Am I making a horrible mistake?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 14 5.7%
  • YES!

    Votes: 233 94.3%

  • Total voters
Chapter Nine: Apologies to Rabbit
Well time to do this shit again, hello all.

AWACS: Hello.

Rabbit: Why.

Because when i do this alone it's far too sad and depressing for me to feel like y'all wanna read it.

AWACS: And beside, he has to share the pain to everyone.

Rabbit: Word of warning to the readers, I'm most likely not going to say anything witty or constructive. I'm going to proceed to yell my head off about how repulsed I am by this fic with no prior justification.

Eh, you'd be surprised what can come from sheer rage. And it's *Ambiance*, that's all the justification you need.

Rabbit: At times, I want to be fair too.


Chapter 9: Fragile Summer

It is late afternoon as the utility truck takes the only serviceable eastbound ramp to transition from Freeway 231 onto Interstate 85. However, as it does so, its driver, Damon Polchow, slows to a stop before a barricade, guarded by a posse of sixteen armed men and women. One of them, wearing a long headband with its ends drooping down his back down to the backs of his shoulders, wears a mysterious grin as the truck slows to a stop and raises a megaphone.

"'Ey, you, driver dude," he calls out through the megaphone, "come on out. I wanna talk."

Damon narrows his eyes at the megaphone man's weapon hanging at his left hip: an FN P-90 with a EO-Tech sight.

Gun porn and i've not even scrolled the page! *Ding*

Rabbit: To be fair this was okay.

AWACS: Even in Post-Apocalyptic setting, you can still can get P-90 with EOTech sight. I expected home-made weapons that can make Polish resistance forces back at WW2 proud.

Rabbit: I was expecting some more Mad Max.

Fyi: this is the sight in question.

So these chumps, that sounds like a surfer dude from the 90's, have rather good equipment. F**k this, I gotta get something stronger the Green tea Ginger ale. *Cracks open orange soda*

Rabbit: Well, for the year they're in it's fairly outdated.

World ended in like 20…..2005-ish maybe? Dammit now I gotta go back and fact-check this garbage.

AWACS: Gotta respect the old stuff like 80s and 90s, or even 70s. God help us if there's a group of 80s elvis gangs out there.

Okay so it's 2029, the world ended in 2010. The P-90 is from 1990. This gun is about 39 years old.

Still not that dumb a thing all in all.

Rabbit: Uhuh. Makes sense fodder has them.

AWACS: And some FN P-90 do exist in some huge quantity in the states, if we count the civilian version, that is.

The real problem is wherever the fuck the sight came from really, that'd be a bit harder to come by.

AWACS: Military site, de3ta? Lootings and stuff. Even some gun shops have those.

Rabbit: They got it from old places, possibly.

This is why I like having people here, point out the stuff that makes sense (rare as that is) and revel in the stupid.

Rabbit: Get on with it already!

"What do we do, Admiral?" Amatsukaze asks tensely, keeping her fully automatic AA-12 combat shotgun under the window out of sight of the bandits.

"Come with me," Damon mutters. "Take off your safeties but keep your guns in your hands in case shit goes south."

Shutting off the engine, Damon hops out of the truck, making sure that everyone gets a good glimpse of his MK-14 Rogue Chassis designated marksman rifle, and Amatsukaze and Murakumo emerge with their AA-12 and AK-47, respectively.

"Oi, oi, I didn't say you could come out with guns," the megaphone man yells, but Damon hollers back,

"It ain't gonna make much sense if you can have sixteen guys all barrelstuffin' our asses like that without havin' guns of our own, so you can go fuck off. What do you want?"

Damon approaches the bandit with the megaphone, and Amatsukaze and Murakumo flank him closely, keeping a wary eye on all of their potential enemies, looking for any sudden movement.

"Fine, fine, it's only fair, right? I mean, it ain't like we already outnumber you sixteen to mothafuckin' three..." he laughs, and lowering his megaphone, the bandit with the P-90 submachine gun waits for the three to get within comfortable talking distance. "So...jus' wanna say sorry earlier."

"Sorry?" Damon raises an eyebrow. "What for?"

"For that," the bandit points at Damon's wounded and bandaged shoulder. "That was one of our sniper dudes overlookin' the major highways that run through Montgomery. He thought maybe you guys were the Cottonheads, so he opened fire."

…...Okay. I guess he apologized?

AWACS: Seriously, "Cottonheads"? The bandits have a weird and shit naming style.

Rabbit: See, they're cool guys.

Because the south AWACS, BECAUSE THE SOUTH.

AWACS: Ah. South. Also, wanna take bets damon gonna shot them nice guys?

He already did shoot one of them! The sniper guy! Mura killed him.

Rabbit: Get rekt, 360 no scope dude.

Damon crosses his arms. "But we killed his ass."

"Yeah, well, he had it comin'. Nothin' we can do ta drag a guy's soul outta hell, right? Don't worry

'bout it. See, I jus' stopped ya to say that, and to say thanks for basically wipin' out the fuckin' Cottonheads for us."

Wait, the people they killed for no reason have a *point*!?!?!?!


Rabbit: And they're pretty chill about their dude dying.

AWACS: Probably the sniper dude was a jerk.

Rabbit: hah

Cottonheads for us."

"Cottonheads? Who're they?"

"Who're they? Damn, son, you must be outta state. Haven'tcha heard 'a all these gang wars goin' on?"

Damon shakes his head. "Mind filling me in? I was just passing through the city and next thing I know it's like some kinda fuckin' warzone. What's goin' on?"


Rabbit: Gang wars? I love gang wars!

AWACS: Damon, you really need to try the old-fashioned "Learn about the target before shooting them".

Rabbit: But isn't he doing it now?

AWACS: Before he kill them, for best effect. Whatever.

Heck, if I didn't know this was a story and the Cottenheads were "4 cereal bad dudes," he coulda been killing good people!

The bandit with the P-90 laughs

Does this fucker thing *everyone* not him is a god damn bandit!

Rabbit: geez, he really specifies the p-90 thing.

AWACS: Ah. "Bandits". Next time, add "Cheeki Breeki" too, for best effects.

