A quick Explanation of Magecraft and Wizardry
So...for those not familiar with Nasu, quick explanation:

Magi use incantations. These are generally not supernatural themselves, but rather ways of manipulating one's mind to perform Magecraft.

In many cases, they just help the user focus and perform a predetermined process...kind of like how the name of an executable file is used to run it. It's a very mild form of self-hypnosis, perhaps comparable to triggering a post-hypnotic suggestion. Shirou's "Trace on.' incantation is of this type.

In others, they serve a more intimate purpose, serving as a tool to enter the state of mind needed to perform advanced magecraft. This is still self-hypnosis, but is closer to entering a hypnotic trance than triggering post-hynotic suggestions. A good example is the Aria used to perform Unlimited Blade Works.

There are also verbal commands and/or rituals used to interact with Mystic Codes and such. These amount to glorified passwords, with the contribution of Prana or other resources someimes being included. These are akin to speaking the name of a Noble Phantasm, and cannot be shortened or forsaken (as the previous two can be, for those Magi of sufficient skill). Another example would be incantations linked to spells in a Magic Crest (I think...).

Finally, there are the incantations used for Greater Rituals (such as those used for the creation if a Magical System). These are the closest to actual "Magical Words," as they are spoken not inwards (to oneself), or to a device, but to the world itself. These works are massive undertakings, and incredibly rare.

There's also the Unified Language, which had real power, but that is effectively lost to modern Magi.

How this relates to Potterverse Magic isn't clear...if I had to guess, I'd say that Magical Cores are a sort of inherent Mystic Code: Incantations and Wand Gestures (or, more accurately, the associated mental states, as wandless and wordless Potter-magic exist), are translated into preprogrammed interactions with the underlying Magical System. Wands serve as channels for energy, and enhance effects they have an affinity for, but are ultimately optional.

In programming terms:

Greater Rituals are used to establish Magical Systems, which are basically programming languages.

Magi write programs/spells in those languages and invoke them through personally-defined incantations...shortcuts to run the software stored in their souls, minds, and circuits.

Magi heirs inherit the programs/spells of their ancestors through am external storage medium: Magic Crests. They can utilize these without fully comprehending them by using Password Incantations.

Wizards aren't programmers. They're lazy end-users who use a shared library of premade Spells via Password Incantations. Magical Cores are essentially some very strange form of Mass-Produced Magic Crest that spontaneously manifest in random humans. Presumably there are some Wizards who develop spells, which would imply there is some way to write data into that shared library, which we are not aware of. That said, we have no indication that any living Wizards know how to alter or access their foundational Magic System. [Personally, I'm betting Merlin set up Wizardry and Magical Cores...probably as a means of producing Magic-Users in mass for some agenda or another.]

The above Nasuverse explanations for Wizardry are just my thoughts, of course. No clue what our QMs have in mind.
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Right... Can I get a vote count. Hopefully I'll be able to get on a computer later, since my laptop is non-functioning for the night. If not, I'll get the update out tomorrow night
Vote Tally : CoS2 - A Song of Silence (HP/SM) | Page 31 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] The Guardian
No. of Votes: 6

[X] The Magus
No. of Votes: 3

Total No. of Voters: 9
The Guardian Interlude 1

You are Aino Minako

No... That's not right. Minako is an ordinary girl, with an ordinary life.

Nothing out of the ordinary about her.


You aren't ordinary. Not in the slightest.

You are Pretty Soldier Sailor V
You are also pissed off. Really, really pissed.

The Black Arms... Here? You can barely contain the growl as you watch another one of the Dark Kingdom's Youma begin to make a mess of things. With a quick leap, and a flip, you land on the roof of the building that you and Katarina had been hanging about while waiting for the mysterious source of that strange letter that you had gotten.

The letter... seemed like the sort of thing that you'd seen a number of times before, sure. And that was something that both Alan and Katarina had pointed out, but they also understood why a letter that seemed to hit the nail right on the head about the source of your power was something that you had to look into.

...Okay, maybe it wasn't actually hitting the nail on the head, but it was at least in the same ball park.

You sprinted forward, leaping free of the rooftop, power surging - summoning forth a pair of blades to your hands. "Crescent Cutter!" You incant, turning the bladed boomerangs from mere possibility into full physical form. A flick of each wrist, and they soared through the air towards your target.

Only to be blocked by the strange constructs that the Youma had created.


Constructs slid backwards, bullets sending spiderwebs of cracks across the surface. One even shattered.

Already moving forward, Katarina had her gun drawn, bullets flying free. Perhaps she couldn't kill the Youma itself, but guns were more than useful against the constructs that the demon had summ-


Another pair of Crescent cutters slice through the air, followed closely by a trio of white lights spiraling through the air. Again, the constructs moved to protect their creator.

And each one simply ceased to be as the angry red head's attacks exploded, turning the ice serpents into little more than a thin white dust, already melting in the summer heat. You roll to your feet as you land, power already coursing down your arm.

"Crescent Beam!"

A beam of golden light shot forward, followed by a pair of white beams, much like the ones that he had used previously, only these acted far different from the beams used previously.

Unlike the last trio, this pair of beams arced forward, turning and twisting at right angles as they zeroed in on a particular one of the constructs. And before there was even a moment to react, already another pair had followed, and another.
But before you can continue to move towards that annoying Youma... the ground begins to shake once again, and more of the Ice monsters begin to crawl free of the ground.

You spin around, watching as more and more of the creatures begin to push through the ground. This is insane. There's no way that a single Youma can control this many. Especially with them all doing different things.

There are Constructs attacking, and draining the people, unable to escape past a great wall of ice that had risen from the ground.

There are Constructs who have grabbed onto the girl, and onto Artemis, and they trying to make off with them.

And that Youma is cackling as he starts to make his escape.

What do you do?
[ ] Protect the People - The more Energy the Dark Arms collects, the more Constructs they can create, and the stronger they can create them.
[ ] Stop the Abduction - Your best friend, and the girl that the two of you think might be... might be one of you is being taken! You have to stop them!
[ ] Get the Youma! - As you've learned in the past, killing the Youma in control of the Constructs destroys them all.

Blugh. Not completly happy with this update.

In other news, this update brought to you by a crying baby who peed all over my arms. yay.
[X] Stop the Abduction - Your best friend, and the girl that the two of you think might be... might be one of you is being taken! You have to stop them!
[X] Stop the Abduction

The attack here is obviously to stop Rowan from meeting Sailor V.
[X] Stop the Abduction - Your best friend, and the girl that the two of you think might be... might be one of you is being taken! You have to stop them!

Well, Percy is being a lot more awesome than I thought he would be. I wonder why he's referred to as a Magus though...
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Dammit Rowan, couldn't you just transform. Also those monsters should know you're not supposed to interrupt that stuff, I mean c'mon, that's like... the basics of the basics.
Dammit Rowan, couldn't you just transform. Also those monsters should know you're not supposed to interrupt that stuff, I mean c'mon, that's like... the basics of the basics.
Rowan doesn't know how to transform, the kitty never got a chance to finish explaining
"Take that and Raise it above your -" You barely have time to look between the cat, the... thing in your hands, and back, before Artemis is having to dive to one side. One of the creatures nearly hitting him. "Raise it above your head and -"
If that was Your transformation trinket, sure. But you've been given a hasteily repurposed copy of SM's first trinket. It is not designed to channel your power. Artemis isn't even sure you can use it to transform at all.