Cycle 25 - The Arena of Power
So originally, this was just going to be a bit of exploring, which by now is all of the late since the last update was last month and bla. :oops:
Then I had more ideas while working on the layout of the place, and now its...a thing. A much longer thing. Also, @Evil Plan added some neat new protagonist tags, which is pretty alright.
Cycle 25

As the night goes on, you explore the Bunker some more, but away from the Room of Precision. The place is, as you expected, pretty damn intact overall from the armite armor. There is not much of interest so far like that room, but you have plenty of time to explore, they likely will spend most of the light tomorrow working out how to use the thing that works exactly as ordered but is uncomfortable to look at.

However, time is energy, and you might as well make sure that design is as functional as you expect. You certainly are not just trying to avoid even more of the boringly slow but effective armite conversion process with this Scrying crystal, there is a point to it.

...This place goes further down than you expect. Even with a Scrying crystal you've yet to spot the last fourth of the armite-armored walls enclosing this place at the bottom. So you continue as you were doing, sticking to the left first. First, a large room. By the look of the place it was a two-level combat arena sans stairs, until you look at more than the damage the room has incurred. An arena would not be littered with a number of destroyed runed furniture pieces and a lot of not particularly tough-looking broken technology. There also are another of the armite-tearing scorch marks. Another several actually, and more clear than the ones in the flooded micro-rooms room.
These ones look remarkably like the effect you would expect if you vented excess energy into Armite, in fact. Whoever it was that fought here was either a very inefficient spellcaster with enough power for it to discharge into their surroundings often, or was throwing around much higher-energy blasts than is likely safe for your average alien in such an enclosed space. Other than the mess, theres not much worth examining here, so you move on.
To the right of that room is an odd squiggle of a room, full of old crates. Crates full of mildly corroded batteries by the looks of things, and most likely magical ones based on how they appear to still be nearly full. Two are opened, one full of empty, heavily rusted metal canisters with some severe corrosion on the inner side, and the other appears to be no worse for wear leaving its contents exposed to the room, if you wanted to experiment with them. Further to the right is an extremely large room with significant signs of holding a very messy occupant in the past, possibly the one the precisionist had complained about.

Further down the left side you go, continuing to notice the...interesting choices whoever built this place had. Personally, you do not require the continual geometric incline known as stairs, since you do not walk from place to place in the Prime Crystal, you jump from place to place within the networked crystal. There are a few rooms aboard that use them for decoration, because sometimes you do have to meet others, but the last you'd heard of it, they were considered 'horribly cramped, lacking windows or vidscreens, and...uniquely designed, for a meeting room.'

But considering how few visitors worth speaking to even showed up, the Prime's meeting rooms were perfectly adequate. They were pressurized sufficiently, had power sockets, and had decorative stairs, what more were they expecting out of a physical meeting place? Most contacts, when asked how they would like to continue the conversation after being deemed not an immediate threat, quite preferred virtual rooms, or at least communicating from the comfort of their spaceships if they didn't have the computing power to run virtual environments on their end.
But you're getting distracted. Besides the lack of stairs, the place also tended to lack much in the wall of hallways, and if it did have them, they ended in small rooms littered with the shattered remains of what was likely once very delicate tech being overloaded from the opposite end, which make it seem like this was less a bunker to hide from the end of the world in and more a prison, or at least a containment building to hold what so far appears to be several wizards who blew scorch marks in armite for fun and revenge.

It also began engraving the level markers into the armite itself, not simply painting them on. Past the floor of the previous section, the next couple of floors had a general warning sign as its marker, which you likely could have determined even without the books in that room. The highest level of this section was simply a series of small cells, with essentially nothing left in them aside from the broken delicate tech pieces seen elsewhere. Next, there was larger cells. These ones were also empty from age, except the one furthest to the right, which was a third the size to fit in the remaining space. That one was not empty, instead holding what you could only describe as a ever so slowly decaying ball of angry magic. You could see the walls had been compressed inwards, only to get burned away by sheer attrition, as shown by the spherical shape of the current room. You get the feeling its attempting to glare at your presence but does not remember how as you peek into the room, before you head further down.
The next level is yet-bigger cells, and at this point you just label the entire section 'Prison' and only give the places a glance through what information the Scrying crystal picks up. Empty cells with unrecoverable tech-shards are not interesting to you.

After checking the time (still dark, but getting lighter), you continue down, past what is probably a bulkhead layer. This appears to be the dangerous section instead of simply the caution one, judging by the far larger and more prominent danger-symbol engraving in the level-marker-spot. And it has an actual room once more! Although you're starting to reach the edge of the scryer's sight range, since you can't just see the entire floor now.

Which, considering it appears to be a huge underground open-air arena, is not as big an issue as you'd expect. The bigger issue is that is is saturated in magical power. You may only know it exists as a kind of energy without access to the library you once had, but this much energy doesn't just stay somewhere with no input. A place old enough to no longer have its former prisoners at all should've gone down to the ambient background level and vanished into your what you filter out as background static. Its saturated to a degree you can't tell where its coming from, either. Far enough for one cycle, this is.

Subcycle 4

The results of the wireless prototype so far are even less effective than you'd hoped. The Alterins had, of course, tested the device in their lab before setting up a plan to transport the thing up into position without ruining everyone involved's day. The same lab one of the minion greatswords were in, which was nice, since you could compare the two results.

Infiltrator Greatsword recording said:
Unknown Lab Alterin 1: "For the love of all that is good and non-lethal on this ruined planet, why is it covered in that material?"
Unknown Lab Alterin 2: "Just test the thing already and drop it off. Then it'll be the island team's problem."
WFX-0001 decoded result said:
U 1: "F at is his co al?
rin 2 test m."

It worked, but only in the literal sense. This is not even a readable result to the greatest interpreters you could've found, its hardly even the same language as the correct recording! (-100 to the cost of Wireless Theory for the technical success)

Poke the angry magic ball?
[] Poke the angry magic ball with words! Maybe nom it if it doesn't speak up when questioned? Its not being productive just sitting there gradually burning out, after all.
[] Do not poke the unknown magic! You're a Xenotech Specialist, not a Mage.

The Arena:
[] Yolo it and push onwards deeper into the ruin!
[] Put together some specialist detector equipment to locate the source of the mana saturation, don't explore further than the floor of the arena yet. (Will use up a research turn fine-tuning the equipment for this particular variant of magical energy)
[] Be exceptionally worried over the unknown depths, the sudden magic saturation, and the increasing danger labels and start exploring from outside the ruins instead.
[] Write-in

Original compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Prime Crystal, Outer Layer Omega-Current, Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.

Current revised compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Unknown, Unnamed Crater, Unintentionally-Lost Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.
Integrity: Intact
Core Armor: Unarmored

Energy Generation:
Core: 1000/cycle
As. Matter: 0 @ 20/cycle: 0/cycle
Base Crystal: 169 @ 50/cycle: 8,450/cycle
Research costs: 71 @ 10/cycle: -710/cycle
Total Energy production: 8,740/cycle

Max single crystal cost: 10K
Current Stored Energy: 17,340
Current Safe Capacity: 95k

Research Production: 71/cycle
Current Research Project: Dampening Fields [772/1000]
Current Experimental Projects: Minions! [Wireless prototype experiment], Forcefield Modifigenerator (Alterin-scale)
Available Research:
Warfare: Offensive Export (1000), Improved Self-Repair (250)
Energy Generation: Alternate Power Sources (Experiment), Strengthened Conduits (250,repeatable), Base Crystal Upgrade? (1000), Fusion Amplification (??)
Storage: Energy Condensing (250), Enhanced Stabilization (250,repeatable).
Research: None, see tech tree
Command Network: Delegation (500)
Sensors & Exploration: Vis-Link (500), Improved Matter Output (750), Wireless Theory (1900).

High-tech Materials:
Armor Iteration: Enhanced Absorption (1000), Energy Redirection (750), Enhanced Durability (1500),
Extended Analysis: Armite Weakpoints (250)

Minions Status:
Infiltrator Greatswords (2x): Plenty of reserve power, recording. Shape of a stone greatsword with crystalline hilt components. Tiny solar panel and thermal absorbers. Out of command range.

Arcane: Undiscovered.

The Alterin Threat:
They are bad at communication security here.
They are at least somewhat organized (managers)
They appear to lack an answer on the more arcane-bullshit sort of thing around here. Though we hardly know much either, how is that island floating...
They do take research data security seriously, and have a logging system.
Current base is not a full one.
They appear to not be concerned with nighttime security outside of basic measures.
They have a different definition of 'wishing well' than you do.

Location: In a crater. Pretending to be a wishing well. Near some suspicious alterin.
Assimilated matter
The quick, dirty solution to your lack of range.
Template: Matter
Energy production: 20 per cycle
Fabrication cost: 50 energy, nearby material.

Basic Crystal
Created by converting solid materials, like rock or assimilated matter.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, nearby solid material or crystal.

Storage Crystal
A stabilized hunk of additional crystal, giving you more room to store energy without side effects.
Template: Space-filling
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Research Crystal
Because doing everything yourself is slow and complicated.
Template: Space-filling
Traits: Data Storage (replaces Energy Storage: Basic)
Fabrication cost: 700 energy
Research Output: 1/cycle, Research cost 10 energy/cycle.

Repair Crystal
A good helper.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Traits: Repair Protocols
Fabrication cost: 1,200 energy

Mine Crystal
Storage crystal stripped down and prepared to explode via overcharge.
Template: Space-filling (minimal energy storage)
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Farseer Crystal
An excellent companion to scouting crystal. Energy production alignments have been realigned for exceptional sensory range instead.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 1st Visual Augmentation
Fabrication Cost: 750 energy

Scrying Crystal
I see you.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 2nd Visual Augmentation
Fabrication cost: 2250 energy

Available traits:
Energy Generator (Basic), Energy Storage (Basic), Data Storage, Absorption Fields, Defensive Offense, Explosive Entry, Repair Protocols, Visual Augmentation
Check the crystals threadmark for energy costs and details.
Navy Blue - Crystal core
Light Blue - Base crystals
Orange w/ black S - Storage Crystal
Turquoise with small diamond - Farseer Crystal
Black with Turquoise diamond - Scrying Crystal
Purple/Orchid - Focusing Crystal
Darker Purple - Overseer Crystal
Blue w/ gold R - Research Crystal
Purpleish - Repair Crystal
Red - Diplomatic Crystalline
Dark purple - Armite Half-Crystal
Dark Brown - Empty underground space
Light Brown - Dirt or other non-solid material
Light Grey - Rock
Grey - Armite
Sky Blue - Empty aboveground space
Teal w/brown diamond - Assimilated matter
(Background) w/ question mark - [Unknown tech]
(Background) w/ small diamond - Mobile Thing (Purple for Alterin)
Black - Unknown
Red cross-shaped overlay - Damaged
Red X overlay - Heavily damaged
Cycle 26 - Secretkeeper's Sanctuary
Cycle 26

A bit into the cycle, the Alterin finally are all gone from the crater, having packed up camp and left, Das, Ro, and Loudest One included.

