Voting is open for the next 1 day, 3 hours
Rebellion on Otra Prime (13)
[X] Plan: Move it, Soldier!

"Ghost-3, cover us!" You barked before pointing your sword forwards. "Everybody else? Take cover behind those walls!" They loomed over all on the battlefield, even the Sentinel, made of a dark obsidian that easily absorbed shots and blows. Any loose sections were collapsed by the distracting missile salvo, creating plenty of rubble for Guardsmen to hastily dive behind for protection against the enemy manning the walls.

Squad Tretium Moves to Sector 3 F4
Random Advance Roll: 2
Squad Tretium Advances to Sector 3 E4

Command Squad Moves to Sector 3 F4

Squad Quites Moves to Sector 3 F7
Random Advance Roll: 6
Squad Quites Advances to Sector 3 E8

You and your lifeguards reached the rubble and immediately began to settle in, taking up firing positions. Others kept moving, sprinting forwards to dive for the forward lip and crawl their way forwards, lasguns firmly clutched in their hand. You scanned the faces of those passing before raising your hand, getting the attention of an officer you were looking for. "Sergeant Burnion!"

He glanced your way and you continued, "Take your squad, and go for the flank. I don't want us all getting pinned if that heavy weapons team opens up, you're our insurance just in case."

"Understood ma'am!" He snapped and raised his voice. "Let's go, Quites! Get moving, we're repositioning!"

You nodded with a satisfied look and then directed your voice to your escort. "All of you, pinpoint fire. Give time for those in front to get into position. Fire at will!"

Trait: Senior Officer
Command Squad Nero: Take Aim!
Squad Tretium: Forwards, for the Emperor!

Command Squad Nero attacks with 4 Lasguns! Veterans hit on BS 3+, reroll 1s.
Hits: 4
Lasgun S3 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 1
Rebel has SV 6+, increased to 5+ thanks to Cover
Saves: 0
Rebel HWT from Target Delta has suffered 1 Wound.

Squad Tretium attacks with 9 Lasguns! Veterans hit on BS 3+
Hits: 9
Lasgun S3 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 2
Rebel has SV 6+, increased to 5+ thanks to Cover
Saves: 1
1 Rebel HWT from Target Delta has been eliminated.

It began with the precise and accurate fire coming from your chosen troops, pinpoint shots stabbing into the building. Then came the burst of las bolts from Sergeant Trouttet and their men from up ahead, lighting up the Rebel guns from up ahead. However, the position they were in was fortified well and only a few were caught by the attacks. The rest quickly readied and aimed their heavy stubbers, swiveling to point them at the attacking infantry.

This left them open for the Sentinel to rejoin the battle in an explosive way. The vehicle's weapon pod opened again and your ally from Armageddon wasted no time in unleashing a barrage of frag missiles straight into their position.

Ghost Squadron attacks with 1 Missile Launcher!
Heavy d6 Attacks: 5
Sentinels hit on BS 4+
Hits: 1
Frag Missile S4 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 3+
Wounds: 1
Rebel has SV 6+, increased to 5+ thanks to Cover
Saves: 1

Frustratingly, the frag missiles failed to connect and most detonated harmlessly outside the building. It rattled the enemy soldiers within, making their teeth chatter, but none were caught in the storm of shrapnel. Corporal Weltz swore and slapped his hand against his steed's targeting cogitator. "Blasted machine spirit! I applied the stupid oil correctly, stop complaining!"

Unstable Cause roll: 4
Target Delta has 6 Morale.
Morale check: 2 +1 (Lost) = 3)

You peeked over the cover and grimaced at the sight of the position still holding strong. It looked like that the defenders weren't going to be dislodged so easily like before, finding their nerve to stand and fight. The fortified and elevated position helped with that. "All troopers, keep your heads down! Here they come!"

