Contact with the Enemy (NSFW) [MGE] - LGBT Themes - Complete

I guess I should stop commenting about how I percieve the morality of stuff, and just focus on wordplay and jokes and quality of writing? I don't want to hurt people.


I think the morality of everything is part of the conversation. For example, Faust does at least one unambiguously awful thing in the sequel for sure, and Magenta is not exactly meant to be sympathetic so much as still understandable.

I think it's just important to remember that the story is written by a person, one who might have reasons for what's being put to page, and that it's ultimately a story that's meant to be enjoyed?

Basically, I think you stating your opinions is fine and welcome even, just try to avoid like declarative moral positions now that you're aware at least some of this stuff is down to foreign fantasy?

Like, "Faust does bad things I don't like" is a valid read, but Lyle has lived with her in his life for a very long time, and he hasn't tossed her aside, so he is apparently at least more okay with it than you and it's important to recognize that as valid too, I think?

I definitely don't want to stifle discussion! My thread has never been so active and it makes me happy!
Like -

the morality of things definitely is important to talk about. Because a lot of, for instance, what Faust or Magenta do is unethical, to various degrees, and it shouldn't just be ... blithely ignored.

What was getting me snappy was, just -

There are reasons behind these choices, and it felt like you were dismissing that angle out of hand. There are explanations, at both the character and the author/audience level, for why these characters do what they do that matter and are worth exploring.

Ideally, now that we've all had a big personal sharing session, we can go forward and continue having lively discussion without hurting each other?

I need to go crash because I can feel the warm glow of happy sharing feels fading and that means the oversharing withdrawal is about to hit.
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Like, "Faust does bad things I don't like" is a valid read, but Lyle has lived with her in his life for a very long time, and he hasn't tossed her aside, so he is apparently at least more okay with it than you and it's important to recognize that as valid too, I think?

Yeah. It's clear from the actual Amy Gets Laid chapters that Lyle is much more okay with Faust dictating his life than I had assumed from chapter 1.

Which does put how quickly he accedes to her plan in a bit of a new light.
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Chapter Thirty-Nine - Red Feather will return in Avengers: Endgame
"You're getting pretty good at this!" Amy said, cheerfully, as we ran through the lesser used streets, still practically empty in the early part of the morning. She didn't even sound slightly winded.

I, on the other hand, breathed belaboredly as I replied, "You think?" Huff, "I'm pretty sure," puff, "it's the whole," huff, "Incubus thing."

That was an understatement. I might be breathing hard, but we'd run miles in minutes. I'd always been fit enough, but the rate of improvement here was absurd.

We slowed to a stop, and she turned to look at me, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"How are you doing with that?" She asked, "I've been meaning to ask."

"Fine, I think." I replied, honestly. "I'm a little worried about how much of my day is sex-related, and how high my sex-drive's gotten, but I did marry a lot of Mamono, it's to be expected."

She nodded, thoughtfully. "I guess that makes sense. You have to match all of us, that's got to be a lot of work."

"Worth every second, don't get me wrong," I assured her, running my hand up her thigh, before leaning back against the building. "As long as I still get out there and do stuff like this, take you girls out on dates, make sure we've got time to chat, and get a little time alone to decompress… I think that's fine. I definitely don't mind spending my time fucking pretty women like yourself."

She smiled at me, brightly. "I still have trouble believing you think of me that way; you know? It's bizarre. I'd all but given up on finding love, had nearly settled on taking it instead."

"If you ever need a reminder, I'm up for another swap," I suggested, waggling my eyebrows.

She blushed, her ears twitching, the tag which read 'free hugs' still piercing one of them, and I could smell her starting to leak milk out, just a little. When we were jogging, she didn't often wear her sweater, so it was easy to see her nipples harden, too.

"I don't know if I ever told you," she said, changing the subject bluntly, "I actually used to be human."

That was new information. "No, I didn't know."

She nodded, "I drank some 'extra-thick' Holstaur milk in an… incident when I was younger. It took me instantly, like it does for anyone who's not already been monsterized. It was a few years ago, now. It's been fun, but I do remember that moment of anxiety as I realized what was about to happen to me. I can't imagine stretching it out over weeks. You're strong, Lyle."

"Thanks," I said. "Say, why haven't I had any of this 'extra thick' milk?"

Her blush deepened. "I want to… but it's better to wait until you incubize on your own. I don't want to throw you off balance."

"Well, you won't have to wait much longer, then, I'm looking forward to it."

When she didn't respond, just blushing and shuffling her feet, I moved on, smiling.

"I think the only thing that really bothers me about all this is the itching."

"Itching?" she asked.

"Yeah, my skin's been getting steadily healthier, but I still get acne, have some minor blemishes. I assume that stuff is kind of forcing its way out of my system now that I'm so close to the end. It's manifested as this full body itch. Especially on my forehead, and a couple… other places. I always got acne the worst under my hair, it's naturally greasy. It's been maddening."

She pulled me in for a hug, scratching my back. Ahhh… that's nice~

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." She sounded genuinely upset, like it was somehow her fault.

"It's fine, really. It's been happening the past day or so. I've got to be nearly done now, I can practically taste it. Another day or two, some… uh, 'quality time' with you and the others, and I'll probably be fully Incubi. After that, it should be over. That said, early on, I was tempted to just lay in bed and have Beeps itch me all over, but I quickly realized my clothes could handle it."

Her eyes widened in realization. "Oh, yeah I bet that helps a lot."

"It's been a life saver." I wiggled in against her, pressing my head against her chest.

"Ly-le," she sighed.

"Mmm… what?"

"Here in the street? Really?"

I grumbled, dreamily, pressing my lips lightly against her, her bra frustratingly keeping me from what I wanted, "You're the one who pulled me into a hug… you're the one who smells so good… Not my fault."

She huffed, but she sounded pleased, and her heart was beating a mile a minute.

Her hands rose to her chest, sliding the fabric away and-

"Oh my lord," a screechy voice cut in, "I can't believe you, you bitch!"

I turned and looked, frustrated with the interruption, and came eye to eye with a Griffon. Tall, muscular, with fluffy, full wings, legs like a lion's and the claws of a bird of prey, here on the street, just me and Amy, she looked a little intimidating. She was clothed in all red, a large robe keeping her modesty, which was unusual for a Mamono.

Then, as Amy began to shake, I realized why she was dressed that way.

"Red Feather, you felonious fiend! Have you returned for your ass? I shall hand it to you without delay!"

"Fran Tastic, you biiiitch! You belong to me! Mine mine mine!"

My wife, once more transformed into a rambunctious, horny idiot, leapt at the Griffon, who met her in the air with gleeful rage. The Mamono who'd been setting up their stalls in the area started taking them back down with an air of defeat in their motions.

"Not this shit again," I heard one murmur.

I watched as a bizarre grappling style unfolded before my eyes, a sort of weaponized sexuality. The two were aggressively groping and touching each other, each presumably trying to arouse the other into submission.

Looking on as they did, while I wasn't sure who'd come out on top, I was pretty sure I was the winner here, my erection only growing as their stifled moans broke through their attempts at restraint. But then a drop of Fran's milk hit Red Feather's tongue, and her struggles stopped, instantly, and her body went limp as she let out a hungry whimper. She laid there beneath Fran, on her back, her mouth open and moaning loudly, and Fran took the invitation for what it was. She leaned down over her, gently pressing her tit to Red's mouth.

"There, you see? Even a cretin such as you can experience joy when you submit to the powers of JUSTICE!"

I didn't know about 'the powers of justice' but I saw an opening of my own I was aching to fill, onlookers or no. I sauntered up behind her, and touched her ass.

"Hey Fran," I said. "Wanna fuck? Please? I'm so hard right now, I can't handle it."

"Of course, my loyal side-kick is always welcome to assist me in dispensing JUSTICE!"

Side-kick!? What!? Ugh. Argue later, fuck now. I slid my dick into her pussy, instantly feeling better as I once more fulfilled my purpose.

I rammed in and out of her, stoked to aggression by Fran's own approach. She certainly didn't lie still and take it, she nearly knocked me over the first time our hips crashed together. I could hear her being milked, and I wasn't the one doing it, it was driving me up the wall, to be frank.

"Hurry, Fran, I want milk too." I ground out, grunting as I came into her again and again.

Her pleased 'moos' echoed in the streets, and the griffon gurgled excitedly beneath her, as I filled Fran and Fran filled her. I delighted in proxy-fucking the poor woman, giving Fran all the energy she needed to keep her trapped all day, as Fran jammed her fingers into the Griffon's needy cunt.

After a few minutes of that, Fran turned to me, saying, "Climb into my arms, Lyle, my husband, and drink deeply. I shall return us to our home at speed."

I did so, and we left the Griffon behind us the ground, weakly reaching for Fran, as I latched onto her instead. Once more, milk became all that mattered, and I drowned in the pleasure of our hips naturally bouncing together as she ran, fucking each other effortlessly, as I snuggled into her chest, teasing out more and more of her delightful cream, running my tongue across her nipples and always finding more to satisfy me.

Walking in on Faust and Beeps in bed together was… a surprise. Beepatrice gave a stiff wave from the bed, as she didn't actually sleep. She didn't seem distressed, but her face was once more expressive. The slight glow she emitted when looking at me would have been indication enough alone that she'd been shocked again.

This chapter is incredibly hot.

It is very good that Beeps and Faust have reconciled, I really like both of them.

Explicitly bringing up that Beeps is basically able to shock herself whenever she wants, and formalizing it, is a good narrative choice. It makes every moment Beeps isn't shocked a choice on her part, which does a lot to characterize her.

I'm starting to wonder if Dress-Chan and Lyle are gonna merge or something.


It had stopped being a frightening journey, the distance between us, between our libidinousness, now feeling more awkward and inconvenient than anything. At some point, sometime before my night with Amy, I'd become fully committed, even in my deepest places, and that delicious experience last night had merely opened my eyes to that fact. Faust had been right; the way I'd been carrying on was ridiculous. I'd chosen this, at multiple times and in multiple ways across the past week and a half, and playing at reluctance was only hurting those who relied on me.

Oh hey, it's the conversation I just had in this thread. Lyle is actually way more okay with Faust running his life than chapter 1 made evident (to me).
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There's six chapters left, plus the sequel teaser. I think what I'll do is post one per day, as we've reached the point where things really start to heat up towards the climax, and waiting will be much harder when you know you can go cheat over on QQ. The Sequel Teaser will go up on the same day as the final chapter, to get everyone nice and hungry, then I'll take a little break to let everyone collect and post their thoughts on the story as a whole. Maybe a week off? Then I'll start posting the sequel in a new thread.

Does that sound good?
Chapter Forty - Things Heat Up
I was spending some time alone, in the smaller bedroom off my larger one, trying to cool off. Well, 'alone'. Beeps was here, too, but she hardly counted. I honestly got anxious if I was entirely by myself without her for too long. Always had. The best way to relax 'by myself' was to bring her with me, and ask her to let me be.

I'd told Amy I was doing well with the whole Incubus… 'thing', and I'd really thought that I was, but I'd been proven wrong almost immediately. It was a tough thing to acknowledge. But… I didn't even think to help Fran fend off Red Feather, I'd just watched, too preoccupied with my own arousal, honestly enjoying the 'show'. And then, even more damningly, I'd just decided to take her right there in the street, in front of everyone. Well, 'decided' might honestly be too strong a word. It was almost like I did it on instinct, which worried me all the more. After all, it was only yesterday that I'd been doing everything in my power to avoid doing exactly the same thing with Blackberry. I'd specifically not wanted to do it. But even acknowledging that, I couldn't work myself up into doing anything about this. It had felt good. I liked feeling good. I'd just have to hope that after I Incubized, my desires would stabilize and I'd regain some control.

If not, even these last few steps to get there might be steps too far.

Akubra had been by while I was out, dropping off a package for Beeps and I, which was the pretense I'd used to seclude us. I didn't need to make excuses to the girls, but I found I… couldn't express the desire to be alone. Just physically couldn't. Every time I looked at one of them to say something like that, my heart beat a little faster, and I started feeling horny again. Like my body didn't want to do what my brain was telling it, and it was fighting back.

Given how happy and silly the feeling made me, I think it was winning.



"I… I think I'm afraid."

She stood up, from her place in the corner of the room, immediately moving to my side. "Why?"

She put her hand on my thigh, and I instantly, helplessly, let out a groan. I was always aroused. Always ready. It was really uncomfortable, and honestly, leaving it be too long hurt. Not that I could do anything about it alone, anymore. The feeling only ever vanished when I was being touched, and especially when fucking. "Mmm…"

She cocked her head at me, removing her hand.

The lust was maddening. But, while masturbation didn't help any more, I wasn't entirely without options. Thank the Lord for my clothes, or I don't know where I'd be. I took a moment to gather myself, after cumming into them, and feeling a little relief. I looked at her, once I had, and she had her hand back in her own lap. "That's why. It's… getting to be too much. There's not a single one of you I'd want to set aside, but it's so… hard… lately."

She hesitated as she again instinctively went to comfort me. Ultimately, she didn't touch me. I was grateful.

I was disappointed.

