run away,' considering she was the damn Demon Queen and her getting hurt was practically a non-issue.

Happiness that she was home? That one probably would have been pretty low on the list of possibilities, if I'd made one. Which made me feel a bit weird about the fact that I got hit by all three in equal measure.

Maybe it had something to do with the whole 'I see her as a friend' realization? Though considering how long it took me to have said realization, it's pretty easy to see that I suck at the whole 'figuring out my own emotions' thing.

"Where the hell were you?" Of course, friendship or no, I was still feeling pretty pissed at her for disappearing. Seeing Devilla flinch when I snapped at her, though… "Are you okay?"

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Devilla muttered, crossing her arms. Her pout looked kinda cute, to be honest, but that wasn't going to distract me from the bit where she didn't answer the question.

"Maybe because you're generally not? Also, it's kinda normal to worry about someone when she doesn't come home for two days, after promising me she'd try and check-in at night."

"...I thought you'd be mad?" she muttered. Her eyes were pointed towards the floor for some reason.

"I am. Also worried. And kinda happy to see you? Apparently, I can be all three at once!"

"Anger usually leads to a lot more yelling," Devilla pointed out, finally looking up at me. There was something weird about her gaze, though. Almost… Scared? "You yelled last time."

"Last time I didn't know what the fuck was going on," I pointed out. "And I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to make sure nobody panicked about the missing Demon Queen. This time I've got Sylvanna taking… care of all that…." Okay, was I imagining things, or did she flinch again when I said Sylvanna's name? Just how bad was her relationship with that woman?

"I'm making strides with Lucy," Devilla said, uncrossing her arms and then… Crossing them again. Like she didn't know what to do with them. "She's agreed to give me the depetrification spell, though she apparently doesn't have it memorized, so it might take a little while for her to get ahold of it. And she's promised not to press into my past, so I have time to work on properly befriending her. Though she seems insistent that we're already friends… A strange concept, I know." The laugh she left out after that was bitter. "I fear I'll need to go back sooner than later, though. I wasn't able to utilize the teleportation properly, you see. I need to run a quick test on it, in the tower, where it's safe…"

"Devilla…" I kept myself from glaring at her. She didn't need that right now. "You know you don't need to give me a status report, right? I'm not your boss here. Hell, you're mine."

"I'm also Sylvanna's," she pointed out. "And that's never stopped her from lecturing me on everything I've fucked up."

"Yeah, well, I'm not Sylvanna. And Sylvanna's not your friend. I am." Devilla's eyes widened. She looked like she wanted to say something to that, but nothing was coming out. So I just barreled ahead to keep things from getting any weirder! "And besides, if anyone has something to report, it's me… But that sounds awkward as hell, so why don't we just tell each other about our days, instead?"

Devilla stared at me, wide eyed for a moment. Then, she smiled. It was kinda cute. Cuter than her pout, even. "I'd like that."



Sex was great! And Eena was great at it. She'd given me three orgasms! Three! But she only let me give her two before leaving… Not that it was a competition, or anything! But I really wanted to get more practice at sex in, so that I could get better at it. That way I could take charge in bed, and make sure Eena got her needs met!

I mean, maybe she already was getting them met? Maybe she needed less orgasms than me to be satisfied? I didn't want to assume! She definitely seemed like the sort of person who ignored her own wants and needs to take care of everyone else, though. Or more like the only way to get her to care about her needs was to focus on how much I wanted to meet them…

I guess there wasn't much point in worrying about it when she wasn't around, though! Though that wasn't to say there was no point. I did definitely do my best thinking after the fact - I tended to act on impulse, in the moment - so it was definitely good to give everything a little thought! But I also didn't want to spend all day laying in bed, thinking about having sex with her!

Though maybe I could spend a little time laying in bed, wondering about the other mysteries surrounding her? Like what she needed the depetrification spell for… I mean, it wasn't like anyone but me could cast it? Except maybe for the Demon Queen? I'd heard she had some sort of weird dark and twisted version of the goddess's magic, so it was maybe possible she'd figure out a way to depetrify people if she had it? I didn't think that was necessarily a bad thing, though.

I mean, she already had a way to petrify people, from what I'd been told, so there's no way she would use it for that. And if she used it to depetrify people the past Heroines used it on - or people she herself petrified…. Well, I wouldn't wish petrification on even my literal worst enemy, so it was fine!

