[DEAD] (IC)The Outer Dimension Offensive

And so it begins.

Cmd. Frost

The last one standing.
The Summer Stretch
This is the In Character thread for The Outer Dimension Offensive RP (short name pending)

Please check the OOC thread for rules, commentary, or questions. This thread is intended for the players of this RP to to engage in role-playing.

A young woman addresses a meeting room packed with Counter Force personnel and Elf Legion warriors.

"Thank you for your time everyone, and thank you to the brass for signing off on this." She waits for the last whispers to die down before continuing.

"For those of you that don't know me, I'm Magical Girl Rift Diver. My gimmick is making portals, and I got a lot better at it after the attack on Richardson last month, which has given us a bit of an opportunity. To make a long story short, I can now open gates to other dimensions and command wants to use that to give our enemies a few heada-"

The magical girl stops as a phone starts loudly ringing, revealed to be her own as she pulls it out. A short and one sided conversation ensues, after which the call ends and Rift Diver summons a portal.

"Corsica's under attack." She then steps through, leaving the base's Commander to finish the pitch in her place.

"The long and short of it is that high command wants to use Diver's new power to do a series of raids and sabotage missions in previously unreachable territory, or it was until recently. With the Drive's out of action and the Goddesses running around, they want something big." The Commander stops to press a button on the table, causing the wall behind him to light up and show an operation proposal.

"Don't ask me who or how, but someone pushed through a plan to use Rift Diver and another Magical Girl, War Forger, to open up a new front of the war. Forger's gimmick is building structures that produce combat constructs, and if the eggheads are right, then there's no limit on how many of these constructs she can produce."

The commander presses the button again, the wall behind him now displays what looks like a small fort.

"There's a catch though, Forger can't move while transformed, and everything she builds both needs raw material and can't function outside of her area of influence. This makes her of limited use here,"

Another slide change, this time showing a forest from some high vantage point.

"But with Rift Diver's help presents an opportunity. This image is from a scouting mission Diver conducted while testing out her new ability's range. We don't know where it is, but based on these little shits we think it's on the edge of Hell's territory on the other side of the LDC."

Another slide change, this one showing a few imps from an aerial perspective.

"The mission is simple: a squad will accompany War Forger to this new dimension, and help her get set up. If this plan works, then by the time the demons realize what's happening and send a response, we'll have an army on site. If it doesn't, then Diver opens a portal back to Earth, all of you evac, and we either try again later or forget this ever happened."

"Any volunteers?"

The men and women packed into the room look at the briefing slides and then to each other, some with looks of uncertainty, others with excitement. Thoughts cross everyone's minds, leaving Earth, revenge, taking the fight to hell, seeing a new world, dying so far from home. Regardless of what the majority think though, ten brave souls stand. Six humans and four elves look at the commander and receive a nod in return.

"We have our squad then, everyone else is dismissed." The commander motions for the volunteers to take their seats at the front of the room as everyone else files out, the remaining elves giving long hard looks as they pass, more than a few grab a necklace or bracelet charm and start muttering prayers for the soon to be dead fools. The last man out closes the door behind him.

"I won't lie to you, this plan is risky. But I also won't lie and say I think it's not worth the risk. The fact of the matter is that we're losing and nothing we're doing now is going to change that. I won't make a speech out of this, you all know what you signed up for and you all know what's at stake. If you have any questions, ask them now. You head out when Rift Diver gets back."
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Player Characters
(Unified Light) Magical Girl Rift Diver


Health: 6000
Base Damage: 1,500
Base Resilience: 1,500
Magic Modifier: 1,000
Affinity: Portal | Rift | Story

A Tear in the Veil
Portals are not supposed to be used as weapons. Still, I suppose the edge of a hole in spacetime is quite lethal, as is the effect of suddenly having it open or close inside you.
Level: ???
Attacks Per Turn: ???
Affinity: ???
Abilities: ???

Rift Beam
Channel the power of the rift into a beam of eldritch fire to smite your enemies.
Level: 20
Attacks per Turn: 5
Affinity: Rift
Abilities: Laser | Stun | ???





