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Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Dec 20, 2024 at 1:21 AM, finished with 5 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Hold the Line!!!
    -[X] [Squad] Command Squad Nero (2/5 Strength)
    --[X] Sector 2 I1
    --[X] Attack
    -[X] [Squad] Squad Tretium (8/10 Strength)
    --[X] Sector 2 G2
    -[X] [Squad] Squad Cintus (10/10 Strength)
    --[X] Sector 2 I2
    [X] Plan: Fortify and Attack
    -[X] [Squad] Command Squad Nero (2/5 Strength) (M 6")
    --[X] Sector 2 G2
    --[X] Attack
    -[X] [Squad] Squad Tretium (8/10 Strength) (M 6")
    --[X] Sector 2 I2
    -[X] [Squad] Squad Quites (10/10 Strength) (M 6")
    --[X] Sector 4 E6
    -[X] [Squad] Ghost Squadron (5/6 Strength) (M 9")
    --[X]Sector 3 B1
    --[X] ASSAULT
I blame the Omnissiah.
Ghost Squadron attacks with 1 Missile Launcher (Frag Missile)!
Heavy d6 Attacks: 1
Sentinels hit on BS 4+
Hits: 0
Revoke that Enginseer's license to cook.
Rebellion on Otra Prime (17)
[X] Plan: Hold the Line!!!

You tapped your comm-bead and delivered Squad Tretium's new orders. "Trouttet, I need you to advance and secure a forward position to guard against the incoming attack. I'll go direct reinforcements to you shortly, but you need to break that assault. Do you hear me? Hold the line."

"Just another day in the Guard, then? We'll see it done, ma'am.'

"Major, what happens if our reinforcements don't get here in time?" Milix fretted once the acknowledgment was given. "We'd be the only ones to fend them all off if they get past the forward position."

"Then make sure you've got plenty of ammo. You're going to need it."

Squad Tretium Moves to Sector 2 G2

Command Squad Nero Moves to Sector 2 I2

Squad Cintus Moves to Sector 3 B3
Advance roll: 1
Squad Cintus Advances to Sector 3 A2

Squad Sequet Moves to Sector 3 B4
Advance roll: 4
Squad Sequet Advances to Sector 2 I3

Before Milix could panic and scramble to begin scrounging the fallen, the sound of footsteps drew near and you tensed. But it was a welcomed face, leading a fresh squad of Vaulters to join your position. "Ma'am!" Pinume looked relieved that you weren't yet a corpse. "You're alive!"

"I wasn't aware I was declared dead," you retorted and hissed when your leg injury flared up. "Report."

"Neginol's right behind us, he's a bit delayed from calling up medevac." They winced. "Might be too late though."

An explosive sigh threatened to escape from your lips, but you held it back at the last moment. Loss turned into anger. "We'll worry about it later. For now, get everybody ready to fire! I don't care if you're about to vomit from all the running, get guns up and on the enemy now!"

Squad Quites Attacks with 9 Lasguns! Veterans hit on BS 3+
Hits: 8
Lasgun S3 vs Rebel HWT T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 3
Rebel HWT has SV 6+, increased to 5+ via Cover
Saves: 0
Target Delta has lost one Rebel HWT and one Wound!

Ghost Squadron attacks with 1 Missile Launcher (Frag Missile)!
Heavy d6 Attacks: 1
Sentinels hit on BS 4+
Hits: 0

Surprisingly pinpoint and accurate fire from the afar managed to snipe an entire heavy weapons team in the building, the source being Squad Quites across the battlefield. They had good shots among them, able to use their masterfully crafted weapons to pick off targets from afar. If this was what they could do with lasguns, then one shuddered to imagine if they were given equipment such as long las. So long as it worked, that is.

It did not, for Ghost-3 when the missile pod opened to fire a single missile...and that was all when a coughing clack announced a jam. Said frag missile didn't even have the decency to land anywhere near the enemy target, detonating harmlessly a good distance away. Were the cockpit not enclosed, the sound of a vitriolic soldiers from Armageddon would surely echo across the battlefield.

As it was, your words filled the air instead. "Bring to guns to bear, get ready to lay down a fire to cover the forward position! Show them that Scintillia does not retreat! Fire!"

Trait: Senior Officer
Squad Sequet: Forwards, for the Emperor!
Squad Cintus: Forwards, for the Emperor!