I really hoped that Eena needed it for a different reason, though. Not that I knew what that reason could be… But trusting someone didn't mean having no doubts about them. It meant pushing those doubts aside, and having faith in them! And I had faith in Eena. Specifically, I had faith she was a good person, who wouldn't use what I gave her for evil! Which was why I was going to keep my promise and respect her secrets! And stop overthinking things!

I was also going to get cleaned. And dressed. And start writing a letter to the church, asking for the depetrification spell. And maybe the petrification spell, too? Since it would look really weird if I only asked for one… But I'd just cross that one out, and make sure not to memorize either before handing it over!

And after all that, if Eena still wasn't back yet? Then I'd go visit my friend Eff!

Or. Well. My acquaintance Eff. She didn't like it when I called us friends. Said I was going to bring trouble down on both of us, if word got out that the Heroine was hanging around someone from a cursed bloodline… I didn't really get it, but it basically meant I had to be very careful. I couldn't even use her full name, in case I slipped up!

Eff definitely needed my company every bit as much as I needed hers, though. I mean, she had even less of a support network then I did! Though she was weirdly good with people? Specifically, knowing what made them tick! She gave the best relationship advice!

Not that I really had anyone to compare her to? She was the only one I could go to for that in the first place, but she was still good at it!

I was hoping she could help me figure out how to get a little closer to Eena. Even if she couldn't help, though, I really wanted to talk to her, and tell her how things had been going for me. And I also wanted to thank her!

After all, it was her advice that helped me get this far with Eena in the first place!

So, this is another chapter that didn't really go the way I expected it to. I originally planned to have a full discussion between Abigail and Devilla, and for Lucy to go talk to "Eff" in chapter 24. But then Devilla was uncooperative - she didn't want to risk anything with the teleportation spell, due to the promise she'd made, and she was oddly reluctant to go home. (Though it's not actually that odd in retrospect - she just unconsciously drew a connection between reporting back to an angry Abigail and getting lectured by Sylvanna...) I think it worked out well enough in the end, though!

As always, I want to give thanks to my beta reader Lulla, my proofreader FallingLeaf, and - of course - my readers for sticking by me. I hope to see you all for the volume 3 prologue, next week! (Or earlier, if you want to check it out on my Patreon for as little as a dollar~! I've already written and released up to chapter 25 there.)
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Chapter 24
Author's Note: For anyone who's forgotten Feyra's identity - it has been a while - she made her first appearance in chapters 12 and 13. She's the tour guide Devilla mentioned having paid in saints.


I was still laying in bed when I heard it - three harsh knocks, a pause, and then two softer ones. The Heroine's signal for visiting - one set done with her gauntlet, one set without.

My first thought? Shit. My second? That it was too damn early for this. And my third? There wasn't any time for a third. I had to get out of bed and answer the damn door before that dumbass of a Heroine drew too much attention.

Of course, when I actually got to the door, I didn't so much see a Heroine as a… I don't know… a vague understanding that there was a cloaked figure in front of me? One part of that was what she called her privacy spell. The other part, of course, was the actual cloak, which I insisted she wear if she wanted to visit me.

I knew she hated covering herself up like that. She always wanted to announce her presence - to be a shining beacon of hope for humanity. That kinda shit. But I had enough people whispering behind my back already, what with the whole cursed bloodline thing: people wondering whether I was going to snap, whether the Demon Queen whispered in my ear at night, whether it was only a matter of time before I turned demon on them… Not to mention the less savory rumors about my potion 'dependency.' The last thing I needed was for some idiot to accuse me of corrupting our innocent little Heroine on top of all that. I knew exactly what sort of blasphemous shit went through her head, and I was not going to take the blame for it.

"Heroine? That you?" It paid to be sure. Especially with the fucking Demon Queen in town.

"That's me!" she confirmed, dropping her spell. Suddenly I could actually focus on her - I could see the bright red hair peeking out from under her cloak, the vibrant orange eyes, and that cheerful smile she always seemed to have at the ready. The one that made it seem like everything was going to be okay, even when you knew it wouldn't be. Like a big fat lie, except for the fact that she actually seemed to believe it. "I'm pretty sure it would be less suspicious to just call me Lucy, though?"

"I don't want to get in the habit." I pushed the door open and turned away, heading back inside. She followed behind me, as always, shutting the door tight. "It'd be bad if I slipped up and referred to you all casual like in public."

