Create-Your-Own Superhero (or Supervillian) Thread

OP and Action Master

Muhkat Lomorki

Draconic Sorcerer
This is a thread for coming up with your own superheroes/super villains and sharing them with people. Pretty simple, but I hope some people might find this fun.

Optionally, you can use the following character sheet if you want to:

Secret Identity(Optional):

I'll start with this for now:

Name: Action Master
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Secret Identity: Charlie Kennedy
Power: Can bring toys to life with a personality he imagines and give them super powers, such as super speed, flight, and laser vision. The only limit on this is that they can only do things that Action Master can perceive and require a mass exceeding that of the toys. Also, Action Master cannot grant power to non-living toys.
Weakness: Action Master is still a child, making him quite vulnerable. Also, he must keep on his sunglasses in order to have his powers.
Origin: Charlie Kennedy, ordinary boy of a small town, was sitting in his room playing video games when some object from space crashed into his backyard. Deciding to examine it, he found in the burnt crater a pair of sunglasses. Putting them on, he transformed into Action Master. After discovering his power while cleaning his room, he decided to use it to fight crime like those super heroes he read about in comic books and aspired to be like.

Anyway, let's get this going!
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Age: 20
Alignment:Chaotic good
Secret Identity(Optional):none
Power(s): Hydrokenisis, Water breathing, enhanced swimming, strength, and eyesight.
Weakness: lack of water, to much heat
Origin: A simple Water Genasi, he fell through a rift in time and space and landed in Europe, he has made a life for himself as a performer/life guard, creating figures and puppets out of water for children and carrying a large amount of water around for hot days.
Age: 20
Alignment:Chaotic good
Secret Identity(Optional):none
Power(s): Hydrokenisis, Water breathing, enhanced swimming, strength, and eyesight.
Weakness: lack of water, to much heat
Origin: A simple Water Genasi, he fell through a rift in time and space and landed in Europe, he has made a life for himself as a performer/life guard, creating figures and puppets out of water for children and carrying a large amount of water around for hot days.

Also, how well do you think he would get along with Action Master?
Miss Ingenius
Name: Miss Ingenious
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Secret Identity(Optional): Claire Stevenson
Power(s): Can absorb metals into herself and trap them into a pocket dimension to take out as she wishes. Said pocket dimension has near infinite space so she uses the space to make her own machinery and computers inside to help with her normal tasks. Over time her body becomes more mechanical as she sees the advantages going more machine than woman.
Weakness: Machines can only carry her so far; she is not a 1-man army like she thinks she can be. Claire herself isn't that smart and needs the ideas of others to figure out how to best use her powers.
Origin: The device was sent hurtling through space; its creator afraid of what damage it would cause in the hands of his enemies. Seeing a world ripe for a revolution he sent the device towards the earth in hopes it would reach someone who would use it for good. When Claire found it during a camping trip, she unfortunately had a different view about the world. It was unfathomably large for someone as small and young as her to understand. To combat the cruel world around her, she needed information. And so she goes hoarding it, from anywhere she can find it. And when she finally has all the answers, she can do as she wants.
Name: Miss Ingenious
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Secret Identity(Optional): Claire Stevenson
Power(s): Can absorb metals into herself and trap them into a pocket dimension to take out as she wishes. Said pocket dimension has near infinite space so she uses the space to make her own machinery and computers inside to help with her normal tasks. Over time her body becomes more mechanical as she sees the advantages going more machine than woman.
Weakness: Machines can only carry her so far; she is not a 1-man army like she thinks she can be. Claire herself isn't that smart and needs the ideas of others to figure out how to best use her powers.
Origin: The device was sent hurtling through space; its creator afraid of what damage it would cause in the hands of his enemies. Seeing a world ripe for a revolution he sent the device towards the earth in hopes it would reach someone who would use it for good. When Claire found it during a camping trip, she unfortunately had a different view about the world. It was unfathomably large for someone as small and young as her to understand. To combat the cruel world around her, she needed information. And so she goes hoarding it, from anywhere she can find it. And when she finally has all the answers, she can do as she wants.
Cool! Seems like someone Action Master would often have problems with, since he's a constant optimist with naive but noble ideals which he tries to live up to, while Claire is morally ambiguous and view him as a tragic victim of circumstance, who was led by his dreams down an unfortunate path that will destroy his innocence. However, I doubt they would directly fight, and more likely often just argue, since Action Master is a literal child and Claire isn't evil. Also, they would occasionally team up against villains who are a problem for both of them. What do you think? Is this accurate or completely incorrect?
Red Arcana
Name: Red Arcana

Age: 115

Gender: Female

Alignment: Good

Secret Identity(Optional): She has no permanent secret identity, but if needed she can create one with illusions as needed.

