Council of Evil: Rise of Team Amalgam

Question about the 4 mystical arts. Can our characters start off as latent in one of them? So they start with 0 'level's in said art, but essentially specialize in that art if/when they decide to train?
And done I've added a personality fleshed out in the Backstory and now he has an ex wife and a child who by now would be about 36 as a potential emotional weak spot.
One advantage of not taking a mystic art: you have fewer skills to focus on, so your attention isn't split as many ways.
You can, but it isn't needed. Every player doesn't need to be a user of some mystical art, it's entirely possible to advance simply through intelligence, resources and ruthlessness.
One advantage of not taking a mystic art: you have fewer skills to focus on, so your attention isn't split as many ways.

Fair points. Just don't want to be a burden on the other players, I guess, so a bit nervous.
~NGD OMEGA~ - Fear the Raven (Approved)
Right, got some time to draft this out now. No idea if the roster is complete yet, but I had fun with it at least:

Name: Dove "Raven" Grey

Specialization: Mystic- Her group has a heavy focus on Channeling, with a secondary focus in Witchcraft and ghost related abilities. She herself has a natural talent for Channeling and spiritual sensing, but requires a spiritual nexus to do anything particularly notable currently. Eventually their group intends to branch out to infiltration augmented by their new skills.

Backstory: A rather weak trainer who eventually gave up her numerous attempts for a third badge to instead join the League directly in order to solve the mystery of her more skilled older brother Flint's disappearance. She rose quickly, finding others like her who were looking into missing family members until eventually she began working under the elite four directly in various clerical positions, while also getting engaged to a member of her group, Umber, she'd started to grow close to. At the same time she and her allies started to push for change within the league like raising the age to starting a journey and better aiding them along the way, as new rumors started to catch their attention. One rumor, of a place called the Amethyst Caverns, turned out to have a ring of truth when a member of their group disappeared shortly after discovering the location.

This lead Dove and a her group to investigate including her fiancée, however they ended up walking right into an ambush, attacked by what appeared to be members of the League itself. With few competent fighters among them, they were forced to flee. Inside all around them were many corpses in varying states, however they had no time to linger on this strange tomb they'd found as many of their own began to join them, including Umber just after his Kangaskhan perished. Eventually her Tentacool, Pikachu, Seedot, Pawniard, Tangela, and her starter Charmander also joined them. Dove was unable to do anything but carry her starter's corpse as she fled even deeper in. Desperate, she and the remains of her group ran through a carved passage shaped like a giant ring, and their pursuers suddenly stopped chasing them, collapsing the passage behind them instead.

However for many of the survivors their wounds were simply too great. Dove saw strange visions as she passed through the edge of death, meeting with her brother and her Fiancée in the beyond, before she was called back by some strange, feminine ghost shape as a colossal being of immense power floated above her, seeming to take no note of her presence. When she awoke, she found herself reaching out to the corpse of her starter and the strange spectral shape still clinging to it, before drifting into unconsciousness again, suddenly exhausted. She thought it all a dream, but when she next awoke a scarred Cubone was tending to her wounds. It was Charm, her starter, resurrected by her new power, the skull he now wore to cover the scares of its face having been lifted from the piles of countless bones left on the ground of the tomb they were now trapped in.

Dove wasn't the only one awakening, as a handful of others also made it back from the brink, developing similar powers and each like her finding their appearances warped by their death in the tomb. She began to help the others recover and bring their partners back from death, pushing past several failures in an attempt to learn her limits. It seemed it was this strange chamber more than her own natural talent that was allowing her to make such incredible progress, even beyond any of the others. She also was aware of a presence aiding them, a strange, witch like ghostly figure watching them, seemingly amused, perhaps not doing all the work for them, but almost certainly helping them along on a whim. Once recovered they made their escape, learning that the way through the ring was no longer blocked, but seemed to lead to another exit to the cavern entirely.

Some of the survivors wanted to forget everything that happened in the caves, but Dove found she couldn't. She swore that she would master these new powers and take revenge for all those killed that night, especially Umber. Some decided to follow her, and with the newly formed group now deferring to her as their leader once more she took on the new name Raven. If the League wanted to keep its secrets so badly they had to kill them, then they should have made sure they hadn't left the door open for them to return. They'd hide their survival and set out to discover the nature of the strange Chamber in the Amethyst Caverns, master their abilities, and find others like themselves to gain strength enough to take revenge. And for Dove, she held onto the hope that she'd find the lingering remnants of the rest of her team, and bring them all back to her side again.