The bandit with the P-90 laughs. "It's easy to explain. So basically, there's been this urban legend goin' that the term people use these days, 'urban legend'? Whatever. Anyway, so, rumors been goin' around. How someone found a super weapon somewhere in Montgomery that, if ya get it, it'll, like, do the work of a hundred soldiers, ya know? So the thing is, one guy claimed to have found it first and bragged his ass off 'bout it like fuckin' retarded dipshit that most people are, and soon before ya know it, people're up in arms 'bout it. Passes from one set 'a hands to another. And here's the funny thing: it's like a container thing, but once they opened it, they didn't know how to activate it. All kinds'a rumors flyin' around. How it's some sorta secret machine the government built before the war, or maybe even after the war to fight in a post-apocalyptic scenario shit like this. Honestly, you ever play Fallout 3?"

*Is a fallout fan/fan of good writing* *Sobs*

AWACS: Heh, Shout-outs.

Rabbit: This is killing me inside.

So i'm 99% sure that said weapon was Amatsukaze.

Rabbit: Geez, Mr. Bandit. You sure know a lot.

"The only kind of fallout that I know of is the one that makes you die like a bitch."

The bandit laughs hysterically. "You're fuckin' hilarious, ya know that? Sorry man, ya missed out, it was a great game. Managed to skimp it off one of my friends back when I was bein' a lazy ol' bitch in the CCPL post up in New Hampshire and play it on some old computer I found in one of the basements fulla old shit. Ironic how the world turns into a shitstorm like this, eh? Yeah, so anyway, all these people buyin' into the rumors of this super weapon bullcrap, and all of a sudden, all these bigger gangs start showin' up...and the two that came out on top before y'all crashed in was us: the Cottonheads and the Mercs."

Dear god still going on with the unneeded shitty reference. *Ding*


I'd not even mind it as much if there was *Subtlety*, not this "Hurdurr Fallout is a game hur," shit.

AWACS: Now we have Mercs too? Oh dear. They gonna get killed by Damon again, think about their family of those poor merc soldiers!

Rabbit: It would've been great if it was just nudges and winks but no, we get the whole entire "HEY YOU KNOW FALLOUT" torpedo up our foot.

"So you're the Mercs."

"It's jus' what we call ourselves, we didn't bother with some fancy-shmancy title or bullshit like that. So yeah, we've been dukin' it out with 'em for a few days tryin' ta regain control of the city 'n find that container that they had."

"So that super-weapon thing fell into the Cottonheads' hands."

The bandit nods his head. "Yup! And guess what?" He lifts his submachine gun and points it directly at Damon's heart. "We gonna ask you to hand it over."

Amatsukaze and Murakumo immediately raise their own weapons, but the barrels of sixteen different firearms all point simultaneously at the three.

Damon gives a wry smile. "So how exactly do you know that I have that weapon?"

"We had one of our scouts confirm it. He said he saw you three in that big ol' garage and repair shop loungin' around in there with Cottonhead assholes lyin' in their own blood 'n shit all around. So don't lie to me, cocksucker, I know you got it. Hand it the fuck over."

Damon continues to smile nefariously. "Hmmm, I won't deny that I do have it. Though, I'll tell ya, it ain't somethin' I can just 'hand over'."

"Look, bro, I'm tryin' ta make this nice 'n easy for all of us here. I'm givin' ya a chance, can't'cher bitchass see that? I don't wanna shoot a cunt, but if I have ta, I will. Now hand it over, otherwise

I'ma ask you to hand over those girls, too. I mean, let's be honest, I got some guys here who haven't had a good fuck in years, includin' me. And I'm sure they got their eyes on 'em hot bods you got goin' on."


AWACS: Saw that coming. I take it back about those mercs and family.

The bandit nods his head. "Yup! And guess what?" He lifts his submachine gun and points it directly at Damon's heart. "We gonna ask you to hand it over."

Amatsukaze and Murakumo immediately raise their own weapons, but the barrels of sixteen different firearms all point simultaneously at the three.

Damon gives a wry smile. "So how exactly do you know that I have that weapon?"

I swear to god I saw this in a movie once.

Murakumo gives the bandit the middle finger. "Fuck off, creep."

"Oi, you lil' cuntnugget, don't tell me ta fuck off!" the bandit roars, taking a few steps forward and raising the back of his left hand to slap Murakumo across the face.

Who uses the word Cunt like that?

Rabbit: We do. When you're being an idiot. Or when we want to be creative.

Eh, fair enough.

AWACS: Morons. And trying to use "Country Matters" trope. But it's probably the former.

Rabbit: But really, Akyuu writes some really nasty dudes.

Damon included, but of course the others are going to be much, much worse. Because he has to justify Damon being a cunt.

AWACS: An excuse to say "Hey, Damon might be an arsehole, but the villains are even more so! Surely you all gonna like it, yeah?"

Rabbit: You just don't throw out the 'Hey Imma rapist' villain out into the open like that.

Rabbit: Jeez.

I'm from the North East and I'm offended at how most of his southerners are brain-dead hics or rapists so far. Or Racial stereotypes.

Just as he does so, Damon moves in a flash. His left hand twirls his karambit blade into its grasp and hooks the end of the blade deep into the bandit's throat and severs the trachea and spine, causing the end of the blade to poke out through the other side.

"MURAKUMO!" Damon bellows.

The highway explodes with gunfire as sixteen armed men and women with pistols and semi-automatic scopeless hunting rifles bombard the three of them with impunity in reaction to Damon's murder. However, a light pale blue shield expands just in time to deflect all incoming fire away from Damon, and the bandits cease fire at amazement and horror as the bullets, frozen and adhered to the shield, drop and shatter into pieces as Murakumo deactivates her shield.

"No one needs to know what I found in there," Damon articulates slowly, as if he is roleplaying as a villain in some superhero story. "Finders keepers...isn't that what this world's made of these days anyway? I fought for it, and I took it, and I captured it. Fuck the rest of you. And now that you've seen it, sorry...but I guess none of you are gettin' off this highway."

Ah, there's the mass murder quota. I was worried for a second there.

Rabbit: Did he really have to twirl the knife?

AWACS: Cue the dead bodies and lot more weapons to loot.