"I guess…"

"So what are you here for?" I asked, deciding to hurry the Heroine along. The sooner she was gone, the sooner I could go back to staring up at the ceiling and wondering why the hell the Demon Queen had come to town. It obviously wasn't to attack the Heroine… unless she just hadn't found her yet?

Hopefully she wasn't keeping tabs on me. And couldn't actually take control of my body, the way some of the rumor-mongers seemed to think she could.

"Well…" She hesitated for a moment. She was blushing. Why was she blushing? "Did you go to the guild last night?"

"No. Why? Your girlfriend finally show up or something?"

"Uh-huh! And she joined the guild, too!"

"...Is that so?" Don't get interested, Feyra. Even if that does sound like incredibly bad news with the Demon Queen in town. And interested in the guild. The guild that the Heroine was apparently going to have good reason to hang out at for a few days. "So uh… You didn't happen to run into anyone else interested there, did you?"

Maybe someone more interested in killing the Heroine than kissing her, for example? Or maybe just scouting her mortal enemy out? Or… Well, doing who knew what, actually.

The Demon Queen coming to kill the Heroine this early in her journey was kinda unprecedented. Something about the goddess's restrictions on her person, the cumulative damage of past Heroines, and the toll reincarnation took on her… Or something like that. Lu… The Heroine had explained it to me, once, but I hadn't exactly been paying attention.

Point was, things were weird, and I was hoping the Heroine would stay away from that weirdness. For all our sakes.

"...That's actually why I need your help, Eff!"

"...Huh?" Shit. "Run that by me again?"

"You got distracted again, didn't you?" the Heroine accused me, narrowing her eyes at me. "And after asking me a question, too!"

"Right, the guild. You run into anyone else?"

"I already said I didn't! But I didn't really spend much time there, either. I sort of, kind of accidentally asked Ee out on a date in front of everyone, and she got upset when the other adventurers started gossiping, so I took her out under a privacy spell. We still had a wonderful night together, though! I'm just sort of worried about how our guildmates will treat her after all this…"

"Ee?" I blinked. "Ee, as in the girl you like, Ee?" I mean, she'd 'Ee' before, but… Ee? As in Eena? The woman I'd shown around today? The one I was pretty damn sure was the Demon Queen!? No. No way, right? There had to be all sorts of girls whose names started with E. Who arrived in town today. And who'd been to the adventurer's guild… "Uh. What exactly does Ee look like?"

"Huh?" The Heroineblinked. "You actually want to know?!"

"Nevermind," I muttered, looking away. I wasn't involved! I wasn't. I wasn't! I mean, it wasn't like I could actually do anything if I was right! If I told the Heroine, she'd just challenge the Demon Queen and get killed! And technically, I didn't even have any proof that she was the Demon Queen to begin with! She could have been an… I don't know. An angel or something? Or maybe a dragon in disguise? There were tales about dragons doing that!

Either way, this wasn't my business.

"So what was that about wanting help from me again?"

"You're acting really weird, Eff…" the Heroine whispered. She looked concerned. Which… I guess is a pretty damn obvious reaction to have with the way I was acting, but it gave me hives. I didn't need anyone being concerned about me! "Did something bad happen?"

"Uh-uh. No personal shit. That's the rule, remember?" She didn't stick her nose into my business, I… Okay, maybe I did stick my nose into hers a little, but only to give the bare minimum of advice! And only because the optimistic idiot was likely to do something stupid if I didn't.

Not that my advice was helping that much, if she was asking possible Demon Queens out in front of an audience…

…Not that 'Ee' and 'Eena' were the same or anything! Or that she was definitely the Demon Queen, here to play with her food.


"Can we get back to the bit where you said you needed my help?"

"Right! I want you to go on a quest with Ee and me!"


"I want you to go on a quest with Ee and me!" the Heroine repeated, reaching out to snatch up my hands. For once, I was actually shocked enough to let her. "To pick healberries!"

"Healberries?!" I demanded. No. No way. "Like, from Daroom?! In the middle of a Monster Movement? Are you out of your mind?!"

Healberries were exactly what sounded like - berries that could be used for healing potions. I'd been told they grew in various places all over the continent, but the closest spot to us was Daroom - specifically in the forest, which was pretty damn dense with magic.

