Voting will open in 7 hours, 53 minutes and close in 2 days, 10 hours
Vote closed New
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Oct 9, 2024 at 2:44 AM, finished with 30 posts and 27 votes.
In the end, it came down to a choice between French or German and Viva La Francias won. Huh, given the existence of a certain Solar Auxilla quest, there could be an argument for lineage inheritance.

Anyhow, time for a blueblood IG, how interesting. But that's just the common soldiery- you are their leader and could be a bit more unique. Rolling dice to generate possible warlord traits available to you, it's pulling from multiple sources. Repeat die will be rerolled.
Celeshiro threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Warlord Traits Total: 5
3 3 2 2
I certainly hoped that this was a roll on a table and not something where where the value of the numbers matter.
First Founding, Part 4 New
[X] 99th Scintilla Grenadiers, "Vaulters"

Back by Forty was a troop transport ship normally rated to carry at least five regiments of the Imperial Guard, usually more depending on actual size or practical need. She now carried only about three regiments' worth of soldiers and vehicles, not out of luxury but out of circumstance. The Adeptus Munitorum would likely bemoan and whine about such inefficiencies, but their complaints conveniently could hardly reach the Lord Commander of Battlegroup Prisilon in these troubled times. Perhaps one day, they would face punishment and accusation of wasting valuable time and resources.

It didn't matter either way to those who were actually onboard Back by Forty right now. They took advantage of the ship's troop bays being half empty to spread out and stretch their legs however they could. The 59th Moebian excused this with the pretense of training exercises, the officers running groups of soldiers through intense physical training everyday. This rather amusingly included the Ogryn auxilla, who to their credit went through the motions with bemused obedience.

Meanwhile, the 407th Steel Legion wasted no time in immediately rolling out their vehicles from storage and setting up workshops to work on them. A dizzying array of various Imperial vehicles was neatly lined up row by row in the open troop bay space, with soldiers from Armageddon all over them with various tools. There were dashes of red here and there from the unit's Enginseers strolling between the working mechanics, swinging incense and chanting rites of maintenance to soothe these resting machine spirits. Soon, time would tell if these physical and spiritual efforts would pay off.

While these two regiments of the Astra Militarum busied themselves with ways to better themselves, the soldiers of 99th Scintillia Grenadiers watched.

Then they popped open a bottle of wine and began drinking. Well, no, that was a lie.

They first asked a servant to open and pour the wine out for them.

Said servant did so with experienced ease, measuring out just the right amount in the two goblets. Then the tarnished silver tray was lowered for the benefit of the waiting aristocrats who each took one. There was a wordless toast shared between them before each Vaulter sipped at the watered-down spirit, their faces contorting briefly at the strongly diluted taste.

Yet the essence of wine was still there, and so it met their 'standards.' "An appropriate vintage," said the male Guardsman and nodded to the waiting servant. "It is satisfactory. You may leave."

"Ah, but not yet," the female soldier insisted, holding up a hand to forestall their departure. The servant nervously swallowed but held there while the powdered woman reached for her rucksack beneath her chair. After a few moments, she withdrew a slip and presented it to the servant. "Consider this generosity in lieu of gratuity. That is all."

The servant hesitatingly accepted the paper and bowed stiffly to the two Guardsmen before leaving. They passed several other soldiers of the 99th who were indulging in their own courtly activities, from idly reading the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer to lightly debating the philosophical lessons found in the preached Lectito Divinatus. Some were even engaged in scandalous games of card or chance, the sort of which would normally be ruining gossip back home in Scintillia. Yet the only ruination came now was to the losers, forced to shove Thrones into the face of grinning winners.

The sight of the coin gave the servant pause, wondering what then they had been given. A peek at the slip clutched in their hand revealed it to be a voucher of sorts, for some other service being provided among the numerous camp followers. With a slight jolt, they realized it was for a gunsmith, perhaps one that was directly employed by the woman who had given them so! Immediately the tales of the regiment's artisan weapons worth fortunes came to mind and the servant redoubled their passage out of the improvised salon that once was a mess hall.

Once they had left, the male Vaulter turned to the other and gave a curious tilt of the head. "I was not aware you possessed such a talented individual in your care."

