So, we had 8 depth after the previous plan was done.
The kids are lvl 1 and lvl 2, with Gae probably being the lvl 2, because they gave 9 depth last time they came here.
That's 17 depths so far, unless they leveled up since last visiting us.
The warden.... (62-17)/5=9. The warden was level 9.

No idea how hard it is to level up, but it's a pretty good haul from a low level party, especially because they were peaceful!
After some discussion we have decided to tell you... You have every important quantity mentioned here. But then you decided to forget one, made an incorrect assumption, and ended up with a number that does mean something, but not what you think it means? :V We are impressed and confused for you.

EDIT: After some investigation we have discovered we gave you an extra depth for free on the Drying Tide update :V (Don't worry, you can keep it)
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After some discussion we have decided to tell you... You have every important quantity mentioned here. But then you decided to forget one, made an incorrect assumption, and ended up with a number that does mean something, but not what you think it means? :V We are impressed and confused for you.

EDIT: After some investigation we have discovered we gave you an extra depth for free on the Drying Tide update :V (Don't worry, you can keep it)
does that mean i did my math right? :V
it was so long ago i was in school im not sure :V
does that mean i did my math right? :V
it was so long ago i was in school im not sure :V
You forgot to carry the 1 :V

Well, to be specific: the kids gave you 8 (technically 9, but that was on us) Depth last time, but remember "for each uncleared feature, score 1 Depth per Delver level for each Delver", and you've purchased 2 new features since.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by KlinkerKing on Jan 12, 2022 at 3:55 PM, finished with 27 posts and 6 votes.
  • 2

    [X] Plan: the growing swarm (34 depth)
    - [X] Skali learns the "Nulumi's Nexus" spell
    - [X] Black Sand
    - [X] Coral Castle? That's definitely a tiny fort… Isn't it? (Does nothing this turn. Please wait warmly while the coral stays still enough for crab masonry to be perfected)
    - [X] Blue Algae (7 Depth)
    - [X] Colossal Crustaceans I (8 Depth): Whenever you Expand a Crustacean tile (of any kind), you may choose to apply the Monstrous Mettle I trait to either the new OR old feature paying extra Depth equal to their new weight class. If they have no free ability slots, you may replace another ability they didn't start with (can be used the turn it's purchased).
    - [X] Expand Cordite Lobsters (8 Depth)
    - [X] Expand sideways (1 Depth per tile) X tiles (write-in) expand the flooded room with 9 tiles south, in a 3x3 way.
  • 4

    [X] Plan Magic Crabby Rooms (Total Depth Expenditure : 39)
    -[X] (Spell) Skali learns the "Nulumi's Negation" Spell
    -[X] (Recycle) Black Sand
    -[X] Expand 24 Tiles (24 Depth)
    --[X] Expand the central crab room down another nine tiles, and use three tiles of growth to mirror the lower right pathway, and then grow the spot where the pathways intersect into a 4x4 room extending to the right.
    -[X] (Construction) Coral Castle? That's definitely a tiny fort… Isn't it? (Does nothing this turn. Please wait warmly while the coral stays still enough for crab masonry to be perfected)
    -[X] (Feature) Small Mound (3 Depth)
    --[X] In the main central room, at the front of the path to the entrance.
    -[X] (Upgrade) Spiny Soirée (6 Depth)
    -[X] (Crab-e Diem) Expand Spiny Lobsters (6 Depth)
does that mean i did my math right? :V
Well yes...but actually no :V

Hints for you:
1) depth does carry over and you need to remember that in your calculations not just your text
2) "literally children" is a mechanical descriptor we use for... something.
3) we now provide a sum of current features in the info post (and possibly end-of-update, we'll see)
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[X] Plan Magic Crabby Rooms (Total Depth Expenditure : 39)
-[X] (Spell) Skali learns the "Nulumi's Negation" Spell
-[X] (Recycle) Black Sand
-[X] Expand 24 Tiles (24 Depth)
--[X] Expand the central crab room down another nine tiles, and use three tiles of growth to mirror the lower right pathway, and then grow the spot where the pathways intersect into a 4x4 room extending to the right.
-[X] (Construction) Coral Castle? That's definitely a tiny fort… Isn't it? (Does nothing this turn. Please wait warmly while the coral stays still enough for crab masonry to be perfected)
-[X] (Feature) Small Mound (3 Depth)
--[X] In the main central room, at the front of the path to the entrance.
-[X] (Upgrade) Spiny Soirée (6 Depth)
-[X] (Crab-e Diem) Expand Spiny Lobsters (6 Depth)

Can we get a visual representation of the expansion? none of how I'm interpreting this uses the right amount of depth

EDIT: I think I figured it out - a pair of 1x1 coridors connecting a 3x6 room to a 4x4 room? is it all underwater, or just the 3x6?
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Can we get a visual representation of the expansion?