Rabbit: *anatomical Rabbit is being triggered*

Before any of the Mercs can react, a deafening shotgun blast sends one of the bandits flying in a mist of blood off the side of the highway, and Amatsukaze, seemingly warping herself behind another bandit, grabs him by the back of the neck, causing his body to catch fire, and throws the hulking burning body across the highway to knock over two more people in a line and setting their clothes on fire as well. As the mayhem begins, the remaining bandits begin firing wildly, and a few even fall due to friendly fire. Amatsukaze herself catches a few bullets, but because of her Smartsteel construct, the bullets ping off with no consequence whatsoever. The majority are dispatched by Murakumo's 7.62x39mm rounds and Amatsukaze's Ignition Glove. One of the last bandits even jumps off the highway down to the ground below, a thirty-something foot drop, and Damon can hear the distant cracks of his ankles and the consequent screams of agony echoing up from ground zero. Pulling out his Glock 39, he puts a round into the side of the head of the last Merc, who was about to fire off his pistol at the back of Murakumo.

"All hostiles eliminated," Murakumo shouts, tossing aside a spent magazine of her assault rifle onto the highway.

"Not quite," Damon calls out.

"Huh? You gotta be kidding, more reinforcements?"

"No, not exactly that..." Damon walks over to the edge of the highway and leans over, and he sees the Merc down on the streets below quivering in pain and entering shock trauma. He aims his gun down at the street and calmly fires, and the asphalt is painted with a fresh splatter of red blood and white bone, and the whimpering and choking cease. "Now they're all dead. Let's get the fuck outta here, we ain't got a reason to stay in this shit-stained city anymore."

Apologies to anyone from Montgomery.

AWACS: Man…. every chapter gonna go with this kind of thing, huh? Worthless killing and all that, just because "Oh hey, you know shipgirls, you die now" or shit like that.

Rabbit: I am offended. On how this isn't about Ship Girls anymore. Since when the fuck did Amatsukaze get teleport powers. AND THOSE ARE SOME DUMB BANDITS GOING FOR FRIENDLY FIRE. HOW FUCKING CONVENIENT.

The point that Aluminum gave you shield powers.

AWACS: Akyuu confirmed for not even learning from the wiki about gameplay mechanics. *DING*

Rabbit: I'm in physical pain reading now.

CUT TO: Them on a random ass part of the highway.

"Do we not have to worry about the highway falling out from underneath us?" Amatsukaze asks as she carries the medical supply box out from the back of the utility truck to use as a chair and sets it down softly on the side of the highway. Damon has decided to simply set up camp for the night on the Interstate 85 highway, overlooking the southern tip of West Point Lake.

"This part of the highway's still strong enough to support the truck overnight," Damon replies, clipping his fingernails over the edge of the highway.

"And how do you know?" Amatsukaze stands by Damon.

"Driving ain't just about gettin' from one place to another. Good drivers can feel the condition of the road they're drivin' my case, I know whether or not it's safe to continue drivin' on a collapsin' highway. That, and..."

Damon points off to the distance. Just as he does so, the last bit of the sun is swallowed up by the horizon, but the brilliant colors of the late evening, accentuated by the hazy clouds above, produce an eerily beautiful landscape in an otherwise bleak and depressingly silent world.

"It's not every day I have the chance to see a sight like that."

AWACS: A good sight, yes, beautiful even. Shame it have to be in this fic with you, Damon.

Rabbit: Damon knows when the shit road is about to collapse

Part of his spoopy mutant powers.

AWACS: Does not count. That's bullshit and we all know it.

Amatsukaze shrugs. "It's just a sunset. Nothing to freak out about."

Damon taps his nail clipper against the side of the highway cement. "You don't think it's beautiful?"

"Well...I mean, it is. But...I don't find it mind-blowing or anything. Maybe it's programmed differently for us ship girls. Beauty is a perception thing, after all, isn't it?"

Damon gazes at the sky off at the horizon and the sunlight that reflects off the surface of the somewhat irradiated waters of West Point Lake. Putting his hands on his hips, he sighs.

"Yeah, you're right. It's definitely a perception thing. 'Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder'...or somethin' like that."

Murakumo also joins them, also placing down one of the larger boxes from the utility truck to use as a seat.

"What're you guys talking about?" she asks, interested in their conversation.

Bullshit Philosophy 101 with a crazy murder hobo.

Rabbit: Akyuu, we can see what you're trying to do here. It's flashing real hard. It's not working on us, Akyuu

AWACS: Blah Blah Blah. Can we just MOVE ON?!

Rabbit: But you gotta see that Damon's a real bad monster dude!

"Beauty," Damon responds. "Amy and I were just talkin' about what we think about it."

"It would be nice if you called me by my real name..." Amatsukaze mutters, but Damon ignores her complaint.

That nickname is still stupid.

Rabbit: It's fucking stupid.

"Beauty?" Murakumo frowns. "What's that got to do with anything?"

Damon points at the brilliant sunset off in the distance towards the lake. "As in this: do you think that sunset's beautiful?"

"...I suppose, but that's not something I feel like I should be amazed by or anything. Why, what about you?"

Damon takes a seat on the medical supply box that Amatsukaze had brought out. "See...this is how I think, 'k? I like things like this. Really wonderful, great landscapes or sunsets. I've only seen a couple of 'em before. Hell, there ain't a lotta shit in this world that really comes off as beautiful anymore...not that I know really what was beautiful before the nukes ruined everything."

Let me play you a sad son on the world's smallest violin.

AWACS: Speaking about medical box, did he already tend his gunshot wound?

Rabbit: Nope. It just healed.

AWACS: *sigh*

Rabbit: Akyuu probably forgot about it?

Damon sighs lightly and leans slightly backwards, resting his hands against the box surface behind him.

"But growin' up confined in a few specific areas and bein' surrounded by nothin' but dead vegetation, irradiated shit, 'n concrete 'n steel everywhere ain't how human beings are supposed ta live. It's's like livin' in a prison. You have to live there, otherwise if you wander outside without knowin' what the hell you're doin', you die. And even if you do choose to live inside a CCPL post, it's like, you don't even wanna live there 'cause it doesn't even feel natural. The griminess, the smell of steel 'n rock 'n concrete 'n shit that humans made, artificial shit, it wears you down over time. That shit ain't what I would call 'beautiful'. Beautiful is shit like this."

Waving his arm about towards the sunset, Damon continues.