99th Scintillia Grenadiers, Fifth Battalion: 0
Otra Prime Rebels, 3rd Company: 0
End Scintillia Turn

Target Alpha Moves to Sector 2 D2
Advance roll: 2
Target Alpha Advances to Sector 2 E3

Target Beta Moves to Sector D7
Advance roll: 5
Target Beta Advances to Sector 2 F8

There was a war cry from the back and rebel mutant infantry began to charge up from where they had been thrown back. Another minute, and they could soon be well-entrenched in the defensive emplacements you had been ordered to take. The heavy stubber team hesitated before swinging their guns to bear on the Sentinel in the distance, figuring the vehicle to be the greatest threat to their comrades below.

With a cough and a rattle, their ballistics opened up on Ghost-3.

Target Delta attacks with 2 Autoguns! Rebel HWT hit on BS 5+
Hits: 1
Autogun S3 vs Sentinel T5. Wounding on 5+
Wounds: 1
Sentinel has SV 4+
Saves: 0
Ghost Squadron has suffered 1 Wound.

Target Delta attacks with 2 Heavy Stubbers (6 Attacks)! Rebel HVT hit on BS 5+
Hits: 3
Heavy Stubber S4 vs Sentinel T5. Wounding on 5+.
Wounds: 0

Bullets fell upon the lone Scout Sentinel, but the Armageddon-pattern vehicle had a fully enclosed and protected cabin. The rounds bounced and deflected off the angled surfaces, the closest any of them getting to penetrating was scoring a gash in the metal. It so happened to be where the squadron's insignia was painted on, carving a jagged grove to mar its image.

The pilot inside didn't notice and instead gave a concise update to his current commander. "Ghost Squadron, taking fire and holding steady. Awaiting further orders."

"Standby," you replied with a growl and gritted your teeth. It looked like the first push had failed, but that wasn't too surprising- it was against an enemy fireteam in a fortified position. They were slightly bleeding, but not yet down and out which was the problem. At least your forces were currently mostly pristine, save a few shots here and there. So that was good news.

99th Scintillia Grenadiers, Fifth Battalion: 0
Otra Prime Rebels, 3rd Company: 0
End Rebel Turn

Turn 2 Reinforcing on 6+
Squad Cintus: 4. Failed.
Squad Sequet: 1. Failed.

The bad news was that it seemed like this was all you had to work with at the moment. The rest of Fifth Battalion was still pushing up to join you, and there was no telling if they were going to be able to participate in the fight in time. It looked like this was going to have to be a bottle you had to pop yourself and unfortunately, your power sword wasn't exactly going to help just yet. Maybe if you got a little closer, if you dared.

- Breach Cover (2 CP). Let's see how well the tuber practice went. A target enemy does not gain Cover saves until the end of the Shooting phase.

- To the Last (1 CP). Prove yourself worthy of the pin, Sergeant. An infantry squad may roll using a d3 instead of d6 in the Morale phase.

- Take Cover (1 CP). All Troopers, hit the dirt! A targeted unit gains a +1 Cover save until end of Shooting phase.

- Indomitable Bravery (2 CP). The time to run is gone, now is the time to stand. A unit automatically pass a morale test. Must be activated before a morale test.

- Fate Point (1 CP). Sometimes, the gods are amused. Reroll a friendly dice roll.

-[ ] [Squad] Command Squad Nero (5/5 Strength) (M 6")
--Current Location: Sector 3 F4

Target: Sector 2 I3

-[ ] [Squad] Squad Tretium (10/10 Strength) (M 6")
--Current Location: Sector 3 E4

Target: Sector 2 I1
-[ ] [Squad] Squad Quites (10/10 Strength) (M 6")
--Current Location: Sector 3 E8

Target: Sector 2 I4

Fast Attack
-[ ] [Squad] Ghost Squadron (5/6 Strength) (M 9")
--Current Location: Sector 3 E1

Issue Commands up to your CP maximum (4)

[ ] Plan ______
-[ ] Command Squad
--[ ] Target Location
--[ ] Behavior
-[ ] Squad
--[ ] Target Location
--[ ] Behavior

--[ ] ASSAULT. Press forwards and drive them out, no matter the cost!

