Voting is open for the next 1 day, 9 hours
Terrain Markers
A list of various terrain markers on the battlefield, along with their stated effect. This is an extensive list that will undoubtedly grew with new landscapes and scenery, so check back often when you see something you don't realize.

Totally not the same assets as my other stuff.
A building for infantry to take and hold.
Infantry units here gain a +1 Cover save. Can block Line of Sight for all units. Cannot be crossed by vehicles.
A simple and sometimes improvised barrier meant to provide some cover.
Infantry units here gain a +1 Cover save. Units engage in fighting here do not count as being 1" with the enemy.
Light foliage that shields smaller bodies from hostile attacks.
All units here gain a +1 Cover save. Subtract 2" from units charging across this terrain.
Ruins of something grand, now nothing but brick and rubble.
Infantry units here gain a +1 Cover save. Subtract 2" from units charging across this terrain.
Rebellion on Otra Prime (2)
[X] [Objective] Flank the invasion. Fifth Battalion can get stuck straight into the heart of the battlefield where they thrive. Get ready for a hot drop, and start showing why the Guard is the Hammer.

Valkyries belonging to the 59th Moebian would serve as the troop transports of the day, well-worn flyers in the hands of experienced pilots that knew the ins and outs of their machine. The trouble was that there was ever a chronic shortage of them, never enough to both handle close air support and transport duties at the same time. So more cargo space would simply have to be made in the form of attaching massive cargo containers that each Valkyrie would latch onto and carry planetside.

Soldiers of Scintillia, wearing their proud and crisp uniforms, lined up to board these metal boxes in disciplined lined ranks. They would be almost packed like sardines within, standing straight up all the while and having only a simple handrail above to grip onto for the journey below. But such conditions were borne stoically, every one of them knowing that the minor discomfort was going to be the least of their concerns for the next few days.

You watched Fifth Battalion get loaded up, then turned to board the actual passenger compartment of a Valkyrie that was situated above the latched container. Here you and your command squad had actual seats, a benefit of rank, and you strapped yourself into one of them. A moment later, you felt the aircraft rumble with its engines roaring up and soon, you watched Back by Forty fade in the distance from one of the side windows.

Then you turned to survey your command squad, handpicked veterans all who would guard your life with theirs. Corporal Gauin and Trooper Croix were busy reading dataslates, the contents of which you pretended to be unaware of. Warrant Officer Vernau was praying, a golden aquila grasped tightly in one hand. Trooper Millix caught your eye and instinctively moved to salute, only to catch herself in time. She was the newest one to join the command squad, her replacement having succumbed to the blow of an Ork Choppa.

At least you avenged them by gutting that Ork yourself with the power sword at your hip. You pressed your hand briefly against it, the final gift from your parents upon your enlistment with the Imperial Guard. Idly, you wondered how they were doing, if perhaps Scintillia was even still standing in the wake of this maelstrom which had crashed into the Imperium. A moment later, you shook your head and decided to better occupy your mind than think of such distracting thoughts.

You rose from your seat and squeezed into the cockpit of the Valkyrie. The pilot and navigator noticed you with curt nods, then returned their focus on their work. You noticed that there was a feed that connected to the attached cargo container, giving you a glimpse of how the troops were faring down below. It was admittedly hard to make out anything given the smoke that wafted about from lit lho stubs that stuck out of many mouths, a likely noxious stench wafting about the compartment. Unsurprisingly, most seemed unconcerned with it and those who did took deep swigs from their cartons that were likely filled with diluted wine.

In short, they were doing fine, and ready to go whenever.

That was a balm to your worries and you relaxed, slightly. There still was a battle ahead that would be the trial by fire for your leadership and you closed your eyes, whispering a prayer to the God-Emperor. Maybe Him on Terra would be gracious enough to bless you, to see your first command survive and endure whatever you faced down below. Or maybe He had much bigger worries at hand, what with Cicatrix Maledictum likely throwing everything in disarray. If so, then so be it.

You'd just make sure to protect humanity however you could.