"I hadn't last week. Then I inherited one when the Gellar Field flickered and poor Patrick went mad." She sighed and raised her goblet of diluted wine in memory of a comrade. "He was given the Emperor's Mercy, and his estate distributed so."

"I see. A loss, as I recall him to be one of the few survivors of the Fourth Battalion."

"The thought is appreciated," said she. "But he survived because he was a coward and barely escaped execution. His family was connected to the colonel's, so he was able to weasel his way out."

Now his nose wrinkled, and it had nothing to do with the diluted wine he sipped at. "How disgraceful. Good blood is wasted on those without the dignity and courage to carry it out so."

"All the while, said dignity and courage can be found in those of low standing." She gestured subtly to a group of guardsmen closer to the edge of the salon, looking quite uncomfortable by the activities of court. "There, those are the newest who have been elevated so. Former servants and bastards, now standing shoulder and shoulder with us in the name of the Throne."

"Blessed be," he instinctively commented and studied them."Hm, it will not do. It will not do indeed upon our triumphant return home to have comrades demonstrate such improper behavior."

The question of if they would ever return home was never brought up. They simply did not worry about it so, as the lady hummed. "Indeed. We must rectify the situation fore we armed are disgraced so."

"Do be gentle. I find that helps for inducting them in the ways of their new station."

Neither was the idea of getting rid of able and proven soldiers even discussed within the regiment, even with those who rose up to replace those lost. Perhaps in some other highborn unit like the Royal Volpone, such welcoming of the lowborn would be seen with a degree of horror or disgust. Even among their own such as those honored Fusiliers, there likely would be some disdain and censure for the act.

But for the Grenadiers, for the Vaulters, for those who had served in Army Group Oster-1, this was simply just how they were now. Nothing could be turned away in the dark of these uncertain times, even if it came from those not of distinguished blood. So let others judge their acceptance and generosity in the guise of noblesse oblige.

99th Scintillia, Fifth Battalion had survived so far doing so, and it will continue doing so with their newly instated leader for it so. Even if they were only a battalion in name now.

You will lead Fifth Battalion. Choose a HQ unit troop that best represents you.

-[ ] [HQ] A Commissioned Major

You were born one of many noble children in Scintillia. When you were of age, you swiftly realized that you were to inherit nothing and decided to earn glory elsewhere. Your parents encouraged this and had you trained under the finest tutors available, imparting to you much on tactical wisdom and leadership. It was enough to give you a strong background that saw you climb the ranks of the Vaulters swiftly, finally culminating in your first independent command with Fifth Battalion.

You are a talented officer that excels in supporting your unit. But will battle be so kind to you when the moment comes?

-[ ] [HQ] A Promoted First Sergeant

You were born a bastard child of one of the nobles on Scintillia. They reluctantly took you in and raised you to join the Imperial Guard as part of their house's duty. You enlisted with blessings and were bestowed great arms and armor, both of which served you well in surviving when others fall. Such survival though means swiftly ascending the ranks, resulting in the shock of you taking command of Fifth Battalion.

You are a focused and well-equipped officer that can fight. Yet the expectations of the rank do weigh upon you.

-[ ] [HQ] An Upstart Commandant

You were born a child close to the inheritance of your noble house, and was raised with the preparation that you could be next. But you rebelled at the boring lessons taught and focused on seeking your own freedom, dreaming of escaping the spires of Scintillia. The opportunity came with the Imperial Guard and you stole funds from the family vault to purchase the dream of running wild. Now you ride into battle on your steed along others, a daring maverick in command of Fifth Battalion.

You are a cavalry officer that is capable of much. But you do not possess gifts in any.

-[ ] [HQ] A Requested Commissar-Captain

You were an orphan taken to the Scholar Progenium to become a member of Officio Prefectus. You earned your sash and was appointed to serve alongside the 99th Scintillia among others, only for the Cicatrix Maledictum to strike. Your superiors perished and you found yourself elevated to the rank of Commissar-Captain to handle affairs so. The shortage of capable officers has since led you to being asked to take command of Fifth Battalion, an unusual but necessary arrangement until more talented individuals can hopefully take over.