--[ ] ATTACK. Attack this position as best as possible, without taking too many risks.

--[ ] WITHDRAW. Give up ground if the enemy draws near, making them pay for every bit they take.

- Technically, you did come off better by eliminating one of the HWT models before they could fire. But not by much, with how missing or failing to wound was apparently the name of the game this turn. Can't be helped and it definitely makes things interesting.
- Each HWT model has two Wounds if you're curious to symbolize two soldiers grouped together. One operates the heavy weapon while the other is a loader/support infantry. It's actually interesting that the second soldier gets to keep a primary weapon compared to the version integrated into regular squads, to help make them unique I suppose.

14 hour moratorium to make a turn plan.
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Ghost Squadron attacks with 1 Missile Launcher!
Heavy d6 Attacks: 5
Sentinels hit on BS 4+
Hits: 1
Frag Missile S4 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 3+
Wounds: 1
Rebel has SV 6+, increased to 5+ thanks to Cover
Saves: 1
Oh, come on!
Target Delta attacks with 2 Autoguns! Rebel HVT hit on BS 5+
Hits: 1
Autogun S3 vs Sentinel T5. Wounding on 5+
Wounds: 6
Sentinel has SV 4+
Saves: 0
Ghost Squadron has suffered 1 Wound.
Damn, impressive that they actually managed to damage Ghost with autoguns.

Hm, we should keep moving forward to get into cover and continue taking out Delta. Maybe we can even get close enough to use grenades.
How do grenades work again?
Like any other normal ranged weapon, just with the special rule that only one may be used per turn per unit. They usually have a range of 6" but they can also get d6 attacks like the frag missile.

EDIT: Hm, I'll remind folks that buildings do block LoS for infantry/small units. So if a unit were to be in Sector 3 B4, the Rebel HVT can't shoot them from their current position. That is quite some distance though, requiring a unit to get a good Advance roll.

Or happens to have a trait that makes it so.
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[X] Plan: Curve From the Right
-[X] [Squad] Command Squad Nero (5/5 Strength)
--[X] Sector 3 B4
--[X] Attack
--[X] Priority Beta
-[X] [Squad] Squad Tretium (10/10 Strength)
--[X] Sector 3 A3
--[X] Attack
--[X] Priority Beta
-[X] [Squad] Squad Quites (10/10 Strength)
--[X] Sector 4 E6
--[X] Attack
-[X] [Squad] Ghost Squadron (6/6 Strength)
--[X] Hold Position
--[X] Assault
--[X] Priority Delta

We need to keep going get to that objective and the cover before the enemy gets there, but now that we're closer make sure that we concentrate on Delta to hopefully take them out. Also changing Tretium's target to the building south of the objective, cause it is closer.

Ok, made some big edits to the plan. First, with the current positioning of the squads, sending Quites to both flank the enemy from the east as well as take the right objective, attacking the enemy on the way if they have a chance. Tretium takes cover in the building below middle objective and Nero uses it to hide from Delta and Alpha, the both hopefully succeeding in taking out Beta while they're out in the open. Ghost continues bombarding Delta.
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We need to keep going get to that objective and the cover before the enemy gets there, but now that we're closer make sure that we concentrate on Delta to hopefully take them out.
Consider that with the Withdraw behavior, it'll probably just have the troops going for center stay in place to keep fire from afar. They do have the advantage in a long range fight right now, and getting up close would risk the Rapid Fire autoguns.