"I didn't mention this yet, but part of the reason why I do wanna work to get the world under my control is to make it possible for humans to view things like this again. I really hate livin' in this kind of a world...a world where everywhere you go, you see ruined cities, broken highways, hazy orange clouds fuckin' everywhere. Outside of CCPL posts or places like Mobile, the only people you're ever gonna meet are people who wanna kill ya 'n take your shit. All that bullcrap is ugly. Downright, fuckin' godawful ugly. Ugly, ugly, ugly is all that fuckin' shit ever is. And I'm tired 'a that. I'm tired of havin' to look at ugly shit. I'm tired of havin' to eat ugly shit. I'm tired of havin' to drink ugly shit, that fuckin' bullshit fluid that they toss in a couple iodine tablets 'n call that shit water. I'm tired of livin' in an ugly-ass world where everything's the same shade 'a orange or red or yellow or shit like that. It gets frustrating, and like I said, it wears people down...breaks 'em, tears 'em apart on the inside."

See, you *Have* gone on about this. Several times. It got old quick.

Rabbit: It's not working Akyuu. Your technique is not good enough. Your way of humanizing Damon is not working.

AWACS: And what? You gonna go collect shipgirls, create an army from it, and trying to murder you way to the top? Killing those who oppose you? Are you sure you are the MC? Because what i saw is the villain.

Amatsukaze and Murakumo have also taken seats next to him, gazing at either him or at the


"Why do you think that is?" Amatsukaze asks. "That humans break down like that?"

"In my opinion, people can't handle livin' in a world that's so goddamn hostile to 'em," Damon muses. "Environmental and psychological factors play a huge role in the well-being of human beings. Even if you make sure your body meets all the requirements that it needs to meet in order to survive, if you live with a kinda mentality that says 'oh, it's so shitty to live like this, why am I even living in a shitty place like this', your health is bound to tank. It's happened to plenty 'a people, much more so among older people, since their bodies are more prone to psychological damage that then translates into physical damage. There are those who just simply can't handle the reality that they're forced to live in a world that's devoid of anything that they used to have before the world got bombed to all hell, so either they start goin' mad, not 'cause of the radiation, but because their minds break - their wills break. That'd be it - they refuse to accept their current situation, and they try rejecting it the best they can. And oftentimes, rejection equals a slow, suicidal breakdown."

"Then what about you?" Murakumo asks in turn. "Why do you think you're any different from those kinds of people, if you are?"

"First of all, I was born in this shithole, you have to keep in mind," Damon replies quickly. "I don't know what life was like before the nukes dropped, so I have the advantage of not being held back by a better, more comfortable reality or lifestyle that the survivors have to suffer. That, and my entire life's been nothin' but ugly. Ugly is what I know, so I'm used to it. I don't know the 'beauty' that the survivors I'm in no way held back by it. And the rare times that I do come across something that I feel is beautiful, like this sunset - " Damon points off into the distance again - "it's utterly amazing. Personally, I love moments like these."

A few moments of pensive, quiet silence pass as the three of them gaze off into the darkening sky.

"Maybe you two don't really quite get what I'm talking about now," Damon sighs. "You are, after all, ships girls, girls who're basically computers in human bodies. From what I can tell by interactin' with you two, you seem to be aware of shit like beauty, morals, whatever - things that normally are only exclusively human properties. But just 'cause you have 'em and know what they are clearly doesn't mean that you really have to acknowledge them, as you've both demonstrated."

"Well, that, and we just haven't been activated for much time at all," Murakumo points out. "It's only been two days since my activation, and Amatsukaze hasn't been online for more than half a day. Obviously we still need to record more memories and experiences to really apply them to things like beauty and stuff like that to understand, you know. That's what I'm guessing, anyway."

Damon nods. "And that's kinda what I'm hoping to teach all of you ship girls, too. To show you girls what I think are beautiful. This..." he waves his arm again at the brilliant evening sky - "is what I think is beautiful. And I'm hopin' that you'll eventually look back on today and agree with me, that this shit truly is something to remember."

"What if we don't think so?" Amatsukaze counters.

"Then I mean, if you don't wanna think this is great, then you don't have to," Damon replies. "I'm not some kinda fuckin' thought police. While I may govern your actions, I don't govern your thoughts, and there's a huge fuckin' difference between 'em. I'm not asking or ordering you to agree with me. But it'd be nice if you did."

Another moment of pensive silence passes before one of the ship girls again asks another question.

Jesus H Christ IT NEVER ENDS!

AWACS: Can we just skip this? I mean it's just sunset.

Rabbit: I can't even say anything.

AWACS: "Oh hey, sunset! Now sit near me as i go explain why i act like a douche, stab you in the head to make you loyal to me, kill everyone, and kill babies all in the sake of 'Making humanity great again and can experience sunset again'. Okay?"


"Honestly..." Damon cracks a shy smile, "I don't remember all too much. You can't really fault me for not bein' able to recall much from when I was only two. But even still, whenever I think about my mom, it's like I get the feeling that everything'll be okay, that things'll turn out for the better."


Rabbit: I'll strangle you if you make us go on.

AWACS: He smiled. Gott ist tot.


Damon stands up to prepare dinner, but he stops.

"Though, if I were to add something else to my really short and irrelevant list of things that I think are beautiful..." Damon murmurs, "it'd have to be you two, I guess."

Damon cannot help but give an amused smile at Murakumo's and Amatsukaze's reactions as they both immediately blush furiously and leap off their own boxes and begin yelling at him in return.

"W-Who're you calling b-b-beautiful?!" Murakumo shouts, while Amatsukaze yells, "W-What're you saying all of a sudden? ! ? ! ?"

"Why're you two getting angry at me? I'm complementing you," Damon chuckles. "Man, what's your problem?"

"B-B-B-Because you're just trying to use that as an excuse to get all close 'n comfy with us!" Murakumo blurts. "That's not gonna work, okay!?"

AWACS: …. Idi Nahuy, Damon.

Oh do i just *Love* when he turns Murakumo into a shitty Tsundere archetype. DRINK! *DING*

Rabbit: Murakumo IS a shitty tsundere archetype.

A *Shitty* Shitty Tsundere Archetype. The kind not done well as a shitty archetype.

Rabbit: I think the phrase you're looking for is "not subtle"

Right, It's hard to remember subtlety is a thing on this fucker's wild ride.

