...really looking forward to learning some curses. Refusing to accept your sibling's gender is unpleasant, but he's just being rude at this point.

Well he's a Grade-A Prick™. It took a fucking outbreak of a war for him to realize that he was being dumb and to reconcile with his family in canon.

Hopefully he'll get knocked out of it soon...
I think he genuinely does not realize that one can be a different gender that their outside appearance
Sure...that's even understandable, considering the time period. Even if he has mistaken this for a simple eccentricity or insanity, though, he still shouldn't be an ass about it. You don't disrespect family like that.
Sure...that's even understandable, considering the time period. Even if he has mistaken this for a simple eccentricity or insanity, though, he still shouldn't be an ass about it. You don't disrespect family like that.

I take that to mean that you have never experienced family like mine. If you have then Percy would be considered the most reasonable of the lot.
I take that to mean that you have never experienced family like mine. If you have then Percy would be considered the most reasonable of the lot.
Sorry, it was an odd turn of phrase from a regional dialect: Would have been clearer to say "You shouldn't disrespect family like that."

I'm fully aware that family members can be disrespectful asses at times.
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Relatedly, I learned that not all the TYPEs are giant inhuman monsters. Type Venus looks like an Angel, and Type Earth just looks like a chick.
Type Venus started looking like an Angel after Gun God had killed her, and even then, V/V is not really Type Venus anymore. The actual thing was the size of a city, at least. Type Earth is not a thing; Gaia simply cannot create an Ultimate One. But regardless, it would make sense for the Ultimate One of Earth to look human because humans are the species commanding Earth's logic. In that same vein, it only makes sense for other Types to not look human because humans are not the commanding species of their respective planets.
Type Venus is pretty cool, she showed up after the end of the world and eventually fell in love with humanity and turned against the other types.
Not really. V/V isn't Type Venus, just the remnant of its mind incarnated in a (close to) human form.
I actually can't find any description of what Type Moon looks like. Lots of information on him on the wiki, but the picture is just that of the blood-red moon.
Most likely, an appearance very similar to Arcueid since she is Type-Moon's almost perfect clone.
and someone had to have called the Types to Earth following the death of Gaia.
That was Gaia. On that note, though, it is said that Type Moon is ultimately responsible for the state of things in Notes so who knows what's actually gone on behind the scenes there.
Is that something we know for certain, or something which is believed IC?

Because, to the best of my knowledge, Gaia is unable to perceive her own demise. She had Type/Moon around largely because he was a foreign entity that could do so. She shouldn't have been capable of recognizing her demise and calling out to them. (Not completely sure why...planetary spirits are strange.)
Going into town to meet Sailor V (Part 2)
The next morning, you slowly stumble down to the kitchen, rubbing at your eyes with the back of your hands. "Morning," You yawn out, as you collapse into your seat. Before long, there is a heaping plate of food set before you.

"Ready for your trip into town, Dear?" Your mother asks, grinning at your sleepy nod.




OHRIGHT! After a moment of nearly choking on a bit of food that goes down wrong, you practically leap out of your seat. "RIGHT! I gotta get ready!" You practically crash into the door of the stairwell in your hurry to get moving so that you can get ready.

"Woah!" As you slam through the door, Percival barely leaps back, "Careful, Ron! You nearly hit me!" Despite his words, there's a grin on the older boy's face. "Seems I'm not the only one excited to go into town..." He shakes his head, watching you pass, before heading into the kitchen himself. After a few minutes diving through your closet, you quickly throw together something, before getting dressed for the day and heading back down.

Stopping first by the bathroom, you take a brush through your hair and brush your teeth.

You glance over yourself in the mirror, black tights, shorts, and a cute t-shirt with a fuzzy kitty on it. Finishing up, you head back down, where Percival is finishing up his own meal. He glances over to you, and pauses. "You... ah..."

"That's a cute shirt." ...Did... Did Percival just compliment your outfit? You aren't really sure how to react.

"Uhh... Thanks?"


And the rest of the morning proceeds to be very awkward between the two of you.

Mind you, 'the rest of the morning' consists of twenty minutes. Ten of which was Percival getting dressed himself. So it really wasn't nearly as awkward as you are making it out to be.

"I'll make you a deal, Ron. You don't say anything about the person I'm going to meet today, and I won't say anything to, or about, whoever it is you are wanting to meet today. Mom wants me to make sure that you aren't going to see anyone... unsavory." Percival says after a few moments, once the house slips out of view. "...But even I'll admit that Mom's description of 'Unsavory' seems to be a little..."