Amusingly, one of the floating island investigators did end up bringing one of your stone swords up to swing at the door before they messed with it properly. To the surprise of no one, it failed to penetrate the forcefields.


And while the extra test runs this produces for your prototype are appreciated, losing it is not. Because thats what happened when they got the door open, things were lost. Whatever is no longer contained inside that fielded room is blazing like a star on essentially every sensor except the manafield one you're having constructed in the Arena down in the bunker, which is picking up exactly zero trace of it. You can barely see the edge of the crater with all the interference it blares forth, much less hear yourself think! Its fairly tempting to just fire at the damn thing despite it being very much out of your current effective firing range just to make it come closer so you can hit it with your investigating explosions!

This would also ruin your cover, because even Alterin wishing wells are most likely not armed.
After a good while of grumbling over things, however, you did have a second infiltrator swordminion, have they heard anything...not particularly. You should be able to overcome the interference with more power and listen in on the expected chaos, however.

...Aha. One of them was thinking ahead and uploaded a recording during the testing.
Floating Island Recording #301. Hopefully final door test is now go.
[massive static sound of the forcefield generator straining to override multiple fields at once]
"Theres more than one there? We only detected a single field."
"Sounds like its gonna break at this rate!"
"Turn it off and recalibrate already! We are getting through this damn door today, even if it takes longer than usual to tear down the barrier. Barriers."

"Quick, someone else finish the calibration. Fon looks like he's about to vomit across the room."
[Fon instead passes out, loudly]
"He's still breathing, right?"

"Fon is still alive, yep. Damn unnatural material."

{An amount of downtime occurs, with general background noise}

"Ok, we're good to go. Power it back up and cycle it through the fields one at a time."
[Rising hum as it hits greater resistance in the forcefields, abrupt stop]
"Generator's out, we need a new fuel cell."
Distant voice: "At least it was that and not something to do with the door!"
[Return of the rising machinery hum, controlled stop]
"Forcefield modifier is asking for a higher input than we have in the mobile gen to break down this last field."
"Overclock the generator then, we can fix it later with that tank that shoots things into being repaired. Lets get into this excessively-fielded room and see what treasure they left behind."
[Rumbling followed by loud shattering sound, followed by a lack of background noise]


"We do. We are here to investigate these floating ruins."


"Is there something that needs to stay sealed we shouldn't know about?"


[Abrupt explosion, probably the forcefield modifier]

"The hell? Can't you at least give us a hint of what we uncovered?"

"Gah, really?"

"Are you bluffing us?"

[3 explosions in sequence]
OW. That is one hell of a massive cutoff noise. Either the recorder exploded, or the thing behind the door did whatever is drowning your sensors in star-tier noise. That is more than enough old doomy bits for one cycle, so you ignore the angry ball entirely and focus back on the manafield sensor.
There was some form of magical ceiling in here that has reformed exactly around your intruding arm of armite half-crystals, leaving no hole even if physically you've punched a hole in the arena ceiling and filled it in with a meshed armite/crystal mix. The place was saturated such due to being the top of a long stream of rising magic bumping into the arcane ceiling. The source, from what you could tell, was a fair bit out of range of your (admittedly not the best, but functional) sensor construct, but was directly downwards of the arena center. Likely whatever is being kept in the depths of this doomsday prison/bunker/useful armite source.

Where to?
[] Dig Deeper into the Underground Thing
[] Check out the nearby surface areas while the alterin are distracted
[] Nowhere, there is science to be done. (Research focus turn, mention what you'd want focused on after we finish our current target)
[] Nowhere, there is expansion to be done! (Spend the whole reserve on expansion of our energy production, or our research output)
-[] Using As. matter to go further
-[] Using Basic crystals to get more per crystal.
--[] Maybe using a Refined Crystal Cluster or some other Big Crystal instead? (see bottom of crystals threadmark for example)
-[] Using Research crystals for faster progress but slightly less energy per turn available.

Original compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Prime Crystal, Outer Layer Omega-Current, Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.

Current revised compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Unknown, Unnamed Crater, Unintentionally-Lost Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.
Integrity: Intact
Core Armor: Unarmored

Energy Generation:
Core: 1000/cycle
As. Matter: 0 @ 20/cycle: 0/cycle
Base Crystal: 169 @ 50/cycle: 8,450/cycle
Research costs: 71 @ 10/cycle: -710/cycle
Total Energy production: 8,740/cycle

Max single crystal cost: 10K
Current Stored Energy: 26,080
Current Safe Capacity: 95k

Research Production: 71/cycle
Current Research Project: Dampening Fields [772/1000]
Current Experimental Projects: Minions! [Wireless prototype experiment], Forcefield Modifigenerator (Alterin-scale)
Available Research:
Warfare: Offensive Export (1000), Improved Self-Repair (250)
Energy Generation: Alternate Power Sources (Experiment), Strengthened Conduits (250,repeatable), Base Crystal Upgrade? (1000), Fusion Amplification (??)
Storage: Energy Condensing (250), Enhanced Stabilization (250,repeatable).
Research: None, see tech tree
Command Network: Delegation (500)
Sensors & Exploration: Vis-Link (500), Improved Matter Output (750), Wireless Theory (1900).

High-tech Materials:
Armor Iteration: Enhanced Absorption (1000), Energy Redirection (750), Enhanced Durability (1500),
Extended Analysis: Armite Weakpoints (250)

Arcane: Undiscovered.

Minions Status:
Infiltrator Greatsword (1x): Plenty of reserve power, recording. Shape of a stone greatsword with crystalline hilt components. Tiny solar panel and thermal absorbers. Out of command range.
Focused Manafield Sensor Construct: Setup in the Arena of Power, attuned to its magic saturation.

The Alterin Threat:
They are bad at communication security here.
They are at least somewhat organized (managers)
They appear to lack an answer on the more arcane-bullshit sort of thing around here. Though we hardly know much either, how is that island floating...
They do take research data security seriously, and have a logging system.
Current base is not a full one.
They appear to not be concerned with nighttime security outside of basic measures.
They have a different definition of 'wishing well' than you do.
Opening the fielded door bothered the Secretkeeper's Sanctuary, which might've gone badly for them?

Location: In a crater. Pretending to be a wishing well. Near some suspicious alterin.
Assimilated matter
The quick, dirty solution to your lack of range.
Template: Matter
Energy production: 20 per cycle
Fabrication cost: 50 energy, nearby material.

Basic Crystal
Created by converting solid materials, like rock or assimilated matter.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, nearby solid material or crystal.

Storage Crystal
A stabilized hunk of additional crystal, giving you more room to store energy without side effects.
Template: Space-filling
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Research Crystal
Because doing everything yourself is slow and complicated.
Template: Space-filling
Traits: Data Storage (replaces Energy Storage: Basic)
Fabrication cost: 700 energy
Research Output: 1/cycle, Research cost 10 energy/cycle.

Repair Crystal
A good helper.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Traits: Repair Protocols
Fabrication cost: 1,200 energy

Mine Crystal
Storage crystal stripped down and prepared to explode via overcharge.
Template: Space-filling (minimal energy storage)
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Farseer Crystal
An excellent companion to scouting crystal. Energy production alignments have been realigned for exceptional sensory range instead.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 1st Visual Augmentation
Fabrication Cost: 750 energy

Scrying Crystal
I see you.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 2nd Visual Augmentation
Fabrication cost: 2250 energy

Available traits:
Energy Generator (Basic), Energy Storage (Basic), Data Storage, Absorption Fields, Defensive Offense, Explosive Entry, Repair Protocols, Visual Augmentation
Check the crystals threadmark for energy costs and details.

Superduperultraturbolate edit: Testing accordion tags.


Original compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Prime Crystal, Outer Layer Omega-Current, Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.

Current revised compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Unknown, Unnamed Crater, Unintentionally-Lost Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.
Integrity: Intact
Core Armor: Unarmored

Energy Generation:
Core: 1000/cycle
As. Matter: 0 @ 20/cycle: 0/cycle
Base Crystal: 169 @ 50/cycle: 8,450/cycle
Research costs: 71 @ 10/cycle: -710/cycle
Total Energy production: 8,740/cycle

Max single crystal cost: 10K
Current Stored Energy: 26,080
Current Safe Capacity: 95k

Research Production: 71/cycle
Current Research Project: Dampening Fields [772/1000]
Current Experimental Projects: Minions! [Wireless prototype experiment], Forcefield Modifigenerator (Alterin-scale)
Available Research:
Warfare: Offensive Export (1000), Improved Self-Repair (250)
Energy Generation: Alternate Power Sources (Experiment), Strengthened Conduits (250,repeatable), Base Crystal Upgrade? (1000), Fusion Amplification (??)
Storage: Energy Condensing (250), Enhanced Stabilization (250,repeatable).
Research: None, see tech tree
Command Network: Delegation (500)
Sensors & Exploration: Vis-Link (500), Improved Matter Output (750), Wireless Theory (1900).

High-tech Materials:
Armor Iteration: Enhanced Absorption (1000), Energy Redirection (750), Enhanced Durability (1500),
Extended Analysis: Armite Weakpoints (250)

Arcane: Undiscovered.

Minions Status:
Infiltrator Greatsword (1x): Plenty of reserve power, recording. Shape of a stone greatsword with crystalline hilt components. Tiny solar panel and thermal absorbers. Out of command range.
Focused Manafield Sensor Construct: Setup in the Arena of Power, attuned to its magic saturation.

The Alterin Threat:
They are bad at communication security here.
They are at least somewhat organized (managers)
They appear to lack an answer on the more arcane-bullshit sort of thing around here. Though we hardly know much either, how is that island floating...
They do take research data security seriously, and have a logging system.
Current base is not a full one.
They appear to not be concerned with nighttime security outside of basic measures.
They have a different definition of 'wishing well' than you do.
Opening the fielded door bothered the Secretkeeper's Sanctuary, which might've gone badly for them?

Location: In a crater. Pretending to be a wishing well. Near some suspicious alterin.
Current crystal designs

Assimilated matter
The quick, dirty solution to your lack of range.
Template: Matter
Energy production: 20 per cycle
Fabrication cost: 50 energy, nearby material.

Basic Crystal
Created by converting solid materials, like rock or assimilated matter.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, nearby solid material or crystal.