Which, of course, meant that it was dense with monsters. And if that wasn't reason enough to nope out, there was the tiny little detail of us being in the middle of a Monster Movement. Something that happened every three years or so, when something went weird in the middle of the Daroom Woods and caused all the local monsters to move out of the depths for a while. It made even the relatively safe places where healberries grew absolutely deadly. Which in turn jacked up the prices, and made healing potions super expensive.

All of which was to say…. "Why the hell would anyone in their right mind want to go there?!"

"To find the cause of the Monster Movement, and bring it to a close, of course!" the Heroine declared, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which… Y'know, her being her? Maybe it kinda was. "That way, healing potions will become affordable again!"

"...Figures… And let my guess - you want me to use my powers to help figure out what's causing it?"

"And to help find the best healberries!" the Heroine confirmed, with a happy little headbob. Like she was asking me to go on a fun little outing with her not-the-Demon-Queen girlfriend, rather than wanting me to risk getting torn limb from limb just to help a bunch of people I didn't even know with potions. "That way, we can bring a bunch back and help out at least some people, even if the rest of the plan doesn't work out!"

And for money. Money that could be used to get my potions. But still! There was no way I was going to do that! Especially not with that monster in human skin tagging along! That was basically just asking to be killed.

…Wait. Didn't that mean the Heroine was just asking to be killed?

"Plus, I thought it would be a great way to show everyone that you and Ee are good people! Since we'd be doing something that would help everyone so much…"

"You mean make them think of me as your pet redemption project?" I muttered, trying very hard not to think about the Heroine in bloody pieces, torn apart by monsters she never saw coming. Because she wandered into the woods with a monster, full of confidence, and absolutely no warning about what she was getting into.

"Do you really think it would be that bad?"

"Yes!" Not that there was any guarantee that the person she was going with was actually the Demon Queen. Hell, maybe going out there would get her away from 'Eena.'

"Don't you think there's still a chance we could get something better if we try?"

"No." If 'Ee' wasn't Eena, she'd basically be on a fool's mission, but she'd probably be fine. If she was? She'd die. Torn apart by monsters while her fake girlfriend laughed.

"So you won't come with us?"

A fake girlfriend my advice maybe helped her get with…

"I… didn't say that…"

Fuck. Me.

"So you'll-"

"Decide after I meet your girlfriend." Who probably wasn't even the Demon Queen, anyway!

And then I was being hugged. Crushed. Squeezed to death by a squealing Heroine who was acting like I'd granted her fondest wish. Or maybe her second fondest. You know, after being fucked by definitely-not-the-Demon-Queen.

…I'd always known I was destined for hell, with the whole cursed bloodline thing, but it was at times like this that I had to wonder if I was already there.

And thus the mysterious "Eff" is revealed - though I'm sure some of you saw this coming. And that others have probably forgotten who she is altogether. Hopefully this chapter acted as a refresher course?

As far as notes on the chapter go, it's another one that went a bit differently than I expected. I originally planned to do it from Lucy's PoV... But it was honestly too heart rending? I couldn't keep up the optimism, or convey why 'Eff' was such a good friend, in her mind, despite making her cover herself up and denying their relationship.

I hope this chapter does a better job of explaining why Lucy values Feyra so much? At the very least, it should give you a better idea of who Feyra is as a person.

Anyways, as always, I want to give a quick shout out to my proofreader - FallingLeaf - and my beta reader - Lulla - who's help makes this just a bit more enjoyable. And to my readers, of course, for joining me on this journey~! Chapter 25 will be up next Weds, as usual - though Patreon is already up to chapter 26 if you're feeling impatient! ;) ;) )
Chapter 25


"I can't believe you came home with a privacy spell," Abigail muttered, glancing down at the hand that held her own, before turning to glare at… Something. Not me, exactly. Nor Bailey, who's lupine head was laying upon my lap. The only target I could detect was the wall - or perhaps the tower? The world as a whole? "After everything I went through…"

"That's what you're focused on?" I questioned, arching a brow. "I'd have thought Lucy's confession of affection to make a much better bid for your attention."

"I mean, sure," she grumbled, shifting her gaze to me. The anger had thankfully left her gaze, but I could sense her frustration all the same. "The fact that the literal nightmare of our people has somehow developed a crush on you is big news. But it's also so mind bogglingly insane that I can't even process it right now. So yeah, I'm more focused on the fact that I apparently unleashed political chaos and had to deal with that bitchy lamia for no damn reason."

still can't believe you met Nivera," I admitted, shaking my head in disbelief. A completely valid sentiment on my part, that was only partially driven by pangs of guilt and a desire to avoid eye contact with my poor maid. "Do you have any idea how long it's been since her name passed through my head?"