I wasn't thinking the 4x4 room was underwater, because that'd make it a enough of a hassle to adventurers that they'd either probably start taking special measures or be unwilling to be baited down that direction, and neither of those seems a wise thing to risk this early and this close to the entrance. I was somewhat considering doing a flooded room 'below' the 4x4 room and then linking that to the flooded central room from the bottom of the central room, but that'd be an action for another turn.
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Oh boy are these rolls something else.

Humanoid (1, 5, 2) = 8+3=11
Wild (5, 4, 5) = 14
Friendly (2, 6, 2) = 10+2=12
Hostile (2, 6, 3) = 11+10-2=19

Brace for impact.
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On the plus side, we just doubled the number of scary monsters that now count as Weight Class 4 when rolling for intimidation.

So I think the crabs are kinda fucked but the lobsters will hold the line.
No matter what I want to say it would come to bite me later on.
So, I'm hoping the crabs survive. And that I'm excited for the update!
8 - Delve 7 - Slippery Scourge
Delve 7 - Slippery Scourge


The Brilliant Sky Pearl is bright tonight, as always. She pulls the waters over us one more, as she often does. We wonder what the stronger Delver was doing here before. She would have been as the one who did not enter before, the… Iron? How many of them are there at such strength? Are there stronger ones?


Doesn't matter, we will take a nap, as before. If they come we will know.


We know that slippery form. They have returned for more. With a friend. Snippy will know what to do…

The Delve

Hostile Delver - CONGER
EEL (Weight Class 3 to 4 - Predator - Eater of Crabs)

There is a moment when the clouds cross the moon. Fortunately, it is a brief moment, brief enough that the long, winding forms of three Conger eels are caught out trying to weave through the crab entrance. The eels come snout to claw with several alert crabs, who skitter backwards and raise the alarm!


A cold, unreadable eye peers through a gap in the door.


A Dappled eel head crashes through the door, but the rest of the eel flails uselessly, stuck.


Snippy knows these fiends! They are the Sibling Snatchers! Stealing from the Splendid Sleeping Shelterer! Snippy and his siblings cannot fight them alone. They must get help! Snippy calls his siblings together! They must run!

Crabs skitter and scramble away from the door which, for a brief, glorious moment, holds. Then, the thrashing of the gluttonous Dappled splinters the soft driftwood, and Striped strikes right through, followed by the cold-eyed intruder. Teeth snap and click, and the eels give chase!

As Snippy skitters, Snippy realises the sheer size of the newcomer. Frosty-Gaze is much larger than Striped, who hasn't grown much. Dappled, on the other claw has multiplied in size and almost matches Frosty-Gaze in size.

With the lead bought by the door, Snippy and his siblings manage to make it to the Lobster room and raise the alarm. The eels, following closely with Dappled in the lead, make it into the room just as the lobsters begin to gather. Snippy and his siblings turn to defend, holding on to the mound!

Snippy and his siblings strike against the oncoming Dappled, but find their claws skittering against the scales of Striped. Scales? On an eel? These were not here last time! Dappled's head peeks out from behind her scaled shield, and strikes! Snippy and the siblings skitter nimbly aside!

A wave of glowing blue washes over them, cold biting through their shells. Snippy braces, and when he looks up, a frozen sibling stands next to him. This is… Death? Snippy will not have it! A Dappled head full of big, sharp teeth looms over the crabs. Snippy snips his claws in defiance, but his siblings' strikes are blocked once again by the scaly Striped.

Another wave of glowing blue crashes into the lobsters above Snippy. The lobsters are caught off-guard and several begin to drift downwards, unmoving. In a panic, they begin to flail wildly with little success.