Your eyes opened up and there was the city of Kotrius, right beyond the cockpit glass. The navigator nodded and opened up a radio channel to speak into. The pilot meanwhile talked to you, explaining in choppy sentences their schedule. 'The ones going into the city will strafe the outside on their way in. We' be dropping right afterwards. Get ready."

He punctuated the statement with a slam of the button that turned the lights red inside both the passenger and cargo bays. Immediately, the soldiers below spat and smothered their lho stubs, grinding out the flames with polished boots. Then a different sort of fire was produced, power cells containing the energy of miniature hells being slammed into lasguns in preparation. Officers leading them did the same with their laspistols while also checking the power packs of their chainswords, taking care to not yet draw them out.

A glance back to where your command squad was revealed similar actions underway, each of the veteran troopers powering up their mastercraft firearm and giving their uniforms a final once over. Some of them reached up to adjust in place their hat wigs, tucking in any sort of unseemly natural hair beneath those powdered strands. You unconsciously mimicked the gesture to make sure only those fake blonde curls stuck out. It wouldn't do to fight so inelegantly.

The sound of missiles firing drew your attention back to what was happening outside, just in time to witness intense flares of light dot the area outside the city. The crew of the Valkyrie gave dark chuckles before sobering up to focus on finding a good spot to land. The navigator glanced over to you and realization struck, they were wordlessly asking you for input. You craned your head further and surveyed the area, trying to figure out the best place to order them to put the first wave of troops down at.

Briefing: The enemy has been stunned and shocked by the sudden flanking assault on their invasion. Take to the field and make sure they don't recover in time. Expect primarily infantry with light vehicle support. You are attacking and will go first.

Victory Points:
Each side will score a victory point for every model eliminated. Secondary Objectives at (Sector 2, C4) and (Sector 3, E5) are worth 15 points each if controlled at the end of the engagement.

Deploy your units!

[ ] Plan ____
-[ ] Command Squad
--[ ] Hex
-[ ] Squad
--[ ] Hex
-[ ] Squad
--[ ] Reserve

Deployments: 4
Reserves: 2

-[ ] Command Squad Nero
--[ ] Hex
-[ ] Squad Unitus
-[ ] Squad Deuces
-[ ] Squad Tretium
-[ ] Squad Quites
-[ ] Squad Cintus
-[ ] Squad Sequet

Choose five (5) stratagems. Max two (2) Scenario stratagems. Max two (2) Regiment stratagems.

[ ] Plan ____
-[ ] Stratagem
-[ ] Stratagem
-[ ] Stratagem
-[ ] Stratagem
-[ ] Stratagem

-[ ] Valkyrie Guns (2 CP). Signal for a gun run on a target unit. A Valkyrie attacks the target with a multi-las ranged attack. Must be activated at start of turn.

-[ ] Forward March (2 CP). Sweep the enemy from the field! A unit Advances a full 6" without rolling.

-[ ] Sudden Hammer (2 CP). Take advantage of the surprise assault. A target enemy does not gain Cover saves until the end of the Shooting phase.

-[ ] Take Cover (1 CP). All Troopers, hit the dirt! A targeted unit gains a +1 Cover save until end of Shooting phase.

-[ ] Inspired Orders (1 CP). In the Guard, follow the one with the most stars. An officer can immediately issue an additional command after their last one.

-[ ] To the Last (1 CP). Prove yourself worthy of the pin, Sergeant. An infantry squad may roll using a d3 instead of d6 in the Morale phase.

-[ ] Loose Grenadiers (1 CP). Ready grenades! Hurl! An infantry squad may use all Grenade weapons instead of only one when in Shooting or Overwatch.

-[ ] Experienced Eye (1 CP). Show them why experience matters over rank, Veterans. A Veteran squad in the Shooting phase increases -1 AP to all their weapons.

-[ ] Vaulter Precision (1 CP). Chosen and Blooded! A Vaulter unit gains a +1 to Hit for the Shooting phase this turn.