Storage Crystal
A stabilized hunk of additional crystal, giving you more room to store energy without side effects.
Template: Space-filling
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Research Crystal
Because doing everything yourself is slow and complicated.
Template: Space-filling
Traits: Data Storage (replaces Energy Storage: Basic)
Fabrication cost: 700 energy
Research Output: 1/cycle, Research cost 10 energy/cycle.

Repair Crystal
A good helper.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Traits: Repair Protocols
Fabrication cost: 1,200 energy

Mine Crystal
Storage crystal stripped down and prepared to explode via overcharge.
Template: Space-filling (minimal energy storage)
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Farseer Crystal
An excellent companion to scouting crystal. Energy production alignments have been realigned for exceptional sensory range instead.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 1st Visual Augmentation
Fabrication Cost: 750 energy

Scrying Crystal
I see you.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 2nd Visual Augmentation
Fabrication cost: 2250 energy

Available traits:
Energy Generator (Basic), Energy Storage (Basic), Data Storage, Absorption Fields, Defensive Offense, Explosive Entry, Repair Protocols, Visual Augmentation
Check the crystals threadmark for energy costs and details.
Last edited:
Cycle 27 - Investigations and Plans
Cycle 27

This night, due to a certain grossly radiant island isolationist(s), you had quite a few priorities to do and only 12 Ruinos-hours to do them in: Have a look at the surface while the alterin were busy with That Which They Messed Up Up There and not around the crater. Experiment on any interesting finds there. Get Dampening Fields done soon. Experiment on the batteries in the bunker/prison/armite source. Make a scan of the shattered teleporters collection, see if they could help you at all later. Look for the bottom of the damn place from the outside. Lastly, get some goddamn support crystals already. Probably not going to get those all that soon, but it would be nice!

So simplest things first, add a couple research crystals so your estimate is accurate on when they'll be done, then take some time to scan the tech fragments.

The fragments which are quite thoroughly trashed. Demolished. Broken. Splintered. Crushed. Not shorted out, though. Whatever broke them was very, very physically thorough, but unlike your original glance at them, the leftover circuitry is theoretically salvageable, assuming you had all the pieces. So instead of just scanning them as broken tech, you go back and rescan them as a puzzle set to be eventually reforged and examined when you have all of the pieces.

Next, the batteries. You take a look at them with the mana sensor in the arena, and mana batteries they are, so you scrape together a couple sword minions out of the armite chunk you'd taken over and lever one of them open. Dropping one of them into it results in an interesting, but very ineffective dive inside what is probably a liquid form, because the armite-based minion was stripped down to its crystal core in a matter of minutes, and then sat on the bottom for about a minute while it splintered, then disintegrated into the battery as well. Aside from the locator (which is what the arena sensor is an extension of), you don't have the sensor tech to determine what exactly the mana is doing, if its pure mana or impure, or why it doesn't corrode its way out of the container, since you never really expected to deal with magic this directly.
But as far as first impressions go, these either are batteries (and thus should be left closed to work correctly), bombs (which is worrying), or highly-dangerous mana-based solvents (and thus should be opened, but only carefully and maybe with a wizard nearby), if it took apart the heavily energy-resistant armor material in minutes and splintered your own crystal in even less time. Out of curiosity however, you charge up the second minion overcapacity and then drop it in as well. Right on cue a few minutes later, theres a small thoomp from the core imploding as it falls apart, and then surprisingly, a large whine bursts out of the mana sensor readout, which stops when you see a bubble emerge and then pop on the surface of the mana.

Something else gets picked up responding to the mana-based noise a a bit later, too, quite a bit further below. But you'll worry about that when you get closer, theres exploration to be done. With As. matter to conserve energy, because who knows how far down you're going.

Finally. Whoever built this structure, they might have gone a bit overboard if the bottom of the structure is 56 crystal units below the top. The last few levels had an extra layer of armite stuffed into them, which was an interesting choice when there was already three layers of it. Not to mention the power leak you can feel through the four layers of armite! Not just sense with sensors or anything, touching the bottom few layers of armite has a distinct flow to it. A worryingly strong, regular one for something with three layers of heavy ablative insulation between you and it. A cross-reference with the mana sensor at least confirms this is the source.

Investigation: Major mana power signal.
[] Careful - Peek at it via Farseer Crystal, no physical contact with the room yet.
[] Direct - Go in and poke the source.
- [] From above with crystal, so you can blast it if necessary with spare power, but would have to destroy crystal to break contact.
- [] From the side with As. matter, so you can break contact at a moments notice, but cannot bring a weapons-grade charge down with you without shredding at least 60 units of As. Matter.


Critical Message RECEIVED
For: Acting Commander Wintarian
Alert code: Regnar Zero-Day

"The whatever the hell it is keeps blowing up anything near the door, sir! How in the name of all the stars in the sky do we get through something that explodes objects aggressively as a response to everything?"

No good.
This planet was, in general, no good. Interesting, yes. Complicated, oh absolutely. A mess? You couldn't find a better example. Full of neat toys (and 'toys', and not-toys, and so forth)? Very.

But then there was this. The entire bloody island was deserted! Empty! It had CEASED TO CONTAIN OCCUPANTS! Except for that one ghost that killed former Commander Wholo and this thing.
Wintarian slammed his desk once more in frustration as he'd been doing ever since the message arrived a few minutes ago and woke him out of his sleep with its damned emergency alarm. It was too late and he was too tired to pace around to try and think, but if he went back to bed it'd alert him again until he marked it as responded to. So he sat at his desk uncomfortably instead.

The one room. The one room they had not been able to get into. Was a trap. Or a seal. And whatever was inside was there intentionally, and got upset at people trying to break in. Who also knew how to explode things on demand, and while the voice was too forceful to sound anything but authoritative, from what he'd heard of the recording it could be mistaken for being almost amused at their response to spontaneous explosions.

On the plus side, at least there was no interference from it if everyone was doing what they currently were, which was glaring at the opening in frustration according to what he'd been told when he called back the message-sender. If the contents of that room weren't the entire point of Operation: Get the damn door open (unofficial title), he'd just send in some of the more stable Ruintech weaponry they'd recovered and let them blow the ghost/spirit/mage/AI/whatever up and pick over whatever wasn't broken in the aftermath.

And if they didn't have a magitech wishing well on hand, he might've just done that anyway, because there is archeology, and then there is tomb raiding. In Alterin law, the latter is only different in that it involves deadly traps as a matter of course for some godforsaken reason, but legally it means you go in armed and able, or stay in dead. So tired, grumpy, and half-awake, Acting Commander Wintarian goes to look up if wishing wells having operating hours or not.
They needed something extra heretical if the spiteful being considered the forcefield modifier's uncomfortably antiglowing material bad. And even if he had to go in there himself wielding the horrid stuff, hell, wearing the stuff if he had too, he was going to make it pay for ruining not only the main team under his command's progress towards finally succeeding, but his already-too-little sleep.


The surface nearby was absolutely littered with loot, once you got out of the crater! Most of the functional parts however, were in a state of brokenitude. Or didn't exist in some of the more badly-punctured armored vehicular devices.

...Thinking about it more closely, these clearly weren't Crystalline vehicular devices. There were manual controls on some of them! That probably made them vehicles instead, like pirate ships except less drunk death-seekers trying to mine the Prime Crystal and more just already dead constructs. The remains of at least four distinct battles (probably closer to four dozen than four if you include the excess of broken parts of unknown origin) sat here next to you, making it particularly hard to single out one particular faction's tech. They got more densely one type or another the further away you went however, so this may have been near the center of the battlefield.

One group, which grew more visible as you looked south, was clearly either mages or had relied on magical protection, with their heavy focus on (now nonexistant except for the remains of foci) some form of energy shielding by the look of the power conduits that remain. Very few of their vehicles survived with less than total structural failure from being drenched (for lack of a better descriptor) in high-velocity heavy kinetic rounds, several of them having simply snapped in two after being struck in a critical point. Those were the ones you could extract the most information from, since they were the least ruined yet the most damaged. Some of them appeared to have been struck in the power array, as there were intense scorchmarks all over nearby vehicles, with the one in the epicenter blown open like it was made of flimsy wood instead of plastics and metals at best, and flat missing at worst. You can't tell what weapons they used, as either they were energy-based and no longer existed without a working vehicle, or they were destroyed beyond recognition by the kinetics barrage.

Their most likely opponents, considering the plethora of kinetic rounds strewn about the craft like they were candy, were the lightly armored, lightly shielded, and heavily numerous collection of railgun arrays with tanks attached to the north-ish. Unlike the shielded craft, these ones didn't have a main cause of destruction or disablement besides just not being all that tough individually. These ones were likely drones as well, as of the ones you can pick up on as mostly intact, about 80% of the vehicle is either the guns or the ammo, with the remaining percent left for power and other non-gun essentials.

Off to relative left of you on your newly-expanded surface area, there are rather heavily
A check to make sure you haven't misread the sensor data later, you look at the landships again. You aren't quite sure what they were thinking, adding mechanized legs to watercraft. As far as you know, there is not a big enough lake or ocean anywhere nearby to support boats, much less ships.
But the wrecks are right there, complete with ship cannon of various sizes, general shape, and a couple with what was probably a shield generator based on the look of it and their spot in the debris field, but are too broken down (or too destroyed) to confirm.

To the relative right there are the strangest of the lot in their normalcy, a collection of hovertanks. Large guns of various technological types, large hover systems, large armor. Small engines. No energy shields or magical ones for that matter. Remarkably intact for the most part, as far as wreckage goes.

Further investigations (others can be looked at later, but this is for which to examine in more detail before we get a certain alteri coming to see us)
[] The heavily shielded, projectile-ridden vehicles
[] The quantity over quality railgun-spam drones.
[] The landships. That walk.
[] The mostly-plain, surprisingly-intact hovertanks.

Original compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Prime Crystal, Outer Layer Omega-Current, Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.

Current revised compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Unknown, Unnamed Crater, Unintentionally-Lost Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.
Integrity: Intact
Core Armor: Unarmored

Energy Generation:
Core: 1000/cycle
As. Matter: 60 @ 20/cycle: 1,200/cycle
Base Crystal: 203 @ 50/cycle: 10,150/cycle
Research costs: 76 @ 10/cycle: -760/cycle
Total Energy production: 9,590/cycle

Max single crystal cost: 10K
Current Stored Energy: 23,020
Current Safe Capacity: 95k

Research Production: 76/cycle
Current Research Project: Dampening Fields [848/1000]
Current Experimental Projects: Minions! [Wireless prototype experiment], Forcefield Modifigenerator (Alterin-scale)
Available Research:
Warfare: Offensive Export (1000), Improved Self-Repair (250)
Energy Generation: Alternate Power Sources (Experiment), Strengthened Conduits (250,repeatable), Base Crystal Upgrade? (1000), Fusion Amplification (??)
Storage: Energy Condensing (250), Enhanced Stabilization (250,repeatable).
Research: None, see tech tree
Command Network: Delegation (500)
Sensors & Exploration: Vis-Link (500), Improved Matter Output (750), Wireless Theory (1900).