Level ???
-Controls Health and resilience.

Tear Open A Path
-Allows Void Diver to open portals into and out of the Rift. Once inside the Rift, Rift Diver may create an exit portal at any location that she had line of sight on before entering the Rift, any location she has already exited the Rift at, or ???. Trans-dimensional portals require two turns of channeling before entering the Rift and deduct 10% of Rift Diver's remaining transformation time per dimension crossed.

Rift Echo
Level ???
-Upon ???, ???, Killing an enemy, or ???, Rift Diver may create an after image known as a Rift Echo, these echo's cannot move but touching one will instantly deal 3x Rift Diver's base damage to the victim, ???. ???.

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Combat Rules
Combat will be initiated whenever you encounter a hostile entity, or you yourselves attack something. Enemy selection will vary by environment and location. Combat will end when all fighters are either dead, or have fled the battle zone. If one side becomes collectively incapacitated to the point they can no longer fight, they lose automatically and can be freely killed by the other side.

I will handle the combat turnout, applying extra modifiers depending on how attacks are described. Poorly described attacks may miss, depending on circumstances.

All abilities are applicable.
  • Ground Combat/Basic Rules
    • When combat is initiated, I will usually roll a 1d10 using the forum roller to determine initiative for each character. 1 goes first, while 10 goes last. If two characters roll the same number, their actions will be taken simultaneously.
      • If a character has more than one attack per turn, they will take each action in a successive line: for example, if they roll a 6 but have 3 ATP, they will attack on 6, 7, and 8 in that order.
      • If a character has more than 10 ApT, they begin to take two or more actions on certain steps of the attack order, starting from the earliest step they act on.
    • Each turn, Initiative will automatically change based on the ApT and character speed. Each ApT above 1 a character has, they will move up the attack order by that amount. Each level a character has in the High Speed Combat Ability, or every five levels in the Flight or Sprint Abilities, will also move a character farther up the order; having both nulls the bonus from HSC. Priority Boost also allows a character to move one step up in the attack order.
    • Ambushes cause surprise rounds, which set the attacking party's priority to 1, and adds a malus to the target's priority rolls. The intensity of the malus depends on how good the ambush is.
    • Before the turnout is written, all players will be asked to describe how they want to use their actions. Creative ideas or well-done descriptions may yield better modifiers.
    • If you attack a flying opponent, you will have to roll a 1d10 with a -1 for every two levels of Flight your target is using. If you gain High Speed Combat and their flight speed is lower, this malus won't be applied. If it's over, the malus will only begin to be applied once they hit a speed over it. The roll must come out as a 6 or higher to hit. Attacks with Anti-Air, Homing, and Unerring are exempt. Attacks with Detonate or Full-Auto derived abilities gain a bonus to their roll.
    • Flying enemies can only be targeted by melee attacks if they come down to ground-level for some reason.
  • Aerial Combat
    • When fighting another flying opponent, you will only get one attack. Make it count.
    • When launching attacks at each other, both parties will roll a 1d10 as an accuracy check, 7 or higher is required to hit.
    • For each level of Flight a character has, add a +1 to their accuracy roll. For each level of Flight their opponent has, add a -1. High Speed Combat removes the negative modifier to the roll. If the opponent's Flight exceeds the character's High Speed Combat, begin to add the malus for each level over the level of the character's High Speed Combat.
    • If attacking a land-bound target, ignore the accuracy roll.
  • Grappling
    • When two characters enter a grapple, they automatically attack each other at the start of each round. All other actions are locked until the grapple is broken.
    • Grappling characters can not use Spells or magic modifiers. Base damage is reduced by 75%, and Base Resilience is reduced by 90%.
    • If a weapon has the Grapple ability, ignore the previous rule. Weapons that are a body part do not suffer the damage reduction.
    • Each turn if only one side decides to continue the grapple, roll a 1d10. If 8 or higher are rolled, the grapple is broken and the side who decided to continue takes extra damage.
    • All attacks aimed at either side in the grapple will hit both.
  • Intercept Rules
    • If a character has the Intercept Ability or one of its derivatives and wants to make use of it, they may roll a 1d6 on each enemy attack before their own. If anything except a 6 is rolled, they will initiate an Intercept conflict.
    • Melee combatants with Intercept can only use it on attacks aimed at them, or at allies either within their reach or behind them.
    • Winners of an Intercept conflict will have their damage applied directly to their enemy. This damage can not be interrupted, dodged, or lowered through defensive barriers.
    • Intercepting attacks costs an action, and, outside of Primordia, only Spells may successfully intercept another Spell. Every Spell can intercept regular attacks.
  • Spell Synchronization
    • To trigger a Spell Synchronization, the two players attempting to synchronize their Spells can only do so when one of their actions line up on the same initiative.
    • In order for a Spell Synchronization to trigger, the two Spells involved must either, share a theme, share an affinity, or have a similar enough result. (Ex: Two spells share "Sea", Two spells are wave-like in result, Two spells are extreme expressions of the Magical Girl's powers.)
    • If two spells can synch, they will synch automatically without any extra effort required on the participating Magical Girl's parts. Spells that can not synch will operate as normal.
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The Forces of Hell:

Hell's Foot Soldiers

Health: 750
Base Damage: 200
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 10
Affinity: Chaos
Bladed Ax
Level 2
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Crush
Blood Lust
Level 1
Base Damage: 50
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Self-Boost
Armored Skin
- Negative 10 on magic damage.


Health: 250
Base Damage: 100
Base Resilience: 75
Magic Modifier: 15
Affinity: Chaos
Level 2
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Melt
Level 4
Base Damage: 50
Magic Modifier: 200
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Burn
Hellfire Blood
- Infernals may cast fireball on each other to regenerate health equal to the end damage of the spell. This ability cannot overheal.


Health: 100
Base Damage: 125
Base Resilience: 25
Magic Modifier: 20
Affinity: Chaos
Level 8
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Armor Pierce
Dreadful Scream
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Chaos
Ability: Terror | Stagger
Level 6
- Husks can run at 60 mph.


Health: 150
Base Damage: 110
Base Resilience: 50
Magic Modifier: 25
Affinity: Chaos
Level 6
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Chaos
Ability: Bleed
Level 3
Base Damage: 100
Magic Modifier: 50
Affinities: Chaos
Ability: Burn
Law of the Pack
-Hellhounds never travel in packs of less than 3, and are always led by an Alpha. If the Alpha is killed and more than two Hellhounds are still alive, the Hellhound with the highest initiative will mutate into an Alpha 1 turn after the original died. This ability cannot be sealed.

Strength of the Pack
-If two or more Hellhounds attack a single target, they may synchronize attacks. If the target attempts to dodge, each Hellhound must be resolved against separately.

Level 4
-Hellhounds may run at up to 40 mph.

Hellhound Alpha

Health: 300
Base Damage: 220
Base Resilience: 100
Magic Modifier: 50
Affinity: Chaos
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Chaos
Ability: Bleed
Level 6
Base Damage: 200
Magic Modifier: 100
Affinities: Chaos
Ability: Burn
Lord of the Pack

Strength of the Wolf

Level 6
-Hellhound Alphas may run at up to 60 mph.
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Special Mechanics.
Commisioned Officer: Any character granted the Commissioned Officer personal ability by War Forger can take command of one of her construct squads and contribute to research.

Shock: A lesser form of Stun. Any character afflicted with shock will move back 1 initiative step per action that inflicted Shock, and lose half their movement speed until next turn. Shock cannot be re-inflicted on subsequent turns, so make it count. Stun immunity does not protect against Shock.
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Magical Girl War Forger
(Unified Light) Magical Girl War Forger

Health: 100
Base Damage: 25
Base Resilience: 25
Magic Modifier: 25

Affinity: Conquest | Construction | Story Maker
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Base Damage: 100
Affinities: Gun
Ability: None

Officer's Flare Gun
Level: 1
Attacks per Turn: 1
Affinity: Conquest
Ability: Marker Light (Protean)


Officer's Blood
Level 1
-Controls health, ???

Officer's Will
Level 1
-Controls resilience, ???

