Council of Evil: Rise of Team Amalgam

You should check out adventure, it's probably the best narrative interpretation of the series once it hits it's stride in Gold/Silver (emerald does not exist).
You have no idea how salty I was when they teased Wally being the third pokedex user before they ruined everything with that half-pint abomination.
Honestly? That pretty much sums up the manga pretty well. It combines the bullshit moments of the anime and makes them more plausible through game logic. Read it!!
Considering I've only just discovered online manga platforms, I have a long bucket list. :(
I bought the series up to Diamond and pearl, all the box sets, even this odd one with Fire Red and Leaf green that's only half full for some reason. That's how solid I think the series is.
A good 50% or so of us appear to be starting out insanely skilled or powerful already. Either that or I'm probably misreading 'grandiose thoughts' as their actual capabilities. :thinking:
Most of it is in theory for later. Like half of my intent for the Amethyst Caverns is what happened there is only possible because of that location. Sorta intend it to be a nexus of power sorta thing. Shenanigans are possible there mostly because of the location more than anything, you try the same crap anywhere else and its significantly harder. Similar to how legit ghosts manifesting are apparently only possible in the Pokemon tower because, presumably, it's that place. So Cubone resurrecting from Charmander isn't normally possible, but they got lucky.

Half of my early stuff I intend to be learning how to do that kinda stuff anywhere, and recruiting people who already know about these new mystical abilities to learn from. Part of why the minions I'm drafting are key to it. Can't speak for anyone else though, but obviously a cubone isn't exactly a heavy hitter, even with the egg moves I gave it for theming. :p
A good 50% or so of us appear to be starting out insanely skilled or powerful already. Either that or I'm probably misreading 'grandiose thoughts' as their actual capabilities. :thinking:
I mean, at least Pokémon wise none of us are to strong. Personally, I tried to balance out his strength with a weakness, though I'm not sure I really emphasized it enough. Mainly, while he does enjoy spending time with his Pokémon, he's not actually that good of a battler. He may have the potential to be one, but he's an information broker, so that's what he's trained his Pokémon (along with himself) for. Stealth, not power. After all, if he has to battle someone himself, he's doing it wrong.

Of course, that very well may change in the future. He may be a relatively well known information-broker among some less then savory customers, but he maintains a strict neutrality. As long as he doesn't pick a side, he's valuable enough not to upset. Now though, he's joining a team. He thinks they'll go far, and he wants to be along for the ride. This is a bit of a gamble for him, as it violates his neutrality. He'll either need to be able to defend himself now, or get some very good bodyguards.

Crap, I didn't mean to go off on a tangent there.
A good 50% or so of us appear to be starting out insanely skilled or powerful already. Either that or I'm probably misreading 'grandiose thoughts' as their actual capabilities. :thinking:
Haha, yeah, you can probably tell that Sabrina's my favorite gym leader, huh? I fell in love with her as a little kid when I first saw that episode, a power so great and impossible to overcome that the only way Ash succeeded was by leaving his friends behind, and even then they were only able to get out by appeasing her. Sabrina was fucked up, and I say that with great admiration. Adalie is patterned after her. I mean, her powers aren't as bullshit as Sabrina's obviously, but I jumped at the chance to make a psychic character inspired by her.
A good 50% or so of us appear to be starting out insanely skilled or powerful already. Either that or I'm probably misreading 'grandiose thoughts' as their actual capabilities. :thinking:

Well generally I think the character concept of a young kid stepping out into the wide open world for the first time and thinking, "I am going to be ultra-satan." Is not a common one.

That said, I now want to do that character concept.
My favorite gym leader is definitely Whitney. Well, no, but I did use a Miltank on my main team in Pokémon Heart Gold. I don't really have a favorite gym leader tbh. I guess Koga, but I only really know him as an Elite Four member. He was infuriating for me, because his strategies were really hard for me to get through when I was younger, but now I actually really like using the same type of strategy when I play. Mostly on Showdown, where I'm the kind of terrible person who builds a team of six stall Pokémon.
Personally, my... Favourite? Dearest? Dearest Gym Leader is Juan, his goddamn Luvdisc kept fucking me with Sweet Kiss. If my main 'mon took itself out, game over man.
Well generally I think the character concept of a young kid stepping out into the wide open world for the first time and thinking, "I am going to be ultra-satan." Is not a common one.