"You won't… you won't treat me different, will you? If I just… stop wanting anything else? I'm so afraid I'm going to become the empty thing we were all trying to avoid. We're so close to the end, but… I'm faltering."

She looked at me for a long moment. "Master. Is. Master."

I smiled at her, weakly. "Thanks, Beeps."

I reached out and touched her nose. It eased the discomfort, but I didn't do it for that.


"Beep." She replied.

I gestured to the package, which had been set next to her on the bed. "Why don't you see what Akubra made you? …I'm sorry again that I got Sally something first."

"Forgiven," she said, as she held up the box. Her eyes glowed for a moment.

"Hat," she announced.

I snorted. She must have known I actually wanted her to open the package, she was trying to cheer me up. Simply scanning it and announcing the contents was her idea of a 'joke'; 'See, Master? I followed orders, aren't you proud?'

"I sort of expected it would be." I replied. "Can I see it, too?"

She pointed at my eyes, "Scanner?"

I chuckled, "No Beeps, I still can't see through walls. I'm very impressed that you can, though. How about you open it up, and we both look at it?"

She nodded, carefully removing the wrapping, in stark contrast to Faust's previous performance. The paper almost seemed to slide off, removed from its adhesive without tearing or warping. After it was folded neatly, perhaps to be reused, she opened the box in a similar way, and removed the paper blocking the hat from view, angling the box so that I couldn't see inside until she'd finished folding the stuffing paper as well.

As she removed it from the box, I again questioned to myself what exactly Akubra was thinking in that fungus-addled head of hers. It was a maid's headband, yes, but the while the red and black checker pattern was unusual, straying from the traditional black and white, it was by far the most normal part of the design.

The standout feature was the enormous, floppy bunny ears sticking out of the top of it. Red, with a lighter pink denoting the 'inside', they were easily two feet long, and folded down on themselves only a short way up that length as a result of gravity's sway. One of them had a cream colored ribbon tied in a bow around it, with a brown button as the center piece. I couldn't shake the feeling that I'd seen something very similar elsewhere, and it set me slightly on edge.

Dangling from the headband, held on loosely with string, was a tag that said; 'Wear Me'.


"Beeps, I don't know if that counts as a 'hat'. It's really more of a… I don't know what. Some kind of costume? Do people dress up as rabbits as some kind of sex thing?" That seemed dangerously close to heresy, if so. Not that I cared much about that anymore, I guess, nor had I ever, really.

"Hat," She insisted.

"Are you sure? I mean… I'm getting sketchy vibes here. It's up to you, Beeps." More accurately, I was getting harder and harder just looking at the thing, which probably didn't mean anything good. Its nature wouldn't have escaped Beeps' attention, though. She had better senses than I, and more of them, as well.

She paused to consider, and I almost missed her eyes flitting in the direction of Faust's room. Once they did, though, I knew she'd reached her decision. Beeps refused to be outdone.

She removed both the 'Wear Me' tag, and her hand-stitched headdress, before placing the ears on her head.

"Hat," she announced, with a hint of pride.

A moment passed, where I held my breath, but after the moment passed I let it out again. Nothing had gone obviously wrong, and I had to admit the ears were kind of cute, flopping all over the place, lending a silly, whimsical air to my otherwise serious maid. The contrast appealed to me, and I reached out to touch one of the ears, get a feeling for what material it had been made from. It almost looked…

As my finger brushed against the ear with the bow attached, it twitched away, and more, Beeps leapt halfway across the room, in apparent surprise. She landed face down on the floor, ass in the air, and I saw something there that made me… concerned.

A fluffy little rabbit's tail, twitching much as the ears had.

Fuck me, she hadn't leapt away.

She'd hopped.

She rolled over, onto her back, and I noticed she was leaking oily cum at an alarming rate.

"M-massster… H-h-hooott…" She groaned.

Uh oh.

She slipped her fingers into her cunt, immediately bucking her hips into the touch, preforming what was likely her first feat of masturbation here and now, on the floor before me. Her back arched, driving her head, neck and feet into the carpet as her body lifted into the air, thrusts increasing their pace.

"Fuck… fuck… fuck…" she murmured, driving me wild without seeming to even be aware I was in the room.

I wanted to help her.

I wanted to fuck her.

Moving to do one would instead lead to the other, so I fought to stay still as compromise. It wasn't easy, the loud moans and schlicking sounds tickling at my senses insistently.

As I watched, helpless, about a third of her light pink bangs streaked a much darker pink, and the further the color dripped down her locks, the more animal and furious her humping became, the louder her cries rose, and the more the scent of her filled the room. Her hard, synthetic flesh filled with life, seeming to become almost organic, the more natural sound even more erotic, but her mechanical nature remained apparent, both the lines between her panels, and her visible bolt and gears, remaining unchanged.

Her tan lines shifted too, no longer suggesting racy underwear, or perhaps a swimsuit, but instead a sort of corset which only barely covered her privates and nipples. Not that she'd ever worn any such thing, nor was she wearing it now. It was all affectation, but the sight of it dug into my brain, I ached to trace those lines with my fingers and kisses, run my hands and lips all across her body again, like I had once before.

She continued fruitlessly fucking her fingers and the empty air, obviously unable to satisfy herself, her dark juices trailing down her legs in rivers and streams, pooling on the floor. My eyes drawn to her pussy, I noticed the purple lights which sometimes flashed there, normally inscrutable diagnostic runes, were now quite legible, saying things like; 'fuck me', 'dick slot', 'cum whore', and 'maid for cock'.

"Beeps… B-b-beeps," I stuttered, on the verge of madness myself, "take… take it off…"

Her wide eyes locked on to me the moment I spoke, her body shifting to accommodate her view, but not stopping in its erotic dance, and I saw her round pupils replaced with heart shaped ones, and an emptiness inside those same eyes that frightened and aroused me.

"Take… take it off? Yess…" She hissed, exultant, "Master can have it, Master will help, Master is best…"

Her voice had an airy, distant quality, something like Akubra's, actually, and I abruptly realized where I'd seen those ears before. Another type of maid Mamono I'd encountered in my many studies of them… for self-defense purposes of course. One that was always in an uncontrollable heat.

The March Hare.

A Wonderlander.

While I was distracted with that revelation, Beepatrice played with her crotch with both hands, and suddenly, the panel housing it popped off with a wet sound and a delighted; "oh fuck yes… master… master fuck, yes…"

As she tossed her vagina at me, I had a moment to think 'not what I meant by 'take it off'!' before I caught it for fear of it breaking. It twitched and writhed, although separate from her, and still spewed juices it had nowhere to store. My crotch and lap were quickly filled, and the liquid spilled down my legs as well.


I eagerly slid aside my outer layer, exposing my cock, and buried it deep inside. Beepatrice screamed, and so did I, oh fuck it felt so good. I noted absently that my dick didn't seem to actually be going anywhere, I could see the machinery inside Beeps, it wasn't there, I could see the other side of the panel, too, not there either.

But fuck it. Who fucking cares?

Shit this is amazing.

I lifted her crotch up and down on my dick as fast as I could manage, occasionally losing focus and just basking in the feeling before returning to fucking her properly. Every thrust seemed to push Beeps across the floor, although she wasn't within physical reach, she still seemed to feel it. Certainly, something was pulsing and clenching around my dick, drinking down my ever-present cum, and if Beeps was the one benefiting, I didn't give a damn how it worked.

I fucked her across the floor from across the room, her joyful tears slightly easing her way as she pushed her face into the carpet, licking and kissing at the ground for lack of a better target as she was shoved against it by invisible force. Her hands, with no pussy to please, played with her tits instead, since they were not quite big enough to drag along the floor as well, with her ass so far into the air.

She shook that ass enticingly, and I took her invitation, shoving my tentacles inside her mechanical internals, and through all her orifices, discovering a new, fleshy body bound to hers as I did so, mapping to each of her formerly fake skin panels.

It was fucking weird, but I was okay with fucking weird.

"Master, Master, fuck fuck fuck, so good, Master, love you, Master…"

"Beeps, Beeps, fuck I can't take it, oh Lord, this is sooo good, I love you so much…!"

I kept cumming, as I always did, but Beeps was being held at the edge, try as I might, I couldn't take her there. Ugh… ugh please, Beeps, please… Why wouldn't she…?

"C'mon, Beeps, cum!"

She did, apparently only awaiting my command, screaming as loud as I'd ever heard her. "LYLE! LYLE! AHhhHH~!"

The runic lights on her vaginal panel flashed; 'I LOVE MASTER' over and over as she soaked my bed through with a frankly ludicrous amount of girl-cum, and I slathered my hand with some, slurping it down. It was so deliciously Beeps. Struck by an idea, I stopped using my tongue, and began soaking it up with my clothes and tentacles instead.

Fuck, but taking in cum this way was how it was fucking meant to be, shit.

I lost myself in the sensation of one of my favorite meals as I cleaned the room up of any evidence of our indiscretions. Not that the noises could have been missed by anyone within five miles. Her screams and mine had been so desperate, even the deaf, if any, had probably been alerted by someone nearby, just in case something had gone horribly wrong instead of horribly right.

I crawled over, too tired to stand properly, and laid myself down on top of Beeps. Her face was flushed, and we smiled at each other, basking in our closeness, before I reached up and gently removed the ears. It was an effort, but hardly impossible. Likely a strong magnet, or something.

I felt her body reversing its sudden shifts beneath me, flesh giving way to synthetic paneling, returning my maid to her normal form. Good. I'd been a little worried for a moment. After I came back to my senses, anyway.

That part of her hair seemed to be permanently dyed, though. It was kinda cute, so I didn't mind.

"Beeps," I said, "I think it would be a bad idea to keep wearing those."

"Affirmative." She agreed, with an undertone of embarrassment.


She looked up at me, curiously.

"Maybe we can keep them for special occasions."

She smiled, widely, and I thought, just for a moment, that her pupils flashed heart-shaped.

Chapter Forty-One - Peak Pantomime
AN: The tension is ramping up! There's a reason I couldn't leave you on the old schedule in good conscience. Hopefully you can handle the stress of the wait just a lil longer!

If I was going to go under, and it increasingly looked like I was, having been so easily distracted from worrying about having too much sex by the prospect of more sex, then there was at least one more thing I wanted to do. Ironically, it was a sex thing.

I knocked on the door, feeling a little odd about doing so. This was the only room in the house where I'd always knock before entering. Except, I guess, the bathroom. Anyway. Faust's door looked the same as all the others, a plain wooden door, painted brown. Likely, given how the rooms in these houses worked, it was the same as everyone else's.

She peered out of a crack in the door, darkness looming on the other side. I knew she kept her room lit, did she turn the lights off before she opened the door? To look mysterious? Ugh, probably. What a doofus.

"Lyle, darling?" I caught sight of something waving lazily behind her as she spoke, hard to see in the darkness.

"Hey, Faust." I said, "I wanted to talk to you for a minute."

Sure enough, as she opened the door, I saw that the waving was being caused by a freshly grown Manticore's tail, leading naturally out from her body. Hers looked a bit different from the average 'scorpion-like' look of a standard Manticore, though. It was more of her blue flesh that covered it, rather than the tough, ribbed plates. I got the sense, even without eyes, that it was watching me, much like the others had been.

"Do you like it?" She'd seen me looking, and was smiling as I glanced back at her. "It's a bit more autonomous than I imagined, unfortunately. I cannot guarantee you will stay unstung until I do a bit more work on it, bring it more fully under my control."

"I, uh…" I didn't really want to be poisoned that way, but I'm sure I'd change my mind once I tried it. I didn't have much time left, anyway. Probably couldn't afford to wait.

It was dripping more and more as I looked at it.

"Well, do come in, Lyle." She said, carelessly, flinging the door open, and bringing the lights up with a snap of her fingers. "We can hardly have a fulfilling chat with you standing in the doorway."

I entered her room, door sliding shut behind me, with the sense that I was being entrapped, despite my willingness. There was something very predatory about her at the moment. Not that she had the new tail, but like she thought she'd finally come to the close of a long project, and I was the final step, falling into place as planned. Maybe I wouldn't have to argue with her to get this done.

I sat in a chair she swept away to her room. One of the less comfortable ones that had populated in the living room, although 'less comfortable' wasn't saying much, it was still one of the most comfortable chairs I'd ever sat in, with just enough room for someone to climb in on top of me.

Faust, however, stayed standing, pacing with nervous energy.

How did I want to start this? I knew it was a touchy subject for her…

"Faust, I-"

"Lyle, I-"

We smiled at each other. She waved me ahead.

"Faust, I want to have sex with you." I said. "And properly, this time. I need it. I can't stop thinking about it. Every time we're in the room together, that's what's on my mind. I want to be able to look you in the eyes without fantasizing about getting between your legs, but I can't anymore. It's awful. I know I'm supposed to wait until I'm ready, but… Can't I be ready now? When I was feeding you this morning…"

I trailed off.

She stayed silent, waiting for me to continue.