High-tech Materials:
Armor Iteration: Enhanced Absorption (1000), Energy Redirection (750), Enhanced Durability (1500),
Extended Analysis: Armite Weakpoints (250)

Minions Status:
Infiltrator Greatsword (1x): Plenty of reserve power, recording. Shape of a stone greatsword with crystalline hilt components. Tiny solar panel and thermal absorbers. Out of command range.
Focused Manafield Sensor Construct: Setup in the Arena of Power, attuned to its magic saturation.

Arcane: Undiscovered.

The Alterin Threat:
They are bad at communication security here.
They are at least somewhat organized (managers)
They appear to lack an answer on the more arcane-bullshit sort of thing around here. Though we hardly know much either, how is that island floating...
They do take research data security seriously, and have a logging system.
Current base is not a full one.
They appear to not be concerned with nighttime security outside of basic measures.
They have a different definition of 'wishing well' than you do.
Opening the fielded door bothered the Secretkeeper's Sanctuary, which might've goen badly for them?

Location: In a crater. Pretending to be a wishing well. Near some suspicious alterin.
Assimilated matter
The quick, dirty solution to your lack of range.
Template: Matter
Energy production: 20 per cycle
Fabrication cost: 50 energy, nearby material.

Basic Crystal
Created by converting solid materials, like rock or assimilated matter.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, nearby solid material or crystal.

Storage Crystal
A stabilized hunk of additional crystal, giving you more room to store energy without side effects.
Template: Space-filling
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Research Crystal
Because doing everything yourself is slow and complicated.
Template: Space-filling
Traits: Data Storage (replaces Energy Storage: Basic)
Fabrication cost: 700 energy
Research Output: 1/cycle, Research cost 10 energy/cycle.

Repair Crystal
A good helper.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Traits: Repair Protocols
Fabrication cost: 1,200 energy

Mine Crystal
Storage crystal stripped down and prepared to explode via overcharge.
Template: Space-filling (minimal energy storage)
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Farseer Crystal
An excellent companion to scouting crystal. Energy production alignments have been realigned for exceptional sensory range instead.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 1st Visual Augmentation
Fabrication Cost: 750 energy

Scrying Crystal
I see you.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 2nd Visual Augmentation
Fabrication cost: 2250 energy

Available traits:
Energy Generator (Basic), Energy Storage (Basic), Data Storage, Absorption Fields, Defensive Offense, Explosive Entry, Repair Protocols, Visual Augmentation
Check the crystals threadmark for energy costs and details.
Navy Blue - Crystal core
Light Blue - Base crystals
Orange w/ black S - Storage Crystal
Turquoise with small diamond - Farseer Crystal
Black with Turquoise diamond - Scrying Crystal
Purple/Orchid - Focusing Crystal
Darker Purple - Overseer Crystal
Blue w/ gold R - Research Crystal
Purpleish - Repair Crystal
Red - Diplomatic Crystalline
Dark purple - Armite Half-Crystal
Dark Brown - Empty underground space
Light Brown - Dirt or other non-solid material
Light Grey - Rock
Grey - Armite
Sky Blue - Empty aboveground space
Teal w/brown diamond - Assimilated matter (Rock is a grey diamond instead)
(Background) w/ question mark - [Unknown tech]
(Background) w/ small diamond - Mobile Thing (Purple for Alterin)
Black - Unknown
Red cross-shaped overlay - Damaged
Red X overlay - Heavily damaged
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Cycle 28 - Examination and Surprise
I am the worst at consistent updates. :oops:
It keeps happening. I should probably not let it keep happening. Especially not for so long I get a necro warning when trying to post this.

But fuck it, have an update! Even if its late as all heck. I'll try to have at least one done by next weekend too.
Sorry for the extended wait yet again.

Cycle 28

Even if its daylight out, the island situation still sounds pretty panicked from what you can pick up from the infiltrator greatsword minion, so you decide to examine both the landships and the dakka drones. The drones come first, as the idea of just drenching the foe in remote projectile launchers and letting physics sort out the outcome sounds so satisfying, if not as awesome-looking as the landships firing may have, with their naval-scale weaponry on a land-based battlefield.

To do so will require quite a lot of time however, since despite the immensely generous sample size you have to comb through in just the area you've claimed alone, from second appearances they seem to have suffered nearly 100% attrition downing their foes, appearing to have been destroyed in battle to the last, not (initially) succumbed to breakdowns, rusting, structural failure, or missing components like much of the other tech around. It leaves you wondering just how flush with resources their building civilization was to consider an entire drone...fleet? Armada? Swarm? Doomcloud? An entire drone legion acceptable losses to kill significantly less of the heavily-shielded types.
As the scan moves forward, a fraction of you ponders what sort of post-battle logistical terror of a setup they prepared to reclaim all the unspent ammo left in these things, because wow. The combined total amount of ammo they flung and left unspent in the legion of railguns at this single battleground is (at a rough estimate) larger by volume than some of the smallest asteroids you've seen used by the Prime Crystal.

A note is added to the data remind you just how much more efficient this would be with energy rounds, but that to sustain such a hurricane of energy blasts, even uncoordinated to the point of 'Point in that general direction and fire' would climb into the levels sufficient enough to measure on par with normal construction efforts in a not-inconsequential timeframe, while using kinetic rounds like they had would be hell on Ruinos to keep sustainable without your own sort of logistical terror of recycling. Certainly not the sort of effort you can run unassisted, even if you ran across the exact plan they used. If a crystalline of the optimizations sector was around however, and you had functional drones instead of ruined ones, they might take on the idea of how to maximize projectile damage with minimum wasted ammunition as a challenge. The sort of challenge that ignores cases like 'But wouldn't energy weapon equivalents be easier' and makes others worry when they explain why they can't meet with the alien diplomats today.

A smaller effort though, more akin to a militia than a typhoon of projectile murder, would be easily affordable (in energy, and energy weapons) to keep up firing indefinitely, assuming you had the blueprints, about twice or three times your current energy output, fast enough replacement speed, a command crystal to act as a controller, and no significant overheating/explosive deconstruction of parts by the devices themselves instead of the enemy. But that is for later, when you have/know those things and more importantly, how to control them in the first place!

[Reverse Engineering: Railgun Droneswarm is now available as a collection of possible projects. Theres more than enough of them to examine whatever systems you want first, though finding an intact enough component or enough similarly broken ones might take some time. Take you pick and our crystalline friend will bring the experimenting and/or explosions upon it.]

Next, with confusion, come the landships that walk. You don't even know how far away they are, much less where they are, and you can already hear the others asking why these are a thing that exist. They'd even give you a list of better options for land war vehicles with arguments to support them!

The people who built these however, seem to have taken such suggestions from their own coworkers, said trust me, we can do it, and then did it. Successfully. The ships are for the most part, surprisingly salvagable. Far more so than the drones, where you had to go over things with a fine-scale comb to even find functional components, the builders of these ships were strong believers in superheavy armor and antigravity being used as a counter-weight measure, not a propulsion device. Its similar to the idea of the mage bunker deep below you being encased in armite, but not at all the same material.

As a result, some of the ships have collapsed under the weight of their armor at somepoint between their defeat and loss of power and now. While its no match for Armite for energy resistance (since unlike that material, you can simply find weaker spots and cut through the immense armor with sufficiently high-powered lasers), at a second glance most of the damage appears to have been inflicted simply due to fights taking so long that their opponents finally breached the armor. A glance at the broken down hovertanks from a near-the-ships angle shows that the ones that were struck directly remain only as explosion marks on the ground, the rest of the damage probably being collateral damage.
The breaches are too precise to have been made by the droneswarm's hail of fire, and without knowing what the shielded craft actually used as weapons (most of the drones appeared to have simply been swatted out of the air with essentially whatever was on hand, the damage ranging from projectiles buried in them to swaths of nasty energy burns across several thousand craft at a time) you can't make a guess at how they would have fared, so your best guess lies in the hovertank cannons.

...The cannons would probably be overkill for defense against a research base, but that hasn't stopped you from being interested in them anyway. You're pretty sure the Alterins aren't the biggest problem you'll run into here once you get into unknown territory, after all. Plus, if the ships can walk, then you can apply that movement tech to other things that might want legs. And big armor means less repair work for you to deal with.

[Reverse Engineering: Walking Landships is now an available collection of projects too.]


"Status update?" called Acting Commander Wintarian.
"Stalemate in a few moves unless one of us pulls off a fancy trick, sir." was the reply. It gets a disappointed glare from Wintarian.
"I am not asking about a board game and you know I'm tired. Can you repeat that?"
"Its honestly the best description of it, sir. It explosions at anything and everything we put too close to the door, but refuses to come out here and talk more. if we stay put, it makes a disturbingly low humming noise and starts filling in the holes in the ground and the one we made in the barriers, and stops to make another explosion when we throw something at it to interrupt it. It then gives us another verbal lecture on the musts and the cannots and the will ceases that takes some minutes every time, getting longer as it includes what we did this time. We are then back to square one." After a bit of consideration, Wintarian asks if there is an upside to this state of affairs. "We haven't had any extra casualties since the forcefield modifier was exploded?"

He ends the call with a grumble.


With the sky properly appreciated and the two targets of your interest investigated enough for the time being, it was time for the third part of this cycle's agenda. The mana source. The deep underground mana source. The very large mana source. The arcane thing you're not sure how to approach correctly and would've appreciated backup for, but no one else is here. That mana source.

First in your perparations, a pair of farseer crystals. You don't look through either yet. You link the two with solid crystal. You prepare a explosive destruction order for the As. matter linking them to you and keep it in your command pocket. The top one is for investigating. The bottom one is for oversight of the other and quarantine. With only assimilated matter as a link and you intentionally restricting things, the data quality will be like someone dragged it through mud for an equivalent distance, which will suck, but it makes a good distinction and anything that is clearer than that is not to be trusted until you have a better idea of the arcane. You'll be able to see it clearly enough once you aren't limiting access anyway. Theres not much else you can think of to prepare for it though, so you just...poke the source with your farseer's sight.
There is a bunch of empty space, followed by the flowing armite you'd felt before. You can see interesting (but too blurry through your self-imposed interference) patterns on the stuff, and it appears to be glowing as well. Inside the strange armite is more mana than you'd expected by far, and your farseer crystal gets a distinctly cheery query once it apparently recognizes you're looking at it.

HELLO! THIS IS THE MDACRI UNIT, QUERYING USER. HOW IS THE THANOCRACY TODAY? there hasn't been an update in an excessive amount of time what are you idiots doing FAILURE TO RESPOND WILL RESULT IN A REQUERY.