"That wasn't my explicit intention, but okay, whatever. I'm just telling you what I think, is all,"

Damon rummages through his backpack to get out some stored food and the skillet to cook. "I know that you girls aren't really that aware of yourselves, but coming from someone who's lived in this world where there ain't a lotta good-looking girls, both of you are actually really, really damn hot."

Neither of the ship girl destroyers can even muster up anything to say in response to Damon's words, so they simply glare at him with red faces and embarrassed looks.

"I'm not kidding. I don't mean to bring this up to make things awkward, but that guy from earlier - the guy with the megaphone - you remember how he mentioned you two have 'hot bods' or something like that. Even though I sliced that fucker's throat in half, if there was anything he said that I'd agree with, it's that."

"S-So you're also a pervert who only keeps us around for your own viewing pleasure?" Murakumo accuses.


AWACS: Really. Really.

Rabbit: My hands are attached to my face. I can't. I can't, I'm done. I'm not reading anymore. No more. I can't deal with this.

"No, don't twist my words out of context. You will be, first and foremost, my soldiers and my ships. You will be my army and my navy that I will use to further my own agenda and objectives. What I'm saying is that it's really nice and lucky of me that the soldiers that I have control of at the moment just so happen to be attractive girls. As a guy, I can't complain. If you think my judgment of your physical appearances are the equivalent of the thoughts and actions of a pervert, then I suppose I will forever be a pervert in your eyes. Though, I personally would disagree." Damon sets up the materials and points at the back of the utility truck. "Don't stand there 'n stare at me, go get a few pieces of timber from the back so I can make dinner for us, will you?"


Rabbit: Sure, whatever Damon.

Well, That section is over. Now we still have Half a chapter to get through! HahahahhahahahaFUCKK!

Rabbit: I hate you so much. I hate you. I hate you stupid asshole.

Not sure if to me or Damon, I agree either way rabbit.

AWACS: Oh lord.

Rabbit: Let me off this ride. Let me go back to Shigure.

The highway is filled with the familiar smells of cooking food. Illuminated mostly by firelight, since by this point the sky has darkened to the point where sunlight is no longer a reliable source of light for the rest of the evening, the little camp area that Damon, Amatsukaze, and Murakumo have set up to eat is being taken over by smells of bacon, sausage patties, broccoli, and tomatoes, in addition to a few new foods such as zucchini and mutton chops.


Rabbit: Dude, the second sentence has no brakes. What the actual fuck, does he have a beta?

AWACS: What the hell is "Mutton Chops"? ASEAN dude did not know what that is. Is it pork?

Lamb meat.

AWACS: Ah, not pork. Is Halal. Lemme search image.

In b4 he finds a bunch of beards.


Rabbit: They eat beards?

Mutton chops refer to a type of beard, side burn heavy. Add food to the search and you will find what he's referring to. Or maybe he's a cannibal who eats beards I don't really expect much.

"Er, Admiral, where's yours?" Murakumo asks, a bit concerned as she, too, starts to eat.

"Me? That was the last portion left," Damon says, shrugging and rummaging through his backpack. "I gave it to you two."

Amatsukaze instantly stops with her fork midway into her mouth, and Murakumo, too, freezes.

"'re kidding, right...?" Murakumo stammers.

"I'm not. That was it. I'm gonna have to start grabbin' some of that shitty canned crap from the back of the truck."

Amatsukaze's face is wrought with complicated emotions, and it is clear just by looking at her facade that her heart is torn between her immense satisfaction in her first time ever eating food, at least in a very long time, and her guilt at denying her Admiral of his own dinner. Murakumo feels trapped in the same dilemma as well.

"Th-Then, um...then I-I'll share some with you!" Murakumo blurts out, getting up from her box and sitting down next to Damon. "H-Here..."

"Wait, wait, that's supposed to be my responsibility! Admiral cooked this for me since it's my first dinner, so he should have some of mine!" Amatsukaze speaks up too.

"I mean, we can just split this up three ways, can't we? Here, put some food on the skillet for him,"

Murakumo insists as she starts to put some of her food onto Damon's skillet, but by this point he can no longer keep up his act and ends up bursting out in laughter, causing both of his ship girls to stare at him in complete wonder.

"Oh God...this is...I can't, I just can't," Damon grins with a grin that a prankster would make after successfully pulling off a great prank. "I have more food, don't worry, take your food back. I was just...I was just lying to you to see what kinda reactions you two would have."

Murakumo punches Damon's right arm again in furious embarrassment.

"Ow!" Damon, who is holding his skillet with his right hand, releases his grip on the handle out of reflex of the sharp pain that shoots up his shoulder, and the skillet clatters onto the decaying asphalt and cement of the highway floor, causing the few contents of the skillet and drops of light cooking oil to fly. Murakumo, who clearly realizes what she has done again too late, simply stares down at the skillet as the color drains from her face faster than a dry sponge absorbing a few drops of water.

Damon is a weird douche testing them for no good reason, and Mura punches him. He drops the food because of course he used his bad arm. I sense more Mura bullying.

Rabbit:I can't really say anything real mean here or else I'll get in trouble.

Say it. SAY IT. I shall Edit out anything Too bad but SAY IT. PLEASE.

Rabbit: Man, Damon sure is one hell of a cocksucker for being this much of a cunt.

AWACS: pozhaluysta yob tvoyu mat, Damon Tovarisch. Cyka Blyat.

Rabbit pls. We've said worse on this thing.

Rabbit: I'm trying to be sensible, dammit.

Don't be! He doesn't deserve it! GIVE INTO THE DARKSIDE RABBIT!

Rabbit: Also let's not forget the fact that his paragraphs are BARELY readable and I don't enjoy reading them at all because sweet Mother Mary, it's just cringe worthy.

Preach it brother!

"I-I'm...I'm really sorry..." Murakumo utters in a barely audible voice. Damon says nothing as he looks at the bandage patch over his bullet wound, which is again darkened once more from the reopening of the wound, and leans down to pick up the scattered food bits and tosses them back onto the skillet. He turns to Murakumo, who instinctively backs away from him, afraid of what he is going to say to her as Amatsukaze quietly eats her own food awkwardly.

"You gonna eat this?" Damon says with a quick sigh.

"...uh, what?"

"I said, are you going to eat this?"