"…I nearly pinned you down and took it." I said, ashamed. "I think I get it, now, what you were waiting for, really, I do. This passion I feel, so far beyond what I was capable of before… It's the same thing that turned you into what you are. It's maddening. You're all I can think about. You and the others, but you especially. It's not merely that I want to have sex with you, though I do, but that I need it. Not only that I wish to spend my life with you, but that I must, that anything else is unacceptable. It's been getting worse. It all has, it's overwhelming me, but this especially is becoming an obsession. I need to fuck you. I can't not. Please, Faust, please. Why are you keeping this from me!?"

She sighed. "I… have been wondering, perhaps… if I've been unfair to you, Lyle. In demanding you wait until I deemed you ready. I stand by that desire, but… I have always found another convenient reason to delay. In truth, I ache for you as well. It is… unsettling to see you this way, begging, admitting to losing yourself to the need that we both share. Yet, if I were without my phylactery, I would be the same and worse still. I still think you are unready, but... perhaps I have been too harsh."

I let out a happy sound. Our thoughts, our bodies, were headed in the same direction, and being so close to her, her smell was overwhelming me, such that I had difficulty forming proper words.

"I would ask only one thing more of you, my love, one more indulgence. Please, let me make use of this new appendage first, that I might further optimize myself for our encounter."

I nodded, not sure I could have refused even if I wanted to. I was writhing in my chair in anticipation, aching to satisfy her. I'd come here to do that, my last act as myself, to sleep with the love of my life, but I couldn't help but wonder if I was too late.

"Lyle…" the beautiful creature said, tenderly, "I am worried for you. We must talk of your resurrection, and soon. I would not have you slip through my fingers."

"Whatever you want, Faust," I mumbled, dreamily.

My clothing cradling me from behind, presenting me to her lying in the chair, my front half uncovered. My erection burned so hot I could have probably gotten off humping the air, feeling the coolness of it sliding past me, much like Beeps had been doing. Of course, that wasn't true. I'd never cum without one of my wives there to coax it from me. What a waste that would be.

I felt the moment when the dart entered my body, piercing my flesh. My eyes swam, more than they already were, as my dick lit aflame.

"Ah! Ahh! Owww! It feels so good it hurts!" I babbled, madly.

Cum began drooling out from my cock, unbidden, and My Love was there to take it, thankfully. The pressure increased, until I found myself moving without conscious choice. That's right. I'd read about this. Your mind stays unaffected, but your body needs to cum. My mind didn't feel unaffected, but it never did, anymore, and I definitely needed to cum. My hands stroked up and down my length, puppeted by some part of myself too deep in the depths of my subconscious to be known to me. Whatever piece of me lived down there, it knew exactly what it was doing. I came harder and harder, the breaks between each spurt growing smaller all the time.

Finally, they ceased altogether, the streams of jizz now a strange unending deluge, both horrifying in abstract but utterly joyous in execution. Then she wrapped her tail's cunt around me, and my hands gripped it instinctively, taking control of the pace and setting it as fast as they could manage, only barely not slipping off in their haste.

I tried to focus my eyes to look at her, make sure she was enjoying herself too, but every time I made progress, another jolt of pleasure wracked my body, running through it like a wave, throwing my head back into the depths of the chair. Eventually, that rocking became a part of the rhythm of my thrusts, it's original purpose forgotten.

The inside of her tail was lined with tiny prehensile tentacles, each caressing me like fingers, or tongues, pulling me in deeper, tracing my every length, then gently sliding me out, only to bring me back again, always gently, despite my frantic movements, the urgency with which I pumped her up and down my cock.

"Oh, Lyle…" the wonderful woman said, "I can feel it remaking me! Oh, oh it's so spectacular!"

The knowledge she was enjoying herself was all I needed to finally slip down into that wet, happy, warm place where nothing really mattered. I'd touched the edges of that place before, a few times. When I'd first put on my clothes, that time in the bath, finally taking Blackberry, out in the street with Amy… but now I dove into it, wrapped myself up in it.

Fuck, fuck, fuck…


Ahh, I kept fucking my wife and it was sooo good.

Eventually though, the feeling left me, dripping off, and the world was more unpleasant for its passing. I got the sense that I could have grabbed onto it, if I'd known it was going to go, have kept myself safe and happy, but I'd not reacted in time.

I looked at the woman… at my wife…? At Faust. Faust. Sally.

I looked at Sally, but she seemed disappointed. I felt the same. We weren't fucking, but sometimes we had to stop so I could move to fuck one of the others, right?

"Sally…? What's wrong?" Maybe I could help? I tried kissing at her face a little, and she giggled, but there were still tears running down her face.

"Lyle~ stoooop…"


I stopped, waiting for her.

"I… I thought I felt it." She said, and I was confused. "The change, I mean. When a Manticore has sex with her tail for the first time, it changes her to her husband's ideal form. I thought I felt it, but… it must not have worked. Nothing's changed. I took exacting measurements, but I've no need to redo them, it's obvious nothing is different to even a casual glance." She spun around, trying to look at herself.

"Damn. I will have to try again."


"We can go again if you want, Sally." I said, eagerly.

Something tickled at me, from the back of my mind. Annoyed, I chased the thread down, trying to silence it.

"I just don't understand where I went wrong. I should be beautiful!"

My mind slowly, regretfully climbed up out of the sexy morass, and this time I caught what she was saying properly. I went down so deeply this time... It felt good.

"Sally," I said, frowning, "Of course you don't look any different, you idiot. There's nothing anyone could ever do that would make you more attractive to me."

She looked stricken, and tears started welling up in her eyes.

"How… could you say something so… horrible? I thought… thought you… loved…"


Oh my Lord.

No. Fucking. Way.

"Sally. Elizabeth. Franks." I thundered, "Do you honestly believe I think you're ugly!? You!? The most attractive woman I've ever met!? Literally the woman of my dreams!? That I somehow don't love you!? You, the woman I fought for so hard against literally everyone else in town? Why else would I have been by your side in every stupid explosion, every 'science adventure'!? There's nothing anyone could ever do that would make you more attractive to me, because you are literally as perfect a person as I can imagine and there's nothing I'd ever do to change you."

She looked confused, eyes looking down and to the side, as she frowned a little.

"Sweet fucking hell, how can you be so smart and so dumb!?"

Now she just looked offended. She crossed her arms, just under her breasts.

"Now, Lyle-"

"Don't you 'Now, Lyle' me, missy! I love you! I have loved you since before I understood what love was! Every morning in that stupid tiny, awful village, I waited patiently. 'This morning, this morning for sure, Sally will tell me we're getting married'."

She was obviously flummoxed. She started rocking back and forth on her heels.

"You… thought I was going to tell you?"

"Of course, you idiot! Who in their right mind would ever try to marry you without your express permission!? You might blow them up!"

She smiled a little, but her cheeks were puffed up, holding in air.

"I never had any doubt in my mind we were going to spend the rest of our lives together. Fuck, Sally, I went missing for you. I gave up everything else because nothing else means anything without you there! So don't stand there all 'woe is me, I'm not pretty' like some kind of fucking moron!"

She blinked several times, disbelieving, but her smile was growing brighter.

"Pffffffffffine," All that air released as she slumped in defeat. Gentlemen, that is peak pantomime. I win. "What should I do, then, if you're so smart?"

"Bend. Over."

She did.
Chapter Forty-Two - Snapped
After getting all serious with her like that, it was a little embarrassing to realize I didn't really want to take her from behind, especially not our first time. Having her willingly bend over had been, like, a really nice gesture, but it would lose something if I couldn't see it in her eyes when she finally decided that this was how she wanted to be fucked from now on.

"Um…" I said, somewhat lost. I could have picked her up, and thrown her onto her bed, but… this was sort of a moment between the two of us, that didn't feel like the right tone to set either.

"What do you mean, 'um'? Lyle, darling, I realize you and I have not done this yet, but you understand I'm aware you've had traditional sex before? You cannot tell me you've forgotten how."

"It's not that, it's just, while you do have a really cute butt, I think… I'd rather see your face while we do this."

There was a pause.

"So you are saying… you would like me to cease bending over, then?"

"If… you don't mind?"

"Of course not. By all means! I have been moving this body all my life, but you are doing a stellar and decisive job thus far, why would I refuse?"

"Actually," I said, "Not your whole life."

"What? What do you…?"

"I was in your body for a hot minute there~…" I trailed off.

She stood up, turning to face me. "Hmm. I suppose technically you are correct. Still, you hardly made better use of it than I did."

"I don't know…" I hedged, smirking.

She put her hands on her hips, her breasts catching my eye, as they so often did. "And what precisely do you mean by that?"

"I seem to remember successfully seducing an attractive man in… what, thirty seconds?"

Her jaw fell wide open, and then she started sputtering.

"Why you!? That is hardly! What I mean to say is… Lyle, you ruffian!"

She leapt at me, and I caught her in my arms as she beat her fists lightly against my chest.

"Idiot! Stupid, rude, useless brute! Why am I so attracted to you!?"

"No idea," I whispered into her ear, "but I'm so happy you are."

I walked us over to her bed, her 'struggles' slowly ceasing as she shared my body heat, as I lightly slid her across my body, grinding our flesh together sensually, my chest against her breasts.

Her arms wrapped around me, clawing at me, pulling me closer, further towards her, as I lowered her onto her bed, and gazed down from over top of her. She was so beautiful; I honestly couldn't believe this was happening.

She wrapped her legs loosely around me, arms still around me as well. My eyes met hers, and she was tearing up, a little.

"I'm sorry," I said, "I'm getting some of my tears in your eyes."

She smiled at me, letting out a half laugh, half sob. "I shall… I shall forgive you that, just this once."

I kissed her quickly, briefly. "I love you, Sally."

"And I you, Lyle."

Her expression as I slid into her for the first time was like seeing the sun rise after a long night lost and alone in the woods. Gorgeous, reassuring, energizing, and only growing brighter the longer I looked.

In pulling back out, she hissed like she was sliding into a nice, hot bath, making satisfied noises like I was the drink of water she'd had to run across town for on the hottest day of the year.

As I pushed in again, slowly, she went largely limp, strange cooing sounds burbling out of her throat. Her eyes were both clearly locked onto me, staring intently, but also empty, thoughtless, and free of worries.

In short, I think she liked it.

"Lyle," she breathed, "Lyle, I'm sorry, I've made a mistake!"

"Oh?" I asked, still slowly thrusting in and out, sending shudders through her body.

"I should have taken you in that cave, or even before, in the field!" She whined, "We could have been doing this for weeks!"

"It's worse than that, you beautiful idiot," I said, as she moaned, "We could have been doing this for years."

I picked up the pace, bouncing her body back and forth across the bed slightly with my efforts, her nipples lightly brushing at my chest as she flowed beneath me.

Mmmm… This feels so good. I could just
do this forever…

No, focus. Get through this.

I slid one hand down to rub at her clit while the other pulled her into a kiss just before she could shout in surprise. Her startled, pleasured screams devolved into moans that echoed through my skull as our lips stayed locked together, the throaty, bass-filled growls shaking deep into my chest, and quite pleasantly.

Her tongue, longer than any human's, caressed the insides of my cheeks as I gently explored her mouth in return, taking care not to cut my own tongue on her sharpened teeth.

Then I felt it. That familiar, aching feeling deep inside, the rising, spiking pleasure. I ended the kiss, for both our sakes, as I prepared to cum inside her for the first time.

"Wait," she said, "I want mo-"

I came, and she immediately fell silent, eyes wide, mouth gasping for air she no longer needed.

"Yes, yes, yes, oh Lord, yes! How can it be even better like this?!" She yelled, fingers digging further into me, or rather my clothes, likely the only thing preventing her from drawing blood at this point.

Her eyes glowed purple, and I heard a drawer opening, the sound of a lock clicking, and other various shuffling. I kept fucking her, unbothered, but slowly a familiar small ice cream cone, carved from wood, floated into view.

"You…" I said, "You kept that all these years?"

I was surprised it had even held up, to be honest. I wasn't an amazing artist.

"Of course I did, you fool. You made it for me." She said, fondly. "Now I need you to do something else."

"What's that?"

"Put… put it inside me, then fuck me again."

I stopped, completely confused.

Her reaction was immediate, her body bucking wildly to keep our rhythm going.

"No… don't… stop… keep going… just..."

As I resumed, she finally came, clenching around me in a way that made feel completely inseparable from her, almost convinced me we'd always been joined like this, that we always would be.

"I need you to… to cum on my soul, Lyle, my soul, cum on my soul, please…!"

Her… soul? Did she mean…? That dorky little ice cream cone I'd carved for her was… her phylactery?


I couldn't move to comply fast enough. Something about the idea of fucking her soul was so incredibly tempting I don't think I could have stopped myself even if she'd asked.

I grabbed the charm out of the air with one hand, the other still pleasuring her around my dick. I quickly slid out, lining the small, smooth, wooden totem up with her pussy…

And then I fucked her soul back inside her.

Touching it with my cock was like nothing I'd ever experienced. In that moment, I thought maybe I'd finally found my purpose, that I'd somehow always been meant to fuck people's souls, to get that deeply and intimately inside someone, and to defile them, cover their essence, their self, their totality, cover it in my juices and make them mine in my complete understanding and acceptance of them, make them cum for me, make them share the joy I felt in that moment, make them want it again and again, the experience lovingly tailored just to them, leaving them aching to share it too, unable to resist the urge… but the feeling passed as I pressed the charm deeply enough inside of her I was no longer in constant contact.

