Covered In Blood And Surrounded By Spirits (Hellsing CK2 Organization Quest)

... Worst case scenario, we could maybe turn around the Tsun dice into outright a nat 100, therefore turning our delusional maddened Spymaster who didn't got a good first impression, to a Yandere. But by that point, it'd be a love/hate relationship that can only have hope of being contained via a marriage contract, and boy would that be a headache.
Also as a suggestion @The LD Man , try using some more imagery. Whether it's using actual images for our advisors, hero charaters and even gods or just describing the monsters more. I dunno if a lot of us are well versed in japanese mythos. (I'm admittedly not.)
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For one, the kami are always happy to fight youkai and impurity, even if you did fuck up your tributes. But, benevolent as they are, they're willing to give you a second chance on that matter. As such, there are snow goddesses, river gods and mountain spirits all willing to strike a deal with you. Some of the more heavy hitters lie out of your range, but that doesn't matter too much. They'll come around after a good tribute session.
Oh yes, the gods are quite open to bribery, and festivals. Rather like politicians.
But some of the other Daitengu, who have less power than Sōjōbō but still rule over the local tengu, do have interest in aiding you. According to them, they wish to take on disciples of their own, preferably in the form of your men. They apparently don't actually rule over the tengu in the traditional way, content to sit on their mountain top so long as the kotengu acknowledge their superiority. A Daitengu willing to take a disciple is a rare moment indeed.
Hell yes. I suspect the training would take a while to bear fruit. Tengu have famously high standards for passing grades unless we can find them a modern sword genius.
Another notice you get appears in your office that day. It was apparently left by a clan of fox spirits. Unfortunately, you're unaware if the spirits are kitsune (good fox spirits) or nogitsune (Malicious fox spirits). They extend an invitation to you to contract them out for work as assassins and spies, so long as you repay them with tribute every year. While a clan of infiltration spirits can only help you, you'll admit to be worried about the possibility of them turning on you if they prove to be malicious.
Good fox, bad fox, bribe the hell out of them all...and ask the gods if they can tell the difference.
Hell, the high schoolers already had urban legends about how the seals grant wishes or some such nonsense. Regardless, half of Japan is buying seals, and it's earning you a small fortune.
I wonder if this will turn out to be Important.
Or if the seals might trigger latent supernatural powers out there.
Oni are the quintessential shock troopers, powerful and hardy wielding giant clubs. An oni with his club could bust open a bunker in record time. This fact is the primary reasoning for why no one wants an oni. Unfortunately, Wakai tells you that not only do you have oni, you have a warband forming. Warband a are notoriously dangerous. This collection of oni are known for depopulating entire villages at a time, given the speed at which they ravage the land. Kami knows what they'll do to a town or city. Still, when a warband forms, the oni typically spend a few years beating the shit out of each other until they decide who the boss is. At this rate, it'll be four years before they start moving.
Four years to get our troops ready to fight Oni.

We're going to need a lot of dakka.
The other major force in the mountains is a kijo coven. Kijo are a type of mountain ogress that's only a little bit stronger than the human maximum ability, but are masters of dark magic and sorcery. What this means for your troops is nothing good. Covens tend to stay where they are, and Wakai confirms with some of the mountain kami that this particular group has been there for decades. Kijo are cowards at heart, and won't be moving to attack you until you've backed them into a corner.
Eh...we can leave these guys be for now. Just map the areas they are in and have civilian traffic dissuaded from the area
The final force in the mountains are kotengu. Unlike their more powerful counterparts, kotengu do not sit around harmlessly. Embodying the phrase birdbrain, a kotengu's only interests is rape and murder, with pillaging on the side. Despite this, they are easily tricked and are rather weak to guns. The best description of a kotengu is a numerous pest, since they tend to gather in flocks to make concentrated attacks. Wakai confirms that there are entire roosts of kotengu in the mountains, potentially numbering in the thousands.
Break out the anti-crow shotguns.
The three primary predators there are the ushi oni (ox demon), nure onna (wet woman) and iso onna (coast woman). The three of these, the first a bull headed monster, the second a snake woman and the last a fish woman, tend to team up. The iso onna or nure onna draws the prey in, where the ushi oni pounces on them and rips them apart. The nure or iso onna drains the blood, while the ushi oni takes the flesh. Other than their marine nature, none are immune to conventional weaponry, which is why your patrols are able to fight them with only some difficulty.
Not a problem anymore now that our dudes shot them up.
One is the infamous umi bozu, a powerful sea giant. He is rather sedentary, but will occasionally rise up to sink a ship for his amusement.
Like the Kijo, we can leave them be for now. Just plot shipping around them and keep track.
The other is the Funayūrei, or ghost ships. When a ship sinks, there's a possibility that the crew will rise as onryo and continue to sail in a ghostly version of their own vessels. After World War Two, you have a veritable fleet of them sailing around your islands. The fact that they all possess artillery and firepower in the same vein as when they were alive is worrying. Wakai even hypothesized that one of the giant shapes he's seen in the fog is actually a flagship of some sorts. The ghost ships like to sink vessels as well, and tend to do so more often than the umi bozu does.