Command Squad Nero Attacks with 1 Lasgun! Rapid Fire! Veterans hit on BS 3+
Hits: 0 +0 = 0

Squad Sequet Attacks with 9 Lasguns! Rapid Fire! Guardsmen hit on BS 4+
Hits: 3 +6 = 9
Lasgun S3 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 4
Rebel has SV 6+
Saves: 0
Target Charlie has lost 4 Rebels!

Squad Cintus Attacks with 9 Lasguns! Rapid Fire! Guardsmen hit on BS 4+
Hits: 5 +4 = 9
Lasgun S3 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 6
Rebel has SV 6+
Saves: 2
Target Charlie has lost 4 Rebels!

The aim of these Vaulters wasn't quite as good as the ones you had as lifeguards, but quantity was a quality in itself. At such close range, it was possible for troopers to just hold down the triggers and empty entire power cells into the enemy. The soft and squishy humans were given priority over the nimble and evasive Scarabs, a good call when the lasguns effectively cut down the mutants. Most of the squad was soon laying dead on the ground, their bodies riddled with smoldering holes.

Squad Tretium Attacks with 7 Lasguns and 1 Laspistol! Rapid Fire! Veterans hit on BS 3+
Hits: 4 +4 = 8
Lasgun S3 vs Scarab T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 4
Scarab has SV 6+
Saves: 0
Target Foxtrot has lost 1 Scarab Swarm!

Trouttet noticed the enemy squad decimation and raised his voice. "There's enough fire on those troops. We'll swap focus now to those Scarabs!" He raised his laspistol. "Try to predict where they're dodging, and don't worry if you miss! There's so many that you'll hit eventually!"

The decision was one made of solid logic that resulted in tangible success. The experienced eyes of Squad Tretium were able to hit the flying beetles with their Sergeant's advice, and the necrodermis of the constructs burned under the heat of the las volleys. Necron Scarabs were not meant for direct combat, and it showed with how easily they dropped.

Unstable Cause roll: 5
Target Delta has Morale 7
Morale check: 5 +1 (Lost) = 6

Unstable Cause roll: 2
Target Charlie has Morale 4
Morale check: 5 +8 (Lost) = 13
Target Charlie has broken and fled!

Target Foxtrot has Morale 10
Morale check: 2 +1 (Lost) = 3

A triumphant expression broke out on your face at the sight of the last rebel trooper crawling away in clear panic and fear. You shot them through the head anyway and cried out, "We have blunted their assault! Stay where you are, and destroy them all! Traitor or xeno, come at us, and come to die!"

99th Scintillia Grenadiers, Fifth Battalion: 118
Otra Prime Rebels, 3rd Company: 40
End Imperial Turn

Turn 6. Reinforcing on 3+
???: 2. Failed.
???: 2. Failed.

Target Foxtrot Moves to Sector 2 H4

It looked like there wasn't anything left the enemy could muster up and throw at you. That meant that the approaching of Scarabs were hopefully the last of the major threats to you. Though the supporting heavy weapons opened up to remind you of their damned presence when they raked your position with their fire.

Target Delta Attacks with 2 Autoguns! Rebel HWT hit on BS 5+
Hits: 1
Autogun S3 vs Guardsman T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 1
Guardsman has SV 5+, increased to 4+ via Cover
Saves: 1

Target Delta Attacks with 2 Heavy Stubbers (A3)! Rebel HWT hit on BS 5+
Hits: 4
Heavy Stubber S4 vs Guardsman T3. Wounding on 3+
Wounds: 3
Guardsman has SV 5+, increased to 4+ via Cover
Saves: 3

Rounds skipped and chipped away at the cover, sending fragments of masonry flying everywhere. That was all it did though, with the troopers knowing far better than to stick their heads out. They weathered the shots coming their way with incredible nerve and discipline, none tempted to run away from the gunfire coming down upon them. Only when it stopped for good did they emerge out, lasguns raised up and ready to fire into any charge. There was one exception among them though.

Sergeant Pinume grinned cheekily like naughty cat as they hurled a frag grenade without the pin at the incoming metal swarm.

Target Foxtrot Charges Squad Sequet! Overwatch!

Squad Sequet Attacks with 1 Frag Grenade!
Frage Grenade d6 Attacks: 6
Overwatch hits on 6+
Hits: 1
Frag Grenade S3 vs Scarab T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 0

Squad Sequet Attacks with 9 Lasguns! Rapid Fire! Overwatch hits on 6+
Hits: 3 +2 = 5
Lasgun S3 vs Scarab T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 3
Scarab has SV 6+
Saves: 0
Target Foxtrot has lost 1 Scarab Swarm!