Command Center
-The keystone of her powers, the command center shields War Forger from harm, extends her transformation clock, enables limited production of constructs, and in doing so gives War Forger access to the vast majority of her powerset. Can also replace Warforger's statline and weapon.

Unit Roster
-Allows War Forger to build constructs if the resources and production facilities to do so are available.

Blueprint Library
-Allows War Forger to construct buildings if the resources and units to do so are available.


Militia: The first construct available to War Forger, weakest of all combat units, but cheap to build and fast to produce.
Health: 50 (+20 per level)
Base Damage: 10 (+10 per level)
Base Resilience: 10 (+5 per level)
Magic Modifier: 0
Level cap: 5
Squad size: 5
Abilities: Mob- Militia constructs may combine their stats with another nearby melee unit, and while combined they will sacrifice themselves to block attacks against who or whatever they're melded with.
Militia- Militia construct squads are always built in pairs.
Build Cost: 5 food per squad
Build time: 0 turns
Upkeep: .5 food, .5 housing per construct

Builder: Though all but useless in a fight, builders are vital to the war effort.
Health: ???
Base Damage: ???
Base Resilience: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Level cap: ???
Squad size 2
Abilities: Build- Can construct basic fieldworks and buildings.
Build Cost: ???
Upkeep: ???
Build time: ???

Command Center(Level 1): A large wooden building with three rooms and a pair of Archer towers, not the strongest of fortifications, but it gets the job done.
Health: 1000
Base Damage: 100
Base Resilience: 200
Magic Modifier: 50
Abilities: Command Center- secures the hex it's placed on, and allows War Forger's power to expand up to one hex away.
Central Command- The Command Center is the linchpin of War Forger's power, if destroyed, all constructs and structures will go inert until it's rebuilt.
Limited- There can only be one Command Center at any time.
Rally point- Unless otherwise ordered or specified, any unit built by War Forger will spawn here.
Construction Cost: Free.
Construction Time: Instant the first time, 1 Phase afterward.

Watchtower(Level 1): A simple tower with a ladder and platform. Not very sturdy, and doesn't provide any cover, but the height should help with ranged attacks.
Health: 200
Base Resilience: 50
Abilities: Vantage(Level 1)- One character may sacrifice an ApT turn to climb the Watchtower, and after doing so gains a 5% bonus to ranged attack damage.
Construction Cost: 5 wood.
Construction Time: Instant.
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Raising a fist and striking her chestplate, one of the Elves speaks up first. "Legionaire Gladys Graum, Sir! One of your briefing slides shows a forested area. Is our entry point presumed to be within the same type of terrain? And do we have particular intelligence as to the greater area surrounding the entry point?"
Raising a fist and striking her chestplate, one of the Elves speaks up first. "Legionaire Gladys Graum, Sir! One of your briefing slides shows a forested area. Is our entry point presumed to be within the same type of terrain? And do we have particular intelligence as to the greater area surrounding the entry point?"

"Actually, yes. Diver never stayed at the drop zone long, but she did manage to get a decent layout of the immediate area." The Commander presses a few buttons, and the whole table soon shifts from a glossy black to show a map.

"Each of these zones is 15 miles across. Your drop zone is the grassland area in the center of the explored area, the first picture was taken in the heavily forested area directly northwest of the drop zone. Diver took the picture with the imps in the lightly forested area directly south close to the riverbend. She also positively identified a demon presence in the northmost mountain, southeast grassland, and south forested hill regions. She believes that there are also demon encampments in the northwest hills, though was never able to confirm it." The commander marks the spots on the map as he names them off.

"As far as we're able to tell, all of these encampments are small, with the large exception of the north mountains. We've spotted between nine and twelve Footsoldiers, along with a pair of large beasts and a small horde of Infernals, Husks, and other low level demons. There's at least seventy there, and likely no more than ninety or so, though our highest guess is around one hundred ten. The others are no more than 30 demons each, most of them small fry." He then marks each site with a question mark or number of dots to signify demon concentration.