Dappled reaches out from behind her scaled shield, and manages to snatch a Spiny Lobster. A sinister, eerie noise comes out of the formation, like the rumbling of giant teeth. The effect of the noise is immediate, and the eels recoil. Striped hesitates, unable to shake off the sound; as Snippy again Rallies his siblings, the eel once more curls defensively.


Snippy must do better! The siblings charge! Dappled thrashes and flails, under assault from multiple directions, and the water turns red with blood. Striped, still hesitant to do more, fends off the siblings, who plink off her scales.

Snippy hears the swooshing sound of Prophet's Prongs slicing through the water, cut short by the tell-tale thump of the trident hitting its target. Another wave of cold rushes through the water above Snippy, but this time no unresponsive lobsters rain down.

A dull thump sounds, and Snippy glances over. Stuck thrashing on the ground is Dappled, crippled by the injuries to her tail. She's going nowhere fast, Snippy deduces, as a swarm of spiny lobsters descend.


The eerie sound marks the incoming charge of multiple heavy-weight lobsters; Striped's jaws open wide. Snippy watches in awe as the small claws of the big lobsters savage the eel's face. Snippy's siblings take advantage and strike at her flank, but their claws slide off the scales. Scales or no, the water is thick with blood and the screeching sound of angry lobster intensifies.


The intensity of the lobsters' noise reaches a fever pitch, and Frosty finally loses her nerve. She turns tail and retreats, leaving Striped to run a desperate interference. Skali's trident clangs off the wall near Striped and dematerialises. The eels leave a long and bloody trail as Snippy's siblings follow behind, a cacophony of nightmarish sounds stalking the corridors from the lobsters bringing up the rear.

Round 0


Snippy = 11+3=14 (5, 3, 3)
Snippy's Siblings = 18, 13, 8 +1 (6, 6, 1)
Striped = 8+3=11 (1, 5, 2 +0 vantage, +1 drab, -1 door)
Dappled = 7+3=10 (3, 3, 1 +0 vantage, +1 drab, -1 door)
Frosty = 12+4=16 (5, 5, 2 +0 vantage, +1 drab, -1 door)

Stealth Fails - All Eels detected. The door is shut.

Round 1


Snippy's Formation (21 crabs) = 13+2=15 (2, 6, 5)
Striped = 13+3=16 (5, 3, 5)
Dappled = 12+3=15 (2, 4, 6)
Frosty = 16+1=17 (4, 6, 4 +1 vantage Tactician)

Dappled = Break Door (DC 10) = 7+3 (1, 4, 2)
Snippy's Formation (21 crabs) = Retreat towards Allies 7+1=8 (3, 1, 3)
Striped = Break Door (DC 10) = 5+3 (2, 1, 2)
Frosty = Rout (Tactician, Vanguard) (Break Door (DC10) [Martial]) = 9+4[+1]=13[10] (5, 3, 1)

Frosty Routs Snippy's Formation, giving them -1 vantage on initiative and interception rolls, but also deals 0 damage to the door
Dappled is stuck, and cannot get out (deals 0 damage to door).
Striped cannot strike the door, as Dappled is in the way (deals 0 damage to door).
Snippy's Formation retreats to Corridor (AI, 16).

Round 2


Irrelevant, Snippy's Formation has broken contact.

Snippy's Formation (21 crabs) = Retreat towards Allies = 11+1=12 (2, 6, 3)
Striped = Break Door (DC 10) = 11+3=14 (3, 3, 5)
Dappled = Break Door (DC 10) = 14+3=17 (6, 2, 6)
Frosty = Break Door (DC10) = 9+1=10 (3, 1, 5)

Dappled deals 2 damage to the door.
Striped deals 2 damage to the door.
Snippy's Formation retreats to (AK, 16).
Frosty deals 0 damage to the door.

Round 3


Irrelevant, Snippy's Formation has broken contact.

Snippy's Formation (21 crabs) = Retreat towards Allies = 11+1=12 (4, 6, 1)
Striped = Pursuit = 13+3=16 (2, 3, 5 +1 vantage, Tactician)
Dappled = Pursuit = 15+3=18 (5, 5, 4) +1 vantage, Tactician)
Frosty = Rally: Tactician & Vanguard (Pursuit) = 11+4=15 (4, 5, 2)

Dappled moves to (AK, 16)
Striped moves to (AJ, 16)
Frosty moves to (AJ, 16)
Snippy's Formation enters the underwater room and climbs the mound, raising the alarm.