-[ ] Fate Point (1 CP). Sometimes, the gods are amused. Reroll a friendly dice roll.

-[ ] Indomitable Bravery (2 CP). The time to run is gone, now is the time to stand. A unit automatically pass a morale test. Must be activated before a morale test.

-[ ] Heroic Intervention (2 CP). Acts of daring are at home on the battlefield. A unit led by a character within 3" of a friendly unit in a fight may join in the Fight phase.

-[ ] Counter Charge (3 CP). Meet the enemy with equal fury in close combat. A targeted unit strikes first in the Fight phase after an enemy has charged. Must be activated on enemy charge.

- And here we go, already straight in.
- Each tile on the map represents a space of about 3" (rounding down) so your infantry as an example would move 6" (2 tiles) without Advancing or Charging. In that vein, thanks to your doctrine, your lasguns have a reach of 30" (10 tiles) and at 15" (5 tiles), you roll double your attacks. Yeah, that's a lot of dice...
-Each unit will only occupy one tile at a time. Both because of squad space and my sanity.
- Similarly for my sanity, we're going to cap five stratagems available per battle. Do note that as is, you have 4 CP in battle that does not replenish. Don't worry about specifying when a stratagem will be activated, I'll handle it based on the importance of the matter at hand.
- The blue zone is your deployment zone, so you can deploy up to four units in that space. The rest will be reserves that have a chance of arriving later. Note that you could choose to not field yourself, but I would strongly advise against it. Having no Officers sort of gimps the Guard (and stick close to them to make use of the orders).
- Two plans please, one for your deployment and the other for your stratagems.

16 hour moratorium to load lasguns.
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How light is light vehicle support? Are we talking like technicals? Civvie vroom vrooms with makeshift support weapon mounts? Or are we facing light AFVs? Do we have anti-armor weaponry currently? Even just anti-armor grenades at least.

If we're facing something like a Chimera equivalent, and without antitank grenades or anti-vehicle weapons, we might have to spend CP on a Valkyrie strike.

If no true armor threats, I suggest stratagems supporting momentum and initiative. We have the enemy on the backfoot, we need to capitalize on that.

Sudden Hammer (2CP) does just this, boosted with Experience Eye (1CP) increase the number of attacks we make and Vaulter Precision (1CP) to make sure we maximize the effect of each attack.

But our CP doesnt replenish, I assume until the next battle, but I have to ask, is there going to be another phase to this battle? Should we save CP for that?
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attaching massive cargo containers that each Valkyie would latch onto and carry planetside.
Then you turned to survey your command squad, handpicked veterans all who would guard your life with theirs. Corporal Gauin and Trooper Croix were busy reading dataslates, the contents of which you pretended to be unaware of. Warrant Officer Vernau was praying, a golden aquila grasped tightly in one hand. Trooper Millix caught your eye and instinctively moved to salute, only to catch herself in time. She was the newest one to join the command squad, her replacement having succumbed to the blow of an Ork Choppa.
Lets hope they make it past the day.
At least you avenged them by gutting that Ork yourself with the power sword at your hip. You pressed your hand briefly against it, the final gift from your parents upon your enlistment with the Imperial Guard.
That sword is going to be useful. It makes us the anti-tank option.
Some of them reached up to adjust in place their hat wigs, tucking in any sort of unseemly natural hair beneath those powdered strands. You unconsciously mimicked the gesture to make sure only those fake blonde curls stuck out. It wouldn't do to fight so inelegantly.
Good thing we're not fighting Orks. They'd go straight for the hat wigs.
In that vein, thanks to your doctrine, your lasguns have a reach of 30" (10 tiles) and at 15" (5 tiles), you roll double your attacks. Yeah, that's a lot of dice...
Very nice.
How light is light vehicle support? Are we talking like technicals? Civvie vroom vrooms with makeshift support weapon mounts? Or are we facing light AFVs? Do we have anti-armor weaponry currently? Even just anti-armor grenades at least.
It's improvised civilian vehicles, and not rugged ones at that. Penal colony doesn't have much in the good stuff.
But our CP doesnt replenish, I assume until the next battle, but I have to ask, is there going to be another phase to this battle? Should we save CP for that?
You just pick the stratagems, the CP gets spent during the battle on them automatically.
The funny thing is that we can start shooting at them immediately from the very edge of our deployment zone. Probably not a good idea since if they have regular lasguns, they can can just move up two spaces and start shooting back. But still funny none the less. Speaking of which, I really need to find more info on what 8th edition weapons they might have and the stats of those.
The funny thing is that we can start shooting at them immediately from the very edge of our deployment zone. Probably not a good idea since if they have regular lasguns, they can can just move up two spaces and start shooting back. But still funny none the less. Speaking of which, I really need to find more info on what 8th edition weapons they might have and the stats of those.
They're rocking whatever they could steal in a penal colony, so it's definitely nothing like hot-shots. Those are nasty.
You know what screw it I'm gonna make a plan