"Diver was last at the site two days ago, and she's been recording similar numbers of demons at each sight for the last three weeks, so we're confident that the information's up to date. Unfortunately, we couldn't let Diver run missions for extended periods of time without risking letting hell know we were coming, so we can't give you any more conclusive data than this. Diver believes that the mountains extend at least thirty miles in either direction, and that there's an ocean somewhere to the south, but we can't confirm it."

Map acquired! Gain 1 exp.
Enemy count and composition acquired! Gain 1 exp.
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Of the group studying the map and listening to the officer's explanations, another Elf was deep in thought. Solus was no stranger to this kind of engagement, though he did not like it. Alas, needs must; he volunteered for the glory, not for an easy time.

Still, to be surrounded on all sides in a foreign dimension. At least he was not the only one of his kind to go; as much as those who left may believe them dead soldiers walking, he could work with this.

"If I may," he broke the silence following the human Commander's elaboration, "how will resupply and potential reinforcements be handled? Can we expect assistance or shall we become entirely self-sufficient?"
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Of the group studying the map and listening to the officer's explanations, another Elf was deep in thought. Solus was no stranger to this kind of engagement, though he did not like it. Alas, needs must; he volunteered for the glory, not for an easy time.

Still, to be surrounded on all sides in a foreign dimension. At least he was not the only one of his kind to go; as much as those who left may believe them dead soldiers walking, he could work with this.

"If I may," he broke the silence following the human Commander's elaboration, "how will resupply and potential reinforcements be handled? Can we expect assistance or shall we become entirely self-sufficient?"

"We expect that War Forger will be able to handle your supply situation, though if she can't, Diver's ability will allow us to keep you supplied. However you won't be getting any reinforcements from us. This op is about Forger, if she can't do what we think she can then this mission is dead in the water."
Eliza had no clue why why signed up for this mission. Well, actually, she knew exactly why: it was because it was stupid as hell.

"Right, so," Eliza spoke slowly. "Where's the girl, and how fast does she work?"
"We expect that War Forger will be able to handle your supply situation, though if she can't, Diver's ability will allow us to keep you supplied. However you won't be getting any reinforcements from us. This op is about Forger, if she can't do what we think she can then this mission is dead in the water."

Not ideal, but definitely less awful than it could have been. Solus mulled it over while the Commander answered a human soldier's question. This 'War Forger', as pleasant as her name was to any Elf, presented the lynchpin of this entire operation.

Into the next pause, he decided to make another inquiry: "What are our orders in case the worst comes to pass and the Magical Girl is lost?"

He already had a suspicion what that would mean, but it was always better to have clarity.
Eliza had no clue why why signed up for this mission. Well, actually, she knew exactly why: it was because it was stupid as hell.

"Right, so," Eliza spoke slowly. "Where's the girl, and how fast does she work?"

The Commander checks his watch before responding. "She's currently a few thousand klicks away, saying goodbye to her family. When we're done here, you'll all head to the armory get your shit sorted, then Diver will bring her over and the twelve of you will head to the drop zone. As for her speed, once transformed she has a setup time of around around a minute, after which she can start producing constructs. She needs to acquire resources to build more, however we're going to send you a shipping container of supplies to give her a jumpstart. Once that runs out though you'll need to assist her in gathering more, and that's a several hour process."


Not ideal, but definitely less awful than it could have been. Solus mulled it over while the Commander answered a human soldier's question. This 'War Forger', as pleasant as her name was to any Elf, presented the lynchpin of this entire operation.

Into the next pause, he decided to make another inquiry: "What are our orders in case the worst comes to pass and the Magical Girl is lost?"

"War Forger cannot be allowed to fall into enemy hands, if she's captured then you will do whatever it takes to rescue her. If she's killed, then grab her body and fall back immediately. Diver's currently your only way back, so if she's captured do whatever you can without endangering Forger. We're trying to get another Magical Girl with similar abilities to Diver as a backup, but I won't make any promises right now. If you lose her, then dig in and hold out for as long as possible."
"War Forger cannot be allowed to fall into enemy hands, if she's captured then you will do whatever it takes to rescue her. If she's killed, then grab her body and fall back immediately. Diver's currently your only way back, so if she's captured do whatever you can without endangering Forger. We're trying to get another Magical Girl with similar abilities to Diver as a backup, but I won't make any promises right now. If you lose her, then dig in and hold out for as long as possible."
That honestly sounded better than what Solus expected. He figured they would be left to figure themselves out over mission failure. The fact War Forger's body had to be preserved confused him, but he chalked it up to sentimentalism. Magical Girls were, almost to a rule, minors before human law after all. He really did not want to consider what kind of legislation allowed them to be recruited anyway.