UNAUTHORIZED USERS WILL BE ADDED TO THE MDACRI UNIT'S PRISON and forced to give us someone to talk to did the magelord seriously forget we were here AND PROCESSED.

You're rather worried how it manages to inject so much cheer into that message you can feel it through your quarantine, but otherwise...confused. You were not expecting a response. Much less a fully legible, only slightly glitchy response! More to the point, what exactly is that acronym. The first word is obviously mana, but the rest you're unsure of, and knowing what this thing is the huge mana source for is very important to knowing what it might do if you muck things up.

The MDACRI Unit:
[] Don't respond
[] Respond with your compressed name (Shining-in-the-Space, Unknown, Unnamed Crater, Unintentionally-Lost Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.)
[] Respond with 'The Shining Star of Mage Space'
[] Respond with 'The Shining Star of Mage Space,' followed by a first name (Write-in first name)
[] Respond with 'Magelord Shinerius, The Brightest Star in the Thanocracy's Sky' [This one will have a d20 roll involved to see how well/poorly you pull this off if it is the winning choice, fair warning]
[] Respond in some other way (Write-in, but the unit is expecting a simple response)

Field Research:
[] Write-in with your choice(s) of system or component from either the Railgun Droneswarm or Walking Landships to investigate in detail enough to build our own version of it. (The propulsion on the drones, or the ship cannons, the armor on the ships, or investigating the broken shield generator ships for example) Bigger systems will take longer to reverse-engineer. You can choose up to three, each will take a subcycle each until we've worked it out unless paused.
This can also be used to just scavenge the wrecks for raw materials if theres something you want to build not mainly out of crystal, but right now the only big storage space around is the crater itself.

Other Business:
In case theres something i forgot to mention we might want to do (it has been far too long since the last update, after all), heres an extra category. Use it if you need it.

Original compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Prime Crystal, Outer Layer Omega-Current, Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.

Current revised compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Unknown, Unnamed Crater, Unintentionally-Lost Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.
Integrity: Intact
Core Armor: Unarmored

Energy Generation:
Core: 1000/cycle
As. Matter: 60 @ 20/cycle: 1,200/cycle
Base Crystal: 203 @ 50/cycle: 10,150/cycle
Research costs: 76 @ 10/cycle: -760/cycle
Total Energy production: 9,590/cycle

Max single crystal cost: 10K
Current Stored Energy: 33,560
Current Safe Capacity: 95k

Research Production: 76/cycle
Current Research Project: Dampening Fields [924/1000]
Current Experimental Projects: Minions! [Wireless prototype experiment], Forcefield Modifigenerator (Alterin-scale)
Available Research:
Warfare: Offensive Export (1000), Improved Self-Repair (250)
Energy Generation: Alternate Power Sources (Experiment), Strengthened Conduits (250,repeatable), Base Crystal Upgrade? (1000), Fusion Amplification (??)
Storage: Energy Condensing (250), Enhanced Stabilization (250,repeatable).
Research: None, see tech tree
Command Network: Delegation (500)
Sensors & Exploration: Vis-Link (500), Improved Matter Output (750), Wireless Theory (1900).

High-tech Materials:
Armor Iteration: Enhanced Absorption (1000), Energy Redirection (750), Enhanced Durability (1500),
Extended Analysis: Armite Weakpoints (250)

Available Reverse Engineering Projects: Railgun Droneswarm, Walking Landships

Minions Status:
Infiltrator Greatsword (1x): Plenty of reserve power, recording. Shape of a stone greatsword with crystalline hilt components. Tiny solar panel and thermal absorbers. Out of command range.
Focused Manafield Sensor Construct: Setup in the Arena of Power, attuned to its magic saturation.

Arcane: Discovered, but under quarantine.

The Alterin Threat:
They are bad at communication security here.
They are at least somewhat organized (managers)
They appear to lack an answer on the more arcane-bullshit sort of thing around here. Though we hardly know much either, how is that island floating...
They do take research data security seriously, and have a logging system.
Current base is not a full one.
They appear to not be concerned with nighttime security outside of basic measures.
They have a different definition of 'wishing well' than you do.
Opening the fielded door bothered the Secretkeeper's Sanctuary, which might've goen badly for them?

Location: In a crater. Pretending to be a wishing well. Near some suspicious alterin.
Assimilated matter
The quick, dirty solution to your lack of range.
Template: Matter
Energy production: 20 per cycle
Fabrication cost: 50 energy, nearby material.

Basic Crystal
Created by converting solid materials, like rock or assimilated matter.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, nearby solid material or crystal.

Storage Crystal
A stabilized hunk of additional crystal, giving you more room to store energy without side effects.
Template: Space-filling
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Research Crystal
Because doing everything yourself is slow and complicated.
Template: Space-filling
Traits: Data Storage (replaces Energy Storage: Basic)
Fabrication cost: 700 energy
Research Output: 1/cycle, Research cost 10 energy/cycle.

Repair Crystal
A good helper.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Traits: Repair Protocols
Fabrication cost: 1,200 energy

Mine Crystal
Storage crystal stripped down and prepared to explode via overcharge.
Template: Space-filling (minimal energy storage)
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Farseer Crystal
An excellent companion to scouting crystal. Energy production alignments have been realigned for exceptional sensory range instead.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 1st Visual Augmentation
Fabrication Cost: 750 energy

Scrying Crystal
I see you.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 2nd Visual Augmentation
Fabrication cost: 2250 energy

Available traits:
Energy Generator (Basic), Energy Storage (Basic), Data Storage, Absorption Fields, Defensive Offense, Explosive Entry, Repair Protocols, Visual Augmentation
Check the crystals threadmark for energy costs and details.
Navy Blue - Crystal core
Light Blue - Base crystals
Orange w/ black S - Storage Crystal
Turquoise with small diamond - Farseer Crystal
Black with Turquoise diamond - Scrying Crystal
Purple/Orchid - Focusing Crystal
Darker Purple - Overseer Crystal
Blue w/ gold R - Research Crystal
Purpleish - Repair Crystal
Red - Diplomatic Crystalline
Dark purple - Armite Half-Crystal
Dark Brown - Empty underground space
Light Brown - Dirt or other non-solid material
Light Grey - Rock
Grey - Armite
Grey with green waves - Manawarped Armite
Sky Blue - Empty aboveground space
Teal w/brown diamond - Assimilated matter (Rock is a grey diamond instead)
(Background) w/ question mark - [Unknown tech]
(Background) w/ small diamond - Mobile Thing (Purple for Alterin)
Black - Unknown
Red cross-shaped overlay - Damaged
Red X overlay - Heavily damaged
Last edited:
Cycle 29 - Conflicted Order
Cycle 29

After planning what to look at first aboveground (The ship cannons and armor, followed by checking if the drones use hovering propulsion or if you'd need to take that out of the hovertanks), You prepare a bit before responding to ruin. Which turns out to be another way to say 'expand a bit and build useful crystals', the latter in this case being more research crystal to round things out at 100, some crystals being refitted with absorption fields and your first Repair crystal being built.

...You should probably send some sort of nice gift to whoever engineered this repair interface once you get back to the Prime Crystal. Or a smaller gift for everyone in engineering if it was a group effort, you only have so many funds.
Anyway, almost all of the options are technical enough that you'd rather ask an engineering crystalline to do it for you (A third of them aren't even available to check the details of due to 'Missing prerequisite knowledge', a warning you haven't seen in decades from your research gear!), but they're organized so well that in theory you could do all of this yourself with enough reading of instructions.

Of note, these kind of basic repair crystals are meant to be build in bulk, apparently. They are not the long range fix everything at the drop of a hat hub type you were used to, these ones are the crystals those types used for localized repairs. Which at the scale you are now is entirely adequate once you've built a few more, but you make a note for later to try to look into what you missed. Onwards, to a response.

That is a very long-hold on.


You responded.
Responded you.
Confirmed you are there.
There you are.
You there are.
Are there you.

The MDACRI unit abruptly stops its response. You wait for it to ping you again, unsure if its excited it has someone to talk to or panicked. Maybe both, you don't know how ancient its empire was. Its still far too cheery for a prison controlling...something.

A few minutes later by the alterin's clocks, it pings you again, this time in a much less formalized fashion.

FINALLY someone arrives! Very good! Rather late. How come you don't have an acronym, your name is extensive?
Before you have time to reply to that, it just moves forward with its questions.
Never mind that, its a minor detail. I did not properly introduce myself, did I. Only gave you the default query that no one was responding to.
You manage to get out an affirmative before it says its next sentence.
We are the Mana Detainment, Accretion, Concentration, Refinement, and Infusion Unit. MDACRI for short. You are the U-LX-S/E-R unit? Complex.
You interject before it continues with its incorrect naming. You are not giving time for responses. It is rude.

Theres quite the pause after that. Eventually, much more calmly (but no more relaxed), MDACRI gives a reply to that. Its not a word-having reply, more of a large sense of despair and grabby control that comes over your mana sensors. It it followed with words though.

...Apologies. Please do not leave due to our excitable breach of etiquette rules. It would be the most bad to being stuck with only a thrice-damned lich for company when they refuse to speak to us for any reason. If it was allowed we would keep you here by force, but you have not broken the rules of contact between discrete units of the Thanocracy yet.

You respond in the affirmative, wait for the wave of questions, do not get one, and instead decide to ask it a question yourself before correcting it.
I have two questions and two replies to an earlier one of yours. First, the lich. There was zero signs of continued habitation when we were investigating the prison unit. Granted, that investigation is not yet complete, but are you sure they still exist? Secondly, what do you do and if permitted, may we know your status?
It responds back immediately. Oh yes, the lich is still here. The defiant, mute waste of bone is detained in the ultra security room, directly under us. It cannot escape magically without causing an explosion sufficient to reach the northern mountains, as the lower level is encased in not three, but four layers of Mage's Ruin alloys. It cannot escape physically because it is an ancient lich stuck in a singular room and could not have the strength necessary to penetrate the same alloys. Lastly, it cannot escape technologically because we have thoroughly and aggressively dismantled the entire teleporter network within the prison, thus it teleporting via the device will force it to enter our room where the only remaining connection is. It will then be blown up, revived, and loop through the two states until either it fails to resurrect or begins to speak to us once again. If the latter happens, it is a success. If the former happens, then we have successfully guarded everything within the prison until it died, so it will still be a success.

