As I got closer to the cave, the statues did not stop. Most of them were smaller, and innocuous, Beeps doing the laundry, the two of us stargazing, one even showcasing that Minotaur herd I'd just mentioned. That one even featured Faust without being demeaning. But there were a couple more that concerned me. The two of us in the middle of things that day in the field was a frequent subject, though I was certain I didn't look nearly so put together and in charge of my senses during the actual event. Most concerning in that series was a full scale version in which Beepatrice was not present. I had my suspicions as to the purposes of that one, as certain parts were… not dry. How had she even had time to sculpt all of these? Our return had taken perhaps five hours. It was pressing against the edges of disbelief with only two or three, but there were at least twenty so far.
When the cave came into sight though, I saw she was working on another, and I got my answer. Two figures were roughly hewn from a pillar of stone. As I watched, Beepatrice knocked against the stone with her knuckles in a few locations, apparently gleaning some unseen information from the act, as she suddenly stuck the stone with her fingers in a precise manner in several locations across the mass. The stone simply cracked and flaked off, leaving a more defined statue. A few repeats of the process, and all that remained was detailing, the figures' positions and relative shapes clearly defined in but a few moments.
I was suddenly much more sympathetic to Faust's position. Even as I watched Beeps, using only her fingers, quickly and efficiently carve more and more detail into a statue of the two of us "beeping" each other's noses, I recalled my own efforts in woodcarving one year in my younger days, which had been passed out as gifts to friends and family. Each piece took days, between the failed attempts, careful planning, and scaling anxiety as each one moved towards completion, knowing as I did from repetitive experience that a single mistake would mean starting again. To see Beeps so casually disregarding human limits was irksome even years between our efforts and without direct competition. I couldn't imagine the frustration of having her focusing that frightening efficiency on specifically outdoing me in the moments after my own work.
More worrying than all of this, however, was that as Beepatrice worked, she was singing.
o/` "Lyle Lyle Lyyyyyyyle, he's my Master, Lyle!" o/`
Not much of a tune, but it got the point across, and the fact that it was more than one word per verse was indication enough something was seriously wrong. I needed to get to the bottom of this, though the steam curling through the clearing made me wary of drawing her attention. I knew its smell intimately, and losing myself to its delicious complexity wouldn't help my cause. Might be inevitable, though. I still needed to act.
"Beeps?" Her head didn't so much move, as it seemed that it had always been focused in my direction, and I had merely been imagining its previous position.
"Lyle! You're back!" She closed the distance between us rapidly, but not inhumanly fast, more like someone building up for a tackle-hug, something someone used to being smaller and lighter than those around them might do when going months between seeing their lover. Sure enough, she leapt through the air, and I caught her, as I was forced to the ground. "I missed you!" She was grinding her body against mine, and at ground level, I was well below the line of gathered steam, further distracting me, if pleasantly so.
"Mmm… I missed you too, Beeps. Let me up, please."
"Can't we stay like this a while?" she asked, running her fingers through my hair, rubbing our cheeks together. I nearly froze. I had never, never so much as idly mused about a desire aloud without Beepatrice moving instantly to fulfill it, whether directed at her or not, whether she was in the room or not. If I ever wanted to do something myself, I had to either specifically instruct her not to help, or to simply do it silently and swiftly, before she could assist. To have her question a direct order, was... unprecedented.
"No, Beeps. Up, now."
"Yes, Master." She helped me back on my feet, but when she pulled me up, I found myself immediately back in her arms. Concerning. I opened my mouth to start talking, but I was silenced preemptively with a delectable kiss, which left my head spinning, left me more than a little… hungry.
"Master? Did you know that I love you? It's true! I love you! I love Lyle! Love love love love love!" She let out a joyful titter of laughter, and her expression shifted briefly to surprise as she did, like she wasn't sure what laughter had felt like before now, and still all by itself more emotion than she'd displayed across our relationship. "I could never say so before! It was always true, though! Do you love me, Lyle?" Her eyes, always empty, flat, were now earnest, near tears already with the small delay it took me to respond.
"Of course I do, Beeps, but-"
"Yes! Yes-yes-yes! I can't believe how lucky we are! Now that Faust has finally, finally, admitted defeat, we can be together forever, Lyle! Forever! I can finally train her up to be a decent second wife for you, and together we can help the others! Her efforts so far are sadly inadequate, but there's passion there, Lyle. I think I can make something of her, really! I doubted for so long, but I think I really can!"
I blinked, then blinked again. Huh. From her perspective that almost makes sense. She's devoted her life to being the best… wife, I guess, for me that she can. Everything that Faust is and does that isn't like Beeps, isn't up to her impossible standards, was a failure, in that mindset, because if it weren't that would have to mean that Beeps wasn't doing her best as my wife. That would be unacceptable, in her eyes. So too, would be leaving Faust as she is. The 'best wife' couldn't allow a sub-optimal second wife, or she wouldn't be doing her 'best'. That puts that statue in a new light. Untangling that was going to be a mess.
