[X] Craft weapons
[X] Defend
[X] Convince other tribes to hide their preparations
[X] Hide your preparations
[X] Marriage
Remaining unmarried is a bit of a dent to our influence at the moment.
I'm not very sure about reforming the rites of passage after we only passed them last year though. May strike sparks with traditionalists.
I figure we can try it out since we'd only be getting rid of the unfair bit since the population is extremely loyal to us right now.
It sounds like we're a messianic figure so we should be okay with the reforms I think.
Plus there's this bit in the last update which implies that the test was borderline impossible to do exceptionally well in the initiation if they immediately raised us up and are extremely loyal.
"The king proclaimed to his people that they would know it was him by
performing extremely well on the initiation rites,
which he introduced that day."
Public Encylopedia
Thorkin Cissa, Tales of the Easterner ( Carthage University, 1949)
Its clear from the tale woven of Dinga Cissa that from his position as head of the Soninke and the earliest years before the formation of the Wagadou Kingdom, or what we know today as the Ghana kingdom, he used his position to pass a series of reforms encompassing wide areas of traditional life. How or why this did not backfire in the already well established, solidified, and rigid social and class structures that the Soninke had developed over the course of several millenia adds further mystery to his legend. To even attempt at explaining this king's success without cynicism, one must look to the society Dinga Cissa had been adopted into.
It seemed to be one well aware of its weakness and decline from some past golden-age- like era.
From current archaeological findings within the modern arid Awkar or Aoukar basin, we find that two village sites under the name of Dhar Tichit showed evidence of what was once a much more lush western Sahel a few thousands of years ago, especially with the evidence of occupation. The signs of ancient activity in contrast to the modern aridity are readily apparent when takes into account of the abundance of cattle, sheep, and goat remains alongside the signs of millet cultivation present. This and the cliff sites containing dry-stone houses paint the picture of a agro-pastoral society that must have developed a relatively sophisticated if the signs of copper metal work also present are factored in.
Now how their decline came about is a subject scientists still argue about but what is sure is that the decline was not caused by just one factor but a multitude. Climate change, desertification, overgrazing, over cultivation, and northern incursions from the descendants of Gaetulian Berber nomadic tribes most likely pushed the Soninke southwards along with other neighboring tribes. It is even more clear that the diffusion of some roman tactics and camel based cavalry gave the incoming foreigners an edge in displacing, raiding, and even subjugating many of the Sahelian peoples they encountered.
Of course, It wass not a source of leverage that the Berbers held for long from their base in Oualata. Slowly but surely the Soninke and their neighbors, who had now relocated to nearby Oualata, adapted to the northerners, but not enough to shake off their hegemony. From this point onwards is the start of a loosening of the conservatism that had developed among the Soninke. Their strict conservatism had given way to an almost religious nostalgia for anyone who would deliver them from the yoke of the local Berber might.
They had silently prayed and wished for a soldier or a leader for the rebirth of their peoples glory.
And in this perfect storm would emerge the figure of Dinga Cissa, the founder of the Cissa dynasty of Wagadou.
Or also better known as the first king of Ghana.
Note: Just used wiki