Power(s): Magic use, flight. Magical force fields, telekinesis and energy blasts; all with a characteristic red glow, which she takes her name from. Magical perception; she can see magic, see through most illusions and so on. Soul object based immortality, large sorcerous knowledge base. Claws, moderately superhuman strength, speed and agility, enhanced senses. Accompanied by a feline familiar with optional tangibility.

Weakness: Soul-destroying weapons.

Appearance: A small black haired woman around five feet tall with obvious feline characteristics. Slitted golden eyes, a furred tail, "nails" that are sharp and semi-retractable, pointed furry ears, sharp teeth. Her typical costume is a red robelike garment. When she needs to pass as human she uses an illusion rather than bothering with a conventional disguise

Origin: Her origins stretch back thousands of years, to when a quite amoral sorceress decided to attempt to become immortal. She enchanted a ruby, binding it to her soul, as well as additional magics meant to activate after her physical death. The ruby was enchanted to draw in a host with suitable magical potential, attach itself to them, transform their body into a duplicate of her, and then displace their soul with hers.

And for some centuries it worked; she was "killed" several times but always came back. As time went on she added further enchantments to the ruby, as well as making it her storehouse of magical knowledge. But in the end she was killed for good by a hero who had the forethought to acquire a weapon that consumed the souls of its victims. Most of her property was destroyed afterwards, but the ruby proved beyond his ability to destroy and was instead hidden away in a magically warded lead casket.

Millennia later in the early 1920s, the casket containing it was found, and through various chances and adventures made its way to America still unopened into the hands of an unauthorized collector of antiquities. When he opened the box and found the ruby he was fairly impressed - but in doing so he broke the protective wards containing the power of the ruby. The ruby then tried to perform the function it was made for; a young woman (who unknown to herself or anyone else had strong if untrained magical talent) working at the collector's home was drawn to it.

Being clever and not entirely honest she was able to break into his collection room unseen, and find the ruby and open casket where he'd put them on private display. She then immediately grabbed the ruby that had lured her to it. At that point the ruby's body theft enchantment activated; it snapped from her hand to her forehead, attaching itself there immovably, and in a moment transformed her into a duplicate of the ancient sorceress. But that's when things didn't go as the sorceress had designed.

The ruby tried to replace her soul with that of the sorceress - but the sorceress's soul no longer existed. Unable to operate properly the magic of the ruby then glitched and did the other thing it was designed to do with souls - it bonded to her soul, becoming her soul object. Very confused she fled into the night; "she" was never seen again, and was eventually declared dead.

When she regained her balance and tried to figure out what happened she realized she no longer looked like herself, couldn't take the ruby off, and had acquired powers; specifically, the powers the sorceress had built into the ruby in later years. She also soon learned she could get information from the ruby, and work magic with that knowledge; as it was always with her the sorceress had made it both her magical library and main storage for magical energy. Her "apprenticeship" was prolonged as she had to teach herself using the ruby's recorded knowledge, but years later she had become a powerful sorceress herself.

About this time the superhero phenomenon began, and she decided to try her hand at it. She took the name Red Arcana, as her magical energies have a characteristic red hue when visible. The "default" powers built into her ruby of flight, telekinesis, energy shields, energy blasts and magical vision were by themselves enough to make her an effective superhero. And when given the time to work formal magic she could produce powerful and varied effects. However superheroing is dangerous, and in one of her adventures she was killed; at which point the ruby drew her soul into it.

Now, she'd long since interrogated the ruby enough to understand what had happened to her and its history. And was far too scrupulous to steal the body of someone else, so she'd locked down that function of the ruby, so she didn't involuntarily body snatch some poor bystander. But...she certainly didn't want to stay stuck bodiless in a magical ruby for eternity.