Charge roll: 6. Success.

Target Foxtrot Attacks with 1 Feeder Mandibles (A 4)! Scarabs hit on WS 4+
Hits: 2
Scarab S3 vs Guardsman T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 1
Guardsman has SV 5+
Saves: 1

Squad Sequet Attacks with 1 Chainsword (A 2+1)! Sergeant hit on WS 4+
Hits: 0

Squad Sequet Attacks with 9 Bayonets! Guardsman hit on WS 4+
Hits: 4
Guardsman S3 vs Scarab T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 3
Scarab has SV 6+
Saves: 0
Target Foxtrot has been destroyed!

The explosive sailed through the air and through the clumps of metal insects, which immediately swerved away to evade the detonation. However, some of the quick-thinking troopers immediately raised their guns and fired away at the evading Scarabs, now trapped on a predictable path due to their emergency jink. Their burnt out shells clattered noisily to the ground, easily cutting down their numbers by half again when they reached the Imperial line.

Without hesitation, the Guardsmen lightly tossed their guns up to catch in a reverse grip before swinging. It wasn't elegant or recommended, especially by the artisans who maintained these weapons so, but the flat side of the lasgun's stock was perfect for covering more area to smack at the Scarabs. They made a satisfying crack whenever these improvised clubs and bats connected, followed by rapid stamping by the troopers. There weren't any left soon, with only a few reported nibbles at their flak armor.

99th Scintillia Grenadiers, Fifth Battalion: 162
Otra Prime Rebels, 3rd Company: 40
End Rebel Turn​

(Battle Continues (Turn 7): 3)

(Battle Flow: 11 +30 (Heroic Victory) = 41)

The enemy watched their trump card be overturned in a heartbeat, and apparently decided that was the final straw for them. They turned and ran back into the fortress, abandoning their weapons where they were. You were about to order soldiers forward when your comm-bead buzzed. "Fifth Battalion, do you read me? What is your status?"

It was the Lieutenant-General. "This is Starcrest! We've taken the anti-air emplacements and drove the enemy back! We're about to press forward into the fortress."

"Negative, Major," they coldly ordered. "Hold your position, do not advance. Repeat, do not advance or engage further. The 59th Moebian have taken crippling losses and can no longer push further, nor are we confident anymore with the Necrons in play. Taking the fortress is no longer the objective- it is containment."

You winced, realizing that it sounded like you had taken the anti-air guns too late. But neither did it sound like a general retreat. "Fifth Battalion will stand down," you finally made out. "We'll hold our ground until we are relieved."

"Good. I'm sending 1st Battalion to cycle you out. Prepare for debriefing upon your return."

To be continued.

- Well, in the end, you did win the fight but the overall battle is more like a pyrrhic victory all across. Which means that it's your average Astra Militarum morning.
- At least there might be a familiar face coming up soon if you're familiar with my other quests.
Before Milix could panic and scramble to begin scrounging the fallen, the sound of footsteps drew near and you tensed. But it was a welcomed face, leading a fresh squad of Vaulters to join your position. "Ma'am!" Pinume looked relieved that you weren't yet a corpse. "You're alive!"
"Death can have me when it earns me."
"Neginol's right behind us, he's a bit delayed from calling up medevac." They winced. "Might be too late though."
The important thing is, they're close enough to shoot.
Surprisingly pinpoint and accurate fire from the afar managed to snipe an entire heavy weapons team in the building, the source being Squad Quites across the battlefield.
At least we can trust them. Unlike some other unit I could mention.
Squad Tretium Attacks with 7 Lasguns and 1 Laspistol! Rapid Fire! Veterans hit on BS 3+
Hits: 4 +4 = 8
Lasgun S3 vs Scarab T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 4
Scarab has SV 6+
Saves: 0
Target Foxtrot has lost 1 Scarab Swarm!
Well, at least they took down some.
Unstable Cause roll: 2
Target Charlie has Morale 4
Morale check: 5 +8 (Lost) = 13
Target Charlie has broken and fled!
Rounds skipped and chipped away at the cover, sending fragments of masonry flying everywhere. That was all it did though, with the troopers knowing far better than to stick their heads out. They weathered the shots coming their way with incredible nerve and discipline, none tempted to run away from the gunfire coming down upon them.
Keep those heads down!
Without hesitation, the Guardsmen lightly tossed their guns up to catch in a reverse grip before swinging. It wasn't elegant or recommended, especially by the artisans who maintained these weapons so, but the flat side of the lasgun's stock was perfect for covering more area to smack at the Scarabs. They made a satisfying crack whenever these improvised clubs and bats connected, followed by rapid stamping by the troopers. There weren't any left soon, with only a few reported nibbles at their flak armor.
Holy shit, they actually killed them all.
"Negative, Major," they coldly ordered. "Hold your position, do not advance. Repeat, do not advance or engage further. The 59th Moebian have taken crippling losses and can no longer push further, nor are we confident anymore with the Necrons in play. Taking the fortress is no longer the objective- it is containment."
Ooof, that is bad.
I must say! That was an excellent turn! Oof, the moebians took a beating to say the least, I hope the ogryns (and the rest of their troopers of course) are ok.