You are a dashing figure that fights passionately. But you are unknown and untrusted by your command.

You have something that marks you for leadership. Choose a Warlord trait.

-[ ] [Trait] Old Grudge. You have particular hatred for certain foes when you take the field.

-[ ] [Trait] Implacable Determination. When you march, others join you so.

You are an officer. How are you referred to?

-[ ] [Title] "Sir."

-[ ] [Title] "Ma'am."

-[ ] [Title] "(Rank)"

You are a character. What is your name?

-[ ] [Name] _____

- Yeah, you didn't roll the amazing warlord traits this time. But they can still be good in the right situation, given that you do have a pretty insane Regimental Doctrine. Your lasguns are bloody terrifying.
- Characters will be attached to appropriate bodyguard squads. Most of these will just be veterans unless you pick Commandant to get escort riders. Just so we don't go mad with the independent character micro of 8e.
- You can improve your warlord over time, and each do have different possibilities. Go with what you'd like to see leading the unit.

18 hour moratorium to make your warlord plan.
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So here is my plan ideas.

[] Plan: Her Ladyship
-[ ] [HQ] A Commissioned Major
-[ ] [Trait] Implacable Determination. When you march, others join you so.
-[ ] [Title] "Ma'am."
-[ ] [Name] Lady Gwendolyn Starcrest

The image in my head for this one is basically determined commander who leads from the front, but still puts on a dress after the battle to hold court like the other nobles did back home with her fellow Vaulters.

[] Plan: Wild Stallion
-[ ] [HQ] An Upstart Commandant
-[ ] [Trait] Implacable Determination. When you march, others join you so.
-[ ] [Title] "Sir."
-[ ] [Name] Robert Goldcrest

General wild child who leads a band of adventurous third or fourth sons into battle be it for glory or in hopes to claim right of conquest on some new world.
I think for HQ I lean towards A Promoted First Sergeant / An Upstart Commandant over the other two.

I like the characterization of Old Grudge, but I think the universality of Implacable Determination is quite good, especially for the Commandant.

No strong preference on Title but I slight lean towards reminding people to call us by our rank, though really its a gender selection and as such no real preference.

Name is much the same as above.
Then they popped open a bottle of wine and began drinking. Well, no, that was a lie.

They first asked a servant to open and pour the wine out for them.

Said servant did so with experienced ease, measuring out just the right amount in the two goblets. Then the tarnished silver tray was lowered for the benefit of the waiting aristocrats who each took one. There was a wordless toast shared between them before each Vaulter sipped at the watered-down spirit, their faces contorting briefly at the strongly diluted taste.

Yet the essence of wine was still there, and so it met their 'standards.' "An appropriate vintage," said the male Guardsman and nodded to the waiting servant. "It is satisfactory. You may leave."

"Ah, but not yet," the female soldier insisted, holding up a hand to forestall their departure. The servant nervously swallowed but held there while the powdered woman reached for her rucksack beneath her chair. After a few moments, she withdrew a slip and presented it to the servant. "Consider this generosity in lieu of gratuity. That is all."

The servant hesitatingly accepted the paper and bowed stiffly to the two Guardsmen before leaving. They passed several other soldiers of the 99th who were indulging in their own courtly activities, from idly reading the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer to lightly debating the philosophical lessons found in the preached Lectito Divinatus. Some were even engaged in scandalous games of card or chance, the sort of which would normally be ruining gossip back home in Scintillia. Yet the only ruination came now was to the losers, forced to shove Thrones into the face of grinning winners.
When just seeing this, it gives the image that you'd be completely not ready for battlefield and get slaughtered in your first engagement.
"The thought is appreciated," said she. "But he survived because he was a coward and barely escaped execution. His family was connected to the colonel's, so he was able to weasel his way out."

Now his nose wrinkled, and it had nothing to do with the diluted wine he sipped at. "How disgraceful. Good blood is wasted on those without the dignity and courage to carry it out so."

