[X] Restart the quest from scratch and ditch this reincarnation

I would have chosen port if it had Ben ether of the others.
The quest that me and Lunaryon had done, the Carin of Souls, died. We went to big, tried to much, and it sadly didn't work out in the end. Trying to interweave three different quests to interact with each other was to much, expecally with how much they were suppose to interact with each other. Honestly I'm not all that surprised that things went the way they did.
I was kind of afraid of this from the start, actually. :/
Be sure to drop a link to the new quest in this thread once it's up. (Maybe the other three threads, too, to be safe?)

[X] Port this character over to the other quest when it starts
This one was the one I liked the most anyway.
Strongly seconding this.
I was kind of afraid of this from the start, actually. :/
Be sure to drop a link to the new quest in this thread once it's up. (Maybe the other three threads, too, to be safe?)

[X] Port this character over to the other quest when it starts

Strongly seconding this.

Was planing on that, I was rather frustrated with myself when I realized that the quests had gotten to big to all fit like we wanted to. I don't even think that it's a matter of them being in the same universe, but with how intertwined they all were and the amount of cross overs that were going to happen.

The new quest is just going to keep to one cross over.
[X] Port this character over to the other quest when it starts
I require more Mordred
[X] Restart the quest from scratch and ditch this reincarnation

want to see more Harriel, however Hermione/Mordred also fine.

by the way, anyone has good mixed name for Hermione and Mordred (Hemidred/Mormione) ?
I'm don't really like Mordred since I don't really know much about her, but I wouldn't mind Hermione crossed with someone else, like Illya for example, or Arturia.
But if possible I would really like to see more Harriel.
[X] Port this character over to the other quest when it starts
[X] Restart the quest from scratch and ditch this reincarnation
Man I liked Hasriel