"I already said I have my own portion that I can cook; I just cooked the two of yours first. I know this's been on the ground, but it's kind of a waste to toss this."

Murakumo wordlessly and hesitantly takes the food from the skillet and drops it on her own plate.

"'re not angry at me?" she mutters.


"Well, why not?"

"Because it's a waste of effort," Damon says abruptly as he prepares his skillet again to cook his own dinner. "I asked you not to do that earlier today, and you did it again anyway. Clearly, even though you're supposed to be following my orders, you still haven't understood that somehow. I dunno if it's like a command prompt glitch in your system files or somethin' or whatnot, but I can only assume you'll do this again after this. Knowin' that, it's not worth me wasting my energy getting pissed off anymore. Or, even better, I can probably just order you to deactivate yourself if I'm that fed up with your bullshit."

Rabbit: You know what else' we're fed up with? Your bullshit, Akyuu.

AWACS: Ya tuhan. Selamatkan aku dari cerita bangsat ini.

*SWIG* Oh god i think AWACS broke…..

AWACS: Broke? No. I am not broken at all, De3ta. Just disappointed.

Rabbit: Are we near the end? God help me, I'm not going to survive this.


Murakumo eats very slowly, not enjoying her food anywhere near as much as she was before she accidentally punched Damon on the arm for the second time in a row today. The ship girls sit very awkwardly as Damon makes his own dinner, but he has some difficult in doing so as his right arm is still shaking with some pain and having to exert more energy to keep the skillet over the campfire, something Damon has no trouble doing without his injury.

"I-I can hold that for you," Murakumo tries to offer, but Damon shakes his head.

"I'm fine."

"Well...n-no, no you're not. Your arm's shaking..."

"And I wonder why that is. I am fine, Murakumo."

Murakumo falls silent, bitter and guilty at her mishap.

"Couldn't you, like, hold the skillet with your left hand instead of your right?" Amatsukaze points out. "I've noticed that you cook with your left hand managing the food and your right hand holding the pan. Can't you switch?"

"This's how I've taught myself to cook," Damon says. "I'm right handed. I could try, and to be honest that's probably a good idea, but it'll be kinda awkward for me."



Rabbit: His. Dialogues. Are. Painful.

"Amy," Damon says after swallowing a bite of his food, "your clothes."

Rabbit: Again with the stupid nickname.

Amatsukaze stares back at him. "What about my clothes?"

"Your shirt's got holes in it 'cause of the bullets you took earlier today. I got some sewing stuff, so I'll fix that for you."

"Um..." Amatsukaze's face again goes red once she realizes what this means. "Y-You idiot, what the hell am I gonna wear, then!?"

Damon gives Amatsukaze a nasty look, the kind of condescendingly irritated look that screams bitch-what-are-you-asking-me.

"I don't have a problem with just letting ya keep those clothes the way they are and never bother ta mend 'em, ever. Soon they'll be so fulla damn holes since both of you are immune to bullets that you'll be fightin' shirtless if you're really okay with that."

"F-Fine, fine, I get it!" Amatsukaze hisses.


AWACS: Damon, you sure you can sew it with one bad arm?

Rabbit: Well for one, he can't die.

Correction: He cannot *Stay* dead. We'll get to that later.


Damon gives Amatsukaze a nasty look, the kind of condescendingly irritated look that screams bitch-what-are-you-asking-me.


AWACS: Saya tidak mempunyai komentar yang sesuai untuk apa yang saya lihat di atas.

We get more Bullshit about Damon's Hard Knock life, more bullshit about whatever the fuck i don't care.

"Alright, listen up," Damon orders with a strict voice. "Tomorrow, after we get some sleep, we're gonna drive south of Atlanta, which you should both already know is one of the six major independent factions of the South. Atlanta's a pretty nasty place - run by some of the biggest douchebags you can imagine. They'll put a bullet in the heads of anyone they don't know or recognize, and if they don't trust you for a second, they'd much rather just kill you on the spot and be done with it. What we're gonna do is drive south of the city to avoid getting into direct contact with any of those assholes runnin' around up there. Instead, we'll take a detour to Macon, and we'll continue to Charleston from there. Got it?"

Murakumo and Amatsukaze nod.

"I'm gonna use this machine gun here and the DSR sniper. Murakumo, I'm giving you my Rogue Chassis. Amatsukaze'll stick with the AA-12 that I gave her earlier. If you see anyone suspicious, you let me know. If they shoot at us at all, you waste 'em if you've got a shot. That clear? Good."

Damon slaps down the cover of the belt feed mechanism of the L.S.A.T.

"Lemme ask, neither of your GPS's work right now, do they?"

Both of them shake their heads. "We keep getting a no signal...the satellites in orbit must either be offline or in need of repair," Murakumo muses.

"The nukes probably destroyed a lot of them," Damon nods. "If there's still a few operational ones out there, their signals're probably gettin' blocked by the radiation clouds or the debris clouds or something...I don't know the exact details. But it'd be more convenient for us if we ever find out if there's a couple, even one that we can try to salvage somehow so that you girls can start using your GPS's. But that'll be a plan for another day..."

And the most unsubtle foreshadowing imaginable. Time to Murder another city I guess!

AWACS: How does nuclear weapons destroy Satellites again?

EMP Shit maybe? But If they hit their *Targets* they'd be on the *Ground* more than up there.

AWACS: Only if it was detonated in Atmosphere. Then again, the only thing i knew about this was from MW2. (To smart people in SV, please correct us or tell us about "how nuke kill satellites" in the thread, please.)

The fuck is a radiation could supposed to be anyway? (Also all i know of it)

Rabbit: Please kill me now.

So you two wanna hear some good news? THAT'S THE END OF CHAPTER NINE!


Rabbit: I'm going to fucking strangle you, De3ta.

Do it. End my suffering. My soul feels like it was tag-teamed by giant fuckbots.

Rabbit: I'm Never doing this again, you ass. Never. Never again.

AWACS: I am ready when you wanted me to be here, De3ta, at any time.

Rabbit you read this, you should have know how bad this was gonna be.

Rabbit: It's not an experience I want to do again. But, Jesus Christ, this is HORRIBLE.

Just 197 to go……...

AWACS: Please don't remind us of that.

Rabbit: I think I'm gonna lie down now.