So the next phase of this war zone is to contain the fortress given that necrons are involved, I think we will need some heavier support. Having an ogryn and heavy weapons squad will help out should we fight more direct necron troops than just scarab swarms.

During our resting phase, I must express once more than we find and strangle the engiseer who screwed with our sentinel.

Also a question DM, are we allowed to give squads individual upgrades so to speak? Like carapace armor, bionic limbs, extra equipment/weapons and so on and so forth.

Keep up the good work lad!
Holy shit, they actually killed them all.
I was admittedly kinda surprised that the Scarabs went down that quickly, but I guess it makes sense. They are just tomb groundskeeper after all.
Also a question DM, are we allowed to give squads individual upgrades so to speak? Like carapace armor, bionic limbs, extra equipment/weapons and so on and so forth.
That's the plan that you'll get the ability to customize/upgrade each squad as you want according to the equipment you take or acquire, or add new stuff to squads. You could even do rule modifications to really just have fun with making it very unique. It's just that you need to finish a 'campaign' first, and I'll say you're nearing one such point. Just keep at it.
Even an impossibly advanced multipurpose flying regenerating autonomous Roomba is, still, a Roomba.

Well won, lads! Unfortunately, our casualties were….
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Rebellion on Otra Prime (18)
Trooper Milix accompanied you on your way back to where Fifth Battalion was camped outside the fortress walls when the debriefing was over, and she looked completely out of her depth. It was a curios juxtaposition to her demeanor in the heat of battle, but war did so happen to have a way of making soldiers swallow their nerve to kill. Bereft of that excuse to stop thinking, the Vaulter was now a bit more conscious of how much attention came her way, what with being the only active lifeguard left from your escort squad. Hopefully it wouldn't stay that way, pending results from the medicae.

(59th Moebian: 41 -20 (Crippling Losses) = 21)
(407th Steel Legion: 1)

Your thoughts drifted away from the sorry state of your unit and towards the sorry state of Army Group Oster-1 now. The 59th Moebian had taken a horrific blow, losing far too many Valkyries to the fortress' anti-air defenses. Some of them even had passengers onboard them then, resulting in entire squads of elites and their auxiliaries being seared alive in a single flash of energy. Their commander, the one who had struck down the rebel leader in the first encounter, had been among the lost. Their death was going to be sorely felt for a while.

But that even that was only a minor setback compared to the near-total annihilation of the Tread Knights.

The trap meant to catch the rebel armor had been entirely turned about with the sudden involvement of the Necrons. According to the timestamps, not long after you reported their appearance did the slumbering xeno foe meddle again, this time in the ongoing armored battle out on the plains. In a flash of orange light, their forces suddenly appeared right in the middle and began their mindless slaughter. Imperial armor was no match for even their lowest troop, searing beams of energy rendering layers of protection into subatomic particles along with whatever else was hiding within them.

The result was a massacre when the 407th's command Baneblade was destroyed in the ambush and the chain of command collapsed. Only a few managed to make it back to the relative safety of the mountains, where crews ditched their vehicles on the mountain paths to run straight for the 99th Scintillia FOB. The Necrons seemed unwilling to pursue any further and just sated themselves on crushing whoever stayed to buy time, a rearguard of many for the few.

Among their survivors was Captain Frucht thankfully, the officer you had made contact with. He had severe burn wounds across his abdomen but was still dragging along the gunner of his tank when it went up. He would live, but he hadn't been aware that his gunner had already passed halfway through the trek back to friendly lines. Since then, there hadn't been others who made their way to safe, which was simply hammering in the death song of their regiment.