Pokemon: General Ghost Type Specialist

Charm ( Cubone (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia )
Level: 15
Ability: Lightning Rod
Bone Club
Fire Punch​

Current Disciples:
Specialization: Mystic - Senses and can physically touch ghosts, but that's about it given its young age. Also specializes in cuteness.

Backstory: Child of Mama Bear, the Kangaskhan owned by Umber, Dove's dead fiancée. Both its mother and Umber perished in the Amethyst Caverns during the ambush and Baby Bear, nicknamed Cub fled its dead mother's pouch to stop her killer, but was unable to find them. Still it managed to make use of its limited abilities to sow confusion among the attackers, which at least delayed them enough that there could have been any survivors. Though it is weak, its small size and the darkness of the caverns managed to keep it safe in the shadows. Refusing to take a new trainer, Cub now follows Raven, hoping for the chance to take down the one who struck down both its mother and master.

Normal Type Baby Pokemon
Cub ( Kangaskhan (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia )
Level: 1
Ability: Scrappy
Helping Hand (Locked due to inexperience in combat)​
Being a baby, Cub's attack power, health, and defense are only a fifth that of its mom. Despite this it has a good heart and tries to help regardless. It has a very good sense for spirits, even able to touch them directly.
Obtainable Followers:
Specialization: Mystic - Shadow Type Research and Emotion Reading is his current focus. Also has a secondary talent for Pokemon battles, but due to the current state of his team he's not able to make use of it for the moment.

Backstory: Originally an up and coming trainer who'd grown up an orphan and joined the expedition to the Amethyst Caverns because the family of his rival Jasper asked him to. Jasper's family was part of Raven's original group and they'd asked him to join them along with his rival's sister Opal. Unable to say say no to his longtime crush, he joined as the strongest of the pokemon battlers there and yet his powerful team had been slaughtered all the same. He was among the first to run once his last pokemon, Ninjask fell, fear taking hold of him completely in the slaughter as he grabbed Ninja's corpse and ran.

He attempted to bring his Ninjask back, but Ninja's soul had apparently meshed with other numerous souls who were mercilessly killed, including those of his team. Even with Raven's help the best they could manage was a cobbled together husk from its corpse, which stopped them from even attempting on any of his other team members. He now seeks ways to cut himself off from all emotions to never allow fear or sorrow to take hold of him again. A part of him hopes that if he can become truly empty like his partner is now, Ninja will be able to fight once more, allowing them to take their revenge for what took place in the Caverns.

Pokemon: Ghost/Psychic Type Specialist

Ninja ( Shedinja (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia )
Level: 10
Ability: Wonder Guard
Attacks (Locked due to flawed Ressurection):
Silver Wind
Bug Bite
Sand Attack​
At the current point in time, Ninja is incapable of doing anything but float, motionless, neither dead nor alive. It is because of his inability to battle with him that Hare as pushed himself deep into his research as a way to make himself more useful until they can properly come out of hiding. He wants to resurrect the rest of his team, including his Braixen, Diglett, Kirlia, and Drowsee, but the failure to restore his Ninjask has left him hesitant to try.
Specialization: Mystic - Resurrection Research is her current focus, with a current leaning towards possession based resurrection. She also provides general communication and computer support for the group with a decent talent for information gathering, but she currently has to work around her missing arm so this is currently limited for the moment.

Backstory: She joined her Father in looking into her Mother's disappearance in the Amethyst Caverns after her mom managed to inform Raven's group of its location, bringing the entire search party to the ambush. Unfortunately during the chaos her Torracat, Smoochum and her Pawniard all perished in the attempt to protect her, and almost immediately after she found part of her arm as well as her leg torn off. Her father risked everything to save her, helping carry her deeper into the caverns under grievous injuries, before succumbing to his wounds in the mysterious chamber, unable to make it back from the brink.

After recovering in the strange chamber, she managed to bring back the soul of her Torracat in the form of a Sableye. A resurrection made possible thanks to her grabbing her Cina's bell with her remaining arm as they fled, it now becoming the gem at her Sableye's core, leading to a great fascination with the ability of dead souls to possess objects. Similar to how her new Sableye came into being, she wonders what other uses this method of resurrection could have, and how else it could be applied. She hopes to branch out into true resurrection, wishing to somehow of bring her father back from the dead as well.