AWACS: Yeah, go sleep, rabbit. Go dream of Shigure. Go.

Time to edit this shit! Only took two hours.


Rabbit: Shigure please protect me...
Depends. What are hardware, software and meatware requirements for this, if any? What is the procedure? Is it done in a chat or something?

Also, the time zone difference should be taken into account. I'm in MSK (UTC +03:00), so it'd be... uh... about an eight hour difference between EST and MSK?

(Goddammit, I need to catch up with your LR. I've fallen waaaay behind and must rectify this.)

Google Docs, which can be buggy as sin at times. Time is whenever you're free, make sure you've got like an hour, maybe two.
Ah, so we're basically adding entries into a GDoc?

Should we quote the relevant parts in order to make our comments clearer?

Eh, if ya want. I just Copy-paste to the doc and feed the poor bastards I wrangle piece meal. Then we reply to the relevant chunk.
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There are some things a human body was simply not designed for. Extreme altitudes, the pressure of the deep ocean, 2 million words of terrible fanfic...

Hopefully you'll have the good sense to descend before you reach the death zone :V
AWACS: Only if it was detonated in Atmosphere. Then again, the only thing i knew about this was from MW2. (To smart people in SV, please correct us or tell us about "how nuke kill satellites" in the thread, please.)
While the EMP from nukes would disable close enough satellites, that isn't enough to destroy all satellites. As I understand, there are enough semi-military targets in space that some of them might get a nuke. (What comes to mind are whichever satellites are used to track missiles.)

However, that's not the real danger to satellites in a general war with nukes. The real danger is that a number of countries (China and the US at least) have the ability to target satellites, and would start going after them. (In this sort of war the Outer Space Treaty which prohibits the militarization of space would no longer be worth the paper it's printed on.)

Further, if enough wrecks exist the shrapnel could cause a chain reaction destroying most satellites. Worse, if enough communication satellites go down the US's old plan was to put up a ton of radio-reflective shrapnel to restore communication. While this plan was tested, and shown to work, it's unclear if we still would do it.

On the other hand, not even McCain would have been dumb enough to start such a war over Iran. (This is why I still balk at this war happening.)
GUYS! GUYSGUYSGUYS! I THINK I'VE FIGURED OUT WHAT'S UP WITH THE TRAVEL TIMES DAMON'S GETTING! He's not in the real world! He's been transplanted into one of those flight simulators where the designers couldn't be bothered to accurately model the roads and just strewed some stuff around, leading to silly crap like roads that randomly climb up into the air and then make a right turn! With the roads so confused and inaccurate, the travel times in no way match up! In fact, that's what's up with the bizarre effects of the nukes - they weren't nukes, just strange weapons that transplanted some of it into the strange alternate universe here! It also explains this:

Also, "Roars off into the highway and takes an exit turn to stay on Highway 82." Is a nonsense sentence. He was already *On* the Highway so he leaves the highway to go on the highway.

...Well it makes as much sense as the rest of the fic!

Okay so it's 2029, the world ended in 2010. The P-90 is from 1990. This gun is about 39 years old.

Except the world's supposed to have been ended for about 19 of those years, right? (Well, the fic is slightly inconsistent about that, to demonstrate a talent for understatement.) So unless weapon development has somehow remained consistent through the apocalypse, and only if tech has in no way been knocked backwards by nukes flying everywhere (which shouldn't be how it goes, to say the least), that weapon is effectively only 20 years old, give or take. Then again we've previously established that this fic is being odd about what tech goes where.
Speaking of which, @Interested Party, I think I know what "urals" mentioned in the chapter 7 (which you understandably thought to be a corruption of "urinals") are.

He (probably) meant Ural trucks, as in the trucks manufactured by the Ural Automotive Plant, and he probably meant something like one of the ubiquitous Ural-4320 family models, like this or that.

The problem is... what the hell are trucks of Soviet or Russian manufacture doing in post-apocalyptic America, considering that it used to have its own considerable automotive industry? And why were the trucks used by the "bandits" of this particular model? What is Hackyuu getting at?

... why couldn't he just write "trucks"? :facepalm:
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Same reason he can't just write 'gun' or 'rifle' or 'pistol'.

Nope. Has to be specific make and model right down to the TACTICOOL SCOPE MAN.

The only time I'll ever specify is in something like Destiny set in WW2 and I'm writing infantry. Even then it's just 'Lee-Enfield' not 'Lee-Enfield Mk.3 with a cut down stock and a five-times zoom scope' and I feel stupider just writing that.
Heck, I'm a tech porn grade "writer", and even I understand that excruciatingly detailed technical specifications have their time and place... certainly not in prose, though.
Hash's Pasta 10
I think I am just going to upload and link my Glendora Mountain Road street racing fic so you guys can take shots at it, because I am going need help if I plan writing anything good in the near future.

He (probably) meant Ural trucks, as in the trucks manufactured by the Ural Automotive Plant, and he probably meant something like one of the ubiquitous Ural-4320 family models, like this or that.

The problem is... what the hell are trucks of Soviet or Russian manufacture doing in post-apocalyptic America, considering that it used to have its own considerable automotive industry? And why were the trucks used by the "bandits" of this particular model? What is Hackyuu getting at?

Back in Chapter 4, Damon mentioned having manned the gunner/WSO seat (this is what I presume Hakyuu refers to as "passenger in the cockpit") in an Mi-24 Hind that a Russian pilot brought over with him to the US as a result of him defecting.

He's not the only one to have defected from the motherland after the nukes fell. IIRC, in-story there was huge goddamn purge going on within the Russian armed forces, which resulted in a lot of top-ranking officers as well as other military personnel and their running for their lives, and some of these defectors decided to come to the US.

Hibiki's fleet log entry has more relevant info. Lemme grab that.....