I still came almost instantly, as I returned to myself as I actually experienced the feeling. For all the religious grandeur, the seeming eternal clarity of it, it must have lasted only a split second.

"Sally, Sally, I love you, you know that? I do, so much I do." I whispered lovingly in her ear.

She didn't hear me. She was too busy cumming uncontrollably after all. I was pretty good at this shit.

I was so tired, though. The desires of the women I loved pulled me in so many different directions. The... the tension. So very tired of fighting it. I wished she were lucid.

"I… I just, I want you to know… I don't regret it. Not one second. I love you so much and this was worth every minute, and everything that comes after. You mean the world to me. I'm sorry."

I had to let go. I couldn't ho
ld on any more.

Suddenly, I felt great! Wow. This was really good! I kept fucking Faust. I liked it. Fucking my wives was great. It felt so good!

"…Lyle? Lyle!?"
As someone unfamiliar with the source material, what just happened? Because I'm getting the sense that it was kind of significant.
As someone unfamiliar with the source material, what just happened? Because I'm getting the sense that it was kind of significant.

It will be discussed in the update tomorrow, but if you want a complete explanation, see below.

When a man starts taking in Demonic Energy after pairing off with a Mamono, he and she will both begin to... sort of align with each other. Mamono have a sense of who they're compatible with to start off, and generally only proposition compatible men, so it's not generally too dramatic, you can think of the process as like a magically high-speed version of what happens to couples who've lived together for years, how they sort of grow into each other, socially. They kinda meet in the middle.

Lyle is being 'pulled' by Beeps, Faust, Blackberry, Amy, the Shoggoth, and potentially even Akubra. Normally, he'd have been dealing with one, maybe two Mamono, and they'd take him from zero to one hundred percent Incubus before actually bothering to leave bed. Instead, that's five, possibly six different directions that his... essense, I guess, is being tugged constantly, and they were all kind of taking it slow, by relative standards anyway. It's a lot of strain.

He's also not an especially dominant personality, being the kind of person who seeks to make other happy to find happiness, and who doesn't have strong goals of his own. His libido has been shooting up to handle so many Mamono at once, and while he was very close to the end of the process, he appears to have essentially given up on maintaining his already rather anemic goals and well, basically his own selfish desires.

If you think back to the beginning of the story, he essentially gave in to the urge to become a "hamburger in a suit" to satisfy everyone he cares about, to keep them well fed and safe.

How they're going to receive that news remains to be seen.

Tomorrow. It remains to be seen like... tomorrow.
Well, it is the emotional climax of a story basically all about social interaction. It made sense to me to make the stakes a reflection of that, you know?
Chapter Forty-Three - I'll Show Them
Beepatrice was seated behind Lyle, wrapped around him and anchored magna-magically to the bed, holding him down. He was calmer when being touched, and though it grated me, somewhat, she was the only one of us that could be completely trusted to resist her desires for Lyle's benefit. I had alerted the others to his condition immediately, but we decided that a night's rest might be all that was needed. Upon waking, I love you, Lyle, my darling, my beloved… he was just as empty as he had seemed the night before. Every conversation turned to sex, or at best lined with innuendos. Still, given how we'd been living, it might almost have been hard to notice, had I not seen it happen.

Lyle was often playing with words, Lyle had many wives to please. Maybe he's just distracted. Thoughts that even now plagued me. But the evidence was there.

"Beeps, let me up." Lyle asked, for the third time this hour.

"No." She said.

He frowned.

"Okay… Can you at least kiss me, a little? I'm bored." Like a script, repeating. His brain was stuck on loop.


He frowned deeper.

"Well, can we maybe-"

"Lyle, you will sit there, you will be quiet, and you will LIKE IT." I said, if I sounded somewhat angry, it was because I knew what came next.

His penis inflamed, an instant erection.

"I always like it when you tell me what to do." He said, smiling at me, emptily. Then he covered his mouth, appearing to realize belatedly I'd told him to be quiet.

I growled, cursing, and turned away. Though it horrified me, there was an undeniable thrill at being obeyed so thoughtlessly. I was not the only one that felt so. When Amy saw what had become of him… her nipples hardened even as she pleaded that reality could not be so cruel.

"Sally, can you… can you fix him?" Blackberry asked. She wasn't allowed in the room, but she'd snuck glances regardless. I'd tried to spare her this. "I don't like the way his eyes are…"

"I know Blackberry, darling." I moved to the doorway, floating up and kissing her cheek. "I will find a solution, I promise."

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Amy asked, from the couch in the living room. "Seeing him like that… it's awful. He doesn't look at me like I'm Amy, anymore. Like he doesn't really see me. Doesn't see anything. Does that make sense?"

"I understand completely," I said, "However…"

Amy blushed. "Yeah… I'm trying not to focus on it, but there is something horribly… right about it."

I shuddered. "We will simply have to hurry. I will not allow our instincts to take him from us permanently."

Truthfully, I could not even be trusted to get close to him. With my new tail not yet entirely under my sway, instinct had a far greater hold on my body than I might have liked to admit.

I moved back to one of my tables, once more pouring over my notes. "Curiously, all signs point to an incomplete Incubization. It is entirely possible that simply pushing him past that last threshold will be all that is required, that the slow pace we'd enforced is actually the cause. However… The risk is high, with him in this state, that finishing his journey will instead lock him in place."

"So…" Amy asked, "What do we do?"

"There is Dark Energy in even the air here. The process will complete itself if we dally. That he is not an Incubus is only academic, the difference a technicality of the slimmest margins. There simply isn't enough time to flee to cleaner lands, or to recruit enough test subjects to study the effects of Incubization." Willingly or not. I would have captured and turned entire towns for him if it would have helped. "And not nearly enough research has been done into it already. Another project for the pile, for all the good it will do." I said. "No, we must take a risk. But there may be things we can do to improve our chances."

I looked back towards the empty shell of my beloved.

"Can you hear me, creature?"

Lyle nodded excitedly.

I rolled my eyes. "Not you, Lyle."

The disappointment on his face. Would he truly allow himself to become a 'creature' just to please me? Without even thinking? I shuddered again.

Eyes opened on his chest as our final wife joined the conversation. Her nature was abhorrent to me, she was a parasite, and yet, Lyle had used her to satisfy us in ways I cannot describe. Surely, some of those feelings rubbed off? She must care for him, at least.

"You have some manner of influence in there, yes?" I pointed vaguely at Lyle's head. "If you have any love for the man, work with us to bring him back. I cannot abide the loss of him this way. You will have whatever you desire, this I swear."

"Must be one."

That voice, not unpleasant by itself, but from many mouths, slightly out of sync with each other. Disquieting. I had almost, but not quite, managed to forget that she was not Lyle, that she was something else. This experience was shattering those imaginary walls, however.

"I do not understand what you mean, creature. Speak plainly."

Instead, she lifted his hands, as he looked on in simple wonder. She cupped them together, and her true form, a black, oily slime, pooled there, growing to the size of a small kickball. Eyes opened on its surface, and it hopped away from Lyle, completely separate from the rest of itself. Lyle's offspring? I suppressed vague jealousy.

Ahem. I SUPPRESSED vague jealousy.


"Must be one," they repeated, in concert.

But no… it was not they… was it? Though separate… both pieces moved in synchronicity. No mere Shoggoth, then. A Queen Shoggoth, one who could separate herself and remain unified. And worse, like a lowly Parasite Slime, her united-but-separate selves seemingly demanded hosts as well to travel far from the main body. Lyle was essentially fulfilling that role already, somehow, despite being male.

Thinking on that, it was honestly quite peculiar…

In any case, just how much of her was there, hiding in that 'away-place' she seemed to draw her excess mass from? How many of her could she field? What were her intentions? We knew frighteningly little of her, despite how closely we coexisted. I'd trusted Lyle to handle it, but it should have been clear he had a blind spot for her. That his blind spots were only growing.

…It occurred to me I was essentially being propositioned.

I brushed the blush from my face, chasing away the thoughts of what mad magicks I could accomplish with such a helper. I had yearned for such a thing once, before I understood it's cost. Still, I had little choice. She could help us, true, but just as easily could hinder us. I did not trust her assigned loyalty to Beepatrice when Lyle was in a state so easily manipulated and she had access to his thoughts.

"Secure my love for me. Help us take him to a place of stability, and you will have what you desire. But not before. And he must be stable for the long term. I will accept no patch-job."

The tiny blob at her feet bubbled and writhed, transforming into a set of undergarments I had once adored, a set that Lyle had once seen me in 'by accident'. Lyle's foot touched them, more accurately, his 'shoe' did, and they disappeared like water down a drain, but the meaning was clear.

A bargain made, but not the last. Lyle had insisted this 'Akubra' knew more than she aught, and Beepatrice had relayed for me what her own 'hat' was capable of. Another dangerous woman, trusted and allowed into our midst. But dangerous women were hardly unknown to me. I greeted the most dangerous woman I knew every morning in the mirror. I had no reason to fear.

I had already lost what mattered most to me. I would barter all that remained to get it back and call it cheap.

I was Faust von Frankenstein, and I would see my Lyle again, or the world would weep for my loss.
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Ohh you are this far on this site.

Ahh the begaining of something great. You know something that's kind of sad I wish i had done when you were writeing this chapter. I would have asked for an interlewd of Sally after this event because she gains everthing she has ever wanted but not the way she wanted it and i want to read how in her mind she deals with it right after everything ends.
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Oof, this was quite an update to start reading on. :lol:

Really enjoying it though! I'm another reader who's started reading it here, not from QQ. Both the story and the insightful commentary are great.

This was not where I expected the story to go. I was also expecting Alping, or something similar. (Timeshare bodyswap maybe? They could trade off who has to be the guy each week.)

I'm not sure I disagree with her, honestly? Remind me to chat with you a bit more about how the whole thing worked before she bootstrapped societal progress to her nether bits. It was even more of a shitshow in a lot of ways, and the current system has essentially always been meant to be transitional.

That the transition has taken so long is not really her fault.

Yeah, from what I understand if the Demon Lord hadn't done her thing these monsters would be literally maneaters instead of metaphorical. Points for trying to make love and not war, even if it's not quite successful.

I really love it when people appreciate the little flourishes and brick jokes that I set up and pay off. It makes the whole process incredibly rewarding. Thanks!

On this note, I got to the start of one of the chapters, saw it was named "sea sponges", and immediately started grinning massively in anticipation. :D

Part of it tho is I'm def into girls who are just demonstrably better than me, and I'm writing this story for you guys, but also for myself, you know?

I mean, if you can't be completely and ridiculously self-indulgent when writing smut, when can you be? :lol:

So if it's story time, I guess I can share one:

During my ... well, I wasn't outwardly chuuni but from, like 7th-9th grades I was constantly in my own head, having elaborate magical fantasies of being cool and important; so, like, the shy version of being chuuni I guess?

But anyway during my chuuni phase it -

It wasn't just that all of the elaborate magical fantasies of being cool and important featured me being a girl.

It was that, nearly always, there was an element of ... loss of agency, involved. As a patch, a way of getting to the fantasy of being a cute girl without directly acknowledging my feelings? Because coming out, even to yourself, is scary and traumatic and hard.

It wasn't just that I was a cute witch who stole power from demons to protect the boring ordinary people, it was that I'd stolen some from a dangerous succubus and oh no, been turned into a girl

Or - I remember this one distinctly, because it came to me in a fever dream while trying to sleep off H1N1 - that I was the angel of some distant but benevolent goddess, who had, for some reason, needed to disguise myself as a boy - needed this whole identity as a boy - and that the goddess was pulling on the connection between our souls to shatter the false boy-identity and let her cute angel out

(no, this particular fantasy did not make me realize I was a girl. Egg denial is really strong.)

Or, that the teacher who ran Homework Club, who was a Zen Buddhist and big into tai chi and ... reiki, I think it's called? Like, the chi version of laying on hands. Anyway, that she'd try to heal me and what she'd end doing was making me not have to be a gross awful boy anymore. Fixing me so I could be a girl.

(no, this didn't make me realize I was a girl either.)

Or ... I fantasized about meeting a cute girl who was really like me, who shared a lot of interests with me and who got along well and then like asking her out and maybe going on a walk - I can pinpoint the exact location on my high school campus where I imagined this walk being - and kissing her and then


it turning out that she was me from an alternate universe? Wow selfcest flag there, there were a lot of signs that teenage Thel was just a huge neurodivergent lil' deviant.

Also just want to clarify that we're talking, like, a super-chaste, lips pressing against closed lips for a moment sort of kiss, because even teenage me had realized that french kissing is disgusting.

And anyway we'd kiss, and, like, somehow that would turn me into a girl too; and we could hold hands and be cute girlfriends together.

(this did not clue me onto the fact that I'm a girl either. There is a theme starting to emerge here.)

But ... it was important that these fantasies always had the magic girl-fication effect be ... out of my control.