[] Plan: FASTER!
-[ ] Command Squad
--[ ] Hex E7
-[ ] Squad Unitus
--[ ] Hex E8
-[ ] Squad Deuces
--[ ] Hex D7
-[ ] Squad Tretium
--[ ] Hex F7
-[ ] Squad Quites
--[ ] Reserve
-[ ] Squad Cintus
--[ ] Reserve
-[ ] Squad Sequet
--[ ] Reserve

[] Plan: For Scintillia!
-[ ] Forward March (2 CP). Sweep the enemy from the field! A unit Advances a full 6" without rolling.
-[ ] Experienced Eye (1 CP). Show them why experience matters over rank, Veterans. A Veteran squad in the Shooting phase increases -1 AP to all their weapons.
-[ ] Vaulter Precision (1 CP). Chosen and Blooded! A Vaulter unit gains a +1 to Hit for the Shooting phase this turn.
-[ ] Valkyrie Guns (2 CP). Signal for a gun run on a target unit. A Valkyrie attacks the target with a multi-las ranged attack. Must be activated at start of turn.
-[ ] Fate Point (1 CP). Sometimes, the gods are amused. Reroll a friendly dice roll.


Is the deployment plan valid because it says that we can deploy 4 units and can keep 2 in reserve but we have 7 units?
[x] Plan: FASTER!
-[x] Command Squad
--[x] Hex E7
-[x] Squad Unitus
--[x] Hex E8
-[x] Squad Deuces
--[x] Hex D7
-[x] Squad Tretium
--[x] Hex F7
-[x] Squad Quites
--[x] Reserve
-[x] Squad Cintus
--[x] Reserve

[x] Plan: For Scintillia!
-[x] Forward March (2 CP). Sweep the enemy from the field! A unit Advances a full 6" without rolling.
-[x] Experienced Eye (1 CP). Show them why experience matters over rank, Veterans. A Veteran squad in the Shooting phase increases -1 AP to all their weapons.
-[x] Vaulter Precision (1 CP). Chosen and Blooded! A Vaulter unit gains a +1 to Hit for the Shooting phase this turn.
-[x] Valkyrie Guns (2 CP). Signal for a gun run on a target unit. A Valkyrie attacks the target with a multi-las ranged attack. Must be activated at start of turn.
-[x] Fate Point (1 CP). Sometimes, the gods are amused. Reroll a friendly dice roll.

All right this should be good. I just think our guys should stick together so we can give orders to them. I also put us equidistance between the two control points so we can decide where to go based on the results of the shooting or after deployment. I also deployed only veterans so we could use experienced eye on any unit and I have us forward march to make it to the objectives quicker.
[X] Plan: Lead by Example
-[X] Command Squad
--[X] Hex H4
-[X] Squad Unitus
--[X] Hex G6
-[X] Squad Cintus
--[X] Hex I4
-[X] Squad Sequet
--[X] Hex H4
-[X] Squad Dauces
--[X] Reserve
-[X] Squad Treteium
--[X] Reserve