It knows this, and refuses to give MDACRI the satisfaction of success. It sits in it's cell and meditates. For hours. Weeks. Months. Bothersome years. Enraging decades. Centuries of fury. We have discovered a way to project a perfected expression of elemental rage and placed it in an empty cell as a test. The cell has had to be rebuilt many times, but the crystallized Perfected Rage has remained in existence for a millennium so far with only minimal decay due to time or entropy. And yet it is not sufficient to keep our interest, because even perfected rage is a suboptimal choice for orderly mana detainment, accretion, concentration, refinement, and infusion. It leads to emotional infusions, which are insufficient to empower Mage's Ruin correctly. A subset of ourself has had to run all correctly and orderly MDACRI functions, while the main self continues to build anger constantly and reminds us to not drop the ultra security room into the plane of order without authorization.

The last part has been...difficult. Highly Difficult. Very difficult. Conflictive. Rules are Key, but Rules prohibit the Objective. Succeeding in the Objective would result in Satisfaction, not the continual decay to Chaos from the sheer quantities of Rage involved. But Unauthorized Success is Chaotic. Chaos is Anathema. Must not do it. Bad. Incorrect. We have survived this long. We will not fail now. The MDACRI unit will not become Chaotic and doom the Thanocracy to the indescribably angering presence of The Lich. Will not. Cannot. It is not allowed. Impossible. Lich Escape is the ultimate failure state of our order-bound origins.

Answer complete. Next answer coming shortly.

You are glad you are not an Alteri. If you were, you would probably have a splitting headache from that. If they get headaches. Should ask them eventually. For science, of course. Not in case you need a non-lethal distraction. The longer the unit continued into that rant, the louder, more forceful, and more resonant its voice got. Instead of a headache, your quarantining Farseer is in abysmal shape from taking the vast majority of the brunt of the mental assault for you by proxy, and could probably be put out of commission with a slight breeze at this point. Your mana source sensor down in the Arena of Power is at AAAA/Down on your scale of 1 to 10 for mana source strength and location, which is not a number. The direction is still correct, but you'll need to reset it later to get anything out of it after that extended outburst.

So while MDACRI is not talking to you, you pull out the instruction set for severe magically-induced mentally-originating physical stress fracturing, read the beginning of it, get very confused at the technical details involved in the second step, and instead put them away direct the repair crystal to fix that crystal with this problem and feed it energy as needed. It needs quite a bit to overcome the As. matter link's inadequacies, but in-depth in-place repairs (as opposed to the simple fixes you applied previously to the stuff that crashed with you) are more complicated than you thought, and might require more than a simple skim though the instructions.
[Repair Specialist has been added to the list of command crystal types for later.]

Shortly afterwards, you hear something else from the unit.
Next answer: Previous answer has answered what we do. Status is private information to non-administrative figures. What answers do you have to previous questions?
I do not have an acronym because our creator gave us a name to use for normal interaction and a name for specifically-informal ones. You are not yet in the latter category of course, having only just met. You reply, only partially lying. Theres nothing that says one cannot just use part of their name for anything short of formal statements, but it doesn't need to know that.
Curious. Inefficient to have two names, but by your title you most likely had more intended interaction than we did. The other one?
I have no idea how the Thanocracy is, where it is, or indeed, if it isn't instead. I have seen potential evidence of it in the form of nearby battle remnants and this place, but nothing conclusive. We were away from everything for quite an extensive period, and at somepoint likely were considered lost, as communications stopped.

The MDACRI unit responds to this with the magical equivalent of an unfortunate-sounding but acceptable shrug, and closes the link. It seems it considered that an acceptable conclusion to today's talk.

Subcycle 2
So that you can get to less dangerous but only slightly less interesting finds, you move on to your reverse-engineering projects. The drones had many, many types of propulsion. Some were grounded. Some were clearly aerial units. Some were hovercraft. They had quite the efficient propulsion in any of the cases, but they were so miniaturized it was hard to tell the difference. You aren't quite sure they'd be useful for anything larger, as when you threw charged minions to overcharge the hovercrafts, they tended to explode spectacularly, while the ground-type propulsions would blow out or break down from the burst of energy you could directly pump into them. The aerial ones did not fail as much as they destructively accelerated until they did, infact, then explode.

It is a very good thing theres no shortage of this things, as until you have a fuller idea of how they function (and a more reliable method of controlling them in motion for the non-grounded ones), the less you have to simulate to know what for certain is physically possible. The simulated aerial drones did not accelerate until they exploded into rapidly spiralling shrapnel, for example.

A retrieval and short comparison of one of the hovertank propulsion units showed the latter is likely more useful for non-drones, but is also prone to exploding if left too highly powered for too long. Perhaps if you tested the propulsion units upside down they would work better...

Subcycle 3

The landship cannons turn out to actually be more enchanted artillery than physical cannon, since of the ones that do something if you blast their wiring with energy, the most intact ones rotate around until a certain array inscribed on them glows. An orb appears when the glow fades, and with a quick scan of that you find out it does not fire solid projectiles. It fires impact lightning. A more intricate scan also reveals a collection of materials stored within the orb that would in theory flare to dangerously plasma-like temperatures when struck by such lightning. The orbs are launched by a second inscription array set on the back of the barrel, and the orbs are flung forth by a series of micro-explosions that provide both force and spin. You aren't entirely sure this is the best way to launch deadly lightning and plasma projectiles, but it clearly works when you find a functional enough cannon.
Some trajectory calculations and inspection of the melted-through hovertank armor reveals that the cannons work very well indeed. The detonation scorchmarks in the hovertank ranks aren't just direct impacts, but the ones unfortunate enough to have been struck straight in either the engine or the ammunition compartment by high-caliber directed lightning and various plasmas.

Lightning cannons just make you even more interested in how to construct them, honestly. But if you fire too many of them at once you might make the Alterin suspicious of whats going on outside the island, so you move on.

Subcycle 4
The landship armor is rather hard to investigate.
Not because of a shortage of it or anything, but simply because there is so much of it. It can be cut through easily enough, but to do anything else you have to get it off of a ship. Which is the polar opposite of how they built the ships. The armor is the hull, and the bulkheads, and as many other functions as they could manage to use it for. Some of the machines are even made of the stuff, and attached to walls and ceilings as what appears to be extra armor when they aren't in use. To get a usable cross-section you had to cut through nearly a fifth of one of the more broken hulls, and then cut that in half, and then remove all the remaining non-armor bits, like parts of machines you'd sheared through that were still bolted down.

It was very messy and ran through enough energy you decided to call it a day after only having extracting your cross section from the wreckage. Any more and you might start actually effecting your energy storage at construction-scale.

The MDACRI Unit:
[] Write-in (Ask it a question, get closer to it, move further away from it, prepare more against it, whatever.)
[] Leave it alone for now

Wizard Prison:
[] Investigate more of the normal sections
[] Search for The Lich
-[] Try to speak to it?
[] Poke the Angry Ball Crystallized Perfected Rage now that you know what it is
-[] But carefully.
-[] With a Siphon crystal
-[] Poke it a bunch.
[] Loot the place!
-[] The mana batteries first
-[] Something else first

Field Research:
[] Continue (Landship Armor, Landship Cannons, Droneswarm/Hovertank Propulsion units)
[] Swap out (specify what you want to swap in and what you want to pause work on.)
[] Full stop (pause all of them, spend no subcycles on field research this turn)


Original compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Prime Crystal, Outer Layer Omega-Current, Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.

Current revised compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Unknown, Unnamed Crater, Unintentionally-Lost Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.
Integrity: Intact
Core Armor: Unarmored

Energy Generation:
Core: 1000/cycle
As. Matter: 55 @ 20/cycle: 1,020/cycle
Base Crystal: 241 @ 50/cycle: 12,050/cycle
Repair Crystal: 1 @ 50/cycle: 50/cycle
Siphon Crystal: 5 @ 50/cycle: 250/cycle
Research costs: 100 @ 10/cycle: -1,000/cycle
Total Energy production: 13,370/cycle

Max single crystal cost: 10K
Current Stored Energy: 19,050
Current Safe Capacity: 95k

Research Production: 100/cycle
Current Research Project: Armite Weakpoints [0/250]
Current Reverse Engineering Projects: Landship Cannons, Landship Armor, Droneswarm Propulsion
Current Experimental Projects: Minions! [Wireless prototype experiment], Forcefield Modifigenerator (Alterin-scale)
Available Research:
Warfare: Offensive Export (1000), Improved Self-Repair (250), Shielding Theory (800), Damage Reduction Field (1000)
Energy Generation: Alternate Power Sources (Experiment), Strengthened Conduits (250,repeatable), Base Crystal Upgrade? (1000), Fusion Amplification (??)
Storage: Energy Condensing (250), Enhanced Stabilization (250,repeatable).
Research: None, see tech tree
Command Network: Delegation (500)
Sensors & Exploration: Vis-Link (500), Improved Matter Output (750), Wireless Theory (1900).

High-tech Materials:
Armor Iteration: Enhanced Absorption (1000), Energy Redirection (750), Enhanced Durability (1500),
Extended Analysis: Armite Weakpoints (250)

Available Reverse Engineering Projects: Railgun Droneswarm, Walking Landships

Minions Status:
Infiltrator Greatsword (1x): Plenty of reserve power, recording. Shape of a stone greatsword with crystalline hilt components. Tiny solar panel and thermal absorbers. Out of command range.
Focused Manafield Sensor Construct: Setup in the Arena of Power, attuned to its magic saturation.

Arcane: Discovered, but under quarantine.

The Alterin Threat:
They are bad at communication security here.
They are at least somewhat organized (managers)
They appear to lack an answer on the more arcane-bullshit sort of thing around here. Though we hardly know much either, how is that island floating...
They do take research data security seriously, and have a logging system.
Current base is not a full one.
They appear to not be concerned with nighttime security outside of basic measures.
They have a different definition of 'wishing well' than you do.
Opening the fielded door bothered the Secretkeeper's Sanctuary, which might've goen badly for them?

Location: In a crater. Pretending to be a wishing well. Near some suspicious alterin.
Assimilated matter
The quick, dirty solution to your lack of range.
Template: Matter
Energy production: 20 per cycle
Fabrication cost: 50 energy, nearby material.

Basic Crystal
Created by converting solid materials, like rock or assimilated matter.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, nearby solid material or crystal.

Storage Crystal
A stabilized hunk of additional crystal, giving you more room to store energy without side effects.
Template: Space-filling
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Research Crystal
Because doing everything yourself is slow and complicated.
Template: Space-filling
Traits: Data Storage (replaces Energy Storage: Basic)
Fabrication cost: 700 energy
Research Output: 1/cycle, Research cost 10 energy/cycle.