"Understood," he repeated himself. "I have no further questions."

If nothing else, he could finally put to the test how his own paradigms held up when working with humans. A War Angel would have been greatly appreciated for that reason and many more, but he could understand why command did not send one.
Gladys lowered her hand and looked over the maps when a fellow elf asked another question asked another question. In formation, any three elves in this gathering could likely defend against and decimate any singular attacker mentioned in the briefing given warning. Any three of the humans could likewise eliminate an attacker before they closed to melee. Surrounded by foes on all sides, proactive removal of the smaller camps could prove essential to prevent their foe leveraging superior numbers.
Questions and Answers said:
"If I may," Solus broke the silence following the human Commander's elaboration, "how will resupply and potential reinforcements be handled? Can we expect assistance or shall we become entirely self-sufficient?"

"We expect that War Forger will be able to handle your supply situation, though if she can't, Diver's ability will allow us to keep you supplied. However you won't be getting any reinforcements from us. This op is about Forger, if she can't do what we think she can then this mission is dead in the water."

Into the next pause, Solus decided to make another inquiry: "What are our orders in case the worst comes to pass and the Magical Girl is lost?"

War Forger cannot be allowed to fall into enemy hands, if she's captured then you will do whatever it takes to rescue her. If she's killed, then grab her body and fall back immediately. Diver's currently your only way back, so if she's captured do whatever you can without endangering Forger. We're trying to get another Magical Girl with similar abilities to Diver as a backup, but I won't make any promises right now. If you lose her, then dig in and hold out for as long as possible."

"Right, so," Eliza spoke slowly. "Where's the girl, and how fast does she work?"

The Commander checks his watch before responding. "She's currently a few thousand klicks away, saying goodbye to her family. When we're done here, you'll all head to the armory get your shit sorted, then Diver will bring her over and the twelve of you will head to the drop zone. As for her speed, once transformed she has a setup time of around around a minute, after which she can start producing constructs. She needs to acquire resources to build more, however we're going to send you a shipping container of supplies to give her a jumpstart. Once that runs out though you'll need to assist her in gathering more, and that's a several hour process."
With War Forger identified as the keystone of the operation, the pieces fell into place. Presumably, her generated constructs would be providing the reinforcements in place of more Unified Light back up. Losing her would mean not only losing their supplies and reinforcements, but the enemy potentially multiplying immensely in number and their base turning hostile around them. The mission would not only be one of protecting the Magical Girl during her setup time, but aiding the girl's own efforts in producing an entirely new army. Though her immobility prevented the possibility of a moving Phalanx, perhaps her constructs could share in the spirit of the Legion?

"I have no further questions."
It was all Diane could manage to keep from leaping in excitement. She felt light in a way that had nothing to do with her magic reinforcing her new set of infantry armor. Her first operation since earning recognition as an elite and she was going to be supporting two Magical Girls, with the famed Illaoi!

And some other decorated elves and comrades. It was enough to make the odds of being stranded without chance of rescue feel small in comparison.

Strand raised a hand, "Will we be directly led by Rift Diver or War Forger? Or is the Century considered in command?"
It was all Diane could manage to keep from leaping in excitement. She felt light in a way that had nothing to do with her magic reinforcing her new set of infantry armor. Her first operation since earning recognition as an elite and she was going to be supporting two Magical Girls, with the famed Illaoi!

And some other decorated elves and comrades. It was enough to make the odds of being stranded without chance of rescue feel small in comparison.

Strand raised a hand, "Will we be directly led by Rift Diver or War Forger? Or is the Century considered in command?"