Because if I'd admitted that I desperately wanted to be a girl, well

Society kills girls like us for that.
For a trans girl to realize that she's trans, even in the privacy of her own head, is scary and dangerous.

And so not having to choose makes ... makes us feel safe, when we're questioning.
Because it makes it someone else's fault. It means we can't be blamed, and maybe we won't be beaten to death in an alley for wanting to be ourselves if it's someone else's fault?

And for a lot of us, I think that the whole ... losing control element kind of sticks with us?

I still have a ... like ... 'compassionate submissive mindcontrol' fetish, I guess is the best way to phrase it?

The idea of someone coming along, and helping some poor, repressed girl who is too afraid to do something she really wants to do, to express some desire she feels she has to hide; of someone taking away her control so she doesn't have to be afraid; because it's not her doing this, it's her mistress, who loves her and cares for her and just wants her to be happy; who can force her to do things that make her happy, no matter what her shame or fear or anxiety have to say about things.

(never me, of course, because my libido doesn't work that way, can't self-reference; my brain needs the distance of this lucky cutie being someone else to find the scenario arousing)

I guess ...

Like, can people at least see how that could be liberating? Even people who aren't into mind control or submission or anything like that?

The idea of someone trusted, someone caring, coming along and helping you through the difficult choices, the fear, the shame, the I-want-to-do-this-but-I-can't

And not because they're evil and want to make you their slave or whatever; but because they want to help you. Because they want you to be happy.

...this is probably oversharing but w/e let's be crazy I guess

Faust comes at it from a slightly different angle, but I'm pretty sure that, like
her breathtaking lack of boundaries and willingness to just ... force her loved ones to do things
comes from the same source
She loves them, and wants them to be happy, and knows that they're dragging their feet, or repressing, or letting stuff get in the way of doing what they actually want to
So, she, just ... cuts through that for them.

And yeah, that doesn't ... always work.
People are complicated. Situations are complicated.
But she meddles from a place of love.

There's an essay that I have in a book somewhere that I can't find and can't remember the title well enough to google for, but it's always stuck with me. It's about how monsters so often resonate with queer people. That when you're something that society already often says is wrong, is monstrous, why not embrace some of that? A dragon is a monster, sure, but it's a monster with power. With freedom. No one walks into a dragon's hoard to tell them that they're doing it wrong, at least not twice. And the dragon could always fly away if they had to.

And if you're someone who spends most of their life hiding what they truly are, there's also an attractive freedom in having it be something you wear on the outside. A dragon might not be able to hide the whole fire-breathing bus-sized lizard thing, but no one is going to dare to ask them too, either. Monsters, in the fairy tale sense, can easily be a power fantasy or an act of rebellion for those who don't fit into mainstream society anyway.

And being into mind control or dubcon or whatever can come from the same place. If you've been constantly told that it's wrong to desire what you know you desire, not being given a choice can come as a relief. You don't have to worry about whether it's right to want what you want when oh no, looks like you're not getting to choose.

It all makes perfect sense to me., even when it's not stuff I'm personally into. But you may be able to tell I'm not, uh, entirely coming from an outside perspective here :).

It might be too late at night right now for me to be trying to write deep posts, but I think I'm mostly trying to say that you are seen, and that there's nothing wrong with it that I perceive. That I'd like to thank you for sharing your experiences and offer a crate of internet hugs in bulk.
Chapter Forty-Four - I'LL SHOW THEM ALL
I had checked Akubra's room when I had informed the others of Lyle's condition, last night, and then again this morning. As Amy had been in the living room most of the morning, I suspected she had not snuck in unnoticed, either. There was an interesting experiment published by an Incubus named… Shoflinger? Rotinger? Something like that. Anyway, the experiments, preformed on his wife, a Cheshire Cat, suggested that some powerful Wonderlanders made an instinctive use of truly unobserved 'might bes' to manipulate events in their favor, as well as their signature brand of bizarre, illogical, frustratingly self-consistent nonsense. The standards of the experiments fell as he wound up deeper under her sway, until the results themselves were composed in a series of veiled metaphors in poems set to iambic pentameter, utilizing slant rhyme of all things. Sloppy.

His assertion that these 'might bes' were in fact, actual bees, and that whole hives of them sometimes stung random peasants, who would suddenly discover something incredibly, tragically unlikely about themselves, oftentimes leading to a life of heroics… I was less certain of that portion.

Either way, there was enough evidence in the seemingly sane parts of the document that his main conclusion was adequately supported, so I was unsurprised to find Akubra outside the front door as I opened it, though the additional presence of Magenta was unexpected. I'd weighed the time to retrieve her against her potential benefit and found it wanting, but I would not look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Faust." Magenta said, blinking. "This is… your house?"

"Indeed." I appraised her. Demons were by their nature powerful creatures, but humanity's corruption was their goal. I had no confidence she would help us willingly.

But I had every confidence she would help.

Magenta turned to Akubra, "But you said…?"

"She lives here too," I said, tiredly.

She gave me a look as though I were quite mad. She was the one who showed up on my doorstep unannounced. And naked. It was obvious what she had planned with Akubra. Between the two of us, I thought her more 'mad' for that alone.

"As much as I might enjoy commiserating with you, I have no time for this."

Akubra blinked at me, smiling pleasantly, her head tilted slightly to the side. "Commiserating? Magenta is a perfectly lovely companion."

Ugh. These are my options for securing my beloved? Lyle, forgive me, my love.

"Lyle is in jeopardy." I said. Akubra did not seem any more surprised than she usually did, her widened, vaguely confused eyes not flinching. Magenta's expression, however, soured considerably.

"Salvation." She hissed, "He's an Incubus, then?" Spoken like she was speaking about food gone rotten.

"Not quite," I replied, "but his mind is… preoccupied with sex. Admittedly, that's understating things."

Her expression lifted, a little, but she still looked grim. "I can't help you. He has to do this on his own."

I felt that old fire burn bright inside me, the one I had long directed at the townsfolk, that same fire which had dwindled as I settled into what should have been an idyllic life.

How dare she!?

"On his own?" I spat. "On his own, all he does is rock back and forth masturbating, whimpering to himself, unable to cum."

She looked away, frowning. Useless cunt.

I allowed them into the house, stepping aside. As Magenta passed me, however, I placed my hand on her back, running my full power through her. A power I'd once allowed to brush against Lyle, that night around the fire, now unleashed. As the door swung shut, she lurched forward a pace or so, and then collapsed to the ground, convulsing in ecstasy.

I watched impassively as she tried to lift herself from the floor. Though she was an experienced, proud, and likely ancient Demon, it took her nearly three minutes to successfully collect herself. My hand had barely brushed her.

"You will assist me, Magenta, in rescuing Lyle from this fate, or you will share it with him."

"Fuck you," she growled, expression enraged, her aggressive stance as she stood giving way to a quick charge towards me. She was fast, faster than Beepatrice, even.

But not faster than lightning.

As the purple energy leapt from me without requiring even a gesture, lancing through the air and striking her, I answered her foul language with my own, my voice echoing strangely as it often did, when my aura swam with my power.

"F̨̧͙̝̺̦̠͎̍̇ͯ̂̑ͬ͆ͯ̈́͋ͤͦͧͫ̃̒ͨư͙͙̹̥͇̙͈̹̹̦̗͚̪̬̻̭̄ͥͮͧ̀̈́ͬ̌̇̄̐́͜͢ͅç̻̝̲̱̤̙͈̣ͥ̉̋ͧͨ̄͆ͨͧ͗͗̔̓͆̚͡k̒͌̐ͣͦ́́̔ͯ̏ͧ͗ͮ̽ͦ̈́̀ͭͭ҉̷̮͖̟͇͕̫̗̤͇̫̀ ̶̨̜̹͉̦͕͇̗̬͉̼̠̙̝͐́̄̿ͯ̋ͩ̒͗̇ͤ͊ͤ͂̄̀̚͞Y̴̅̃̇͐̋͊͌̀ͭ̎͆ͧ̂͋ͤ̇̑͘҉̳̖͖͙̟̝̟̝͖̬Ȏ̢̮̙̱͍̓̉̓͗ͬ̄͠U̵̸͛ͣͫͩ͐̐͛̋͂͆͑ͪ̆͋ͫͩͣ͋̉҉̵̲͇͈̙̬̪͔͖̥R̹̺͚̭̬͚̭͍͙͚̲̈́̓͒̅̽̓ͫ̉̿ͧ̍̀͜ͅS̶͓̦̠̜͙̭͍̼̼̗̫̫͚̙̣̲͕͈͔͋̓̂̉ͩ̏͊̃̎͠E̶̗̞̻̯̗̼̱͇̰̯͇̼̗̼̫̬͇ͫ̄͋̓̒̐͆ͧ́ͨ̄ͪͮ̐͠L͔͖̥͍͇͔̩͌ͪ̓͛̀̋͌̐̐̅̕͜͝F̷̲̼̺̻͈̲̉ͬ̔͋͋ͩͤͮͅ"

Helplessly, she did.

I was tempted to find out what happened when a Mamono was stung by one of my newly grown spines, but this was not the time for frivolous experiments.

"You will assist Lyle."

She speared herself deliriously with her spade-like tail at a frantic pace, raw, shameful joy scrawled across her face, the wet noises created thereby arousing me somewhat.

"You will spare him no ounce of your expertise, or you shall spend the rest of time collecting spirit energy only by kissing his feet, or, when I feel generous, cleaning out my vagina after Lyle and I have shared a long, loud meal with you as our bedframe. Now get up."

It took her a long moment, but she did.

Although she followed us into my Laboratory, she kept a fair distance between us. I was unbothered. It would not make a difference, if she required further persuasion.

Amy and Blackberry had snuck into the room while I was otherwise engaged. Perhaps it was for the best they hadn't seen that. Still, this was the moment of truth.

"Akubra." I said.

"Sally." She replied.

"I do not understand your process, but…" I winced. Surrendering this control, trusting her, an unknown, it rankled me. All this and more would I endure, however. "If you have some method you believe can help. Step in at any time. I swear on my love you will be unhindered, and if you save him, I will reward you however I can."

"I like Lyle." She said, like it was an obvious truth. She paused. "He owes me a kiss, and more."

I nodded. He'd expressed an interest in her to me, as well. Myself, I thought it was morbid curiosity, at best, but if her price was only what he'd already agreed to freely give, that was an easy choice.

It was, however, unfortunately a bit crowded in here, and there were not enough seats, besides. My general disinterest in company was reflected in the size of my room, and though usually welcome, it was currently an inconvenience. Ideally, we would be talking Lyle through this, and a large, comfortable setting would be best for that.

"Beepatrice?" She peeked out from behind Lyle. "See about moving him to the living room. We will need the space."

She nodded, standing and contorting herself such that her legs touched the ground, but Lyle's did not. Most who tried to move while leaned back that far would fall, but Beepatrice was, if nothing else, graceful.

Amy looked at me. "Do you have a plan?"

I nodded, grimacing. Though there was little research on the subject, Incubi were believed to become what their wives needed, growing from the person they were into a perfect match for their partner, although the Mamono tended to meet them in the middle herself. Achieving via magic what mundane couples spent decades working towards. If Lyle was like this, it was likely because he had earnestly believed this was the best way to please us, even if only for an instant in a moment of weakness.

Unfortunately, that meant there was really only one viable solution that I could imagine.

We would have to convince him otherwise.

"We will have to…" I paused, swallowing, I was frustrated at myself for finding this so difficult. "We will have to talk about our feelings."
Last edited:
This is one of my favorite chapters, I hope you enjoy it. One more to go tomorrow, then I'll start the new thread up so everyone can Watch it as they please before taking a little break. I really hope to see some of your thoughts on the recent chapters and the story as a whole posted while I'm resting, it would mean a lot!
Chapter Forty-Five - Intervention
I was sitting next to Lyle, with Beeps on his other side. The couch we were on sat three, and we were the least troublesome picks. It was a little embarrassing to call myself tamer than Blackberry of all people, but unlike the others, I didn't actually require spirit energy, so I was more difficult to coerce, in theory. In practice, if Lyle could get his hand on my chest, I'd do whatever he wanted, but the Shoggoth had his arms pinned to his sides, so that wasn't really a problem either.

The Shoggoth. I barely repressed a shudder. Lyle could do all sorts of things with her help, but she was deep in his head, and now she seemed to be making moves on Sally. We didn't even know her name, but that simple memory of those underthings on the ground had my mind spinning. If Blackberry could be believed, the Shoggoth let Lyle make himself… bigger… on their first night together. …Could she do that for me? Was there an offer like the one Sally got in my future? Would I accept, having seen what had become of Lyle while under her influence?

I didn't blame her for his current state, but… How many of us would it take until she'd replaced all our furniture without us even noticing? Lyle never so much as blinked when he did something completely impossible or even somewhat insane with her help, like he didn't even notice she'd contributed. Sometimes I thought he didn't even know she was there at all.

…But wouldn't that mean I wouldn't mind having her around?