That said, I now want to do that character concept.
I feel like the only way to make that work is make them super over the top to the point where no one takes them seriously, or to make them really, really bad at being evil. Like... "Bwahaha! I, ultra-Satan, helped this old lady to the wrong side of the street! I'll help her back of course, wouldn't want her to get killed or anything, but I have still wasted her time in the process! Bow to my EVIL!"
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Welp, done fleshing out mine I guess. Got four main subordinates outlined and fleshed out, two of which are those I have to find and recruit later via plot developments. And of the two I have one is limited to a wheelchair, and the other has only one sorta living partner that literally doesn't do anything. Think that's a good limiter for early game start. :p
A good 50% or so of us appear to be starting out insanely skilled or powerful already. Either that or I'm probably misreading 'grandiose thoughts' as their actual capabilities. :thinking:
Indigo has no conscious control over his psychic powers, and doesn't have his original team due to them catching a severe case of being dead. The only real advantages he has are already knowing how to be a decently skilled trainer, and the subconscious training buff/battle instincts from his powers- and the boost from those is more of a crutch than a game breaker.
Added another bit to the Lore blurb, mostly a place for me to stick the assorted independent and private organizations I come up with. For reference the security company is based mainly on the events of this video, since I find it hilarious
Just thought of another (rather important) question. How intelligent is the average Pokémon? I'd assume that Pokémon such as Alakazam are at least as intelligent as humans, but what about Pokémon like say, Rattata?
Troglodyte - Crazy Diamond (Gone)
Name: Damion A. Diamond
Specialization: Stewardship


Species: Magikarp| Nickname: Vinny
Level: 15
Gender: M
Ability: Swift Swim

  • Splash
  • Tackle
  • Bounce

See! That's good sense right there. In the business we're in knowing how someone got into it is just as important as knowing why they're in it. In my case, the two are kinda wrapped up together.

You see my dad was indeed involved in the shadier side of things. Maybe a pair would take a bit longer to produce an egg while at the daycare, maybe some numbers were fudged a little here and there, and maybe he was running an illegal pokemon market. Having them get sold from trainers down on their luck for "research purposes" and selling them to the more desperate trainers or lazy rich folk.

I'll admit I never really noticed dear old dad was grooming me to take over his completely legitimate business, but hey, I was young and grew up around all of it so everything seemed normal. I should have realized something was different when dad offered me my pick from a few different pokemon, that's how I got Vinny, walked down into the basement of one of dad's facilities and there they all were. Minded by my father's men of course. Turns out Little Vinny wasn't supposed to be part of the lineup and was supposed to be passing through. My Vinny knew we were destined to be together though, 'cuz he kept looking straight at me as he was being wheeled on by.

My choice was practically made for me really; there was no way I could not pick Vinny. Pop's was a more than a little uncertain about my choice, he kept asking me if I was sure I wanted Vinny and not one of the other ones. Old man didn't know what to do with himself when I doubled down on having Vinny as my pick. I've been taking good care of Vinny since though, this scale I got in my breast pocket here? Came from Vinny when he was being tutored in Bounce. It got chipped off and I wanted to keep it as a momento.

Honestly? I never figured out what was going on until I got pulled over and interviewed by an Officer Jenny who gave me the rundown after she decided I was innocent. Yeah, it was after I'd started my adventure...the whole adventuring thing? Not really my cup of tea, kinda glad I finally got an excuse to go back home really.

Turns out Pop's tried to expand too fast too dangerously: he upped the level of his operation by grabbing higher level 'mon while slacking on investigating the buyers. Also, he didn't pay enough attention to the people who started asking questions when the numbers didn't add up. An investigation got launched and that was the end of pa's 'criminal empire'.

It was the start of mine though, Uncle Keith contacted me and basically roped me into taking charge of the remnants. Now normally I wouldn't have done so, but with the adventuring thing not really working out and dad actually confirming that he always wanted me to take over after he passed convinced me enough to give it a shot. Surprise, surprise a lot of the advice dad had given over the years suddenly started to make sense.

That was a few years ago. Took me a fair bit to figure out how to do things properly, reassemble the pieces of the ring left, and make a front business or two. I've been making a point of keeping my expansions on the down-low while ensuring they give me at least a bit of profit. Proud to say I've kept myself in the net positive income-wise all this time.

At this point...I want more. I'm savvy enough to realize I can't do it by myself too; I can take care of the money side of things but I'm not all that great with actual pokemon battles and forging connections with other groups? I'm no good at it. Don't even get me started on trying to figure out all this crazy tech we have around, everything just goes right over my head.

So here I am. Got a spot open for me?
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Well since we're throwing out random questions, might as well. The Helix cult, they destroying Dome Fossils and Hording Helix ones or what?

I mostly ask as a huge fan of Kabuto, if they're making the dome fossils rarer they might be prime on the chopping block, least for Tortoise anyway. :p

More seriously, in a way, how is the four move limit working, or are we going with Anime rules eventually? Four move limit keeps us from getting crazy with the super moves, but on the flip side it means our foes are under the same constraints, so there's some give and take there. :p