Pokemon: Ghost/Dark Type Specialist

Cina ( Sableye (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia )
Level: 10
Ability: Prankster
Night Shade
Nasty Plot​
Specialization: Mystic - Fossil Resurrection Research is his main passion, particularly regarding what's possible around a spiritual nexus. He also has a great talent for exploration, is skilled in defensive combat, and knowledge of ancient pokemon and investigating corpses or other kinds of remains.

Backstory: A notable Archaeologist who lost his Nephews in a strange canyon with unusual activity that the Pokemon League had been trying to keep people away from. He attempted to go in after them but was stopped for his troubles, only to be informed later that they had perished and could not be recovered. He later forced his way into the Canyon via an alternate route he found to at least retrieve their bodies, but lost his arm and his Squirtle and Geodude in the process, attempting to defend himself against exceedingly powerful pokemon that protected the area, who fought not unlike those under the order of trainers.

He only barely escaped with his life then thanks to his careful use of the terrain. However he was Imprisoned by the League for trespassing regardless, and would still be there had a strange pokemon not arrived to bust him out. Seemingly his Geodude resurrected in the form of a Golett and had come back to him, leading him to the belief that the Ancient Canyon has the ability to resurrect the remains of pokemon. As a result he has become somewhat obsessed with using it in order to raise fossils back to life as well in order to gain the power he needs to push back against the League for letting his nephew's die in that strange place.

Pokemon: Ghost/Rock Type Specialist

Geo ( Golett (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia )
Level: 10
Ability: Iron Fist
Mud Slap
Defense Curl
Specialization: Mystic - Heavy focus on Witchcraft Research to the point of outright obsession. She's also exceedingly good at assassinations, particularly with Poisons.

Backstory: A mysterious Orphan who has been on her own for the majority of her life, trying to hone her capabilities in Witchcraft. Her greatest passion appears to be to grow her skill, and she's done quite well for herself given the tools she's had available and having never found a focal point of ghostly power like the rest. Despite the incredible progress she's made under those limitations, she ever yearns for more, often seeking out any means possible to get the results she wants, regardless of the consequences. Luckily her partner in crime Charl has proven very good at getting her out of bad situations.

She's been on the run from the law for a long time for a whole host of misdemeanor crimes, and rumors of far worse ones under her name. As such she has gotten very skilled avoiding unnecessary trouble wherever possible if her interests don't get the better of her, making her a rather difficult person to track down. She's also knowledgeable about criminal activities and skilled at finding the information, and well versed in various types of poisons. Not much is known about her otherwise given how elusive she's been over the years, with some rumors saying she's faked her talents while others suggest she's been hiding her true potential entirely.

Pokemon: Ghost/Poison Type Specialist

Charlotte ( Spinarak (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia )
Level: 10
Ability: Sniper
Poison Sting
String Shot
Twin Needle
Toxic Spikes​

Later recruits may be buffed depending how long it takes to find them, but that's the default for early recruiting at least.

Also to remind myself as I have a lot of ideas bumping around and not a lot of idea what's viable or not:

Potential Plot Developments:
  1. Exploring the nature of Ghost Pokemon and their abilities, and all the varied interpretations that entails, especially via how she resurrects her team members, and potentially uses new channeling or witchcraft techniques to alter their forms to gain greater power, rather than catching new pokemon instead. Basically a slightly different means of achieving the same results.
  2. Smaller elite squad focus to allow more emphasis on the research and infiltration aspects of the group and be a bit more character driven, with semi fleshed out generals already defined.
  3. Research into Channeling and Witchcraft for interesting power developments, hopefully geared to better allow infiltration and avoid more direct combat. Also helps that Ghost types mesh well to spy work, though care will have to be taken to make sure we can counter any countermeasures people like the league likely already have in place to detect ghosts, like the Silph Scope.
  4. Learning from powerful beings to gain power, starting with the Mismagius in the cavern we can then explore other interesting smaller entities in the world like a powerful Cofagrigus in Tortoise's Canyon, an inverted Black Absol who guards a spiritual forest, before we start working up to legendaries like Marshadow (whose lore is all kinds of fun for this), Hoopla, and Giratina.
  5. Spiritual focal points, like the Hoopla based chamber in Amethyst Caverns, as well as the strange Canyon Tortoise found. Finding interesting locations like that with their own history can lead to all sorts of fun developments.
  6. The varied research disciplines, from Shadow types to possession of objects (Putting the Regis on the table for example), to even fossil pokemon offer all kinds of fun options. With Shadow types alone the likes of Shadow Mewtwo or Lugia are an option that could be all kinds of fun to explore.
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Spectre558 - Dig Dug (Approved)
Name: Aramis
Has rough callused hands from his days as a miner. In formal settings, he prefers to wear gloves or keep his hands in his pockets to hide them.
Specialization: Diplomacy
Backstory: Aramis was a miner, like his father, and grandfather before him. He grew up being taught that so long as he worked hard, was diligent and treated others fairly, he could be successful in life. For years Aramis lived by that ethos. Throughout his teenage and young adult years, he put in all the overtime in the mines that he could, saving up as much money as he could. He had decided that one day he would own his mine, be "the boss" that he had always worked under. He spent all his free time making with other miners and people in the broader industry, building relationships that he hoped would last a lifetime.

Now an adult, Aramis took the next step in his life. Recruiting other miners and friends and bidding a respectful farewell to his old employers, he bought mining rights to a section of land and started work, using his social skills to carefully manage his foremen and underbosses, ensuring efficiency. He payed attention even to individual workers, ensuring they received appropriate pay and had any of their concerns handled, keeping the workforce motivated. Within weeks Aramis' mine became a success, excavating valuable loads of ore as fast as they could be sold. Aramis' contacts and friends in the refining sector insured that they always had a buyer who would pay a fair price. For a short time, Aramis thought he had made it. Then reality came crashing in.

The major mining corporations and conglomerates saw Aramis' new business as a threat to their carefully managed status quo. When attempts to buy Aramis out (and later threats as to what would happen if he didn't accept) failed, they took more drastic steps. His workers were harassed until they left, his equipment sabotaged, his usual buyers were manipulated into blacklisting him. Aramis fought as long he could, but eventually was run out of business, forced to sell his mine to pay off his debts.

Aramis realized that his father was wrong in one respect. In the real world, success was a competition, and it had no rules. It only mattered that when the smoke cleared, you were on the winning side. Not content to stay down, he went back out into the world, searching for other like minded individuals...

Aron, lvl. 15:
  • Metal Claw
  • Headbutt
  • Rock Tomb
  • Mud Slap

Figured I'd go for a diplomat, since we don't seem to have any submitted yet.
You can, but it isn't needed. Every player doesn't need to be a user of some mystical art, it's entirely possible to advance simply through intelligence, resources and ruthlessness.
I'm planning on trying to get my Murkrow the largest Murder of Murkrows I can, and using them for my spy network.

Would it be possible for Don to learn English? I think Murkrow can canonically mimic human phrases, so I figure he'd be able to learn.
I'm guessing that there aren't any more openings?
This isn't a first come first serve. I haven't picked any of the players just yet.
I'm planning on trying to get my Murkrow the largest Murder of Murkrows I can, and using them for my spy network.

Would it be possible for Don to learn English? I think Murkrow can canonically mimic human phrases, so I figure he'd be able to learn.
Go for it, it will just take a lot of time and effort.
I plan to get all the eeveelutions and play up the expectation of being someone you expect to be a fighting type person but then never using one.
I plan to make variations to existing Pokemon or items that change Pokemons abilities when held before advancing to eventually make Fakemon.

If I get choose anyway...
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I plan to make humans the same as pokemon in regards to battles.
From what I understood the idea here is to head a group, so made sure the backstory sorta reflected that. Mind you her group is intended less as a Team Rocket style mass criminal organization and more a 'Leverage' Style small squad with differing specialties all focused around a similar bent. Largely the development of their Spirtual capabilities and infiltration into the League itself once more under their new persona, trying to avoid detection via their skills where possible.

It's part of why I allowed a decent group diversification of what seemed sensible for the ghost/spiritual bent. A few of the members could work on ressurecting ancient fossil pokemon with their techniques, others could focus on bending the will of people and pokemon to, eventually, create Shadow Pokemon and all the fun that entails, while Raven herself could focus on the League and, on occasion when she has time for herself, tracking down the spirits of her partners and bringing the entirety of her old team back, warped though death made them.

