THE FAITH ECONOMY IS BOOMING![Monthly Faith increased by +5! 20 + 5 = 25 Faith every month]
[X] (Aequitas Veritas) Write in: Bless the officers badges to make them less prone to corruption or intimidation by criminal elements while also giving them a minor boost in luck.
Just because the Personalities are a huge problem right now does not mean i will nudge my questers to deal with them. I simply wish to write out what happens in the world. If they wish to do something, they I will be more than happy to write what happens next. And besides. I fully believe in consequences so what happens, happens. While write ins dont occur as often as I'd like, its nice to have the option@TennoTurian is the Personalities thing something we actively have to fight? In my experience, if you want the Voters to do something specific, you need to make it clear- Write-Ins almost never happen or succeed, the majority of Voters just want "The Next Update" and don't really care about the Vote itself.