This is a problem...Onryo are big trouble if hostile(and REALLY hard to exorcise), but at the same time, onryo can be somewhat predictable. They tend to trigger off something that fucked them in life, so if we can identify those which can be manipulated, we could get some on our side or turn them against each other.

Want to bet most of them were going after western shipping?

There are countless spirits like this, of powerful men and women who died with rage and hatred on their hearts, and stay at their shrine with their anger barely appeased.
Not a problem. Yet.

Initially, you planned to have them memorize every river and mountain god from coast to coast in Japan. He makes them learn every single kami in every single prefecture, not even caring whether or not they were large or small. By the end, the priests are dead on their feet.

That is cruel and unusual.

This goes brilliantly. You can't even start to explain how happy you are with their work this year. For one thing, Wakai got involved and organized Harvester teams who skin and collect the youkai parts, allowing you for maximum harvest. With so much to work from, the teams are already putting together amazing items. For one, they're taking the hides of chimi and moryo to create cloaks that allow for illusions. Nothing large, but they can use camouflage and shape shifting to either blend in or pretend to be wildlife. Another creation was made by amassing kotengu feathers, which they believe will allow for flight. Overall, you're very interested in your future capabilities. Reward: Youkai part research unlocked, Harvester teams provide bonus to future youkai part research.

If we do the kotengu hunting we might have enough to have an infantry airforce!
The first problem was when you told him so and so was real. He just kind of nodded in acceptance. The second problem was when you told him that everything else was fake. Then he tried to stab you. Then you tried to beat the shit out of him in retaliation. And now you and him kind of hate each other. Well shit. Reward?: Wakai hates you, and his delusions are more rampant. Negative ten to future intrigue actions until fixed.

Well...time to systematically prove his delusions one way or another?
Also as a suggestion @The LD Man , try using some more imagery. Whether it's using actual images for our advisors, hero charaters and even gods or just describing the monsters more. I dunno if a lot of us are well versed in japanese mythos. (I'm admittedly not.)
Fair point. Honestly, I just realized that I was really dragging that bit on. How about I just hyperlink the names to my own sources? Would that be more helpful?
Fair point. Honestly, I just realized that I was really dragging that bit on. How about I just hyperlink the names to my own sources? Would that be more helpful?
I think just dropping in a bit of their features and what they do when you mention them helps more with immersion, barring a Youkaidex at the end of the update linking them.
Turn 3
Turn 3

Things were looking up. Sure your waters were surrounded by vengeful dead and a sadistic sea giant, and maybe there was a band of monsters amassing in your mountains that could possibly depopulate a city, but those were just minor details. After all, your Agents kick ass. It's only a matter of time until the bloodsuckers are eradicated, and after that you could focus on the major threats. Still, if there's one thing that remains unchanged, it's that you have a mission.

You are Kōan 9-ka, and you will purify Japan.

Martial: Your Military advisor is one Okimoto Ieyoshi. When asked what his service record was, he simply handed you a file with nothing but black lines in it. A man in his thirties, Okimoto is covered in various wounds and what seem to be acid burns cover half his face, and he's missing an eye. You were told due to his recent loss of vision; he was being taken out of active duty to assist you. While you had your doubts, he proved himself in how he trained with your troops. The man knows how to kill something, that's for sure. Pick 1

[] Recruit New Agents: There are many special forces operatives who went recruited do to a lack of spiritual capacity, but now you can change that. You have gallons upon gallons of hihi blood, and one drop is enough to allow a soldier to see youkai for the rest of their lives. It won't get past illusions, but the only things that can do that are seals, vigilance or a powerful will. In the end however, this gives you the chance to recruit those who are both skilled and disposable enough to be a part of your organization. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 20 Chance of Success: 100% Time: 1 year Reward: Doubles your teams of Agents. Allows for two Agent rolls during Battle Turns.