Or strengthening them depending on other developments. Since the Ghost type is a bit nebulous once you get to the resurrection thing (Why hallo thar Fuschia tower and Cubone's mommy), I figure if she can figure out how the strengthen the spirits of her partners, she can alter her team later not via catching new pokemon like most would, but changing their forms within certain parameters. Like using the fossil spiritual resurrection techniques to turn the Aloha Variant Marowak that her Cubone will become into an Aerodactyl as desired (sorta a parallel to Charmander->Charmeleon->Charizard though whether it'll still be ghost type is up in the air given the shenanigans that'll involve :p ).

Had similar stuff slotted for the others, but I admit I've changed her team like 3 times since since new ideas keep coming and I keep changing my mind. Gave up on the Nidoran to Shuppet thing though as that was a stretch. Who becomes Honedge was also tricky, because I was liking Farfetch'd for a good bit there but had to swap it out. And don't get me started on the who becomes Driftblim debate I had with myself, my god that was tricky.
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Alright everyone, it's time for another round of checking sheets and Approving them!
Right, got some time to draft this out now. No idea if the roster is complete yet, but I had fun with it at least:

Name: Dove "Raven" Grey
Specialization: Mystic
Backstory: Her brother, Flint, was a trainer of note who had gained a number of badges before disappearing a few years before Dove tried her hand at her own pokemon journey. However Dove never had much in the way of talent, and before long found herself mostly aiming to find out what had happened to her brother instead. As a result she ended up gaining a position of note in a clerical position in the league, slowly working her way up the ranks of management until she began working under the elite four themselves. At this time she steadily found numerous other people like her with family members who had also disappeared on their pokemon journeys, and slowly they started to make a push for change within the league, including increasing the age that trainers could start their journeys and offer greater levels of support to them along the way, while at the same time their group attempted to find out what really had happened.

However, as their push started to gain traction, new leads suddenly started appearing making reference to a place she'd never heard of with the codename Amethyst Cavern, leading Dove and various other members of her group to go out seeking more information into the disappearances. Eventually they managed to uncover the location within the League's databases, and set out to investigate. What they ended up finding in those dark caves were countless bones, for both trainers and pokemon alike.

And like that the trap was sprung, Dove's group, made up largely of the same failed trainers that she was, were effortlessly defeated, their misfit teams slaughtered. She could only watch helpless as her Tentacool, Pikachu, Seedot, Mawile, Tangela, and her starter Charmander, were killed one by one. She fell into despair as the last of them fell, thinking that would be the end of it, but then they too were attacked, left heavily injured and on the brink of death as they were sealed within the cavern.

She believes she did die then, meeting with her brother for a few precious moments in the beyond, before she was called back. A scarred Cubone had been tending to her wounds, and as she watched it she for the first time became truly aware of the place she'd been left for dead, seeing it for what it was. A Tomb of the dead, spirits still lingering with thoughts of resentment and sorrow. She awoke to her spiritual abilities then, and at the same time recognized the Cubone for what it was. Charm, her starter, reanimating the flesh of it's body, covering the flesh of its heavily scarred face with one of the many skulls that riddled the cavern they'd been sealed in. As she recovered, she realized she had not been the only one to be brought back from the brink. A sorry few of her group were still alive there, awakening to the same abilities she had, though none quite to the same level.

So they planned their escape, as well as their revenge. They would not be caught unawares again. They'd gather more allies, more power, and far more information before they made their next move. They'd master their new spiritual abilities, empathy, the reanimation of dead pokemon, both recent and ancient, manipulation of emotions, channeling, and even the ability to seal of the hearts of pokemon to create shadow pokemon, and gain enough power that they wouldn't be so easily bested again. And maybe along the way she'd find the lingering remnants of the rest of her team, warped by death like her Charmander, Charm, had been.

One thing was for certain however. They would not be caught offguard again. They hid their survival, taking up new names, as the group deferred to their new leader, Raven. If the League wanted to keep its secrets so badly they had to kill them, then they should have made sure they hadn't left the door open for them to return.