[X] Plan: Kill Them Before They Kill You
-[X] Forward March (2 CP). Sweep the enemy from the field! A unit Advances a full 6" without rolling.
-[X] Valkyrie Guns (2 CP). Signal for a gun run on a target unit. A Valkyrie attacks the target with a multi-las ranged attack. Must be activated at start of turn.
-[X] Take Cover (1 CP). All Troopers, hit the dirt! A targeted unit gains a +1 Cover save until end of Shooting phase.
-[X] Vaulter Precision (1 CP). Chosen and Blooded! A Vaulter unit gains a +1 to Hit for the Shooting phase this turn.
-[X] Fate Point (1 CP). Sometimes, the gods are amused. Reroll a friendly dice roll.

First, this is the perfect time to get our inexperienced squads bloodied and gain some experience, since we'll be facing poorly armed rabble, so deploying the two regular squads with Command and elite squads, while having two elites in reserve. Also positioning them at the southern part of the deployment zone so that we can get moving to the southern SO while taking advantage of the plentiful cover near it, while our enemies would have to march through mostly open area east of the SO 2. And QM said it would be bad for us to split too far.

For stratagems, since we're facing poorly armed penal colony rabble with at best converted civilian vehicles, getting extra armor piercing is not important right now, so changed it for getting more cover in case we get caught in the open or surprise enemy reinforcements. And in worst case, we can call in Valkyrie and multilas anything big.
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Another benefit of keeping close enough to issue orders to your squads? As the Scintillia are Vostroyan mechanically, they also get a unique order in addition to the regular IG set, and hoo boy, it makes your lot great at close combat. Repel the Enemy orders your Infantry unit to, even while they're locked in melee combat, fire all their weapons at point-blank range.

I mean, I'll still take it slow starting out to gauge how the systems all work. But at some point, your Veterans could probably take a full 10 squad of CSM and come out swinging with good rolls. That's why it's so fun.
If this ends up being a tie, I will remind folks that las-locks do exist, and they are still in use. Scintilla already looks like Napoleonic line infantry, so the connection is there...
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Oct 20, 2024 at 12:36 AM, finished with 10 posts and 4 votes.

  • [x] Plan: FASTER!
    -[x] Command Squad
    --[x] Hex E7
    -[x] Squad Unitus
    --[x] Hex E8
    -[x] Squad Deuces
    --[x] Hex D7
    -[x] Squad Tretium
    --[x] Hex F7
    -[x] Squad Quites
    --[x] Reserve
    -[x] Squad Cintus
    [x] Plan: For Scintillia!
    -[x] Forward March (2 CP). Sweep the enemy from the field! A unit Advances a full 6" without rolling.
    -[x] Experienced Eye (1 CP). Show them why experience matters over rank, Veterans. A Veteran squad in the Shooting phase increases -1 AP to all their weapons.
    -[x] Vaulter Precision (1 CP). Chosen and Blooded! A Vaulter unit gains a +1 to Hit for the Shooting phase this turn.
    -[x] Valkyrie Guns (2 CP). Signal for a gun run on a target unit. A Valkyrie attacks the target with a multi-las ranged attack. Must be activated at start of turn.
    -[x] Fate Point (1 CP). Sometimes, the gods are amused. Reroll a friendly dice roll.
    [X] Plan: Lead by Example
    -[x] Command Squad
    --[X] Hex H4
    -[x] Squad Unitus
    --[X] Hex G6
    -[x] Squad Cintus
    --[X] Hex I4
    -[X] Squad Sequet
    -[X] Squad Dauces
    --[x] Reserve
    -[X] Squad Treteium
    [X] Plan: Kill Them Before They Kill You
    -[x] Forward March (2 CP). Sweep the enemy from the field! A unit Advances a full 6" without rolling.
    -[x] Valkyrie Guns (2 CP). Signal for a gun run on a target unit. A Valkyrie attacks the target with a multi-las ranged attack. Must be activated at start of turn.
    -[X] Take Cover (1 CP). All Troopers, hit the dirt! A targeted unit gains a +1 Cover save until end of Shooting phase.
    -[x] Vaulter Precision (1 CP). Chosen and Blooded! A Vaulter unit gains a +1 to Hit for the Shooting phase this turn.
    -[x] Fate Point (1 CP). Sometimes, the gods are amused. Reroll a friendly dice roll.
A tie on the first/tutorial battle. Well, I promised, ya'll now are getting your lasguns revoked and replaced with single shot las-locks.

