DARLING in the FRANXX - it's literal

So. That gives a good reason for the city to be so dead, if a good chunk of the adults are locked into pleasure-comas like that.

Also fairly definite confirmation that the parasites and adults are not the same species. Jury's still out on whether one is baseline human or if both are engineered in different ways. And I'd say this kills the 'Hachi and Nana were parasites' theory - assuming the designs are deliberate, the woman Zorome meets has the same 'flat' iris as Hachi and Nana do. Interestingly, Dr. Franxx doesn't.
The city and the adults in it kinda gave me a Knights of Sidonia vibe where humans don't really have to eat beyond just basic supplementary nutrition and everything is bland and utilitarian. Given the APE Council's dialogue at the start of the episode it would appear that this is the world they want.

So it would appear that Dr. Franxx isn't the only one enhanced with cybernetics, regular adults must be too given that Zorome (who to our knowledge is a baseline human), it'd also explain why we haven't seen any farming or agriculture within the Plantations if the residents of the city all run off of magma power like the Franxx units do. It also makes me wonder if the children are clones made from the genetic material of the city's inhabitants? Its not hinted at if the Adults are functionally immortal but the one we meet suggests that humans don't procreate anymore. I wonder how finding out how Adults truly live will impact Zorome later on.

On the Zero Two front I don't think that her fangs are growing larger or that the tests suppress her Klaxosaur side. I think it could be because she's self-conscious of how Hiro and the others see her, especially now that she's getting closer to them. See in Episode 8 where she asks Hiro if pranking the boys made her seem more human, and her dismissing the tests in this episode which would have kept her from joining the others at the ceremony while also showing how she was different from the others.

If I had to guess the plot twist is that Zero Two isn't entirely the "ultimate pistil"/Manic Pixie Girlfriend that she's been trying to show herself as being. She's attracted to Hiro because he wasn't afraid of her when they met by the lake and was actually willing to reach out and help her despite her reputation as being a partner-killer. I'm thinking that discovering that she has similar insecurities to what we've seen with Hiro is going to be the major development for their partnership.
We Brave New World now bois!

All the dystopian discussion aside, looks like a reverse of ep 1-4 for Zero Two would be coming up. If the first four were about Hiro getting over his failure and doubts regarding his abilities and finally took 02's hands, then the next arc would be about her overcoming her insecurities and took Hiro's hands.
Poor kid, though. Teenagers with actual knowledge regarding relationship still have troubles with these sort of things and Hiro is basically running blind with no frameworks or any knowledge to deal with 02. He can't come too hard or else she would just retreat further into her shell of fake aloofness and cheerfulness, while any attempts to draw those out was dodged by Zero Two herself.
Much like Hiro in ep 4, the ball is now in Zero Two's court and it's up to her to open up to him now.
So. That gives a good reason for the city to be so dead, if a good chunk of the adults are locked into pleasure-comas like that.

Also fairly definite confirmation that the parasites and adults are not the same species. Jury's still out on whether one is baseline human or if both are engineered in different ways. And I'd say this kills the 'Hachi and Nana were parasites' theory - assuming the designs are deliberate, the woman Zorome meets has the same 'flat' iris as Hachi and Nana do. Interestingly, Dr. Franxx doesn't.

The designs are almost certainly deliberate, but they don't necessarily have literally be different. It's animation after all - it could just e an aesthetic choice to demonstrate the stratification between children and adults, with the adults inhabitating the sterile and lifeless world created by APE, while the children have more life to them (as does Dr Franxx). It would have been good to get a closer look at the blue uniformed parasite in episode 1, but we did not. That said, he was pretty clearly an adult.

Nana speaking:

CHILDREN are usually obedient, docile and rational. They only live to fulfill their mission: fight the Klaxosaur and protect the ADULTS. Not these kids. Too many times, they don't know what to do with their emotions and get carried away. That's definitely not CHILD-like.

Ep.11 Partner Shuffle
I seriously wonder how these robots work considering they can go power rangers beast robots if they ever lose control.
Well, this seems to be where things start kicking off.

At a guess, whatshisface and food whatshisface are the ones who swap partners because of them both having lower scores, whatshisface #1 is the "actually, the problem was just you being a bit shit", fucks up kokoro some leading to said beastmode, cue punch up after. (I am not good with names)

That or he just goes and fucking dies on us because he's still been full of pills ever since he failed to ride the dinosaur, so maybe this is the point he just gives out
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I seriously wonder how these robots work considering they can go power rangers beast robots if they ever lose control.

Normally it's smart money to assume that giant robots in monster fighting shows are built out of monster parts. In this case I don't know if that's what the twist will be given how ape-like the FRANXX skeletons are. They're clearly designed to resemble humans. That can mean something or nothing, however.

I actually wondered whether it was only a feature that Strelizia has, but obviously not. I'll be interested to see what kind of aesthetic framing is used here.
Well, this seems to be where things start kicking off.