Her first solution was try sharing the body of someone else, granting them access to her magic and magical knowledge in return. While this worked for some years, neither she nor her host really liked sharing a body. After studying the knowledge contained in the ruby and studying its magic, she finally came upon an alternate solution.

She acquired a cat, partly because she liked them and partly because they are magically potent animals. Then she deliberately twisting the magics of the ruby bonded it to the cat and activated a distorted version of its normal function. The ruby tried to transform the cat into a duplicate of the sorceress, but not being made to work on an animal it only manage to change her into a mostly-human looking bipedal feline. Since she liked cats and didn't like looking like a dead evil sorceress she was satisfied with this, especially since she can use illusions if she wants to look normal. She was also able to tailor the magical transformation so her new body had many useful catlike advantages, without giving up any useful human qualities; the best of both worlds.

She also twisted the part of the magic that was designed to expel the soul of the victim. The spirit of the cat was expelled but remained bound to its former body, and she keeps it fed with enough magic that the at spirit can manifest as either an image or an apparently solid cat. The cat in fact being an animal doesn't realize that she's technically dead, much less care. Red Arcana can communicate with the cat-spirit, see through its eyes and give it commands that it sometimes even carries out. If it feels like it.

Since then she and her spirit cat have adventured together; partly to do good, partly to have fun, and partly to gain knowledge. Her magics keep her from aging; in fact the spirit cat has as a result "lived" decades longer than a normal cat would. She hasn't "died" again and had to repeat the process, but she'll miss the thing when she does.
Name: Stupendous Man

Age: 6

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic... Good?

Secret Identity(Optional):

Power(s): Stupendous Man can take on many alter-egos, with their powers depending on what 'character' they're currently playing. Known personas include a flying brick, a detective, a space-faring adventurer, and several others.


(which is to say, adults)

Origin: No clue
Name: Nightingale
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Alignment: Chaotic good
Secret Identity(Optional): Izanami Negate
Power(s): Elemental manipulation-
Air, Earth, Fire, Water
Weakness: Innocent life, Gore, Introvert,
Origin: Raised in Tokyo Japan Izanami's life was one of luxury, until one day while on the way home Izanami was abducted and "held for ransom" was experimented and tortured on with various chemicals and metals causing her to mutate and generate a few newly added genes into her body giving her fine control and manipulation over the elements of the planet Earth.

Basically what she looks like but taller
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Name: Stupendous Man

Age: 6

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic... Good?

Secret Identity(Optional):

Power(s): Stupendous Man can take on many alter-egos, with their powers depending on what 'character' they're currently playing. Known personas include a flying brick, a detective, a space-faring adventurer, and several others.


(which is to say, adults)

Origin: No clue
Does not count, already created.
Name: Galetea
Age: Unknown active ~70 years
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral
Secret Identity(Optional): N/A
Power(s): Made of living granite.
Weakness: Does not heal, cannot be repaired.
Origin: Created by a supremely skilled mad sculptor. Her creator claimed divine inspiration granted by the Muses of classical mythology. This creator died while finishing their work on Galetea. How she was animated remains a mystery. She first became active fighting the Nazi's after they attempted to loot her from a private collection during World War 2. After decades of fighting her once flawless surface is scarred and chipped, though she has avoided suffering any crippling injuries.
Name: Galetea
Age: Unknown active ~70 years
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral
Secret Identity(Optional): N/A
Power(s): Made of living granite.
Weakness: Does not heal, cannot be repaired.
Origin: Created by a supremely skilled mad sculptor. Her creator claimed divine inspiration granted by the Muses of classical mythology. This creator died while finishing their work on Galetea. How she was animated remains a mystery. She first became active fighting the Nazi's after they attempted to loot her from a private collection during World War 2. After decades of fighting her once flawless surface is scarred and chipped, though she has avoided suffering any crippling injuries.
Love it! Also, I like that she actually fights Nazis, unlike certain other "superheroes" now and I could probably go on a rant.

Anyway, I think she would work well with any of Action Master's toy soldiers, since they're pretty similar to her in a lot of ways, even if they're much smaller and made from plastic. Also, I imagine Action Master wanting to make friends for her so she won't be lonely.