Remember that as Movement always happens before attacking, it's always going to be a gamble whether or not you eliminate your opponents before they get a chance to return fire.
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[X] Plan: Charge Through No Man's Land
-[X] [Squad] Command Squad Nero (5/5 Strength)
--[X] Continue course
--[X] Withdraw
--[X] Priority Delta
-[X] [Squad] Squad Tretium (10/10 Strength)
--[X] Sector 3 A3
--[X] Withdraw
--[X] Priority Delta
-[X] [Squad] Squad Unitus (10/10 Strength)
--[X] Continue course
--[X] Withdraw
--[X] Priority Delta
-[X] [Squad] Ghost Squadron (6/6 Strength)
--[X] Hold Position
--[X] Assault
--[X] Priority Delta
Just want to note that I just edited my plan heavily due to QM info., in case you want to change your vote.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Dec 5, 2024 at 12:46 AM, finished with 5 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Curve From the Right
    -[X] [Squad] Command Squad Nero (5/5 Strength)
    --[X] Sector 3 B4
    --[X] Attack
    --[X] Priority Beta
    -[X] [Squad] Squad Tretium (10/10 Strength)
    --[X] Sector 3 A3
    -[X] [Squad] Squad Quites (10/10 Strength)
    --[X] Sector 4 E6
    -[X] [Squad] Ghost Squadron (6/6 Strength)
    --[X] Hold Position
    --[X] Assault
    --[X] Priority Delta
I suppose designating priority fire does have benefits and drawbacks. It does allow you to enact plans that focus on the whole battlefield instead of specific fights, at a cost of those specific fights. Then again, Rapid Firing a HWT that's already under fire from a Sentinel could just be flat overkill.
Rebellion on Otra Prime (14)
[X] Plan: Curve From the Right

After a few minutes, you decided a change of strategy was in mind and raised Sergeant Burnion via comm-bead. "Forget trying to cover us, take those guns in sector four!" You barked and readied your laspistol. "We'll give you covering fire instead!"

Their panicked response was predictable. "Ma'am, those heavy stubbers are going to catch you in the open!"

"It doesn't matter, we don't have a choice unless Him on Terra rides up on a grox to smite the position himself!" That earned a few dark chuckles from your lifeguards as they readied themselves. "Ghost-3 will have to do otherwise. Don't waste this opportunity, Burnion, we're!"

Squad Quites Moves to Sector 4 H1
Random Advance Roll: 6
Squad Quites Advances to Sector 4 E4

Command Squad Nero Moves to Sector 3 D5
Squad Tretium Moves to Sector 3 C4

Trait: Implacable Determination
Command Squad Nero Advances to Sector 3 B4
Squad Tretium Advances to Sector 3 A3

It was timed perfectly with when the heavy stubbers were forced to reload. All at once, at your order, Vaulters rose up from the rubble and went over with war cries on their lips. A wave of your power sword helped motivate those stumbling to redouble their efforts, the sight of their commanding officer leading the way surely encouraging them to make the reckless advance. You didn't even care if some strands of loose hair came free from beneath your headpiece, all that mattered was maintaining a determined and fierce look to inspire the others to keep moving up.

You stopped right behind a building and signaled for fire support. "Ghost-3, hit them again! Cover the others!"

"Affirmative. Watch out, danger close."

Ghost Squadron attacks with 1 Missile Launcher (Frag Missile)!
Heavy d6 Attacks: 4
Sentinels hit on BS 4+
Hits: 1
Frag Missile S4 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 3+
Wounds: 0

Again rockets rocked the building the heavy stubber positions were in. Again they frustratingly failed to connect. Again did the pilot swear and slam a hand on the targeting console. "When we get back to base, I'm asking an Enginseer to cleanse this traitorous machine spirit!"

It still got the job of making those automatic guns shut up for a bit so that the others could fire. Though instead of taking advantage of the short range and blasting away the entrenched rebels, you directed your squads to focus fire on the advancing infantry to support the efforts of Sergeant Burnion's troops. This earned no small amount of surprise and shock, followed by dread and worry at what the ignored weapon could do to them later. But they followed your orders, trusting them to be in service of a greater battlefield goal.

