I stare up dumbly at the the not-at-ALL-incandescent figure, then turn to my compatriots.
"My fellow looters, we have gathered here today, to loot this place of everything of value or use from this once sacred place. The good news is, this place has ALREADY been quite throughly desecrated, so no worries there. The bad news is, HOLY SHIT."
"Any way, moving past the horror that is apparently our lives, let's lay down some ground rules: First rule, if you call dibs on something, it's yours. For example, I call dibs on the dead man's armor up there. That means that, whenever we get around to getting him down (somehow) I get his armor, and he goes in a shallow grave (you know, in case he crawls out of it later)."
"Second Rule: don't be greedy! There's nobody that we can fence any crap we find off to, so if someone else can use something that you have, let them have it. Feel free to try and haggle though, you did find it, whatever it is. ...Can't think of any other rules for now, so let's get to it. People keep there stuff in basements, right? So let's start there."
I start moving towards the basement door, then I hear the OMINOUS FOOTSTEPS!
"Oooor we start on this floor, and start working our way up! Anyone know how to break chains by the way? I was serious earlier, I call dibs on that armor."