"War Forger will have overall command, however since she won't be on-site until things go wrong, she's agreed to delegate. In short, she decides objectives, you decide how and if they're accomplished. Diver will mainly be focused on recon, so while she may ask for help out there, unless her life is in danger any requests are just that. As for you all, much as the officer in me says to put Masson or Warwick in charge, the fact of the matter is that the two highest ranking members of this unconventional joint operation have no notable experience with unconventional or joint operations. All I can say is to use your best judgement when deciding who leads a mission."
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"[...] As for you all, much as the officer in me says to put Masson or Warwick in charge, the fact of the matter is that the two highest ranking members of this unconventional joint operation have no notable experience with unconventional or joint operations. All I can say is to use your best judgement when deciding who leads a mission."
Solus wanted to comment, but held himself back; the Legion's rigorous training saw to it that he could keep his mouth shut toward a commanding officer. Though it was fair to not call his return to the Light an operation, it was absolutely irregular.

As it were, he simply held his silence and waited for what was to come. If none of the others stepped forward to take charge, he still could do so.
Antolia raises a hand. "Duration of deployment? Are we looking at a deadline here or is this an 'until it's done' kind of deal?"
Antolia raises a hand. "Duration of deployment? Are we looking at a deadline here or is this an 'until it's done' kind of deal?"

"The length of the operation is currently up in the air, but the plan is for you to be out there at least a week. Depending on how effective Forger is and what Diver finds the op can be extended, but none of you should be off world for more than two weeks unless you request an extension."
"Two questions. Will we be provided communications equipment in our initial supplies? And what can we expect in terms of weather and other relevant environmental effects?"

In that kind of terrain... rain might be a serious concern. Not just for hindering Rinnia's sniping, but... the risk of mudslides and whatnot could screw with any structures or camps the team builds. If the campaign gets extended long enough... well, they'd better hope Forger can provide winter lodging. Wouldn't want to be caught in a tornado or earthquake either, but those are comparatively far less likely, and heatwaves would be... unpleasant. Of course, this is all from a human's perspective, she supposes... but if there were any known exotic effects, they would've probably been mentioned in the initial briefing.
"Two questions. Will we be provided communications equipment in our initial supplies? And what can we expect in terms of weather and other relevant environmental effects?"

In that kind of terrain... rain might be a serious concern. Not just for hindering Rinnia's sniping, but... the risk of mudslides and whatnot could screw with any structures or camps the team builds. If the campaign gets extended long enough... well, they'd better hope Forger can provide winter lodging. Wouldn't want to be caught in a tornado or earthquake either, but those are comparatively far less likely, and heatwaves would be... unpleasant. Of course, this is all from a human's perspective, she supposes... but if there were any known exotic effects, they would've probably been mentioned in the initial briefing.

"You'll be given equipment to stay in contact with each other, but anything capable of contacting Earth is out of the question. The weather's been temperate for all but one of Diver's scouting missions, where it rained. Additionally, while we don't know what kind of dimension the dropzone is in, we believe that it doesn't have a moon. We're going to provide you with low light equipment, but I recommend hunkering down at night if you've got a choice."
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The blond giant of a woman somehow managed to fade into the background as she soaked in all the information, committing everything to mind. Well, except for the discussion on who would lead the mission, she had good instincts and that was about it for her tactical acumen. She'd just let them sort it out and roll with whatever the elected boss decided, simple as.

Beyond that, all questions she may have were already asked and answered, so she was happy to sit tight and let the clock tick down.

Ahhh, she couldn't wait to make landfall. A brand new theater to plunge deep into and then dig in a beachhead had a way to get a girl excited. Maybe it was the viking in her, but spending so many years bleeding in the same place had gotten mighty stale, even if Valhalla was a fine locale to cozy up in. Whole reason she had attended this meeting, really.

(Well, that and making a difference, but THAT was why she'd enlisted to begin with so it always went without saying.)

Only issue was that she hadn't known they'd be leaving so soon, meant her ma couldn't send her more homemade bars in a hurry. At least she'd spent a good month of downtime with the family before this, and it hadn't been so long since for her pack of goodies to get all that light.
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