Command Squad Nero: Forwards, for the Emperor!
Squad Tretium: Forwards, for the Emperor!

Command Squad Nero attacks with 4 Lasguns! Veterans hit on BS 3+
Hits: 3
Lasgun S3 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 2
Rebel has SV 6+
Saves: 0
2 Rebels from Target Beta have been eliminated.

Squad Tretium attacks with 9 Lasguns! Veterans hit on BS 3+
Hits: 2
Lasgun S3 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 2
Rebel has SV 6+
Saves: 0
2 Rebels from Target Beta have been eliminated.

Beams of vivid orange stabbed into the terrified faces of the advancing infantry, completely taken off-guard by the unexpected focus on them. Almost half their number fell before they hastily scattered to make themselves harder targets. Even then, there were shouts of pain and panic from where some were caught by glancing shots to their limbs or backs.

Unstable Cause roll: 6
Target Beta has Morale 8
Morale check: 1 +4 (Lost) = 5

You cursed at the fact that in spite of such losses, your opponents remained eerily determined and focused to keep fighting on regardless. It went beyond maniac, like something was clamping hard on their minds to force them to stay rooted to this place for one reason or another. All you could do now was weather the incoming assault from your failed gambit.

99th Scintillia Grenadiers, Fifth Battalion: 0
Otra Prime Rebels, 3rd Company: 0
End Scintillia Turn

Turn 2 Reinforcing on 6+
???: 3. Failed
???: 4. Failed

Target Alpha Moves to Sector 2 G3

Target Beta Moves to Sector 2 H6

There was a report verging on the border of raw panic coming in from Sergeant Trouttet. "Enemy forces converging on our position! Ready yourselves, it's going to be bloody!" His words were indeed the herald for the storm of bullets that soon came, a few even hitting your own position with the bark of basic autoguns.

You made a snap decision and screamed for your escorts the hit the dirt, now. Then you followed your own instructions.

Take Cover Stratagem Activated! (2/4 CP)
Target Beta attacks with 6 Autoguns! Rapid Fire! Rebels hit on BS 5+
Hits: 2 +4 = 6
Autogun S3 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 5
Veteran has 5+ Save, increased to 4+ via Cover
Saves: 4
1 Veteran from Command Squad Nero has been eliminated.

Gauin was too slow to get out of the way and his chest suddenly sprouted holes that began to rudely stain his uniform. He didn't even get a chance to scream, just crumpling where he was without so much as another word. You weren't sure if it was a hidden blessing that his face was staring downwards into the dirt, so you couldn't- wouldn't- see the expression he was making.

Target Alpha attacks with 10 Autoguns! Rapid Fire! Rebels hit on BS 5+
Hits: 4 +4 = 8
Autogun S3 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 4
Veteran has 5+ Save, increased to 4+ via Cover
Saves: 1
1 Veteran from Squad Tretium has been eliminated.

Target Delta attacks with 2 Autoguns! Rapid Fire! Rebel HWT hit on BS 5+
Hits: 0 +1 = 1
Autogun S3 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 0

Target Delta attacks with 2 Heavy Stubbers (A 6)! Rebel HWT hit on BS 5+
Hits: 0

The sound of casings clattering to the ground filled the air when the rebels unleashed everything they had on the Imperials occupying the building. After Fertier was picked off by a shot though, the others immediately withdrew from the windows and ducked low, just in case. That proved to be a rather wise decision when the opposing heavy stubbers opened up, their rounds punching straight through the material to create holes not unlock the cheeses found back on Scintillia. But other than the one unfortunate loss, the squad was amazed to find themselves in mostly one piece.

Slowly, you got to your feet, hesitating when you turned to look in the direction of Gauin's body. Croix interrupted your attempt to check on him with an update. "Major, get ready! They're not giving up, they're going to charge us!"