"Since you made it illegal to say her name, maybe?" Abigail remarked, before narrowing her eyes at me. "Speaking of which, it'd be great if you changed that. I usually prefer to insult people by name over species."

"Right…" I nodded, my cheeks turning pink as I recalled the brash law I'd put in place. An abuse of power, if ever there was one. "Consider it legal."

Abigail didn't say anything, at first. She merely stared at me. Only after several uncomfortable seconds of this did she press a hand against her forehead, let loose a pained groan, and mutter, "I can't believe I'm friends with the fucking Demon Queen… You seriously just changed the law, didn't you?"

"I'll need to alert Sylvanna and have word of it spread… But effectively, yes." I suppose it was weird from an outside perspective. Jacob certainly would have found the idea 'mind boggling.' In fact, the mere thought of any American president changing the law with a word was enough to send shivers down my spine. And yet, at the same time, the knowledge that I could do so felt as natural to me as the fact that I could talk at all.

Personally, I was more stuck on the fact that Abigail had actually begun to consider me a friend. It felt to me as if she'd been through nothing but suffering at my hands. She'd been forced to deal with Mifa, then Sylvanna, and now Nivera, all because of me. And for what? A few french fries? Delicious as they might have been, I wasn't sure even paradise on a plate could pay her back for what she'd been through.

She'd probably just glare at me if I pointed it out though.

"Right…" Abigail muttered, blissfully unaware of my likely headache inducing doubts. "Because that makes it any less crazy. Also, speaking of Sylvanna, what's the deal with you two, anyway? I mean, obviously she hates your guts, and you feel terrible about what you did to her and all that, but… is it just me, or are you sorta afraid of dealing with her?"

"I wouldn't go so far as to call myself 'afraid,'" I protested. "I simply… Dislike the way she makes me feel." Small. Insignificant. Stupid. Like a child, in over her head, desperately lashing out at the world while simultaneously begging for someone else to take her burdens away. The same as when we'd first met. "We both know I deserve it, though."

"I mean, you did threaten to leave her entire population petrified," Abigail confirmed. "But, like I keep telling you, you aren't the same person anymore. You just need to give her time to learn the real you."

"I don't think it's that simple, Abigail," I said, shaking my head. "Fifteen years of forced labor is a bit much to forgive, no matter how much I change my behavior. Even if I was arrogant enough to think myself worthy of a second chance, I'd still say you're asking too much from her. "

"Fifteen years…?" Abigail whispered. The look of horror on her face was expected, painful as it may have been. Her next words, however, were not. "Devilla… How old were you, exactly, when you made that threat?"

"Around seven? It was a little bit after the debacle with Nivera - so more like fourteen years and change, I suppose. Though I hardly think it makes a difference."

"And how old was Sylvanna?" Abigail pressed, again narrowing her eyes. Somehow, despite her glare being pointed in my direction this time, it still didn't feel as if it were meant for me.

"Seventeen, I believe? Too young for the duties I pushed upon her, no matter how you slice it."

"Too… Devilla! You were literally just a little kid! And she's been talking to you like… like that? This whole time!?"

"Of course not… She's had time to calm down since the start. But I hardly see what that-"

"Okay, first off?" Abigail said, holding up a hand to interrupt me. "You and her aren't talking anymore. I'll handle the status reports, or whatever. Second? What the hell happened with Nivera? Because if it's anywhere close to being as fucked as this, I'm going to need details."

I shook my head, a wry smile upon my lips. "Your concern is as touching as it is misplaced, Abigail. I'm royalty, remember? I'm meant to-"

"Details. Now."

Now it was my turn to glare at the interrupting Abigail - or it would have been, had Bailey not picked that moment to lift her head up from my lap and growl - at me. As it was, with both of them against me, all I could do was shake my head and sigh.

"You're both being ridiculous. But if you both insist… Well, I can't say I'm heartbroken about not getting to meet with her. Though, as far as details with Nivera go, I think you'll find yourself disappointed."


Somehow, she didn't look very convinced. Nor did Bailey, for that matter, who actually went so far as to roll her eyes. I didn't even want to know where she'd picked that up.