Level: 15

Ability: Lightning Rod (Hidden: Battle Armor)

Bone Club
Fire Punch​
I like it so Approved, although do you intend to go the Witch Craft or Channeling route?
Name: Aramis
Has rough callused hands from his days as a miner. In formal settings, he prefers to wear gloves or keep his hands in his pockets to hide them.
Specialization: Diplomacy
Backstory: Aramis was a miner, like his father, and grandfather before him. He grew up being taught that so long as he worked hard, was diligent and treated others fairly, he could be successful in life. For years Aramis lived by that ethos. Throughout his teenage and young adult years, he put in all the overtime in the mines that he could, saving up as much money as he could. He had decided that one day he would own his mine, be "the boss" that he had always worked under. He spent all his free time making with other miners and people in the broader industry, building relationships that he hoped would last a lifetime.

Now an adult, Aramis took the next step in his life. Recruiting other miners and friends and bidding a respectful farewell to his old employers, he bought mining rights to a section of land and started work, using his social skills to carefully manage his foremen and underbosses, ensuring efficiency. He payed attention even to individual workers, ensuring they received appropriate pay and had any of their concerns handled, keeping the workforce motivated. Within weeks Aramis' mine became a success, excavating valuable loads of ore as fast as they could be sold. Aramis' contacts and friends in the refining sector insured that they always had a buyer who would pay a fair price. For a short time, Aramis thought he had made it. Then reality came crashing in.

The major mining corporations and conglomerates saw Aramis' new business as a threat to their carefully managed status quo. When attempts to buy Aramis out (and later threats as to what would happen if he didn't accept) failed, they took more drastic steps. His workers were harassed until they left, his equipment sabotaged, his usual buyers were manipulated into blacklisting him. Aramis fought as long he could, but eventually was run out of business, forced to sell his mine to pay off his debts.

Aramis realized that his father was wrong in one respect. In the real world, success was a competition, and it had no rules. It only mattered that when the smoke cleared, you were on the winning side. Not content to stay down, he went back out into the world, searching for other like minded individuals...

Aron, lvl. 15:
  • Metal Claw
  • Headbutt
  • Rock Tomb
  • Mud Slap

Figured I'd go for a diplomat, since we don't seem to have any submitted yet.
Finally a Diplomat, also love the backstory so your approved!
Name: Adalie Bellerose
Appearance: Hair is long, white, and curly. Eyes are red.
Specialization: Mystic
Backstory: The Bellerose were the descendants of kings, Adalie's mother would tell her. In place of fairy tales before she went to bed, Adalie was told stories about her family's old glories in their apartment. She'd bring out the brooch her own mother had given her and on special occasions let Adalie hold it.

Adalie's earliest memory was of that old brooch. Of running her fingers over the cold, heavy metal of a mega gardevoir wrought in diamonds and rubies and emeralds and gold worth more than everything else kept in their apartment combined. Maybe more than the entire building.

The Bellerose were a ducal house that reliably bred powerful psychics. Both human and Pokemon. And they made people nervous. So when the infamous Bellerose power began to wane, with more and more children each year only able to bend spoons or incapable of any psychic power at all, there were those who found the nerve to band together and move against the Bellerose.

Eventually, a team of assassins and their Greninja infiltrated the main house of the Bellerose and the majority of those in power were removed in a single stroke. The remnants scattered and moved to other regions where the Bellerose name was not quite so infamous.

Adalie was a throwback to a time centuries past, and she didn't have a Ralts trained to help her control her powers. Uncontrolled out of body experiences left her bedridden. The constant chatter of thoughts not her own did not allow her to sleep. Adalie's mother helped. Her power was not so great, but it was enough to call back Adalie's mind when she wandered and lower the roar into a low buzz. Her mother's pokemon, a Roselia, helped to soothe her headaches and let Adalie bury her face into the soft petals of her hands. But mother occasionally had to go out for days on end for her jobs. She'd always come back with something nice, but as Adalie grew older the longer her absences grew.

One day, mother came back with an egg.

Adalie put her egg by the window to be warm in the sun. Unspoken was the expectation that if the egg did turn out to be something worthless like a rattatta or zubat it would be released. Her mother wouldn't stand to keep such a thing in close quarters. If it were too expensive to maintain like a munchlax or larvitar however, there was a chance that she could go to the Pokemon center and trade it for something nice. What would be best, however, Adalie whispered to her egg when her mother was out, was if it became a pokemon she could keep forever, like the starters champions talked about on tv. The first one is most important. Something to keep close and hold. Something that was hers that she could keep for herself, that would love her best in turn.