Your head snapped to face the decision of the cry and anger filled you at the idea that Gauin could be dead. The man who had been your assigned aide since your promotion, noble rebel, bastard, and fighter, struck dead by some simpering rebel mutants on this penal world! Even though they were beyond the range of your weapon, your laspistol came up and fired in their direction. The sharp crack was enough to rally your other lifeguards to follow with their far more effective lasguns.

Target Beta Charges Command Squad Nero! Overwatch!
Command Squad Nero has 3 Lasguns, hitting on 6+
Hits: 0
Charge roll: 9. Charge failed!

The shots were wild and erratic, aim still shaky from all the jostling about. But the close misses must have terrified the rebels, who fell back from the volley of fire coming their way. It effectively discouraged the attempted charge, giving you a moment to catch your breath and take stock of your losses.

Command Squad Nero has Morale 8 (Major Starcrest)
Morale check: 1 +1 (Lost) = 2

Squad Tretium has Morale 7 (Sergeant Trouttet)
Morale check: 4 +1 (Lost) = 5

It...appeared that surprisingly, you had taken almost no casualties from the furious assault. The rebels had tried throwing everything they had to break your front, but you held, despite the odds and mishaps. But whatever triumph you may have felt was fleeting when the anti-air emplacement at the center of the battlefield activated. The smell of ozone filled the air before, with a loud crack, a bolt of energy discharged to shoot down a Valkyrie from the 59th Moebian.

You winced and shook your head- you were failing in your duty at the moment! You had to focus and turn this engagement around, as swiftly as possible to support your allies!

99th Scintillia Grenadiers, Fifth Battalion: 0
Otra Prime Rebels, 3rd Company: 20
End Rebel Turn

Turn 3. Reinforcing on 5+
Squad Cintus: 4. Failed.
Squad Sequet: 4. Failed.

It was going to still be a difficult challenge, especially with the continued lack of reinforcements. You could only hope that the sight of the anti-air activating was pushing the rest of Fifth Battalion to move up and join you. But until then, this was the hand you were dealt to work with.

- Breach Cover (2 CP). Let's see how well the tuber practice went. A target enemy does not gain Cover saves until the end of the Shooting phase.

- To the Last (1 CP). Prove yourself worthy of the pin, Sergeant. An infantry squad may roll using a d3 instead of d6 in the Morale phase.

- Take Cover (1 CP). All Troopers, hit the dirt! A targeted unit gains a +1 Cover save until end of Shooting phase.

- Indomitable Bravery (2 CP). The time to run is gone, now is the time to stand. A unit automatically pass a morale test. Must be activated before a morale test.

- Fate Point (1 CP). Sometimes, the gods are amused. Reroll a friendly dice roll.

-[ ] [Squad] Command Squad Nero (4/5 Strength) (M 6")
--Current Location: Sector 3 F4

Target: Sector 2 I3

-[ ] [Squad] Squad Tretium (9/10 Strength) (M 6")
--Current Location: Sector 3 E4

Target: Sector 2 I1
-[ ] [Squad] Squad Quites (10/10 Strength) (M 6")
--Current Location: Sector 3 E8

Target: Sector 2 I4

Fast Attack
-[ ] [Squad] Ghost Squadron (5/6 Strength) (M 9")
--Current Location: Sector 3 E1

Issue Commands up to your CP maximum (4)

[ ] Plan ______
-[ ] Command Squad
--[ ] Target Location
--[ ] Behavior
-[ ] Squad
--[ ] Target Location
--[ ] Behavior

--[ ] ASSAULT. Press forwards and drive them out, no matter the cost!

--[ ] ATTACK. Attack this position as best as possible, without taking too many risks.

--[ ] WITHDRAW. Give up ground if the enemy draws near, making them pay for every bit they take.

- Yeah, that focus fire didn't work. For both sides.
- Heavy Stubber and Missile Launcher, currently in a competition to be the worst performing heavy weapons this battle.