Round 4


Dappled re-engages contact.

Snippy's Formation (21 crabs) = 9+2=11 (3, 3, 3)
Cordite Lobster Horde (20) = 8 (3, 2, 3)
Spiny Lobster Horde (30) = 9+1=10 (5, 3, 1)
Striped = 9+3=12 (5, 5, 2 -1 vantage, Line of Sight)
Dappled = 13+3=16 (5, 2, 6)
Frosty = 6+1=7 (3, 2, 1 +0 vantage, +1 Tactician, -1 Line of Sight)

Frosty = Rout: Tactician & Vanguard (Draconic Power: Cold Cone at Reach 8) = 11+4=15 (3, 3, 5)
Cordite Lobster Horde (20) = Gather Up (Alarm DC10) 11 (2, 3, 4 +1 vantage Cordite Claw)
Spiny Lobster Horde (30) = Rally to Snippy 9+1=10 (2, 4, 3)
Snippy Formation (21 crabs) = Hold 15, 10, 5+2 (1, 6, 3)
Striped = Intercept 13+3=16 (4, 5, 4)
Dappled = Strike Snippy's Formation 13+3=16 (5, 6, 2)

Resolution 4:
Snippy's Formation attacks, Striped intercepts, taking 3x1 damage, reduced to 3x0 (Thick Scales).
Dappled strikes Snippy's Formation, which defends
Frosty uses Draconic Power: Cold Cone. Snippy's Formation defends against 2, but 2 crabs take 2 damage to all locations, reduced to 1 on Head & Torso (Exoskeleton), triggering rolls on the death table.
Spiny Lobsters gather, and are now ready to fight
Cordite Lobsters sound the alarm and form up, and are now ready to fight.
Death rolls: 1 Crab is frozen solid (6), 1 Crab fights on, mortally wounded with its max health reduced to 0 (15).

Round 5


Snippy's Formation (20C) = 9+2=11 (5, 5, 2 -1 vantage Tactician)
Cordite Lobster Horde (20) = 8 (3, 2, 3)
Spiny Lobster Formation 1 (10) = 12+1=13 (1, 5, 6)
Spiny Lobster Formation 2 (10) = 11+1=12(5, 4, 2)
Spiny Lobster Formation 3 (10) = 14+1=15 (2, 6, 6)
Striped = 6+3=9 (3, 1, 2)
Dappled = 14+3=17 (5, 4, 5)
Frosty = 18+1=19 (6, 6, 5 +1 vantage Tactician)

Cordite Lobster Horde (20) = Strike/Defend = 3 (1, 1, 1) Critical Failure!
Striped = Intercept = 10+3=13 (6, 3, 1)
Snippy's Formation (20C) = Strike/Defend = 14, 11, 8+2 (5, 2, 4)
Spiny Lobster Formation 2 (10) = Strike/[Intimidate]/Defend = 7[7], 5, 3 +1 (3, 1, 1 [+1 vantage Scary])
Spiny Lobster Formation 1 (10) = Strike/[Intimidate]/Defend = 14, [14]11, 8+1 (2, 5, 4 [+1 vantage Scary])
Spiny Lobster Formation 3 (10) = Strike/[Intimidate]/Defend = 8[8], 6, 3 (4, 1, 1 [+1 vantage Scary])
Dappled = Intimidate (Strike) at Spiny Lobster Formation 1 (Cordite Lobster Horde) = 12+1=13 (1, 5, 6) = [17]13+3= 16[20] (2, 5, 6 [+1 vantage Scary])
Frosty = Rout: Tactician & Vanguard (Draconic Power: Cold Cone at Reach 8 against Cordite Lobsters) = 15+4=19 (6, 3, 6)

