Daidalos Rises - nBSG AI/SI Story - Interwar Period!

This is certainly going to do something to Colonial Forces readiness; even if it's just making sure the Designated Survivors/Looking Glass Analogue/Continuity of Government plans are updated and taken seriously.

And maybe taking that whole 'networks are the Cylons' playground' a bit more seriously. Should be interesting.'

I wonder if Baltar will be dragged in as a consultant? Or Six, which would be hilarious.
I think it would be really fun if he ended up allied with some old model cylon's fighting against the new ones. On the one hand you've got a bunch of old timers with old outdated gear but a lot of experience. On the other hand the new hotness have no experience and their gear has probably never been through the crucible of a real world scenario.
Oh it so much worse because it is technically colonial hardware/software which when it starts attacking Cylon targets it is colonials who will share the blame. However like Caveman said Cylons will be shitting themselves because once they see the designs and what it is programmed to do once they are facing a Being who is superior to them in nearly everything and has nothing to lose.
Oh it so much worse because it is technically colonial hardware/software which when it starts attacking Cylon targets it is colonials who will share the blame. However like Caveman said Cylons will be shitting themselves because once they see the designs and what it is programmed to do once they are facing a Being who is superior to them in nearly everything and has nothing to lose.

and is more then willing to turn their planets and places into radioactive cratered hell-holes...like they did with the colonies as well as their warcrimes being punished.
Isn't the original Cylon mental engram Zoe Graystone and the entire reason she was made was that the original was dieing of cancer. Although given how everything went off the rails after the introduction of the 005's I have to wonder if the military industrial complex decided they needed a more aggressive engram. That engram then went rouge and forcibly converted every older program it came across. Any plans for the final 5 mess, their bombed out planet would make a good hide and a potential source of new tech?
Isn't the original Cylon mental engram Zoe Graystone and the entire reason she was made was that the original was dieing of cancer. Although given how everything went off the rails after the introduction of the 005's I have to wonder if the military industrial complex decided they needed a more aggressive engram. That engram then went rouge and forcibly converted every older program it came across. Any plans for the final 5 mess, their bombed out planet would make a good hide and a potential source of new tech?
Huh. I forgot about Zoe.
I do hope she is still alive somewhere in the Cylon mainframe and we could possibly see her in this story.
Re: tylium and just how BS that stuff is...

It's been some years since I did the math, and would need more than a few minutes of trawling through my array of random notes, calcs, etc (and since I started that sort of things... rather a long time ago at least 90% isn't in the cloud), but I do recall trying to work out just how much energy you can get out of tylium based on Baltar's little tech rundown early in RDM.

Namely, that tylium enthalpy is roughly 10 million times more energy dense than gasoline.

To put that in perspective, look no further than the aviation industry.

The ratio of energy output of the two primary commercial aviation fuels (jet fuel and aviation gas / avgas) to automotive gasoline (mogas), is 1.350 (jet fuel) to 1.202 (avgas) to 1.250 (mogas).

Informational: Usages of the fuels Jet fuel is used in turbine engines, like larger commercial passenger airliners and cargo planes. Avgas is used for piston engines, smaller personal aircraft and little puddlejumper prop passenger planes.

Military fuels aren't all that better either - the JP7 fuel used in the SR71 Blackbird is actually a little bit worse than mogas if I'm reading the charts right.

Using hydrogen as a fuel source does give a multiplier - roughly three times more energy per unit volume compared to the various types of gasoline, but again:

Tylium is specifically called out as 10,000,000 times more effective than that.

Assuming you could build engines capable of slivering off and utilizing sufficiently small amounts of fuel, and you fueled a passenger plane with tylium instead of jet fuel, your goal was to only land the plane when its tanks finally ran dry, and you cut the efficiency of tylium usage to 1% ...

You're talking about a flight time of about 200 years. (Longest non-stop flight currently is about 20 hours, New York to Singapore, multiply by one hundred thousand because we're cutting it to 1% effeciency)

Yeah. Tylium be total BS.