14 hour moratorium to make a turn plan.
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Well, overall that was a rub, but time plays to our foes' advantage in this engagement. We need to try and flip the table somehow.
It was timed perfectly when the heavy stubbers were forced to reload. All at once, at your order, Guardsmen rose up from the rubble and went over with war cries on their lips. A wave of your power sword helped motivate those stumbling to redouble their efforts, the sight of their commanding officer leading the way surely encouraging them to make the reckless advance. You didn't even care if some strands of loose hair came free from beneath your headpiece, all that mattered was maintaining a determined and fierce look to inspire the others to keep moving up.
Lead by example!
Ghost Squadron attacks with 1 Missile Launcher (Frag Missile)!
Heavy d6 Attacks: 4
Sentinels hit on BS 4+
Hits: 1
Frag Missile S4 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 3+
Wounds: 0
Oh, come one!
You cursed at the fact that in spite of such losses, your opponents remained eerily determined and focused to keep fighting on regardless. It went beyond maniac, like something was clamping hard on their minds to force them to stay rooted to this place for one reason or another. All you could do now was weather the incoming assault from your failed gambit.
Must be those Necron Scarabs.
It...appeared that surprisingly, you had taken almost no casualties from the furious assault. The rebels had tried throwing everything they had to break your front, but you held, despite the odds and mishaps. But whatever triumph you may have felt was fleeting when the anti-air emplacement at the center of the battlefield activated. The smell of ozone filled the air before, with a loud crack, a bolt of energy discharged to shoot down a Valkyrie from the 59th Moebian.
That did not go nearly as bad as it could have. But now we need to get to that cover around the objective to stop them from gaining points. We can now also get close enough to grenade the heavy stubber team.

If we were to aim to charge/melee an enemy, do we aim to move to their hex, or one next to it?
Yeah, that was my face too at this roll.
Target Delta attacks with 2 Autoguns! Rapid Fire! Rebel HWT hit on BS 5+
Hits: 0 +1 = 1
Autogun S3 vs Rebel T3. Wounding on 4+
Wounds: 0

Target Delta attacks with 2 Heavy Stubbers (A 6)! Rebel HWT hit on BS 5+
Hits: 0
I think heavy weapons are cursed this battle.
If we were to aim to charge/melee an enemy, do we aim to move to their hex, or one next to it?
The units would be fighting in the same hex. Though I should let you know that if a unit wins a melee, they can consolidate and move a tile any direction. So remember your behaviors, don't overly micro every action because the dice can have a different idea in mind.
[X] Plan: Drive Them Back!
-[X] [Squad] Command Squad Nero (4/5 Strength)
--[X] Sector 2 G3
--[X] Assault
-[X] [Squad] Squad Tretium (9/10 Strength)
--[X] Sector 2 I2
--[X] Assault
-[X] [Squad] Squad Quites (10/10 Strength)
--[X] No changes
-[X] [Squad] Ghost Squadron (5/6 Strength)
--[X] No changes

Ghost continues as it is, hopefully finally putting the hurt on Delta, while Tretium moves to cover and in grenade range of either Delta or Alpha and Nero moves to get into melee with Delta, to put Major's power sword to work and deny Alpha their dakka advantage. And Quites should be able to shoot at Beta from the position they'll end up.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Celeshiro on Dec 10, 2024 at 8:57 AM, finished with 5 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Drive Them Back!
    -[X] [Squad] Command Squad Nero (4/5 Strength)
    --[X] Sector 2 G3
    --[X] Assault
    -[X] [Squad] Squad Tretium (9/10 Strength)
    --[X] Sector 2 I2
    -[X] [Squad] Squad Quites (10/10 Strength)
    --[X] No changes
    -[X] [Squad] Ghost Squadron (5/6 Strength)
I just realized that lot of my plans subsections had the same wording, so the tally program did not pick them up.
Voting is open for the next 1 day, 3 hours