Your steps slowed when you arrived to the improvised vehicle pool that had been thrown together by Fifth Battalion, a temporary refuge for the single Sentinel that had accompanied you so far. Corporal Seltz was there, stripped to an undershirt but still wearing his gas mask to presumably cover his scars. He was grunting while he hammered away at the missile pod attached to his machine, that accursed weapon that malfunctioned so many times during the last battle.

When he was satisfied with whatever new dent he had made, he stepped out from under the walker and saluted stoically. You returned the gesture, then took your hat off in a respectful gesture. Almost all the Sentinel squadrons of the 407th never made it back. "I'm sorry whatever you may have lost."

"Ironic that I probably survived being attached to Fifth Battalion for the time being. But I don't think we can make that a permanent arrangement right now."

"Unfortunately not. From what it sounds like, the remnants are being consolidated into a special armored detachment to used about until we get word from the Lord Commander on what to do." You sighed and replaced your wig back onto your blonde curls. "Perhaps the Lieutenant-General can put in a word into having our regiments merge."

Setlz shifted uncomfortably before speaking, "I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to it, but we'd probably be suborned to you instead of a merge. We'd be trading in our Armageddon patches for those of Scintillia." He looked at his machine. "Though maybe the improved weapons would be appreciated. I saw what your guns did out there, and I honestly wouldn't mind having some of that."

"I'll have a chat with our artisans and see if they can't spare something for you." You extended a hand that the soldier took and firmly shook. "Until we meet again then. Emperor guide your steps, Corporal."

"And He safeguard you, Major." He made the sign of the aquila before getting back to work, reattaching the removed cover of the missile pod to begin packing up. Hopefully, you'd see Ghost-3 again one day, maybe even as a whole squadron.

+23 Requisition (210 +23 = 233 Requisition)

"Ma'am," Milix finally spoke up when you and her left the motor pool. "I don't wish to speak ill of the ongoing conflict, or dare suggest heresy...but we're not in a good place, are we? The 99th Scintillia are the only mostly intact unit after all our losses, but we can't possibly stand up to all those machines crawling out the ground. Can we?"

"Speaking nothing but the frank truth of the situation isn't falsehood, but practicality. So I'll be equally as honest and say that it definitely is quite a challenge, but one that we will surely overcome with the Emperor's blessing. That, and whatever else He sends our way to help." You casually looked about before lowering your voice. "Including machines of Mars that have just entered the system and heading towards the planet."

Your lifeguard stiffened. "The Mechanicus are coming?"

"They are, and they likely won't take kindly to the Necrons awakening. Whatever they bring can't be worst than what we're already dealing with."

Casualties: 5
- 5x Veterans

Choose up to three (3) Downtime actions to pass the time until the next battle.

-[ ] [Downtime] Wounded Care. Spend time and resources at the medicae, ensuring they have whatever is needed to get your soldiers patched up and ready for the next battle. -1 to Infantry Wounded roll.

-[ ] [Downtime] Attend Tribunal. For those who have dishonored themselves in battle, they must face military trials to determine if their actions warrant punishment. Your testimony could very well help determine the sentence. -1 to Infantry Deserted roll.

-[ ] [Downtime] Scavenge Battlefield. Pick through the enemy fallen and salvage their equipment, taking samples to hand over to the authorities for dissection and dissertation. Any insights could then be attributed to your unit. Gain Requisition equal to one random enemy unit defeated in battle.

-[ ] [Downtime] Local Specialties. Spend time about the locale you find yourself in and explore the environment. Perhaps you could find something interesting for your command. Add a temporary supply of a random item or unit to the Supply Bank.

-[ ] [Downtime] Inspirational Speech. Rally and bond with the soldiers in your command, insisting that you will be with them at every challenge ahead. Reassure them that together, you can overcome anything. Gain two (2) CP for the next battle. This does not increase your maximum CP count.

-[ ] [Downtime] Emergency Conscription. You have no choice, your ranks have grown so thin that you need to conscript bodies from your camp followers. Hopefully they can survive with some hasty training. Expend 60 Requisition immediately to recruit a Conscript squad for the next battle. If they survive, they will be refunded for half their cost.