"Seriously… It was a simple case of me being selfish," I explained. "I'd begun to ignore my duties as a princess, in order to pursue more time with her. Her parents disapproved of my actions. They tried to interfere with our friendship - to keep her away from me, so that I would spend more time doing what I was supposed to. So, like an idiotic brat, I fired her dam, who was working as one of my Generals. A decision that obviously didn't go over well. Nivera became upset with me, for good reason. I got upset, for what I thought was a good reason. Except while she contented herself with calling me names, I locked myself away and… well, made various terrible decisions…" Like studying my mother's old speeches, so that I could try and talk like her at her most formal, in a vain attempt to earn the people's respect, if not love. Then, when that didn't work, I started firing various Generals. I refused to follow any advice, screaming and throwing things at anyone who dared to go against me. I even went so far as to strip one of the bloodlines of political power - and maybe broke a few of their representative's bones, when she objected to the decision… A move of such monumental idiocy that it almost tore the tower apart.

"I do not believe I can stress enough just how horrifically I messed up, Abigail. How close the tower came to falling apart under my terrible excuse for leadership. It's why I largely withdrew from the political sphere. I became content to complain about everyone else failing to put in an effort, despite knowing full well that I could do no better…"

"Funny," Abigail muttered. "I get the feeling Nivera would put it pretty differently. Also, you were seven."

"I was also in charge!" I retorted. "If everyone had died, my age would have made for little solace. Especially when all I had to do was continue listening to those who knew better." I frowned. "And besides, if the only issue was my behavior at seven, then people would hardly hate me to this day, now would they? My behavior might be better now, but I still spent almost a decade and a half making every single person hate me."

"Yeah, well…" Abigail hesitated, as if searching for a counter that we both knew didn't exist. "Maybe if people knew more about what happened in the past, they'd at least be quicker to accept that you're trying to be better now…"

"Perhaps," I agreed. "But I have no interest in garnering sympathies with tales of a poor childhood. It would come across as nothing but excuses. And rightfully so, so far as I'm concerned."

"Well, you've got my sympathy, anyways. And I want to know more about what happened back then, too! Preferably from someone less biased than you. Like Nivera, may the Fallen One help me…"

"Fine," I conceded, throwing up my hands as Bailey released another growl of affirmation. "Talk to her, if you wish. But I'm not sure why you think she'd give a less biased opinion than me. In fact, I struggle to believe she doesn't hate me, after everything I did. The idea that she might somehow want to help me, after everything is hard to wrap my mind around… Keep your guard up, Abigail. And ask for her aunt to be present, if possible."

"General Sallina?" she queried me, tilting her head a little to the left. "Not Chloe?"

"I can hardly entrust your wellbeing to Nivera's fiancee," I pointed out, frowning at the mere thought of it. "Especially when I know absolutely nothing about the girl, other than the fact that we're theoretically related. If she intends to act as a tempering force then more power to her, but this and that are unrelated."

"Fair enough, I guess. But a General? I didn't think you got along with any of them."

"I don't," I confessed. "But of them, there's none I'd trust more than Sallina. There was a time I considered her close to family - in fact, I might even go so far as to say that I saw her as a surrogate mother figure, in part. Before she chose to take in Nivera, at least."

She'd been my tutor. The only teacher I'd ever had that actually made learning seem worthwhile. Perhaps it had something to do with the encouragement she'd given me, whenever I struggled with a question, and the approval she'd grant whenever I came to an answer. But in the end, all we were was teacher and student. She was actually related to Nivera - if only barely - and, more importantly, Nivera had actually needed her. It was obvious whose side she'd choose, when it came down to it.

Of course, that wasn't to say she'd given up on me entirely. She'd at least tried to patch things up with me and Nivera, back before I went so far as to make saying her name illegal. But I suppose I must have crossed a line at some point. Why else would she have betrayed me to Lucy in the game?

The worst part was, I didn't even know why. Jacob skipped the associated dialogue! All I could remember were the sex scenes - something I was less than happy about, all considering. Though, considering how fast he'd been going at the end, I had blissfully little knowledge of even that! Mostly I just recalled flashes of bare skin and… blue… scales…

"Sallina has red scales, though…" I whispered


"Sallina wasn't in the game," I said, my voice rising in pitch and excitement alike. "She wasn't the one who betrayed me in it!"

"The game?" Abigail questioned, her brow furrowing. "You mean the one from your old world?"