[] Here Be Monsters-Mountains: Okimoto is cognizant of just how many goddamn monsters there are in the mountains. Frankly, there's a shit ton. Kotengu, oni, kijo, and more. He also believes any attempt to take or hold the mountains and hills will get you slaughtered. So, he wants to take a half measure, and start up patrols around the mountains. While a squad is unlikely to actually kill an oni, it will be enough to evacuate the area and push back the weaker monsters. Chance of Success: 80% Cost: 40 Upkeep:20 Time: 1 year Reward: Small bonus to yearly operations. +50 Funding for public protection.

[] Diving Down Deep: Okimoto is thrilled with the success that your coastal patrol made happen. And, he wants to capitalize on it. Using the Harvester Teams and the nure onna bodies you collected, Okimoto has drawn up plans for an aquatic soldier division. THe research teams have already confirmed that it would be a simple maneuver to dress them in nure onna scales, allowing them to speed through the water. Okimoto wants to take this new division and strike against the nure onna hatcheries while they're still reeling from your last attacks. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 30 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Aquatic Division, Nure onna's don't recover easily.

[] Deployment Woes: Okimoto is frustrated with how little your men can do in a year. It's not even a question of how many men you have to work with, but how long it takes them to reach the site. Frankly, your standard vehicles just aren't working. So, Okimoto wants an upgrade. Right now, he's thinking helicopters. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 50 Chance of Success: 90% Time: 1 year Reward: +1 Military Action

Diplomacy: Your chief diplomat is a woman named Kawayama Kiriyo,a woman with long, braided, brown hair and business wear. She's cheerful, kind and overall a very genuine person. Or so you thought, until she met Okimoto and immediately became a brusque and professional expert. Okimoto grunted his approval and moved on. Kawayama was all smiles again, but she probably wanted you to notice. If there's one thing Kawayama is an expert in, it would be twisting people's perceptions of her. You couldn't ask for a better asset. Pick 1

[] Shooting Monsters Together-Hellsing: You've heard good things about the Hellsing organization. Started by the original Hellsing, the organization has done very well killing vampires and ghouls throughout the centuries of its existence. While that doesn't seem like much, apparently vampires spread like weeds over there, so it's understandable. You've also heard that the line of succession has been rather bumpy as of late. This is likely an ideal time to get in good with your fellow monster hunters. Cost: 0 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Diplomatic ties with Hellsing

[] Shooting Monsters Together-Iscariot: Iscariot is the Vatican's supernatural hunting organization. You've heard some interesting things about their scorched earth policies that put you off somewhat. Besides that, there are also some nasty rumors about Iscariot specializing in heretic hunting as well. Considering that everyone is a heretic to the Catholics that could be an ill omen. Still, they can't be that bad, right? Cost: 0 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 30% Reward: Diplomatic ties with Iscariot

[] A Gesture of Trust: If there's one thing that you shouldn't do, it would be to trust a fox spirit. But that looks like it's exactly what you're planning on doing. This clan of kitsune or nogitsune have contacted you, and it's a toss up whether they're doing so for cash or to destroy you. Attempt to hire them out and upgrade your spy network with supernatural assistance. Cost: 20 Upkeep: 50 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Clan of kitsune assisting you, + 1 Intrigue action

[] Tesso Is Vengeful, Not Evil: Tesso is a terrible and vengeful spirit. But his vengeance comes from having been betrayed, and the honor of his sovereign proven worthless. You can work with that. Attempt to enlist Tesso and his army of rats to help defend the people. Getting them to assist you would be a huge benefit to your spy network. Cost: 40 Upkeep: 20 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Army of rats at your disposal, Bonus dice mod to Intrigue options within Japan.