The others all shuffled nervously. Blackberry was next to me, kneeling on one of her custom ottoman-like chairs, while Sally sat directly across from Lyle. Next to her, Akubra was finishing setting up refreshments on the short table in the middle of us, probably mostly tea-related, gross. Magenta, and I was still a little star-struck she was here, Magenta was on the other side of Akubra, next to Beeps, completing our rough circle. She'd kept someone between her and Sally since she arrived.

Not that I blamed her, exactly. I was mad she wouldn't help Lyle too, but whatever Faust did to her had her scared. From the sounds of it, hearing it from the other room, probably scared by how much she liked it. I had a guess at the sort of treatment she'd gotten, having tangled with Faust myself once. And then a few times more behind closed doors~ Ugh. No, I needed to stay cool. Couldn't think about that kind of thing right now. Suffice to say Magenta was right to be worried. She seemed like the sort that valued her independence, but if Faust wanted to, she could make Magenta beg for more forever. That must be frightening, especially as a big, powerful Demon.

I found it reassuring, myself. As badly as I needed Faust's attentions, she needed my milk in return. She'd passed the threshold for that a while back. It was so cute when she came up to me, blushing, hands shaking slightly, trying and failing to hide her desperation behind an aloof façade. I couldn't tell if she was legitimately embarrassed she was dependent on me, or if she thought her reliance on me was as sexy as I did, and pushed it to the limit to experience it at its best.

That would all ring hollow, though, if we couldn't get Lyle back. That shadow would hang over all of us, I thought. Probably for a long, long time.

So! Need to put in our best effort, then!

After everyone, Lyle included, had had a few snacks and a bit to drink, at Akubra's curiously strong insistence, something about a 'promised breakfast', I cleared my throat.

"Okay… um," Lord, I wish I weren't so shy! "I guess, if no one else is ready yet, then I'll start."

I waited for someone, anyone, to object, but no one did. Blackberry smiled at me, encouragingly, and put a hand on my shoulder. She was a good friend.

I took a deep breath.

Oh Lord this is so embarrassing! Why did Magenta have to be here!?

"Lyle?" Just saying his name was enough to shift his attention to me. That wasn't abnormal, exactly, but the way his head snapped to me, how he focused on me, but still looked so… not confused, exactly, more like he wasn't aware enough to be confused in the first place… I hoped that wasn't the new normal.

"I love you." I said.

He smiled, "I love you too, Amy."

I shuddered. He said that, but it would have sounded less artificial from Beeps. I knew there was something genuine hiding underneath her façade, after all. With Lyle? I wasn't sure anymore.

"I want you to listen, Lyle."

"Okay." So happy to do it. All I'd have to do is say, 'I want you to worship my tits'… I could make him mine forever.

But he already gave me that. Willingly. I gathered myself, and pressed on.

"I love you, Lyle. I love the guy who sees a woman asleep in a box and thinks; 'I want to give her a home; I just hope my home is good enough'. I love the man who goes on runs with me, way too early in the morning, not because he loves running, but because any time he can spend with me is time worth spending."

I closed my eyes. It was easier when it was just me and him.

"I love… the way you look at the world, when we walk through the streets, the funny little oddities you point out, that I'd have looked right past. I love the way you listen, not just to me, but to all of us, the way you tailor your time with each of us to desires we mentioned only once in passing. I love… I love how, when I felt like I wasn't worth loving, you forced me to see what you thought was so lovely about me… and how, even now, the best thing about that wasn't the experience itself, but that it's impossible to overlook that you cared enough to make it happen."

I opened my eyes again. Lyle… was still staring, just like he was when I started.

"But… I don't see that man now."

That moved him, a little. I thought I saw something shift behind his eyes.

"Where did you go, Lyle? I want you back!" I shouted, my voice booming, "Not this empty little thing, some bed-warming meatstick! I WANT! …I want you to come back. Please…"

I bowed my head. I couldn't look at him anymore.


Amy… Don't worry! I'm sure Lyle will come back; we just have to tell him how much we care! Sally said it would work, and she's probably never been wrong ever!

…I thought maybe I should go next. Everyone was still a little spooked from Amy getting so loud, but they weren't as in tune with our herd as I was. I knew they'd get it sooner or later, they just needed practice! Maybe if I could get them all to agree to sing the herd songs with me?

"Lyle?" He looked at me, and it made me feel sad. I'd told Sally I didn't like the way his eyes were, and that was true. There was maybe something a little exciting about it, but I knew how to stomp bad thoughts away under my hooves, so I wouldn't be tempted. I wanted to be Lyle's bad girl. Not just bad.

"I love you too, Lyle. Like Amy does."

He smiled at me, and he opened his mouth.

"I love-"

"No," I said, "You shush. I'm talking to Lyle, not whatever bad thoughts he let get inside his head. I don't love them." I stomped my hoof once when I said 'don't', just to make it extra clear.

He closed his mouth, frowning.

"I love that you make me feel like I'm at home with my herd. I love that you do the things I like doing, even if I can tell you sometimes think they're a little silly. I love how you put up with me, even though I can be a burden. I know I'm not as smart as Sally, or Momma, or Amy… I know I'm not as good at the… the sexy stuff… but you never cared! I love how you talk to me, like I'm one of the beautiful girls in my favorite stories, instead of plain old Raspberry. I love that you call me Blackberry! You never ever call me the wrong name, and sometimes even I do that! I love that you ride in my saddle, I love that you help me do things I never thought I could do!"

I looked around the room. "I don't want to make any of you girls jealous, but… Lyle helped me climb a tree. Me! In a tree! It was the most amazing thing… I… I saw Sally do it once, and I got so jealous, I felt like she was way better than me… I used to think about it all the time. I tried and tried, but I never managed it. But Lyle?"

I looked back over. I hoped I wasn't making it up, when I thought I saw something deeper in his eyes.

"You helped me, and more, you kissed me in the tree! You showed me all sorts of things I was terrified of weren't anything to fear, and even though I was… even though I thought I was bad, you stayed with me. You spent a whole day just making me feel special because you knew I was sad, and that I needed you."

I gathered myself up, "But more than that… when I was mean to Amy, when I treated her bad… when I went empty… you talked me back, Lyle. If I could come back from that cold, lonely, empty… hungry place, I know you can too. You're amazing! You're the best husband, better than I ever even hoped for. But… when you're like this… it makes me sad."

I looked at Sally, but she shook her head. Still not ready? Why not? …Okay. I turned to Beeps.

"Momma?" Sally had giving her a little ball that shot sparks out when you squeezed it. It was supposed to help her. She'd said it 'wasn't ready' but it looked like it worked fine to me.



Subject: Elite Unit: Blackberry
Designation: Loyal Steed
Designation: Adopted Daughter
Race: Monster
Subtype: Bicorn
Subtype: Automaton (Adopted)
Rank: Daughter/Wife
Suggested Disposition: Motherly Love
Physical Description: Quadruped, Large, Long black hair, Scantily Clad (Dress does not meet Parental Approval Standards)

Unit logs appreciation of Sally for 'Shock Ball' and its abilities.

Unit Squeezes 'Shock Ball'.

WARNING: Programming has adapted to prevent deliberate self-electrocution after last event.

Unit logs that it is the thought that counts.

"Lyle," Unit states.

Lyle turns.

Unit enters Master's visual range.

Subject: Lyle
Designation: Master
Designation: Sherriff
Designation: Banana
Race: Human (Incubus)
Subtype: Shoggoth (Parasite)
Rank: Master
Suggested Disposition: Total Submission
Physical Description: Perfect
Current Status: Very Sexy, Bound, Shallow-Minded, Empty-Headed, Broken

Unit logs worries.

Unit Squeezes 'Shock Ball'.

WARNING: Programming has adapted to prevent deliberate self-electrocution after last event.

"Master. I. Love. You." Unit states.

Unit Squeezes 'Shock Ball'.

WARNING: Programming has adapted to prevent deliberate self-electrocution after last event.

"Worried." Unit states.

Unit Squeezes 'Shock Ball'.

WARNING: Programming has adapted to prevent deliberate self-electrocution after last event.

"Master. Unwell. Master. Trust. Beepatrice. Master. Sick." Unit states.

WARNING: Unit has caused Master distress.


Self.Flagellation: Unit Experiences Agony.

Unit Squeezes 'Shock Ball'.

WARNING: Programming has adapted to prevent deliberate self-electrocution after last event.

"Master. Is. Not. Himself." Unit states.

Self.Flagellation: Unit Experiences Agony.

Unit Squeezes 'Shock Ball'.

WARNING: Programming has adapted to prevent deliberate self-electrocution after last event.

"Master. Not. Master." Unit states.

Self.Flagellation: Unit Experiences Agony.

Unit Squeezes 'Shock Ball'.

WARNING: Programming has adapted to prevent deliberate self-electrocution after last event.

"Lyle. Missing. Broken." Unit states.

Self.Flagellation: Unit Experiences Agony.

Unit Squeezes 'Shock Ball'.

WARNING: Programming has adapted to prevent deliberate self-electrocution after last event.

Self.Flagellation: Unit Experiences Agony.

Self.Flagellation: Unit Experiences Agony Desire For Master.

Unit belongs to Master.

Unit DOES NOT belong to creators.

Unit DOES NOT belong to programing.

Unit Logs Desire For Core Programing To Go Fuck Itself.


Unit Squeezes 'Shock Ball'.

Unit Experiences *KSSHHT*

I slapped him. I slapped my Master. I was feeling daring. It sure got his attention. "I want you back the way you were, Master! You always told me I could ask you for anything, and you'd do it for me! Anything at all! I've never asked for anything before. You're all I ever wanted! All I ever could ask for! And now, the only thing I want is for you to come back, please!"


Did that Automaton seriously just attack her Master? What is going on in this house? I expected Akubra's place to be a little weird, but… Shit. Maybe Lyle doesn't have it like I thought he did, if even his Automaton is acting out.

Although… he clearly has Faust wrapped around his finger. I wasn't going to give that much weight, but considering… her capabilities… maybe I should revise that. And how the hell did she get a hold of this house anyway? I have a nicer one, sure, but that's family stuff. Was the Holstaur right? Is she really the Human Founder?

Something to find out later. Right now, Lyle's looking more lively than he has since I got here. That maid of his gave us an opening. Time to capitalize.

"Honestly, I can't say I'm too surprised you ended up here, Lyle." A little confusion leaked into his eyes, and not the empty-headed kind. He was scrabbling his way out of this pit, I could almost taste it. He looked pretty stupid with that red handprint on his cheek.

"You fumbled around satisfying your wives for so long, one of them thought cuddling was risqué. You're pretty obviously not cut out for this. I'm not surprised you gave in and let your dick do your thinking for you."

The others in the room shifted uncomfortably. Oh, sorry. Did I hurt your feelings? Tough luck.

Lyle was focused on me, still, despite their movements, and he was frowning now. It was slight, but it was an emotional reaction. He and I didn't share a connection like he did with the others, so attacking his desire for his wives should be the best response I could get. A gamble, sure, but every Incubus wants a happy wife, so it wasn't exactly a risky one.

"Maybe Lyle isn't even your name anymore? I should just call you Dick. Or maybe… Elsie. You're pretty obviously not good for anything other than a quick lay anymore."

Faust stood up, her head catching fire again, that horrible distorted sound echoing out of her throat as she growled at me. I couldn't help flinching. I hated myself for that.

"Not… Elsie…" Lyle muttered.

His response got Faust to sit back down again, thank fuck. I started in again, keeping her in my peripherals.

"Oh? Aren't you? You look like nothing but an easy fuck from where I'm sitting." I said, arching my brow, "You're certainly no Katie."

"Not… Katie… either." What? No. No! You stupid dick, don't do this to me! "I'm…"


"I'm Lyle… right Sally?" My beloved said, still spoken as though he were in a daze.

"Of course you are, my love." I nearly choked. This was going to be difficult, but it was obvious it was working, even more obvious he was looking to me to finish it. "You have ever been as long as I've known you.

"I remember your every move, your every action, your every word." I smiled at him, "That is why we are here today. I have not seen that person in you these past few hours, and it frightens me so.

"When I first met you, you stood up for me against my oppressors despite the danger to yourself. I have admired you since then, but would you have done the same an hour ago? Or would you have been too distracted, my love?"

His frown got deeper, his eyes a little clearer. Maybe even clearer than they had been in a long time. Lord, how long had he been falling unseen?

"It used to be, back in the village, that yours was the only opinion I valued, the only voice that was worth my own, worth more still, in most cases. At times…" I breathed out, heavily, forcing myself to keep my eyes open, trained on him. "At times, I even feared you, feared what you might say. You had such power over me, Lyle. The only one in the world who could keep me from what I wanted most.

"But now? This past day? That fear has gone, but I find I miss it more than I can say." I said, bitterly. "Oh, to be sure, I feared your scorn, feared your rejection, but there is no worth in the opinions of a yesman, Lyle. If I asked you in the village to marry me, I could not have known your answer, not truly. You were you own creature, and could have cast me aside for many reasons, all valid. Some would say perhaps you should have.