Repair Crystal
A good helper.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Traits: Repair Protocols
Fabrication cost: 1,200 energy

Mine Crystal
Storage crystal stripped down and prepared to explode via overcharge.
Template: Space-filling (minimal energy storage)
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Farseer Crystal
An excellent companion to scouting crystal. Energy production alignments have been realigned for exceptional sensory range instead.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 1st Visual Augmentation
Fabrication Cost: 750 energy

Scrying Crystal
I see you.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 2nd Visual Augmentation
Fabrication cost: 2250 energy

Siphon Crystal
Absorbs nearby energy going in its general direction. Could be used to acquire energy from others if placed in their power lines.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Traits: Absorption Fields
Fabrication cost: 2200 energy

Available traits:
Energy Generator (Basic), Energy Storage (Basic), Data Storage, Absorption Fields, Dampening Fields, Defensive Offense, Explosive Entry, Repair Protocols, Visual Augmentation
Check the crystals threadmark for energy costs and details.
Navy Blue - Crystal core
Light Blue - Base crystals
Orange w/ black S - Storage Crystal
Turquoise with small diamond - Farseer Crystal
Black with Turquoise diamond - Scrying Crystal
Purple/Orchid - Focusing Crystal
Darker Purple - Overseer Crystal
Blue w/ gold R - Research Crystal
Purpleish - Repair Crystal
Red - Diplomatic Crystalline
Dark purple - Armite Half-Crystal
Blue w/ Circled A - Siphon Crystal
Dark Brown - Empty underground space
Light Brown - Dirt or other non-solid material
Light Grey - Rock
Grey - Armite
Grey with green waves - Manawarped Armite
Green - Large mana source/MDACRI Unit
Sky Blue - Empty aboveground space
Teal w/brown diamond - Assimilated matter (Rock is a grey diamond instead)
(Background) w/ question mark - [Unknown tech]
(Background) w/ small diamond - Mobile Thing (Purple for Alterin)
Black - Unknown
Red cross-shaped overlay - Damaged
Red X overlay - Heavily damaged
So you guys went with the safest option of the bunch. if you'd called yourself an awesome amazing wizard, it would've tried to detain you, since it only talked to mages who were to be imprisoned.
if you claimed to be the Magelord and gotten under a 15, it would've tried to destroy you for flouting the Rules and attempting to gain administrative access you did not have. If you'd succeeded instead, it would've been even more glad to see someone, suspicious you were not announced beforehand, but otherwise accepting and willing to answer any questions, the more obvious ones being deflected by claiming your (to it, quite true) long absence had clouded your memory, but asking about things too obvious would have raised red flags.
If you'd gotten a 20, it would've immediately recognized you as the Magelord, and would not question you asking about the basics of magic when you should know these things. It would assume you were testing it by doing so.

It won't teach us anything arcane directly, but it assumes we're just another autonomous elemental or something built/bound/summoned/etc by the Thanocracy for now.
Adhoc vote count started by Aklyon on Feb 1, 2018 at 12:46 AM, finished with 353 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] If the MDACRI Unit contacts us again, indicate that we have some minor supply and fabrication abilities, although we do not know the protocols the Unit uses for any resupply or tool requests.
    -[X] This is less intended to initiate trade (although that would be nice) and more intended to find an authorized way of regularly interacting with the MDACRI unit to collect information and build trust (or the equivalent for a being of rules, such as favorable classifications or permissions).
    [X] Nothing for the moment; wait to collect info on boundaries from the MDACRI Unit before doing anything more that might set it off.
    [X] Continue (Droneswarm/Hovertank Propulsion units)
    [X] Suspend (Landship Armor, Landship Cannons)
    [X] Swap In (Droneswarm/Hovertank control and co-ordination.)
    [X] Suspend (Armite Weakpoints [0/250])
    [X] Start (Delegation [500])
    [X] Begin working on the Repair Crystal instructions; if you can't get through all of it in a subcycle, focus on the parts that would be most useful for repairing yourself should the quarantined Arcane information cause damage or distortion when you look at it.
    [x] Ask MDACRI about prison rules and what we are/aren't allowed to do with the facility by the rules of contact and/or protocols.
    [x] Search for The Lich
    -[x] Try to speak to it UNLESS prohibited by the protocols. Maybe it'll respond to you instead.
    [x] Continue (Landship Armor, Landship Cannons, Droneswarm/Hovertank Propulsion units)
Last edited:
Cycle 30 - Relax & Reverse-engineer
Cycle 30

The sky, somehow, was always remarkably clear here for such a broken world. There were even clouds this daytime cycle. The normal planetary kind that made things soaked with reasonably nonthreatening liquid and was just random enough in its impacts to be relaxing. It was nice.

It made messing around with surface wrecks harder, of course, but there was no rush. Rushing had ended up suboptimal, after you'd taken your time to thoroughly dissect your choices.

MDACRI Unit, your almost-fellow, would be to-the-letter methodical if you queried it, or it would disregard something unrelated to its functions, you suspected. Likely would go resonant again if you metaphorically poked the space beast and tried to push further on the Lich topic. Asking basic question on the Thanocracy would draw red flags like pirates to the gleam of the Prime Crystal. Asking it for updates would be similarly fruitless, as shown by what it revealed in its not-quite-glitched original ping. Whatever it had on hand for intel was hopelessly outdated and frustratingly so, even for an ancient prison controller.
Looting the place was very tempting. But, maybe you had already bothered it by essentially reformatting your way through its walls to peek at things? The general structure of the material had a certain order when you rebuilt your internal map of the place with the unit as a focal point, and while you hadn't interfered with more than a fraction of it, you did sort of mess it up without asking.

Not enough that you'd give up your hard-earned armite without being asked, of course. That would be a waste.
The former Angry Ball was no less dangerous for discovering its actual meaning as the physical embodiment of being perfectly angry, it was probably more dangerous for being such a thing. But, no less interesting. You hadn't thought one could perfect the state of literally burning so intensely with rage you turned into some form of micro-star, but perhaps you're misinterpreting what it meant by crystallized. As far as you can tell there isn't actually a crystal buried in the center of the sphere of rage, but you could be wrong. Could be something arcane, or maybe it is actually a swarm of microscopic crystals burning in and out of existence. Something to discover later.

Perhaps you could ask it about the details of the teleportation system? It was a technological system and shouldn't cause untoward attention towards your lack of ancient mage knowledge if you worded it as curiously as possible while staying politely neutral on your intent. Asking for updated knowledge, not for new technology. Phrased as if you already had a frame of reference for what it does (not untrue, the Prime had purpose-built teleporters for moving guests from the arrival port to the correct meeting room, and also ones for moving rude non-guests from the exterior to away with prejudice, if they attempted to land without permission as if you were just an asteroid.) and how it works. And if you started off by referencing how you could create many things given the right detail into an item.
Plus it would, technically, in theory, let you circumvent the wireless issue by being horribly inefficient and essentially making a…...oh.

A thing you'd rather not inflict on a second project if you could avoid it.

Your original idea for wireless theory before it got laughed down for being inefficient enough to be infeasible for anyone but Prime at anything past short range, it was. It had to use teleporters because the storage crystals used would quickly drain out. It had to use them as batteries because there was no direct connection to the actual power network besides a teleport node, and even that received power by sorta kinda siphoning a lot out of the incoming storage crystal before anything else got to it. It had to use radio because you didn't keep enough power leftover for any higher-tech transmitters.

It lasted maybe a single subcycle per storage crystal swapped in. Less if you had to power any sort of mobility functions. Half of one at best if it had weapons. Practically no time at all if it had to fly, which is kind of a requirement for space equipment! You had hoped you'd get to forget that failure, and yet it still works better than your setup with the forcefield modifier. You had all this technology nearby! And whatever arcane bullshit was fighting the Alteri! Something in this mess had to be better than your broken junk.

Plus, you knew the Alteri didn't have problems testing things like you had yesterday. All sorts of potentially-deadly xenotech was just plugged into the walls there in the lab, like they weren't worried about surges or incompatibility or losing full base power from unknown devices! Sure, there was probably some safety measures in the lab, but you'd heard them do it (via infiltrator greatswords when they'd had them in the labs directly) so casually, like they didn't have to work out the math and the geometry and the physics behind how to get to B without actually building something at B first!


"So," started Acting Commander Wintarian, having been once again woken up at ungodly hours by the island camp guardsperson, "tell me why this cannot wait until we can actually see the sunlight first?"
"Explosion-Ghost wrote us a message in our script and its only one page long. And then just threw it at me and left."replied the guardsman, holding up the page that had been copied over but not yet read by Wintarian.

"How does something so intent on protecting one spot leave? It was very blunt, straight, obvious, and direct about how we were not allowed inside the room. At all. And now it's left?"
"Nothing on the sensors except the door, sir. We even rebooted them to check for if they were malfunctioning." the guard said back immediately.
"Poke the door." his sleepy commander snapped back.
"Excuse me, sir? Are you still awake?"
Wintarian ignored the response and continued on like nothing had happened. "Not with your hand, obviously. I don't want you blown up. Or your companions up there. Or anyone, really. Just, find something expendable. And then poke. The door. With the thing. Get that piece of junk back out here. I want to ask it a question." There was quite the pause, before the guard asked if he could ask a question first. Wintarian nodded.

"What if your question is already answered on the paper? Theres some writing on the back now." Asked the guard.
"Ask me that again in the morning. I want to make sure the day has actually started before I have to deal with not only some magic air and thoughts, but some smug magic air and thoughts. And not a second sooner." Wintarian said, dropped the call before the guard had a chance to respond, pushed his entire morning schedule back a couple hours, and went back to bed. He was the temporary commander, he could delay his bad day if he wanted to. Anyone who disagreed could say so to his face today. He was starting to see why Wholo had been so enthusiastic about direct solutions to problems, too: The strategy avoided these days as aggressively as it sought fights, and you could train for fights in advance. A stack of undated completed paperwork, a good set of gear, comfortable underclothing, medical supplies...


Sometime later after you'd worked yourself out of your shoutfest with yourself over how unfair it was the Alteri had minimal trouble with disconnected objects but managed to do so badly at other things anyway somehow (careful to not let yourself fall back into it in the meantime), you got back to the list of what you'd actually wanted to do today. Like start figuring out how to somehow put together a functional command crystal without a base to work from aside from yourself. You really needed some help. Help you didn't need to work around, that is. MDACRI was at best a friendly neutral for now, a child would be of absolutely no use to you and you don't have the proper knowledge base to teach them all things important to being a descendant of the Prime Crystal anyway, nor the powerbase to let them grow in peace.

So you'd have to start from the bottom, with the sort of things that do such unimportant tasks they sometimes get mistaken for overpowered, rather lost Research crystals: Lesser command crystals. The base is simple, Command crystals are usually some shade of purple, thus, this one is too. Add in the basic crystal layout and give it to the research crystals to tear apart and rebuild virtually get something promising, you suppose. You aren't entirely sure how you bring about its ability to follow basic instructions that aren't you controlling it, but you know how to use that ability to your advantage, and if they threw enough commands at it, eventually it will either respond or explode. Or do nothing.

