Dark Souls I: The Legend Never Dies

There's like at least one trap in Sen's Fortress, but it's pretty easy to notice, tbh

I meant leveling traps. Like if I do stuff wrong I ruin the character, or choices I might make which can ruin the game

So this is important to know: initially you can only have a weapon upgraded to +5, then you get something that lets weapons be upgraded to +10, and finally something to upgrade weapons to +15. You upgrade weapons with Titanite(normal weapons), Twinkling Titanite(special weapons), and Demon Titanite(boss weapons).

Special weapons and boss weapons can only be upgraded to +5.

Is the thing that let's them be upgraded to 10 used up? Like if I use it on a weapon is that the only one that can get to 10
I meant leveling traps. Like if I do stuff wrong I ruin the character, or choices I might make which can ruin the game

Is the thing that let's them be upgraded to 10 used up? Like if I use it on a weapon is that the only one that can get to 10

Do not level resistance.

And even then... you can just do a level .... whatever run. It's perfectly possible to not level at all and win the game... not easy. But possible.
I meant leveling traps. Like if I do stuff wrong I ruin the character, or choices I might make which can ruin the game

Is the thing that let's them be upgraded to 10 used up? Like if I use it on a weapon is that the only one that can get to 10
The things that allow you to upgrade things to 10 and to 15 aren't consumed, since they're actually Smith upgrades rather than upgrade materials
I meant leveling traps. Like if I do stuff wrong I ruin the character, or choices I might make which can ruin the game
If you want one type of magic, stick to it for that character, and don't go for both (Pyromancy is fine, actually, it goes with anything, but miracles and sorceries are a lot more mutually exclusive at first). Splitting your stats too much makes neither of them as effective, and you can't re-stat in DS1.
gr8 scythe is all the weapon you need tbh

only problem is you have to brave the skellingtons to get it, which is just a little bit of a pain in the ass
I prefer two handing Greatswords or UGS's. Preferably while in heavy armor with a tower shield for obnoxious enemies. :V

Edit: And that's Super Ornstein Super Smashed. I'm so unbelievably happy I was able to summon two dudes to make that obnoxious fight easy. I also got invaded by the same dude today, and yesterday. As a side note, if you use a poison bow build, you're an asshole. :o
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Okay, sorry to double post but oh my fucking god jesus Christ. Insert more explatives then humanly possible here.

I have just reached Pinwheel, and WHY IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK DID HE LET HIM SPAWN A SHIT TON OF UN-FUCKING-KILLABLE BONEWHEELS! This is some DS2 level design. Please tell me divine weapons can keep the fuckers down, fighting ten bonewheels and a flighty asshole with a ton of HP is a dealbreaker for me. I will legit quit this playthrough if I have to deal with an undying horde of fucking wheels.
Okay, sorry to double post but oh my fucking god jesus Christ. Insert more explatives then humanly possible here.

I have just reached Pinwheel, and WHY IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK DID HE LET HIM SPAWN A SHIT TON OF UN-FUCKING-KILLABLE BONEWHEELS! This is some DS2 level design. Please tell me divine weapons can keep the fuckers down, fighting ten bonewheels and a flighty asshole with a ton of HP is a dealbreaker for me. I will legit quit this playthrough if I have to deal with an undying horde of fucking wheels.

Just run, bud. Run super fast. That's honestly the best way to do it.
Ten. Bonewheels. In. Pinwheels. Bossroom. Running will not save me. Even if I do manage to dodge them all perfectly, I'm left unable to fucking attack!

Wait, BONEWHEELS in the boss room? I don't ever recall that! He spawns himself yes, but because he goes down in six hits, most people never fight him at his full strength!
When do the bonewheels spawn? Can you cheese them from the ledge before you trigger the battle?
Wait, BONEWHEELS in the boss room? I don't ever recall that! He spawns himself yes, but because he goes down in six hits, most people never fight him at his full strength!
To make things clear, I'm playing Prepare to Die again mod. And they don't die. They go down for a second before getting right back up. I think I'm going to need a divine weapon, if it's like the necromancer revived skellies. If they're otherwise legit impossible to kill, then I'm fucked. They end up spawning on trigger with Pinwheel himself, I'm not sure if he summons them or they just phase into existence over time. As I was too busy freaking the fuck out because WHEEEEEELLLLLLSSSSSS. (And the bosses HP seems to have gotten buffed.)
I have just reached Pinwheel, and WHY IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK DID HE LET HIM SPAWN A SHIT TON OF UN-FUCKING-KILLABLE BONEWHEELS! This is some DS2 level design. Please tell me divine weapons can keep the fuckers down, fighting ten bonewheels and a flighty asshole with a ton of HP is a dealbreaker for me. I will legit quit this playthrough if I have to deal with an undying horde of fucking wheels.
Huh, that's definitely new, I guess they're still changing things. And yes, probably.
You're playing with mods, you knew what you were getting into.

Side note: If you're not double-fisting a +15 zweihander with a Sunlight Blade spelled on, you are not living your best life.
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I meant leveling traps. Like if I do stuff wrong I ruin the character, or choices I might make which can ruin the game
Points put into VIT and END are (almost) never wasted.

Points put into RES are (absolutely) always wasted.

As a rule, stats run into a "soft cap" at 40, at which point you will get sharply diminishing returns for putting points into them. At that point, you will generally be better off putting those points somewhere else.

While leveling up in the early to mid game, you want to pick about 3 stats and stick to them. If you spread yourself thin on the stats, you will make things harder on yourself. If you are unfamiliar to Souls games, I would recommend either VIT-END-STR or VIT-END-DEX. Strength if you want big, slower, heavy hitting weapons. Dexterity if you want smaller, lighter, quicker weapons.

Try to not look up walkthroughs. The game is much better if you play it blind. The one exception I migh make would be for the opaque and unintuitive equipment upgrading system.
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If you are doing that, remember that if you suddenly encounter a lot overpowered enemies, you're probably going the wrong way.
Oof, yes. I remember finding those skeletons and continously trying to power through them because I had heard that "Dark Souls is haaaaaaaard."
Oof, yes. I remember finding those skeletons and continously trying to power through them because I had heard that "Dark Souls is haaaaaaaard."
Remember the pre-patch version where none of the Skeleton enemies dropped Souls?
Actually, from a Lore perspective, they still don't.
That's a complete gameplay separation from the established setting explicitly to make the game less bullshit difficult.
Just in case you don't know, rolling gives you invincibility-frames
And there is nothing wrong with Mid-Rolling or even Heavy-Rolling, as long as you know how to accommodate for it.