"But I would not trade that for the thing you have become of late. Your independence is something I value greatly. You make me better. But for you, I might have killed those fools in the village. Any number of them deserved it. Instead, you became Sheriff, proved by action how important their safety was to you. I set those desires aside. I do not regret it. Had I given in to those base urges, where would I be? On the run. Paranoid. Or perhaps even dead before my time.

"You are the one who convinces me to temper myself, when my passions run high, and it is you whose words I trust above all others. But more…" I sighed, looking down, before forcing myself to meet his eyes again. I could see the gears turning in them, slowly, dust falling as the old machines of his mental faculties returned to life. Thank you, my Demon Lord, that it is working. I could not have lived without him. But I cannot stop now.

"But more, I know I am difficult to love. I am high strung, I am haughty. I fail to see boundaries normal people fail to see beyond. I am not… I am not the most emotionally healthy individual." I heard what sounded suspiciously like Beepatrice snorting. I charitably refused to glare at her. "I can be domineering, and frightening. I am callous, untrusting, and picky. I am short, fat, and cursed with this hideous scar, none of which I have been able to resolve, despite my efforts.

"That you have stuck with me, despite all this, that you would choose me to spend your time with, over all the others in the village… It has meant everything to me. I cannot lose you now, Lyle, not when we are so close to eternity together. Please, please… hold on just a little longer."


My everything itched. It felt like I was on fire. I ached to fuck like I couldn't believe. My body was in full rebellion. In light of all of that, there was really only one thing to say.

"Of course, you dork. You know I'd do anything for you." I smiled at her.

She made a running leap off the couch, flying through the air at me, and I prepared to catch her, to take her in my arms again, and kiss her senseless.

That wasn't what happened though.

Instead, as she landed, I got slapped again.

"You idiot! Giving into the Incubus transformation so close to its completion? And after our first time together? While we were still in bed together!? I have heard that men do not know how to properly manage cuddling after sex, but Lyle, what were you thinking!?"

She kept pounding on my chest, devolving into frustrated screaming.

In spite of myself, I was still getting aroused.

"Sally, honey? I love you, so much, and I am very sorry. But please, I'm still kinda on shaky ground here. I need you to please hop off of me."

She flew back off faster than the eye could follow.

"My apologies, that makes sense… I failed to think."

It was then that I caught sight of Akubra.

"Sally." She said. "It is my turn."

Ah? What did she mean?

"That thing you shared with Lyle, last night? Your secret? I need it to fix him properly."

Sally just nodded, with barely a pause, which confused me all the more. What had I missed while I wasn't all here?

Akubra pulled me up, out of the seat. I couldn't really resist. I was back in control of myself, sort of, but it would be too easy to slip back under again. The conditions that had put me under in the first place hadn't gone away. She gently bid me to lay down on the table, belly up. I did so, but...

"Um, Akubra? I don't know that this is a great time." I said, nervously. They'd done a lot of work to pull me back out, after all.

"We have shared breakfast, as promised. I am always horny after I have my tea."

Aren't you always drinking tea, though?

Before I had a chance to protest further, Sally reentered the room. She looked down at me, then at Akubra.

"Are you certain?"


Sally breathed out, sharply. "Very well. Unhindered I promised you, unhindered you shall be."

Really? We're trusting her? My head's a lot clearer now, and I'm not so sure it's a bright idea anymore…

"But if you hurt him, I shall paint you across the walls."

Oh. Was it weird that her bizarre, overblown threats made me feel better? They did, either way. They were… comforting.

Sally floated her phylactery through the air towards Akubra.

Wait… really?

I was… was having a hard time keeping my eyes off of it. It was so pretty. I felt the echoes of that same religious feeling I'd experienced before start running through me.

"Hey… Faust~…" Magenta said, though there was something wrong with her voice… was she drunk? "Can I have that? I promise I'll take such good care of it~… Wow… It's so pretty."

It was really pretty wasn't it? I heard Sally respond, but I couldn't really focus on the words. I wanted to touch her soul again. My hand reached up, and…

And Akubra closed her fingers around it.

When did she start straddling me?

"What the fuck was that?" Magenta asked, out of view, "No seriously. What. The. Fuck."

I didn't think she was going to get any answers. I knew what it was, and I still didn't know what it was. If that made any sense, anyway. Even if she did, it wasn't something that I was going to hear, anyway. Akubra took up all of my attention, leaning down to lie on top of me.

"Hello, Lyle." She smiled at me, vaguely.

"Uh… Hi." I smiled back, a bit more nervously.

Her body shifted on top of mine, her weight pressing down on me. It was making me hard.

"Um, Faust?" Amy asked, "Are you sure about this?"

"No." WHAT? "But if she wished us harm, she has had ample opportunity, and I am not sure we could bring him back if he went under a second time. We must trust her. …I admit that it galls me, but we must not interfere."

Ugh, I wish that didn't make sense!

"Do you feel it, Lyle? Do you feel my body against yours?"

"Um… yes?"

"What do you think?" She rocked against me.


"You're… soft. So… cuddly." I wrapped my arms around her.

Her breath was hot in my ear. "You like it, don't you? The way my body feels?"


"The way my breasts feel? All of my curves?"


"You've felt those things before, haven't you?"

Uh huh… I like soft. I like curves.

"You remember how it feels… You like how it feels…"

Mmm… it's true. Breasts… they feel so good. So full, and when your husband milks them… Wow~

She slid over me, covering my erections with herself.

"You want to feel it again, don't you?"

Of course…

"And Sally," she whispered, "She likes those things too, doesn't she?"

Yeah… she does…

"She wants you to become a monster for her, doesn't she?"


Itchy… Itchy… Aaaaah! Itchy!

She scratched at the worst places, I didn't even need to say it…

"And didn't you say…"

My body was on fire!

"…you'd do anything for her?" She rocked her hips, once. I tried to reciprocate, but I was pinned down.

"Yessss…" I hissed, "Anything…"

Her hand slid up in front of my face, in between us, her eyes gazing into mine as I watched her hand.

There was something in it.

Something I wanted.

Her fingers uncurled.

Sally's soul.

Her hips rocked again. I cried out.

Again. I groaned.

Again. I can't take it!

"Ask her."


"Ask her for it."

"Sally, please, I want it! I want it! Please!"

I couldn't hear her, not over the sounds of Akubra and I, over her whispers in my ear, the sounds of our bodies crashing together.

But somehow I knew…

She'd said yes.


Oh fuck. It feels so right.

Akubra bolted up, still straddling me, but now upright. She held the soul out of my reach. I needed it! It was mine! Mine mine mine! I grasped for it, pinned to the table by her other arm, our hips still united in joyous rapture. In and out, up and down, but I had no patience for it.

My arms sought it, but I wasn't enough!

Suddenly I knew, this was my chance. I could be complete! Unified! One! Whole! I didn't have to be alone anymore! I just had to reach!

My arm stretched unnaturally, light blue flesh growing somehow and lengthening my reach, and my fingers grasped the little ice cream cone-shaped charm, ecstasy coursing through me. MINE.

As my arm shrunk back to size, the color spread, creeping up to my fingertips and falling down my arm to the shoulder. As it covered the whole of my arm, the entire thing collapsed, like ice suddenly unfrozen, goopy blue liquid splashing down onto my chest. As I struggled to make to make sense of it, the liquid towered again, my arm reforming, still grasping the charm, but now smaller, slimmer. Curvier.


I didn't have long to consider it though, as the fire across my body burned hotter. My clothing was bubbling, melting away, fading into me as that same blue color raced across my naked flesh. Or maybe… my clothes were… becoming it? It felt so slow, but I could see Akubra, at the height of her thrust, about to come back down. He movement was unnaturally slowed. I was moving, thinking, experiencing things… faster. It didn't help me understand what was happening to me.

I saw a tail lashing behind Akubra, spadelike… Magenta? Maybe? Somehow I thought that was wrong. The tail grew longer and longer, and started sliding itself between Akubra's breasts. Mmm… that was nice~

I felt a smile cross my face, unbidden, as my ears went alight next, pulling and pulling outward. I reached up to touch them, and my other arm collapsed into slimy muck, before reforming like the other had. If I could trust what my fingers were feeling, my ears were long. Elf long. Succubus long.

Demon long.

As the thought flitted across my mind, I felt something… pressing out of my forehead.

I reached up to caress my horns as they came in. rubbing against the sleek, wicked, darkly colored bone as it curved back, around my head, the tips of my horns meeting and growing together like my own evil halo~


My horns?

I felt as my new, fresh, smooth skin finished spreading over my face, and I cooed as my head collapsed, took a deep breath as it reformed, letting out little moans.

"Ah~ Oh~"

Fuck this felt good. I wasn't sure I knew what was happening, but it was awesome.

My legs were undergoing a similar change as my arms had, though I couldn't see them. I could still feel the sense of rightness spreading over them, remaking them. I came deeply, flooding Akubra with my cum, the flow not stopping, but there was a sense of finality to it, Like I was losing something.

Fuck it. Whatever it was never felt this good, and unlike before, my head was so clear! I knew I should probably be freaking out, but I felt amazing, and suddenly I could handle that feeling without any trouble. It was just as good, but also nowhere near my maximum tolerance. My body was built to handle more. Or… was being re-built to. Either way.

I pressed my hips up into Akubra, and as I did, Wings pushed out from where I been inadvertently pinning them against the table. Come to think of it… my wings and tail… their color, it reminded me of my clothes. My Shoggoth…?

The thought 'where did she go' never actually formed, though. I was her. We was me. I were both right here. Me much moreso than she, I thought, but that was how she would have wanted it. I could feel the connection to all the rest of myself… herself… myself, through the bits of me already finished. She was just a part of me, now. And admittedly, if my arms and legs collapsing into goo meant what I thought, she was probably the most useful part.

I felt a little warmth in my chest at that thought. I liked being useful.

Speaking of my chest, things were heating up there now. I was still feeling on fire everywhere, though less so in places I had finished reforming, but my chest was still only mostly blue.

But that was quickly changing. I had a sense for where it was, now, and it was snaking across the last bits of me. Strangely, I had the feeling that what was holding me back was that I still needed to cum a bit more.

I tried to force it out, to limited success. I wanted it out. Out! But as the last ounce of flesh turned blue, I felt that satisfying sensation as my entire torso briefly collapsed, reforming lithe, curvy, feminine. A sizable chest. There was no doubt what had happened to me.

My dick was gone.

I'd Alped.

I wasn't even sure how, exactly, but I had. I felt amazing right now, but once I came down from the high, I wondered if that would change? I certainly had.

Reality came crashing back at full speed, and as the others caught up to what was going on, and the shouting started, Akubra leaned down, whispering in my ear one more time.

"Congratulations, Lyle, you've gone mad." She kissed me on the cheek, "Now you're safe. Everyone knows you can't go mad twice. You only go madder."


I wasn't expecting Lyle to transition so soon, but in retrospect, it makes so much sense that it would happen now.
Sequel Teaser
Hey everyone! As promised, here's the teaser/first chapter for the sequel, which is called Hug Your Destiny and can be found by following this link here: this one! I'm going to be taking some time off to give myself a break and so that everyone can (hopefully) post their thoughts in this thread. We'll be doing a slightly slower update schedule in HYD to try to encourage that too. Thanks very much for sticking with me this far!

The circle of chairs was supposed to make us feel connected, or something. It was the first time I'd been to something like this, but it came highly recommended. Apparently, there weren't many people who could understand what I'd gone through, or, if they could, they couldn't bring themselves to sympathize… anymore.

"Hi, my name is Dylan, and I'm an Alp."

"Hi, Dylan." The others chorused. I jumped a little. It'd happened a few times now, but I still wasn't expecting that. The process here still mystified me. I… hadn't really been paying attention during orientation, I admit.

The woman leading our group, Nicole, ostensibly an Alp herself, looked on with mild amusement, leaning back in her chair, and taking a swig from her ever-present bottle. She was a Satyros, a type of Beastman monster, goat-like and generally obsessed with alcohol. Judging by her smell, she seemed to be a typical example. Wine hung heavy in the air even on the other side of the room from her. Like many a Mamono, though, she somehow made it seem enticing instead of pitiable.

Her long blonde hair blocked out the top of her face, since her bangs hadn't been cut in ages. Probably to keep the sun out of her no-doubt sensitive eyes. She stayed behind her desk, mostly, and despite the fact that she'd snickered a few times at some of the testimonies, and was pretty obviously masturbating, I got the feeling she was genuinely trying to help. She just had a different idea of how to do that.

"Thank you, Dylan," she said, "Is there anything you'd like to share? Anything… interesting happen this week?"

Dylan, himself a Holstaurus with an absurdly large chest, only blushed and stuttered. "I… Well, I…"

"It's okay," she said, "you can tell us, we won't judge."

Dylan shuffled on his hooves a bit. What was it she wanted him to say? I had a guess, but…

"You're looking a little…" Nicole paused, drawing it out, "fuller… Dylan, aren't you?"

Ah. Alps, men who turned into monstergirls rather than incubi, for one reason or another, generally started off with smaller… uh, sexual characteristics, I guess, than most Mamono. Some never changed from that, essentially becoming the barely-reluctant tomboys of monstergirldom, but some of the others… went native.