Stewardship: Your manager is an old man who looks upon you with an undisguised sneer. Ito Yoson is an expert with finances and policy, which just barely makes up for his irritable and asshole personality. His entire views on women, youth and even race just kind of makes you want to beat him. Despite this, he's already planning ways to make you money, so you, as many already do, manage to drown your moral issues with lots of cash. Pick 1

[] Spiritual Resources-Power: Last year, you made contact with several lesser kami. A few of them were river kami, and they feel like you could help each other. Sooner or later, everyone faces an energy crisis, even Japan. So, they were thinking that for the price of tribute and maybe a festival or two, the kami could make sure that your hydropower gets its bang for its buck. Some wind kami have also piggybacked onto the deal, offering to blow heavily towards the turbines in return for tribute and celebrations. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: +100 Power income

[] Spiritual Resources-Mountain: There are actually a few mountain kami willing to help you for the same price, namely tributes and festivals. Luckily for them, mining is still very much in demand, even if it is largely handled by corporations and the like these days. These mountain kami are willing to point out unnoticed veins of resources in the mountains, and even bring it closer to the surface in some cases. Choosing sites far from any source of supernatural threats, you can point them out to corporations, take a surveyor's fee from the company and rake in the cash. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: +100 Mining income

[] Making Home: You need more room. You have a nice underground base, but it's not very homely. The priests have done their best, but they're also rather concerned with how lacking the base is with spiritual connections. See about finding a base in a solidly spiritual background, with lots of room for all your vehicles and troops. Cost:50 Upkeep: 20 Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Large Base, More Stewardship Options available, Basic Spiritual defenses.

Intrigue: Your spymaster is Wakai Munoto. He's also batshit insane. Ironically, about half of his delusions are real, which has the added effect of not being able to tell if he really is crazy, or just sees spirits and kami that even you can't. A question to ponder. For now, Munoto is just interested in making sure you know what you need to know. And a few things you really didn't need to know. Pick 1

[] Informants-The World: Wakai has contacts all over the world who is willing to help him gather information. Wakainthen has a second system of informants all over the world willing to feed him supernatural information. Wakain hasn't interacted with them much besides barking at them on his bad days, but now that you need to know, he can get some basic information. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 30 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Information on all of the basic areas of the world, Rumor Mill at the end of each turn.

[] Sabotage The Warband: There's a warband forming and that really makes you nervous. Wakai thinks he has a solution. For now, the warband is bus beating the shit out of each other in order to decide who's the strongest. By sabotaging the stronger ones, and supporting the weaker ones, Wakai thinks he can make them take longer to decide, and weaken their offensive power in the future. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Oni warband delayed, lose some elite units in the process.

Piety: You actually have two religious advisors. Imai Denbe, a Buddhist monk, is a kind and unobtrusive individual. In his mid-thirties, his primary features are a shaved head and a patient smile for everyone. Inokuma Toju, the forty year old Shinto priest, is rather different. He's not scornful like Ito is, but he has a sense of severity to him. He mandates that whenever you meet him, you purify your hands, for one. Whether this is him telling you you're impure or his way of protecting you and himself from impurity, you aren't sure. Still, he does his job eagerly, and so you can't begrudge him for that. Pick 1

[X] Sealing Is An Art: Now, you and the other priests can get quite uppity about the details of sealing, you'll admit to that. Of course, when someone refers to it as "magic scribbles" they deserve the kick to the crotch they get. You will admit that most of sealing is simply a special form of calligraphy. The problem with sealing is that many of them are specialized. Once you get into the stronger spirits, they require seals tailored to them and their abilities. With your rapid response teams, you won't always have the time to painstakingly craft a seal for an oni or other such powerful spirits beforehand. So, you should set up teams that carry one large scroll, upon which they start writing the seal for any powerful enemies you encounter. Cost:50 Upkeep: 30 Time: 2 years Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Mid-Tier Sealing Squads Will Complete Next Year

[] Violent Pacifism: After their work with memorizing the sutras, a few of your soldiers are starting to look towards Buddhism as solutions to peace in their daily life. This would be fine, except the Buddha primarily teaches compassion and peace as ideal lifestyles. You bring this up with Denbe, but he alleviates your concerns. According to him, the Buddha is willing to allow violence if it's in pursuit of a noble cause. To him, yours is the most noble cause, as you fight directly against those forces attempting to spread corruption and impurity throughout the land. He would be glad to teach those willing the ways of the warrior monk, and in return, you'd gain a supernatural fighting force capable of cleansing demons and inhuman feats of physical prowess. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 50 Time: 2 years Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Five Warrior Monks, +1d2 Warrior Monks every year.