What do you think? Agree or disagree?
Love it! Also, I like that she actually fights Nazis, unlike certain other "superheroes" now and I could probably go on a rant.

Anyway, I think she would work well with any of Action Master's toy soldiers, since they're pretty similar to her in a lot of ways, even if they're much smaller and made from plastic. Also, I imagine Action Master wanting to make friends for her so she won't be lonely.

What do you think? Agree or disagree?
I mean sure, why not?
Teach/Tech Everywhere!
Name: Teach/Tech Everywhere! (Prof. Ivan Guard)
Alignment: Villain
Age: 45
Power: Can split into copies of himself and the things he carries. Copies can be dismissed. None of them counts as the original. All of them act as a hivemind and brainpower increase with number of bodies. Maximum number of bodies and range unknown but known to be finite.

Backstory: Ivan worked as a teacher in a school with low resources and as a corresponsal for a science magazine. On an asignment to one of the labs of Goliath Corporation, he became involved in the theft of one of its prototypes (a power granting formula) which transformed him into a metahuman. It is yet unknown who commited the theft and destroyed the research data of the project.

Ivan came out of the ordeal changed. Already a believer in the power of Science as a way to improve the world, he has become an extremist who is unable and unwilling to changehis point of view (some have the theory he suffers from a medical condition that makes it so but popular opinion is against this theory). He has dedicated his life to stealing technology and research of all kinds, from medical to weaponry and all in between, from heroes, villains, private and state sources. He then uses his power to study it and explain its principles and how to make them with common implements in ebooks that can be downloaded for free.

His influence can be felt worldwide. On one hand, his texts work as a cheap alternative that has improved education on all levels. On the other, his indiscriminate approach makes it hard to appreciate it when high schoolgangs come in with homemade lazer weapons and drugs.

Ever since his debut 19 years ago, there has been a surge in tech based heroes and villains and most of them have read his books growing up. The older generations are not quite as enthused with him. There has also been improvement in the civiliant front though and is it not quite strange for highschool and university students to come up with improvements to their chosen fields.

Teach Everywhere! as he is commonly known, makes a living out of donations from people who support his cause. He has been known to also been hired by villains to counter and copy the gizmos of their targets of choice though Ivan's custom of distributing the plans of every mechanism he makes before any job has gained a few enemies among his former employers. He also has quite a bounty on his head from several countries and companies that didn't like him making their schematics public. He has also released personal secrets of key individuals, be it as a job or personal convictions which have on occasion caused international incidents.

Ivan's ultimate goal is to find those who have the formula that gave him his powers and create a version of it anyone can make for worldwide free distribution.

Due to the ramifications of his actions and his extremist views, plus his disregard for the damage his acts have caused, his capture or termination is considered an A+ priority by the UN super comittee. To all heroes and operatives reading this file, please proceed with caution.
Name: Teach/Tech Everywhere! (Prof. Ivan Guard)
Alignment: Villain
Age: 45
Power: Can split into copies of himself and the things he carries. Copies can be dismissed. None of them counts as the original. All of them act as a hivemind and brainpower increase with number of bodies. Maximum number of bodies and range unknown but known to be finite.

Backstory: Ivan worked as a teacher in a school with low resources and as a corresponsal for a science magazine. On an asignment to one of the labs of Goliath Corporation, he became involved in the theft of one of its prototypes (a power granting formula) which transformed him into a metahuman. It is yet unknown who commited the theft and destroyed the research data of the project.

Ivan came out of the ordeal changed. Already a believer in the power of Science as a way to improve the world, he has become an extremist who is unable and unwilling to changehis point of view (some have the theory he suffers from a medical condition that makes it so but popular opinion is against this theory). He has dedicated his life to stealing technology and research of all kinds, from medical to weaponry and all in between, from heroes, villains, private and state sources. He then uses his power to study it and explain its principles and how to make them with common implements in ebooks that can be downloaded for free.

His influence can be felt worldwide. On one hand, his texts work as a cheap alternative that has improved education on all levels. On the other, his indiscriminate approach makes it hard to appreciate it when high schoolgangs come in with homemade lazer weapons and drugs.

Ever since his debut 19 years ago, there has been a surge in tech based heroes and villains and most of them have read his books growing up. The older generations are not quite as enthused with him. There has also been improvement in the civiliant front though and is it not quite strange for highschool and university students to come up with improvements to their chosen fields.

Teach Everywhere! as he is commonly known, makes a living out of donations from people who support his cause. He has been known to also been hired by villains to counter and copy the gizmos of their targets of choice though Ivan's custom of distributing the plans of every mechanism he makes before any job has gained a few enemies among his former employers. He also has quite a bounty on his head from several countries and companies that didn't like him making their schematics public. He has also released personal secrets of key individuals, be it as a job or personal convictions which have on occasion caused international incidents.

Ivan's ultimate goal is to find those who have the formula that gave him his powers and create a version of it anyone can make for worldwide free distribution.

Due to the ramifications of his actions and his extremist views, plus his disregard for the damage his acts have caused, his capture or termination is considered an A+ priority by the UN super comittee. To all heroes and operatives reading this file, please proceed with caution.

Also, I think he could work as a main antagonist for Action Master, and that the contrast between them would make for an interesting fight.

Do you agree or disagree?
Electric Gal
Another character of my own creation:

Name: Electric Gal

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Alignment: Neutral Good

Secret Identity: Jessy Smith, Head of the Computer Club.

Powers: Can transform into a bolt of lightning, travel through conductive materials to other conductive surfaces, drain electricity from her surroundings, and shoot out bolts of electricity.

Weakness: Insulators such as plastic and glass can render her powers useless, has limited control over direction of her lightning form.

Origin: During the summer on vacation at the beach, Jessy was walking outside when suddenly a storm began heading towards the coast. As she was running back to warn her family, however, she was struck by a bolt of lightning. However, due to a strange mystical amulet she had found a few days back, the lightning, instead of killing her, transferred its power into the girl. However, at the moment, she did not know this, and was merely surprised at her luck.

On the first day of school, she discovered her power while she was attempting to fix another student's laptop in the school's workshop. Realizing her strange new abilities, she decided to keep them a secret. However, after her father was shot by an unknown man in a black limousine, she decided to take revenge and take down whoever had it out for her dad, becoming Electrical Gal.
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Also, I think he could work as a main antagonist for Action Master, and that the contrast between them would make for an interesting fight.

Do you agree or disagree?

Well, he used to be a teacher so he likes kids. That would make for an interesting story since while he is an extremist that should make him reluctant to use lethal force if pressed.

I am at work right now so I can't go into much detail but I will see about posting a villain with language based powers later.
Well, he used to be a teacher so he likes kids. That would make for an interesting story since while he is an extremist that should make him reluctant to use lethal force if pressed.

I am at work right now so I can't go into much detail but I will see about posting a villain with language based powers later.
Okay, cool.
Grumpy Suit
Name: Grump Suit/Eldritch Seraphim
Age: Literally unknowable.
Gender: Complicated.
Alignment: Lawful Evil/Chaotic Neutral/Neutral Good, depending on mood, currently channeled power(s) and judge's perspective.
Power(s): Eldritch nonsense, storm magic, necromancy, staggeringly massive arsenal of crafting skills, both magical and scientific.
Weaknesses: Easily distracted when calm or cheerful, strange phobia of/unwillingness to run, vulnerability to exorcisms and related "holy" magic, excessive analysis of powers, large religious congregations, large agnostic gatherings.
Origin: Caught in a very nasty ritual intended to make a manager for a magical plague to pave the way for a demonic takeover. Doesn't consider this a big deal.


Nobody's quite sure why this suit of possessed armor with a soul-devouring sword decides to go by "Grump Suit" most of the time, because they are almost always calm or cheerful, except when "hunting." When asked, they usually don't respond and stand still or pace for several minutes, and when they do, it's usually just saying that it fits with stuff they've gone through and prefer not to dwell on.

Their list of known weaknesses comes largely from an explanation of the powers animating them and going through a psychological analysis. The resulting psych profile had them testing positive for sociopathy, borderline personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder and attention deficit disorder, leading to them fully admitting that they are extremely easy to keep away just by reminding them of the vast number of things they have experienced, when they aren't actively doing something. The remaining weaknesses result from the variety of necromancy they primarily rely on, which they call "Dar-formed."

Whenever asked about what "Dar" is, they state it is the literal power of hell without the limits of human minds making it comprehensible, or they state it is the result of a subjective reality of psychic force being polluted by every horrid emotion involved in war, famine, poverty and post-scarcity economies. This "subjective reality" is what allows them to control the warping of reality using what they call "eldritch nonsense," warping the flow of time, twisting space and occasionally making anatomically, and sometimes geometrically, impossible monstrosities out of bystanders and collateral fatalities.

Because it is part of what keeps them functional, large groups of heavily religious people and strongly agnostic people can interfere with the function of their magic by altering how the magic acts due to their beliefs, which includes the forces animating them. Their answer to why they themselves aren't effected by Dar exposure is that their soul is locked up behind a number of barriers intended to prevent corruption from significantly more hostile varieties of magic. And that Dar has to corrupt its way through what holds their soul in place to begin with.

With the form of Necromancy they use, they can cause rapid decay of almost every kind, create diseases, interact with souls, create undead minions and perform exorcisms themself, although this variety of exorcism is known not to be effective at disabling them due to an incident with a space distorting autistic savant redirecting it back at them and away from the spirit they summoned to enhance their power. They also have a tendency to use it to temporarily bind the spirits of bystanders to ensure that fatalities can be undone.

The vulnerability to exorcisms and "Holy" magic is, according to them, caused by the fact that they are a bound soul held in place and allowed to interact with the world through magic made of hate, death, fear and stubbornness. Exorcisms often leave them limp on the ground, with bizarre, multi-colored flames that ignore the combustibility of materials or strange "negative light" that makes those exposed to it scream in pain and develop near-instant necrosis of exposed tissue. One one occasion, the ground around them started frosting over with a massive static charge buildup forming that caused an extremely bright and loud, though not damaging, discharge when "Grumpy Suit" recovered.

Their "storm magic" includes manipulation of wind, electrical charges, temperature and water, though steam must be cooled down into water vapor before they can affect it. Despite the name, "Grumpy Suit" has shown to be able to use it for highly detailed uses unrelated to storms, such as creating pulses of magnetic induction heating through electrical manipulation and creating highly precise ice sculptures.

The "Eldritch Seraphim" moniker was coined when Grumpy Suit encountered a homicidal extremist Muslim who attained a level of divine favor, resulting in Grumpy Suit somehow growing feathered wings that had a mixture of black, purple and white feathers and forming a highly effeminate face within the armor that is Grumpy Suit's body. The resultant fight saw the area subjected to a quarantine due to becoming covered in insanity-inducing power of two flavors: The "Holy Wrath" of the divinely-empowered Muslim, causing those exposed to become violently devoted to any cause they believe in, and the geometry warping, logic breaking, power of the "Eldritch Seraphim," causing those exposed to begin turning into physically-impossible entities incapable of comprehending normal reality.


Sort-of edgelord in that they find their powers torturous, but specifically because other people tend to be assholes about it and it gives some very significant vulnerabilities. Including being able to be legitimately wounded by the power of prayer. They don't act edgy unless they are in the "Oh god, why is there an infant Old God in the form of an angle defiling reality here" state. Basically, they're a loony madman until they see something they think needs to be gotten rid of as soon as possible, then they go for either gleeful murder or just head over to the thing to calmly stab/shock/freeze/warp beyond physics it and destroy it.

Like, the idea I have here is basically that they tick off most of the edgelord list, and a few things from the mary sue list, but for very different reasons than most characters would. They are tortured by their powers because people tend to be assholes to necromancers and people who can cause permanent insanity as collateral damage, and the powers bring with the serious vulnerabilities. Like being able to be killed by sufficient quantities of agnostics actively denying the way their magic works or trying to quantify it. And needing to turn into an eldritch monstrosity that happens to be angel shaped to deal with a crazy Muslim who happens to have been empowered by their image of God, turning the site of the battle into an eldritch location that can make people insane zealots or insane gibbery things.