Resolution 5:
Dappled Intimidates all Cordite Lobsters and Spiny Lobster Formation 1, but Snippy's Formation is immune to fear.
Frosty attacks Cordite Lobsters with Draconic Power: Cold Cone, 4 Cordite Lobsters take 2 damage to all locations, reduced to 1 on Head & Torso (Exoskeleton), triggering rolls on the death table.
Snippy's Formation attacks, but is intercepted by Striped, who takes 3x1 damage to the tail location reduced to 3x0 (Tough Scales).
Dappled attacks Spiny Lobsters Formation 1, dealing 1 damage to all locations (2x weight class), reduced to 0 (Exoskeleton), grappling and dealing 1 damage to all locations (pharyngeal jaws).
Cordite Lobster Horde misses!
Skali moves to (AI, 20)
Striped Freezes!
Spiny Lobster Formation 1 (Escape Roll: Option 4) Flees!
Cordite Lobster Horde (Escape Roll: Option 1) Flees!
Death Table
3 Cordite Lobsters go down, unconscious (12, 12, 11) 1 Cordite Lobster is fighting on, mortally wounded (8).

Round 6


Snippy's Formation (20C) = 9+2=11 (2, 1, 6)
Spiny Lobster Formation 2 (10) = 8+1=9 (4, 2, 2)
Spiny Lobster Formation 3 (10) = 11+1=12 (6, 3, 2)
Striped = 4+3=7 (2, 1, 1)
Dappled = 13+3=16 (6, 4, 3)
Frosty = 16+1=17 (6, 1, 4 +1 vantage Tactician)

Striped = Freeze (Defend) = 10+3=13 (3, 4, 3)
Spiny Lobster Formation 2 (10) = Strike/[Intimidate]/Defend 13[13], 10, 7+1 (2, 3, 5 [+1 vantage Scary])
Snippy's Formation (20C) = Strike/Defend 13, 9, 5+2 (3, 1, 5)
Spiny Lobster Formation 3 (10) = Strike/[Intimidate]/Defend 16[16], 11, 6+1 (4, 6, 1)
Dappled = Intimidate [Spiny Lobster Formation 3] (Defend/chew), move towards fleeing cordite lobsters) 8[9]+3=11 (3, 3, 2)
Frosty = Rout: Tactician & Vanguard (Draconic Power: Cold Cone at Reach 8 against Snippy's Formation) = 8+4=12 (3, 2, 3)

Resolution 6:
Spiny Lobster Formation 3, strikes against Striped (2) and Dappled (1), deals 1 damage to Dappled & Striped Torso, reduced to 2x0 on Striped (Tough Scales), Snapping Striped out of Freeze
Spiny Lobster Formation 3, strikes against Striped & Dappled (1), deals 1 damage to off-arm location = 0 damage to tail.
Spiny Lobster Formation 2, strikes against Striped (1) and Dappled (1), deals 1 damage to Dappled & Striped Tail, reduced to 0 on Striped (Tough Scales).
Spiny Lobster Formation 2, strikes against Striped & Dappled (1), deals 1 damage to main-arm location = 0 damage to head.
Snippy's Formation strikes against Striped (2) and Dappled (1), deals 1 damage to Dappled & Striped Tail, reduced to 0 on Striped (Tough Scales).
Frosty attacks Snippy's Formation with Draconic Power: Cold Cone, hitting a single crab, dealing 1 damage to all locations (reduced to 0 on head and torso (Exoskeleton), crippling it.
Snippy's Formation and Spiny Lobster Formation 3 are not impressed by Dappled's intimidation (SLF3 gains fear immunity from Dappled)
Frosty and Dappled lose Fear Immunity.
Striped Freezes!
Skali moves to (AJ, 20)
Dappled deals 1 damage to all grappled Spiny Lobster locations (pharyngeal jaws), consuming it.
Net damage: dappled takes 2 damage to tail 1 damage to torso

Round 7


Snippy's Formation (19C) = 4+2=6 (2, 1, 3 -1 vantage Tactician)
Skali = 3 (1, 1, 1) Critical Failure! Fortunately there are no special rules for this… Yet
Spiny Lobster Formation 2 (10) = 12+1=13 (5, 1, 6)
Spiny Lobster Formation 3 (10) = 14+1=15 (4, 4, 6)
Striped = 13+3=16 (6, 1, 6)
Dappled = 7+3=10 (2, 3, 2)
Frosty = 16+1=17 (6, 4, 3 +1 vantage Tactician)