Fluent in English, Japanese, and Russian, Hibiki knew that she'd speak a lot of English and Japanese, but she didn't think that her time with the Americans here, especially after the nuclear war, would ever have her practice her Russian expertise. This knowledge of an extra language came in a lot more handy than Hibiki thought it would when she was reactivated, as it turned out. The United States became a popular international refugee destination immediately following the nuclear strikes, as the US was one of the first countries to begin the tedious, deadly, and time-consuming task of radiation cleanup and and quick to establish protected centers of habitation, the CCPL's. Even though most CCPL's were little more than refugee camps themselves controlled and managed by government forces, at least there even were CCPL's in the first place - most countries around the world ended up being savage free-for-alls as citizens turned against each other for survival more often than not, so those who could afford to escape to the United States before the US began to clamp down on illegal international immigration did so. At the same time, there was allegedly a huge political and military purge going on in Russia, as Moscow had been nuked, and the only two solutions, given Russia's history, could only end in either a catastrophic power struggle or a widespread purge that would eliminate any players in said power struggle, and it ended up being the latter. So in order to evade the purges, many high-ranking Russian military officers, staff, and politicians relocated to the United States, some illegally, others legally by asking for political asylum in exchange for renouncement of their Russian citizenships for American ones. The American Feds, quickly recognizing the talent and political usefulness of having such an influx of Russian defectors under their wing, put many of them to work in various positions in the Federal government, provided, of course, that they would be placed under the watchful eye of supervisors making sure these new Russian newcomers weren't about to double-cross them and "accidentally" let another nuke slip through from Russian airspace.

So it was no surprise, then, that Hibiki ended up making friends and acquaintances with many of the Russian-turned-American staff at the secret base where they were held before being transferred to Damon's fleet. While most of them didn't know her true identity and simply conversed with her for the sake of having a nice young lady who spoke fluent Russian to talk to, a few knew what she was, including Benjamin Korotayev, the present Controller of Chicago. He had heard of the F.L.E.E.T. Project through his acquaintanceship with Sanford and was pleasantly surprised, as was Hibiki, when they did meet by chance there at that base. Korotayev's grandfather had served aboard Верный, albeit very briefly, so Hibiki finds it quite surreal that she would have the opportunity to speak with the descendant of one of her sailors. They even shared a nice glass of American vodka, Silver Tree, which Korotayev eventually grew to appreciate as imported Russian vodkas were practically as rare as a well-maintained CCPL post. They still are, too, mind you.

"My grandfather would have been honored to meet you," Korotayev assured Hibiki. "Had we met should I say, normal conditions, I would have liked for you to come visit his grave, for I know it would have been of great significance to him. Perhaps if the future turns for the better, someday, I shall properly be able to give you such an invitation once more. We shall see."

Hibiki vehemently promised him that she would fight to make this a reality. For the sake of one of her sailors...Hibiki felt very driven at the time. After all, they didn't christen her "Верный" for nothing. She would make her Russian heritage proud.

But Korotayev, while appreciative of her thoughts, told her that it was alright, and Hibiki, while not wanting to admit it, knew he was most likely right. Before Damon came, the ship girls didn't know what they were doing at that base. They weren't being used to fight, they were just being held there like prisoners. Well, almost, but for sure they weren't allowed to leave that facility. Through her talking with her Russian acquaintances, including Korotayev, Hibiki grasped an accurate picture of the world, the extent of the nuclear war's devastation and the plight of the international community as a whole. Indeed, given how the world seemed to be, Hibiki knew that her promise to Controller Korotayev wouldn't mean anything if she didn't fight for it. After all, she's a ship girl - that's what she does best, fighting for a cause. She would know, she's the one who's covered wars, you know - and survived them, to boot. But the problem was that they weren't fighting at all. When they would ever get to fight, and for what, none of them knew.

So when Damon arrived and gained control of them as part of his own fleet, Hibiki was secretly relieved. Finally, she would be able to fight for the promise she'd made with господин Korotayev, no matter how indirectly. Plus, while she had her own opinions of Damon at first, she could excuse them because the things they were fighting for seemed just and worth fighting for. Defeating the evil Abyssals and protecting the English people, Hibiki could get behind that.
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I think I am just going to upload and link my Glendora Mountain Road street racing fic so you guys can take shots at it, because I am going need help if I plan writing anything good in the near future.

Back in Chapter 4, Damon mentioned having manned the gunner's seat (this is what I presume he refers to as "passenger in the cockpit" in an Mi-24 Hind that a Russian pilot brought over with him to the US as a result of him defecting.

He's not the only one to have defected from the motherland after the nukes fell. IIRC, in-story there was huge goddamn purge going on within the Russian armed forces, which resulted in a lot of top-ranking officers as well as other military personnel and their running for their lives, and some of these defectors decided to come to the US.
*incoherent sobbing*
At the same time, there was allegedly a huge political and military purge going on in Russia, as Moscow had been nuked, and the only two solutions, given Russia's history, could only end in either a catastrophic power struggle or a widespread purge that would eliminate any players in said power struggle, and it ended up being the latter. So in order to evade the purges, many high-ranking Russian military officers, staff, and politicians relocated to the United States, some illegally, others legally by asking for political asylum in exchange for renouncement of their Russian citizenships for American ones. The American Feds, quickly recognizing the talent and political usefulness of having such an influx of Russian defectors under their wing, put many of them to work in various positions in the Federal government, provided, of course, that they would be placed under the watchful eye of supervisors making sure these new Russian newcomers weren't about to double-cross them and "accidentally" let another nuke slip through from Russian airspace.
Why, Lord, why, tell me why,
In these lonely days I need your answer...

Also... Benjamin Korotayev... just why. Either go the whole hog with Anglicizing an emigrant's name or leave it the fuck alone. Unchanged. So... it'd be probably Veniamin Korotaev or somesuch.

Also, in this snippet it's mentioned that in Hibiki/Verniy's files Korotayev is referred to as "господин". This word has several meanings in russian, including but not limited to "mister" (which is a bit old-timey), "superior officer" (analogous to "sir" in a way, albeit outdated and not used since 1917) or... "master".

Somehow I suspect which meaning of the word Hackyuu intended to use... and I am not okay with this. I am not, as Haruna would put it, "daijoubu".

Speaking of which, @Interested Party, I think I know what "urals" mentioned in the chapter 7 (which you understandably thought to be a corruption of "urinals") are.

He (probably) meant Ural trucks, as in the trucks manufactured by the Ural Automotive Plant, and he probably meant something like one of the ubiquitous Ural-4320 family models, like this or that.

Ignoring the flat-out mess that is wossisname's idea of a realistic geopolitical situation and disturbing connotations found in the details, in that case I still choose to jump down his throat for not capitalizing "ural" to make it clear it was a name.