Days passed as she considered the egg. It'd be nice if it were fluffy like an Eevee she decided, but that wasn't really necessary. Maybe it'd be a Ralts or Gothita like the stories mother had talked about and they could become champions together like the kids on the news. They'd win enough money to buy a giant manor with a thousand rooms to live in like in mother's stories.

It hatched into a Riolu. Adalie named him Gael after one of her favorite ancestors, meaning holy and generous. She didn't mind that he wasn't so soft as a Eevee and she didn't consider trading him in for a Ralts.

He helped. Especially after he evolved. He helped her sort out her emotions, separating what was hers and what someone having a bad day down the hall was feeling. To break down the wall of noise into individual thoughts that approached coherency. He didn't complain at all after she saw mother die on the news, not even when she smeared snot and tears into his fur.

Then the people mother had worked for came and took her in. She couldn't go places and kill people like mother had, but she didn't need to. She'd be fine.
Name: Gael
Pokémon: Lucario
Gender: Male
Ability: Inner Focus
Level: 15
Metal Claw
Aura Sphere
I like it, a lot so Approved! Although I ask that the Lucario start as a Riolu to start with.
Character Template:
Name: Azoth Sefirot
my name is Azoth.

Yes, it is a rather strange name, but what can I say? My parents were history enthusiasts and thought that naming their son after a long dead kingdom would be cool. I can't say I disagree with that sentiment.

Having been born as a only child I have always been fascinated by Pokemon, how do they work? What allows a foot tall pikachu to emit energy on par with power plants? How does Slugmar function with it's body made out of lava?

Then my father came home one day on my fifth birthday ecstatic about a breakthrough they had: they had made a Artificial Pokemon entirely out of data.

The idea of a fully artificial pokemon stuck with me as something amazing. Making a Pokemon, these little balls of power, was the realm of God's, of Mew or Arceus and now we where getting in on it?

But I was a little young to be thinking of it in such lofty terms, I thought that it was amazing nothing more.

When I turned ten and was given a chance to choose my own Pokemon I asked if my father could teach me how to make my own and he agreed. Allowing me to make my own Porygon.

Finding a occupation that would let me follow my dreams on the other hand, now that was harder.

No one else seemed to be excited at the idea of making a Pokemon, be it an new one or a clone of a rattata it didn't matter. I had heard of team rocket making Mewtwo, a legendary Pokemon along with everyone else but instead of becoming excited or trying to replicate it they made the very act of making New Artificial Pokemon an illegal act.

Then before I could find out how to join the only people to advance in Pokemon Creation they where disbanded. Cutting away my hope of creating the next artificial Legendary.

Until I found you, that is.
Thank you for this unique opportunity.

  • Data|Porygon|Trace|Lv. 15
  • Moves
    • Conversion 2
    • Recover
    • Psybeam
    • Signal beam
I don't see any real issue, although it should be noted that making artificial pokemon isn't illegal. It is experimenting to make a new kind of artificial pokemon outside of those already discovered (and Mewtwo) that is illegal. Otherwise approved!
Name: samenta galleta

Appearance: An old man in his seventies with short gray hair and a handlebar mustache. He has blue eyes an is 6'9. And is always dressed as well as posible.

Specialization: learning

Backstory: samenta was never a normal child his curiosity and thirst for knollage was to large to be normal. Smaenta was never well liked in school. He would read, they would play sports, they would slack off and he would take notes this only further separated him from the rest of his classmates and later in life society.

When he graduated he went on to become a pokemon researcher expanding his knowledge of the subject learning things about pokemon that he couldn't dream of. Samantha was a well known figure in the lab and the research he did helped make great discoveries.

Samenta loved his job and would do anything to progress in his field this did little for his social life and years of seclusion from his peers left him with trouble making connections so he spent most of his life alone. When he was reaching his late twenties he found her his 'soul mate' and for 20 years they were happy then they had a serious argument abput him caring about his work more than her causing her to leave him, he was alone his pregnant wife gone and depression long held back started to sink in.

He retreated olinto his work only eating and sleeping as much as necessary trying to distract himself from his own emotions but one day he took his research too far and started to experiment on live pokemon... and after two weeks was caught. He was fired and was cast from society using all the favours and influence he had to escape jail.