I'm joking, they're genuinely terrible.

I'll just roll two d2s to figure out which of the batches will go with for each.
Celeshiro threw 2 2-faced dice. Total: 4
2 2 2 2
Rebellion on Otra Prime (3)
[X] Plan: Lead by Example
[X] Plan: Kill Them Before They Kill You

Today was supposed to be the promised day.

That was the thought that echoed throughout the assorted rebels, what spurred them on to commit sedition and treason against the Imperium. From stealing equipment to raiding settlements, that had been the belief that pushed them on. It was what justified every single crime committed, every town put to the torch, every non-sympathizer shot in the back of the head.

All for the day where their people could finally earn the respect they deserved in the only language these unblessed could understand- violence. And if they still didn't respond? Then the solution was painfully simple: elimination of everybody else. There wouldn't be any more mistreatment of lessers if there was only one people to inhabit the planet.

The uprising now was the culmination of this fervent ideology, each and every believer in the cause doing their utmost to make it true. While their comrades attacked critical infrastructure and military targets elsewhere, the group here was meant to take and capture this city as a message. A demonstration that no longer would they slink in the shadows, hiding away from the Arbites trying to capture and drag them back to the labor camps. No longer would they suffer a life of servitude, digging ores in the name of some worthless humans dying elsewhere. No longer would they tolerate being labeled different, for mutations beyond their control.

There would be no more difference when all others were eradicated and they ruled.

Today was supposed to be the promised day. Where we show that you are either with us, or you die like the rest.

The walls of the city did hold out a bit, but fell to the blasting charges they had bought. The PDF response was spread thin across everywhere, so there was little stopping them from charging in to begin their long-awaited work. The rebels poured though the breach, firing stolen autoguns about to cause terror and panic among the civilian laborers and prisoners. Perhaps some would be enticed to join, but too many still placed a deluded faith in that with good service shall come release. Such delusion was pointless and stupid, in the eyes of these rebels.

There was no point in hoping for a better future if you weren't willing to kill for it, in their opinion, and they would show it so.

As more and more were either forcibly recruited at gunpoint or gunned down, feelings of elation and excitment overtook the invaders. Everything was going to plan everywhere, and it looked for a moment like the defenders were about to collapse. That this dream was about to become true.

Then the scream of rockets filled the air and the remaining attackers outside the wall vanished in great screaming balls of fire.

Over the heads of rebels swept gunships that they had only heard whispers of but never seen before, flying angels that seemed to spit death with every weapon firing forth. They faltered but rallied swiftly, guns turning upwards and firing wildly to try and shoot them down. Bullets pinged off the canopies and some seemed to even withdraw, causing a resurgence of morale among the rebels. But they weren't withdrawing out of the fight.

They were withdrawing to drop their cargo before any further risk came to them. It wouldn't do for the soldiers to die while still in the air to these rebels. No, the 99th Scintillia Grenadiers deserved a chance to get their boots on the ground and fight to defend the city as best they could.

Today was supposed to be the promised day. If the Imperial Guard didn't show up.


You held your breath when you felt the Valkyrie of the 59th Moebian swap into its alternative hover mode, sacrificing speed for precision. It was easier to shoot down now if any anti-air element focused on it, but the rebels seemed to still be recovering from the strafing runs. Or perhaps they didn't have any such dedicated vehicles, which wouldn't be too surprising. The PDF didn't have many Hydras according to intelligence reports, relying more on their fighters for aerial security. That meant the rebels didn't get a chance to steal them in great numbers.