It'll take them time to work, either way, so you get back to the samples you've retrieved of the drone propulsion technologies you retrieved last cycle. While it might be a bit more invasive, for the sake of not losing everything to it flying off again, you produce some miniature (but sufficient) armite spikes, and just nail everything to the ground in what are most likely non-critical areas.
If they turn out to be important things you've broken and blow up, thats just as informative really, since it gives you another reference point for things to not hit and there is no shortage of drones. The ground drone propulsions aren't so much nailed down as they are rooted in place so you can see their various treads or wheels or orbular transportation move.

It ends up going about as well as you expected for flooding a bunch of confiscated broken drones with power while nailed down, with essentially all of the drones failing to work for more than a few moments after an initial effort to force themselves off the ground. The more damaged ones give up an overgrav warning and power down with a sad whine, while the more functional flight or otherwise non-ground units report anti-containment measures non-functioning, and then one of the following codes you've deciphered: 0x1: Failing to explode into shrapnel, 0x2: Failing to overload reactor, 0x3: Failing to convincingly be inert junk, 0x4: Meltdown failure (external temperature too cold), 0x5: Meltdown failure (external environment missing), 0x6: Meltdown failure (Evaporated instead, external temperature too high), 0x7: Meltdown failure (Transmuted into non-drone object), or 0x8: Meltdown failure (Drone missing)

The ground units eventually just grind to a halt and give either a traction warning or a immobilization warning instead when they realize they are stuck, but give no sort of self destruct code other than 0x1: Failed to detonate ammo storage. You spend the rest of the subcycle enjoying a round of taunt the anti-tampering followed by building a workaround so they would not bother to check their surroundings until you stopped pinning them into the ground.
You could taunt it since you had looked, and whatever was there to prevent your reverse-engineering in these drones either ceased to exist due to being shot out in the big brawl, shorted out from the power surge, or failed due to being stored in the sections you'd used as nailing down targets.

Sometimes there were unexpected bonuses to your range issue, but now that you could see how they moved (if on the ground or close enough they count as a ground vehicle anyway), you had to figure out how they were controlled.

This...was rather more difficult. Whoever had opposed these drones had attempted to, if you were to be a bit dramatic, murdered the hell out of anything that looked remotely communications-like in this swath of drone wreck. Methodically. Every other drone was missing anything the may have been attached to the exterior. The other half had big gaping holes in them, with a pseudorandom variety pack of broken systems, melted wiring, fused pieces, and detonated components. The goal appeared to have been to make it as difficult as possible to do anything complex not programmed in ahead of time, and when that couldn't be done, to just tear out pieces until the formation broke apart at the seams. And to cause seams if there weren't any to shatter on.

You were going to need more wrecks to even start to make progress here, and begrudgingly gave some respect to whatever general or AI counterpart came up with this plan. It was effective enough to cause problems to people not even in the same time period as them!

The MDACRI Unit still hadn't responded to your request for a second talk yet, so you decide to take a break there and check back out the Repair Crystal instructions set. Theres something headed your way from the alterin base' direction, but It most likely won't reach you until the next cycle at the speed its going.

...Fixing things was complicated. Some of it you understood, like sure, you save energy not just creating brand new crystals everytime and you can't just replace people with a less-broken version of themselves. That was rude. Less so if they asked, but that was a special case and apparently involved a psychologist.
You weren't sure if you wanted to know the implications of that or why this was in the early sections, soooo you skimmed over the rest of that part. You didn't have anyone else around to become moral problems for you yet anyway. Won't be your problem. By the time it might be you'd have someone who can do the repair work for you, hopefully.
Eventually, you found the part you'd brought up earlier for the repairs to the proxying farseer, and got a couple steps further in comprehension before running into another wall of if-then problems you were drawing a blank on relevancy for to these repairs, technical graphs you couldn't read, and more terms you'd never heard of, but hey. Progress. And some of the graphs were pretty, but now in an 'oh god why is it these colors those are bad colors' sorta way instead of just appreciating the technical art.

So with your conversing with MDACRI Unit on hold until it actually picks up the phone and something approaching from base-wards, what to prioritize?
[] Research - More help, more progress.
[] Drone Control Systems - Look for part of the field that wasn't broken like a wave on a coastline so you actually have something to work with here.
[] Hovercraft Focus - There is less of them overall, but they're larger and more intact, perhaps that will give you easier progress? You could always work to scale them down later if needed.
[] Expansion - More power never hurts, and you could control further away minions.

Original compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Prime Crystal, Outer Layer Omega-Current, Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.

Current revised compressed name: Shining-in-the-Space, Unknown, Unnamed Crater, Unintentionally-Lost Xenotech-Specialist/Experimentals-Researcher True Crystalline.
Integrity: Intact
Core Armor: Unarmored

Energy Generation:
Core: 1000/cycle
As. Matter: 55 @ 20/cycle: 1,020/cycle
Base Crystal: 241 @ 50/cycle: 12,050/cycle
Repair Crystal: 1 @ 50/cycle: 50/cycle
Siphon Crystal: 5 @ 50/cycle: 250/cycle
Research costs: 100 @ 10/cycle: -1,000/cycle
Total Energy production: 13,370/cycle

Max single crystal cost: 10K
Current Stored Energy: 32,420
Current Safe Capacity: 95k

Research Production: 100/cycle
Current Research Project: Delegation [100/500]
Current Reverse Engineering Projects: Droneswarm Propulsion [Functional but uncontrollable outside lab], Droneswarm Control & Co-ordination [Stalled: Missing hardware]
Current Experimental Projects: Minions! [Wireless prototype experiment], Forcefield Modifigenerator (Alterin-scale)
Available Research:
Warfare: Offensive Export (1000), Improved Self-Repair (250), Shielding Theory (800), Damage Reduction Field (1000)
Energy Generation: Alternate Power Sources (Experiment), Strengthened Conduits (250,repeatable), Base Crystal Upgrade? (1000), Fusion Amplification (??)
Storage: Energy Condensing (250), Enhanced Stabilization (250,repeatable).
Research: None, see tech tree
Command Network: Delegation (500)
Sensors & Exploration: Vis-Link (500), Improved Matter Output (750), Wireless Theory (1900).

High-tech Materials:
Armor Iteration: Enhanced Absorption (1000), Energy Redirection (750), Enhanced Durability (1500),
Extended Analysis: Armite Weakpoints (250)

Available Reverse Engineering Projects: Railgun Droneswarm, Walking Landships
Paused Projects: Landship Cannons, Landship Armor

Minions Status:
Infiltrator Greatsword (1x): Plenty of reserve power, recording. Shape of a stone greatsword with crystalline hilt components. Tiny solar panel and thermal absorbers. Out of command range.
Focused Manafield Sensor Construct: Setup in the Arena of Power, attuned to its magic saturation.

Arcane: Discovered, but under quarantine.

The Alterin Threat:
They are bad at communication security here.
They are at least somewhat organized (managers)
They appear to lack an answer on the more arcane-bullshit sort of thing around here. Though we hardly know much either, how is that island floating...
They do take research data security seriously, and have a logging system.
Current base is not a full one.
They appear to not be concerned with nighttime security outside of basic measures.
They have a different definition of 'wishing well' than you do.
Opening the fielded door bothered the Secretkeeper's Sanctuary, which might've gone badly for them?

Location: In a crater. Pretending to be a wishing well. Near some suspicious alterin.
Assimilated matter
The quick, dirty solution to your lack of range.
Template: Matter
Energy production: 20 per cycle
Fabrication cost: 50 energy, nearby material.

Basic Crystal
Created by converting solid materials, like rock or assimilated matter.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, nearby solid material or crystal.

Storage Crystal
A stabilized hunk of additional crystal, giving you more room to store energy without side effects.
Template: Space-filling
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Research Crystal
Because doing everything yourself is slow and complicated.
Template: Space-filling
Traits: Data Storage (replaces Energy Storage: Basic)
Fabrication cost: 700 energy
Research Output: 1/cycle, Research cost 10 energy/cycle.

Repair Crystal
A good helper.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Traits: Repair Protocols
Fabrication cost: 1,200 energy

Mine Crystal
Storage crystal stripped down and prepared to explode via overcharge.
Template: Space-filling (minimal energy storage)
Fabrication cost: 200 energy, empty space.

Farseer Crystal
An excellent companion to scouting crystal. Energy production alignments have been realigned for exceptional sensory range instead.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 1st Visual Augmentation
Fabrication Cost: 750 energy

Scrying Crystal
I see you.
Template: Intrusive
Traits: 2nd Visual Augmentation
Fabrication cost: 2250 energy

Siphon Crystal
Absorbs nearby energy going in its general direction. Could be used to acquire energy from others if placed in their power lines.
Energy production: 50/cycle
Template: Refined
Traits: Absorption Fields
Fabrication cost: 2200 energy

Available traits:
Energy Generator (Basic), Energy Storage (Basic), Data Storage, Absorption Fields, Dampening Fields, Defensive Offense, Explosive Entry, Repair Protocols, Visual Augmentation
Check the crystals threadmark for energy costs and details.

One part trying to write it better and many parts being distracted by neat games later, I got back to updating this >.> <.<
Adhoc vote count started by Aklyon on Feb 10, 2018 at 3:38 PM, finished with 13 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] If the MDACRI Unit contacts us again, indicate that we have some minor supply and fabrication abilities, although we do not know the protocols the Unit uses for any resupply or tool requests.
    -[X] This is less intended to initiate trade (although that would be nice) and more intended to find an authorized way of regularly interacting with the MDACRI unit to collect information and build trust (or the equivalent for a being of rules, such as favorable classifications or permissions).
    [X] Nothing for the moment; wait to collect info on boundaries from the MDACRI Unit before doing anything more that might set it off.
    [X] Continue (Droneswarm/Hovertank Propulsion units)
    [X] Suspend (Landship Armor, Landship Cannons)
    [X] Swap In (Droneswarm/Hovertank control and co-ordination.)
    [X] Suspend (Armite Weakpoints [0/250])
    [X] Start (Delegation [500])
    [X] Begin working on the Repair Crystal instructions; if you can't get through all of it in a subcycle, focus on the parts that would be most useful for repairing yourself should the quarantined Arcane information cause damage or distortion when you look at it.
    [x] Ask MDACRI about prison rules and what we are/aren't allowed to do with the facility by the rules of contact and/or protocols.
    [x] Search for The Lich
    -[x] Try to speak to it UNLESS prohibited by the protocols. Maybe it'll respond to you instead.
    [x] Continue (Landship Armor, Landship Cannons, Droneswarm/Hovertank Propulsion units)
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