It's been years so I don't remember if I also tried to figure out estimated fission/fusion power rates but I'm pretty sure that not even they come even close. You pretty much have to go straight to matter annihilation e=mc^2 to get better than tylium.

EDIT: Re Zoe Graystone

From the Caprica series Zoe wasn't dying of cancer (you may be confusing her with Laura Roslin, who was) but rather she was working on creating AI using her own brainscans to create the programming net, and had it pretty much on a full realtime upload set building it when she was killed in a terrorist bombing.
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Meanwhile the reactions of various Colonial Fleet Officers at their current probable ranks:

Admiral Player Character Of Deadlock: Shit they're on to my helper.
The Commanders Agathon: You mean to tell me we had a Cylon-fighting AI under the decks the whole time?
(probably more junior) Admiral Nagala: Oh no!
Colonel Willian Adama: Oh no!
Major Saul Tigh: Oh no!
Colonel Helena Cain: You think it'd talk to me about grandma?
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Meanwhile the reactions of various Colonial Fleet Officers at their current probable ranks:

Admiral Player Character Of Deadlock: Shit they're on to my helper.
The Commanders Agathon: You mean to tell me we had a Cylon-fighting AI under the decks the whole time?
(probably more junior) Admiral Nagala: Oh no!
Colonel Willian Adama: Oh no!
Major Saul Tigh: Oh no!
Colonel Helena Cain: You think it'd talk to me about grandma?
Ok. Hilarity if Helena Cain is 'authorized' Dadelos Commander, due to her grandma once being considered for the role?
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It will be interesting to see what other sections were left intact with human things like medical supplies that won't be needed in a few weeks and what the MC does with them. A few old model Centurions would be useful if he wished to stage a false flag attack on someone. Or just muddy the waters about who is actually attacking and why.
I don't. She was a death cult zealot and thought mass murdering "Unbelievers" and "Heretics" was a rational choice. I choose to believe NBSG and Caprica was a Bird Flu induced fever dream I suffered through.
See? Perfect enemy for Daidalos to hunt down. Remove the Crazy virus glitched bitch, and hopefully have peace talks start with the more moderate cylons
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Personally, I'd prefer that Dadelos remain mostly so that it can house humans. And can we become a Black Ops depo/shipyard/ for the colonies?
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I admit, i desperately wish to see more of the sheer panic those messages are about to cause for Fleet and Scorpia's government. Honestly hope we get to see some old timers brought in to explain the absolute fuckery that is about to occur.

Daidalos is a graduate of the Anastasias Focht School of Tactical Fuckery. The Cylons are going to learn that the hard way.

Also, I have now unilaterally decided that Daidalos's voice sounds like Tex, and nothing will change my mind.

So from their point of view the Samson Protocols Contingency has just been enacted and the Cylons are about to be genocided by a relentless Skynet.

No, no, it's worse than that. The Cylon didn't pay their phone bills.
Daidalos is a graduate of the Anastasias Focht School of Tactical Fuckery. The Cylons are going to learn that the hard way.

Also, I have now unilaterally decided that Daidalos's voice sounds like Tex, and nothing will change my mind.

No, no, it's worse than that. The Cylon didn't pay their phone bills.
That's pretty much the goal at least, albeit both Daidalos and Vanguard, as they stand, have some tactical analysis programming but other than that do not have any actual experience.

Saying that, I've already mentioned that jumping around attacking isolated cylon forces is a good idea, and you can bet both of them have come to the same conclusion at this point. Its just that turning that goal into an actual plan is going to take some learning.

On the other hand, the sheer unpredictability of someone whose only command experience is other stories on SV, BSGDeadlock + similar, and ww2 documentaries could well make up for some of that inexperience - in the sense that no one from a proper tactics school would ever think to try it, because they know it wouldn't work.

Three Adamants stacked on top of eachother is clearly the optimal formation afterall and no one can tell me otherwise.

Hey, probably a better voice for him than mine, if you wanna go with that then fine by me, Tex is a treasure.
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@Cave_Canem Were you inspired by the Bobiverse books by any chance for Diadalos/Vanguard/Future Copies?

'Cause that was the first thing that came to mind when he came up with the copy plan.