Nowadays he works for an 'evil' organisation with a personal goal to create the ultimate weapon/pokemon and take the lime light as the foremost leader on all things pokemon. That doesn't mean that the depression isn't there any more just carefully hidden with a serious obsession with his work.
  • Pokemon: ghastly/male/levitate
  • Moves nightshade/lick/hypnosis/mean look
Okay I will be honest with you, with the state the sheet is still in I can't approve it. Mostly because it doesn't really have any chance of actually getting in. I think it might be a good idea to scrap this and start over.
I like it so Approved, although do you intend to go the Witch Craft or Channeling route?
Raven herself is primarily focused on Channeling as it's the only way to bring her original team back so it's the art she puts the most focus in learning (And is sorta how her Charmander became a Cubone, with some additional nonsense up with the tomb itself and ghost magic shenanigans with the Amethyst Caverns in general).

But the group she leads is different as none of them have that same level of skill with that particular art. They are focused on general Witchcraft overall, which is how they intend to do stuff like bringing back dead pokemon and fossils and the like and generally gaining the skills they need for infiltration. Line is a bit blurred admittedly, particularly since the whole shadow type thing is about forcibly closing off the hearts of pokemon to grant them greater power, which is the opposite of channeling as I understand it, if not a warping of it.

If I had to pick a line in the stand, the group itself is essentially about learning to utilize ghost type skills, floating, levitation, and invisibility and the like to help their infiltration into the league (Infiltration being their secondary focus to Mystic arts), so Witchcraft would be the focus of her organization overall and Channeling would just be a secondary thing Raven herself focuses on for her own personal reasons to resurrect her slaughtered team. As she personally gets stronger and does stuff like alters her partners forms she would suplement her channeling skill with witchcraft augments, presuming her developments succeed.

Thus allowing stuff like Aloha Marowak shifting into a Ghost Aerodactyl or what have you to do a Charizard Parallel that way, and other similar alterations of her team as she gets stronger and can incorperate more of her organization's developments on the witchcraft front into her channeling capabilities with her ressurected team.

Then maybe something with wibbly wobbly death ritual distortion realm thing and ghost dragon Giratina being tied to whatever's up with the tomb and whoever killed her group investigating the Amethyst Caverns to explain awakening the powers at all and there you go, hand waved explanation for villain origin and where things might go from there. Just in case you need to somehow tie group plots to legendary pokemon, though I suppose if we go for Shadow types too Shadow Lugia is also on the table.
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Raven herself is primarily focused on Channeling as it's the only way to bring her original team back so it's the art she puts the most focus in learning. But the group she leads is different, as they are focused on general Witchcraft overall, which is how they intend to do stuff like bringing back dead pokemon and fossils and the like and generally gaining the skills they need for infiltration. Line is a bit blurred admittedly, particularly since the whole shadow type thing is about forcibly closing off the hearts of pokemon to grant them greater power, which is the opposite of channeling as I understand it, if not a warping of it.

If I had to pick a line in the stand, the group itself is essentially about learning to utilize ghost type skills, floating, levitation, and invisibility and the like to help their infiltration into the league (Infiltration being their secondary focus to Mystic arts), so Witchcraft would be the focus of her organization overall and Channeling would just be a secondary thing Raven herself focuses on for her own personal reasons to resurrect her slaughtered team. As she personally gets stronger and does stuff like alters her partners forms she would suplement her channeling skill with witchcraft augments, presuming her developments succeed.

Thus allowing stuff like Aloha Marowak shifting into a Ghost Aerodactyl or what have you to do a Charizard Parallel that way, and other similar alterations of her team as she gets stronger and can incorperate more of her organization's developments on the witchcraft front into her channeling capabilities with her ressurected team.

Then maybe something with wibbly wobbly death ritual distortion realm thing and ghost dragon Giratina being tied to whatever's up with the tomb and whoever killed her group investigating the Amethyst Caverns to explain awakening the powers at all and there you go, hand waved explanation for villain origin and where things might go from there. Just in case you need to somehow tie group plots to legendary pokemon, though I suppose if we go for Shadow types too Shadow Lugia is also on the table.
Okay then, also don't worry there are darker aspects to Channeling such as dominating a Pokemon with it and forcing them to obey you or leeching power from a Pokemon at the expense of that pokemon's health. Also do remember that as a council game you will be working with the other players, your group of Hex Maniacs (which is essentially what they are) will be part of the starting minions that you bring to the table.