Skali = Prophet's Prongs loosed against Dappled = 12+3=15 (6, 3, 3)
Snippy's Formation (19C) = Strike/Defend = 15, 11, 7+3 (1, 5, 5)
Dappled = Intimidate (Defend) [Spiny Lobster Formation 2] (Defend, move towards Frosty, but out of crab reach) 9+3=12 (5, 2, 2)
Spiny Lobster Formation 2 (10) = Strike/Intimidate/Defend, breaking off to pursue Dappled 12[12], 10, 8+1 (4, 2, 4[+1 vantage Scary])
Spiny Lobster Formation 3 (10) = Strike/Intimidate/Defend 12[12], 8, 4+1 (2, 1, 5[+1 vantage Scary])
Striped = Freeze (Defend) = 11+3=14 (5, 4, 2)
Frosty = Frosty = Rout: Tactician & Vanguard (Draconic Power: Cold Cone at Reach 8 against Spiny Lobster Formation 3) = 6+4=10 (3, 2, 1)

Resolution 7:
Snippy's Formation cannot reach Dappled, deal 3x1 to Striped head location, reduced to 0 (Tough Scales)
Skali looses Prophet's Prongs against Dappled, hitting the tail location for 3 damage. Crippled!
Striped is not impressed by intimidation, snaps out of fear, gains fear immunity to Spiny Lobster Formation 2 & 3.
Spiny Lobster Formation 2 deals 2x1 damage to Dappled Torso, reducing Dappled's Torso location to 0 health. Dappled rolls a 12 on the death table. Dappled is unconscious (only the omniscient perspective knows she isn't dead).
Frosty Strikes Spiny Formation 3 with Draconic Power: Cold Cone, hits 3 Spiny Lobsters (8, 9, 10) dealing 2 damage to all locations, reduced to 0 on head & torso locations and to 1 on all limb locations (Exoskeleton).
Cordite Lobsters, now away (out of line of sight) from Dappled, attempt to rally DC13 vs 11 (1, 4, 6) = Cordite Lobsters are unable to gather this encounter
Spiny Lobsters, with Dappled Downed, make a bonus attempt to rally roll at -1 vantage vs DC13, 6+1=7 (1, 5, 4) = Spiny Lobsters are unable to gather this round.

Round 8


Snippy's Formation (19C) = 9+2=11 (1, 6, 2)
Skali = 9 (5, 3, 1)
Spiny Lobster Formation 2 (10) = 7+1=8 (5, 1, 1)
Spiny Lobster Formation 3 (10) = 15+1=16 (6, 5, 4)
Striped = 18+3=21 (6, 6, 6) Critical Success! Fortunately there are no special rules for this… Yet
Frosty = 11+1=12 (1, 1, 5 +1 vantage Tactician)

Spiny Lobster Formation 2 (10) = re-engage Striped & Frosty Strike/[intimidate]/Defend = 18+1=19 (6, 6, 6) Critical Success!
Skali = Looses Prophet's Prong against Frosty = 14+3=17 (6, 2, 6)
Snippy's Formation (19C) = Strike/Defend against Striped = 12, 9, 6+2 (2, 5, 2)
Frosty = Fight! (Frosty strikes with Draconic Power: Cold Sphere reach 4) = 13+4=17 (4, 6, 3)
Spiny Lobster Formation 3 (10) = Strike/[intimidate]/Defend = 17, 15, 13+1 (5, 6, 4)
Striped = Intercept = 5+3=8 (1, 2, 2)

Resolution 8:
Spiny Lobster Formation 2 intimidates Striped, removing fear immunity, and deals 5x1 damage to the head location, causing a roll on the death table Spiny Lobster Formation 3 is intercepted by Striped and deals 1x1 damage to the head location, and 3x1 to the torso location, all reduced to 0 (Tough Scales)
Skali looses Prophet's Prongs at Frosty, but it's intercepted by Striped, who takes 3 damage to the torso location, reduced to 2 (Tough Scales)
Frosty strikes Spiny Lobster Formation 3 with Draconic Power: Cold Sphere reach 4, hitting 2 Spiny Lobsters (4, 2) dealing 2 damage to all locations, reduced to 0 on head & torso locations and to 1 on all limb locations (Exoskeleton).
Snippy's Formation hits Striped, dealing 6x1 damage to the main-arm location which doesn't exist = 0 damage to tail location
Spiny Lobsters, now away (out of line of sight) from Dappled, attempt to rally DC13 vs 7+1=8 (3, 3, 1) = Spiny Lobster Formation 1 is unable to regather this encounter
Frosty is forced to Flee!