At a guess, whatshisface and food whatshisface are the ones who swap partners because of them both having lower scores, whatshisface #1 is the "actually, the problem was just you being a bit shit", fucks up kokoro some leading to said beastmode, cue punch up after. (I am not good with names)

That or he just goes and fucking dies on us because he's still been full of pills ever since he failed to ride the dinosaur, so maybe this is the point he just gives out
Mitsuru and Futoshi.
One of the production staff did say the blonde young lady wasn't all she seemed, and now we may be about to find out the why and the what. Also it appears that this is something FranXX do when the lady pilot loses control, if 002 and Strelizia are anything to go by.

Finally, shit kicks off.

[Elevated yellow blood cell count detected]
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Normally it's smart money to assume that giant robots in monster fighting shows are built out of monster parts. In this case I don't know if that's what the twist will be given how ape-like the FRANXX skeletons are. They're clearly designed to resemble humans. That can mean something or nothing, however.

I actually wondered whether it was only a feature that Strelizia has, but obviously not. I'll be interested to see what kind of aesthetic framing is used here.

Either that or the Klaxosaurs were humans at one point who underwent massive genetic and technological modification to survive underground after whatever calamity lead them to go underground. It worked, but in the process they lost their humanity which lead Papa and APE to salvage what they could and created the current system. Dr. Franxx's program with the Plantation 13 squad is trying to reverse-engineer baseline humanity.

Or it could be that working together and attempting to coexist and love/support each other is the essential "human" element that keeps the Franxx from turning back into animals.
Either that or the Klaxosaurs were humans at one point who underwent massive genetic and technological modification to survive underground after whatever calamity lead them to go underground. It worked, but in the process they lost their humanity which lead Papa and APE to salvage what they could and created the current system. Dr. Franxx's program with the Plantation 13 squad is trying to reverse-engineer baseline humanity.

Or it could be that working together and attempting to coexist and love/support each other is the essential "human" element that keeps the Franxx from turning back into animals.

I'm not so sure that's likely, given that it's a big deal that Zero Two has Klaxosaur blood, and in the glimpse of the red-skinned, 'full' oni we get in the first episode, she's bleeding blue, like the Klaxosaurs do.

That said, I have to admit I'm a little leery of the FRANXX 'stampede' mode. Berserker robots are great, but the messaging here could easily get old fashioned pretty quickly given how the girls are literally and figuratively the robot. It was kind of sweet so I let it pass, but in Zorome's little spiel about Miku he notes 'the urge to protect her' as being the reason why the FRANXX are piloted by male-female pairs and I had to roll my eyes a little.
That said, I have to admit I'm a little leery of the FRANXX 'stampede' mode. Berserker robots are great, but the messaging here could easily get old fashioned pretty quickly given how the girls are literally and figuratively the robot. It was kind of sweet so I let it pass, but in Zorome's little spiel about Miku he notes 'the urge to protect her' as being the reason why the FRANXX are piloted by male-female pairs and I had to roll my eyes a little.

Dr. Franxx: "It's powered by adolescent sex drive and reinforcement of traditional gender roles!"

Gendo Ikari: "Man, and I thought my idea for powering it with dead anime moms and a five mile long extension cord was going to be controversial."
Gendo Ikari: "Man, and I thought my idea for powering it with dead anime moms and a five mile long extension cord was going to be controversial."
The most unrealistic element of Eva was how the Evangelions were never constantly tripping over the power cables as they were fighting.

I mean I'll buy giant robots in my giant robot anime, but you lay out a fucking multi-mile long power cable and have people DANCING NEAR THEM and you're telling me they aren't up to their robot feet tripping over those cables? Couldn't buy it.
The most unrealistic element of Eva was how the Evangelions were never constantly tripping over the power cables as they were fighting.

I mean I'll buy giant robots in my giant robot anime, but you lay out a fucking multi-mile long power cable and have people DANCING NEAR THEM and you're telling me they aren't up to their robot feet tripping over those cables? Couldn't buy it.
I only recall one instance in the entire series where the cables are an imediment. And that's the Leliel fight where Rei is delayed getting into position because she has to swap cables after it gets stuck on a building.
Huh. I remember Shinji telling her to hurry up, but I thought that was more his "I'm being praised!" mood lift. And I distinctly remember seeing Unit-00 pausing and tugging on a cord that has been wrapped around one too many buildings in the same manner as someone who's vacuumed too many rooms without switching outlets. though it's entirely possible that comes from one of the other battles.
Huh. I remember Shinji telling her to hurry up, but I thought that was more his "I'm being praised!" mood lift. And I distinctly remember seeing Unit-00 pausing and tugging on a cord that has been wrapped around one too many buildings in the same manner as someone who's vacuumed too many rooms without switching outlets. though it's entirely possible that comes from one of the other battles.

I think you're just swapping the Units in your head. Shinji does ask if she's ready, and Asuka says an Eva can't move that fast, then gets pulled up short when she tries to move right after that.
I mean I'll buy giant robots in my giant robot anime, but you lay out a fucking multi-mile long power cable and have people DANCING NEAR THEM and you're telling me they aren't up to their robot feet tripping over those cables? Couldn't buy it.

They have the umbilical cables detached during Both of You, Dance Like You Want to Win! actually :V

The actually really implausible part is in End of Evangelion where Asuka awakens Unit 02's true power and is able to perform missile dodging aerial acrobatics without the cable getting in the way. But I suppose at that point Asuka's skills were so unburdened that she could easily deal with something so trivial ...