Either way, it meant the Valkyrie was coming down slowly and gently. When the safe height was reached, the navigator looked your way, the question clear in their hidden face. You gave a single affirming nod and they reached out to grasp a lever. With a heavy clunk, it was pulled back.

And the cargo container the aircraft was carrying was released.

They felt it, the moment they dropped. All lights inside winked out at once, leaving only the glow of lasguns to illuminate the space. It cast dark shadows on each and every one of their faces, understanding that death could very well await them the moment they touched the ground. It was only through whatever courage they had mustered at the moment that they remained focused and tensed for whatever came next.

The container slammed into the dirt and the explosive bolts fired, blowing apart the walls at the seams. The metal sheets jutted out before falling over, laying flat for the soldiers to charge over and onto the ground. Already there was sporadic and random bullet fire from where their enemy was firing randomly, trying to hit any target outside effective range.

Fifth Battalion was unphased and simply began to form up. Sergeants activated chainswords and raised them into the air, calling loudly for their squads to rally on them. Then when enough assembled, they turned and led the way into battle, looking almost entirely out of place with their regal and bright clothing. But even in war, Scintillians had pride, and they wore it proudly.

You felt the dry and warm air wash over you when the back of the Valkyrie's passenger bay opened up. The flier was close enough to the ground now to just hop off and the members of your command unit began to do so. You would have been the first one out, had it not been for the pilot catching your attention to give you a parting message.

"Emperor be with you, Major!"

You made the sign of the Aquila and stepped off into war.

Once you felt Otra Prime beneath you, you activated your short-range comm-bead. "All squads, this is Major Starcrest. Status report!" Each of them immediately responded with ready status and you nodded. "Remember, our goal today is to show these rebels that this is an Imperial city we will protect! We are the noble, the chosen who will fight for those who cannot! Prepare to attack and drive them out, in the name of the Golden Throne! For Scintillia! For Terra! And for Otra Prime!"

- Forward March (2 CP). Sweep the enemy from the field! A unit Advances a full 6" without rolling.

- Valkyrie Guns (2 CP). Signal for a gun run on a target unit. A Valkyrie attacks the target with a multi-las ranged attack. Must be activated at start of turn.

- Take Cover (1 CP). All Troopers, hit the dirt! A targeted unit gains a +1 Cover save until end of Shooting phase.

- Vaulter Precision (1 CP). Chosen and Blooded! A Vaulter unit gains a +1 to Hit for the Shooting phase this turn.

- Fate Point (1 CP). Sometimes, the gods are amused. Reroll a friendly dice roll.

-[ ] [Squad] Command Squad Nero (5/5 Strength)
--Current Location: Sector 1 H4

-[ ] [Squad] Squad Unitus (10/10 Strength)
--Current Location: Sector 1 G6


-[ ] [Squad] Squad Cintus (10/10 Strength)
--Current Location: Sector 1 I4
-[ ] [Squad] Squad Sequet (10/10 Strength)
--Current Location: Sector 1 H5


Issue Commands up to your CP maximum (4)

[ ] Plan ______
-[ ] Command Squad
--[ ] Target Location
--[ ] Behavior
-[ ] Squad
--[ ] Target Location
--[ ] Behavior

--[ ] ASSAULT. Press forwards and drive them out, no matter the cost!

--[ ] ATTACK. Attack this position as best as possible, without taking too many risks.

--[ ] WITHDRAW. Give up ground if the enemy draws near, making them pay for every bit they take.

- Just realized the unit markers currently block the terrain. Ugh, I'll shrink them down next time, this has taken long enough with me going so far as to customize them.
- So as you can see, you'll issue orders to each squad on what to focus and how you want them to fight. Each of these should be self-explanatory on what they will do, and I'll try my best to accommodate any particular details that can be worked in. Also note you can set a target location anywhere on the map, not just what a unit's regular movement stat is. They'll keep carrying out the order over turns unless you tell them otherwise.
- As mentioned before, I'll handle stratagem activation in the turns, so don't worry about those.

16 hour moratorium to make an order plan.
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Voting is open for the next 1 day, 9 hours