Death table rolls
Striped: 15 ("You're lucky - You still have 1 health in the relevant location. Nasty scar though")

Round 9


Snippy's Formation (19C) = 13+2=15 (6, 5, 2)
Skali = 14 (5, 5, 4)
Spiny Lobster Formation 2 (10) = 5+1=6 (1, 3, 1)
Spiny Lobster Formation 3 (10) = 13+1=14 (5, 2, 6)
Striped = 7+3=10 (3, 3, 1)
Frosty = 15+1=16 (2, 5, 5 +1 vantage Tactician)

Spiny Lobster Formation 2 (10) = Strike/Defend (trailing hostiles) = 15, 13, 11+1(5, 5, 3)
Striped = Flee (Intercept) = 13+3=16 (4, 3, 6)
Skali = Looses Prophet's Prongs at Striped = 9+3=12 (4, 4, 1)
Spiny Lobster Formation 3 (10) = Strike/Defend (trailing hostiles) = 12, 9, 6+1 (4, 1, 4)
Snippy's Formation (19C) = Strike/Defend (trailing hostiles) = 17, 15, 13+2 (5, 6, 4)
Frosty = Flee (Defend) = 11+3(1) (4, 4, 3)

Striped successfully intercepts all Lobster Formations
Skali misses Striped with Prophet's Prongs
Snippy's Formation cannot reach the eels.

Since Skali cannot get line of sight until eels are out of the cave, the fight ends with Snippy and all remaining Formations trailing the eels until they leave.


Dead: 2 Crabs, 1 Cordite Lobsters, 1 Spiny Lobster.
Unconscious: 3 Cordite lobsters, all 3 Survive

If you can read this: congratulations, that makes one of us.


Snippy's siblings replace the bar on the door, and the lobsters finally grow silent. With the immediate danger over, Snippy leaves the door guarded by the watchful eyes of the spiny lobsters, and heads back to the warmer room.

The battlefield is a sight Snippy has seldom seen. The Dappled eel lies bloodied on the sand floor behind the mound, and several small lobsters lie unmoving. Snippy's siblings are also among the fallen, their place at the top of the mound having made little difference against the large swimmers.

Snippy finds Skali, who is gently tapping a black-blue lobster's carapace. The lobster stirs, as the tiny ice crystals on its carapace melt in the warmer water. The siblings go to the others. two signal good news, one do not. A sibling near Snippy collapses, the cold taking its toll. Snippy gently taps them, welling with sadness. They do not wake.

"Ah, Snippy! Did we win?"

Snippy knows we won; not a single sibling was taken from the Sleeping Shelterer! But Snippy is sad that not all the Sheltered are here to see this victory.

Decisions, Decisions

Hmm… the Dappled one survived, and will wake soon. What to do…
[X] No Mercy. (Dappled Dies - Gain 5 Depth and Eel Fangs).
[X] Keep her alive, but contained. (Spend 5 Depth, acquire Eel Prison)
-[X] Placement (Tile, must be Underwater/Shrine)
[X] Let her go. (unclear outcome)
[X] Write-in

Recycle: Gain shells and 1 Depth

We have 84 Depth:
(at the end of each Delve, for each uncleared feature, score 1 Depth per Delver level for each Delver)

[X] 7 Depth
[X] Message in a bottle (???)
[X] Sea Cucumbers (???)

[X] Expand sideways (1 Depth per tile) X tiles (write-in)

Clarification: you can make rooms with irregular shapes, and expand existing rooms

[X] Relocation move existing creature feature(s) around (Write in)

Crab Construction
[X] A Coral Castle! Yes, Castles are cool. We know just where to put this!