-[ ] [Downtime] Petition Allies. Talk and forge bonds with other units in your command group, seeing if you could work together for an upcoming clash. Perhaps they will even be interested in entrusting troops to your command. Choose a friendly ally for interaction.
--[ ] Ally

Astra Militarum
--[ ] 407th Armageddon Steel Legion "Tread Knights"

--[ ] 59th Moebian Regiment "Penitents"

--[ ] ???

- Damn that crit hurts, and especially at a moment like this. Well, I suppose it gives me an excuse to crack open a new codex for your benefit. However, it's going to be one heck of a lucky dip at this point.

14 hour moratorium to patch back up.
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(59th Moebian: 41 -20 (Crippling Losses) = 21)
(407th Steel Legion: 1)
The result was a massacre when the 407th's command Baneblade was destroyed in the ambush and the chain of command collapsed. Only a few managed to make it back to the relative safety of the mountains, where crews ditched their vehicles on the mountain paths to run straight for the 99th Scintillia FOB. The Necrons seemed unwilling to pursue any further and just sated themselves on crushing whoever stayed to buy time, a rearguard of many for the few.
Jesus, the other regiments got massacred.
Your steps slowed when you arrived to the improvised vehicle pool that had been thrown together by Fifth Battalion, a temporary refuge for the single Sentinel that had accompanied you so far. Corporal Seltz was there, stripped to an undershirt but still wearing his gas mask to presumably cover his scars. He was grunting while he hammered away at the missile pod attached to his machine, that accursed weapon that malfunctioned so many times during the last battle.
Darkly humorous that he probably survived due to being with us. And give that missile pod what it deserves.
"Including machines of Mars that have just entered the system and heading towards the planet."

Your lifeguard stiffened. "The Mechanicus are coming?"

"They are, and they likely won't take kindly to the Necrons awakening. Whatever they bring can't be worst than what we're already dealing with."
Lets hope they brought a lot.
-[ ] [Downtime] Wounded Care. Spend time and resources at the medicae, ensuring they have whatever is needed to get your soldiers patched up and ready for the next battle. -1 to Infantry Wounded roll.
Is it possible to double on actions like this?
-[ ] [Downtime] Local Specialties. Spend time about the locale you find yourself in and explore the environment. Perhaps you could find something interesting for your command. Add a temporary supply of a random item or unit to the Supply Bank.
We should also do this, to get something extra, since our fellow IG regiments just got gutted.
Well for our 3 choices one should obviously go to tending to the wounded, as for the other 2 I'm unsure, mechanicus allies are tempting, but perhaps we can also think of having a chat with the moebians, having some form of heavy weapon/muscle could help.

Or we could scavenge the battlefield for those heavy teams, they are heavy stubbers and we use them to this day for a reason, so they could help even the odds. If needed maybe we can even think of raising a conscript squad even if all they serve as is canon fodder to protect our veterans, though I rather not if it could be helped.
Is it possible to double on actions like this?
Unfortunately not, all you can do is try your best and then pray to the Emperor for salvation.
Or we could scavenge the battlefield for those heavy teams, they are heavy stubbers and we use them to this day for a reason, so they could help even the odds.
Scavenging the battlefield gives us requisition points, not any actual equipment.
That's right, especially considering that these heavy stubbers wouldn't have the same ministrations of your special artisans who could make improved versions for them. Turning them in could eventually lead to them being added back into your inventory bank if you went down that route and picked them as your campaign reward, though it would have to be weighed with other possible campaign rewards.
RIP 407th, not completely apparently, but ouch.
I'd say wounded care, rousing speech for more CP, and probably allies due to lack of options at this time, and lack of heavy weapons too.
[X] Plan: Reinforce the Lines and Spirits
-[X] [Downtime] Wounded Care
-[X] [Downtime] Inspirational Speech
-[X] [Downtime] Petition Allies
--[X] Mechanicus

Hopefully we get many of our "dead" back up, our troops really need a speech to motivate them after the recent disaster, and we really should rub shoulders with the Mechanicus so that we can work better together and hopefully they might give us something nice to deal with the Necrons.
Let's toss a die here to determine the Mechanicus regiment, namely how armored they are. The higher the value, the more metal they are going to bring. Rolling a d6.
Celeshiro threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: The Path Total: 6
6 6
Good, we're going to need all that heavy armor.
I guess the dice gods really want our armour to be mechanicus for some reason
Clearly the SV random number generator must be playing machine spirit favourites
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Voting is open for the next 2 days, 12 hours