[] The Impurity Division: It rankles you to admit, but not every monster can be slain with seals and guns. Already you are hearing reports from Wakai about monsters that make zombies from their victims and can sprint faster than a train. Such a monster cannot be defeated by your warriors as they are. And they appear like weeds in a garden over in Europe. As such, you find yourself considering the possibility of creating cursed objects. If you could learn to wield the powers of the youkai, you would have an immense source of power. Imagine a man capable of wielding the strength of a youkai, or weaving spells like a kijo… you wonder if this is how demons are created. Cost: 100 Upkeep: 0 Time: 3 years Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Impurity Division created, new research unlocked.

[] Recruitment Drive. For all their differences, Inokuma and Imai agree on one thing. You need more spiritual experts. However, priests aren't easily trained. So they want to do a covert recruitment drive throughout temples and the like in the entirety of Japan. While this is expensive, it's also guaranteed to net you some combat capable priests. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 50 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 50% Every year, you get 1d5 onmyoji and 1d5 monks.

[] Forging From The Past-Just: You have an option to have swordsmen learn directly from the Daitengu, some of the most fearsome spirits in the land. However, you decide that this isn't enough. After all, almost none of the heroes in the tales killed youkai and the rest with normal weapons. No, they used magic swords. So, you want to train swordsmiths to create magical swords to be wielded by the men who return from the Daitengu's training. However, you make sure to keep the swordsmiths just, in order to insure purity in the blade. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 30 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Mystic Swordsmen created, +1d2 mystic swordsmen every year. CANNOT BE CHOSEN WITH BLOODTHIRSTY

[] Forging From The Past-Bloodthirsty: You have an option to have swordsmen learn directly from the Daitengu, some of the most fearsome spirits in the land. However, you decide that this isn't enough. After all, almost none of the heroes in the tales killed youkai and the rest with normal weapons. No, they used magic swords. So, you want to train swordsmiths to create magical swords to be wielded by the men who return from the Daitengu's training. However, you make sure to keep the swordsmiths bloodthirsty and violent, in order to increase the power of the swords. There is a possibility for impurity to begat from that however. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 30 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Mystic Swordsmen created, +1d2 mystic swordsmen every year. 10% chance for each swordsmen to be corrupted and killed. CANNOT BE CHOSEN WITH JUST

Learning: Your resident scientist is fairly excitable. Apparently, Kaibara Tamaki had already theorized on the existence of youkai, and had gotten laughed out of her laboratory for it. Now, she not only had verification that they existed, she got to dream up new ways to kill them! Really, it was a dream come true. Pick 1

[] Needs More Penetration: It is a fact that most of your opponents possess much tougher skin than you do. Bullets don't do much to Oni after all. So, Kaibara had a thought. What do you use to break through something strong? Spikes! But no one has the brawn or stupidity to try to stab an oni with a big spike. So, you move to plan B. Namely, shooting spikes! Essentially, it'd be a harpoon without the rope, if you shoot the harpoon at the same speed as a bullet. Or somewhere around there. Kaibara isn't sure how she'd manage that, but dammit, she'll do her best! Cost: 50 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Heavy Impaler Units

[] I Believe I Can Fly: Kotengu are pests, that fly and kill. While technically skilled in the ways of the sword, your troops tend to just shoot them without problems. Now however, it's looking like you may actually find some use out of the deadly vermin. By making a hood out of purified kotengu feathers, researchers thing they can make it so your soldiers can fly. It would take quite some training to be able to orient themselves in three dimensions like that, but your soldiers can do it. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 20 Time: 1 year Chance of Success 70% Reward: Crow Corp created

[] One With The Mountain: There are a lot of beast like mountain spirits that hunt humans. You have a lot of their hides. So, why not make artifacts out of it? Using the same method as those used by the kotengu cloak, researchers design a hooded jacket made out of the skin of chimi and moryo, bestial mountain spirits. These jackets allow for your men to hide their presence in nature and dom minor shapeshifting into animals near their own size, such as large dogs and the like. Doing so would definitely help your people sneak through the wilderness, and make them premier scouts. Cost: 50 Upkeep: 20 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Ranger Corp created

Personal: Now there's you. You're definitely in a busy position, but you don't need to oversee everything. That's what your department heads are for. So now you need to decide what to do with your time. Pick 1

[] Train: You are a Shinto priestess, and as such, do have the training to fight youkai and other spirits. Unfortunately, you haven't had the opportunity to put that to good use. So now you need to brush up on your skills. With any luck, you can become much more proficient. Cost: 0 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Reward: +2 Martial, +2 Piety

[] Wake Up The Tsukumogami: A tsukumogami is an item that has seen over a century of use, gaining awareness and a soul. You have one in your line, and it is potent. It works without waking it up, but the spirit actually staying awake could give you both some much needed advice, and increase the chances of success against any resisting spirits. Cost: 0 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Rewards: Spirit tool wakes up, gives advice and power.