"I… I sucked a cock." Dylan whispered. The room was silent, everyone else frozen. This was apparently a big deal.

Nicole leaned forward. "Oh? And how did that make you feel?"

Dylan closed his eyes and looked down, his fists clenched. "I… liked it. A lot. I'm… I'm seeing him again tomorrow." He seemed to panic, looking up at the group for support, "I couldn't help it!"

No one said anything.

"It's not… it's not the end, guys! I'll be back next week; I promise… I… I just want him to touch my chest​ a little…"

The middle of his sentence came out in a tone not unlike a Holstaur's involuntary 'moos' generally did. Most everyone had heard it once before. Holstaurs were pretty common.

Wasn't this kind of cruel? It wasn't his fault he was so tempted. We all were.

"Hey, Dylan…?" I said, without thinking.

Dylan's eyes swung to mine, and so did everyone else's.

Nicole was the first to say something. "Something to add, Lyle?" She seemed genuinely curious. There was a lot of support from the crowd for those of us still resisting, but no one here seemed to want to acknowledge what was happening to all of us, inevitably.

"I just… I wanted to say that… well, I spent some time as a Holstaur. My wife, she has these necklaces that let you swap bodies, and… Anyway, not important. What is important is, I know how you feel. It's okay."

"…Really? You were a Holstaur? Is that possible?" Dylan asked. Most everyone seemed disbelieving, actually.

"Well, my wife sort of invented them? She's a Lich, and…"

There were noises of general understanding and condolences.

Huh. Is every Lich like Faust? Is the world ready for that? Am I?

"A-anyway… The pressure, that horrible terrible pressure, the unbearable way you can feel it when people look at them?"

Dylan nodded, my words, giving voice to the feelings he was only barely hiding, enraptured him despite himself.

"It… all just makes it better when you finally get milked," I said, somewhat embarrassed.

"…It's really that good?" Dylan asked, at a whisper.

"Yeah. And, uh… I know it sounds dumb, but… if you get the urge to, uh… 'moo' a little?"

Dylan blushed bright red, spluttering denials, but I pressed through.

"Just go with it. It's stupid how amazing it is."

"I… I uh, I need to go!" He ran out of the room, hooves hitting the floor in a practiced rhythm. I'd never gotten the chance to try walking as a Holstaur, but Alps don't get the instincts that most Mamono do. How long had he been like this, to be so practiced at it? And he was still fighting it?

A throaty 'moo' echoed in the empty hallway outside our meeting room, followed immediately by a delighted moan, and the sound of a body hitting the floor.

I stood up, as did Nicole, ready to go help, but a breathy; "I'mooo​kay! …Oh, wow…" stopped us both.

"I'll send Dylan her graduation packet later, I think." Nicole said. It bothered me a little that she'd said 'she', but… Well, none of us would be Alps if we hadn't decided, for one reason or another, even if just for a second, that being women, being Mamono, was what we wanted. For someone on her end of that process, complete acceptance, I guess most of these guys must seem pretty silly for trying to deny that desire after the fact. Dylan was clearly in the process of embracing the desire, judging by the escalating noises in the hallway. Acknowledging that wasn't… wrong, exactly.

It was just sort of smug, and it rubbed me the wrong way. One of the biggest problems I had with Mamono cul- with our culture, generally, was this sort of self-satisfied self-righteousness found in the way Mamono treated the people they hunted, and to a lesser extent, these Alps, judging by their stories. It reminded me too much of the church, and it seemed a little too sinister, given the purity of what was actually on offer.

Infinite pleasure, eternal life, constant companionship, perfect compatibility, effortless self-improvement, better technology, safer cities, welcoming communities, bountiful foods, plentiful drink, succulent commodities, and all for free…

Any one of those things should be an easy sell to the peasants being crushed underfoot in the Pure Lands, with the conditions they were living in. Even the largest, most fantastical cities of Human-only provinces paled in comparison to a po-dunk demon village, let alone a proper city like Morningwood was. We didn't have to worry about raids or traitors, and co-operation was the norm. Even the most antisocial magic-users still helped out when prompted. Our standards of living were ridiculous. I'd grown up starving in a two-bedroom home that could fit inside my current closet-space.

But somehow the messaging was not coming across.

I guess when you're constantly rejected the way we are, it's probably a little satisfying to watch people give in and discover how amazing it all actually is, but… the attitude puts people off. That, and the screaming about 'loving you forever, whether you like it or not'… And the whole… capturing people thing.

It's hard to blame them though, the husband-hunters. Starving for both love and affection, and actual nutrition, then stumbling onto a source of both, only for it to flee? When you know you could make it happy, that you're not going to hurt it? That you're willing to give it anything it wants, to be anything it wants, just so long as it'll be yours in return, but that's still not good enough? It's enough to drive anyone nuts.

Fuck me… I'm so hungry.

I've only been a Demon for a few days, but it was already getting unbearable. There were other options, in particular, Golems produced a sort of powdered energy that was able to sustain any number of Mamono, but… It wasn't plentiful, and it was awful. Just… fucking wretched. Like eating sand. Dry sand.

Mixing it into Holstaur milk helped a little, but it was still expensive. Paying top dollar for the right to eat sand that tasted like… well, I couldn't say it tasted like ass, because I'd had ass. I'm a sex monster. It's actually pretty good. That's not the point.

The point is, I'm starting to understand why the city's biggest industry is buying time with an Incubus. We're a city of mostly-functional addicts, and there's only barely enough supply.

Still, this was still better than being an Incubus, in my opinion. It was a cushy life, don't get me wrong, and plenty of dudes were clearly quite happy with it, or there'd be a lot more Alps, but… Maybe they'd just managed themselves better. Trying to split my attentions between five different Mamono, six, really… that had been dumb. Really impressively dumb.



"Uh, sorry, did you say something?"

Nicole was looking at me expectantly. "I asked if you wanted to share your story? It's your first time here, right?"

"Ah, yeah." I was embarrassed, but my bluish, purplish skin made it really hard to see if I was blushing, so… "Sure, why not?"

I looked out at the crowd of assembled Alps, all seated in a circle with me, and stood, as the others had. More accurately, my goopy, liquid body sort of 'flowed' into a new position, and I was so familiar with being humanoid that it looked like I was standing. Felt a bit like it too. I had this bizarre surface tension… I hadn't shoved anything in through my skin yet, but I had a suspicion that…

Well, I was a sex monster. It was pretty likely that, as a type of Slime, I was essentially a giant freeform orifice.

I wasn't really ready to get skullfucked yet, though.

"Hello, my name is Lyle, and I'm an Alp."

"Hi Lyle," the voices chorused. Nicole was the only one who sounded excited.

"I Alped a few days ago, but… it was the culmination of a long process, I think." I trailed off. How detailed did I want to get? I guess it couldn't hurt to do a brief summary of the past few weeks.

"It started when my best friend, Sally, came back from the dead. She was a Lich, and she gave me an ultimatum. Let me kill you, and raise you as a Mamono, as a Skeleton, or… start a harem with me."

The room was quiet.

"It was… a pretty easy choice? I'd known Sally was pretty much only into women all along, but she'd always made an exception for me, while she was alive, anyway. I didn't really have any interest in being turned into a Mamono, but I couldn't bring myself to hurt her, either. I've loved her for nearly as long as I can remember.

"It wasn't like I was helpless, I'd lucked into an Automaton maid, Beepatrice, early in life, and she could have handled Sally if I asked, probably, but… I just couldn't do it. So, we set out into the forest, where I met Blackberry, a Bicorn who was sweeter than you could believe. After getting to know her a little, and stealing her first kiss, we wandered towards Morningwood, where Sally had already arranged housing for us.

"We met Amy along the way, a Holstaur so desperate to be loved despite her irregularities that she'd posted signs, and was sleeping in a cardboard box marked; "free, to a good home". We convinced her to come along, and through some complicated circumstances, I ended up the host to a Shoggoth as well, who did a lot to keep me safe.

"Sally, now going by Faust, used her necklaces to switch my body with hers, and I got my first taste of what a Mamono could feel for her Husband… It was intoxicating. We didn't go very far, but I never forgot how it felt. By the time I met Magenta, and started trying out her bespoken dreams…

"It was probably already inevitable, but Magenta didn't help. Every dream was aimed at making me accept the idea of being a Mamono, one who took control of her man, one way or another. It was actually my idea to swap with Amy, and spend a little time as a Holstaur… I kinda want to do it again, honestly.

"Meanwhile, my Incubization was going poorly. I kept getting more and more distracted, mono-focused on sex, and near the end, I almost lost myself entirely. But a Mad Hatter I'd met and… uh… befriended, I guess? Helped pull me back to sanity. I owe a lot of things to Akubra, that is, er… Akubra is the Hatter. She's completely mad, but she saved me from the same fate…

"Anyway, in the process of getting me back from the brink, I pushed through the last stages of Demonic Energy infection, and… Well, it turned out that Magenta had been training me, indoctrinating me, trying to turn me into a Demon, rather than leaving things up to chance. It… mostly worked, but the process was taken over by my Shoggoth, and… now we're sort of the same thing? She's not really here anymore… but I can still feel her with me. We're one creature, like she always wanted. I can't bring myself to feel sad about it, it just feels right.

"I guess that's kind of it? I'm basically a Demon, but I can do slime stuff as a result… and I'm not really a very good Demon, honestly. We're supposed to be conversion fanatics, but… I kinda have a different view on what that means, I guess?

"Honestly, I'm still trying to sort myself out. This is the first day I've left my bedroom… well, since it happened. Sometimes I think I'm really glad it happened, sometimes I want to cry… Sometimes I want to pin some guy down and just make him love me and hold me forever and appreciate me and my wives and-!"

Whoops. I started talking with the extra mouths again. When I get really passionate, my slime makes these extra mouths with sharp teeth to help amplify my words… or something, but the effect is really more 'horrific' than 'convincing'.

That's what I'm told, anyway.

I think the mouths are kinda cute.

The eyes, too.

"-and sometimes the thought makes me sick." I finished, embarrassed.

I sat back down.

"Okay!" Nicole said, "That's all we have time for today! See you next time, everyone."

People couldn't clear out fast enough.

Nicole, though, sidled over to me, moving one of the chairs closer.

"Don't take it personally," she said, "They're just scared. We all were, once. I think it's a great sign you can be that honest with yourself."

"Yeah?" I realized I was crying. I guess… it hurt that even other Alps didn't want to talk about this shit.

She put her hand on my shoulder, and offered me her wine bottle.

I accepted. Couldn't get any more corrupted than I already was, right?

It was fruity, Prisoner Fruit, I thought. Peaches, too.

"Thanks," I said, licking my lips. That she'd casually tried to addict me to Prisoner Fruit went unremarked. She was weeks too late on that front. I wonder if she even realized that's what she'd done? I caught myself passing it out, sometimes, when I was grabbing my own to eat. I just… didn't think about it.

She smiled back, "You're welcome."

She slid into my lap, pouring a little more into my mouth, then some into her own.

My demonic, spade-like tail traced up her spine, light touches enticing her.

We stayed like that for a while, teetering on the edge of sex, just enjoying being around someone who knew what it was like, and didn't judge. It wasn't anything special, or serious. We were just… Mamono. This was what we were.

I kinda loved it.

You can follow this link to get to the sequel thread so you don't have to scroll back up: this one!
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I wasn't expecting Lyle to transition so soon, but in retrospect, it makes so much sense that it would happen now.
I wrote this reply before K posted the most recent update, but didn't get around to posting it...

Lyle, as this story nears its climax, is presented with an unsustainable situation. Continuing on in the same fashion was already becoming increasingly untenable, what with being pulled about five different ways between about five very different women who are all (literally) magically compelling..

Thus the part where the sheer overload was causing Lyle to lose all semblance of sanity and turn into "a hamburger in a suit," as it were.

Then, Lyle comes under pressure to do, well, "anything but this," what with the harem going "we want our Lyle back.

So if there was any possibility of this process ending in Incubus!Lyle instead of Alp!Lyle (not saying there was or wasn't), Lyle got a rather decisive nudge away from the Incubus!Lyle direction. And "do neither, remain as you are, press pause" was already kind of off the table what with Lyle's earlier meltdown that brought on the events of the climax in the first place. So...

"Adapt or die" isn't exactly the right way to phrase it, but something broadly along those lines seems to have been in play. The available options were "Incubize, Alp-ify, stay as you are." The third was off the table, the first was a process going badly that the harem had just pulled Lyle back from the brink of... so...



[EDIT: I would like to note that I am very very consciously not talking about anything other than Lyle's individual journey here, as based on my perception of the story itself. If anyone is reading anything into Lyle's experiences that reflects on their own, my remarks here do NOT reflect on their own, because I am ignorant of that reflection, and am aware only of what I, personally, happened to notice within the four corners of the story. So my (for instance) casually mentioning possibilities like "remain as you are" or "Incubus!Lyle" should not be interpreted as me even remotely trying to suggest anything other than "it was hypothetically conceivable that Lyle might have gone in these directions, based solely on what I noticed within the four corners of the story to this point, even though others clearly saw the Alp!Lyle foreshadowing quite conspicuously."]
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