  • Coral Castle (aquatic) (Defence DC 11, 8 health, 1 armour)
    • Weight class 2 or lower creatures can seek refuge here against all hostiles, who must destroy the fortification to attack them. Additionally, they may loose or throw at any creature attacking the Castle
-[X] Write in Location (Tile)
[X] That's not a castle… what do you mean it's a forge? You want us to do
what with geothermal vents?!?
  • Coral Forge (aquatic)
    • Crabs can heat things up to extreme temperatures here… This may be useful.
-[X] Write in Location (Tile - Must be placed in the Geothermal Spring room)

Features (Pick up to 1):
[X] Crustacean Nursery (28 Depth)
- A tile full of baby (weight class 0) crustaceans - The nursery does not have a limit on heritable trait slots, and can (with an expand) create a weight class 1 tile of any crustacean type you currently own for the standard cost of such a tile. This new tile may spawn with any combination of heritable traits applied to the Nursery, with the normal restrictions. This Nursery cannot defend itself, and 2 hostile actions will eradicate this feature. This tile can be placed inside the Shrine.
-[X] Placement (Tile)

[X] Crimson King Crabs
(Weight Class 2) (19 Depth) - Sizeable Crabs, clad in a spiky exoskeleton of a deep crimson hue; renowned for their powerful claws and omnidirectional agility!
  • Climate adaptation (aquatic) - You are adapted to an extreme climate of your choice (e.g. hot desert, underwater) and have all the necessary traits to thrive in that environment
  • Exoskeleton (must be weight class 2 or less) – You have an exoskeleton that provides your weight class in mundane armour (max 3) to your torso and head, and your weight class -1 (max 2) mundane armour to every limb. This stacks with other armour to a mundane maximum bonus of 5
  • Remaining Ability slots: 2
  • Vicious Claws - Creatures adapted for clawing attacks deal 1 extra maximum damage with claws. If this is their main mundane attack, this ability is free.
-[X] Placement (Room)

[X] Ornate Monitor (Weight Class 2) (17 Depth) - Monitor lizards named for their ornate, gold and black camouflage pattern. Largest of the common split-tongued lizards, they are known for their sharp teeth and whip-like tails!
  • Deep Breath – You can hold your breath for hours instead of minutes (see "suffocate" condition)
  • Vicious Claws - Creatures adapted for clawing attacks deal 1 extra maximum damage with claws. If this is their main mundane attack, this ability is free.
  • Thrashing Tail - This ability grants unarmed strikes with the tail reach equal to twice your weight class for the purposes of determining hit locations.
  • Remaining Ability slots: 1
  • Vicious Bite - Creatures adapted for biting attacks deal 1 extra damage with bites. If this is their main mundane attack, this ability is free.
  • Venomous Saliva (Anticoagulant) - Death rolls that would normally end bleed effects, do not end bleed effects delivered by bites.
  • Gigantic Ancestors - This creature halves any costs associated with increasing its size, up to weight class 8
Note: Terrestrial Creature, but with Deep Breath. They will start in the Shrine during underwater delves (the closest breathable space), and fight from there as normal during underwater delves as they have more than enough breath for any engagement.
-[X] Placement (Room)

Upgrades (Pick up to 1):
[X] Hole-y Hill (17 Depth)
- Weight class 2 or lower creatures can seek refuge here against all hostiles, who must destroy the hill to attack them - if a construction is on the mound, creatures may move directly between them. (Mound Upgrade)
[X] Spiny Shot (22 Depth)
(Heritable trait) - Spiny lobsters may loose spines twice per Delve (Spines need time to regrow - in a Horde or Formation they may do this 4 times, as defenders don't loose). This does the same damage as the creature's unarmed strikes.
-[X] Placement (Creature Tile(s) - Spiny Lobsters/Nursery only, no extra cost for multiple tiles)
[X] Lively Lake
(10 Depth): A magical tendril of water can project creatures in this underwater room up to 2 tiles (Applies both to and from the water). (Permanently Underwater Upgrade)

Crab-e Diem (Pick up to 1):
[X] Expand Spiny Lobsters (17 Depth)

Vote by Plan! Or Snippy WILL snip you!

Also please show your work when planning Depth costs to help us spot errors and enact plans :V (Welcome back to school kids, we open at 8)

Trivia: this update required no fewer than 3 combat rewrites of varying extents, as we are very smart QMs who have never made any mistakes in our lives :V

We will be going to bed pretty soon but we wanted to push out the update, so here it is. I'm basically making this post because I accidentally messed up the vote count :V