[] Okay, You're Pretty Crazy:Wakai is getting on your nerves now. But, you can't help but think that you should have done what you had planned to do ages ago. Or, well, what you did with crazy people. A psychologist and a lot of antipsychotics, or whatever they were called. Your requisition expert tells you that what you're looking for is a psychiatrist, but you just tell him to shut up and find you one. Unfortunately, the psychiatrist you found understands the negative relationship between you and Wakai. And so he wants you to be part of…. group therapy. Urgh. Cost: 20 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Wakai is sane again and doesn't hate you, chance to cure Reckless trait into Driven.

[] Personal Attention: You direct your personal attention to a project, allowing for an increased chance of success. Cost: 0 Upkeep: 0 Time: 1 year Chance of Success: 100% Reward: Your stats added to an action of your choice.

AN: So. Many. Options.
Fair point. Honestly, I just realized that I was really dragging that bit on. How about I just hyperlink the names to my own sources? Would that be more helpful?
Definitely. No need to go crazy with it. Advisors, Heroes, and maybe really significant Kami and spirits. Description has a charm of its own.

My brain was just conking out trying to keep track of what exactly was what and what the hierarchy was. It didn't help that putting half the names into Google yielded only old vague surreal eastern paintings.
Treasury: 580
Upkeep: 140
Income: 600
Net income: 460
Money: 1040

[] Deployment Woes (50 and upkeep 50)
We need more military actions if we want respond to threats quickly.

[] Tesso Is Vengeful, Not Evil (40 upkeep 20)
Getting Tesso on our side will help with dealing with Japanese threats.

[] Making Home (50 upkeep 20)
We have the cash and income, start the base.

[] Sabotage The Warband (50)
Better to nip them in the bud ASAP and if Tesso succeeds we might get a bonus to the action.

[] Forging From The Past-Just (50 upkeep 30)
No impurity thank you and Youkai might respect and back off from Mystic swordsmen more readily then gun wielding soldiers.

[] Needs More Penetration (50)
...and in case they don't, extra firepower for the men.

[] Okay, You're Pretty Crazy
We need to fix this.

Net income: 340
Money: 750
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Treasury: 580
Upkeep: 140
Income: 450
Net income: 310
Money: 890

[] Deployment Woes (50 and upkeep 50)
We need more military actions if we want respond to threats quickly.

[] Tesso Is Vengeful, Not Evil (40 upkeep 20)
Getting Tesso on our side will help with dealing with Japanese threats.

[] Spiritual Resources-Power (50 income +100)
We need this to offset the upkeep costs for our actions. Next turn we can make the base.

[] Sabotage The Warband (50)
Better to nip them in the bud ASAP and if Tesso succeeds we might get a bonus to the action.

[] Forging From The Past-Just (50 upkeep 30)
No impurity thank you and Youkai might respect and back off from Mystic swordsmen more readily then gun wielding soldiers.

[] Needs More Penetration (50)
...and in case they don't, extra firepower for the men.

[] Okay, You're Pretty Crazy
We need to fix this.

Net income: 310
Money: 600
I made a small mistake in the income. After turn 2, it's now at 600.
I would rather take the higher success-rate Intrique action since we have that penalty.

I'd rather not loose vital Elite Forces to a poor Oni roll, and we have Tsundice.
[] Diving Down Deep.

What what ever we rolled last was insane and we need to keep that momentum going. If we can keep the pressure up, we can end them.

[] Tesso Is Vengeful, Not Evil.

An army of rats at our command would play hell on that Oni warband

[] Making Home

We need to fortify the base.

[] Informants- The World

Sabotaging the warband has a 60% chance of succeeding with that malus we have to Intrigue options. Better to get a feel for the world at large than fuck up sabotaging a group of giant monsters that could destroy a city.