"All the while, said dignity and courage can be found in those of low standing." She gestured subtly to a group of guardsmen closer to the edge of the salon, looking quite uncomfortable by the activities of court. "There, those are the newest who have been elevated so. Former servants and bastards, now standing shoulder and shoulder with us in the name of the Throne."
Good to see that you do actually seem to know what it takes to be a proper soldier.
You will lead Fifth Battalion. Choose a HQ unit troop that best represents you.
Could we get an explanations for the traits and what the stat abbreviations stand for for those not familiar with the miniature game?
[ X ] [HQ] A Commissioned Major
[ X ] [Trait] Implacable Determination. When you march, others join you so.
[ X ] [Title] "Sir."
[ X ] [Name] ___Merek__
Moratorium is still in effect:
18 hour moratorium to make your warlord plan.

For our HQ unit, I'm fine with everything but the Commissar Captain, and like to have Implacable Determination as trait. No strong feelings one way for the other on address or name.
[] Plan: Who Wants to Live Forever?
-[ ] [HQ] A Promoted First Sergeant
-[ ] [Trait] Old Grudge. You have particular hatred for certain foes when you take the field.
-[ ] [Title] "(Rank)"
-[ ] [Name] Juan "Johnny" Rico

I woulda picked Old Grudge if I had guarantees the chosen enemy was Tyranids. :V

@Celeshiro If I can pick Tyranids for the Old Grudge trait, just say the word. For the background, I suppose we can say Rico and his family used their wealth and connections to escape from a world that eventually fell to the 'Nids.

Edit: Changed to Old Grudge. Def gonna pick Nids. :V
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sir pens are for the commoners of poor blood, not us good sons and daughters of scintilla we only use high quality quills taken from the most exotic creature of the imperium.
Common Warhammer Stats New
Basic rundown of stuff if you don't know how to read Warhammer stats:

Movement (M): Basically how far the unit moves regularly. Does not include stuff like Advancing (making a bonus move) or Charging (getting stuck into melee).
Weapon Skill (WS): How skilled the unit is in melee combat. Has to roll above this result to hit, 2+ is the lowest it'll go.
Ballistic Skill (BS): How good the unit is at shooting. Same thing as WS rules, just now with shooting.

Strength (S): How strong the unit is on its own. Important to note that this can change when using weapons. Higher is better.
Toughness (T): How durable this unit is to withstanding attacks. Higher is better chance of shrugging off hits.

Wounds (W): How many times this unit can take injuries before being downed in battle. Don't run out.
Attacks (A): How often this unit can attack in melee. Higher is better.
Leadership (Ld): How well this unit's morale normally is. Higher is better to keep folks from deserting.

Save (Sv): How good this unit's armor is to avoid getting wounded. It has to roll higher than this number to avoid taking a wound, so lower is better with 2+ being the best. This one gets modified by AP.
Invulnerable (Inv): Some units have an alternative ability to ignore wounds if their armor gets shredded for one reason or another.

Range (Rng): How far this weapon can attack away from.
Type (Type): What category of attack this weapon falls under, if any, and how many attacks it gets to make with it.
Armor Penetration (AP): How good this weapon is at penetrating through armor. Negatives is better, it applies to the target's saving throws.
Damage (D): How much damage a single attack from this unit can inflict if successful.
- Yeah, you didn't roll the amazing warlord traits this time. But they can still be good in the right situation, given that you do have a pretty insane Regimental Doctrine. Your lasguns are bloody terrifying.
As someone who's very unfamiliar with the tabletop, how much does that extra 4" to range help us? From what I read it's more useful on the shorter range stuff like meltas or flamers.
@Celeshiro If I can pick Tyranids for the Old Grudge trait, just say the word. For the background, I suppose we can say Rico and his family used their wealth and connections to escape from a world that eventually fell to the 'Nids.
Old Grudge works for all factions. You choose a unit from the enemy army before you deploy, then you get to reroll all Wounds to it from friendly Astra Militarum units within 6" of ya.
As someone who's very unfamiliar with the tabletop, how much does that extra 4" to range help us? From what I read it's more useful on the shorter range stuff like meltas or flamers.
The 8e codex I'm reading from (and pretty sure it is 8e, I've made that mistake before), it's an extra 6" to all Rapid Fire and Heavy weapons that normally have 24" or more.

This includes Lasguns.

Your Lasguns will now roll double their attacks at 15" instead of 12"
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Old Grudge works for all factions. You choose a unit from the enemy army before you deploy, then you get to reroll all Wounds to it from friendly Astra Militarum units within 6" of ya.