"Overly Inclusive?" You input, and with a slight grimace, your brother nods.

It was one of the few things that the two of you could agree on. Those times that Mother speaks out about other countries... particularly France... They are just really awkward. She has some... colorful words for the French... "...Yeah, I think that's a good way to describe it."

Take the Deal?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
Take the Deal?
[X] Yes

I swear Percy, you better not be meeting with the Dark Kingdom. Super pissed if that's the case.
Huh... So they actually start handling characterization once Episode 16 comes around...

That's... actually a little nice to realize that even if it's an arc late that Crystal is actually learning.


I have no idea how I'm going to involve this...


Tuxedo Mask has a little doll of himself.

This is the greatest thing I have ever seen.
[X] Yes
If it's bad enough that we need to renege, then we won't care about Percy breaking his side.
[X] Yes

Might as well extend an olive branch. He's making an attempt after all, and if whoever he's meeting turns out to be really suspect then...well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Going into town to meet Sailor V (Part 3 Percival's Meeting)
You nod at your elder brother, a smile on your face. "Yes." You'd rather not have Mother know that you'd met with Sailor V. She doesn't seem to really approve of the fact that the girl is using magic to protect muggles.

You honestly don't care one way or the other. What you do care about is the fact that the girl may be like you.

Though... the fact that your Brother may be meeting people that your Mother won't approve of as well... intrigues you.

"Cool. Now, while my meeting still isn't for another hour, and yours an hour and a half, I'd rather be early than late. So let's go." The two of you hurry onward, into town.


Where you proceed to begin to be bogged down. Having only rarely gone into town, you had no idea just how many people that your older brother seems to know.

The local grocer calls out to him, a couple of teens sitting in front of a cafe call him over and chat for a few minutes. The lady who runs the flower shop asks after Mother, and how she's doing.

There was even a strange random encounter sort of meeting seemed to surprise the both of you...

Though, for some reason Percival seemed very... nervous, while the old man asked for directions. There didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary about the man.

Other than his amazing fashion sense. Or his eyes, which were the color of red wine. And his grey hair, which was thick and full, with a lusciously full beard. And the really cool cane with the rainbow colored gem on the top of it.

No idea who he is, though. And Percival simply pales and shakes his head when you ask about him after the man goes off. "That is someone you don't want to get on the wrong side of. That's all I'll say while he's within ten kilometers of me."

Odd... But whatever!

The two of you continue on, and you eventually stop at a small cafe, and there, standing at the front was someone...

Dressed in all black, other than a long red scarf tossed casually over his shoulders was a man. "Ah." Percy gasps, as the man's eyes track, turning towards him. "L-lord El-Malloi, I'm not late am I?" He asks, and the man shakes him head.

"I'm simply early. Percival, was it? You wished to speak to me about something?" The man asks,

"Y-yes sir. I... ah, could we possibly go inside for this, I do not feel completely comfortable talking about this where mu- where anyone can overhear." Your brother admits, before catching himself and glancing over at you. "Ah... You don't... have to stay for this. The town square is two blocks that way," He points off, "And I know you have someone you are meeting as well... I'm not actually sure how long this is going to take?"

Stick through the meeting with Percival and the strange man?
[ ] Yes
[ ] Nah, go on ahead to the square and wait for Sailor V
Oh. MY. GOD.
Zelretch in town? Percy meeting Waver?
I can't say I expected something like that.
[X] Nah, go on ahead to the square and wait for Sailor V

Huh, speaking of Zel, I wonder if he knows what's up with us or is hanging around because he wants to know.
Other than his amazing fashion sense. Or his eyes, which were the color of red wine. And his grey hair, which was thick and full, with a lusciously full beard. And the really cool cane with the rainbow colored gem on the top of it.
Well, no idea who that is.

Dressed in all black, other than a long red scarf tossed casually over his shoulders was a man. "Ah." Percy gasps, as the man's eyes track, turning towards him. "L-lord El-Malloi, I'm not late am I?" He asks, and the man shakes him head.
Oh my, I'm really interested in why Percy is meeting with him.
Other than his amazing fashion sense. Or his eyes, which were the color of red wine. And his grey hair, which was thick and full, with a lusciously full beard. And the really cool cane with the rainbow colored gem on the top of it.

Hey this guy sounds kind of familiar-oooooooh my god what is HE doing here

We should make sure that he never hears about Rowan's status as a magical girl lest he saddle us with Ruby as a "gift."

[X] Nah, go on ahead to the square and wait for Sailor V

Waver's legit, it'll be fine.