[] Learning From The Past-Just
There is literally no benefit to Blood thirsty and we can get these swordsman trained by Daitengu.

[] I Believe I Can Fly

This could help us harass the warband.

[] Okay, Your Pretty Crazy.

That malus is going to mess something up if we don't fix it.
Ok, point of clarification. Bloodthirsty makes your mystic swordsman more powerful. Just to be clear there.
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[] Deployment Woes
If we want to get stuff done in a timely manner we need extra actions
[] A Gesture of Trust
[] Making Home
Its a good time to fortify and espand the base , and it should lead to more stewardship actions
[] Informants- The World
I would prefer not to face the warband before we remove the malus
[] Recruitment Drive.
this will give us more agents each year , so the sonner we start the better
[] I Believe I Can Fly
aerial capabilities plus ranged weaponry means that landbound oni are screwed
[] Okay, You're Pretty Crazy
damage control with Wakay , removes the malus and may solve our own problems
how much powerful exactly ?
So we get Anderson-lite....
Nope, still going for Just.

Though now rethinking the Warband action since we still have time.
Well, to be more specific, there's the example of two swords in the river. Both were made by different sword smiths, one pulling floating leaves towards it to be cut, and the other pushing them away. That's because one is a bloodthirsty sword, and the other is a just one, that will never cut unjustly. Basically the bloodthirsty sword is better to kill things with, and grants a bonus when attacking.
Martial: Your Military advisor is one Okimoto Ieyoshi. When asked what his service record was, he simply handed you a file with nothing but black lines in it. A man in his thirties, Okimoto is covered in various wounds and what seem to be acid burns cover half his face, and he's missing an eye. You were told due to his recent loss of vision; he was being taken out of active duty to assist you. While you had your doubts, he proved himself in how he trained with your troops. The man knows how to kill something, that's for sure. Pick 1

[] Diving Down Deep:

Next turn, deployment woes.

Diplomacy: Your chief diplomat is a woman named Kawayama Kiriyo,a woman with long, braided, brown hair and business wear. She's cheerful, kind and overall a very genuine person. Or so you thought, until she met Okimoto and immediately became a brusque and professional expert. Okimoto grunted his approval and moved on. Kawayama was all smiles again, but she probably wanted you to notice. If there's one thing Kawayama is an expert in, it would be twisting people's perceptions of her. You couldn't ask for a better asset. Pick 1

[] A Gesture of Trust:

More actions? Do want.

Stewardship: Your manager is an old man who looks upon you with an undisguised sneer. Ito Yoson is an expert with finances and policy, which just barely makes up for his irritable and asshole personality. His entire views on women, youth and even race just kind of makes you want to beat him. Despite this, he's already planning ways to make you money, so you, as many already do, manage to drown your moral issues with lots of cash. Pick 1

[] Making Home:

Need a new house.

Intrigue: Your spymaster is Wakai Munoto. He's also batshit insane. Ironically, about half of his delusions are real, which has the added effect of not being able to tell if he really is crazy, or just sees spirits and kami that even you can't. A question to ponder. For now, Munoto is just interested in making sure you know what you need to know. And a few things you really didn't need to know. Pick 1

[] Sabotage The Warband:

Piety: You actually have two religious advisors. Imai Denbe, a Buddhist monk, is a kind and unobtrusive individual. In his mid-thirties, his primary features are a shaved head and a patient smile for everyone. Inokuma Toju, the forty year old Shinto priest, is rather different. He's not scornful like Ito is, but he has a sense of severity to him. He mandates that whenever you meet him, you purify your hands, for one. Whether this is him telling you you're impure or his way of protecting you and himself from impurity, you aren't sure. Still, he does his job eagerly, and so you can't begrudge him for that. Pick 1

[] Recruitment Drive.

More experts are key.

Learning: Your resident scientist is fairly excitable. Apparently, Kaibara Tamaki had already theorized on the existence of youkai, and had gotten laughed out of her laboratory for it. Now, she not only had verification that they existed, she got to dream up new ways to kill them! Really, it was a dream come true. Pick 1

[] One With The Mountain:

Rangers are needed.

Personal: Now there's you. You're definitely in a busy position, but you don't need to oversee everything. That's what your department heads are for. So now you need to decide what to do with your time. Pick 1

[] Okay, You're Pretty Crazy:
