Covered In Blood And Surrounded By Spirits (Hellsing CK2 Organization Quest)

Pretty sure she just likes Renko, which does make sense.
She must really like us
These comments amuse me, given Renko's own (possibly outdated) take on it.
Your left arm is branded with the kanji for Sun, a symbol of the Sun Godesses approval for you. Well, her hate of impurity. You doubt she actually cares about your continued existence.
Maybe she's misread it because Amaterasu is Goddess of the Tsun? "It's not like I c-care about your continued existence or anything, b-baka, I just like how you smite impurity for me." *blush*
I just thought of something: Alucard's fighting an Aztec God, and not Rip Van Winkle. Which means that the Major has a girl with a magic gun/bullet (I read that apparently she uses magic in some fashion) to use later. Should we be worried?

Yes actually. Rip is one of the few people they have that could turn the fight in their favor. Almost everyone else on their side is an up close fighter, while she is the scariest ranged fighter in Hellsing. She could shred through our troops easy while being safe hiding behind The Captain.

Not that I expect her to be that smart. She is a Nazi after all.
Nahh Ammy probably only care about the baby she marked,she doesn't care about lowly life of the mortal s :V

This opinion is totally not biased because i like moon than sun. :V
He's maimed, no doubt in a lot of pain, and the Major is likely trying to update his plan to account for the Goddess no doubt badly hurting him enough to throw his attempt at killing Alucard out a window.
Nope, the fact that Schrodinger was able to escape like he did proves that his powers are still intact even if he physically isn't. Which doesn't really matter because his job is to die and have his blood drunk by Alucard anyway. It's his powers and how they would interact with the mass of souls that is Alucard that is the lynchpin of the Major's plans, as long as Alucard can still drink his blood the plan's still going strong.

Your name was Alucard, and you were having the absolute time of your life. Or unlife, as it were. Still, you think you may have had an inkling of actual excitement when the engines behind you had started up, sending a rumble through the plane as the speed started to build on the runway. Luckily, you've consumed more than a few pilots in your time, and you had someone tell you what the important buttons do. Besides, it's not like you needed to know how to land this contraption. You chuckle at the thought. Honestly, destroying priceless and complex instruments by using them as a basic bludgeoning tool was getting therapeutic. Like hitting someone in the face with a Ferrari.

You shake yourself out of thoughts about your fun new habit, and focus on where you're going. That Japanese woman had raised valid and important points about the wisdom of your current strategy, and as a former military leader, you could respect that. But, you thought as your fingers tightened on the steering wheel thing that this jet has, you really really didn't care. Just the concept of seeing your old enemies again, back to challenge you after fifty fucking years, sent a thrill of excitement through you that you just could not suppress. So you laughed, long and loud.

Then the ship came into view, and you could already see its weapons turning to fire on you. But you just grinned in wild abandon, and prepared to follow through with the plan. Forty years spent locked in a coffin, starved of blood and comatose, and then an entire decade hunting second rate vampires. Too long, even for an immortal.

As you pushed the wheel, sending it into a straight nosedive. As the anti-air weaponry tore through the craft, you just kept grinning, because this was what you had been waiting too long for. A fight. A fight that would tear you apart, and keep grinding you into the dirt even as you clawed away at your enemy's throat. In a matter of moments, you would crash into the deck and enter into a battle like no battle before. You are going to die, again and again and again and again and again andagainandagainandagain. And you were going to love every second of it.

You smash into the deck, and the world explodes.
Just pointing this out but aircraft don't have steering wheels, they have control sticks.
Nope, the fact that Schrodinger was able to escape like he did proves that his powers are still intact even if he physically isn't. Which doesn't really matter because his job is to die and have his blood drunk by Alucard anyway. It's his powers and how they would interact with the mass of souls that is Alucard that is the lynchpin of the Major's plans, as long as Alucard can still drink his blood the plan's still going strong.

Just pointing this out but aircraft don't have steering wheels, they have control sticks.
Yup. I didn't know that, so I called it a thing. Precisely for this reason. Because it's late, I'm lazy and didn't want to take ten seconds for a Google search. I may have strange priorities.
Also, all these people who think Ammy is their "friend". So cute.
Still, I do appreciate getting corrected, since it helps me improve. I probably should have taken out the wheel comment if I was going to be appropriately vague.
Amaterasu happened.

So, could we have done that if we'd spent time developing our arm?
Nope. What she specifically says is that she was erasing him. Like, his very sense of self. It's like taking a very precisely tuned machine and then compressing all the inner workings into a jumble in your rush to pull them out. Yours has a magical wallop, but no diety would give you power like that for almost any reason.
Called it~

Anyway, the deal with the fae should take care of what's left of catboy. Let's discuss the voting options for now.

While OOC we know we should bring Kagutsuchi into the meeting so he's in the middle of London when the bombs start dropping, do we actually have an IC reason?

Re: Rip van Winkle. IMO, Miyako should be able to gank her and the best counter. The question is if Rip would be in London, or would she be with Zorin on the attack at the manor.

We could reasonably take Akuma with us as our bodyguard. Maybe Tomi too as an advisor and to brief us on the results of the fae negotiations.

Our swordsmen and the bulk of our forces would remain at the manor too.
Also, all these people who think Ammy is their "friend". So cute.

So what your saying is we were a facet of Amaterasu all along, just like Tamamo no mae. It would make sense, that's why were so similar, that's why she looks out for us and our family, and that's why we we can't really be friends, after all one can not be friends with themselves.

Yes. Truly my logic has no flaws what so ever.
Do note her choice of words. "What I own."

The little girl is marked by her as her property, no doubt a destiny laid ahead for her, maybe even a future as being a host for her on Earth.
So what your saying is we were a facet of Amaterasu all along, just like Tamamo no mae. It would make sense, that's why were so similar, that's why she looks out for us and our family, and that's why we we can't really be friends, after all one can not be friends with themselves.
So what you are saying is that Aimi's 'Touched by the Sun' Trait was not, as previously assumed, a transmitted blessing, but rather a direct inheritance like she got from her 'father'?

My fellow human, I think you might be on to something!
Like I said. The Renko family is Amateresu's pet humans (and other).

There's a reason that having the personal attention of the gods can generally be considered a BAD THING. And we have the attention of a greater god. Actually, I'm not to clear and Japanese mythology, but I'm fairly certain that we've got the attention of THE greater god. Tread lightly y'all.

@The LD Man I thinkthe voting options might make the results confusing. Can I suggest a format like this for the votes?:

[x] Tomi - Meeting
[x] Yanagawa - Manor
[x] Akuma - Manor
[x] Miyako - Meeting
[x] Kagutsuchi - Manor

or like this:

[] Meeting: Tomi
[] Manor: Yanagawa
[] Manor: Akuma
[] Meeting: Miyako
[] Manor: Kagutsuchi

Also, does Kagutsuchi really need a one big bonfire to recover his divinity? Or can it be recovered gradually, by flying him around various warzones or disasters too?
My take on the Rip van Winkle thing is that when he said this
"I could drop you into this ocean, you know. It would end this fight, vampire, with you stuck rotting at the bottom of the ocean. That's what I did to those who betrayed the crew of this ship. They smuggled me onto the ship, and as a reward I threw them down to the ocean, to die forever. For such is the fate of traitors, that I refuse to even eat their hearts in my time of Ascension. You have been a disappointing opponent in every sense of the word. Give me a single reason to postpone your demise."
he tossed Rip van Winkle and the minor vamps overboard who got him on board the ship.
Alucard's dialogue seemed a bit awkward, but it is quite amusing to see him humbled - perhaps he'll grow as a character? If Schroedinger has been maimed to some degree, it might lead to an endgame that doesn't have Alucard vanish for decades - and a slightly less arrogant vampire lord would be much easier to deal with.
you know, I think I just realized a way to hurt Schroedinger. Physical attacks or attacks that are manually targed won't work, but there are other methods. Some sort of mental effect tied to an object would work, for example a cursed book who causes those who read it to go mad. He can be nowhere all he wants, but if he's reading that book then he's going to be mad while he's there.
you know, I think I just realized a way to hurt Schroedinger. Physical attacks or attacks that are manually targed won't work, but there are other methods. Some sort of mental effect tied to an object would work, for example a cursed book who causes those who read it to go mad. He can be nowhere all he wants, but if he's reading that book then he's going to be mad while he's there.
Yeah, that's why we're trying to hire some fey to get rid of him: they're good at that sort of thing.
you know, I think I just realized a way to hurt Schroedinger. Physical attacks or attacks that are manually targed won't work, but there are other methods. Some sort of mental effect tied to an object would work, for example a cursed book who causes those who read it to go mad. He can be nowhere all he wants, but if he's reading that book then he's going to be mad while he's there.
So anything that inflicts SAN loss by mere proximity, or a huge dump of Insight should do the trick.

Yeah, that's why we're trying to hire some fey to get rid of him: they're good at that sort of thing.
That'll be the SAN loss. Or something soul-binding maybe.