From the Mary Sue side, we have the fact that they are basically unstoppable and only the evil guys ever actually hate them. The former has quite a few exceptions, among them being a very strong refusal to run making escape fairly easy. The latter is because they are usually just very silly and simply don't share normal morality, considering corpses that the soul has left to be a meaningless lump of meat usable for other things. Like making a new, less damaged, body for the soul said corpse used to have.

Like, it's basically a half-plot-device, half-comedy-relief character who just kinda mops up collateral fatalities and deals with things that most would go crazy dealing with. And they happen to have a hard-on for maiming assholes who use light-related and divine magic to screw things over, actively putting themselves in the way of their greatest weakness to make sure the asshole gets locked up or killed.

Think Saitama meets the Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass trope. Most of the time, they just kinda joke around and casually slap aside mooks. But you can have the big heroes beaten down, only for the guy who'd be only comedy relief in just about any other series to drag everyone's ass out of the fire by beating down the big bad of the arc who'd be just about utterly impossible for the main cast to beat but gets downed by one trick with one of the several major power types that Grumpy Suit has. Like space-warping over to a teleporter to backstab the cocky bastard. Or freezing all the water a strict hydrokinetic has access to. Possibly whack ghosts with their sword to deal with a sudden portal to a very bad afterlife.

Essentially, if you write yourself into a corner and figure out a reasonable use of the guy's well-defined power set that derails the whole thing casually. Or you focus the story around them being the Big Bad of what turns out to be a Villain Protagonist series/introductory arc and have it be very clear that Grumpy Suit can be stopped if you know how to exploit his weaknesses. Or have said arc that ends with Grumpy Suit being almost downed be a case of Grumpy Suit having a bad time and getting screwed over again for the whole "army of undead/physically-impossible gibbery things" situation they do to deal with mooks.

The big point is that if they weren't sarcastic/cheerful about all of it, they'd be a definitive Edgelord. Powers of hell, necromancy and eldritch might? Being a walking storm, complete with causing "cold and dreary day" being an almost at-will power? Constantly tormented by your powers? Yeah, heavy Edgelord warnings.
Behold this unholy un-democratic un-capitalist un-American abomination made of crack!

Kapitan Communism
Age: 100
Gender: Male
Alignment: It's complicated
Secret Identity(Optional): Karl Jurgensen
Power(s): Superstrength, Supercharisma, Laser Eyes, Flying, Invulnerability, Battlefield Adaptation, Superhuman Leadership, Weapon Mastery, Supergenius
Weakness: Democracy
Origin: Born in 1898, Karl grew up to be a lowly factory worker laboring in the city of Berlin. One night on his way to home, he stumbled upon a crashed spacecraft. There he met a dying man who passed onto him a great power destined to be wielded by the chosen one; the People's Power. With his new-found powers, he trained and fought to stop the injustices of the capitalist imperialist aristocratic regime of Germany. Along the way, he met many comrades who he introduced to Communism. From then on, he became the Champion of the People and the Prophet of Communism, spreading the ideology across the globe and liberating the workers of the world from the tyranny of capitalism and imperialism.
Lord Darksoul Evilbad
Name: Lord Darksoul Evilbad
Age: 300
Alignment:Hammy Evil
Secret Identity(Optional): Lavin Parson (him in casual clothes)
Power(s): Necromancy, immortality, Soul manipulation, magic
Weakness: his behaviour, kids.
Origin: a mage who studied necromancy for the benefits it could bring was sealed away for centuries, after freeing himself he found out that the worldwide opinion of Necromacny is that it is completely evil, and decides "well, if all necromancers are evil, i must be evil too" and halfheartedly decided to take over the world in order to get the law changed, even though its not actually a law.
he tends to summon armies of the undead (the sapient ones are the ones that willingly come back, otherwise they are just basically golems) to do things for him while he lazes around in his undersea lair (not needing to breath and being able to see in the dark is rather useful, even if his clothes are always soggy)
surprisingly his "attacks" have had only one fatality over the years, an old lady had a heart attack when she saw the skeletons, he promptly asked her spirit if she wanted to come back, she accepted, only to find out that she is legally deceased. she now works as his cleaner in his lair.
Is there an upper limit to how powerful your super can be? Or is there a powerscale?

Both Galacticus and Daredevil belong to the same super club after all.