The 8e codex I'm reading from (and pretty sure it is 8e, I've made that mistake before), it's an extra 6" to all Rapid Fire and Heavy weapons that normally have 24" or more.

This includes Lasguns.

Your Lasguns will now roll double their attacks at 15" instead of 12"

Excellent. Nids it is!
Considering how many are very unfamiliar with 8e tabletop, allow me to talk a bit about the value of each HQ choice.

Major is a very powerful support character, having not just access to Voice of Command (the IG officer ability to order bonus attacks from nearby infantry), they can have Senior Officer which enables them to do it twice per turn. They begin with a Power Sword which enables them to hit hard in a pinch, but they do have lower endurance compared to the others. Still, if you want to be the next Creed, it's probably the best path.

First Sergeant isn't as support based in comparison, but they hit hard. Like really hard, with a Hellgun that benefits from the Vostroyan doctrine. The accuracy does go down if they move but if they can set up, expect them and their attached unit to shred at range. Getting drawn into melee though will expose the lack of a dedicated melee weapon for now.

Commandant was an inspired homebrew I cooked up from mixing the idea of Napoleonic cavalry with that found from Krieg. They can move about fast and do have a variety of things to cook with, but they are more skirmishers than hard cavalry right now. Maybe later they could be upgraded into a specialty, but otherwise just a Laspistol and some grenades are going to limit how effective they are (especially given they cannot benefit themselves from Voice of Command since they are cavalry, not infantry).

Commissar-Captain is probably not popular for obvious reasons, but it does have arguments. While they don't have Voice of Command like the others which is pretty significant, they support in other ways by providing a passive leadership aura when nearby. This is critical because while folks do meme about how determined IG can be, the tabletop reality is that they can break pretty easily if they start losing models. Summary Execution also limits how many break at one time if nearby, hence why they're going to likely be upfront getting stuck in.
[] Plan: Deepstrike Doctrine
-[] [HQ] An Upstart Commandant
-[] [Trait] Old Grudge. You have particular hatred for certain foes when you take the field.
-[] [Title] "(Rank)"
-[] [Name] Ernest Lilian Mikael Roch Abasolo-Bourreau

Mobility as combined with Old Grudge means we can target down troublesome enemies and deal with them swiftly and then deal with that decision. Also I wanted a long name because nobility deserves a mouthful, so 4 first names and than two surnames. I think having some fun with it is just nice and its fun to play with the some of the absurdity that is 40k and well just history itself.
[X] Plan: Her Ladyship
-[X] [HQ] A Commissioned Major
-[X] [Trait] Implacable Determination. When you march, others join you so.
-[X] [Title] "Ma'am."
-[X] [Name] Lady Gwendolyn Starcrest

[X] Plan: Sergeant Rock
-[X] [HQ] A Promoted First Sergeant
-[X] [Trait] Implacable Determination. When you march, others join you so.
-[X] [Title] "Sir."
-[X] [Name] Richart Langre
[X] Plan: Deepstrike Doctrine
-[X] [HQ] An Upstart Commandant
-[X] [Trait] Old Grudge. You have particular hatred for certain foes when you take the field.
-[X] [Title] "(Rank)"
-[X] [Name] Ernest Lilian Mikael Roch Abasolo-Bourreau
[X] Plan: Her Ladyship
-[X] [HQ] A Commissioned Major
-[X] [Trait] Implacable Determination. When you march, others join you so.
-[X] [Title] "Ma'am."
-[X] [Name] Lady Gwendolyn Starcrest

[X] Plan: Wild Stallion
-[X] [HQ] An Upstart Commandant
-[X] [Trait] Implacable Determination. When you march, others join you so.
-[X] [Title] "Sir."
-[X] [Name] Robert Goldcrest
[X] Plan: Her Ladyship
-[X] [HQ] A Commissioned Major
-[X] [Trait] Implacable Determination. When you march, others join you so.
-[X] [Title] "Ma'am."
-[X] [Name] Lady Gwendolyn Starcrest
Voting will open in 7 hours, 53 minutes and close in 2 days, 10 hours