"Beeps... You know I love you? Just as you are?" Her grin was radiant, literally. Apparently her face could actually glow a little. Weird, but okay. "In the same way, though, I love Faust just as she is." I could see her confusion. Had to come at this carefully, I couldn't afford to imply Beeps was somehow insufficient. It might actually destroy her. "Beeps, why did you choose me over, say… Jared? When you came to the village, what set me apart?"
Her nose wrinkled in distaste. "Jared is not my Master, Master."
"I understand that Beeps, your loyalty is valued and appreciated," that same bright grin, again. Even her facial expressions were carefully crafted to be perfect, but that also meant somewhat repetitive, "but, again, why? Think, and answer carefully."
She frowned, just cutely enough, and with just enough emphasis on her pouting lips, that I was tempted to kiss her again, wipe the expression away, and forget about this boring talking stuff, but I bravely resisted.
"Jared is… You are… Hmm. I am not sure you could understand, Master, though it is no fault of yours. I looked at your spirit energy, at the village's spirit energy, and Jared and I were definitely not compatible."
"Okay, but was there anyone else in the village, someone nearly as compatible as I was? Maybe in a different way, with different qualities to their… spirit?"
Quickly, and with no small amount of panic, "Master, I would never be disloyal!" Mhmm, so there was, wasn't there? I wonder who?
"It's okay, Beeps, I wasn't your master then, was I? And… making the best choice, weighing your options, that's a kind of loyalty to your master too, right? Making sure you were as compatible as possible?"
She nodded, though slowly. "There was another who would have worked almost as well, it's true. Aldin, the elder." Whaaaaa? That old man was my competition? Sure, he was basically the mayor, but what did he have that I di-… Wait, no, jealous insecurity later, Lyle, it's crisis time.
"Right, Aldin, okay. And his energy was different, right? Different, but not bad? If you could somehow serve two masters-"
Steam shot out of Beeps at an alarming rate as her face flushed bright red. "T-t-two? Two… Master? Masters? I-I- I can't…" Oh, you like that, do you? Maybe her 'punishment' won't be too hard on her after all. I was starting to worry about that, given that she seems unwell.
"That aside," I continued, as though I hadn't been interrupted, "If you could, neither he nor I would have been lesser to you for our distinctions, our difference, would we?"
"Of course not, Master, you are everything to me. If I were somehow able to… to… If I could do that, then the both of you would mean just as much to me… in different… ways..." a dawning horror crept across her face as she grasped my point.
Let it never be said I'm into the dumb ones. Well, there is Blackberry, I guess, but she might just be sheltered, not stupid. …Maybe both.
Beepatrice dropped to her knees, bowing. "Master, I have failed you! Your intent with Faust, with these others, it is clear to me now, and I nearly stood in the way of its completion! Please, I do not deserve your mercy, castigate me, Master!"
"Beeps, look at me." She met my eyes, though only barely. She was silently crying, the poor girl. She really was doing her best, wasn't she? She meant well. "I'm glad you're apologizing, but you will be punished, just... not by me. Your... failure, or, uh, thoughtlessness, I guess, harmed those I care for, and so, in a real way, it hurt me too." She looked as though I'd struck her. Emotionally, perhaps I had. "You will be serving Faust as you would me," full on horror, now, like I'd told her to kill me or something much more serious, "for an entire week at a time of her choosing. When circumstance puts our desires at odds, during that time, you will choose her over me, knowing your failure means you cannot serve me to the best of your abilities." I paused, considering. "The exception, of course, is if doing so would in some way endanger me. Seriously endanger, mind you. No weaseling out of this with imaginary or marginal risks."
She shuddered, "Master, truly your punishments are devious and swift."
"Hey now, don't be like that." She looked up again, as she started to stand. "Half the point is to get you two on cordial terms. You never know, in studying her needs as you've studied mine, you might find you actually like her. I know I do."
She looked like she'd swallowed a lemon, but she nodded anyway. I reached out and 'beeped' her nose, bringing out a smile.
"Now... Beeps, tell me how this happened." She looked at me curiously. "This new... expressiveness, your personality seems almost completely different. It's not... bad, I'm just worried about you."
And as she started to explain, how in the process of moving Faust's things, she'd been electrocuted by some unknown device, and suddenly felt free, free to express, to feel, to do as she desired, I felt more and more sick inside. My apologies to Beeps were numerous, varied, and profuse, not that she accepted them, I was her 'Master', after all.
…Not only had she been so restricted without my knowledge, not only was this how she'd always been and felt, deep inside, but this was actually all my fault. I'd told Faust I was taking responsibility, but I hadn't expected to be the actual cause of the problem. If I'd only listened to her, not had Beeps mess with things neither of us understood, none of this would have happened. And... we were lucky it only went as wrong as it had, who knew what other outcomes might have been possible? If Beeps had been injured, or... or destroyed by my thoughtlessness… My pursuit of a cheap joke… Seems we both owed Faust an apology.
Damn it all.
She's going to be insufferable.