I nodded. "A game who's timeline we've apparently diverged from… Though I suppose that's hardly a surprise, considering everything I've been up to."

At least, I assumed my actions were the cause of this discrepancy. Perhaps I'd fired her in the game's timeline? Though it was hard to imagine myself doing so. Even her choosing Nivera over me hadn't been enough to inspire such an action, after all… Perhaps she'd tried to reach through to me, again, in that timeline? To stop me from going further down the dark path that led to my defeat? If so, I could only hope that my response had ended with her losing her job, and nothing else.

"It doesn't matter, in the end," I declared, more to myself than Abigail. Whatever that version of me had done to Sallina, whatever Sallina may have done to inspire it, it was all constrained to a world of fiction. None of it had come to pass in reality. "It's just nice to know…"

"Okay?" Abigail replied, obviously confused, but thankfully willing to move past it. "So Nivera's aunt is trustworthy, I guess?"

"That would be the main takeaway, yes," I confirmed. "Though it might be best to take that assessment with a grain of salt. As much as it pains me to say, it has been quite a few years since our last serious discussion. A lot could have changed."

"You're giving me a lot of conflicting signals over here," Abigail complained. "Trust Sallina more than Nivera, but don't trust Sallina too much? How about I just… Talk to them and see what happens? Maybe bring Bailey along? She's actually pretty good at getting a read on people."

I glanced down, towards the horned wolf in question. Her response was to stick her tongue out and wag her tail. The very picture of a household pet.

"...If you say so."

"Just trust in us," Abigail insisted. "You've got enough to worry about with the Heroine crushing on you. Which is still breaking my brain to imagine, by the way."

"I know what you mean…" I confessed, grimacing. "It's hard for me to imagine anyone developing feelings for me. Let alone someone as pure as Lucy…"

"Could you maybe not turn my words against yourself like that?" Abigail demanded, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "That's not what I meant, and you know it."

"I simply meant-"

"What? That you're unworthy of love? Because news flash, Devilla! There's other people in your life who like you. Maybe not in that way, but… I wasn't kidding when I called you my friend, earlier. And I wasn't taking pity on you, either, so don't even go there! I care about you. Hell, I can even see how someone could fall for you!"

"I…" I hesitated. I wanted to argue with her. To remind her of all that I had done wrong. To tell her that it wasn't a matter of whether someone could fall for me, but whether I deserved it. But she'd heard it all before, hadn't she? What point was there in bringing it up? I was only going to annoy her with it…

Besides, I could practically hear her insisting to me that the affections of others weren't for me to dictate. Just as I could picture Lucy nodding in the background, barely holding back a speech about her love not being a thing I needed to earn…

"Thank you. For saying that."

"Why do I sense an if in there?" Abigail grumbled, looking me up and down. "Like 'thanks for saying that, even if it isn't true' or 'I don't deserve it.'"

"Even I know better than to annoy you with that refrain," I remarked, turning my head away from her - though I could do little to escape Bailey's growl of annoyance.

"Uh-huh. One of these days I'm going to drill it into your brain that it's okay for people to care about you. And that I can forgive you for whatever crap you think you've put me through, even without your permission. Something tells me it'll take longer than we have, though… Didn't you say the Heroine was waiting for you?"

"She prefers Lucy," I pointed out. "As do I, actually. It helps to separate her in my mind from the genocidal maniacs who held the title before her."

"Well, it feels weird calling her by name," Abigail complained. "It sounds too much like the Fallen One's."

Bailey let out a short bark - one that sounded suspiciously like a laugh.

"Right, well…" I hesitated a moment, looking between the happily panting Bailey and the now glaring Abigail. "Do I want to know what's going on between you two?"

"It's nothing. Go back to the Her… Lucy. We'll hold down the fort here, alright?"

"...Right…" I muttered, reaching into my bag to pull out the teleportation circle. "Time to experiment with teleportation magic, then."

To be clear, not all complaints against Devilla are as old as Sylvanna's. She's done lots of stuff to piss people off in more recent years. But Sylvanna in particular has been the tower administrator for a while...

I don't really have much to say on the chapter, beyond that, but I do hope you'll look forward to the next one - I'm certainly excited to share it. Mostly just because I had a lot of fun writing it~! (Chapter 27 is running a bit late, and is currently in the proofreading phase, but chapter 26 is already completed and up on Patreon!)

Thanks, as always, to FallingLeaf for proofreading, and Lulla for beta reading!
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